Spinning for god

ICYE Leiden 2019

At the start of Naqada II, a new material is being used all over Egypt. Linen textile, woven from flax, is used in most human burials (and a few animal burials) either as shrouds or as padding in an early form of mummification. The woven linen is also used for ritual purposes; to protect foundation deposits and as backing for plaster and paint in walls of ritual structures and artefacts. But when and how did this new material arrive, how was it produced, by whom and where? In Hierakonpolis, a large amount of textile tools for spinning are found in ritual contexts, making the question of whether textile for ritual use was also produced ritually relevant.

Association for Students of Egyptology International Congress for Young Egyptologists 21-24 August, Leiden University, the Netherlands Preliminary programme 1 of 9 Conference locations Opening 21 August: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Rapenburg 28, 2311 EW Leiden Congress venue 22-24 August: Lipsius building, Cleveringaplaats 1, 2211 BD Leiden Congress dinner 22 August: Hortus Botanicus (Botanical Gardens), Rapenburg 37, 2311 GJ Leiden Movie night 23 August: Lipsius building, room 005, Cleveringaplaats 1, 2311 BD Leiden Netherlands Institute for the Near East (NINO-library): Witte Singel 25, 2311 BG Leiden Congress venue: Lipsius building • Plenary sessions: Lipsius 005 • Book market: Lipsius 030 • Interdisciplinary session Thursday 22 August: Lipsius 001 • Egyptology in Leiden Saturday 24 August: Lipsius 001 • Workshop Epigraphy: NINO library • Workshops: Lipsius 002, 147, 307 • Panel discussions: Lipsius 005 • Poster sessions: Hallway Lipsius 2 of 9 WEDNESDAY 21 AUGUST Time Ac'vity Loca'on 15.00-17.00 Registra/on Rijksmuseum van Oudheden 17.15 Word of welcome & opening lecture Rijksmuseum van Oudheden 18.15-19.00 Opening drinks Rijksmuseum van Oudheden THURSDAY 22 AUGUST Time Ac'vity Loca'on 9.00-11.00 Morning session I Lipsius 005 9.00-10.00 Keynote lecture: dr. Willemijn Waal: Eternal peace and brotherhood on a silver tablet. Reconstruc/ng the original treaty document of Ramses II and HaMusili III. Lipsius 005 10.00-11.00 Plenary presenta/ons (3 x) Lipsius 005 10.00-10.20 Silvia Callagher: The Meroi/c palace of Natakamani at Napata: A paradigm of syncre/sm 10.20-10.40 Mariam Mohamed: Treasures of underwater archaeology — case study Alexandria - Egypt 10.40-11.00 Adel Kelany: Transporta/on methods in the ancient granite quarries at Aswan, Upper Egypt 11.00-11.20 Coffee break Lipsius hall 11.20-13.00 Morning session II Lipsius Plenary presenta/ons (5 x) Lipsius 005 11.20-11.40 Elena Hertel: Reading the unreadable — digital tools to help with epigraphic challenges 11.40-12.00 Toon Sykora: Documen/ng Djehu/hotep’s tomb in Dayr al-Barsha: Digital epigraphy and 3D recording 12.00-13.00 Post-colonial Egypt & the history of Egyptology 12.00-12.20 Hylke HeMema: Straight Egyp/an Arabians: Finding the Pharaoh’s horse 3 of 9 Time Ac'vity 12.20-12.40 Lawrence Webb: Have the Bri/sh Museums successfully addressed early 20th century concep/ons of prehistoric and ancient Sudan? 12.40-13.00 Jakob Schneider: Archaism in ancient Egypt — Or what’s lee of it 13.00-14.20 Lunch 14.20-16.00 Aeernoon session I Lipsius 14.20-16.00 Workshops & panel discussions Lipsius 14.20-16.00 Panel discussion: Post-colonial Egypt Lipsius 005 14.20-15.00 15.10-16.00 Workshop: How to write a proper CV: Linda Goltsche Workshop: How to write a proper cover leMer: Linda Goltsche Lipsius 307 14.20-15.00 15.10-16.00 Workshop: Digital Egyptology: Photogrammetry: Nicky van de Beek (MA) Workshop: Financing your research Lipsius 147 15.20-16.00 Workshop abnormal Hiera/c: dr. Koen Donker van Heel Lipsius 002 15.20-16.00 Workshop epigraphy: Prof. dr. Olaf Kaper NINO-library 16.00-16.40 Coffee break 16.40-17.40 Loca'on Poster session Judith Jurjens: Being and becoming a scribe: The teaching of Khety and its use as an educa/onal tool in ancient Egypt Antonio Muñoz Herrera: New considera/ons on the da/ng and role of TT320 in the light of new discoveries of the C2 project Ali Hassan: The geographical iden/ty of power in the Thirteenth dynasty Elissa Day: Where do the du/es of the vizier fit within the realm of ancient Egyp/an texts? Tokihisa Higo: Dualism applied to the concept of Maat Hugh Cullimore: The hieroglyphics of Horapollo and its influence on high renaissance iconography Hallway Lipsius Mul/-disciplinary session Lipsius 001 Aeernoon session II Lipsius 4 of 9 Time Ac'vity Loca'on Plenary presenta/ons (3 x) Lipsius 005 (135), klas 16.40-17.00 Divina Centore: Materiality and regionalisa/on of Egypt through the reassemblage of archaeological contexts of the end of the Middle Kingdom and the Second Intermediate Period 17.00-17.20 Arianna Sacco: It’s a small world aeer all: Networks in ancient Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period 17.20-17.40 Kylie Cortebeeck: What’s in a type? Towards a regional characterisa/on of First Intermediate Period and early Middle Kingdom ceramics 17.40 Closing session Lipsius 005 18.00 Doors open: Hortus Botanicus Hortus Botanicus 19.00 - 22.00 Conference dinner Hortus Botanicus FRIDAY 23 AUGUST Time Activity Location 9.00-11.00 Morning session I Lipsius 9.00-10.00 Keynote lecture: dr. Sarah Schrader: Osteoarchaeology in the Nile Valley: What bones can tell us about ancient life Lipsius 005 10.00-11.20 Plenary presentations (4 x) Lipsius 005 10.00-10.20 Sofie Schiødt: Explaining illness in pharaonic Egypt 10.20-10.40 Gabriele Mario Conte: The disease-demon nsy: a case study of ancient Egyptian demonology 10.40-11.00 Mélie Louys: Comparative study of two series of skulls from the XIth and XVIIIth dynasty 11.00-11.20 Asmaa Elsayegh: Recent discoveries: The sanitation system in Deir Anba Hadra 11.20-11.40 Coffee break 11.40-13.00 Morning session II Lipsius 5 of 9 Time Activity Location Plenary presentations (4 x) Lipsius 005 Book of the Dead & religion 11.40-12.00 Ivan Rodríguez Lopez: Experiences and challenges in deciphering the Book of the Dead papyrus Havana 12.00-12.20 Raizza Texeira dos Santos: Burying gods and goddesses: The role of divine statues in royal tombs of the New Kingdom 12.20-12.40 Valeria Tappetti: The solar hymns between text transmission and religious discourse: The New Kingdom and 25th-26th dynasties Theban productions 12.40-13.00 Guilherme Borges Pires: An organ, a word, a plan, a craft - cosmogonical processes and mechanisms in Egyptian New Kingdom Religious hymns 13.00-14.20 Lunch 14.20-16.00 Afternoon session I 14.20-15.40 Workshops & panel discussions (2 x 40 min) 14.20-15.40 Panel discussion: Ethics in Egyptology Lipsius 14.20-15.40 Workshop: Presentation skills Lipsius 002 14.20-15.40 Workshop: Ostraca & pottery Lipsius 147 14.20-15.00 15.00-15.40 Workshop: Database Egyptian Museum in Cairo: Marwa Badr el Deen (MA) Workshop: Using your skills on the job market: Linda Goltsche Lipsius 307 15.40-16.00 Coffee break 16.00-18.00 Afternoon session II Lipsius 16.00-18.00 Plenary presentations (6 x) Lipsius 005 Texts, papyri & scribal practises 6 of 9 Time Activity Location 16.00-16.20 Halely Harel: ‘…and they all made a BRT’: Semitic loanwords in New Kingdom texts as cultural goods 16.20-16.40 Lucia Langerak: Gardiner F27 and animal categories in Ramesside Egypt 16.40-17.00 Juan José Archidona Ramírez: The systematic use of dots in abnormal hieratic administrative texts 17.00-17.20 Ida Christensen: Papyrus Carlsberg 101: An astrological manual from the Tebtunis temple library 17.20-17.40 Patricia Zulli: Disruptive elements in Ancient Egyptian literature: A structural analysis 17.40-18.00 Jorke Grotenhuis: Regional variation in coffin texts 19.00 Movie night: Al Mummia Lipsius 005 SATURDAY 24 AUGUST Time Activity Location 9.00-11.00 Morning session I Lipsius 005 9.00-10.00 Keynote lecture III: TBA Lipsius 005 10.00-10.40 Workshops 10.00-10.40 Workshop: Practical aspects and challenges of doing research in Egypt: dr. Carina van den Hoven Lipsius 005 10.00-10.40 Workshop: Photography: Nicola Dell’Aquila (MA) Lipsius 002 10.00-10.40 Workshop: Art history: dr. des. Frederik Rogner Lipsius 147 10.00-10.40 Workshop: How to write a PhD-proposal Lipsius 307 10.40-11.00 Coffee break 11.00-13.00 Morning session II Lipsius Plenary presentations (6 x) Lipsius 005 7 of 9 Time Activity Location Images & representations 11.00-11.20 Megan Clark: The iconography and identity of paddle dolls: Gaudy or godly? 11.20-11.40 Anneke Stracke: A large statue of Taweret: Examining a large statue of Taweret and its find location, in relation to other large statues of the goddess, in order to determine its original context 11.40-12.00 Seria Yamazaki: Adorning the deceased: Middle Kingdom jewellery in object friezes and in reality 12.00-12.20 Marina Sartori: Perspectives on agency in New Kingdom Theban tombs 12.20-12.40 Héloise Smets: About ‘’archaism’’ of slaughter scenes in Late Period tombs in the Theban region 12.40-13.00 Meg Lisle: ‘One who answers’: Female mourners in New Kingdom funerary ritual 13.00-14.00 Lunch organised by the ICYE 2019 committee: koshari! 14.00-16.00 Afternoon session I 14.00-16.00 Plenary presentations (6 x) Lipsius cafeteria Lipsius 005 Governance 14.00-14.20 Benedikt Fuchs: New officials from the court of Sahure 14.20-14.40 Helen Neale: Level of the Nile flood of Year X: The Nile flood records of the late Middle Kingdom as an ideological tradition 14.40-15.00 Francesco de Gaetano: Commanders and soldiers of the Oryx nome: An example of military personnel and army manpower for early Middle Kingdom Egypt 15.00-15.20 Kimberly Watt: The locus of behind the scenes: Administrative spaces 15.20-15.40 Eva Maria Hemauer: Transforming elites and dying empires: The influence of the Levantine-Egyptian upper class on the Late Bronze Age collapse 15.40-16.00 John Rogers: A ‘’diplomatic intermediary’’ of the early Saite era: Pakheref, ‘’Overseer of waterways’’, and his statues 16.00-16.40 Coffee break 8 of 9 Time Activity Location Poster session II Hallway lipsius Asmaa Ibrahim: Unpublished collection of pottery in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo Hayley Goddard: A tale of two and a half mummies: An intrusive burial from the tomb of Karabasken (TT391) Jayme Rudolf Reichart: A catalogue of garden scenes from 24 private Theban tombs dated to the 18th dynasty pre-Amarna Marie-Emmanuelle Dauphin: My kingdom for a bark shrine: New inquiries of Ramesses III’s temple in Karnak Tessa Litecky: All the king’s horses: Stable management in New Kingdom Egypt 16.40-18.40 Egyptology in Leiden session Lipsius 001 Afternoon session II Lipsius Plenary presentations (6 x) Lipsius 005 Mummies, papyri & people 16.40-17.00 Bente Blasgaard Jensen: The personal wealth of Dhutmose 17.00-17.20 Anne Drewsen: Spinning for the gods? 17.20-17.40 Veerle van Kersen: The Wiedemann collection of mummy wrappings at the Royal Museum of Art and History in Brussels 17.40-18.00 Carmen Muñoz Perez: Putting the right amulet on the mummy: A new approach of ancient Egyptian texts 18.00-18.20 Marco de Pietri: Some peculiar scribal features of an unpublished Amduat papyrus at the Archaeological Museum of the University of Pavia 18.20-18.40 Hasnaa Abdellatif: Stereotype or otherwise (P.GEM 66796)? 18.40-19.00 Closing session Lipsius 005 9 of 9