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This quick reference guide outlines essential features and functionalities of Excel 2016, including cell formatting, data management, worksheet operations, and navigation shortcuts. It provides concise instructions on editing, pasting, formatting, and organizing worksheets effectively.
Historia de la Psicología_403001 UNIDAD 2 Rafael es un joven de 21 años, de origen campesino que recién terminó el bachillerato en un colegio agrícola de su región, desde niño se ha interesado por la lectura, especialmente por la historia y las ciencias sociales. Durante los grados 10 y 11, su interés por la Filosofía y el conocimiento se incrementó gracias a la metodología por el profesor empleada en su clase. Por diferentes circunstancias no pudo ingresar a la Universidad y se dedicó a apoyar a su familia en las labores agrícolas de la parcela familiar y a participar en actividades comunitarias en las que siempre se destacó por su liderazgo. Durante una feria universitaria en su pueblo, en su paso por el stand de la UNAD, se interesó por el programa de Psicología, considerando que como líder comunitario y por la escasez de psicólogos en la región ésta podría ser una excelente opción para su formación profesional. Rafael solicitó un pensum del programa de psicología, lo llevó a su casa y con mucho detenimiento y dedicación lo estudió; se matriculó en el período intersemestral que estaba abierto en esta primera matrícula; desarrolló tres cursos académicos, entre ellos Epistemología de la psicología, este curso le
Eskiyeni, 2024
Nietzsche is a an important philosopher whose works and ideas are have been debated and revisited not only in the Western tradition but also and in the Eastern traditions. For example, almost all of Nietzsche’s works have been translated into Turkish, and he is one the most translated European philosophers. There are also numerous scholarly works on Nietzsche, not only by philosophers, but also by literary scholars, theologians, cultural scholars, sociologists and even political scientists. The main reason for Nietzsche’ popularity is that his philosophy can be read and interpreted from a variety of perspectives. Nietzsche’s ideas can be used to support and argue for any ideological tendency, or to criticize any ideological approach. As a result, Nietzsche has been variously described as a fascist, anarchist, atheist, religious, or even conservative. His most widely held and understood opinions are his interpretation of the phrase “God is Dead” and his portrayal of Nietzsche as an anti-religious character. Nietzsche, on the otherhand, is unafraid to challenge the dominant views of science, reason, and morality. This is because, according to Nietzsche, all previous values, beliefs, and acceptances have created a prejudice against the human capacity for understanding, which can be eradicated by re-evaluating values and reconstructing oneself. Nietzsche takes a genealogical approach, aiming to trace the errors of human history from its beginnings to the present. It is a historically grounded critique of metaphysics and superstition. It is critical to release people from the shackles of the past and help them get back on their feet. According to Nietzsche, the most crucial event that will disturb him/her is God’s death. Only then can a person begin to examine his own thinking and question his fundamental identity. What does the short, revolutionary phrase “God dying” actually mean? Did Nietzsche declare war against all religions? How should Nietzsche be understood fundamentally? The present study is intended to answer these questions and to prevent unfounded and damaging discussions about Nietzsche.
TCVN 1) Tonajul brut al navei reprezintă volumul tuturor compartimentelor etanşe situate sub linia de plutire valoarea în tone lungi a deplasamentului navei a linia de plină încărcare volumul total închis de corpul navei, inclusiv suprastructurile, exprimat în tone registru 2) În mod obişnuit, structura corpurilor navelor maritime este făcută din oţel pentru construcţii navale cu conţinut mărit de carbon oţel pentru construcţii navale cu conţinut redus de carbon aliaj special inoxidabil 3) Osatura transversală a navei reprezintă sistemul de rigidizare transversală a corpului navei, în scopul păstrării formei la solicitări interne şi externe un sistem de întărituri longitudinale, sub punte şi în interior de-a lungul bordajului, inclusiv sub paiolul tancurilor dublului fund şi pe fundul corpului navei sistemul de rigidizare a suprastructurii la nivelul punţii de comandă 4) Din sistemul de osatură transversală fac parte următoarele elemente structurale suportul central, suportul lateral, tabla marginală, curenţii punţii superioare, curenţii punţii inferioare varanga dublului fund, coasta de cală, coasta de interpunte, traversa punţii superioare (şi inferioare) stringher de bordaj, guseele duble prin care curenţii de punte se îmbină cu traversele, centura punţii intermediare, tabla lacrimară a punţii superioare 5) Din sistemul de osatură longitudinală fac parte următoarele elemente structurale învelişul fundului, centrua punţii superioare, învelişul punţii superioare, copastia varanga dublului fund, coasta de cală, coasta de interpunte, traversa punţii superioare (şi inferioare) suporţii laterali, suportul central, curenţii punţii superioare, curenţii punţii inferioare, tabla marginală 6) În terminologia navală, 'coverta' înseamnă cea mai de sus punte, continuă şi etanşă pe toată lungimea navei prima punte continuă şi etanţă, situată deasupra chilei
SSRN Electronic Journal
This paper proposes a mathematical two-stage decision making model based on dual-decision models from behavioral economics that includes, in addition to cognitive and affective systems, an individualistic human factor and a stochastic shock. The model provides a new vision of the decision-making process and the impact of individualism. In the first stage, the agent´s initial willingness to choose is obtained following traditional economic theory but including an individual human factor, which is composed by the learning process, free will, and other human factors. This allows us to explain the reason why sometimes people are inclined to choose options that seem to be irrational decisions from the view of traditional economics logic. In the second stage, the model explains how the cognitive and affective systems and the influence of a stochastic shock affect the initial willingness to choose, obtained in the first stage. The shock might be produced by those negative and/or positive feelings and information not known or considered previously that allows the individual arrive to the final decision. Finally, our model demonstrates that the individual human factor and the stochastic shock are fundamental elements that define the rational irrationality when traditional economic theory fails to explain individuals´choices.
FUENTE: propia información procesada el 12 de abril del 2018, con el programa spssv22
Ces cinquante-deux billets de blog en « -ule » ont été postés chaque lundi matin de mi-septembre 2014 à mi-septembre 2015 sur Ils constituent le quatrième recueil de mon blog « Critique malicieuse et hebdomadaire de l'information numérique dans la société à l'usage de ceux qui pensent (et donc archivent) ». Les trois précédents recueils (accessibles en ligne) sont :
With regard to the perception and shaping of societal and political orientations in Muslim societies, interpretations of Islam have been divergent amongst countries with different social, cultural and political structures and conditions. This article assesses the perception of Islam from a historical perspective, examining the factors that define the perceived differences between Turkey and Pakistan's relationship with Islam. The analysis shows that variability in perception of Islam in Pakistan and Turkey has not only been product of interpretive tradition of fundamental sources, but also developed concurrently with changing socio-political conditions, all of which contributed to shape the various societal dispositions and political orientation of these states. The study concludes that the constantly changing socio-political conditions, as well as the state or ruling elites' insight, approach and responses to such changes, have been key to the shaping of the different perceptions of Islam in Pakistan and Turkey.
Journal of Marketing Research, 2007
International journal of research - granthaalayah, 2018
Universal Journal of Medical Science, 2015
Metaverse Creativity, 2014
Independent Academia, 2024
Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2019
Space Science Reviews, 2023
Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica, 2020