This paper refers to a series of articles presenting three British authors who created their major works in war times or in between-two-wars times. T.S. Eliot, H.G. Wells, and C.S. Lewis. T.S. Eliot considered in such periods we are Hollow men full of straw and when we see the bullies that are being elected or appointed in some countries, like Trump in the USA, we are well obliged to think and admit he was right. H.G. Wells was for total white eugenics and he did not see it brought up the first world war - partly - and the second world war - entirely. C.S. Lewis tried to look at the fate (or is it a curse?) of humanity from a Christian point of view a world where war would have been eliminated. His vision was optimistic and yet speking to the children that are in every single one of us. Just follow teh links and get where those papers are, just for you of course.

The federal debt is breaking records. Who owns it? Who controls it? Saudi Arabia and China among others. Immigration is the worst scarecrow Trump is agitating like a rattle in an empty barrel for resonance and plangency. Health Care is not even an antidote to that poison because there is no money for it with the accumulated debt and its interests. General Motors is going to lay off something like 25-30% of its employees because the tariffs are bringing a receding demand for cars. Don’t worry Wall Street will like this Soja beans and corn (what about pork?) are in a “fix” that cannot be fixed since their main customer has been pushed into turning its buying to Russia for soybeans and Europe for corn. Saudi Arabia is falling through the trap of their own unwise violence in Yemen and in their own consulate in Turkey. If they stop being bullies the demand in weapons will go down, if they don’t we will enter the first stage of a new World War, and imagine the price of oil. Anyway, Syria is lost and Russia has all the “trump” cards in their hands, along with Turkey and Iran. Regime change in Iran? Why not dream of changing the course of the moon and make it land in Florida? Speaking of Florida, what about phosphate mining and the infiltrations of extremely toxic stuff into the water tables and aquifer? When will this contaminated water reach the Everglades? How many alligators will die, their maws gaping poisoned by greedy landowners? One small note of hope in Germany: the needed change after so many years of Merkel is pushing the Greens up, not the extreme right, nor the extreme left. Shucks the Germans are breaking the Trump curse. Who is laughing as loud as a tornado married to a hurricane? But Putin and Xi, of course, hand in hand, exchanging rings and reciprocal accolades (a touch on a person's shoulders with a sword at the bestowing of a knighthood) You do not need to patent Trump as an intellectual property invention. No one is going to steal that work of anti-social anti-mental antiart. Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU H.G Wells got lost between eugenics and Josef Stalin. T.S. Eliot got puzzled between historical necessity and peace. C.S. Lewis got called to the fantasy side of our life. And yet they were able to foresee the future after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the end of the Cold War. The ambition of one power to take over the world will lead that world to an impasse so blind and so dead that even a rat could not get out of the end of this alley, let alone the aging muskrat in Washington DC and the youngish Raccoon in Pyongyang. If you do not believe me just ask National Geographic about raccoons: A Series In One Introduction And Five Parts (A full book of 128 typed pages, 61,925 words, published in six installments on THREE ETERNAL MODERN GOSPELS IN TIME OF WAR H.G. WELLS – T.S. ELIOT – C.S. LEWIS TRUMP DENIED SALVATION INTRODUCTION (1,139 words) TABLE OF CONTENTS 0- T.S. ELIOT, The Hollow Men THREE ETERNAL MODERN GOSPELS IN TIME OF WAR H.G. WELLS – T.S. ELIOT – C.S. LEWIS TRUMP DENIED SALVATION PART ONE: GOD’S DEATH AND SUBSEQUENT RESURRECTION (8,332 words) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1- GOD’S DEATH AND SUBSEQUENT RESURRECTION, FROM FAUST TO APOCALYPTO (Université Catholique de Lille, 2007) THREE ETERNAL MODERN GOSPELS IN TIME OF WAR H.G. WELLS – T.S. ELIOT – C.S. LEWIS TRUMP DENIED SALVATION PART TWO: H.G. WELLS, THE TIME MACHINE (7,446 words) TABLE OF CONTENTS 2- H.G. WELLS, THE TIME MACHINE, (Guide de la littérature britannique des origines à nos jours, eds Jean Pouvelle & Jean-Pierre Demarche, Ellipses, Paris, 2008) 3- THE TIME MACHINE, A DYSTOPIC UTOPIA (2007) THREE ETERNAL MODERN GOSPELS IN TIME OF WAR H.G. WELLS – T.S. ELIOT – C.S. LEWIS TRUMP DENIED SALVATION PART THREE: T.S. ELIOT, MURDER IN THE CATHEDRAL (13,594 words) TABLE OF CONTENTS 4- T.S. ELIOT, MURDER IN THE CATHEDRAL, (Guide de la littérature britannique des origines à nos jours, eds Jean Pouvelle & Jean-Pierre Demarche, Ellipses, Paris, 2008) 5- THOMAS BECKET ET THOMAS STEARNS ELIOT, ou PEUT-ON AVOIR FOI EN L’HISTOIRE ? (Théâtres du Monde, n° 18, Avignon France, 2008) THREE ETERNAL MODERN GOSPELS IN TIME OF WAR H.G. WELLS – T.S. ELIOT – C.S. LEWIS TRUMP DENIED SALVATION PART FOUR: C.S. LEWIS, MARTYRDOM VERSUS EUGENICS (10,469 words) TABLE OF CONTENTS 6- A CONTRADICTORY BACKDROP FOR C.S. LEWIS, MARTYRDOM VERSUS EUGENICS (Université Catholique de Lille, 2011) THREE ETERNAL MODERN GOSPELS IN TIME OF WAR H.G. WELLS – T.S. ELIOT – C.S. LEWIS TRUMP DENIED SALVATION PART FIVE: C.S. LEWIS, THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA IN SHADOWLANDS (9,099 words) TABLE OF CONTENTS 7- C.S. LEWIS & THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA, BBC REWRITING AND ADAPTATIONS, RADIO AND TV 8- SHADOWLANDS, LIVING WITH JOY, LOVING JOY WITH LOVE AND HOPE INTRODUCTION I will dedicate this series of studies to all the Hollow Men of the world and I will borrow the dedication from T.S. Eliot, my middleman here, the only one who could lead us beyond the eugenics believer in social Darwinism, H.G. Wells, and to the kingdom of peace, empathy and love of the Lion Aslan, aka C.S. Lewis. It will certainly take a lion to help us step over the roaring showingoff of the muskrat and the raccoon strutting on the stage of our apocalypse as if they were Zeus and Apollo. Who will be the four knights who will put an end to the strife and commit a modern murder in the cathedral, or should we say it is a mosque, a Buddhist temple or maybe a synagogue? After the war of words, there is always either the competition at who will spit longer and farther or the sudden public befriending that leads to some compromise. Such a compromise was not possible with Hitler and Chamberlain. Will it be possible with Trump and Kim? Stalin stayed on the penalty line, watching and correcting the absurd treaty of Versailles as for the borders of the USSR with Poland. Will Putin and Xi stay on the penalty line much longer? And what can they bring on the table to pacify the aging muskrat and the youngish raccoon? It will take more than a pound of flesh to solve the problem. No matter what may happen, one thing is sure the world order of 1989 or 1990 is finished, over, terminated and he who was first will probably not be last but he will be at best second or third. For many reasons, some clear, some not clear at all, what we call today the west which was only Christian Europe in the 15th century, became preeminent in the world, tilting it away from Asia which had been the most dynamic region before the expansion of the Portuguese and the Spanish along with slavery, trans-Atlantic slave trade, colonialism, all of these meaning the deadly exploitation of the rest of the world by the European minority, with the Muslim world in-between, controlled without being controlled by the west, under the protection or protectorate of the west. As Hal Brands writes on September 27; 2017, in “America’s New World Order Is Officially Dead, China and Russia have fully derailed the post-Cold War movement toward U.S.-led global integration.” ( “The age of integration is thus over, in the sense that there is no realistic, near-term prospect of bringing either Russia or China into an American-led system.” Hal Brands obviously does not realize that what he calls integration is perceived as assimilation or even homogenization by everyone else in the world and that appears to people as being nothing else but an advanced form of colonialism generally referred to as imperialism. The USA does not seem to understand that the railroads built by the Chinese with some financing from Japan connecting Mombasa in Kenya to Central Africa (Uganda and Rwanda among others) and to Ethiopia (Addis Ababa and further) are one thousand more important for the world, and particularly Africa, than one thousand US drones in Yemen and 60 Tomahawk missiles in Syria, thirty-six of which were hi-jacked by Russian military hackers and never reached their target. The show of strength turns into a farcical vaudeville that kills quite a few collateral victims who have asked nothing. And the US menace North Korea with “fire and fury,” and a few other bird names, knowing that anyway, they will not do it, or if they did they would be rejected by the global community, including the Brexiteers of Britain and the AfD Teutonic Musketeers of Germany, since it would mean a nuclear third world war that would break the record of casualties of the second world war. It could even reach one trillion victims, not to mention the long-term contaminated and genetically perverted victims already alive or to be born. The world cannot go on living in that kind of domination. Colonial empires have fallen. The West is jumping from one financial crisis to the next, growing backward as compared to what it used to be. Asia is growing so fast that it might take less time for it to overtake the west than to imagine this event. Is it the interest of the west to crush Asia under bombs? Is it even, the interest of the USA to crush Asia under bombs. Shouldn’t we speak of getting out of the Middle East, out of Central Asia and not putting our fingers in the rest of Asia? Apparently, Uncle Sam is divided, though the top man there seems to favor a good old show of power in fury and fire, and other four-letter words like grab (like land grab) and a few more he used in Alabama recently against NBA professional players, reinventing at the same time the meaning of “fire” and rediscovering that it may mean dismiss or discharge. Who under the sun ever likes four-letter F-words? I thus give you the following compilation of studies on three authors who were confronted to the first half of the 20th century, or slightly more, and have become the three gospel writers of this time. H.G. Wells and his fascination for eugenics, social Darwinism, and Stalin. T.S. Eliot and his own fascination for violence in history and the call for justice and peace. C.S. Lewis and his very own fascination for a children’s world of adventure, struggle for freedom, and liberation. Eugenics is only the current form of genetic cleansing and as such is not much different from colonialism, imperialism and other slavery systems that exploit all “genetically inferior” beings to death in order to produce a profit as long as they are able to survive. The principle is the belief that all human beings should be identical and those who cannot for any reason (skin color, religion, language, gender, or whatever) have to be exploited to death, and even after death everything has to be used and recycled in the corpses for the benefit and profit of those who are genetically normal. God Save Our Dear Trumpkin God Save Our Dear Trumpkin God Save Trumpkin