Piotr Dryja
American Studies, MA 1st year.
Conference paper.
Genesis and socio-political consequences.
McCarthyism is a term strictly associated with another one worth mentioning. This is
Red Scare. Both of them stand for specific periods in American history, when there was a
widespread fear of communism. However, McCarthyism rigidly relates to the Second Red
Scare that occurred in the 50’s in the United States of America. It had its origins in a figure of
Joseph McCarthy who was a U.S. Senator. He believed American politics and culture was
infiltrated by communists. His principal aim was to eliminate all political opponents. Having
no limits, he accused a number of significant public and political figures of cooperating with
communists or being communists. Specially dedicated committees were created to investigate
that alleged infiltration.
Joseph McCarthy was a person that ascended so high, owing to his determination, he
eventually was able to determine who should be disqualified from public life. The intention
of this paper is to introduce the phenomenon of McCarthyism on the basis of political
activities undertaken during the second Red Scare. I will examine the factors that contributed
to the creation of the suspicion period in the US history. A significant part is devoted to a
demonstration of social and political effects. Nonetheless, the crucial question I would like to
answer is whether those accusations were correct or not. This paper is of high relevance in
terms of recent publications, comparing Joseph McCarthy with Donald Trump, the current
president of the United States, which is also examined.
In order to understand the McCarthyism era, it would be advisable to first
learn about some important facts about the person after whom this phenomenon was named.
Joseph McCarthy was born on the 14th of November, 1908 in Grand Chute, Wisconsin.
During his education he would suspend his schooling a couple of times, but finally he
managed to graduate from university and became a lawyer. In 1939 „McCarthy became the
youngest circuit judge ever elected in Wisconsin”1. 3 years later he decided to join the army.
In 1946, he came back to his political life and was elected senator. He was a member of
House Committee on Un-American Activities, investigating communist infiltration of the
U.S. government2.
The 50’ was a very tough period for the United States because of the Cold War.
Furthermore, two empires were fighting over domination in the world, what caused a big
concern among the american society. The fact that the Soviet Union was a communist
country caused even more anxiety. Bearing in mind the first Red Scare from 1919, the
American people felt fear for this to happen again.
In 1950, Senate Internal Security Subcommittee was created. Its aim was protection
the American government from infiltration and sabotage of communists and related people.
However, McCarthy’s activities changed the track and the target of the committee. They
1 Thomas C. Reeves, ”Joseph McCarthy: Biography” acc Dec 12, 2018,, http://www.apl.org/book/
began to focus on specific, famous figures representing different environments: politicians,
journalists, scientists, celebrities. In 1950, he gave a speech in front of a group of women in
Wheeling, Virginia, where he publicly introduced a list of famous individuals who, according
to his knowledge, were communist agents working for the USRR. Being asked about those
accusations, McCarthy openly told he did not know most of the people listed. He also created
his own commission. His interrogations started with the United States Department of State.
Librarians were also called in for hearings as their libraries included books written by
communist authors. The commission did not omit even Hollywood celebrities and artists
who, according to McCarthy, worked for communists. He finally reached army, what was his
last straw. McCarthy was not afraid of anyone and anything as his position was secured by
the immunity. His communist definition included also members of all left-wing groups, such
as Socialist Labor Party of America. George Marshall, the secretary of state, was also accused
by McCarthy3. His accusations divided the American society. However, the vast majority
disapproved of his activities. He even lost the trust of people who were also against
communists, but McCarthy’s strategy was totally incomprehensible to them. Having been
supported by the army, he lost their trust once he began investigations in their squads. This
was a crucial moment of his career as he was expelled from the House by the Senate4.
Joseph McCarthy looked for the sensations in all environments possible. Mccarthyism
seemed to be a public paranoia. One man could accuse anyone along with destroying their
reputation. This is what happened to a dentist from New Jersey, Irving Peress. McCarthy
3 America’s
Story from America’s Library, Marshall and McCarhyism, The Library of Congress,
accessed Dec 12, 2018, http://www.americaslibrary.gov/aa/marshall/aa_marshall_mcarthy_2.html
United States Senate, The Censure Case of Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin (1954), acc Dec 12, 2018,
revealed his name and a photo to the public. As a result, Peress was constantly harassed, he
lost his patients, his house was demolished5.
Everyone agrees that McCarthy’s intention, although it was right, went too far. He
was so involved that he forgot about collecting evidence for his own words. Indeed,
McCarthy never showed any evidence supporting his accusations. He became popular
because he made people talk about him. However, his actions were put in an extremely
negative way. People feared to such an extent that they were even afraid of their neighbors
that might have been communists. McCarthy exactly knew how to play with people’s
emotions and fears. He used it to build his image. Nevertheless, it eventually became his
The question now is why the government condemned McCarthy’s actions so late.
The answer is arguable - maybe the wrongness of the actions had been just unnoticed or the
scale of the phenomenon had been expected to be much smaller than it actually was. The
recent investigations show that McCarthy was right in some cases of communist infiltration,
yet most of these people were harmless to the national security.
The image of Joseph McCarthy was created predominantly by media. He was
perceived as a person being constantly in search of new victims of his obsessive activity. He
was said to be an alcoholic who cannot be stopped. In 1954 his actions were condemned by
the Senate that later ignored him till the end of his career6.
5 Bart Byrnes, The Washington Post, Irving Peress, dentist who was subject of Sen. Joseph McCarthy’s
hearings, dies at 97, acc. Dec 10, 2018, https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/irving-peress-dentist-whowas-subject-of-sen-joseph-mccarthys-hearings-dies-at-97/2014/11/18/196bd42a-6f3b-11e4ad12-3734c461eab6_story.html?utm_term=.744c97f105c1
Thomas C. Reeves, ”Joseph McCarthy: Biography” acc Dec 12, 2018,, http://www.apl.org/book/
McCarthyism undisputably had a negative impact on the American society and the
country’s politics. It caused an immense hysteria and phobia of communism. McCarthy
himself did not break the Constitution, albeit hurt people living under its rules7. During the
McCarthyism era the government adopted the Laws on loyalty towards country, initiated
proceedings against leaders of the Communist Party and passed the McCarran Law on
internal security. Its aim was to prevent people linked to unamerican organizations from
immigration, travelling and working for armament industries. After the big collapse of
McCarthy and during Eisenhower’s presidency, the American Congress outlawed the
Communist Party USA. Dwight Eisenhower himself managed to pass a few laws that were
highly required in order to „fix” the country after the turmoil. In 1956 he signed bills
extending the insurance system that included freelancers and differently-able people. He also
raised the minimum wage 8. President Eisenhower planned to develop the collaboration
between public and private sphere. Specially dedicated private or local agencies took control
over different branches of economy. The Republicans wished to cut down on budget
spendings, mainly due to high expenditure on Korean War9. In 1954 the Congress reduced
different federal taxes by 50%10. The actual position of the United States during
McCarthyism era was weakened, so the president Eisenhower made a lot of effort to make
the country strong again, especially in terms of national defense and international trade.
7 David M. Oshinsky, A conspiracy so immense: the world of Joe McCarthy, (Norwalk, Connecticut:
1983), p.507.
8 On The Issues, Dwight Eisenhower on Jobs, acc Dec 12, 2018, http://www.ontheissues.org/Celeb/
9 Andrzej
Bartnicki, Historia Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki, (Warszawa: 1995), p. 117.
The controversy concerning Joseph McCarthy that emerged following his accusations
have recently been rediscussed in terms of similar activities undertaken by the current
president of the U.S., Donald Trump. There have been ongoing debates whether „Trumpism”
in a new McCarthyism.
Links between Joseph McCarthy and Donald Trump
People may think that McCarthyism is now only a matter of the past. However, after
Donald Trump took the office as the U.S. president, some characteristic elements of
McCarthyism have been noticed in his actions. History has a way of repeating itself. Having
that in mind, there is a relevant question whether that period in history is going to come back
in a new form or it is only an unreasonable fear that has nothing to do with what McCarthy
did with the society in the ’50’s.
The most significant correlation can be found in the fact that both men’s purpose was,
and is, to exclude a certain group from the American society. McCarthy’s case concerned
communists, celebrities or politicians being disloyal towards the senator. Donald Trump has
been trying to convince Americans that Muslims and Mexicans are responsible for all the
wrongdoings in the country. Forgetting the fact that Muslims have been a part of American
society for hundreds years, he called for a total ban on Muslims entering the U.S. He believes
they pose a serious threat to the national security. His numerous speeches condemning
Muslims’ beliefs and actions have created a public anxiety similar to that from McCarthy era.
He calls them „danger coming into our contry”11. Trump’s words spread very quickly across
the country. People start to consider all Muslims as a real danger. According to a survey by
11 Al Jazeera,, Donald Trump calls for halt on Muslims entering the US, Mar 11, 2016, acc Dec 31,
2018, https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/12/donald-trump-calls-halt-muslimsentering-151207220200817.html
Pew Research Center conducted in 2016, almost 50% of Americans believe that „at least
some” American Muslims are anti-American and 11% think that most or almost all American
Muslims are anti-American12. Since then, the situation has only got worse because of latest
terrorists attacks. The atmosphere is still being heated up by Trump’s speeches which as a
result create an exaggerated fear, nevertheless it is of a much smaller scale than it was done in
the ’50’s.
The same analogy is used by Trump towards Mexican immigrants. What he voiced
over the campaign was calling for building a wall on the border with Mexico in order to
prevent immigrants from getting into the U.S. As he says, „they’re bringing drugs. They’re
bringing crime. They’re rapists.”13
Trump’s obsession did not omit even the former president, Barack Obama. Trump
accused him of not been born in the United States. He raised different conspiracy theories and
insisted on Obama to reveal the actual birth certificate. Once he did so, Trump questioned its
The phenomenon of McCarthyism made America look ridiculously in the eyes of
other countries in the world. The years of McCarthyism were one of the most dramatic times
in the U.S. history. Benjamin Ginzburg, a research director of the Senate constitutional rights
subcommittee, makes a conclusion about those years and describes them as a period of
12 Pew Research Center, Republicans Prefer Blunt Talk About Islamic Extremism, Democrats Favor
Caution, Pew Research Center, Feb 3, 2016, acc Dec 31, 2018, http://www.pewforum.org/2016/02/03/
Katie Reilly, Time, Here Are All the Times Donald Trump Insulted Mexico, Time, Aug 31, 2016, acc
Dec 31, 2018, http://time.com/4473972/donald-trump-&/
abusing people’s rights and offending government members and average Americans for their
personal views. He also mentions the nonsense of all actions initiated by McCarthy 14. Not
only politics was affected. The world of mass entertainment, music and film industry were
distressed. Film makers were obliged to prepare all the scenarios in such a way so as not to be
accused of offending the McCarthyism concept. Some projects were rejected and never
shown on screen as they were likely to be disapproved by McCarthy’s people or him
The significance of the McCarthyism has risen in recent years, along with the latest
presidential election in the U.S. and its result. The practices performed by Donald Trump
undoubtedly evoke the memory of those from the ’50s. Exaggerating, playing the media with
panache, accusing others having no evidence, making up juicy stories and voicing populistic
slogans are all common features that can be found both in McCarthy’s and Trump’s tactics.
Nowadays, the McCarthyism cannot be ignored as a number of its elements are still visible in
the contemporary politics. However, the main difference between the events in the ’50 and
modern times is that we as the people are now in power, provided with uncontrolled
possibilities to check and determine the actual truth.
Earl Latham, The meaning of McCarthyism, (Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1965), p. 125.
Al Jazeera, Donald Trump calls for halt on Muslims entering the US, Mar 11, 2016, https://
America’s Library, ”America’s Story from America’s Library”, Marshall and McCarhyism,
The Library of Congress, http://www.americaslibrary.gov/aa/marshall/
Bartnicki, Andrzej, Historia Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki, Warszawa: 1995.
Byrnes, Bart, ”The Washington Post”, Irving Peress, dentist who was subject of Sen. Joseph
McCarthy’s hearings, dies at 97, https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/irvingperess- dentist-who-was-subject-of-sen-joseph-mccarthys-hearings-diesat-97/2014/11/18/196bd42a-6f3b-11e4-ad12-3734c461eab6_story.html?utm_term=.
Latham, Earl, The meaning of McCarthyism, Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1965.
On The Issues, Dwight Eisenhower on Jobs, http://www.ontheissues.org/Celeb/
Oshinsky, M. David, A conspiracy so immense: the world of Joe McCarthy, Norwalk,
Connecticut: 1983.
Pew Research Center, Republicans Prefer Blunt Talk About Islamic Extremism, Democrats
Favor Caution, Pew Research Center, Feb 3, 2016, http://www.pewforum.org/
Reeves, Thomas C., ”Joseph McCarthy: Biography”. http://www.apl.org/book/export/html/
Reilly, Katie, Time, Here Are All the Times Donald Trump Insulted Mexico, Time, Aug 31,
2016, http://time.com/4473972/donald-trump-&/
United States Senate, The Censure Case of Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin (1954), https://