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17 pages
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Firawaty Hayati
Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2024
During late antiquity, the geographical boundaries of Armenia underwent frequent changes due to power dynamics between the Romans and the Sasanians. Therefore, it is impossible to speak of a broad Armenian geography with a single window encompassing every century. However, despite this, few studies on the subject generally assume that Armenia had the same borders in every century, neglecting the historical context. Particularly, the geographical model drawn by Anania Širakacʿi in the 7th century has become generally accepted in modern studies. However, the Armenia region had dynamic and variable boundaries throughout the late antique period due to its political position. The determination of these boundaries is extremely difficult owing to factors such as the rugged nature of the geography, the distant placement of settlements from each other, and the lack of widespread urbanization. Moreover, political struggles with Rome to the west, Iran to the south, Albania to the east, and Iberia to the northeast, especially contributed to the instability of borders and even the constant changing of the names of settlements. Hence, the goal of this study is to emphasize the continuously changing borders of Armenia with a chronological perspective, taking into account the historical context, and to consider the historical geography of Armenia in late antiquity.
RICI, 2020
Inovação, ciência e tecnologia são conceitos presentes em todas as áreas do conhecimento e do processo produtivo global. A inovação éuma vantagem competitiva que deve ser desenvolvida e adotada e que não pode estar dissociada de ciência e tecnologia. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar as competências e habilidades do profissional da informação no entorno digital. A metodologia da pesquisa é do nível descritivo em fonte secundária, por meio de levantamento bibliográfico, análise e conceitos, que tem como objetivo proporcionar maior familiaridade com o assunto e torná-lo mais explícito. Como resultados apresenta reflexão sobre o papel dainovação nos processos de formação profissional no entorno digital e seus impactos na empregabilidade global. Apresenta como conclusão o reconhecimento do papel da ciência, da tecnologia e da inovação na competitividade do setor produtivo bem como as estratégias de apoio, o que inclui programas de conscientização para as diferentes partes envolvidas com o processo de inovação; programas para a difusão dos conceitos de inovação nas comunidades interessadas em atividades produtivas, de modo que a ciência e atecnologia possa ser melhor utilizadas; capacidade de resposta dos centros de pesquisa em ciência e tecnologia às demandas do setor produtivo; medição de resultados mediante sistemasde intercâmbio, de retroalimentação e monitoração; e apropriação, ou seja, a capacidade das organizações não somente de usar, mas também de contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das tecnologias transferidas.
In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn wrote, "Successive transition from one paradigm to another via revolution is the usual developmental pattern of mature science." Kuhn's idea was itself revolutionary in its time, as it caused a major change in the way that academics talk about science. Thus, it could be argued that it caused or was itself part of a "paradigm shift" in the history and sociology of science. However, Kuhn would not recognize such a paradigm shift. Being in the social sciences, people can still use earlier ideas to discuss the history of science. Philosophers and historians of science, including Kuhn himself, ultimately accepted a modified version of Kuhn's model, which synthesizes his original view with the gradualist model that preceded it. Kuhn's original model is now generally seen as too limited. Society has experience change in all its facets, social issues are changing continually, while the people battle to adapt an...
The increasing complexity of the multilingual and multicultural language learning communities has refocused language education towards issues of identity and subjectivities. Learners' identities are shaped by their diverse life experiences, educational backgrounds, and personal stories. This heterogenous learning context calls for pedagogical approaches that can extend a sense of belonging for all members of the learning community based on principles such equality, respect, and appreciation of diversity. Language classrooms provide opportunities for identities construction and negotiation through language(s), social participation, and multiliteracies development. This chapter describes how learners in a multilingual post-secondary Italian language classroom, who come from diverse backgrounds, have the capacity to actively position themselves and redesign the perception of their multilingual identity through a pedagogical awareness-raising itinerary starting from a digital oral pluri-biography shared in the classroom with their peers. The results of this case study show how this recursive reflective process can facilitate learners' dynamic positioning, both interpersonal and intrapersonal, and identify what variables can affect such position moves, such as family language policy, social status, social space, different migration experiences, and self-reflection practices. Additionally, the findings suggest that the re-negotiation of learners' multilingual identities can challenge predetermined social categorizations and develop social and critical literacies.
The present study, which was documented in this paper, sought to develop a device for conducting a biaxial traction test using the solutions presented in the literature. Initially conducted a study that was condensed into an information frame and subsequently extracted the data that served as the basis for the project. Applying the design methodology and analyzing the initial data, a device to be coupled to a conventional traction machine was chosen due to its ease of application. Following the methodology, had the stage of informational design, conceptual design, preliminary design, detailed design, fabrication and testing. The prototype test was performed with a cross-shaped test piece according to ISO 16842: 2014. It is possible to develop a biaxial test device based on the mechanism presented by Rohr, Harwick and Nahme to be coupled to a universal traction test machine and using a cruciform test body.
The present study has investigated the relationship between working capital management on organizational profitability in Nigeria with special reference to manufacturing companies in Nigerian Stock Exchange. The data used for this study were derived from the audited finance statements of the firms listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) between 2005 -2013 which comprises of twenty (20) manufacturing sectors was finally used as sample size. Panel data methodology was adopted because it combined time series and cross sectional data. The method of analysis is that of Pearson Correlation Moment Coefficient and multiple regressions and the method of estimation is Ordinary Least Squares (OLS).The result showed that working capital has negative and significant relationship with the return of assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) at 5% level.This implies that firms' performance can be increased with short size of Cash Conversion Cycle and the study recommended that cash conversion cycle should be reduced and inventory should be turned out quickly.
Video Pedagogy: Theory and Practice, 2021
The chapter describes the theoretical and practical implications of the educational use of video as a means to help students reflect on the design process in the creative arts. In particular, it provides evidence from a course in the School of Architecture in the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in Greece that reveals the uncertainty of the design process. The students were asked to document through video the development of the drawing of a vertical section of the building that they were designing during a semester-long design studio project. A focus group was conducted in order to document the students' views on the use of video. The analysis of the data focused on their perception of the way that video contributed in getting a better understanding of the design process. Five broad themes were identified: expectations and hesitations, distantiation and reflection, temporality and linearity, collecting and synthesising, and technology and software.
Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 2020
Derivational networks across languages, ed. Alexandra Bagasheva, Lívia Körtvélyessy & Pavol Štekauer. De Gruyter, 2020
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2021
Lusitanian Amphorae: Production and Distribution
International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences, 2018
Microorganisms, 2019
Journal of Marketing Research, 2012
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1993
2009 International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED), 2009
Solid-State Electronics, 1996
Jurnal Privat Law
XXIV Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Unicamp, 2016