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Percobaan membuat model molekul senyawa organik beserta turunan atau isomernya serta mengetahui rumus strukturnya.
KELOMPOK : IV (EMPAT) PRODI/KELAS : KIMIA / A JUDUL PERCOBAAN : RUMUS STRUKTUR DAN ISOMER REKAN KERJA : 1. AGUSTINA PAKAYA 2. FIRAWATY HAYATI 3. NI MADE RIA GUSTRI VIANTI JURUSAN KIMIA FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM UNIVERSITAS NEGERI GORONTALO A. Judul Rumus Struktur dan Isomer B. Tujuan : Mahasiswa dapat menyusun model suatu rantai, siklik dan isomer-isomer suatu senyawa C. Dasar Teori Karbon merupakan salah satu unsur dari unsur-unsur yang terdapat dalam golongan IV A dan merupakan salah unsur terpenting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari karena terdapat lebih banyak senyawa yang terbentuk dari unsur karbon. Senyawa kimia tersusun atas beberapa unsur yang saling berikatan sehingga membentuk suatu senyawa. Sebuah senyawa tidak menyerupai unsur-unsur dari mana senyawa itu terbentuk, ciri-ciri suatu senyawa bergantung pada banyak ikatan kimia yang menyatukan atom-atom itu.
Tia Nento, 2019
Laporan rumus struktur dan isomer
Éphèse et ses paysages épigraphiques : miroir et mémoire de la gloire des représentants de l’empereur et des notables de la cité ? Éphèse, cité d’Artémis, capitale provinciale et grande cité portuaire, offre un contexte favorable pour l’étude d’un paysage épigraphique varié, qui présente pourtant une concentration assez nette dans la répartition chronologique des inscriptions. On a tenté de poser de nouveaux questionnements, à la fois complémentaires et différents des quelques travaux déjà parus sur la question. Il a paru judicieux d’insister parmi plusieurs études spatiales possibles, sur le contexte des inscriptions honorifiques de l’agora Tetragonos, où apparaît un souci de présentation d’un pan d’histoire de la cité, mais également la volonté un temps de préserver cet héritage historique en restaurant au début du IIIe siècle plusieurs statues et inscriptions. L’embolos plus connu sous le nom de rue des courètes permet de formuler quelques propositions quant au paysage épigraphique de la cité tardo-antique, assez différent de l’époque précédente. Le(s) paysage(s) épigraphique(s) éphésien(s) présente(nt) au total des nuances le(s) distinguant de celui de plusieurs cités voisines. Ephesus and its epigraphic landscapes: mirror and memory of the glory of the emperor's representatives and the city's notables? Ephesus, city of Artemis, provincial capital and major harbour, offers a favourable context for the study of a varied epigraphic landscape, which nevertheless presents a fairly clear concentration in the chronological distribution of inscriptions. We have attempted to raise new questions, which are both complementary to and different from the few works already published on the subject. Of the several possible spatial studies, it seemed appropriate to focus on the context of the honorary inscriptions in the Tetragonos agora, where there is a concern to present a part of the city's history, as well as a desire to preserve this historical legacy by restoring several statues and inscriptions at the beginning of the third century. The embolos, better known as the procession way, allows us to make a number of suggestions about the epigraphic landscape of the Late Antique city, which is quite different from that of the preceding period. All in all, the Ephesian epigraphic landscape(s) displays nuances that distinguish it from that of several neighbouring cities. Ephesos und seine epigraphischen Landschaften : Spiegel und Erinnerung an den Ruhm der Vertreter des Kaisers und der Honoratioren der Stadt? Ephesos, Stadt der Artemis, Provinzhauptstadt und große Hafenstadt, bietet einen günstigen Kontext für die Untersuchung einer vielfältigen epigraphischen Landschaft, die jedoch in der chronologischen Verteilung der Inschriften eine recht deutliche Konzentration aufweist. Es wurde versucht, neue Fragestellungen zu stellen, die die wenigen bereits erschienenen Arbeiten zu diesem Thema sowohl ergänzen als auch von ihnen z.T. abweichen. Es erschien sinnvoll, sich unter mehreren möglichen räumlichen Studien auf den Kontext der Ehreninschriften auf der Agora Tetragonos zu konzentrieren, in dem das Bemühen um die Darstellung eines Teils der Geschichte der Stadt zum Ausdruck kommt, aber auch der Wille, dieses historische Erbe zu bewahren, indem zu Beginn des dritten Jahrhunderts mehrere Statuen und Inschriften restauriert wurden. Das Embolos, besser bekannt als die Straße der Kureten, ermöglicht es, einige Vorschläge für die epigraphische Landschaft der spätantiken Stadt zu machen, die sich von der vorherigen Epoche stark unterscheidet. Insgesamt weist die ephesische epigraphische Landschaft(en) Nuancen auf, die sie von derjenigen mehrerer benachbarter Städte unterscheidet.
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2020
The goal of this study was the evaluation of the teaching practice course in the Psychological Counseling and Guidance (PCG) department by students, professors and practice teachers. It was a pneumology study designed with qualitative research method. The study group consists of seven students, five professors and five practice teachers from 3 different schools and 3 different universities in İstanbul. Study data were analyzed with content analysis. It was found that the communication and collaboration between the professors and practice teachers of the teaching practice course were low, and the applications within the scope of the course were inadequate. Additionally, the study has revealed that it is necessary to inform the practice teachers about the previous courses and internships the students have taken, to ensure the attendance of students to full-day practice courses on different days and that a detailed teaching practice course guide is prepared. This study is thought to benefit the literature in the sense that it shows how PCG teaching practice course differs from other teaching practice courses, in addition to suggestions to the decision makers and practitioners for improving the course.
Veterinary World, 2024
Background and Aim: There is a limited amount of research conducted on quail breeding domestically and internationally, particularly at the molecular level. This study aimed to detect single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) genes across two quail varieties and their hybrids correlate these genetic factors with body weight (BW) and growth rate at 0 and 6 weeks, and assess crossing effects. Materials and Methods: White and Japanese quail were crossed. Simultaneously producing pure varieties and crosses (genotypes) was achieved through this breeding strategy. Fifty females from each genotype were randomly selected for blood sampling. Genomic DNA was extracted and amplified from the blood using the DNeasy blood kit (Qiagen, Germany). Nucleotide polymorphism between quail genotypes was determined through DNA sequencing. Results: Two types of alleles (A and B) for the GH gene in quails showed significant genotypic differences (AA, BB, and AB). The quail carried a mutated IGF-1 gene. For growth traits, substantial positive heterosis was detected. Conclusion: The genotype AA had the highest BW and weight gain. The white variety can act as a sire, and both white and Japanese varieties can function as dams to improve growth traits. The growth characteristics of the hybrids surpassed those of the original varieties. Keywords: crossing effects, genes for growth hormone and insulin, growth, polymorphism, quail.
Masters academic and professional programs including Masters (MPhil, MSc, MA, MBA, & EMBA) and Doctoral (PhD, DBA) employ foci mix of Field-Industry-Research experiential and problem based learning mix; Design-Deployment-Development application mix; and Motivation-Mobilization-Monitoring management mix.
Radovi. Razdio povijesnih znanosti, 2018
Radovi Instituta za povijest umjetnosti 41, 2017
Discourses of Disability, 2023
Pakistan journal of education, 2021
Sultanın Yurtluk-Ocaklık ve Hükümet Sancakları, 2024
Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2019
Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 2019
The Japanese journal of psychology
Contraponto, 2020
Frontiers in Psychology, 2020
Engineering Structures, 2017
Revista Uis Ingenierias, 2012
Youth & Society, 1994