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Speyer, 2024
Der Schutzheilige der Mathematiker ist Anatolios von Laodikeia. Unter seinem Namen und unter dem des antiken Gelehrten Iamblichos von Chalkis sind Werke zur Zahlentheologie überliefert. Der gelehrte Patriarch Photios zitiert eines von ihnen, das er dem Nikomachos von Gerasa zuweist, in Auszügen und verdammt es als heidnisches Machwerk, ja bedauert sogar, dass es erhalten blieb. In den Werken geht es im Sinne der pythagoreischen Lehre stets um die Göttlichkeit und Schönheit der ersten zehn Zahlen und ihrer Beziehungen zueinander. Die neue zweisprachige Ausgabe erlaubt einen Einblick in das antike Nachdenken über den Grenzbereich zwischen Zahlenlehre und Theologie. ISBN 978-3-939526-63-6
Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2004
Desde la instalación del primer periódico en la red Internet en 1994 hasta el día de hoy 2004, se ha logrado evolucionar en la Convergencia Digital. Han sido los contenidos, los emisores, los receptores, el negocio, etc. los que han revolucionado en diferentes aspectos, desde la formulación de una nueva retórica, hasta la posibilidad de crear negocios periodísticos en esta red. Sin embargo, el día de hoy hay una disparidad profunda entre los medios protagonistas en la convergencia digital y la mayoría que se han quedado estancados. Palabras claves: Internet, Convergencia Digital, Nueva Retórica, Disparidad
Academia Letters, 2021
Human activities have changed the planet and lead to the birth of a new era which is known as the "Anthropocene". Changes in land use have lead humans to closer contact with the pathogens of zoonotic diseases, including new strains of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Zoonotic diseases are the infectious diseases that are caused by pathogens that migrate from wilds to human either through direct transmission or through hosts such as insects, which carries the pathogen without themselves getting infected. In addition to the present SARS-CoV-2 virus causing the global Covid-19 pandemic, several other zoonoses caused several deadly epidemics and pandemics in the past few decades, such as the Bubonic plague, H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu); H5N1 Influenza (Avian Influenza or Bird flu); Zika Virus; Ebola Virus; Rift Valley fever (RVF); African sleeping sickness (sleeping sickness); Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS); Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). Zoonotic diseases can be classified according to the ecosystem in which they circulate. They are classified into synanthropic zoonoses and exoanthropic zoonoses. Synanthropic Zoonoses prevailed in the urban cycle and the sources of infection are domestic and synanthropic animals. Examples include rabies, zoonotic ringworm, etc. Exoanthropic zoonosis prevails both in feral and wild cycles and the source of infection is outside human habitats. Examples include Lyme disease, tularemia, etc. There is also another category of zoonoses that can prevail both in wild and urban cycles. The best example is that causing yellow fever. Another category of zoonoses is Sapronoses responsible for human diseases transmissible from an abiotic environment. Sapronotic agents carry on two lifecycles one is in the abiotic substrate which is known as saprophytic lifecycle and another parasitic lifecycle in the body of the homeotherm vertebrate host. Some important sapronoses, like cholera and anthrax are capable of causing epidemics.
While many works have been published on different aspects of the Holocaust and genocides, their aftermath and impact on society still require further research and discussion in scholarly literature. This book illuminates unknown aspects of the aftermath of the Holocaust and genocides, and discusses trials of Holocaust and genocide perpetrators, commemoration of the victims, attempts to revive Jewish national life, and outbreaks of post-World War II anti-Semitism. It also analyzes the representation of the Holocaust and genocides in literature, press and film. The volume includes thirteen articles, which are based on recently discovered archival materials, and provides new approaches to the research of the Armenian genocide, the Holodomor, ethnic cleansing and the Holocaust. More Info: Hardback, ISBN-13: 978-1-5275-4740-7; ISBN-10: 1-5275-4740-X Paperback edition, 2023. ISBN: 1-5275-9544-7; ISBN13: 978-1-5275-9544-6.
Democracia, representación y nuevas formas de participación. Una mirada en prospectiva., 2021
En este artículo se defiende que los jueces ejercen una función representati- va. Se trata de una forma especial de representación que se puede denominar argumentativa, deliberativa y meritocrática. El eje central de esa tesis es el rol de los tribunales para canalizar los reclamos de los ciudadanos. Los jue- ces solicitan a las autoridades las razones por las cuales se ha aprobado una determinada medida. Ese proceso permite comprender los fundamentos de una decisión pública y contestarla con razones o argumentos. El texto afirma que el rol representativo de los tribunales requiere de un diseño especial de la justicia constitucional. Ese diseño debe permitir el mayor acceso de las perso- nas al foro de representación. Por eso, el argumento del texto es una defensa de mecanismos como la acción pública de inconstitucionalidad. Desde luego, también se trata de una defensa de los tribunales como escenarios para resolver profundos desacuerdos sociales sobre los derechos que tenemos, el contenido de esos derechos y la mejor forma de protegerlos.
Seçim kampanyaları döneminde belirli hedef kitlelere belirli hedefler doğrultusunda tutum güçlendirme ya da tutum değiştirmeyi amaçlayan siyasal reklamlar, başarının ölçülmesinde rol oynamaktadır. Böylece seçim dönemlerinde yayınlanan siyasal reklamların seçmen üzerindeki etkisinin ortaya konulması, siyasal başarının ölçülmesinde gerekli bir unsurdur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, 2023 yılında gerçekleştirilen Cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimlerinin ikinci turunda, adayların siyasal iletişim sürecinde kullandıkları siyasal reklamlara yönelik seçmenin ilgi düzeylerini ve odaklanma değerlerini, Psikofizyolojik Veri Hasadı tekniği ile değerlendirmektir. Araştırma sonucunda; siyasal reklam videolarına ilişkin katılımcıların psikofizyolojik çıktıları arasında önemli farklılıklar gözlenmiştir. Bu anlamda katılımcılar Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’a ait siyasal reklama yüksek motivasyon göstermiş, tüm kategorilerde yüksek görsel dikkat ortalaması ve ilgi yüzdesi almıştır. Bu anlamda katılımcıların; milli ve manevi duyguları destekleyen, birlik ve beraberlik vurgusunu öne çıkaran görüntülerden etkilendikleri bulgulanmıştır. Öte yandan Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’na ait siyasal reklamı izleyen katılımcıların dikkat değerlerinin ise düşük seyrettiği bulgulanmıştır. Merkezi dikkat değerinin en çok olduğu sahneye ilişkin sıcaklık haritasında katılımcılar; Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu yerine Ekrem İmamoğlu’na dikkat göstermiştir. Ayrıca siyasal reklam videolarına ilişkin katılımcıların dikkat ortalamalarında ve odaklanma miktarlarında cinsiyete bağlı farklılıklar bulgulanmıştır.
• La contaminación ambiental es un fenómeno que afecta sobre todo a las áreas urbanas de nuestra ciudad, y cuyas consecuencias a la salud de la población aún no se encuentran bien identificadas, pero son inmediatas y de afectación a largo plazo. Es originada por muchos factores entre ellos tenemos: por el parque automotor, otro es por las aguas servidas o desagües que son llevadas directamente a las aguas del río chili y estas aguas son usadas en la agricultura, de este uso las consecuencias de consumo de productos conlleva a que estemos en riesgo de adquirir cualquier enfermedad.
An international conference focused on the beginnings of mining and metallurgy in the Caucasus was organised in Tbilisi in June 16th-19th 2016 under the auspices of the National Museum of Georgia. This conference, which was funded by the Agence nationale de la recherche (France) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Germany), aimed at discussing the intricate relationships between the emergence of mining and metallurgy, and the shaping of late prehistoric societies in southwestern Asia. The Caucasus is renowned in Near Eastern archaeology for its wealth in natural resources, in particular in metal ores: for decades, scholars have surmised a specific causal relationships between the rise of complex, hierarchical societies in the Near-East and the development of extractive metallurgy. Metallurgy, however, is only the most visible part of the story that accounts for the dramatic changes perceptible in southwestern Asia in the course of the 5th millennium BCE. Early mining, which is not restricted to metal-ore mining, certainly also had an impact in terms of economic networks, social dynamics, settlement patterns and regional integration, not only across the Caucasus, but also in the ancient Near and Middle East. Drawing on these fundamental questions, this book explores the socioeconomic , technological and environmental background that favoured the rise of systematic mining and extractive metallurgy in the Caucasus at the end of the Chalcolithic. How far was early mining linked to the spread of specific subsistence strategies such as pastoral herding? Were mined resources mainly intended for local consumption or distributed throughout the Near East, towards Anatolia, Iran or Mesopotamia? Here are some of the issues that are discussed in the present volume, which contains 21 articles written by some of the most eminent specialists in Caucasian archaeology. Un colloque international axé sur les origines de l' extraction minière et de la métallurgie dans le Caucase s' est déroulé à Tbilisi du 16 au 19 juin 2016, sous les auspices du Musée national de Géorgie. Ce colloque, financé par l' Agence nationale de la recherche (France) et la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Allemagne), avait pour objectif d'aborder les relations entre la naissance des mines et de la métallurgie, et l' évolution des sociétés protohistoriques en Asie du Sud-Ouest. Le Caucase est connu en archéologie orientale pour sa richesse en matières premières, en particulier pour ses ressources métallifères ; pendant des décennies, les chercheurs ont présupposé l' existence d'un lien de causalité particulier entre l' émergence de sociétés complexes hiérarchisées au Proche et Moyen-Orient et le développement de la métallurgie extractive. Pourtant, la métallurgie n' est que la partie émergée d'une histoire marquée par des changements spectaculaires tout au long du V e millénaire avant notre ère. L' extraction minière, par exemple, qui ne se réduit d' ailleurs pas à l' exploitation des minerais métallifères, a certainement eu aussi un impact sur les dynamiques sociales, les structures de peuplement, l' organisation des réseaux économiques et les processus d'intégration régionale, en Orient comme dans le Caucase. Partant de ces questions fondamentales, cet ouvrage explore le contexte socioéconomique, technologique et environnemental dans lequel se sont développées la métallurgie et l'extraction minière à la fin du Chalcolithique dans le Caucase. Ainsi, dans quelle mesure les premières exploitations minières sont-elles liées à des stratégies de subsistance spécifiques, tel le pastoralisme ? Les ressources exploitées étaient-elles destinées à la seule consommation locale ? Ou bien étaient-elles aussi distribuées à travers le Proche-Orient, l' Anatolie, l'Iran ou la Mésopotamie ? Tels sont les thèmes abordés dans ce volume, qui contient 21 articles rédigés par quelques-uns des plus éminents spécialistes de l'archéologie du Caucase.
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