Sexual associations for two species of mutillid wasps
Sexual associations for two species of mutillid wasps (Hymenoptera,
Mutillidae), with the description of a new species of Anomophotopsis1
Elisa Queiroz Garcia2; Roberto Cambra3 & Gabriel A. R. Melo4
Contribution nr. 1577 from the Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná.
Rua das Petúnias 61, apto 301, 38703-036, Patos de Minas-MG, Brazil.
[email protected]
Museo de Invertebrados G. B. Fairchild, Universidad de Panamá, Estafeta Universitaria, Panamá-República Panamá.
[email protected]
Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Caixa postal 19020, 81531-980, Curitiba-PR, Brazil.
[email protected]
ABSTRACT. Sexual associations for two species of mutillid wasps (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae), with the description of a
new species of Anomophotopsis. The sexes of Pseudometocha melanocephala (Perty, 1833) and of a new species of
Anomophotopsis are associated based on mating pairs found in the field and also in laboratory mating trials. The
previously unknown male of Pseudomethoca melanocephala (Perty, 1833) and both sexes of Anomophotopsis quinteroi
Cambra, sp. nov., are described. We present the first distribution record of P. melanocephala from Argentina. Anecdotal
data on their mating behavior are also discussed.
KEYWORDS. Brazil; Pseudomethoca; sex association; Neotropical.
ABSTRACT. Associação de sexos em duas espécies de vespas mutilídeas (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae), com a descrição de
uma nova espécie de Anomophotopsis. Machos e fêmeas de Pseudomethoca melanocephala (Perty, 1833) e de uma
nova espécie de Anomophotopsis foram associados com base em casais em cópula encontrados no campo e em testes em
condições de laboratório. São descritos os machos de Pseudomethoca melanocephala (Perty, 1833), que até então
permaneciam desconhecidos, bem como machos e fêmeas de Anomophotopsis quinteroi Cambra, sp. nov. Apresenta-se
o primeiro registro de P. melanocephala para a Argentina. Dados adicionais sobre os testes de associação sexual são
também apresentados.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE. Associação de sexos; Brasil; Pseudomethoca; Neotropical.
Mutillidae is a cosmopolitan family of aculeate
Hymenoptera with strong sexual dimorphism: the males are
winged (rarely brachypterous or apterous) and possess a
normal apocritan mesosoma, while the females are entirely
apterous, and most of them exhibit complete fusion of the
mesosomal sclerites (Brothers 1995). This strong sexual
dimorphism has prompted descriptions of numerous species
based on a single sex (e. g. Nonveiller 1994, Quintero and
Cambra 1994, Lelej and Krombein 2001, Pitts and Parker 2003),
and also makes sex association based solely on adult
morphology almost impossible.
Anomophotopsis Schuster is a Neotropical genus of
Sphaeropthalminae, and is known only from Brazil and
Argentina. Schuster (1949) erected this genus based on the
male of Anomophotopsis lugens (F. Lynch-Arribalzaga, 1878).
Casal (1973) considered that A. lugens was probably the
opposite sex of Sphinctopsis cometa Gerstaecker, 1874 based
on identical morphology of mandibles and similar geographical
distribution. Fritz (1993) confirmed this sex association and
transferred Sphinctopsis cometa to Anomophotopsis, together
with two additional species known only from females, A.
matrera (Casal, 1973) and A. cometa rubrocalva (Burmeister,
1875). Except that Anomophotopsis species are diurnal, nothing
is known concerning the biology of the species belonging to
the genus. Here a new species of Anomophotopsis is described,
representing the second species in the genus known from the
male and the third from the female.
The previously unknown male of Pseudomethoca
melanocephala melanocephala (Perty, 1833) is described.
Anecdotal information on the mating behavior of these two
species is presented.
Morphological nomenclature follows Cambra and Quintero
(2003). Abbreviations used are: metasomal tergum = T;
metasomal sternum = S.
Association of conspecific males and females was
established by finding mating pairs in the field and by sexual
association trails in the laboratory. The sex association trials
were carried out in an arena measuring 14 x 9 x 4 cm. Two types
of trials were used. In the first type, one male was placed with
a single female in the arena. In the second type, one male was
exposed simultaneously to 12 females belonging to the
following six different species: Pseudomethoca
melanocephala melanocephala (Perty), Traumatomutilla
inermis (Klug), Anomophotopsis quinteroi Cambra,
Hoplocrates specularis (Gerstaecker), Darditilla felina
(Burmeister), and Ephuta (Ephuta) scenica (Gerstaecker). Each
trial lasted for approximately 15 min, with intervals of five
minutes between them.
The specimens were collected in ‘Mananciais da Serra’, in
Piraquara, Paraná, Brazil. A narrow dirt road through the forest
was surveyed for wandering mutillid wasps during the day
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 50(3): 379-384, setembro 2006
Garcia et al.
from November, 2002 to October, 2003. Males were captured
with entomological nets and females with forceps. Individuals
were kept in the laboratory in small plastic vials (5 x 5 cm) and
fed diluted honey water and were kept under controlled
temperature (25°C, ± 2°C), humidity (70%) and a photophase
of 12 hours.
The abbreviations used in the text for the Institutional
collections that house the types or other specimens discussed
are: AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, New York,
U.S.A.; DZUP, Coleção de Entomologia Pe. J. S. Moure,
Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná,
Curitiba, Brazil; MIUP, Museo de Invertebrados G. B. Fairchild,
Universidad de Panamá; USNM, National Museum of Natural
History, Washington, U.S.A.
Anomophotopsis quinteroi Cambra, new species
(Figs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11)
Description of holotype male.– Body length 9 mm.
Integument entirely black, except for pale white tibial spurs;
both simple and also plumose setae present. Head: more or
less subglobose and narrowed behind eyes (Fig. 1), as wide
as pronotum (including eyes); head, mandible and scape with
simple white setae; vertex with dense, moderate-sized
punctures (Fig. 1); frons with punctures denser than those on
vertex, some confluent; clypeus punctures sparser than those
on vertex; clypeus anteriorly produced as convex nasiform
plate overlying apices of closed mandibles (Fig. 2); genal carina
absent; hypostomal fossa moderate in size; mandible apex
bidentate, ventral margin without tooth, not excised; maximum
eye diameter 0.88x distance from lateral ocellus to inner eye
margin; ocelli small, lateral ocelli maximum diameter 0.17x
distance from one of them to inner eye margin; scrobal carina
reduced to inconspicuous protuberance; antennal tubercles
separated by approximately 2.3x diameter of anterior ocellus;
scape with single sharp longitudinal carina, more distinctive
on apical half; antenna slender, 1st flagellomere slightly shorter
than 2nd. Mesosoma: pronotum, scutellum, propodeum, pleural
areas and legs with simple white setae; mesoscutum, anterior
and inner lateral margins of tegula with simple black setae;
punctation on pronotum, mesoscutum, scutellum and
mesopleura similar to that on vertex; scutellum convex; tegula
convex, smooth and shiny, but with few punctures along
anterior and inner lateral margins; dorsal surface of propodeum
reticulate; metapleura and lateral surface of propodeum mostly
smooth, except for fine rugosities on propodeum near
metapleura; humeral angle of pronotum carinate; notauli
absent; mesosternum without spines or protuberances; fore
and middle coxae without spines or carinae, posterior coxa
with an inner longitudinal carina; forewing hyaline, with two
submarginal cells and traces of third (Fig. 6). Metasoma: T1 to
T5 and all sterna with white setae; T6 and T7 with simple black
setae; T1 with apical transverse band of dense, simple white
pubescence; T2 to T5 with a densely pubescent, apical
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 50(3): 379-384, setembro 2006
transverse band consisting of both, simple and plumose white
setae; T1 to T6 with small, sparse punctures; basal half of T7
with small, sparse punctures, the distal half smooth; S1 with
sparse punctures; S2 with dense moderate-sized punctures,
S3 to S6 with small, close punctures; S7 without distinctive
punctures; T1 completely sessile on T2, without a constriction
separating them; T1 short, 0.81x as long as wide; T2 with lateral
felt line, S2 without felt line; T7 without lateral carina delimiting
pygidial area; S1 with a medial, longitudinal carina; S7 modified,
slightly convex and short, its apical margin not reaching apical
margin of T7, the medial area with two longitudinal, distally
converging, carinae; paramere (Fig. 8) glabrous, except for
few apical setae; dorsal edge of paramere convex in basal two
thirds, concave in apical third; ventral edge of paramere
concave in basal two thirds, straight in apical third, the two
sections forming a sharp angle; penis valve (Fig. 10) without
preapical tooth. Volsella with cuspis reduced to a rounded
lobe, digitus short.
Description of Allotype female.– Body length 7 mm. Head
capsule, mandibles, antennae, mesosoma, including legs, red,
except for humeral angles of pronotum black; tibial spurs pale
white; metasoma black, except for most of tergum I and entire
sternum I red; tergum II with pair of lateral, small, diagonally
oval, pale yellow integumental spots (Fig. 5), distance between
spots approximately equal to their diameter; setae simple. Head:
rectangular, 1.3x as wide as mesosoma (including eyes); vertex
and frons with sparse setae of diferent colors, white and black;
gena, clypeus, scape and mandible with white setae; vertex,
frons and gena with moderate, very close punctures,
interspaces less than half the width of punctures; scrobal carina
present, without tooth; antennal tubercles separated by 2.0x
their diameter; antenna slender, 1st flagellomere 1.7x as long as
2nd; genal carina present, not reaching base of mandible,
without an anterior or posterior tooth; clypeus with anterior
margin almost straight, medial area with an arcuate, transverse,
ridge ending in anterior margin as distinctive tubercle in front
of each antennal tubercle; carina present from posterior
articulation of mandible to margin of hypostomal fossa;
mandible apex bidentate, ventral margin without any tooth or
process, not excised. Mesosoma: 1.1x as long as wide in dorsal
view, excluding anterior collar; narrowing gradually toward
propodeal spiracle, slightly broadening posteriorly (Fig. 5);
without patterns of white or black pubescent bands, dorsum
with dark setae; pronotum laterally and mesopleura with white
pubescence; metapleura and lateral area of propodeum
glabrous; punctation on pronotum similar to that on head,
becoming larger and confluent on mesonotum and anterior
half of dorsum of propodeum; posterior dorsal half of
propodeum almost smooth; mesopleura micropunctate;
metapleura and lateral area of propodeum smooth; humeral
angle carinate; lateral margins of mesonotum and propodeum
without spines or teeth; fore and middle coxae without spines
or carinae, posterior coxa with a inner longitudinal carina; dorsal
surface of mid and posterior tibiae with two rows of three to
four spines. Metasoma (Fig. 5): terga and sterna with white
setae; T1 and S1 with a few, small, very sparse punctures; T2
Sexual associations for two species of mutillid wasps
Figs. 1-11. Species of Anomophotopsis and Pseudomethoca. 1-2, A. quinteroi Cambra sp. nov., male. 1, head, dorsal view. 2, clypeus, frontal
view. 3-4, P. melanocephala, male. 3, head, dorsal view. 4, clypeus, frontal view. 5, A. quinteroi Cambra sp. nov., female, dorsolateral view. 67, fore and hindwing. 6, A. quinteroi Cambra sp. nov. 7, P. melanocephala. 8-11, male genitalia, lateral view. 8, A. quinteroi Cambra sp. nov.,
paramere. 9, P. melanocephala, paramere. 10, A. quinteroi Cambra sp. nov., penis valve. 11, P. melanocephala, penis valve.
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 50(3): 379-384, setembro 2006
Garcia et al.
to T6 and S3 to S6 with small, close punctures; S2 with
moderate, in size, sparse punctures; S1 with a medial,
longitudinal carina; T2 with lateral felt line, S2 without felt
line; T7 with lateral carina delimiting a smooth pygidial area.
Type material.- Holotype male, Brazil: Paraná, Piraquara,
Mananciais da Serra, 25º30’S 48º59’W, 27 February 2003, E. Q.
Garcia. Allotype female, same data as holotype, except 5
February 2003; additional paratypes, same data as holotype
except 30 November 2002, 4 females; 20 December 2002, 1
female; 16 January 2003, 1 female; 30 January 2003, 1 female
and 1 male; 2 February 2003, 1 female; 5 February 2003, 4
females; 8 February 2003, 1 male; 19 February 2003, 7 females,
5 males; 1 March 2003; 2 females, 2 males; 14 March 2003, 4
females. Holotype, allotype and additional paratypes deposited
at DZUP, except for one male and one female paratypes at
Mutilla melanocephala Perty, 1833, Delect. Anim. Artic. Brasil, p.
137, female.
Sphinctopsis melanocephala: Mickel, 1928, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 143:
Pseudomethoca melanocephala: Mickel, 1937, Rev. Ent. 7: 183;
Quintero and Cambra (1996) [taxonomic position].
Diagnosis.- The male of Anomophotopsis quinteroi differs
from other New World mutillids by the combination of a
nasiform clypeus, presence of two longitudinal carinae in the
medial area of the S7 and the paramere ventral edge concave
on the basal two thirds, straight on the apical third, with the
two regions forming a sharp angle. Males of Anomophotopsis
quinteroi and A. cometa cometa (Gerstaecker)—the only other
male species known in Anomophotopsis—can be separated
as follows: A. quinteroi has the apex of the nasiform clypeus
convex, the mesosoma black, the medial area of S7 with two
longitudinal carinae, T2 to T5 with a dense apical transverse
band of both simple and plumose setae, and by the shape of
paramere ventral edge, while in A. cometa cometa, the apex of
the nasiform clypeus is bilobed, the mesosoma integument is
red except for the black pronotum, the medial area of S7 lacks
longitudinal carinae, T4 and T5 lack dense apical band of both
simple and plumose setae, and the paramere has dense setae
on dorsal and ventral edges with the ventral edge almost
straight. The known females can be separated as follows: A.
quinteroi lacks spines or teeth in the lateral margin of
mesonotum while in A. cometa and A. matrera, there are two
teeth in the lateral margin of mesonotum; A. quinteroi and A.
cometa have the frons and vertex with very dense punctures,
and T2 with two pale yellow integumental spots; while A.
matrera, has the frons and vertex very sparsely punctured
and T2 has two white pubescent maculae; in A. quinteroi and
A. matrera, the legs are red, while in A. cometa, they are black.
Etymology.- This species is named in honor of Diomedes
Quintero A., for his contributions to the knowledge of
Neotropical Mutillidae.
Comments on sex association.- Sex association was based
on one mating pair found in the field and on laboratory mating
trials. In three of the four mating trials in which a male of
Anomophotopsis quinteroi was placed with females of
Anomophotopsis quinteroi, the male tried to mate with the
females. In 15 min of exposure, an average of 3.33 (± 0.58)
mating attempts were observed. The mating attempts consisted
of a sequence of behaviors in which the male walked or flew
toward the female, beating and vibrating his wings in rapid
Male description.– Body length 11-12 mm. Integument
entirely black except for pale white tibial spurs; setae simple.
Head: more or less rectangular in dorsal view (Fig. 3) as wide
as pronotum (including eyes); vertex and frons with erect and
recumbent black setae; gena with recumbent black setae and
erect white setae; clypeus, mandible and scape with white
setae; vertex (Fig. 3), frons, gena and clypeus with dense,
small, close punctures, without spaces between punctures,
some punctures confluent; anterior margin of clypeus arcuate,
with a distinctive lateral tooth aligned under each antennal
tubercle (Fig. 4); genal carina absent; hypostomal fossa
moderate in size; dorsal margin of mandible with small tooth
near its base, apex bidentate (Fig. 4), ventral margin without
tooth, not excised; maximum diameter of eye 0.75x distance
from lateral ocellus to inner eye margin; ocelli small, maximum
diameter of lateral ocelli 0.16x distance from one of them to
inner eye margin; scrobal carina reduced to inconspicuous
protuberance; antennal tubercles separated by 2.3x diameter
of anterior ocellus; scape with single sharp longitudinal carina
on apical half; antenna slender with 1st flagellomere more or
less of same length than 2nd. Mesosoma: most of pronotum,
mesoscutum, most of scutellum, anterior and inner lateral
margins of tegula with black setae; humeral angles of pronotum,
scutellum postero-laterally, metanotum, propodeum, pleural
areas and legs with white setae; similar punctures on head,
pronotum and mesoscutum; scutellum convex, more coarsely
punctured; tegula convex, smooth and shiny, but with few
punctures along anterior and inner lateral margins; dorsal
surface of propodeum reticulate, its lateral surface partly
reticulate, with smooth and finely rugose areas near
metapleura; propleura and mesopleura with sparse small
punctures, weakly aciculate between punctures; metapleura
almost smooth, very sparsely micropunctate; humeral angle
of pronotum carinate; notauli absent, mesosternum without
spines or protuberances; fore and middle coxae without spines
or carinae, posterior coxa with inner longitudinal carina;
forewing infuscated, with two submarginal cells and traces of
a third (Fig. 7). Metasoma: segment I, lateral areas of T2 to T6,
S2 to S7 with white setae, remainder of terga with black setae;
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 50(3): 379-384, setembro 2006
bursts, and when they were in close contact, he climbed on
the female dorsum, holding her with his legs. In all attempts,
the females refused to mate and tried to dislodge the male by
pushing on him with the hind legs. These males displayed no
obvious courtship behavior toward females of other species.
In the multifemale trials, the males of Anomophotopsis
quinteroi did not exhibit any mating attempts.
Pseudomethoca melanocephala melanocephala (Perty)
(Figs. 3, 4, 7, 9, 11)
Sexual associations for two species of mutillid wasps
T1 to T6 with small, close punctures, those on T2 to T6
confluent; basal half of T7 with large close punctures, distal
half weakly rugose; S1 almost smooth, with small, sparse
punctures; S2 with moderate punctures, separated from one
another by one to two puncture diameters; S3 to S7 with small,
close punctures; T1 completely sessile on T2, without a
constriction separating them; T1 short, 0.82x as long as wide;
S1 with medial, longitudinal carina; T2 with lateral felt line, S2
without felt line; T7 with short lateral carina delimiting pygidial
area; S7 simple, slightly flattened, with apical margin more or
less straigth; paramere (Fig. 9) with densely set setae on dorsal
and ventral edges; dorsal edge of paramere convex, ventral
edge almost straight; penis valve (Fig. 11) without preapical
Specimens examined.- Brazil: Parana, Piraquara,
Mananciais da Serra, 25º 30’ S 48º 59’ W, 1 Feb 2003, E. Q.
Garcia, 1 male (MIUP); same data but: 8 Feb 2003, 1 male
(DZUP); 5 Feb 2003, 1 female (MIUP); 16 Jan 2003, G. Melo &
E. Q. Garcia, 1 male, 1 female (DZUP); Viçosa, MG, Mar 1995, R.
C. Peruqueti, 1 female (MIUP); Sta Catarina, Corupá, A. Maller:
Jan 1953, 2 females (USNM, AMNH), Feb 1952, 2 females
(AMNH). Argentina: Misiones, Iguazu, 30 Jan 1985, 1female
(MIUP). This is the first record of P. melanocephala for
Distribution.- Brazil and Argentina.
Diagnosis.- In Mickel’s (1935) revised key to North
American males of Pseudomethoca species, this species runs
to the end of couplet 15. The male of P. melanocephala is
related to P. simillima (Smith, 1855) from the U.S.A. Males of
P. melanocephala have bidentate mandibles, body with black
and white setae, punctures confluent on T2 to T6, and distal
half of pygidial area weakly rugose, while in P. simillina, the
mandible apex is tridentate, body setae almost totally white (a
few black setae on the two distal segments of metasoma),
distal half of pygidial area with longitudinal striae, and
punctures on T2 to T6 not confluent. Only 13 described male
species of Pseudomethoca are known from Mexico to South
America. In a manuscript key to Neotropical described males
of Pseudomethoca, P. melanocephala is most similar to P.
zapoteca (Blake, 1871) from Mexico. Males of P.
melanocephala have bidentate mandibles, tegula convex, and
the metasoma with setae of diferent colors, black and white,
while P. zapoteca has mandibles tridentate, the posterior part
of the tegula bends downward forming a posterior surface at a
sharp angle with the dorsal surface, and the metasoma is
covered with pale golden setae.
Comments on sex association.- Sex association was based
on laboratory mating trials, as well as on males and females of
P. melanocephala reared from the same host (B. Blochtein,
pers. comm.). In all tests where males of Pseudomethoca
melanocephala were placed with conspecific females, the
males tried to mate with the females. In 15 min of exposure, an
average of 14.5 (± 2.43) mating attempts were observed. The
attempts started immediately after the introduction of the
female into the arena. The behavioral sequence exhibited by
males of P. melanocephala was the same as described above
for A. quinteroi. The females refused to mate by dislodging
the male with their hind legs. The males showed no interest
toward females of other species. In all multifemale trials, the
males were attracted to and attempted to mate only with females
of P. melanocephala. During the 15 min exposure, an average
of 2.33 (± 1.15) mating attempts was observed.
Comments on field behavior: Females of Pseudomethoca
melanocephala were found from January to May, 2003. Those
observed in February presented a distinct behavior; while
walking, they moved periodically their metasoma up and down,
while at the same time, exposing the sting. This behavior was
exhibited also by some females brought to the laboratory.
The sequence of courtship behaviors exhibited by male
Pseudomethoca melanocephala and Anomophotopsis
quinteroi is similar to that reported for other species of
Mutillidae, e.g., Pseudomethoca frigida (Brothers 1972), except
that males of these two species did not make short, hopping
flights when approaching females. However, these short flights
might not have been observed simply because the setup used
to carry out the sex association trials.
According to Brothers (1972), females of Mutillidae
apparently mate only once, immediately after their emergence.
This could explain why the females refused to mate in the
laboratory trials. Most likely they had already mated when
found in the field.
The behavior exhibited by females of Pseudomethoca
melanocephala of moving the metasoma up and down is
reported for the first time in a member of the
Sphaeropthalminae. This behavior has been described for
Ephuta slossonae, a Nearctic species of Mutillinae, by
Krombein and Norden (1996) and observed also in other
species of Neotropical Ephuta by Quintero and Cambra (1996).
However, none of those accounts reported exposure of the
sting. As suggested by these authors for Ephuta species,
this behavior in Pseudomethoca melanocephala might be
related to dispersion of pheromones into the air to attract
Acknowledgments. We thank Diomedes Quintero A. (Universidad
de Panama) and Annette Aiello (Smithsonian Tropical Research
Institute) for improving the manuscript and for other assistance; Betina
Blochtein, Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, for
loan of reared specimens of Pseudomethoca melanocephala.
Brothers, D. J. 1972. Biology and immature stages of Pseudomethoca
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