1 ORACLE APPLICATIONS 1. INTRODUCTION ERP: Resource Planning with in an Enterprise. ERP is a term that covers whole Product line. ERP means integration of different module. Any business will greatly benefits by adapting this feature because u can customize it or integrate it with other Packages to satisfy unique requirements. BENEFITS OF ERP: 1). Flow of Information Effectively 2). Maintaining Standardizations Q: What is Oracle Applications? Ans: Oracle Applications are an ERP Package. The Key Feature of the entire oracle‐ Application module is Data Integration. Master data is Integrated: All the application share common files of customers, suppliers, employee, items and other entities that are used by multiple applications. Transaction data is Integrated: Oracle automatically bridge transactions from one system to another. Financial data is integrated: Financial data is carried in a common format, and financial data is transmitted from one application to another. 2 2. ORACLE APPLICATIONS Oracle Applications is one of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Business Application packages. It comprises of various Modules, Libraries, Forms, Reports, etc. Oracle Applications is designed on the basis of Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP). It is used to chatter the Business needs of an Organization. It consists of 256 different types of modules, 4000 Forms, 5000 Programs etc. Any Organization can adopt this package and use the supplied modules with the customization as per their business requirements. Oracle works on 3 Tier Architecture (i.e. Client, Application and Database). It supports Form based Interface (i.e. FIN, MFG, MM & HR) and HTML based Interface (i.e. CRM, SSWA). Note: SSWA – Self Service Web Architecture Applications 3 – Tier Architecture Desktop Tier Application Tier Database Tier Forms Server Web Browser Reports Server iAS Server Concurrent Processing Server Discoverer Server Administration Server Database Server 3 3. PRODUCT DIRECTORY STRUCTURE When Oracle Applications installs in a machine it creates a base directory with the name ORACLE. This is the base directory for accessing the application. Oracle Applications supplied in three flavors 1. Production Oracle Applications: used for implementing in any organization. 2. Vision Oracle Applications: used for Demonstration or Training purpose. 3. Test Oracle Applications: used for R&D purpose Product Directory Structure of Oracle Applications ORACLE Production OA Vision OA Test OA PRODDB VISDB TESTDB PRODORA VISORA TESTORA PRODCOMM VISCOMM TESTCOMM PRODDATA VISDATA TESTDATA PRODAPPL VISAPPL TESTAPPL VISDB: Consists of Oracle 8i / Oracle 9i / Oracle 10g Database executable files. VISORA: Captures 8.0.6 / 9iAS / 10giAS middleware Database executable files. VISCOMM: Captures Control Script files, which are used to Start or Stop the Application Services. VISDATA: Captures all .DBF files. VISAPPL: Captures all Module Specific Directories and Some Special Directories. 4 APPL_TOP (i.e. VISAPPL) Directory Structure APPL_TOP APPL_TOP = D:\ORACLE\VISAPPL GL 11.5.0 AR AP Forms US Reports US BIN LIB SQL HTML LOG OUT Message FND AU 11.5.0 Forms Resource US 5 GL_TOP: (APPL_TOP/GL/11.5.0) is one of the Module Directory of Oracle Applications. It consists of a release directory (i.e. 11.5.0) under which Forms, Reports, BIN, LIB, SQL, etc., GL_TOP/11.5.0/Forms/US is forms directory to store all .FMX (Compiled) Form files of a specific module. GL_TOP/11.5.0/Reports/US is a reports directory to capture all the .RDF (Compiled) Report files of a specific module directory. US is a language specific directory. GL_TOP/11.5.0/BIN will capture the C, C++, PRO*C, SQL *LOADER etc., files. GL_TOP/11.5.0/LIB will capture all .OBJ files of C, C++ or JAVA CLASS files. GL_TOP/11.5.0/Message will capture all .MSB message body files. GL_TOP/11.5.0/LOG will capture all .LOG files. GL_TOP/11.5.0/OUT will capture all .OUT files. GL_TOP/11.5.0/SQL will capture all .SQL script files. GL_TOP/11.5.0/HTML will capture all .HTML, .HTM web files. GL_TOP/11.5.0/FND is a Special Directory known as Application Object Library (AOL) directory. It is used to capture all Modules Application Executable Files. GL_TOP/11.5.0/AU is an Application Utility (AU) Directory. It consists of a application release Sub‐Directory, which consists of Forms and Resource directories. It is used to store all .FMB and .PLL and PL/SQL Library files. GL_TOP/11.5.0/AU/11.5.0/Forms/US will capture .FMB Form files of all Modules. GL_TOP/11.5.0//AU/11.5.0/Resource is used to store .PLL and .PL/SQL Library files of Oracle Applications. 6 4. DATA MODEL When we install Oracle Database by default system will creates SYS and SYSTEM schemas. These consist of all Data Dictionary Tables. Like this if we install Oracle Applications System will automatically creates schemas of all Modules (i.e. GL, AR, AP, etc.) with the respective module name as User and Password. Along with these schemas some special Schemas i.e. APPS, APPLSYS, APPLSYSPUB will be created for special purpose. APPSADMIN Application Administrator GL/GL AR/AR User Schemas AP/AP PPR/PPR APPLSYS/APPS FND – Foundation Tables ALR – Alert Tables WF – Work Flow Tables AD – Application database APPLSYSPUB/PU APPS/APPS APPS Schema: It is Public Schema. It consists of a collection of public synonym of all the objects of all the schemas in the Application database. All the Procedures, Functions and Packages created must be stored in this Schema. 7 APPLSYS Schema: This is a special Schema consists of the files starts with FND, ALR, WF and AD. APPLSYSPUB Schema: This schema is a collection of public synonyms of all FND Tables, which are used for User verification. This is the Gate Way User ID of Oracle Applications. Note: 1. When we are changing the APPS Schema password, first we have to change in the backend for both APPS and APPLSYS Schemas. 2. Password for both APPS and APPLSYS should be same. 3. Change the password of both the Schemas in Front‐End and Back‐End. 4. Drop the Concurrent Manager Services and re‐create the Concurrent Manager Service with the Password as APPS Password. 8 5. RESPONSIBILITIES AND USER Responsibility: It is a role authorized to access specific Forms and Programs of a particular Module. A responsibility is a collection of Menus, Request Groups and Data Groups. Menus and Data Groups are mandatory to a responsibility. Menu: A menu is a collection of Sub‐Menus and Functions. Request Group (RG): It is a collection of concurrent Programs. It is used to request programs from the responsibility. Data Group (DG): It is a collection of Modules used to integrate one or more Modules for cross application transfer of data, cross application reporting and cross application reference. If we want to get data from other Modules we need to define those modules in the Data Group. Functions: A function is a part of an application’s functionality that is registered under a unique name for the purpose of assigning it to, or excluding it from, a menu (and by extension, a responsibility). An Oracle Applications feature that let’s you control user access to certain functions and windows. By default, access to functionality is not restricted; your system administrator customizes each responsibility at your site by including or excluding functions and menus in the Responsibilities window. There are several types of functions: form functions, sub‐functions, and non–form functions. These are two types of functions 1 Form Functions: are used to secure Forms from the responsibilities. 2 Non‐Form Functions: are used to secure Layout Items with in the Form. Advantages of Form Functions If you want to open the Form in different modes without creating the copies, we can create a Form Function and pass the parameters based on the requirement. The parameter, which is passed in the form function, must be already defined in the form while designing the Form. A menu can be assigned to more than one Responsibility. If you want to restrict some of the Forms from a particular responsibility, we can include Form Function of those Forms in Menu Exclusions of the Responsibility. 9 Pre‐Defined Responsibilities S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Module Application Object library System Administration Oracle General Ledger Oracle Public Sector Payables Oracle Receivables Oracle Alerts Responsibility Application Developer System Administrator General Ledger Super User Payables Manager Receivables Manager Alerts Manager How to Create a Responsibility? Step 1: Connect to Oracle Application with APPSADMIN/APPSADMIN User. Step 2: Go to Application Administrator. Step 3: Go to Security then Responsibility then Define Step 4: Enter the Data in the opened Window. Note: Above Information of Responsibility is stored in FND_RESPONSIBILITY Table. 10 How to Create a User? Step 1: Connect to Oracle Application with APPSADMIN/APPSADMIN User. Step 2: Go to Application Administrator. Step 3: Go to Security then User then Define Step 4: Enter the Data in the opened Window. Note: Above Information of User is stored in FND_USER Table. User Responsibilities stored in FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS Table. 11 6. NEW MODULE DEVELOPMENT Steps required for developing a New Module? 1. Register the New Module with AOL module. Save the Entries. 2. Create a Schema/User for the New Module and Grant Rolls to it from SQL Prompt. Login as apps/apps@vis. SQL>CREATE USER PPRS IDENTIFID BY PPRS; SQL>GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO PPRS; SQL> 3. Create product Directory Structure to the New Module at Server end. \\Orafin8\d$\appl\pprs\11.5.0\forms\us \\Orafin8\d$\appl\pprs\11.5.0\reports\us \\Orafin8\d$\appl\pprs\11.5.0\bin \\Orafin8\d$\appl\pprs\11.5.0\sql etc., 4. Create the Form Using Form Builder with all the coding standards required according to Oracle Applications. 5. Compile the Form and Copy .FMX file in Module Specific (New) Directory. 6. Copy some .fmx Form files from any existing modules to new module directory for registration demo. 7. Register the form with Application Object Library (AOL) Module. Connect to APPSTECH/APPSTECH Go to Application Developer 12 Application Form Save & Close 8. Create Form Function for all the Form, which are registered with our module. Connect to APPSTECH/APPSTECH Go to Application Developer Application Function Save & Close 9. Define a menu for our new module using AOL Module. Connect to APPSTECH/APPSTECH 13 Go to Application Developer Application Menu 10. Assign the required Form Functions to the menus. 11. Define Data Group (DG) using System Administration Module. System Administrator Security Oracle Data Group 14 11. Define a Responsibility for the new module. System Administrator Security Responsibility Define 12. Assign Responsibility to the User. System Administrator Security User Define 15 13. Setup the base path of the New Module at the Server end. PPRS_TOP is the base path At Run: regedit Create a new String Rename the New String as PPRS_TOP PPRS_TOP: \\Oracle\visappl\pprs\11.5.0 16 7. TABLE REGISTRATION Q: Why we have to register a Table? Ans: To define the Special Objects at the time of definition of a Business Applications. Special Objects are Key Flex Fields (KFF) and Descriptive Flex Fields (DFF) In Applications Tables are classified into three categories 1 Transaction Data Tables: are normal tables, which are used to store the data in all the modules in which we can perform any DML operations. 2 Seed Data Tables: The data for these tables created at the time of installation. The records present in these tables are read only. 3 Interim Data Tables: are the temporary tables, which are used for validation purpose. These tables are used when we are transferring the data from external applications to the system tables. Steps Required for registering a Table 1. Create a Table in Module Specific Schema. Connect as PPRS/PPRS@VIS SQL> CREATE TABLE PPRS_PARTS ( PART_CODE NUMBER(5), PART_NO VARCHAR2(50), PART_NAME VARCHAR2(100), QPS NUMBER(3), PPART_CODE NUMBER(5)); 2. Create a Public Synonym in APPS Schema. Connect to APPS/APPS@VIS SQL> CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM PPRS_PARTS FOR PPRS_PARTS; Note: Public Synonym Name should be same as Table Name; 3. Register the Table with AOL Module. Connect to APPSTECH/APPSTECH Application Developer Functions Application Database Table 17 Table Registration with Application Interface (API) We can also register the Table using Application DBA Data Definitions (AD_DD) Package from the Back End. You can also use the AD_DD API to delete the registrations of tables and columns from Oracle Application Object Library tables. To alter a registration you should first delete the registration, and then reregister the table or column. You should delete the column registration first, then the table registration. procedure register_table (p_appl_short_name in varchar2, p_tab_name in varchar2, p_tab_type in varchar2, p_next_extent in number default 512, p_pct_free in number default 10, p_pct_used in number default 70); procedure register_column (p_appl_short_name in varchar2, p_tab_name in varchar2, p_col_name in varchar2, p_col_seq in number, p_col_type in varchar2, p_col_width in number, p_nullable in varchar2, p_translate in varchar2, p_precision in number default null, p_scale in number default null); procedure delete_table (p_appl_short_name in varchar2, p_tab_name in varchar2); procedure delete_column (p_appl_short_name in varchar2, p_tab_name in varchar2, p_col_name in varchar2); 18 Note: Table can be register from Front End by Application Developer or Back End by Database Administrator. Type of Table Suffixes and their meaning _TL No Suffix _V _VL _All Translation Tables, Used to Store the Information of Language Specific Are Normal Tables Are Views Are Views based on Translation Tables Indicates Multi Organization Tables 19 Applications Storages Tables Table Name FND_APPLICATION FND_FORM FND_FORM_FUNCTIONS FND_MENU FND_MENU_ENTRIES Storage Purpose New Module Information Forms Information Information of Functions of a Form Menu Information List of Functions Assigned to the Menu Information FND_DATAGROUP Data Group Information FND_DATAGROUP_UNIT List of Modules Assigned to the Data Group FND_RESPONSIBILITY All Responsibility Information FND_RESP_GROUPS All responsibility groups information FND_TABLES All Tables Information FND_COLUMNS All Table Columns Information FND_USER All Users Information FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS All Users Responsibility Information FND_ID_FLEXS All Key Flex Fields Information FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES All Structures Information FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS All the Segments Information FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS Each Segment’s Value Set Information FND_FLEX_VALUES Each Value Codes of a Value Set of a Segment FND_FLEX_VALUE_TL Each Value Description of a Value Set of a Segment 20 8. FLEXFIELDS A flexfield is a field made up of sub–fields, or segments. There are two types of flexfields: key flexfields and descriptive flexfields. A key flexfield appears on your form as a normal text field with an appropriate prompt. A descriptive flexfield appears on your form as a two–character–wide text field with square brackets [ ] as its prompt. Flex Fields are used to capture the Business Information of the Organization. The organization can use the Flex Fields based on their Business Structure. KEY FLEX FIELDS (KFF) KFF are used to capture mandatory or Key Business information of the Organization. Each Key Flex Field is having its won base Table. 21 Q: How many KFF are supplied with the Package? Ans: There are 31 KFF. S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … 31 Type of Flex Field Accounting FF Job FF Position FF Grade FF Location FF Asset FF Sales Tax FF Territory FF System Items FF Item Category FF …. Module GL HR HR HR FA FA AR AR INV INV Table GL_CODE_COMBINATION PER_JOB_DEFINITIONS PER_POSITION PER_GRADE FA_LOCATION FA_KEYWORDS AR_SALEX_TAX AR_TERRITORY MTL_SYSTEM_ITEM MTL_ITEM_CATEGORY Accounting Company KFF Structure GGC GM Seg1 Company VS1 1. Trucks 2. Cars GSS Seg2 Seg3 Department Accounts VS2 1. Sales 2. Finance 3. VS3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Seg1 Company VS4 Seg2 Seg3 Production Location VS5 VS6 Cash Bank Rent X Y Code Combination ID of KFF is GGC_GM_VS1_1 GGC ‐ Company Name GM ‐ Branch Name VS1 ‐ Segment 1 1 ‐ Trucks Seg4 Department VS7 Seg4 Accounts VS8 22 Value Set: is a collection of properties like Length, Data Type, Minimum Value, Maximum Value, Alignment and Value Validation etc. Flexfields consists of Structures Structures consists of Segments Segments consists of Value Set Value Set consists of Parameters. FND_ID_FLEXS Table captures the information of all the Key FlexFields. APPL_ID ‐ Column consists of Application ID ID_FLEX_CODE ‐ Column KFF Code Example of APPL_ID: AR, AP, GL etc. ID_FLEX_CODE: AR#, AP#, GL#, etc. STRUCTURES ACCOUNTING RECEIVABLE GL# 101 201 S1 Code Descr TM 202 102 S2 Code Descr AP# TTS 203 103 S3 Code Descr TTC 101 301 S1 Code Descr TMAP 302 S2 Code Descr 101 301 APTC S1 Code Descr 302 S2 Code Descr FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES Table captures the information of all the structures. Each Structure is uniquely identified by APPLICATION_ID (Module Code), ID_FLEX_CODE (Code of KFF) ID_FLEX_NUM (Number of a Structure) FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS Table captures the information of Segments. Each Segment is Uniquely identified by APPL_ID ID_FLEX_CODE ID_FLEX_NUM SEG_NUM FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID 23 FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS Table captures the information of each Segment’s Value Set. Each Value Set is Uniquely identified by FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID as Foreign Key of FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS Table. FND_FLEX_VALUES Table captures the information each Value codes of a Value Set of a Segment. Each Value Code is uniquely identified by FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID FLEX_VALUE_ID FND_FLEX_VALUE_TL Table captures the information of each Value Description of a Value Set of a Segment. Each Value Description is uniquely identified by FLEX_VALUE_ID If we accept a KFF in the form, the information will be stored first in GL_CODE_COMBINATION Table (i.e. Mater Table) then in Transaction Table i.e. Details table). Form to Accept KFF Responsibility: R1 ( TM ) / R2 ( TCS ) Journal Form Journal: Date: Currency: Form Application User Form Name Name1 Function1 Name2 Function2 Description GL_CODE_COMBINATION Table (Master Table) S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 …. 1 1 1 Structure ID CCID TM 2001 Transaction Table (Details Table) SN Date Debt Credit … 1 1 1 CCID 2001 …. This Code is generated by DataBase 24 Steps required to registration of New Key Flex field (KFF) 1. Create a KFF Table in Module Specific Schema. Connect to PPRS/PPRS@VIS 2. Create a Public Synonym in APPS Schema. Connect to APPS/APPS@VIS SQL> CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM PPRS_PARTS FOR PPRS_PARTS; 3. Register the Table with AOL Module. PPRS_PARTS Table already registered. 4. Register the KFF with AOL Module. Connect to APPSTECH/APPSTECH Go to FlexField Æ Key Æ Registration 25 26 27 28 DESCRIPTIVE FLEX FIELDS (DFF) DFF are used to capture the additional or extra Business information of the organization. DFF are used to add extra accounts, these are varry from one business to another business. All DFF columns are defined as Attribute Columns. All these columns are defined in the transaction table itself. There are around 5000+ DFF available with the package. DFF have two different types of Segments 1. Global DFF 2. Context Sensitive DFF Q: How to know that a form is having DFF? Ans: Go to Help in Menu Bar Diagnostic Examine Enter Oracle Password : APPS Block Name: $Descriptive Flexfields (Change the field like this)) Field: PPRS FLEX If the Form having the button with square brackets [ ] then we can say that the form is having DFF. A form can have multiple DFF but a Block can have only one DFF. To reference a DFF use Block_Name.DFF_Name. Q: How to enable a DFF? To enable DFF switch responsibility to Application Developer FlexField Descriptive Segments Enter Totle: PPRS DFF Click on Segment Button at the bottom of the Pop‐Up Window. 29 Example: Table T1 Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 ….. Attributes, A1..A20 Attribute Category or Context Column AC1, Ac2, Ac3, AC4 …. FORM Block1 Column1 Æ DFF1 Æ AC1 Æ Attribute A1 .. A5 Block2 Column2 Æ DFF2 Æ AC2 Æ Attribute A6 .. A15 Block3 Column3 Æ DFF3 Æ AC3 Æ Attribute A16 .. A20 We can register more than one DFF on a table. How many number of DFF that we want to register on a table, we must have those many number of attribute categories or Context columns are to be used to group a set of attribute column. The attribute category and attribute columns mapped with on DFF can’t be mapped with other DFF. When we register a DFF, System internally generates the default Context field value as global data elements (GDE). The values for Attribute Category column or Context Column are null, when we are enabling the fields as global data elements. C1 Æ AC1 Æ A1 .. A20 Global Data Elements A1,A2 INDIA UK US Column DFF (A3 .. A4) (A3 .. A5) (A3 .. A6) Country Values will be stored in Attribute Category Column (OR) Context Column. We can also define the field, which is enabled, as global data elements are common for all the user defined context field values. That is the reason the attribute columns, which are mapped with global data elements, are not mapped with user defined data elements. 30 Steps required for registering a DFF 1. Create a DFF Table in Module Specific Schema. Connect to PPRS/PPRS@VIS SQL> ALTER TABEL PPRS_PARTS ADD ( Attribute1 Varchar2(150), Attribute2 Varchar2(150), Attribute3 Varchar2(150), Attribute4 Varchar2(150), Context Varchar2(25)); 2. Create a Public Synonym in APPS Schema. Connect to APPS/APPS@VIS SQL> CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM PPRS_PARTS FOR PPRS_PARTS; 3. Register the Table with AOL Module. PPRS_PARTS Table already registered. 6. Register the KFF with AOL Module. Connect to APPSTECH/APPSTECH Go to FlexField Descriptive Register 31 32 9. NEW FORM DEVELOPMENT To enable the end user to operate the Forms user friendly we need to standardize the Forms. To design or develop the form with Applications Standards, Package provided a Standard Form called APPSTAND.fmb APPSTAND.fmb: is a collection of the entire standard object Groups used in the Oracle Applications. Form should inherit the following object Group Properties 1. STAND_PC_AND_VA: This consists of Windows, Canvases, Blocks and Items used for Property Classes and Visual Attributes. 2. STAND_TOOLBAR: This consists of Windows, Canvases, Blocks and Items used for Tool Bars. 3. STANDARD_CALENDER: This consists of Windows, Canvases, Blocks and Items used for Calendars. 4. STANDARD_FOLDER: This consists of Windows, Canvases, Blocks and Items used for Data Restriction and Changing the Layout of the Form at run time. And this is not used for Custom Forms). 5. QUERY_FIND: This consists of Windows, Canvases, Blocks and Items used for implementing find windows or Search methods. 6. LIBRARIES: APPCORE.PLL: is the collection of Procedures, Functions and Packages used to define Menus and Tool Bars. FNDSQF.PLL: is the collection of Procedures, Functions and Packages used to define Special Objects like KFF, DFF, Form Functions and Non‐Form functions. APPDAYPK.PLL: is the collection of Procedures, Functions and Packages used to define Calendars. CUSTOM.PLL: is the collection of Procedures, Functions and Packages used to customize the Forms with out modifying the code of Oracle Applications. 33 Note: The Built‐ins of CUSTOM.PLL are internally called by the Built‐ins of APPCORE.PLL and the Built‐ins of APPCORE.PLL are called by few Triggers like WHEN‐NEW‐FORM‐INSTANCE, WHEN‐NEW‐RECORD‐INSTANCE, WHEN‐NEW‐ITEM‐INSTANCE, PRE‐BLOCK, PRE‐RECORD, PRE‐ITEM APPCORE2.PLL: is a Duplicate/Replica of APPCORE.PLL. It has the same Built‐ins as APPCORE.PLL and this is used in CUSTOME.PLL GLOBE.PLL: is used to change the regional settings of the Package with out modifying the code of Applications. GLOBE.PLL internally calls the Built‐ins of JE.PLL, JL.PLL and JA.PLL Libraries. JE.PLL: is used to change the regional settings of Middle East Countries. JA.PLL: is used to change the regional settings of Asia Pacific Countries. JL.PLL: is used to change the regional settings of Latin America. FORM TEMPLATE: It is used to develop the new Form of a Business Application. 1. TEMPLATE.fmb inherits all the Object Groups of APPSTAND.fmb. 2. Attaches all the Libraries. 3. Attaches Standard Menu called FNDMENU.mmb. 4. Creates Form level Triggers. Some of these Triggers are read only and some are read and write. Read only triggers are marked with RED Colour and Read and Write triggers are marked with BLUE Colour. 5. APPS_CUSTOM Package is a collection of OPEN_WINDOW(WND IN VARCHAR2) and OPEN_WINDOW(WND IN VARCHAR2) Procedures. These are created by default when we open the TEMPLATE.fmb Form. 34 Example: If we want to open a window in the following structure. FORM BLOCK-1 ITEM-1 WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE ITEM-2 ITEM-3 WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM KEY-NEXT-ITEM KEY-LIST-VALUE BLOCK-2 ITEM-1 ITEM-2 BLOCK-3 Write the following code in the OPEN_WINDOW Procedure of the APP_CUSTOM Package to open the navigation of the first window and subsequent windows, which is called by the PRE‐FORM trigger. BEGIN IF (WND = ‘W1’) THEN Statement 1; Statement 2; ELSIF (WND = ‘W2’) THEN Statement 1; Statement 2; ELSIF (WND = ‘W3’) THEN ‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐ ELSE ‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐ END IF; 6. Creates Dummy BLOCKS with name Block Name, Detail Name, Dummy CANVAS with the Name Block Name and Dummy WINDOW with the name Block Name. Purpose of these dummies is only to understand the creation of Blocks, Canvases and Windows in a Form. 35 Naming Conventions to be followed in the Forms Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name of the Form Module should be same as .fmb. Name of the Data Block should be same as Base Table Name. Name of the Canvas and Window is same as Block name. Name of the LOV should be same as Item Name. Name of the Package should be same as Block Name. Name of the Procedure should be same as Item Name. Name of the ROW LOV should be same as Block_Name_QF. Name of the FND_WINDOW should be same as Block_Name_QF. Steps Required to Developing a New Form 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Open the TEMPLATE.fmb Form from Form Builder and Save as with Module specific form name. Delete the default Blocks with names BLOCK_NAME and DETAIL_BLOCK, Canvas with name BLOCK_NAME and Window with name BLOCK_NAME. Create a new Window and assign Window property class to it. Create Canvas and assign Canvas property class to it. Assign Canvas to Window and Window to Canvas. Create Data Block using wizard and name it as Table Name. Assign Text Item Property class to all the Items in the Data Block. Modify Pre‐Form Trigger at Form Level. Modify APP_CUSTOM Package. Change Form Module Level Properties. Save and Compile the Form and copy the .FMX file in the Module specific directory. Perform all the pre requisites to register the Form. a. Register the form with AOL module. b. Define a form function c. Assign form function to the Menu. d. Assign the menu to the Responsibility. e. Assign Responsibility to the User. Note: Check the following attachments when you open the TEMPLATE.fmb Form. 1. Check the required Libraries attached or not. 2. Check the required Object Groups attached or not. 3. Check the required Visual Attributes attached or not. 4. Check the required Property Classes attached or not. 5. Check the required Form Level Triggers created or not. 36 10. DEFINING CALENDARS Calendars are special objects are used to select the date value in user‐friendly manner. When you navigate to a date field it displays an LOV icon. The Calendar lets you satisfy the following business needs: • Represent dates and time graphically so that you can make a quick date and time selection without additional typing. • Select only those dates or date ranges that are appropriate for the current field. You can use the Calendar window, as shown in Figure 3 – 1, to help you enter a date. Calendar for Date Selection Calendar for Date and time Selection Steps required to defining the Calendar 1. Change the following properties of the date item a. Change the Sub‐Class to Text_Item_Date property Class. b. LOV Enable List Lamp c. Validate from list property set to NO. Note: Enable List Lamp is a dummy LOV, which is going to come with TEMPLATE.fmb. The record Group associated with this LOV is SELECT NULL FROM DUAL; we can use this LOV whenever we want to define some Special Objects on the Text Item. 37 2. 3. 4. Create KEY‐LISTVAL Trigger at Item Level. Date: Change the Properties of date field as 1. Text_Item_Date 2. Enable_List_Lamp 3. Key_Listval Trigger Write Code: CALENDAR.SHOW; Save and Compile the Form. Perform all the Form registration process. 38 11. WHO COLUMNS WHO columns are used to track the information updated or inserted by the users against the tables. FND_STANDARD package is used for this purpose. FND_STANDARD.SET_WHO Procedure is used to update the WHO columns in a Table when a DML operation s (i.e. INSERT, UPDATE) performed. Steps required to Track WHO Information in our form 1. ALTER the table by adding WHO columns in the table. 2. Open TEMPLATE.fmb in form Builder. 3. Perform all the pre‐requisites to develop a form. 4. Include all the WHO columns in the Data Block with NULL Canvas. 5. Call FND_STAND.SET_WHO procedure in Pre‐Insert and Pre‐Update triggers at Block Level. 6. Save and Compile the Form. 7. Perform all the pre‐requisites to register the form Note: 1. WHO Columns need not register with the table registration option. 2. Table registration will be done only for KFF and DFF columns. 3. For Form development table registrations not required. To Show the Module Form Directory Path 1. In PRE‐FORM Trigger change the module name from FND to specific module short name (i.e. EX, INC, PPR, etc.,). 2. Save and Compile the form. 39 12. NON – FORM FUNCTIONS Non‐form functions (sub functions) are also known as Layout Items. Non‐form functions allow access to a particular subset of form functionality from this menu. Q: How the function security works? Ans: Whenever we select responsibility information, it selects the Responsibility_ID, Menu_ID, Request_Group_ID and Data_Group_ID values. Using MENU_ID identifies Menu information in FND_MENUES. Retrieves all its Menu_ID entries from FND_MENU_ENTRIES. Before displaying the prompt of these entries in the navigator Window application checks whether any functions and sub‐menus excluded for the above responsibility along with the Application_ID in FND_RESP_FUNCTIONS. If any entries found then it suppresses the display of the prompts of functions and sub‐menus in the navigator window. STRUCTURES AP (102) GL (101) R1 (201) M1 (301) RG (302) F1 (401) F1 (401) F1 (401) F1 (401) R2 (202) DG (303) F1 (401) F1 (401) R3 (203) R1 (201) AR (103) R2 (202) R1 (201) 40 Details of the above Structure GL, AR, AP are Application Users information stored in FND_USERS 101, 102, 103 are Application_IDs information stored in FND_APPLICATIONS R1, R2, R3 M1, RG, DG are Responsibilities information stored in FND_RESPONSIBILITY are Responsibility_IDs information stored in FND_RESP_GROUPS are Menus information stored in FND_MENUES 301, 302, 303 are Menu_ID information stored in FND_MENU_ENTRIES F1, F2, F3, M2 information stored in FND_FORM_FUNCTIONS 201, 202, 203 Steps Required For Coding Non‐Form functions 1. Open TEMPLATE.fmb in Form Builder. 2. Perform all the pre‐requisites to develop a Form. 3. Create the PUSH BUTTON in the data Block and change the following properties. Name : BOOK Sub Class : BUTTON Label : BOOK Canvas : Canvas Name 4. Create a Non‐Form Function for this Layout Item in AOL Module. 5. Assign this Non‐Form Function to the Menu leaving the prompt empty. 6. Modify PRE‐FORM Trigger at Form Level. IF FND_FUNCTION.TEST(‘NON_FORM_FUNCTION_NAME’) THEN /* Retrieves Function ID */ APP_ITEM_PROPERTY.SET_PROPERTY(‘EX_ORDERS.BOOK’, ‘ENABLED’,’PROPERTY_ON’); ELSE APP_ITEM_PROPERTY.SET_PROPERTY(‘EX_ORDERS.BOOK’, ‘ENABLED’,’PROPERTY_OFF’); END IF; 7. Save and Compile the Form. 8. Perform all the pre‐requisites to register the form. 41 13. SEARCH METHODS There are two search methods available with APPS Package 1. ROW LOV Type Search Method. 2. FIND WINDOW Type Search Method. To Open a Search Window Go to Menu Bar View Find 1. ROW LOV It is used to search a record based on Primary Key Column. Steps Required to Implement ROW LOV 1. Open Form in Form Builder. 2. Perform all the prerequisites to develop the form 3. Create a user defined Parameter and change the Data Type and width of the column, same as Primary Key Column. 4. Create a LOV using wizard and assign the return value of the LOV to the Parameter. 5. ROW LOV is based on Record Group. 6. SELECT Order_No, Customer FROM Ex_Orders; P_Order_No (Parameter_Name) Look Up Return Item 7. Create QUERY_FIND user defined Trigger at Block Level. Note: LOV Name should be Block_Name_QF Trigger: QUERY_FIND (User Defined Trigger) APPS_FIND.QUERY_FIND(‘LOV’); IF QUERY_FIND IS NOT NULL THEN ‐‐‐‐‐ END IF; IF G_QUERY_FIND := ‘TRUE’ THEN Execute_Query; END IF; 8. Create PRE_QUERY Trigger at Block Level. 42 IF PARAMETER.G_QUERY_FIND = ‘TRUE’ THEN :EX_ORDERS.ORDER_NO := :PARAMETER.P_ORDER_NO; :PARAMETER.G_QUERY_FIND := ‘FALSE’; END IF; Note: In latest versions of Applications Parameter_Query_Find will be implicitly assigned by the compiler after Query Execute. We need not assign it explicitly as FALSE. 10. Save and Compile the form and copy .fmx file in to module specific forms directory. 2. FIND WINDOWS Query Find is used to search the matching records based on value entered in specified fields by the user. It consists of Window, Canvas, Block, Text Items and three default layout Items (i.e. CLEAR, NEW, FIND). QUERY_FIND Consists of WINDOW (Default Name is QUERY_FIND) CANVAS (Default Name is QUERY_FIND) BLOCK (Default Name is QUERY_FIND) KEY_NXTBLK (Block Level trigger) CLEAR (Button Item) Trigger WHEN_BUTTON_PRESSED APP_FIND.FIND (‘Results_Block_Name’); CLEAR (Button Item) Trigger WHEN_BUTTON_PRESSED APP_FIND.CLEAR; CLEAR (Button Item) Trigger WHEN_BUTTON_PRESSED APP_FIND.NEW (‘Results_Block_Name’); Steps Required To Create a FIND WINDOW 43 1 Open TEMPLATE.fmb form in Form Builder. 2 Perform all the prerequisites to develop the form. 3 Open APPSTAND.fmb form in Form Builder. 4 Open QUERY_FIND Object Group from APPSTAND.fmb to TEMPLATE.fmb. 5 Rename QUERY_FIND Window, Canvas and Block names with the name of the Results Block name (i.e. EX_ORDERS) and QF suffix Note: Name of the QUERY_FIND looks like EX_ORDERS_QF. 6 Modify the FIND_BLOCK by adding the Text Items as per the requirement. 7 Modify the coding in KEY‐NXTBLK trigger at Block Level. 8 APP_FIND.FIND (‘Results_Block_Name’); 9 Modify the coding in the WHEN‐BUTTON‐PRESSED Trigger associated with the NEW Button. APP_FIND.FIND (‘Results_Block_Name’); 10 Modify the coding in the WHEN‐BUTTON‐PRESSED Trigger associated with the FIND Button. APP_FIND.FIND (‘Results_Block_Name’); 11 Create QUERY_FIND user defined trigger at Results Block Level. APP_FIND.FIND(‘Results_Window_Name’, ‘Find_Window_Name’, ‘Find_Block_Name’); 12 When we press the FIND button in FIND_WINDOW, it will first evaluates G_QUERY_FIND = ‘TRUE’ then fires PRE‐QUERY Trigger then Fetches the results based on matches then fires POST‐QUERY Trigger. 13 Create PRE‐QUERY Trigger at Results Block Level. IF :PARAMETER.G_QUERY_FIND = ‘TRUE’ THEN COPY(:FIND_BLOCK.ITEM_NAME1, ‘RESULTS_BLOCK,ITEM_NAME1’); COPY(:FIND_BLOCK.ITEM_NAME2, ‘RESULTS_BLOCK,ITEM_NAME2’); COPY(:FIND_BLOCK.ITEM_NAME3, ‘RESULTS_BLOCK,ITEM_NAME3’); APP_FIND.QUERY_FIND (:FIND_BLOCK.START_DATE, :FIND_BLOCK.END_DATE,‘RESULTS_BLOCK.ORDER_DATE’); END IF; 14 Save and Compile the form and copy .fmx file in to module specific forms directory. 15 Perform all the prerequisites to register the form. 44 Note: APP_FIND.QUERY_RANGE (:Query_Find_Block_Name.START_DATE, :Query_Find_Block_Name.END_DATE, ‘Results_Block_Name.Order_Date’); This code is to be written in PRE‐QUERY Trigger at Results Block Level and is used to search the values based on the range of values. Steps Required To Invoke Descriptive Flex Fields (DFF) 1 Create a DFF Table in Module Specific Schema. 2 Create a Public Synonym in APPS Schema. 3 Register the Table with AOL Module. 4 Register DFF with AOL Module. 5 Open TEMPLATE.fmb Form in Form Builder. 6 Perform all the prerequisites to develop the form. 7 Include all the DFF columns in Data Block with NULL Canvas. 8 Create a Text Item in the Data Block and change the following properties. Name SubClass Database Item LOV Validate From List Canvas 9 10 : : : : : : DFF Text_Item_Desc_Felx NO Enable_List_Lamp NO Canvas_Name Create a Package Specification in Program Unit with a DFF Procedure and the name of the package is same as Block Name. PROCEDURE DFF (EVENT IN VARCHAR2); Create Package Body in Program Unit. PROCEDURE DFF (EVENT IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN IF EVENT = ‘WHWN‐NEW‐FORM‐INSTANCE’ THEN FIND_DESCR_FLEX.DEFINE (‘EX_ORDERS’,’DFF’,’EX’,’EXDFF’); ‐‐‐ FIND_DESCR_FLEX.DEFINE (‘Block_Name’,’Item_Name’, ‐‐‐ ‘Application_Short_Name’,’Name_Of_DFF’); END IF; END; 11 Call the DFF procedure in WHWN‐NEW‐FORM‐INSTANCE Trigger at Form Level and passing the event as WHEN‐NEW‐FORM‐INSTANCE. 12 Call FND_FLEX.EVENT in WHEN‐NEW‐ITEM‐INSTANCE Trigger at form level. 45 13 14 Note: FND_FLEX.EVENT is a common Built‐In used to invoke DFF and KFF. Save and Compile the form and copy .fmx file in to module specific forms directory. Perform all the prerequisites to register the form. To Enable the DFF Go to Flex Field Descriptive Segments To see the Enable DFF Go to Forms Click on DFF Button Open the DFF Window with Invoked Fields Steps Required Invoke Key Flex Fields from the Form 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Create a KFF Table in Module Specific Schema. Create a Public Synonym in APPS Schema. Register the Table with AOL Module. Register KFF with AOL Module. Note: When ever we register a KFF, System internally generates a Structure with the same name as Title of the KFF and the Structure_ID. Create the Structure of KFF. Associate Segments to the Structure. Define Value Sets. Assign Value Sets to Segments. Define Values to each Segment based on Value Sets. Open TEMPLATE.fmb Form in Form Builder. Perform all the prerequisites to develop the form. Include all the KFF Columns in Data Block with NULL Canvas. Create a Text Item in the Data Block and change the following properties. Name : KFF SubClass : Text_Item Database Item : NO LOV : Enable_List_Lamp Validate From List : NO Canvas : Canvas_Name Create a Package Specification in Program Unit with a KFF Procedure and the name of the package is same as Block Name. PROCEDURE KFF (EVENT IN VARCHAR2); 46 15 Create Package Body in Program Unit. PROCEDURE KFF (EVENT IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN IF EVENT = ‘WHWN‐NEW‐FORM‐INSTANCE’ THEN FIND_DESCR_FLEX.DEFINE (‘EX_ORDERS’,’KFF’,’EX’, ‘Code_Of_KFF’,’Structure_Code_No’); ‐‐‐ FIND_DESCR_FLEX.DEFINE (‘Block_Name’,’Item_Name’, ‐‐‐ ‘Application_Short_Name’, Code_Of_KFF’,’Structure_Code_No’); END IF; END; 16 Call the KFF procedure in WHWN‐NEW‐FORM‐INSTANCE Trigger at Form Level and passing the event as WHEN‐NEW‐FORM‐INSTANCE. Call FND_FLEX.EVENT in WHEN‐NEW‐ITEM‐INSTANCE Trigger at form level. Note: FND_FLEX.EVENT is a common Built‐In used to invoke DFF and KFF. Save and Compile the form and copy .fmx file in to module specific forms directory. Perform all the prerequisites to register the form. 17 18 19 47 14. PROFILES Profiles are used to determine the behavior of Oracle Application Forms and Programs. The registration information of all the users will be stored in FND_PROFILES_OPTION table. The dictionary of all the Profile Options is maintained by AOL module. To set the values of the Profile Options, we use System Administrator Module. Profile Options are used to pass the values to the variables declared in our forms and programs, by which we can determine the behavior of Oracle Application Forms. Note: There are 5316 types of profiles options are going to come with the package. Each Profile Option has access at 3 levels. 1 User Access Level. 2 Program Access Level. 3 System Administrator Level USER LEVEL: If the Profile is having access at this level any front end login user can change the values of the Profile Options. Main Menu Edit References Profiles PROGRAM LEVEL: If the Profile is having access at Program Level then we can use them in our Programs. SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR LEVEL: If the Profile is having access at this level then we can use Profile Options at the following four sub levels. 1 SITE Level 2 APPLICATION Level 3 RESPONSIBILITY Level 4 USER Level SITE LEVEL: Site is a collection of Modules. A Module is a collection of Responsibilities. Responsibility is assigned to different users. 48 If we set the Profile Options at Site level then these Profile Options get affected to all the Forms and Programs of all the Modules, which are accessed from our site. APPLICATION LEVEL: If we set the Profile Options at this level then the Profile Options get affected to all the forms of a particular module. RESPONSIBILITY LEVEL: If we set the Profile Options at this level then the Profile Options get affected to all the Forms and Programs, which are assigned to a particular Responsibility. USER LEVEL: When we set the Profile Options at this level then the Profile Options get affected to all the Forms and Programs of all the Responsibilities, which are assigned to a particular User. When we set the Profile Options at all the 4 level then 1. User Level will overwrite Responsibility Level 2. Responsibility Level will overwrite the Application Level 3. Application Level will overwrite the Site Level The Built‐In that is used to get the value of the Profile Option is FND_PROFILE.GET, which takes two arguments i.e. Name of the Profile Option and the Output Variable. This Built‐In first searches for the value at User Level and it will get the USER_ID, RESPONSIBILITY_ID and APPLICATION_ID of Form where the Form is called. Site GL R1 R2 Site Level AR R3 User-1 R4 Application Level AP R5 R6 User-2 R7 Responsibility Level User Level 49 When we call the Built‐In, it will first searches at User Level 1 If the value is not found at User Level then it will search at Responsibility Level. 2 If the value is not found at Responsibility Level then it will search at Application Level. 3 If the value is not found at Application level then it will search at Site Level. This is the default level of Profile Option. Q: How to set the values for existing Profile Options? Sys.Admin Security User Define Password Length can be changed by Profile Option. Built‐In to change the length of the password is called SIGNON Password Length. Note: Whenever we set the Profile Option at Site Level, we have to re‐login into Applications. The different Signon Audit Accounts are • • • • Q: NONE USER RESPONSIBILITY and FORM. How to know the WHO the users are currently connected to the Server for Audit Accounts? Sys.Admin Security Monitor FORM Query the Form and Select the Signon Audit Account LOV based on Record Group, Record Group Based on Select Statement. 50 Profiles will be changed on the basis of Profile Options Record Group. Profile P1 P2 P3 Profile Type No LOV Static/Fixed Values Variable Status SQL Validation is not required SQL Validation is required Defined in FND_LOOKUPS Table SQL Validation is required Validation is based on any table. Steps required creating a profile on tables 1. Define a profile. 2. Setting a new profile. 3. Adding code into Forms Trigger. 51 15. CUSTOMIZATION OF FORMS CUSTOM.PLL is used to customize the forms with out modifying the code of Oracle Applications. There is only one CUSTOM.PLL exists for all the Forms in Oracle Applications. CUSTOM.PLL is going to be in use when ever we start Form Server Service. In CUSTOM.PLL we have a Package by name CUSTOM. Under this package we have the built‐ins as ZOOM AVAILABLE, EVENT and STYLE. ZOOM AVAILABLE: is the function which returns a BOOLEAN value (TRUE or FALSE). By default it returns FALSE. If this function is going to return TRUE, the ZOOM Menu Item from the main menu is enabled. The ZOOM menu item is used to call one form from another form. EVENT: is a procedure which is used to handle specific events in which we are going to add our custom code. The main events that we can handle with this procedure are WHEN‐NEW‐FORM‐INSTANCE Trigger WHEN‐NEW‐BLOCK‐INSTANCE Trigger WHEN‐NEW‐RECORD‐INSTANCE Trigger WHEN‐NEW‐ITEM‐INSTANCE Trigger WHEN‐VALIDATE‐RECORD Trigger PRE‐FORM Trigger POST‐FORM Trigger All these triggers, which are created at form level, which are identified with blue colors. Event procedure by default performs NULL. STYLE: is a function. It returns an integer ranging from 1 to 4 1 indicate BEFORE 2 indicate AFTER 3 indicate OVERWRITE 4 indicate STANDARD These are Module Specific events. The built‐ins of CUSTOM.PLL are called by the built‐ins of APPCORE.PLL in all the form level triggers which are going to come with TEMPLATE.fmb form. CUSTOM.PLL (Library Name) CUSTOM (Package Name) EVENT (Procedure Name) Whenever we create or develop a form in applications these are some form level triggers, which will be created, and in all the form level triggers built‐ins of 52 APPCORE.PLL are called. The built‐ins of APPCORE.PLL are going to call the built‐ins of CUSTOM.PLL. Restrictions in CUSTOM.PLL 1. We should not attach and call any built‐ins of APPCORE.PLL in CUSTOM.PLL to avoid recursion. Instead we can use APPCORE2.PLL in CUSTOM.PLL. 2. APPCORE2.PLL is a duplicate of APPCORE.PLL. All the built‐ins of APPCORE2 are suffixed with 2. 3. We can’t use SQL statements directly in CUSTOM.PLL. In order to use SQL statements we can make use of Packages and Procedures. Note: 1. To get the information about current form name in use Go to help in main menu Open Oracle Applications 2. To get the Block Name and Item Name of the current form Go to help in main menu Diagnostic Examine How to Implement ZOOM Availability? 1. First identify calling form and called form details. 2. Open called form in form builder. 3. Create a parameter. 4. Modify WHEN‐NEW‐INSTANCE trigger at form level. IF :Parameter.P_Vendor_Name IS NOT NULL THEN GO_BLOCK(‘VNDR’); DO_KEY(‘EXECUTE_QUERY’): :Parameter.P_Vendor_Name := NULL; ELSE /* Existing Statements */ END IF; 5. Modify PRE‐QUERY trigger at Block level. 6. Save and Compile the form and copy .fmx file in module specific directory. Note: By default ZOOM option in the Menu bar is disabled for all the Forms. 7. Open the CUSTOM.PLL library in Oracle Form Builder. 8. Modify the code in ZOOM_AVAILABLE Function. 53 FORM_NAME := NAME_IN (‘SYSTEM.CURRENT_FORM’); BLOCK_NAME := NAME_IN (‘SYSTEM.CURSOR_BLOCK’); BEGIN IF (FORM_NAME = ‘POXPOEPO’ AND BLOCK_NAME = ‘PO_HEADERS’) THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END IF; 9. Handle ZOOM Event in EVENT Procedure of CUSTOM.PLL. Built‐ins of calling or Opened Form are CALL_FORM, OPEN_FORM and NEW_FORM. FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE (FUNCTION_NAME = ‘ ‘, OPEN_FORM = ‘Y’, SESSION_FLAG = ‘N’, OTHER_PARAMETERS = ‘P_VENDOR_NAME’); 54 16. CONCURRENT PROCESSING (CP) Concurrent Programming is a processing requests simultaneously and producing different results. Different types of programs supported by oracle applications are Oracle Reports, PL/SQL, JAVA, JAVA Concurrent Process, SQL Scripts, SQL * Loader, PRO *C, C, C++, HOST etc. To process all the Concurrent Programs in applications is Application User Concurrent Manager Server. In applications we can run only those programs which are assigned to the Request Group of our Responsibility. To run any Concurrent Program in application we use SRS (Standard Request Submission) Form. Actual executable name of the SRS Form is FNDRSRUN.fmb. We can call this SRS From directly from the main menu or we can create a form function for this form and assign this to our Menu Responsibility. Based on the executable name CP identifies the actual executable name, executable methods and for which module it is assigned. Reports Server stores Oracle Reports Database Server stores JAVA, C, etc. Concurrent Manager Server Stores Pro *C, Pro * Cobol, etc. The information of the Concurrent FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES table. Programs are stored in Columns of this table are Request_ID User Program Executable Arguments Phase Æ Pending, Running, Completed Status Æ Standby, Normal, Errors (or) Normal, Paused, Warnings Normal Whenever we submit a program SRS Form first the request information goes to Internal Concurrent Manager. Internal Concurrent Manager has two components 1. Response Component 2. Identification Component Response component generates a unique Request_ID for each program submitted for SRS form and updates the request information in FND_CONCURRENT_REQUEST table, then forwards the request to Identification component. Identification Component 55 searches for the program in FND_CONCURRENT_REQUEST table and executes output format and output style based on the executable name it identifies the actual executable name, execution method and module name. Based on the module name and executable method application identifies the executable in Module specific directory and maps the parameter values to the executable from FND_CONCURRENT_REQUEST and updates the program information in FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES. Once the process is completed it generates the .log and .out files in module specific directory. Note: In Forms Form Functions are used to pass the parameters at run time, where as in reports programs are used to set the different output formats. Steps Required for Registering a Simple Report 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Create a Report using Report Builder. Compile and copy .RDF file in module specific directory. Register the executable with System Administrator Module. Define the Concurrent Program. Assign the executable to Concurrent Program. Assign the Concurrent Program to Request Group. Assign the Request Group to the Responsibility. Assign the Responsibility to the User. FND_EXECUTABLES Table captures the information of all the executables, which are registered. FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS Table stores the information of Concurrent Programs. Q: How to Run the Report from Oracle Applications? Ans: Open VIEW in main menu Requests Submit a request by pressing the button Q: What are the different types of parameters available in Reports? Ans: There are two types of parameters 1. BIND PARAMETERS 2. LEXICAL PARAMETERS. The parameters, which we create at design time, are called Actual Parameters. The parameters defined at concurrent program level are called Formal Parameters. Validation of a parameter is to be done to the formal parameters. 56 Registering Parametric Reports 1. Create a Report using Report Builder with parameters. 2. Compile and copy .RDF file in module specific directory. 3. Register the executable with System Administrator Module. 4. Define the Value set to validate the parameters. 5. Define the Concurrent Program. 6. Assign the executable to Concurrent Program. 7. Define Parameters. 8. Assign Value Set to the Parameters. 9. Assign bind parameter of yours to the TOKEN. Note: Token is used to map bind parameters with the formal parameters of the Concurrent Program. 10. Assign the Concurrent Program to Request Group. 11. Assign the Request Group to the Responsibility. 12. Assign the Responsibility to the User. To reference the values of Prior Parameters of a particular program into the values of other parameter is based on the Value Set. The value of the 1st parameter is to be referenced in where clause of the 2nd Parameter. WHERE Deptno = :$FLEX$.First_Parameter Note: 1. To call SRS Form from our own Menu register SRS Form (FNDRSRUN) in our Module. 2. We can assign only one Request Group for a Responsibility. 3. We can call the programs of multiple Request Groups from a Request Group. 4. For each Request Group we can create a function. To run the programs of the Request Group from the Responsibility it is not compulsory to assign the Request Group to the Responsibility. We can also assign a Form function to the Menu it is defined on FNDRSRUN with Request Group code, Request Group application short name and Title as parameters. 57 17. FLEX FIELD FEPORTS USER EXITS: These are the 3rd party programs (i.e. Java, Pro * C, etc.) that we can link with our reports to perform a particular task. We can link 3rd party programs with our reports with SRW.USER_EXIT(‘Name_of_the_User_Exit’). We can reference the input parameters in user exits with SRW.REFERENCE(:input_parameters). FND SRWINIT: This User Exit is used to initialize the report in the memory. FND SRWEXIT: program. This User Exit is used to release the memory occupied by the FND FLEXSQL: This User Exit is used to tailor the SELECT statement which returns a string. It is a concatenation of the Segment columns of a particular structure. Parameters: Application Short Name: “SQLGL” Code: “GL#” Number: “P_STRUCTURE_ID” Output: “P_FLEXDATA” Note: Bind Parameters can be mapped with only one column where as Lexical Parameters is a placeholder column which can be used to substitute string in the parameter. Example: SELECT P_FlexData CflexData,Journal_Name,…,…, FROM KFF, TRANS WHERE KFF.CCID = TRANS.CCID AND STRUCT_ID = :P_STRUCT_ID; FND FLEXID_VAR: is user to retrieve Value_Set_IDs of all the Segments based on a parameter Structure and also retrieves values and descriptions based on Value_IDs and Value_Set_IDs. Application Short Name : “SQLGL” Code : “GL#” Number : “P_STRUCTURE_ID” Data : “C_FLEXDATA” Description : “:C_DESC” It concatenates the Value Set IDs of Segments. 58 Steps Required to create a Simple Flex Field Report 1. Open the Report in Report Builder. 2. Create User defined parameters as per our requirement. Name Data Width Initial Notes Type Value F_CONC_REQUEST_ID Number 15 0 Always Create P_FLEXDATA Character 600 Long Cumulative width more String than expected width required to hold the data (i.e. concatenated value of Segments 1..n) P_STRUCT_NUM Character 15 101 Contains Structure Number 3. Call FND SRWINIT User Exit in Before Report Trigger. BEGIN SRW.USER_EXIT (‘FND SRWINIT’); RETURN (TRUE); END; 4. Call FND SRWEXIT User Exit in After Report trigger. BEGIN SRW.USER_EXIT (‘FND SRWEXIT’); RETURN (TRUE); END; 5. Call FND FLEXSQL User Exit in Before Report Trigger. BEGIN SRW.USER_EXIT (‘FND SRWEXIT’); BEGIN SRW.REFERENCE (‘:P_STRUCT_NUM’); SRW.USER_EXIT (‘FND FLEXSQL APPL_SHORT_NAME = “SQLGL” CODE = “GL#” NUM = “:P_STRUCT_NUM” OUTPUT = “:P_FLEXDATA” MODE = “SELECT” DISPLAY = “ALL” ‘); END; RETURN (TRUE); 59 END; Note: When we are calling multiple user exits in a trigger we should call these User Exits in separate Blocks (i.e. BEGIN .. END). 6. Create a report query in the Data Model. SELECT &P_FLEXDATA C_FLEXDATA FROM GL_CODE_COMBINATION WHERE CHART_OF_ACCOUNT_ID = &P_STRUCT_NUM; 7. 8. Create two Formula Columns C_VALUE and C_DESC_ALL. Call FND FLEXIDVAL in the PL/SQL formula of C‐VALUE to reference Value Code Combination. To retrieve the concatenated flexfield segment values and description you incorporate the AOL user exits in these columns BEGIN SRW.REFERENCE (‘:C_FLEXDATA’); SRW.FND (:P_STRUCT_NUM); SRW.USER_EXIT (‘FND FLEX_ID_VAL APPL_SHORT_NAME = “SQLGL” CODE = “GL#” NUM = “:P_STRUCT_NUM” OUTPUT = “:P_FLEXDATA” VALUE = “:C_VALUE” DISPLAY = “ALL” ‘); RETURN (:C_VALUE); END; 9. Call FND FLEXIDVAL in the PL/SQL formula of C_DESC_ALL to retrieve Description Code Combination. BEGIN SRW.REFERENCE (‘:C_FLEXDATA’); SRW.FND (:P_STRUCT_NUM); SRW.USER_EXIT (‘FND FLEX_ID_VAL APPL_SHORT_NAME = “SQLGL” CODE = “GL#” NUM = “:P_STRUCT_NUM” OUTPUT = “:P_FLEXDATA” DESCRIPTION = “:C_DESC_ALL” DISPLAY = “ALL” ‘); RETURN (:C_DESC_ALL); END; 60 10. Run the report with default Layout. 11. Compile and copy .RDF in module specific directory. 12. Perform all the pre‐requisites to register the report. System Administrator Concurrent Program Executable Note: All the FND Tables are stored in Application Object Library (AOL). 61 18. QUALIFIERS Qualifiers are used to identify the Segments with specific Property and the value of the Segments while designing the reports. Qualifiers are classified in to two categories. 1. Flex Field Qualifiers (FFQs) 2. Segment Qualifiers (SQs) Flex Field Qualifiers (FFQs): are used to assign a specific property to the Segment Qualifier. These are based on Key Flex Fields (KFF). FFQs are varry from one KFF to another KFF and it is not compulsory that all the KFF should have FFQs. Segment Qualifiers (SQs): are used to assign a specific property to the value of a Segment. SQs is based on FFQs and it is not compulsory that all the FFQs should have SQs. Note: You must define Flexfield Qualifier before you define Segment Qualifier. For example according to Accounting Flex Fields 1. Balancing Segment Property (User Name) GL_BALANCING (Actual Name) a. Global Flexfield Qualifier: applies to all segments. b. Unique Flexfield Qualifier: applies to only one Segment. c. Required Flexfield Qualifier: applies to at least one Segment. Write Code before Execution of the Report FND FLEXSQL APPL_SHORT_NAME = “SQLGL” CODE = “GL#” NUM = “P_STRUCT_NUM” OUTPUT = “:P_COMPANY” MODE = “SELECT” DISPLAY = “GL_BALANCING” 2. Natural Accounting Segment Property (User Name) GL_ACCOUNT (Actual Name) a. Global Flexfield Qualifier b. Unique Flexfield Qualifier c. Required Flexfield Qualifier 62 Write Code before Execution of the Report FND FLEXSQL APPL_SHORT_NAME = “SQLGL” CODE = “GL#” NUM = “P_STRUCT_NUM” OUTPUT = “:P_ACCOUNT” MODE = “SELECT” DISPLAY = “GL_ACCOUNT” 3. Cost Center Segment Property (User Name) GL_COST_CENTER (Actual Name) a. This is not Unique and is not compulsory 19. INTERFACES Interfaces are the Tables, which are act as a medium to transfer the data from one module to another module or to transfer the data from legacy system into Oracle Applications. There are 352 tables provided by the Oracle Package. Each module is having its own Interface Tables. Interfacing: It is the process of converting the records from one format to another format. The main components of this interfacing are • Transfer Program • Interface Table and • Import Program Transfer Program: If the source modules data are implemented in Oracle Applications then the Transfer Programs are going to come with the Package. If the source modules are implemented in external system (i.e. other than Oracle Applications) then we have to develop our own Transfer Programs. Generally these Transfer Programs are developed using PL/SQL, JAVA or SQL Loader. The Logic of the Transfer Programs is • It maps the columns of source table with the columns of Interface Tables. • It performs Row Level and Column Level validations. • It transfers the data from Source to the Interface Table. 63 Interface Tables: The columns of these tables are classified into 4 types. 1. Mandatory Columns. 2. Conditionally Required Columns. 3. Optional Columns. 4. Internal Processing Columns. Mandatory Columns: These are the Normal columns in the Interface Tables. These are the main columns which are required in the destination tables (i.e. Oracle Application Module Tables). Note: With the help of mandatory columns only the Import Program will converts the records from source to destination. Conditionally Required Columns: The values for these columns are based on the values of Mandatory columns. Example: When we are converting foreign currency transactions to INR then it as compulsory to provide conditionally required columns like Currency conversion rate, Conversion Time and Conversion Date. Optional Columns: These are used when a client wanted to transfer some additional information from source to destination. These are based on client’s requirement. Internal Processing Columns: Status and Error Message columns are called Internal Processing Columns. These are specific only to Interface Table. These columns are going to be used by the Import Program to update the status and error message, if the record fails its validation while importing from Interface Table to the Destination Table. Import Program: For all Interface Tables, Oracle Application Package is going to provide Import Programs. These are generally registered with destination modules. These Import Programs are designed using PL/SQL, JAVA, C, C++, etc. The logic of the Import Program is • It maps the columns of the Interface Table with one or more columns in the destination table. 64 Q: • It performs row level and column level validation. • It imports the data from Interface Table to the Destination tables, if the records validated successfully. • It deletes all the successfully validated records from Interface Table. • If the record fails its validation then the Import Program will update the status and error message columns of Interface Table. What is the difference between Interface and Application Program Interface (API)? Ans: Interfaces are used to transfer the data from legacy system to Oracle Application system where as API is used to convert the data from one form to another form with in the Oracle Application Module. Example: AR Transfer Program 1 Import Program AP GL Transfer Program Daily Transactions Transfer Program PO Journal Transfer Program FA Interface Table Weekly Transactions Ledger Legacy Transfer Program Balance 65 Scenario‐1: Interface Tables are provided and the integrating modules are implemented in Oracle Applications. In this scenario the package itself is going to provide a separate transfer program for each integrating module. See figure for details. Indent: is specifies the details like, the list of materials required, how much quantity is required, when the material is required and quality of the items. AP Interface GL Scenario‐2: Interface Tables are provided and the integrated modules are implemented in external system with the same database as Oracle Applications. In this scenario front end is different and database is same. Take for example there are 40 columns according to transaction table of client out of which 23 are mandatory columns and 17 are optional columns. But as per applications interface table is having 20 mandatory columns. While transferring the data from existing system to applications we have to search for matching columns in transaction table with the interface mandatory columns. Matching columns may be of mandatory or optional columns of transaction table of client. Assume that there are 17 columns are found matching columns out of 20 mandatory columns. If we want to insert the record into interface table we need 20 mandatory columns compulsorily. In this example since there are 17 matching columns out of 20 columns we have to provide default values to the non‐matching (i.e. 3) columns with the authentication of the client. If the client is having mandatory columns of his own, which are not mandatory in interface table, then we map those columns with the optional columns of interface table. Logic of the Transfer Program in this scenario 1. Create the database links between the two databases. 2. Search for the matching columns of the interface table with source tables or external tables. 3. Provide default values for the mandatory columns of interface table for the columns where the matching columns are not found in source table. 4. Perform row level and column level validations. 5. Incase if the client’s requirement is to transfer all the mandatory columns of the source to the destination, we can map the remaining mandatory columns of the client are going to be mapped with optional columns of the interface table. 6. Create a PL/SQL procedure and map the columns of Interface Table columns. 7. Transfer the data from source table to the Interface Table. 66 Scenario–3: Interface Tables are provided and the integrating modules are implemented in external system with different database (i.e. Sybase, DB2, SQL Server, etc.). In this scenario we have to convert the data into flat file (i.e. .dat). Then we write the transfer program using PL/SQL script. Scenario-3: Transfer the Data from Legacy System to Oracle Apps. SYBASE DB2 SQL SERVER INTERFACE TABLE Using PL/SQL Transfer Data To Flat File Import Program Temp. Table Load SQL Data To Loader Load Data To UTL FILE Oracle Applications Database Convert Data To Convert Data Using PL/SQL GL_DAILY_RATES_INTEAFACE Table is used to store the conversion rates on daily basis. It consists of the following fields From_ To_ Currency currency USD ASD INR INR From_ Conversion_ Date 01‐SEP‐2006 01‐SEP‐2006 To_ Conversion_ Date 30‐SEP‐2006 15‐Sep‐2006 User_ Conversion_ Type Corporate Spot Conversion_ Mode_ Flag Rate 44 28 I I This Interface table consists of Database Trigger, which fires the input program whenever we insert the record in this. This will create no of records into GL_DAILY_RATES Table of GL module based on the From_Conversion_Date and To_Conversion_Date period. Example: In the above table there are 30 days in the first record. This DB Trigger updates total 60 records in GL_DAILY_RATES i.e. 30 records for conversion from USD to INR and 30 records for conversion from INR to USD. 67 Validations Required according to this interface table are 1. From currency should exists in GL_CURRENCY Table and it should be active. 2. To currency should also exists in GL_CURRENCY Table and it should be active. 3. From Conversion Date: All date validations applied for this date. 4. To Conversion Date: Same validations required as from currency but it should be greater or equal to From Conversion Date. 5. Conversion Type: This conversion type should exist in GL_CONVERSION_TYPE. 6. Conversion Rate: It should be a number. 7. Mode Flag: It is the status column in GL_DAILY_RATES interface table. I stand for Insert U stands for Update D stands for Duplicate. Note: From Currency, To Currency and Conversion Type are Case sensitive. Steps required for transferring data from legacy system to oracle applications 1. Create daily.dat flat file and save it in server directory D:\Oracle\Visdb\plsql\temp (this is the default directory for UTL script files. To know the path of this directory open the initvis.ora file. From_ Currency To_ currency USD ASD INR INR From_ Conversion_ Date 01‐SEP‐2006 01‐SEP‐2006 To_ Conversion_ Date 30‐SEP‐2006 15‐Sep‐2006 User_ Conversion_ Type Corporate Spot Conversion_ Rate Mode_ Flag 44 28 I I 2. Create Transfer program using SQL and PL/SQL to upload data from flat file to the Interface Table. Write the code at SQL * PLUS prompt (i.e. SQL>) DECLARE Fp UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE; F_Curr Varchar2 (10); T_Curr Varchar2 (10); F_Date Date; T_Date Date; C_Type Varchar2 (9); C_Rate Varchar2 (2); M_Flag Varchar2 (1); My_Line Varchar2 (100); BEGIN Fp:=UTL_FILE.FOPEN (‘D:\Oracle\Visdb\9.2.0\plsql\temp’,’daily.dat’,’r’); UTL_FILE.GET.LINE(Fp,My_Line); 68 LOOP UTL_FILE.GET.LINE(Fp,My_Line); F_Curr := SUBSTR(My_Line,1,3); T_Curr := SUBSTR(My_Line,1,3); F_Date := SUBSTR(My_Line,1,3); T_Date := SUBSTR(My_Line,1,3); C_type := TRIM(SUBSTR(My_Line,1,3)); C_Rate := SUBSTR(My_Line,1,3); M_Flag:= SUBSTR(My_Line,1,3); INSERT INTO GL.GL_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE( FROM_CURRENCY, TO_CURRENCY, FROM_CONVERSION_RATE, TO_CONVERSION_RATE, USER_CONVERSION_RATE, CONVERSION_DATE, M_FLAG) VALUES (F_Curr, T_Curr, F_Date, T_Date, C_type, C_Rate , M_Flag); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN TL_FILE.FCLOSE (FP); MESSAGE (‘END OF THE FILE’); END; 20. BISINESS COMPONENTS The main components that are required to any business transaction are DATE, CURRENCY, ACCOUNTS and ENTITIES. DATES: To validate these date components we need to define calendar based on period type. This period type is to specify how many number of periods required for maintaining the balances of the organization (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.). This period types are stored in GL_PERIOD_TYPES table. Based on these period types we define calendars. These calendars information is stored in GL_CALENDARS table. For each calendar we define periods depending upon the number of periods assigned to period types. This period’s information is stored in GL_PERIODS table. By default the status of all these periods is closed. This period statuses are stored in GL_PERIOD_STATUSES table. ACCOUNTS: To define accounting structure in General Ledger or in Finance Module we use Flexfield Structures. The structures defined using accounting KFF are called as Chart Of Accounts. Chart Of Accounts ID uniquely identifies each Structure. ENTITIES: entity is nothing but a module. Supplier Entity (AP), Customer Entity (AR), Employee Entity (HR), etc., are some examples. 69 CURRENCY: There are 200 types of currencies come with the package. All the currency information will be stored in GL_CURRENCIES table. The currency, which is assigned to our Set Of Books, is called Functional Currency and the remaining all the currencies are called as Foreign Currencies. There are 3 types of currencies 1. Functional Currency 2. Foreign Currency 3. Static Currency Functional Currency: in which we are going to maintain the balances. Foreign Currency: All the currencies other than functional currencies are called foreign currency. Statistical Currency: This is used to record the usage factor for various measurement units. Example: If 3 departments are going to share the same premises and rent for the premises is 20000. This 20000 has been shared proportionally to all the departments depending up on their usage factor. CHART OF ACCOUNTS: is the structure defined on accounting Key Flex Field. SET OF BOOKS (SOB): These are used to secure a Journals Transactions of a particular company and are a collection of components Calendar, Currency and Chart Of Accounts. Assign these SOB to a responsibility to the GL_RESPONSIBILITY using GL_SET_OF_BOOKS profile option. When we open the Journal from the responsibility the default status of this period is closed. To record a transaction from our responsibility we have to open the periods. Depending upon the first opening period system assigns never open status to its prior period and future entry status period to next periods depending upon the number of future period sets in our Sets Of Books. Period Status Never Open Open Closed Future Entry Permanently Closed Journal Entry NO YES NO YES YES Journal Posting NO YES NO NO NO Inquiries/ Reports NO YES YES NO YES Set Of Books information stored in GL_DETS_OF_BOOKS table. Its Set_of_Books_ID uniquely identifies each set of book. 70 Q: How do we can find the Set Of Books, Flex Fields, Open/Close Periods, Category and Sources? In AOL Module In AOL Module Setup Setup Financials Flex Fields Books Define Define In AOL Module In AOL Module Setup Setup Journal Open Close Latest Open Periods Category In AOL Module Setup Journal Sources GL_INTERFACE: It is used to convert the transactions of sub‐ledger into Journals. Validations required for GL_INTERFACE table are 1. STATUS: should be always new when we are transferring the data from sub‐ ledger to the status of general ledger. Import program changes the status to hold if the record is not validated successfully. The status should be in sentence case. 2. SET_OF_BOOKS_ID: this should exist in GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS table. DECLARE CHK VARCHAR2 (1); BEGIN SELECT ʹXʹ INTO CHK FROM APPS.GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS WHERE SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = &SOB_ID; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (ʹTHIS SOB_ID VALID YOU CAN PROCEEDʹ); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (ʹTHIS SOB_ID IS NOT VALIDʹ); END; / 3. ACCOUNTING_DATE: is the date when exactly we can post the journals. Tables required to validate the accounting date are GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS, GL_PERIOD_TYPES, GL_PERIOD_SETS, GL_PERIODS and GL_PERIOD_STATUSES. 4. CURRENCY_CODE: This code should be same as the currency assigned to the Sets o f Books. This code should exist in GL_CURRENCY table. If the currency 71 code is different from Sets of Books then it is mandatory for us to provide values for the conditional columns like USER_CURRENCY, USER_TYPE, CURRENCY_CONCERSION_RATE and CURRENCY_CONVERSION_DATE. Note: 5. DATE_CREDITED: is the transaction date or Journal date. This date should be in open or future entry periods. The tables affected for this same as accounting date. Here we have to give the condition for open and future periods. Date should be between starting date of latest open period and ending date of future entry period. 6. CREATED_BY: This is front‐end login USER_ID should exist in FND_USER table and this user should also have the responsibility to record the Journals. 7. ACTUAL_FLAG: in general ledger we are going to maintain 3 types of balances. a. Actual Balances (flag is A) b. Budget Balances (flag is B) c. Encumbrance Balances (flag is E) To update actual balances the general has to be created as actual journal. Budget journals are going to affect budget balances. Encumbrance journals are going to affect encumbrance balances. 8. USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME: it is used to describe the purpose of the journal entry. This category is going to be stored in GL_JE_CATEGORIES. 9. USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME: it is used to store the origin of the journal entry. This source is stored in GL_JE_SOURCES. 10. BUDGET_VERSION_ID: This column is required when we are going to record Budget Journals. This information is stored in GL_BUDGET_ENTITIES. 11. ENCUBRANCE_TYPE_ID: This is required when we are going to required Encumbrance Journals. 12. SEGMENT_COLUMNS: We have to provide the values for the segment columns depending upon howmany number of segment columns associated with the Chart_Of_Accounts_ID or Structure_ID associated with our Set_Of_Books. The tables used to validate the segments are FND_ID_FLEXES, FND_ID_FLEXE_STRUCTURES, FND_ID_FLEXE_SEGMENTS, FND_ID_FLEXE_VALUE_SETS, FND_ID_FLEXE_VALUES, FND_ID_FLEXE_VALUE_TL. 72 13. ENTER_DR and ENTER_CR: Columns are used to enter the debit amount ar Credit amount. Sample Code Required to Upload the Data from Legacy System LOADDATA INFILE * INTO TABLE GL.GL_INTERFACE FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY ‘ “ ‘ (STATUS, SET_OF_BOOKS_ID, ACCOUNTING_DATE, CURRENCY_CODE, DATE_CREATED, ACTUAL_FLAG, USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME, USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME, SEGMENT1, SEGMENT2, SEGMENT3, SEGMENT4, SEGMENT5, ENTER_DR, ENTER_CR) BEGINDATA ‐ ‐ Record‐1 “new”, 1, ”25‐MAY‐2001”, ”USD”, ”25‐MAY‐2001”, 1001239,”A”,”Sales Invoice”, “Receivables”, 03, 110, 1570, 0000, 110, 1947, “” ‐ ‐ Record‐2 “new”, 1, ”25‐MAY‐2001”, ”USD”, ”25‐MAY‐2001”, 1001239,”A”,”Sales Invoice”, “Receivables”, 03, 110, 6160, 1100, 120, “”, 1947 Save the above code with Oracle\visdb\8.1.6\bin at server end. the file name GLINT.CTL in the path Then run the following command at command prompt at Server end to upload the data into various database tables. SQLLDR APPS/APPS@VIS control=glint.ctl Journals are going to be maintained in 3 levels 1. Batches: is a collection of Headers. This information will be stored in GL_JE_BATCHES table. 2. Headers: is a collection of Lines. Headers are based on Category and Currency. This information will be stored in GL_JE_HEADERS table. 3. Lines: This information will be stored in GL_JE_LINES table. 73 21. MULTI ORGANIZATION The ability to define multiple organizations and the relationships among them within a single installation of Oracle Applications is called multi organization. Multi Organization is the future used to store the data of multiple organizations in a single Database. Structure of Multi Organization Tata Groups Trucks TM TCS TTS TS SOB1 SOB2 SOB3 SOB4 Cars Develop Consulting CARS_AR TRUCKS_AR GL: Set Of Books Name (SOB1) MO: Operation Units (Cars) HR: Business Group (Tata Group) GL: Set Of Books Name (SOB1) MO: Operation Units (Cars) HR: Business Group (Tata Group) Training Nth Org 74 The main components of the multi organization are 1) Business Group (BG) 2) Legacy Entity 3) Set Of Books (SOB) 4) Operating Units or Divisions 5) Organizations Business Group (BG): The business group represents the highest level in the organization structure, such as the consolidated enterprise, a major division, or an Operation Company. A BG is used to secure human resources information like generation of employee numbers, generation of applicants, position flex fields, Job flex fields, Grade Flex field, Fiscal year, etc. Legacy Entity: It is a legal business, which is going to have its own legislation code or tax registration number. At this level we are going to prepare all our financial statements. Set Of Books (SOB): A SOB is a collection of Currency, Calendar and Chart of Accounts (COA). Oracle General Ledger is used to secure Journal transactions (such as journal entries and balances) of a company by set of books. For each organization of the Business Group we need to define a set of Book. Operation Unit: An operating unit is a division or a Business unit of the legal entity. At this level we are going to maintain the information of sub‐ledgers. We are going to maintain the ledgers at Legal Entity level. Receivable, Payables, Assets, etc. are comes under Operation Unit level. Organization: The different types of organizations are Inventory Organization, Asset Organization, Human Resource Organization, etc. These organizations are going to be maintained at operating unit level. Note: In case if we are working with single organization we can define an entity as a Business Group, Legal Entity, Operating Unit and Organizations. The individual Accounts (i.e. Application Receivables) of an organization (i.e. Tata Motors) of multi organization (Tata Group) are identified by First by Module then Responsibility then Profile Option then Set of Books 75 In the above example: Module Responsibility Profile Option Set Of Books GL TM_GL GL_Set_Of_Books SOB1 GL TCS_GL GL_Set_Of_Books SOB2 GL TTS_GL GL_Set_Of_Books SOB3 GL TS_GL GL_Set_Of_Books SOB4 GL …. GL_Set_Of_Books …. GL Nth_GL GL_Set_Of_Books SOBn Data will be secured for every organization by using Set Of Books ID. The following are the tables are going to be effected for all the Organizations of multi organization. GL_JE_BATCHES GL_JE_HEADERS GL_JE_LINES To record the sales transactions of all the organizations will be stored in the AR_TRANSACTION_ALL table. Extra columns required to identify the individual sales transactions are Set_Of_Books_ID, Org_ID (Operating Unit) and Organization_ID (Business Group). 76 22. ALERTS Oracle Alert facilitates the flow of information within your organization by letting you create entities called alerts. Oracle Alert will send messages or perform predefined actions in an action set when important events occur. Alert is a mechanism that checks your database for a specific exception condition. Alerts are used to monitor your business information and to notify you of the information you want. There are two types of Alerts 1. An event alert 2. A periodic alert. An event alerts: Event alerts immediately notifies the activity (i.e. an insert or an update to a table) in the database as it happens/ occurs. To create an event alert, you perform the following tasks in the order listed: • Define the database events that will trigger your alert • Specify the details for your alert • Define actions for your alert • Create action sets containing the actions you want your alert to perform Example of an event alert: Select statement that reports the creation of new users: SELECT user_name, :MAILID INTO &NEWUSER, &USER FROM fnd_user WHERE rowid = :ROWID; A periodic alerts: Periodic alerts periodically report key information according to a schedule you define. For example, you can define a periodic alert for Oracle Purchasing that sends a message to the Purchasing Manager listing the number of approved requisition lines that each purchasing agent placed on purchase orders. You can define this alert to run weekly, and provide performance measurement on a consistent and timely basis. To create a periodic alert, you perform the following tasks in the order listed: • Define your periodic alert and specify its frequency • Specify the details for your alert • Define actions for your alert • Create action sets containing the actions you want your alert to perform 77 Example of a periodic alert: Select statement that looks for users who have not changed their passwords within the number of days specified by the value in :THRESHOLD_DAYS.: SELECT user_name, password_date, :THRESHOLD_DAYS INTO &USER, &LASTDATE, &NUMDAYS FROM fnd_user WHERE sysdate = NVL(password_date, sysdate) + :THRESHOLD_DAYS ORDER BY user_name; Alert Action: An action you want your alert to perform. An alert action can depend on the output from the alert. An action can include sending an electronic mail message to a mail ID, running an Oracle Applications program, running a program or script from your operating system, or running a SQL script to modify information in your database. You can have more than one action for an alert, and an action can incorporate the output of the alert. Action Set: A sequence of alert actions that are enabled for a particular alert. You can assign a sequence number to each action you include in an action set to specify the order in which the actions are performed. 78 79 Message: This action is used to send a message to application user email_id using Electronic mail server. Concurrent Program: Using this action we can run any concurrent program, which is registered in oracle applications when an exception is raised. SQL Statement Script: This option is used to run the SQL statements when an exception is raised. OS Script: This option is used to run a Shell Script or Batch file when an exception is raised. Responsibility is used to define the Alerts are Alerts Manager in production services. Alerts Manager Vision Enterprises in vision database. Note: History table is used to store the exceptions raised and actions taken by alerts information. Alert (i.e. whether the alert is fired or not) status is found in Alerts History option. Details: Validates of the entire details summary. Any one of the conditions is satisfied is enough to raise an exception. Action Sets: is the collection of actions. This option calls the actions when an exception is raised. Note: Vision Applications comes under Operating Unit Oracle ID is APPS and Operation Unit is VISION 80 23. DISCOVERER Oracle Discoverer is a decision support product that enables you to perform ad hoc queries on a database, analyze and format the results of the query, prepare the results for presentation, and manage data in a way that is meaningful for your business situation. It separates the more difficult database administration tasks from the simpler querying and reporting tasks so that analysts, managers, and other information workers can easily get their work done without having to know about either databases or SQL. Oracle Discoverer has three parts: 1. Administration Edition ‐ enables you to create a layer of metadata, called the End User Layer that hides the complexity of the database from users and reflects the business areas specific to your company data. 2. Discoverer Plus ‐ enables you to easily query a database, save query results in workbooks, analyze the results, and format a report. 3. Discoverer Viewer ‐ enables you to view workbooks created in Discoverer Plus using nothing more than a web browser. Business Intelligence: is software it is going to give solutions, Business Solutions and predict future trends. Discoverer: is one of the business intelligence tool used to answer business queries by creating ad‐hoc queries with out depending on IT specialists (i.e. Developers). The other Business Intelligence tools are Cagnos, Informatica, etc. Different Databases Static Databases Reporting Tools Oracle Discoverer SQL Server DB2 Data Warehousing Cagnoes Informedia SEIBEL 81 The main tools of discoverer are 1. Discoverer Administrator 2. Discoverer Desktop 3. Discoverer Viewer 4. Discoverer Plus From release 11.5.9 onwards discoverer is fully integrated with application server. All the above tools are based on end user layer. End User Layer: is a Meta Data (i.e. Data about data) or a logical database, which is used to hide the complexicity of the database. End user layer can be defined on database users or non‐database users. Non‐database users are also called as application users. One database or application user can have only one end user layer. End user layer defined on end user can also give grant access to other database users. An end user layer is a collection of one or more business areas. Discoverer Administrator: functions are • Gathers the requirements of end user • Creates end user layer • Creates Business Area • Load Data in to Business Area • Give Control access to Business Area • Creates Joins and Conditions • Send to Users Business Area: is a logical group of tables and views of a particular end user layer. B.A is a collection of folders. A folder is a table loaded fro m the database. Folder is a collection of items. Each item represents a column in the table. We can also define special items for calculation purpose. Discoverer Desktop: This tool is going to be used by the end user in standalone machine. It is used to access end user layers. Using desktop we can create worksheets. We can analyze the data. We can create charts (Graphs). Discoverer Viewer: This tool is going to access the end user layer at client site on the Web in HTML format only. Using this tool we can analyze the data and create graphs. Discoverer plus: is used to access end user layer on the Web in applet format. Using this tool we can create work sheets, analyze data and create charts.