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2018, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/KV7J6 / Durreesamin Journal (ISSN: 2204-9827) December Vol 4 Issue 3, Year 2018…
7 pages
1 file
This article paper has been published through Durreesamin Journal as a series of my Environmental Advocacy & Conservation Personal Journal & Reflections compositions for the subject course at the University of the Philippines. The construction is one of the most intensive industrial practices and businesses in the world, and that is true, and I do have no arguments in such a way that Construction within the community is a must for country’s socio-cultural development, economic aspects, and market values.
Societal interest and alarm in Malaysia is growing due to the substantial environmental impacts caused by considerable amounts of construction waste and energy consumption. Malaysian citizens are becoming increasingly concerned about how these impacts will affect their local communities and therefore are ever more attentive to the construction industry’s efforts to reduce waste and energy consumption. The aim of the present study is to measure the current status of the pro-environmental practices among construction industry practitioners. Data for the study came from a sample of 375 practitioners in Malaysia’s construction sector. Descriptive analysis was used for data analysis. The result indicates that overall in Malaysia, construction industry practitioners notice and implement pro-environmental practices in their construction projects at an acceptable level, yet, the results also demonstrate that some proenvironmental practices receive less attention; such as complying with industry codes of practice and considering suitable site development for the project. Findings from this study will be valuable in understanding the environmental practices that need more attention from policy makers.
International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 2016
There has been an increasing concern over the impacts of construction activity on the environment and measures haven been put into practice to mitigate them. These measures include legal frameworks, cultural, technological and managerial processes. The construction industry is under severe pressure in order to adopt environmentally friendly approaches and environmental responsibility is nowadays seen as a competitive advantage. However, implementing environmental management systems within construction organisations is not without significant constraints. Construction sustainability has therefore been a major dilemma for the construction industry. This paper reports initial findings of a larger research project on the implementation of sustainable construction in Mozambique. The paper presents and discusses the most important challenges and opportunities facing construction organisations in implementing environmental management systems in Mozambique. The data were collected through a case study of a construction project conducted from the client's perspective. Construction organisations must devise robust and innovative environmental management strategies in order to comply with the sustainability requirements and take advantages of the opportunities arising from the implementation of such practices.
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2015
Giant) strides) have) been) taken) in) developed) countries) towards) the) achievement) of) sustainable) development) goals.) This) has) been) pursued) largely) through) the) establishment) of) relevant) policies) and) regulations) and) that) significantly) require) the) construction)industry's)role.)Environmental)sustainability)is)foundational)as)far)as)the) pursuit) of) sustainable) development) is) concerned.) However,) in) developing) countries,) construction)organizations)are)yet)to)be)enabled)to)adapt)to)Environmental)Sustainable) Construction.)How)can)these)organizations)be)enabled)to)adapt)to)ESC?)The)aim)of)this) paper) is) to) find) out) enablers) of) construction) organizations') adaptation) to) ESC) in) developing)countries.)A)review)of)literature)on)the)enablers)of)sustainability)within)the) construction) industry) has) be) conducted) and) the) need) to) identify) enablers) within) the) context) of) developing) countries) have) been) revealed.) A) content) analysis) of) qualitative) data) obtained) from) an) averagely) 1½) hour) inOdepth) interview) of) 13) construction) organizations)has)been)used)to)develop)a)relational)model)outlining)primary)elements) required) to) enable) commencement) of) regularization) of) ESC) practices.) On) this) basis,) a) conceptual) framework) explaining) different) time) zones) required) for) regularizing) ESC,) has) been) developed.) Thus,) a) clear) direction) towards) the) development) of) a) broader) framework) towards) construction) organizations') adaptation) to) ESC) in) a) developing) country)context)has)been)provided.)
The aim of this study is examining construction industry’s strategies, preparation and administration towards the agenda of the green and sustainability with respect to Malaysia. Today, sustainability is no longer considered a buzzword, but a reality that should be applied in policy, practice and management of all sectors of society. It’s a cornerstone needed by humans to live decently within their own conception of welfare, with respect to others without compromising the ecosystem as well as social and cultural norms. The pursuit of sustainable development puts the construction industry at the forefront both globally and nationally due to its total energy, resource consumption and carbon emission. However, the industry is identified as one of driving forces of the nations’ economy because of its contribution in generating wealth through constant growth in GDP. In addition, it influences the development of social and economic infrastructures and provides job opportunities. Based on the findings, most of the construction work in Malaysia and in the rest of the world is still applying conventional methods which are not often sustainable. However, IBS has capabilities to be considered as a vital pillar in helping the government to attain sustainable development when there is a need to balance economic growth, social expansion and environmental protection. For achieving these gaols it is necessary that more legislation, incentives and financial supports be considered and launched in the construction industry and governments exploit their foresight regarding this transition to maximize the potential benefits through policies supporting the development of the private demand for and supply of activities which meet this agenda. And, all initiatives need to be taken forward simultaneously by cooperation from all stakeholders.
The most significant impact of damaged environmental is because of the expanded construction industry.Construction industry not only affects the environment but also social and economic.This concerns the essentials elements of sustainable constructions adopting in Perak because Perak have the most of contractors. Sustainability is not harmful to the quality of the environment or the reduction of natural resources, and thereby supporting the long-term ecological balance.=So, the studies aim to investigate the perceptions contractors in Perak towards environmental, social and economic of sustainable construction.The study conducted via questionnaire, which is obtained contractor response through these issues.Quantitative data were analyzed through descriptive analysis and statistical inference.This study show that the important of application sustainable in construction sector, which is this method give an impact positive to environmental, social, and economy to make sure that this me...
Desde muy temprana edad nos enseñan a analizar los problemas, a fragmentar el mundo. Al parecer esto facilita las tareas complejas, pero sin saberlo pagamos un precio enorme. Ya no vemos las consecuencias de nuestros actos: perdemos nuestra sensación intrínseca de conexión con una totalidad más vasta. Cuando intentamos ver la "imagen general", tratamos de ensamblar nuevamente los fragmentos, enumerar y organizar todas las piezas. Pero, como dice el físico David Bohm, esta tarea es fútil: es como ensamblar los fragmentos de un espejo roto para ver un reflejo fiel. Al cabo de un tiempo desistimos de tratar de ver la totalidad.
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