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2005, The Global Resistance Reader, edited by Louise Amoore
8 pages
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Empire and serves as a starting point for what would later become the Eastern Question. It was during this period that France, England, Austria, Russia and the Ottoman Empire for the first time became engaged in both diplomatic and military terms in order to secure the balance of power in Southeastern Europe and West Asia. Before reviewing the other sources, which will be used to describe the separate campaigns, an important work by the Russian historian Tatarnikov must be noted. His outstanding research on Russia's army armament between 1700 and 1730 presents a combination of all available sources on the matter. His precise, step by step description of the separate regiments troops and the artillery accurately depicts the way Russia's army looked during the reign of Peter I. 20 The combination of this material with the excellent analysis by Brian Davies in his study on Russo-Ottoman relations during the eighteenth century will provide the required theoretical framework, upon which the thesis is constructed. 21 When speaking of Brian Davies' profound study, a side note is necessary. Prof. Davies' book is the latest study on Russia's Southern Campaigns that has been, to my knowledge, published in any language. This fact makes it a benchmark on which any further work, such as the current, should be measured. So what would this dissertation offer, which is not covered in Brian Davies' work? First and foremost, Davies' study focuses not so much on the military performance of the Russian forces, but rather-on the social cost of Peter's (and his successors') military policy. What Davies' book clearly lacks is the evaluation of field performance of the tsarist forces in the context of the military transformations during the Petrine age. Furthermore, the Azov Campaigns and the Persian Campaign, which are instrumental in the development of the Russian army, are not included in Davies' study. It is these gaps in his, otherwise, concise work that the following thesis will exploit to its fullest. Regarding Russia's first campaigns in the south, the research relies on three primary sourcesthe letters and papers of Peter the Great, the campaign journal for 1695-1704 and the personal diary of General Patrick Gordon, who commanded one third of the entire army in 1695 and 1696. 22 All documents include dispatches between Peter I and his generals, as well as a description of army numbers, the countryside, and the weather conditions. The campaigns are followed in detail in Ustryalov's work on Peter's rule, as well as the narrative of Lieutenant General P. Bobrovskiy in his history of the 13 th Guards regiment. 23 The perspective of the Soviet historiography is clearly outlined in the work of 20
Cultural Anthropology "Fieldsights", 2018
Arte sin límites. Coa y Siega Verde, 2022
Casi hasta el final del siglo XX se asumía que el arte figurativo pleistoceno finalizaba hace unos 14.000 años. Las manifestaciones gráficas se resumían después de ese momento, en repertorios geométricos como los identificados sobre los cantos azilienses, una cronocultura de finales del pleistoceno identificada en Francia y en el norte de España. El estudio y documentación del yacimiento al aire libre de Siega Verde aportó la evidencia de imágenes sobrepuestas a las del Paleolítico superior, cuya interpretación se correspondía con la información arqueológica de sitios franceses, además de con los datos que comenzaban a conocerse de los yacimientos del Côa, y, con las cronologías C14 de la Cueva Palomera, Burgos. La correlación de las fechas obtenidas en los sitios decorados al aire libre con las de los mencionados en Francia y las fechas de Cueva Palomera, permitieron caracterizar, en 2007, un conjunto único en Iberia de imágenes figurativas y geométricas tanto en arte mueble como en arte parietal, realizadas en una amplia horquilla entre 14.000 y 8.000 BP
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2014
Large-eddy simulation (LES) was originally proposed for simulating atmospheric flows in the 1960s and has become one of the most promising and successful methodology for simulating turbulent flows with the improvement of computing power. It is now feasible to simulate complex engineering flows using LES. However, apart from the computing power, significant challenges still remain for LES to reach a level of maturity that brings this approach to the mainstream of engineering and industrial computations.This paper will describe briefly LES formalism first, present a quick glance at its history, review its current state focusing mainly on its applications in transitional flows and gas turbine combustor flows, discuss some major modelling and numerical challenges/issues that we are facing now and in the near future, and finish with the concluding remarks.
Boyer, Valentin, "Offprint also Called 'Bookplates' in Comic Strips Related to Ancient Egypt", International Seminar "Egypopcult: Reception of Antiquity in Contemporary Popular Culture", Lisbon, School of Arts and Humanities University of Lisbon, 24th-26th of January 2024 Abstract: Unlike the usual Ex Libris, which is a mark of belonging and possession on which the name of the owner appears, comic strip bookplates don’t fulfill the same function. In the field of comic strips, it is a printed image, offered by a bookseller for the purchase of a comic strip album and often numbered and signed by its author and cartoonist. The use of this terminology, which is specific to comics trip, was launched by the Schlirf Book bookshop in Belgium: it is literally an offprint, a separate high-quality printing of a work, which may, or not systematically, reproduce a specific motif from a panel of a comic strip. They may be valued by collectors as akin to the first separate edition of a work and, as they are often given away, may bear an inscription from the author. At the crossroads of cinema and literature, with which it shares both certain codes and a very wide audience, comic strips contribute decisively to diffuse in our contemporary society a certain representation of ancient Egypt, sometimes concerned of historical verisimilitude, more often imbued with fictional fantasy. The Egypt of the pharaohs, more than any other civilisation, offers a particularly fertile breeding ground for creativity, fueled by a procession of clichés that are deeply anchored in the collective imagination: pyramids, mummies, tombs, curse of the pharaohs, hybrid creatures, esoterism, eroticism, etc. These “offprints” allow us to appreciate ancient Egypt from another perspective and to revisit its monuments through large-scale, colourful representations through comic strips such as the albums Les aventures d’Alix by Jacques Martin and Rafael Morales, Blake and Mortimer by Edgar P. Jacobs, Le Marquis d'Anaon by Matthieu Bonhomme, Sur les Terres d’Horus and Khéty, fils du Nil by Isabelle Dethan, Papyrus by Lucien De Gieter and a lot of others by Convard and Juillard, Crisse and Besson, De Moor, Bilal, Meynet, Mouclier, Walthery, etc.
Kali ini kita akan membahas tentang gotong royong dari segi yang berbeda, yaitu kita akan membahasnya dari segi gotong royong yang dilakukan oleh semut.
Από τις αρχές του 20 ου αιώνα ο Φώτος Πολίτης, συνάδοντας με το δεσπόζον ευρωπαϊκό κλίμα 1 , υπεράσπιζε την μετάλλαξη του αρχαίου δράματος «συμφώνως προς τας ιδικάς μας ανάγκας, συμφώνως προς την ιδικήν μας ζωήν» 2 με τη χρήση μιας σύγχρονης καλλιτεχνικής έκφρασης που θα εστιάζει στην «καλλιτεχνική διαμόρφωσιν του πάθους» και θα καθιστά «το φανταστικόν πρόσωπον ζωντανόν» 3 .
«Quando il bar Perugina era dei palestinesi»: storie di vita e impegno politico della comunità palestinese a Parma tra gli anni Settanta e Novanta A partire dalla seconda metà degli anni Sessanta, quando la Palestina cominciò ad imporsi nell’immaginario politico globale (Chamberlin 2012, Haugbolle e Olsen 2023), anche in Italia arrivarono migliaia di studenti palestinesi, che si strutturarono in comunità policentriche e diedero vita ad un’intensa attività politica attraverso la General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) e altre organizzazioni (Castellini 2013, Falciola 2022). Questa ricerca propone un focus sulla presenza e l’attivismo degli studenti palestinesi a Parma, a partire dall’esperienza del GUPS locale lungo gli anni Settanta e Ottanta, sino alle mobilitazioni per la prima intifada, con una particolare attenzione al rapporto con i luoghi (politici, privati, immaginari), con l’obiettivo di ricostruire delle “geografie della memoria” (Tarpino 2008) attraverso fonti orali e materiali d’archivio. Adottando proposte metodologiche che articolano in maniera originale il rapporto tra microstoria, locale e globale (De Vito 2019, Trivellato 2023), questo caso studio intende valorizzare preziosi elementi di riflessione sul ruolo della questione palestinese nella quotidianità e nel dibattito politico italiano, senza perdere di vista i contesti più ampi e complessi che contribuirono a produrli. Anche Parma, media città della provincia emiliana, attrasse numerosi studenti palestinesi grazie alla presenza di facoltà mediche e scientifiche, generalmente preferite, per il costo della vita più basso rispetto a città più grandi e per un ambiente politico e sociale accogliente nei confronti della causa palestinese. Questa ricerca indaga, da una parte, aspetti di vita materiale relativi alla formazione e al radicamento di una comunità palestinese a Parma, dall’altra, l’articolarsi di questi soggetti attraverso diverse strutture ed esperienze politiche lungo gli anni Settanta e Ottanta. Adottando un approccio microstorico e locale connesso alle dinamiche globali, questo caso studio intende valorizzare preziosi elementi di riflessione sul ruolo di attori transnazionali nella quotidianità e nel dibattito politico italiano, senza perdere di vista i contesti più ampi e complessi che contribuirono a produrli. Per ricostruire queste storie, la ricerca farà dialogare testimonianze orali e diverse tipologie di materiali di archivio (volantini e opuscoli politici, carte di polizia, periodici, corrispondenza).
Televizyon 4.0 Toplum 5.0 Döneminde Yeni İzlence Yeni İzlerkitle, 2020
2000’lerden itibaren çeşitli platformlar aracılığıyla gelişip yaygınlaşan dijital yayıncılık teknolojinin ilerlemesiyle her geçen gün geçtikçe daha çok izleyiciye ulaşmayı hedeflemektedir. Zaman içerisinde karasal yayın yerini dijital uydu yayıncılığına bırakmıştır. Kamusal alandan çıkıp dijitalleşerek özelleşen yayıncılık biçimi isteğe bağlı yayın platformlarının ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Dijital yayın platformları, üyelik tabanlık çalışarak müşteri memnuniyeti üzerinden kâr amaçladığından dolayı toplumdaki seyir tüketiminin değişimi de beraberinde gerçekleşmiştir. Televizyon kanallarının evlere kurulabilen bir dekoder cihazı aracılığıyla seçilmiş kanalları yüksek çözünürlükle içinde barındıracak şekilde paketleştirilerek getirilmesi ve hatta bazı kanal yayınlarının kaydedilerek sonradan seyredilebilmesi gibi buluşlar sayesinde her hanenin kendisine özel izleme alışkanlıkları oluşmuştur. 2010’lardan itibaren ise platform tabanlı yayıncılık internet ile birleşmiş ve web 3.0 teknolojisinin semantik özelliği sayesinde tüketim kültürünün seyredilecek içerikleri tüketicinin alışkanlıklarına yönelik biçimde tasarlanması mümkün hale gelmiş ve kanal ile dijital platform kullanıcıların istedikleri tarzda içeriği istedikleri ekranda, sürede ve parçada tüketebilmeleri internet tabanlı seyir platformları sayesinde mümkün hale gelmiştir. Akıllı telefonlar, tabletler, bilgisayarlar ve işletim sistemi bulunan televizyon cihazları ile internet bağlantısı olan her yerden izlenebilen dijital seyir platformları küresel çapta giderek yaygınlaşmıştır. 2010’lardan itibaren başlayan semantik internet ağının bir parçası olan ve 2020’lerin başlangıcı itibari ile küresel çapta en büyük dijital platform haline gelen Netflix de semantik özelliği sayesinde izleyicilerine beğenip seyrettikleri içeriğe göre benzer içerikler önererek sürekli seyir tüketimi gerçekleştirmelerinde kolaylık sağlamaktadır. Netflix sahip olduğu zengin içerikle izleyicilerinin platformda daha fazla vakit geçirmesini cezbedici bir hale getirerek kullanıcılarının yeni bir tüketim biçimini ifade eden binge-watching (seri-izleme) eylemini gerçekleştirmelerini hedeflemekte ve kapitalist bir kurum stratejisi olarak seyir tüketimini maksimize etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Böylelikle sonunda izleyiciler aralıksız saatler boyunca tüketimin nesnesi konumuna gelerek Baudrillard’cı anlamda pasif bir kitle yığını haline dönüşmektedirler. Bu çalışmada, televizyonun dijital dönüşümü ele alınarak dijital yayın platformlarının küresel boyuttaki tüketim kültüründe yarattığı değişimler tartışılmış ve Netflix’in küresel boyutta yaygınlaştırdığı seri-izleme davranışının tüketim toplumu yaratmadaki etkisi eleştirel bağlamda incelenmiştir.
Febbyana Wulandari Hamdani , 2024
This paper discusses fertility theories and various factors that influence an individual's decision to have children, including Becker's economic theory, Arsene Dumont's social capillarity theory, and the physiological theory by Sadler and Doubleday. Additionally, the paper reviews several journals related to fertility in Indonesia, highlighting the impact of education, age at first marriage, and socioeconomic factors on fertility rates. The findings indicate that education, wealth, and location of residence influence the number of children desired and had by families.
Diachronica, 1999
European Genizah Texts and Studies. Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts Reused as Book-bindings in Italy, 2021
Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2023
Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement, 2018
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Економіка та суспільство, 2021
Swiss Medical Informatics, 2004
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