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2017, Robocup
20 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
This report focuses on the automatic calibration of the NAO robot's joints and camera parameters. It evaluates various existing calibration techniques, highlighting the limitations of current manual methods and the impact of joint backlash on calibration accuracy. The proposed solution aims to optimize the calibration process by using fixed markers and a minimal set of samples to enhance observability, leading to improved performance in robot motion control.
Abstract This paper addresses the problem of calibrating a camera mounted on a robot arm. The objective is to estimate the camera's intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. These include the relative position and orientation of camera with respect to robot base as well as the relative position and orientation of the camera with respect to a pre-defined world frame. A calibration object with a known 3D shape is used together with two known movements of the robot.
Sensors, 2013
Identification of robot kinematic errors during the calibration process often requires accurate full pose measurements (position and orientation) of robot end-effectors in Cartesian space. This paper proposes a new method of full pose measurement of robot end-effectors for calibration. This method is based on an analysis of the features of a set of target points (placed on a rotating end-effector) on a circular trajectory. The accurate measurement is validated by computational simulation results from the Puma robot. Moreover, experimental calibration and validation results for the Hyundai HA-06 robot prove the effectiveness, correctness, and reliability of the proposed method. This method can be applied to robots that have entirely revolute joints or to robots for which only the last joint is revolute.
An algorithm for the kinematic calibration of a robot arm is presented. The trajectory, described in the work space, of given point of the last link of a robot is recorded by means of two television cameras. From the data obtained from a number of couples of frames, if the joint position of the robot arm for each couple of frames is measured from the feedback control system, it is possible to compute the Denavit and Hartemberg parameters. A couple of television cameras is employed to obtain a stereoscopic vision. The method has to be linked with a camera calibration technique so that the calibration of a robot arm and of the vision system can be obtained in the same time. The tuning of the technique is still in progress as, presently, allows a precision of little less than 1%. I INTRODUCTION Among the characteristics that define the performances of a robot the most important can be considered the repeatability and the accuracy. Generally, both these characteristics depend on factors...
Conventional calibration of industrial robots is carried out with a use of special measurement equipment, which is expensive and it also requires skilled personnel to operate. This paper presents a methodology, which utilises a camera to perform measurements of position accuracy of a robot. The experiments were conducted with a KUKA robot and a coupled measuring arm, as well as an in-door GPS (iGPS) in order to compare the results. The accuracy obtained with the camera is in agreement with the robot accuracy, and is better than the error measurement results of the measuring arm and the iGPS. Hence, it is envisaged that this methodology, together with numerical optimisation, can be used for robot calibration.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011
Collecting ground truth-data for real-world applications is a non-trivial but very important task. In order to evaluate new algorithmic approaches or to benchmark system performance, they are inevitable. This is particularly true for robotics applications. In this paper we present our data collection for the biped humanoid robot Nao. Reflective markers were attached to Nao's body, and the positions and orientation of its body and head were tracked in 6D with an accurate professional vision-based body motion tracking system. While doing so, the data of Nao's internal state, i.e., the readings of all its servos, the inertial measurement unit, the force receptors plus a camera stream of the robot's camera were stored for different, typical robotic soccer scenarios in the context of the RoboCup Standard Platform League. These data will be combined in order to compile an accurate ground-truth data set. We describe how the data were recorded, in which format they are stored, and show the usability of the logged data in some first experiments on the recorded data sets. The data sets will be made publicly available for the RoboCup's Standard Platform League community.
Journal of Robotic Systems, 1990
This article presents a local calibration method that is philosophically different from the more contemporary global calibration methods. Local methods seek models of robot performance at the robot distal link measured relative to parts in localized part regions. In contrast, global methods seek to model various sources of robot inaccuracy internal to the robot. For example, a significant global research area is the determination of the actual robot arm structural parameters. Given more accurate estimates of these parameters, global compensation methods propose perturbation techniques or improved kinematic models that can be used to control the as-manufactured robot. To implement local calibration methods, calibration procedures have been developed to locate tool and sensor tool control frames (TCF's) and to measure robot inaccuracy in localized regions. Using the measured position and orientation (pose) data obtained by hardware sensors, the components of operational inaccuracy are integrated into compensation models. This article discusses compensating model effectiveness and considers the interactions between hardware sensors and part features necessary to extract robot pose measurements automatically and effectively. Applying the relative calibration methodologies presented in this article to a GMF S-200 six-axis robot, robot repeatability was reduced by 39% and average localized robot inaccuracy was reduced from 3.4 mm (0.134 inch) to less than 0.86 mm (0.034 inch). The compensated robot inaccuracy is near the unstructured robot repeatability.
—When a robot is required to perform specific tasks defined in the world frame, there is a need for finding the coordinate transformation between the kinematic base frame of the robot and the world frame. The kinematic base frame used by the robot controller to define and evaluate the kinematics may deviate from the mechanical base frame constructed based on structural features. Besides, by using kinematic modeling rules such as the product of exponentials (POE) formula, the base frame can be arbitrarily located , and does not have to be related to any feature of the mechanical structure. As a result, the kinematic base frame cannot be measured directly. This paper proposes to find the kinematic base frame by solving a hand-eye calibration problem using 3D position measurements only, which avoids the inconvenience and inaccuracy of measuring orientations and thus significantly facilitates practical operations. A closed-form solution and an iterative solution are explicitly formulated and proved effective by simulations. Comprehensive analyses of the impact of key parameters to the accuracy of the solution are also carried out, providing four guidelines to better conduct practical operations. Finally, experiments on a 7-DOF industrial robot are performed with an optical tracking system to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method using position data only over the method using full pose data. Note to Practitioners—Robot-world calibration plays an important role in practical robotic applications where offline programming is adopted. By finding the precise transformation between the base frame of the robot and the world frame, tasks that are usually defined in the world frame can be accurately transformed into the base frame of the robot, enabling successive motion planning and programming. The base frame calibration is also useful in multirobot cooperation where coordination of the robot bases is essential for cooperative manipulations. This paper presents a two-stage method to find the base frame of a robot in the world frame. A closed-form method serves as an initial value finder, and an iterative method refines the calibration accuracy. Comprehensive simulations and experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Theoretical analyses show that the accuracy of the solution will improve when: 1) the movement range of the robot is enlarged; 2) the size of the robot is expanded; 3) the distance between the base frame of the robot and the measurement/world frame is reduced; and 4) the distance between the marker and the origin of the hand frame is decreased. These conclusions provide useful guidance for the practical operations.
En aquellas operaciones robóticas en las que un robot manipulador interactúa con su entorno resulta de extremada importancia poder controlar la fuerza queéste realiza. Normalmente, para poder llevar a cabo este control, se suele colocar un sensor de fuerza en la muñeca del manipulador, cerrando de esta forma el lazo de control. En lo que se refiere a estos sensores, uno de los principales problemas que plantean es que sus medidas están influenciadas no sólo por las fuerzas de contacto, sino también por las fuerzas relacionadas con la dinámica de la herramienta del manipulador, es decir, las fuerzas de inercia. Para resolver este problema, en [2] se propuso un observador que utilizaba técnicas de fusión sensorial para integrar las medidas del sensor de fuerza junto a las medidas de un accelerómetro ubicado en la herramienta del robot y así estimar las fuerzas de contacto. Este artículo presenta un procedimiento versátil y preciso para llevar a cabo de forma automática la calibración del mencionado observador. Para evaluar el compartamiento del estimador obtenido, y por consiguiente, del procemiento de calibración,éste ha sido utilizado en un lazo de control de impedancia implementado en un robot industrial Stäubli dotado de arquitectura software abierta. Para poder llevar a cabo el lazo de control de fuerza se ha identificado un modelo lineal del robot manipulador.
Camera calibration and image processing is the most important factor in computer vision. Some of the techniques that are applied in the process of calibration are linier, technical and non technical linier with two stages. Calibration techniques can be implemented, for example in the Autonomous Robotic Soccer. The process of calibration is one of the key factors of success in robotic soccer game. Currently, the team succeeded in doing with the camera calibration is a good team who will be able to win the match.
The late Ray Rogers was the head of the chemistry group for the 1978 Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP), which studied the cloth for five days around the clock and concluded that the image was not the product of an artist. Rogers’ resume is impressive. The “Explosive” part of the title is an allusion to part of the resume, which states, “Major research interests were explosives safety, super-energy explosives, low-intensity conflict (non-violent war), energy resources, applications of chemical methods (primarily thermal) to the study of archaeological samples, and application of chemical science to intelligence operations.” Rogers made major contributions to questions regarding possible image-formation theories and was a major player in the contesting of a controversial test performed ten years after the STURP study. Based on the data that the STURP collected, Rogers believed that the Shroud could be authentic. However, when the 1988 C-14 results were published and the Shroud supposedly dated to AD 1260-1390, Rogers accepted them and withdrew from further Shroud research until the early 2000s. Two events in 2000 brought Rogers back into the field. One was the book The Resurrection of the Shroud: New Scientific, Medical and Archeological Evidence by Mark Antonacci. Rogers was critical of some of the data presented in the book and wrote a review that was published on The second was a paper that my late wife Sue Benford and I had presented at a conference in Italy, in which we hypothesized that the C-14 dating had been in error because the sample tested had been repaired in the 16th century. As related in the documentary “Unwrapping the Shroud: New Evidence,” Rogers chastised fellow team member Barrie Schwortz for publishing the paper on his website Rogers told one reporter that Sue and I were part of “the lunatic fringe.” Rogers still had in his possession some samples from the main part of the Shroud from the 1978 study, and he also had some threads from the “Raes sample,” named after the Belgian textile expert Dr. Gilbert Raes, who was given in 1973 some threads to examine. The 1988 C-14 sample (from one small strip that was then divided up among the three labs) was taken right next to the Raes sample. Rogers reasoned that since the C-14 sample was right next to the Raes sample, if he could show that the Raes sample matched the samples from the main part of the Shroud, it would disprove the hypothesis that the C-14 sample had been repaired. He was literally the only person in the world with samples of both areas. To his shock, he discovered that the two areas were chemically different and told Schwortz he thought we were right. Having to say that did not sit well with him given his comment about us being part of the “lunatic fringe.” But he had the integrity to swallow his pride. Subsequently, in late 2003, he was given some leftover threads from the actual C-14 sample (Rogers, 2008:26). He found the same differences on those as he had on the Raes sample. He continued his work on it for five years until he died from cancer in 2005; a peer-reviewed paper “Studies on the Radiocarbon Sample from the Shroud of Turin,” was published in a high-end chemical journal two months before his death, in which he concluded, Pyrolysis-mass-spectrometry results from the sample area coupled with microscopic and microchemical observations prove that the radiocarbon sample was not part of the original cloth of the Shroud of Turin. The radiocarbon date was thus not valid for determining the true age of the shroud. Being the good scientist that he was, he had other scientists check his work. The late materials scientist and microscopist John Brown (2005) checked the Raes samples Rogers had worked with, confirmed Rogers’ findings of an apparent repair. Also, in 2008, a nine-person team at Rogers’ old lab, the Los Alamos National Laboratories, confirmed that the C-14 sample examined by Rogers had cotton intertwined with the linen. Cotton is not found anywhere else on the TS. The lead person, the late chemist Robert Villarreal, later wrote in a paper regarding the difference between the main part of the cloth and the C-14 sample area: […] 1. The cloth is much less fluorescent in the radiocarbon sampled area. 2. A[n] [sic] ultraviolet fluorescence photograph shows a different chemical composition in this area. 3. The Raes sample and the radiocarbon threads show colored encrustations on their surfaces; there were absolutely no encrustations on the Holland cloth or main Shroud fibers. 4. Raes thread #1 shows distinct encrustations and color on one end and the other end is nearly white. The fibers from the two ends point in opposite directions. This thread sample was obviously an end-to-end splice of two different threads of yarn. No splice was observed on the main cloth. 5. There is a gum coating on a radiocarbon dating sample which is found no where [sic] on the main shroud cloth (Villarreal, 2012). Another member of the nine-person team, Dr. John Schoonover, made a PowerPoint presentation in 2009 to the St. Louis chapter of the American Chemical Society regarding their confirmation of Rogers’ findings. A Polish Shroud researcher published a significant article titled “Why critics of Rogers’ 2005 work refuting the 1988 C-14 dating of the Shroud are wrong.” (“O.K,” 2021). Rogers’ book on his overall Shroud analyses was posthumously published in 2008. Although the C-14 results initially convinced him that the Shroud could not be authentic, his direct study of the crucial samples convinced him that the C-14 results were wrong. That didn’t mean that the Shroud thus belonged to Jesus, but it did mean that the results didn’t preclude that possibility. Rogers thus exhibited an important rule for scientists: follow the evidence. All scientists do not follow this rule. Scientists are human, and at times get attached to their own ideas and/or don’t want to admit they were wrong about something. It’s important to remember that Rogers was the only scientist in the world that could empirically prove or disprove the chemical differences between the main part of the Shroud and the C-14 samples. Other scientists (apart from the ones with whom Rogers shared his data) who make conclusions about the comparisons of the two areas are, to some degree, speculating. Amazingly, numerous scientists who have not even examined a Shroud sticky-tape sample apparently feel more qualified to make conclusions about the Shroud than the scientists who examined it directly. Despite Rogers’ impressive resume, was the only one to empirically compare the main Shroud with the C-14 area, followed the empirical evidence, and had his findings confirmed by at least ten other scientists, his work continues to be criticized, including by both pro-authenticity and anti-authenticity researchers. One prominent skeptic described Rogers as a “mid-level” scientist. I heard one pro-Shroud researcher say that when it came to the Shroud, Rogers was “a terrible scientist.” Even many researchers who favor authenticity assert that evidence put forth by Rogers in favor of a repair in the C-14 area is “weak,” despite the innumerable hours Rogers spent looking at both samples from the main part of the Shroud and the C-14 sample area. Perhaps these emails from Rogers will make a different statement. My previous article about Rogers had some general information about him, but this article has more of a personal angle. Sue and I carried on significant email communications with Rogers between 2001 and 2005, mostly regarding the C-14 aspect. I wanted to share excerpts of those emails. Rogers also did an enormous amount of research on image-formation hypotheses, but this article will focus on his C-14 work. These emails shed extra light on his published findings and show how detailed and meticulous he was in his research. I will cite the subject line, date of Rogers’ emails, list to what individuals they were sent, reproduce excerpts or complete text, and make comments to identify terms/individuals, and make cross-referencing data points. Many additional details surrounding various situations described by Rogers can be found in my 2020 book The 1988 C-14 Dating Of The Shroud of Turin: A Stunning Exposé. This article will in the future be followed up by additional information that Rogers provided to an online group known as the “Shroud Science Group.”
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