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Instrumentos para estilos de aprendizaje
Resumen El presente artículo tiene por objetivo mostrar diversos instrumentos para medir los Estilos de Aprendizaje desde 1963 hasta 2007. Para empezar se hace una análisis de diferentes conceptos sobre Estilo y Estilos de Aprendizaje. Más adelante, se hace una lista de 38 diferentes instrumentos donde se incluye nombre del cuestionario/instrumento, página web (si existe), autores y una breve descripción. Abstract The objective of this paper is to show some instruments for measuring Learning Styles since 1963 to 2007. To begin, it's includes an analysis of different concepts about Style and Learning Styles. Later, it´s makes a list of 38 different instruments where include: name of questionnaire/instrument, web page (if exists), authors and a brief description.
Enseñar" influye notablemente en el discurrir del año académico Alonso, Gallego y Honey (1997) al iniciar su planteamiento sobre las implicaciones pedagógicas de los estilos de aprendizaje hablan del "debate estilos de aprender / estilos de enseñar" como uno de los aspectos más importantes y más investigados sobre los Estilos de Aprendizaje.
Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia, 2015
Policy on reproductive health is one of the essential determinant to address the goals of population and health development in Indonesia. Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR), teenage marriage, and Total Fertility Rate (TFR) are among the indicators that show the important role of reproductive health policy. This article discusses the progress of reproductive health policy implementation in Indonesia and its implication to early marriage, TFR, and MMR. Data used in this paper are mainly derived through desk studies from previous research conducted by the Research Center for Population Indonesian Institute of Sciences. The studies consist of reproductive health policy and regional autonomy (2000-2005), BKKBNs decentralization (2005), HIV/AIDS in border areas (2006-2009), and the implementation of integrated reproductive health services in primary health care (2007). Desk reviews are also used to analyze current studies from LIPI that are related to these issues.LIPIs [AD1]studies showed th...
Vst - Vie Sociale Et Traitements, 2003
La Démence des anges, chorégraphie multidisciplinaire d'Isabelle Choinière (le Corps Indice/ Productions Recto-Verso, 2003), présentée simultanément à la salle Multi du complexe Méduse et au Café des Arts (Québec) à l'occasion
Renewable Energy, 2017
In this work, the conversion of sugarcane bagasse into fuel was studied as a low cost source material. The conversion was carried out experimentally in a batch pyrolysis reactor. Two pyrolysis methods were compared; namely, fast pyrolysis and slow or conventional pyrolysis. This comparison was based on the thermal decomposition of biomass into fuel and on the product yields. Since the yields are affected by the type of pyrolysis and the operating temperature of the reactor, the comparisons have been conducted at three fixed temperature values of 753, 853 and 953 K. The results revealed that the conventional pyrolysis produce more syngas yield with the increases of temperature. In the case of fast pyrolysis, it was observed that losses and solid yield increase with temperature increase. Moreover, it was found that the highest losses in both cases are less than 15% and that it was higher in conventional pyrolysis. Gases released during the thermal decomposition of biomass were identified as H 2 , CO, CO 2 , CH 4 and some light molecular weight of hydrocarbons, such as C 2 H 4 and C 2 H 6. The low temperature was favored for the production of methane other than hydrogen for both processes, while high temperature was favored for the production of hydrogen. The produced H 2 can be used in typical fuel cells.
Ecology and Society, 2013
Complexity thinking is increasingly being embraced by a wide range of academics and professionals as imperative for dealing with today's pressing social-ecological challenges. In this context, action researchers partner directly with stakeholders (communities, governance institutions, and work resource managers, etc.) to embed a complexity frame of reference for decision making. In doing so, both researchers and stakeholders must strive to internalize not only "intellectual complexity" (knowing) but also "lived complexity" (being and practicing). Four common conceptualizations of learning (explicit/tacit knowledge framework; unlearning selective exposure; conscious/competence learning matrix; and model of learning loops) are integrated to provide a new framework that describes how learning takes place in complex systems. Deep reflection leading to transformational learning is required to foster the changes in mindset and behaviors needed to adopt a complexity frame of reference. We then present three broad frames of mind (openness, situational awareness, and a healthy respect for the restraint/ action paradox), which each encompass a set of habits of mind, to create a useful framework that allows one to unlearn reductionist habits while adopting and embedding those more conducive to working in complex systems. Habits of mind provide useful heuristic tools to guide researchers and stakeholders through processes of participative planning and adaptive decision making in complex social-ecological systems.
Frontiers in Oral Health
SPE/ISRM Rock Mechanics Conference, 2002
Applied sciences, 2024
Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: E Marine Science , 2024
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2020
Journal of Essential Oil Research, 1993
Life Sciences, 1983
The World Wide Web Conference on - WWW '19, 2019
International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology Infad Revista De Psicologia, 2012
bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), 2021
Medical Physics, 2010
Journal of the Pakistan Dental Association
Annals of African Medicine , 2010
รายงานการวิจัยในชั้นเรียน การพัฒนาความสามารถในการแก้ปัญหาฟิสิกส์และการเรียนรู้ค าศัพท์ วิทยาศาสตร์ภาษาอังกฤษ เรื่อง ไฟฟ้าฟ้าสถิต ของนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 5 โรงเรียนสตูลวิทยา ที่ได้รับการจัดการเรียนรู้ แบบสืบเสาะหาความรู้ 7E ร่วมกับกระบวนการคิดเชิงเมตาคอกนิชัน
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2021