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Recent technological progress requires a fundamental review of the approach to quantitative log interpretation. A modern and advanced interpretation must be able to combine both quantitative and qualitative information from different sources, of different natures and at different scales. It should no longer focus only on solution of n equations of m unknowns with purely petrophysical goals. The recent introduction of imaging techniques has created a breakthrough in reservoir characterization. Because the reservoir can now be seen, it is possible to describe it in great detail as a three-dimensional organization of geological objects which are themselves classified as volumes, with their corresponding facies, bounded by surfaces with their own transmissivity properties. Petrophysical properties control the volume flow properties. The latter depend on the depositional facies attributes and the diagenetic effects undergone by the sediment since its deposition. They can be determined partly from standard logs, but more fully from borehole images that provide fundamental information about the reservoir anisotropy and the nature and distribution of reservoir heterogeneities. Surface attributes are defined through the shape, planarity, rugosity, extent, angular relationship, resistivity contrast, etc., of the surface. Practically all surfaces crossing a wellbore may be classified as they are detected by electrical imaging techniques from which their nature and origin can be precisely determined. Based on their origin and resistive characteristics transmissivity properties can be assigned to them. In addition, the influence of apparent dip can be taken into account in the response function of other tools. A modem and complete interpretation must, as far as possible, take into account all the accessible attributes at different scales, and from them determine the dynamic attributes associated with the reservoir. In addition, one can say that a succession of facies and surfaces defines a genetic sequence, itself limited by breaks of hierarchy and extent, and characterized by a set of attributes. A sequence and succession of sequences allow the recognition of the depositional environment that, consequently, has itself a set of attributes of higher rank, including seismic attributes. Finally, the reservoir geometry may be inferred from the determination of the depositional environment and the tectonic structure. The solution of this new truly global and integrated approach can be achieved through a generalization of the electrofacies concept. This is illustrated by examples.
A temática do Anjo é geralmente abordada na perspetiva da sua relação com o indivíduo singular. Neste nosso contributo procuramos alargar o contexto e mostrar quanto as asas angélicas do Invisível se estendem ao ponto de proteger e guardar não apenas os indivíduos, mas também os povos e as nações. Em que termos se poderá, pois, falar de «angelologia política»? O objetivo deste ensaio é precisamente o de verificar em que medida o «Anjo das nações» ou o «Anjo dos povos» está presente em algumas grandes angelologias do século xx: além da de Romano Guardini, a de John Henry Newman, Jean Daniélou, Edith Stein e Eugenio D'Ors.
La filosofía, "búsqueda de la sabiduría y conocimiento de las causas y principios naturales, constituye el modo de pensar de la empresa, en concreto, de sus miembros y responsables, sus creencias, cuáles son sus ideales, y en qué objetivos se transforman" (Rodríguez Del Bosque, De la Ballina y Santos, 1998; 376). Supone una "frasevocación" (Regouby, 1989; 60), un conjunto de principios que se hallan en el contexto de la empresa y que la dirección debe conocer, asumir y comunicar, para que se conviertan en un propósito deseable para todos los miembros de la organización (Hernández Mogollón, 1991; 71). Misión Actitudes Objetivos Creencias y valores
Project Management Handbook, version 1.1 2
PENGERTIAAN subsistem farmasi alat kesehatan dan makanan adalah pengelolaan berbagai upaya yang menjamin keamanan, khasiat/ manfaat, mutu sediaan farmasi alat kesehatan dan makanan.
Imam Al-Ṭabarānī, Sulaymān ibn Aḥmad ibn Ayyūb ibn Muṭayyir, jedan je od najvećih hadiskih autoriteta kroz cijelu islamsku povijest, te od najplodonosnijih pisaca iz oblasti hadisa. Njegova najpoznatija djela su tri hadiske enciklopedije poznatije kao Mu'ğami: Al-Mu'ğam al-Kabīr, Al-Mu'ğam al-Awṣaṭ i Al-Mu'ğam al-Ṣaġīr. Pored ova tri poznata djela napisao je još mnogo djela, od kojih su neka štampana, a jedan broj njih se smatra izgubljenim. Među najpoznatijim izgubljenim djelima imama Al-Ṭabarānīja jesta djelo Al-Sunna. Važnost ovog izgubljenog djela ogleda se u tome što su veliki islamski autoriteti poput Al-Ḏahabīja, Ibn al-Kaṯīra, Ibn Taymiyye, Ibn al-Qayyima, Al-Mizzīja, Al-Suyuṭīja i drugih u svojim djelima prenosili citate iz spomenutog izgubljenog djela. Imam Al-Ṭabarānī živio je stotinu godina i njegov život je bio ispunjen naučnim putovanjima, tako da ćemo rijetko naći da je neko od islamskih autoriteta imao toliko naučnih putovanja kao što ih je imao imam Al-Ṭabarānī. U ovom radu pokušao sam da se posebno osvrnem na ta naučna putovanja i da ponudim njihov hronološki prikaz. Tom prilikom najviše sam se oslanjao na njegovo djelo Al-Mu'ğam al-Ṣaġīr u kojem je imam Al-Ṭabarānī prilikom prenošenja hadisa spominjao mjesto i datum gdje je spomenuti hadis čuo. Potom sam pokušao da navedem sva djela imama Al-Ṭabarānīja, bilo da je riječ o štampanim ili izgubljenim djelima. Također, spomenuo sam kazivanja najvećih islamskih učenjaka i historičara o imamu Al-Ṭabarānīju i njegovim vrlinama, kao i neke od njegovih najistaknutijih učitelja i učenika.
Aminah, 2023
Perubahan iklim merupakan dampak negatif akibat kegiatan pembangunan di bumi, hutan yang kehilangan fungsi akibat terdegradasi serta kenaikan konsentrasi gas rumah kaca menyebabkan pemanasan global dan memicu terjadinya perubahan iklim. Perubahan iklim yang terjadi dapat menyebabkan terjadinya gagal panen akibat kekeringan yang berkepanjangan dan juga akibat banjir yang terjadi yang merusak tanaman pangan. Akibatnya, produksi pangan mengalami penurunan dan mengancam ketahanan pangan. Perubahan iklim diduga berpengaruh produktivitas tanaman, termasuk berdampak pada menurunnya produksi dan produktivitas komoditas pangan seperti padi, jagung dan kedelai. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang paling menderita akibat perubahan iklim. Hal ini disebabkan karena perekonomian di Indonesia sebagian besar masih ditopang oleh sektor pertanian. Sebagai negara agraris, tentu sektor pertanian tidak hanya berkontribusi dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan namun juga berperan penting terhadap pembentukan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) dan juga penyediaan lapangan kerja. Beberapa dampak yang sangat mungkin terjadi pada sektor pertanian akibat perubahan iklim antara lain adanya peningkatan organisme penggangu tanaman atau yang biasa disebut dengan hama, adanya peningkatan kelembapan, adanya peningkatan intensitas kekeringan yang dapat mengancam kebutuhan irigasi pertanian, kerusakan sumber daya lahan pertanian akibat erosi, kegagalan panen yang dapat mengancam ketahanan pangan dan lain sebagainya. Organisasi pangan dan pertanian dunia atau Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) termasuk pihak yang paling mengkhawatirkan kondisi ini dalam kaitannya dengan pembangunan pertanian dan ketersediaan pangan.
Educatio Siglo Xxi Revista De La Facultad De Educacion, 2013
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Santa Maria in Campo Marzio. Dalle origini orientali alla Procura del Patriarcato di Antiochia dei Siri, a cura di Marco Coppolaro, 2021
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