Evolution (Sorry Darwin but you are Wrong!) in Pictures

This is an excerpt from Pictorial Compendium of The Secret Doctrine Volume IV, The Nature of Everything. From the exoteric angle, evolution means growth and development and is largely applied to the form side of nature, and the term "evolution" might thus be confined entirely to the evolution of the form nature. However, from the esoteric angle, evolution means a steadily increasing sensitivity to light and illumination.

Abstract From the exoteric angle, evolution means growth and development and is largely applied to the form side of nature, and the term "evolution" might thus be confined entirely to the evolution of the form nature. However, from the esoteric angle, evolution means a steadily increasing sensitivity to light and illumination. Introduction 2 3 4 Contents Evolution Initiation Reincarnation ........................................................ 12 What is initiation? .................................................. 47 The Laws of Rebirth and Evolution- The Perfecting of Form Expression .......................... 14 NOE Theory and Evolution The Law of Rebirth ............................................... 18 Karma or Quantum Entanglement over Time.. 22 WHY but not WHEN .......................................................25 A Time for Everything .......................................... 26 Ecclesiastes 3 .................................................................27 Revelation 13:9 ...............................................................28 Mathew 5:3-12 .................................................................29 Capitalistic System ........................................................30 IF, by Rudyard Kipling, circa 1875 ..............................31 The Golden Rule Found in Confucianism ........ 32 Transportation of Life ........................................... 56 Transmutation of Form ........................................ 61 I died!............................................................................... 62 Evolution of Man ................................................... 63 Untold Eons -Evolution of the Monad......................... 66 In the words of Blavatsky: ............................................ 67 Domesticated Animals ......................................... 70 Auguries of Innocence By William Blake ................... 72 The Moon ............................................................... 73 Transmuting Process ........................................... 74 Polarities and Bonds ..................................................... 75 Karma or Quantum Entanglement over Time – A Pictorial Example .................................................. 34 The Process........................................................... 77 Cloud Atlas ............................................................ 42 Neat Stuff ............................................................... 81 Principle of Mutation ............................................ 84 5 Evolution ................................................................ 88 On Darwin ............................................................ 143 What is the soul? Can we define it? What is its nature? ................................................................... 90 How are our Bodies Made? Concretion of Form .............................................. 97 Defining Dark Matter .....................................................98 The Races and Concretion of the Human Form .............................................................................. 100 From Thought to Appearance of a Human..... 150 How are our Bodies Made? ............................. 152 The Process is the Same! ................................. 154 Building the Human Form ................................. 159 Evolution of the Root-Races in the Fourth Round.. 102 The Black Hole............................................................. 160 Walter Russell's, "Harp Vibration Creating a Vortex." ....................................................................................... 103 DNA is Built on the Tube ............................................ 163 The Primal Modes of Reproduction. ............... 104 The Six Steps to Form Building Begins .......... 165 First Race ..................................................................... 109 Step 1 – Fine Misty Aspect ........................................ 168 From Marvel's Doctor Strange .............................................110 Spacetime Acoustic Fracton Lattice ...................................169 Second Race ............................................................... 111 Root of Matter .........................................................................170 Third Race .................................................................... 112 Sperm Penetrates the Egg ...................................................171 Final Evolution ............................................................. 113 Step 2 - Condensation Begins .................................. 174 The Fall ......................................................................... 115 Step 3 - The Sphere of the Atom Begins to Form . 179 History of the Fourth Race ................................ 118 Step 4 - The Form Becomes More Condensed - It Appears to go Through a Liquefaction Stage......... 181 An example - larger in size than we are now ......... 121 Quantum Entanglement and DNA ............................ 164 Budding - The A-sexual from the Sexless ..........................183 The Fifth Race – Aryan. ..................................... 122 Process of Transformation....................................................186 We are all ONE! .................................................. 127 The Sweat Born ......................................................................188 Shloka 39 ..................................................................... 128 Step 5 - The Atom Proceeds to Synthesize ............ 192 Genesis of the Pithecoid Stocks ...................... 136 Powering the Cell – Mitochondria........................................194 6 How Mitochondria Create Energy .......................................195 The Inner Life of the Cell.......................................................196 Foetus Recapitulates .............................................................198 Step 6 ........................................................................... 201 The Nucleus is Rotating, and the Vortex is Clearly Defined ..................................................................................................202 The Formulas............................................................... 204 Animation of a Fetus Growing in the Womb ........... 208 Consciousness Layers Reveal Significance ... 227 Vibration Frequency ........................................... 229 Does Human Consciousness have Cosmic Origin? .................................................................. 231 Quantum Mind ................................................... 237 Conclusion There is another Skywalker! ............................. 249 Afterword I’m Late ................................................................. 251 How Solid Are We? Holographic Phantasm: Illusion, - Perception and Self-Delusion ......... 216 Flying ................................................................... 252 Death .................................................................... 218 We are all Part of the Universal Consciousness! .............................................................................. 221 Luminous Beings are We, Not this Crude Matter .............................................................................. 223 The Matrix - Its all an Illusion ............................ 225 7 The Beginning ..................................................... 254 The End ................................................................ 258 Index ..................................................................... 260 Evolution 8 9 10 How the Soul Experiences Life 11 Reincarnation Reincarnation 12 At the bottom of the cover picture, the god Vishnu encourages his devotee Arjuna on the eve of a great battle, explaining that he is not just one person, but as Vishnu, has many forms. You will note that Arjuna’s faces are animal and both male and female indicating that the soul experiences life in many forms. The Battle of Kurukshetra or the Battle of Arjuna is ever the battle preceding the third initiation. 13 The Laws of Rebirth and Evolution- The Perfecting of Form Expression The Laws of Rebirth and Evolution- The Perfecting of Form Expression 14 The Law of Rebirth is the major corollary of the Law of Evolution. It has never been grasped or properly understood in the West and, in the East, where it is acknowledged as a governing principle of life, it has not proved useful because it has been soporific in its effect, and a detriment to progress. The Eastern student regards it as giving him plenty of time; this has negated the driving effort to achieve a goal. The average Christian confuses the Law of Rebirth with what he calls "the transmigration of souls" and frequently believes that the Law of Rebirth signifies the passing of human beings into the bodies of animals or of lower forms of life. Such is by no means the case. As the life of God progresses onwards through form after form, that life in the subhuman kingdoms of nature proceeds progressively from mineral forms into vegetable forms, and from these vegetable forms into animal forms; from the animal form stage, the life of God passes into the human kingdom, and becomes subject to the Law of Rebirth and not the law of Transmigration. To those who know something of the Law of Rebirth or of Reincarnation, the mistake seems ridiculous. The doctrine or theory of reincarnation strikes the orthodox Christian with horror; yet if one asks him the question which the disciples asked Christ about the blind man, "Master, did this man sin or his fathers that he was born blind?" (John IX.2), they refuse 15 the implications; or they express amusement or dismay as the case may be. The presentation to the world of the thought by the average occult or theosophical exponent has been, on the whole, deplorable. It has been deplorable because it has been so unintelligently presented. The best that can be said is that they have familiarised the general public with the theory; had it, however, been more intelligently presented, it might have been more generally accepted in the West. If the goal of right human relations will be taught universally by the Christ, the emphasis of His teaching must be laid upon the Law of Rebirth. This is inevitably so, because in the recognition of this law will be found the solution of all the problems of humanity, and the answer to much of human questioning. This doctrine will be one of the keynotes of the new world religion, as well as the clarifying agent for a better understanding of world affairs. When Christ was here, in person, before, He emphasised the fact of the soul and the value of the individual. He told men that they could be saved by the life of the soul, and of the Christ within the human heart. He said also that "except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God." (John III.3.) Only souls can function as citizens of that kingdom, and it was this privileged functioning that He held, for the first time, before humanity, thus giving men a vision of a divine possibility and an unalterable conclusion to experience. He told them to "Be ye, therefore, perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect." (Matt. V.48.) 16 This time, He will teach men the method whereby this possibility can become accomplished fact—through the constant return of the incarnating soul to the school of life on Earth, there to undergo the perfecting process of which He was the outstanding example. That is the meaning and teaching of reincarnation. Dane Rudhyar, in his book New Mansions for New Men, page 123, gives a satisfying definition of this mysterious cosmic and human process. He says that; "The individual structure of the new manifestation is necessarily conditioned by the unfulfillment of the past; by the remains, the failures of the past—preserved in the records of nature in the memory of universal substance." The whole story—yours and mine and that of everyone—is covered in those few words. It should be remembered that practically all the occult groups and writings have foolishly laid the emphasis upon past incarnations and upon their recovery; this recovery is incapable of any reasonable checking—anyone can say and claim anything they like; the teaching has been laid upon imaginary rules, supposed to govern the time equation and the interval between lives, forgetting that time is a faculty of the brainconsciousness and that, divorced from the brain, time is non-existent; the emphasis has always been laid upon a fictional presentation of relationships. The teaching (hitherto given out on reincarnation) has done more harm than good. Only one factor remains of value: the existence of a Law of Rebirth is now discussed by many and accepted by thousands. 17 The Law of Rebirth The Law of Rebirth 18 Beyond the fact that there is such a law, we know little and those who know from experience the factual nature of this return reject earnestly the foolish and improbable details, given out as fact by the theosophical and occult bodies. The Law exists; of the details of its working we know as yet nothing. Only a few things can be said with accuracy about it and these few warrant no contradiction: 1. The Law of Rebirth is a great natural law upon our planet. 2. It is a process, instituted and carried forward under the Law of Evolution. 3. It is closely related to and conditioned by the Law of Cause and Effect (scientifically this is Quantum Entanglement over Time). 4. It is a process of progressive development, enabling men to move forward from the grossest forms of unthinking materialism to a spiritual perfection and an intelligent perception which will enable a man to become a member of the Kingdom of God. 5. It accounts for the differences among men and—in connection with the Law of Cause and Effect (called the Law of Karma in the East)—it accounts for differences in circumstances and attitudes to life. 6. It is the expression of the will aspect of the soul and is not the result of any form decision; it is the soul in all forms which reincarnates, choosing and building 19 suitable physical, emotional and mental vehicles through which to learn the next needed lessons. 7. The Law of Rebirth (as far as humanity is concerned) comes into activity upon the soul plane. Incarnation is motivated and directed from the soul level, upon the mental plane. 8. Souls incarnate in groups, cyclically, under law and in order to achieve right relations with God and with their fellowmen. 9. Progressive unfoldment, under the Law of Rebirth, is largely conditioned by the mental principle for "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." These few brief words need most careful consideration. 10. Under the Law of Rebirth, man slowly develops mind, then mind begins to control the feeling, emotional nature, and finally reveals the soul and its nature and environment to man. 11. At that point in his development, the man begins to tread the Path of Return, and orients himself gradually (after many lives) to the Kingdom of God. 12. When—through a developed mentality, wisdom, practical service and understanding—a man has learnt to ask nothing for the separated self, he then renounces desire for life in the three worlds and is freed from the Law of Rebirth. 20 13. He is now group conscious, is aware of his soul group and of the soul in all forms and has attained—as Christ had requested—a stage of Christlike perfection reaching unto the "Measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ." (Ephesians IV.13.) Beyond this generalisation, no intelligent person will attempt to go. When Christ reappears, our knowledge will become more true and realistic; we shall know that we are eternally related to the souls of all men, and that we have a definite relationship to those who reincarnate with us, who are learning with us the same lessons and who are experiencing and experimenting with us. This proven and accepted knowledge will regenerate the very sources of our human living. We shall know that all our difficulties and all our problems are caused by our failure to recognise this fundamental Law, with its responsibilities and obligations; we shall then gradually learn to govern our activities by its just and restraining power. The Law of Rebirth embodies the practical knowledge which men need today to conduct rightly and correctly their religious, political, economic, communal and private lives and thus establish right relations with the divine life in all forms. 21 Karma or Quantum Entanglement over Time Karma or Quantum Entanglement over Time 22 Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have succeeded in causing entanglement swapping between photons that never coexisted in time. In their paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the team explains how their experiment proves true an entanglement phenomenon first described by researchers in 2012 at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. The role of the timing and order of quantum measurements is not just a fundamental question of quantum mechanics, but also a puzzling one. Any part of a quantum system that has finished evolving can be measured immediately or saved for later, without affecting the final results, regardless of the continued evolution of the rest of the system. In addition, the nonlocality of quantum mechanics, as manifested by entanglement, does not apply only to particles with spacelike separation, but also to particles with time-like separation. In order to demonstrate these principles, the team generated and fully characterized an entangled pair of photons that have never coexisted. Using entanglement swapping between two temporally separated photon pairs, they entangled one photon from the first pair with another photon from the second pair. The first photon was detected even before the other was created. The 23 observed two-photon state demonstrates that entanglement can be shared between time like separated quantum systems. [1] [1] Megidish, E., Halevy, A., Shacham, T., Dvir, T., Dovrat, L., and Eisenberg, H. S., Entanglement Between Photons that have Never Coexisted; in Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 210403 (2013); DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.210403; arXiv:1209.4191v1 (quant-ph) (2013), For the non-scientist, the above said that researchers can entangle two particles over time even though one of the particles did not exist when the experiment started!! This is HUGE (!!) because for the first time in human history science has finally proven that karma does indeed exist. Karma is just another name for Quantum Entanglement over Time! WHAT?!? No way! Yes WAY!! 24 WHY but not WHEN WHY but not WHEN The significance of this profound discovery is that it starts to make clear WHY – why did I lose my job; why did I get sick; why did he win, and I didn’t; why, why, why? Quantum Entanglement over Time is the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Karma. The scientific details on the mechanisms are explained in the paragraph Quantum Entanglement and the Spirilla Theory in NOE, however, the explanation does not give the cycles; the mathematical determination of WHEN which is locked up in the understanding of the movement of celestial bodies. As stated in the postulates II. There is a basic law called the Law of Periodicity. 1. Every manifested life has its three great cycles: 2. Knowledge of the cycles involves knowledge of number, sound and colour. 3. Full knowledge of the mystery of the cycles is the possession only of the perfected adept. 25 A Time for Everything A Time for Everything 26 The following is a beautiful statement of Quantum Entanglement over Time: Ecclesiastes 3 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. 27 Ecclesiastes 3 Revelation 13:9 Quantum Entanglement over Time holds the key to understanding Revelation 13:9: “If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” (King James Version). To the Americans; if you live by the gun you will die by the gun. Revelation 13:9 28 Matthew 5:3–12 The eight Beatitudes during the Sermon on the Mount now come into focus: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are those who mourn: for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Mathew 5:3-12 29 Capitalistic SystemThe immediate effect of the above is the Capitalistic system. For ALL who belong to the 1%, the law of the universe states that you shall be the poorest. So, the question becomes: Would you want a ‘face that launched a thousand ships’, IF, when the cycle comes full circle, your face was so ugly that people turn away? Would you want to be the greatest dancer in the world, IF, when this comes full circle, your legs were gnarled leaving you in a wheelchair? Would you desert someone in great need, or the downtrodden, or the poor IF you knew that when this comes full circle, it is YOU that need? There is no action, no thought, no emotion, no unkind word that doesn’t have a price to pay. Likewise, The Golden Rule reaps treasures! 30 IF, by Rudyard Kipling, circa 1875 IF, by Rudyard Kipling, circa 1875 31 The Golden Rule Found in Confucianism The Golden Rule Found in Confucianism 32 己所不欲,勿施於人。 "What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others." 子貢問曰:"有一言而可以終身行之者乎"? 子曰:"其恕乎!己所不欲、勿施於人。" Zi gong (a disciple of Confucius) asked: "Is there any one word that could guide a person throughout life?" The Master replied: "How about 'shu' [reciprocity]: never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself?" -- Confucius, Analects XV.24, tr. David Hinton 33 Karma or Quantum Entanglement over Time – A Pictorial Example Karma or Quantum Entanglement over Time – A Pictorial Example 34 Here is an example. Let's say that you are the red-haired girl on the left. Over many cycles, you would eventually become the beautiful girl on the right.  Round eyes become slanted.  The smallmouth becomes fuller.  Pale skin becomes dark.  Red hair becomes dark.  The straight nose becomes fuller. BUT as the appearance changes so do the living circumstances. Let's say the red hair girl is poor; the dark-haired girl is rich; the red hair girl sings, the dark-haired girl can't hold a tune; the red hair girl marries early, the dark-haired girl marries late; and so on. This entanglement holds for the red hair girl if she harbours no hate for the dark skin. She is eventually reborn as a dark skin beauty. 35 What happens to someone filled with prejudice and hate? Hitler, Christ has said: "Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must need be that offences come, but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh." (Matthew 18:7.) As you think, so you become! 36 The hate that is inside the man on the left (Adolph Hitler) will eventually be seen on the outside. Hate is aversion for any object of the senses. Hate causes separation, whereas love reveals the unity underlying all forms. Hate is the result of concentration upon form and of a forgetfulness of that which every form (in more or less degree) reveals; hate is the feeling of repulsion and leads to a withdrawal of the man from the object hated; hate is the reverse of brotherhood and therefore is the breaking of one of the basic laws of the solar system. Hate negates unity, causes barriers to be built and produces those causes which lead to crystallization, destruction and death. It is energy used to repudiate instead of to synthesize and therefore runs counter to the law of evolution. Hate is really the result of the sense of personality and of ignorance plus misapplied desire. It was the sense of personality and of extreme ignorance coupled with desire for personal gain which produced hatred of Abel in the heart of Cain and caused the first murder, or the destruction of a brother's form. This should be carefully considered, for hate in some degree, aversion to some extent, is present in every human heart. Only, however, when it is entirely overcome by love or the sense of unity will death, danger and fear pass out of the ken of the human family. 37 We are ONE!! The differences between us is an illusion. As you think you will become. If you have white skin and hate black - you will become black because you need to walk in another's shoes to understand both sides of ying and yang! 38 Click to follow link to 39 A word of caution: do not assume that all deformed people are the result of a heart filled with hate. In some cases, the deformed person is due to a heart filled with LOVE - huh? Sometimes a soul will assume a misshapen physical form to help his or her caregivers with their karma OR sometimes the misshapen form is due to what the soul had in a previous life and now must pay the price. For example: • A face that launches a thousand ships, as in the case of Helen of Troy, will appear less attractive. • The outstanding ballet dancer will appear with gnarled legs. • The anorexic person will become morbidly obese. The topic is very complex. There is NO person free from transgression. There is NO innocent person. Only when you have reached the steps of initiation and become a Master, or you become a Lord of Compassion, will you be free of the wheel pulling you constantly into rebirth. 40 Assistance MUST always be given to a person in need regardless of the karma that produced the situation. And in the words of Buddha - better to seek the middle path. It is the extremes, both good and bad - which results in extremes when the action comes full circle! 41 Cloud Atlas Cloud Atlas 42 Cloud Atlas is a 2012 German-American science fiction film written and directed by The Wachowskis and Tom Tykwer. Adapted from the 2004 novel of the same name by David Mitchell, the film has multiple plots set across six different eras, which Mitchell described as "a sort of pointillist mosaic."The official synopsis describes it as "an exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present and future, as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution." Although the actors are the same as the plot lines weave through the time, and in reality, the faces and forms of the souls would change, this movie demonstrates the Law of Rebirth and the Law of Cause and Effect. Sonmi-451: Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future. The trailer is found below. 43 TM 44 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. Initiation 45 46 What is initiation? What is initiation? A WOMAN INITIATING. Initiation is in the nature of a great experiment which our Planetary Logos is making during this round. The whole process is optional, and a man may—if he so choose—follow the normal process, and take aeons of time to effect what some are choosing to do in a briefer period, through a self-chosen forcing process of passing out of the definitely human kingdom in the super-human. He is entering into the final stage in our present evolution. Initiation is a strictly personal matter with a universal application. It rests upon his inner attainment. The initiate will know for himself when the event occurs and needs no one to tell him of it. The expansion of consciousness called initiation must include the physical brain or it is of no value. 47 It is quite possible for men to be functioning on the physical plane and to be actively employed in world service who have no recollection of having undergone the initiatory process, yet who, nevertheless, may have taken the first or second initiation in a previous or earlier life. This is the result, simply, of a lack of "bridging" from one life to another, or it may be the outcome of a definite decision by the Ego. A man may be able better to work off certain karma and to carry out certain work for the Lodge if he is free from occult occupation and mystic introspection during the period of any one earth life. There are many such amongst the sons of men at this time who have previously taken the first initiation, and a few who have taken the second, but who are nevertheless quite unaware of it, yet their centres and nervous organisation carry proof to those who have the inner vision. It should be noted that not all become Masters of Wisdom. Many chose to take the normal evolutionary path and become Lords of Compassion. Lords of Compassion are pledged to "suffer" with, and to be governed by, certain conditions analogous to (though not identical with) the conditions governing men who are still attached to the world of form. The presentation below gives more detail. 48 49 OE Theory and Evolution 50 51 52 The debate is raging in the scientific community. You have the adherents of Intelligent Design (ID), Creationism and Darwinism all facing off against each other. The theory of ID is simply an effort to empirically detect whether the “apparent design” in nature acknowledged by virtually all biologists is genuine design (the product of an intelligent cause) or is simply the product of an undirected process such as natural selection acting on random variations. Creationism typically starts with a religious text and tries to see how the findings of science can be reconciled to it. ID starts with the empirical evidence of nature and seeks to ascertain what scientific inferences can be drawn from that evidence. Unlike creationism, the scientific theory of intelligent design does not claim that modern biology can identify whether the intelligent cause detected through science is supernatural. Here is a short list of issues that prompts the ID adherents: • Lack of a viable mechanism for producing high levels of complex and specified information. Related to this are problems with the Darwinian mechanism producing irreducibly complex features, and the problems of non-functional or deleterious intermediate stages. • Bergson who won a Nobel Prize tried to address the fact that a multi-cellular organ is a "functional whole made up of coordinated parts" and if "just one or a few of the parts happened to vary . . . the functioning of the whole would be impaired". This concept, now known as irreducible complexity, is the basis of the modern Intelligent Design movement. Bergson also concluded that, due to irreducible complexity, at every stage of an animal's history and development: “all the parts of 53 an animal and of its complex organs |must| have varied contemporaneously so that effective functioning was preserved. But it is utterly implausible to suppose, as Darwin did, that such co-adapted variations could have been random. . .. Some agency other than natural selection must have been at work to maintain continuity of functioning through successive alterations of form.” Bergson also concluded that Darwinism had failed to explain why life: “evolved in the direction of greater and greater complexity. The earliest living things were simple in character and well adapted to their environments. Why did the evolutionary process not stop at this stage? Why did life continue to complicate itself "more and more dangerously"?” • Natural selection is an extremely inefficient method of spreading traits in populations unless a trait has an extremely high selection coefficient. I would add that selection also has trouble eliminating deleterious mutations if they start off as neutral but become harmful as they accumulate. By the time the aggregate effect of otherwise neutral mutations become negative, it's too late to eliminate them one by one. • This lack of foresight is a bigger problem for organisms with larger genomes, as highlighted in the book "Genetic Entropy." • The problem that convergent evolution appears rampant -- at both the genetic and morphological levels, even though under Darwinian theory this is highly unlikely 54 • The failure of neo-Darwinian evolution to explain the biogeographical distribution of many species. As an example, Blavatsky states the divergent, biogeographical, animal forms found in Australia is due to the fact that the soil there is the oldest found in our planet's land masses. • Today, many evolutionists assume that a large number of small mutations can account for macroevolution. This conclusion is not based on experimental evidence, but on the assumption that the evidence for microevolution can be extrapolated to macroevolution. The empirical evidence, however, is clear -neither macro mutations nor micro mutations can provide a significant source of new genetic information. "Mutation accumulation does not lead to new species or even to new organs or tissues" • So far, no post-Darwinian theory has been able to deal with the major inadequacy of Neo-Darwinism, the source of new biological information. As stated by a Harvard biochemist, "evolutionary theory is a tumultuous field where many differing views are now competing for dominance". “The anthropology of the Secret Volumes is, however, the best possible answer to such a worthless contention as Darwinism” ……. Blavatsky 55 Transportation of Life Transportation of Life 56 1. We must not ignore the three great waves of energy which sweep cyclically through the entire solar system from: a. The seven stars of the Great Bear. The strength of these vibrations depends upon the closeness of the connection and the accuracy of the alignment between any particular Heavenly Man and His Prototype. The mystery here is profound; it is connected with the stage in evolution of the "imperfect gods" and the objective of the planetary deities. b. The Seven Sisters, or the Pleiades, and from that one in particular who is occultly termed "the wife" of the planetary Logos whose scheme will eventually receive the seeds of life from our planet, which is not considered a sacred planet, as has before been stated. c. The sun Sirius. There are other streams of energetic force which have an effect upon the Pilgrim everywhere, but the above enumeration will serve to show the complexity of the subject and the vastness of the scheme of evolution. All these vibratory emanations pass through the sphere cyclically; they come and go, and according to their presence or their non presence and according to the stage of evolution of the emanating Existence will depend the phenomenal character of all life, will depend the nature of any specific period, and the quality of the manifesting Monads. It is the appearance or 57 the disappearance of these waves of lifeforce (planetary, inter-planetary, systemic, cosmic and inter-cosmic) which sweeps into incarnation the divine pilgrims, and which brings about the cyclic manifestation of such great Lives as the "Silent Watcher" and the "Great Sacrifice"; it is this which causes also the dissolution of a scheme, and its reappearance, and is responsible for the transportation of the life seeds from one scheme to another, or from one solar system to another. In this great tide of forces, the Monads are swept along; their aggregate is termed the "force of evolution," and the life and persistence of the initiatory Being sets the term for their duration. Man is but the plaything of the forces which gather him up and carry him on, just as the atom, in the human frame is but the obedient servant of the man's imposing direction; yet within limits man is the controller of his destiny; within limits he wields forces and energies, he manipulates lesser lives and controls lesser centres of energy, and as time slips away his radius of control becomes ever more extensive. The atom controls its own central life; man can control the sets of lives who form his three bodies; the initiate and the adept are controlling energies of many kinds in the three worlds, as the Chohan does on the five planes of evolution. Thus the plan is 58 carried forward until the Army of the Voice become themselves the Sounder of the Words, and the Sounders of the Words become the Word itself. It will, therefore, be apparent, that the "Law of Monadic Return" which we have just been considering, is the sumtotal of those influences which have a direct bearing upon the monadic atoms, which affect its progress cyclically, and which stimulate it, or retard its activity according to the strength of the initiating life. It is only after initiation that the human atom reaches a stage in its development where forces and influences begin to be comprehended. When the methods are understood whereby adjustment is consciously made to extraneous force currents, resistance to retarding forces is initiated consciously and with scientific accuracy, and the man consciously puts himself into line with forces which will swing him along on the path of return. There is in this thought no undue complexity or cause for discouragement, for ever the potent force of electrical energy will offset the more lethargic vibration of solar fire, and solar fire itself in due time will negate the effects of "fire by friction." 59 60 Transmutation of Form Heinrich Khunrath Transmutation of Form 61 Rumi I died! I died! In the words of Rumi: I died as a mineral and became a plant, I died as a plant and rose to animal, I died as an animal and I was Man. Why should I fear? When was I less by dying? 62 Evolution of Man Evolution of Man 63 This is a complicated topic and goes to the unification of Biology, Chemistry, Geochemistry, Cosmology, Anthropology and Particle Physics. The topic is vast, so all I can do is give a very high-level introduction to transmutation. First, it should be understood that the Monad that descends into matter for the first time is but a spark. It is driven by something similar to ‘directed purpose’. It does not possess emotion or mental thoughts. As it descends it sounds its tone pulling together the matter with which it clothes itself – this matter is deva substance. The following facts might also be pointed out: First. That every kingdom of nature has its note or tone, and the mantric sounds, which concern any transmutative process within that kingdom, will have that note as the key or base note. That the note of the mineral kingdom is the basic note of substance itself, and it is largely the sounding of the note combinations, based on this key, which produces the great world cataclysms, wrought through volcanic action. Every volcano is sounding forth this note, and, for those who can see, the sound and colour [2] of a volcano is a truly marvelous thing. Every gradation of that note is to be found in the mineral kingdom which is itself divided into three main kingdoms: 64 a. The baser metals, such as lead and iron, with all allied minerals. b. The standard metals, such as gold and silver, which play such a vital part in the life of the race and are the mineral manifestation of the second aspect [3]. c. The crystals and precious stones, the first aspect [4] as it works out in the mineral kingdom—the consummation of the work of the mineral devas [5], and the product of their untiring efforts. Therefore, as the monad descends it clothes first in the baser metals or stone. Its directed purpose is to vibrate faster and organize. Through untold aeons it ascends through the various stages – its objective is to radiate. Radiation is transmutation in the process of accomplishment. Transmutation being the liberation of the essence in order that it may seek a new centre, the process may be recognised as radioactivity technically understood and applied to all atomic bodies without exception [6]. 65 Untold Eons – Evolution of the Monad Untold Eons -Evolution of the Monad The picture below shows the monad as it progresses through untold aeons from its first clothing as a mineral to man on the verge of becoming ‘TO BE’. The figure is not the evolution of the form, or the outer clothing, only the spirit, or first principle. Note in the figure the energy centres: 1. Man has 7 energy centres 2. Animals have 5 3. Plants have 3 4. Minerals have 1 66 In the words of Blavatsky: In the words of Blavatsky: “But this transformation did not take place on our Earth, nor on any material plane, but in the Spacial Depths of the first differentiation of the eternal Root-Matter. On our nascent Globe, things proceed differently. The Monad or Jîva, as said in Isis Unveiled, is, first of all, shot down by the Law of Evolution into the lowest form of matter—the mineral. After a sevenfold gyration encased in the stone, or that which will become mineral and stone in the Fourth Round, it creeps out of it, say, as a lichen. Passing thence, through all the forms of vegetable matter, into what is termed animal matter, it has now reached the point at which it has become the germ, so to speak, of the animal, that will become the physical man. All this, up to the Third Round, is formless, as matter, and senseless, as consciousness. For the Monad, or Jîva, per se, cannot be called even Spirit: it is a Ray, a Breath of the Absolute, or the ABSOLUTENESS rather; and the Absolute Homogeneity, having no relations with the conditioned and relative finiteness, is unconscious on our plane. Therefore, besides the material which will be needed for its future human form, the Monad requires (a) a spiritual model, or prototype, for that material to shape itself into; and (b) an intelligent consciousness, to guide its evolution and progress, neither of which is possessed by the homogeneous Monad, or by senseless though living matter. The Adam of dust requires the Soul of Life to be breathed into him: the two middle Principles, which are the sentient Life of the irrational animal and the Human Soul, for the former is irrational without the latter. It 67 is only when, from a potential androgyne, man has become separated into male and female, that he will be endowed with this conscious, rational, individual Soul (Manas), "the principle, or the intelligence, of the Elohim," to receive which, he has to eat of the fruit of Knowledge from the Tree of Good and Evil. How is he to obtain all this?..........” Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, Volume I, 3rd Edition, Page 266-267. 68 69 Domesticated Animals Domesticated Animals The more advanced domesticated animals are transitioning to man. Their head centres are beginning to develop with some animals having very well-developed head centres, and hence they are approaching human consciousness. With this comes karma which is their objective. The presentation below gives more details. Use the four arrows to go to full-screen mode. 70 71 Auguries of Innocence By William Blake 72 The Moon The Moon It should be pointed out that if the monad withdraws its note the form disintegrates. An example is the Earth’s moon which is a carcass whose internal fires are nearly extinguished. The moon is disintegrating because the logos of the dead planet abandoned it withdrawing all life including the mineral monads. There is a difference between mineral forms and mineral life. 73 Transmuting Process Transmuting Process The point to be grasped here is that the transmuting process, when effective, is superficially the result of outside factors as described by Geochemists when referring to minerals. Basically, it is the result of the inner positive nucleus of force or life reaching such a terrific rate of vibration, which it eventually scatters the electrons or negative points which compose its sphere of influence and scatters them to such a distance that the Law of Repulsion dominates. They are then no more attracted to their original centre but seek another. The atomic sphere, if I might so express it, dissipates, the electrons come under the Law of Repulsion, and the central essence escapes and seeks a new sphere, occultly understood. We must remember always that all within the solar system is dual and is in itself both negative and positive: positive as regards its own form, but negative as regards its greater sphere. Every atom therefore is both positive and negative, —it is an electron as well as an atom. 74 Earth, Alcyone, Sirius, J-coupling, Nuclear Overhauser Effect, Pleiades, Merak, Dubhe Polarities and Bonds You will note in the figure above, Earth is an electron to the Sun and hence is negative, however, with regards to itself it is positive 75 Therefore, the process of transmutation is dual and necessitates a preliminary stage of application of external factors, a fanning and care and development of the inner positive nucleus, a period of incubation or of the systematic feeding of the inner flame, and an increase of voltage. There is next a secondary stage wherein the external factors do not count so much, and wherein the inner centre of energy in the atom may be left to do its own work. These factors may be applied equally to all atoms; to the mineral atoms which have occupied the attention of alchemists so much, to the atom, called man who pursues the same general procedure being governed by the same laws; and to all greater atoms, such as a Heavenly Man or a solar Logos. 76 The Process The Process 77 The process might be tabulated as follows: 1. The life takes primitive form. 2. The form is subjected to outer heat. 3. Heat, playing on the form, produces exudation and the factor of moisture supervenes. 4. Moisture and heat perform their function in unison. 5. Elemental lives tend all lesser lives. 6. The devas co-operate under rule, order and sound. 7. The internal heat of the atom increases. 8. The heat of the atom mounts rapidly and surpasses the external heat of its environing. 9. The atom radiates. 10. The spheroidal wall of the atom is eventually broken down. 11. The electrons or negative units seek a new centre. 12. The central life escapes to merge with its polar opposite becoming itself negative and seeking the positive. 13. This is occultly obscuration, the going-out of the light temporarily, until it again emerges and blazes forth. [7] 78 At the initial stage, the mineral monad has initiated into the next kingdom and the next time it descends into matter it will clothe itself in finer deva substance in the vegetable kingdom. The monad continues to work through all of the various stages of evolution utilizing the same process and depending on the PATH chosen becomes a Planetary Logos. [7] [2] The sound referenced here is in the 5th dimension; colour is in the 4th. [3] The second aspect here is referring to the second part of electricity – i.e. neutral, equilibrating, or balancing as that energy is concretized. [4] The first aspect refers to the first part of electricity – i.e. positive or synthesizing as that energy is concretized. An example of the concretized first aspect of the mineral kingdom is the energy stored then released in an atomic bomb. [5] Analogous to quantum physics’ phonons which is a quasiparticle characterized by the quantization of the modes of lattice vibrations of periodic, elastic crystal structures of solids and having both acoustic and optical properties. [6] This includes the Planetary Logos and humans as they prepare for initiation. [7] The Planetary Logos of Earth is preparing for initiation and hence we see the planetary, internal heat rising – the effect is visible through global warming. This is discussed further in Climate Chaos and What You Do Not Know! Use the four arrows to go to full screen mode. 79 80 Neat Stuff Neat Stuff e Voynich Manuscript, Heinrich Khunrath 81 Voynich Manuscript 82 83 Principle of Mutation Principle of Mutation 84 From A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, pages 597 - 598: In concluding the above information about the laws, it is needful that we all recognise the extreme danger of dogmatising about these matters, and the risk of laying down hard and fast rules. Much must remain unexplained and untouched, and much also will serve to raise only questions in our minds. Comprehension is as yet impossible. Until fourth-dimensional sight is ours, it will scarcely be possible for us to do more than hint at, and get a passing vision of, the complexity and the interweaving in the system. It is not easy for us to do more than grip as a mental concept the fact that the rays, schemes, planets, chains, rounds, races and laws form a unit; seen from the angle of human vision the confusion seems unimaginable, and the key of its solution to be so hidden as to be useless; yet, seen from the angle of logoic sight, the whole moves in unison, and is geometrically accurate. In order to give some idea of the complexity of the arrangement, I would like here to point out that the Rays themselves circulate, the Law of Karma controlling the interweaving. For instance, Ray I may pass around a scheme (if it is the paramount Ray of the scheme) with its first subray manifesting in a chain, its second in a round, its third in a world period, its fourth in a root race, its fifth in a subrace, and its sixth in a branch race. I give this in illustration, and not as the statement of a fact in present manifestation. This gives us some idea of the vastness of the process, and of its wonderful beauty. It is impossible for us, sweeping through on some one Ray, to visualise or in any way to apprehend this beauty; yet, to those on 85 higher levels and with a wider range of vision, the gorgeousness of the design is apparent. This complexity is for us very much increased because we do not yet understand the principle governing this mutation. Nor is it possible for even the highest human mind in the three worlds to do more than sense and approximate that principle. By mutation I mean the fact that there is a constant changing and shifting, an endless interweaving and interlocking, and a ceaseless ebb and flow, in the dramatic interplay of the forces that stand for the dual synthesis of Spirit and matter. There is constant rotation in the Rays and planes, in their relative importance from the standpoint of time which is the standpoint most closely associated with us. But we can rest assured that there is some fundamental principle directing all the activities of the Logos in His system, and by wrestling to discover the basic principle on which our microcosmic lives rest, we may discover aspects of this inherent logoic principle. This opens to our consideration a wide range of vision, and though it emphasises the complexity of the subject, it also demonstrates the divine magnitude of the scheme, with its magnificent intricacies. The reason the fourth is a major round is because in this round two things happened—the spark of mind was implanted and the door was opened from the animal kingdom into the human; and later, another door opened, on to the Path leading from the human kingdom into the spiritual—again a dual reason. The fifth round is a major round because it marks a point in evolution where those who will achieve the goal, and those 86 who will not, are sharply differentiated into two groups; the seventh is a major round because it will mark the merging of the two evolutions, the human and the deva. The machine uses a principle of hydro genetic mutation. 87 Evolution Evolution 88 We will now dive deeper into evolution concentrating on the FORM side or APPEARANCE, or that side which Darwin drew his erroneous conclusions. He viewed the results but did not understand the cause. BUT - behind the appearance is the SOUL. 89 What is the soul? Can we define it? What is its nature? What is the soul? Can we define it? What is its nature? 90 91 The soul can be regarded as the principle of intelligence—an intelligence whose characteristics are mind and mental awareness, which in turn demonstrate as the power to analyse, to discriminate, to separate, and to distinguish, to choose or to reject, with all the implications conveyed in these terms. As long as a man is identified with the appearance, these aspects of the mental principle produce in him the "great heresy of separateness." It is the appearance of the form nature that glamours him and completely deludes him. He regards himself as the form, and then proceeds from a realisation of himself as the material form, and as identified with the outer appearance, to a realisation of himself as an insatiable desire. He then becomes identified with his desire body, with his appetites, good and bad, and considers himself as one with his moods, his feelings, his longings, whether they ray out in the direction of the material world or inward toward the world of thought or the Kingdom of the soul. He is torn by a sense of duality. Later, he becomes identified with still another of the appearances, — with the mind body or nature. Thoughts become to him so tangible that he is swayed, turned and influenced by them; and to the world of material appearances, and to the world of the great Illusion is added the world of 92 thought forms. He is then subjected to a triple illusion, and he, the conscious life behind the illusion, begins to unify the forms into one coordinated whole, in order the better to control them. Thus, the Personality of the soul makes its appearance. He stands then on the verge of the probationary path. He enters the world of quality and of value, and begins to discover the nature of the soul and to shift the emphasis from the appearance to the quality of the Life which has produced it. This identification of the quality with the appearance grows steadily upon the path until the fusion of quality and appearance, of energy and that which it energises, is so perfect that appearance no longer veils the reality, and the soul is now the dominant factor; consciousness is now identified with itself (or with its ray) and not with its phenomenal appearance. Later, the soul itself is superseded by the Monad, and that Monad becomes, in verity, embodied purpose. The process can be expressed by a very simple symbology, as follows:— o.o.o. or o.o...o or o...o.o., thus portraying the separateness of the three aspects. The union, then, of the aspects of appearance—quality— 93 purpose or life, results in an abstraction from the appearance, and therefore the end of phenomenal existence. Ponder on the simple arrangement of these signs, for they portray your life and progress: Unevolved man. . .o o o. appearance, quality, life. Disciple. . . . . . . . ..o o. .o. appearance—quality. . . . . .life. Initiate. . . . . . . . . ..o..o o. appearance. . . . . . quality—life. Finally. . . . . . . . . . within the circle of infinity. 94 This is true of the human being, of the Christ in incarnation; it is equally true of the cosmic Christ, of God incarnate in the solar system. In the system a similar fusion and blending is going on, and the separated aspects are entering into an evolutionary relationship, resulting in an eventual synthesis of appearance and quality, and then of quality and purpose. It might be noted here that the Hierarchy as a whole is distinguished by the sign o..oo; the New Group of World Servers by the sign oo..o; and the unevolved masses by o o o. Forget not, that in all three groups, as in nature, there are the intermediate stages composed of those who are on their way to a transitional accomplishment. 95 In those olden days no thought of purpose entered into the minds of men, for the race was not mental nor was it intended so to be. The emphasis was laid upon the quality of the appearance in all preparation for initiation, and the highest initiate of that time endeavoured to express only the quality of God's love. The Plan was the great mystery. The Christ, cosmic and individual, was sensed and known, but purpose was as yet veiled and unrevealed. The "noble eightfold path" was not known, and only seven steps into the Temple were seen. With the coming in of the Aryan race, the purpose and the plan began to be revealed. Only when the appearance is beginning to be dominated by quality, and consciousness is expressing itself in directed awareness through the form, is the purpose dimly sensed. I seek in various ways to convey through the symbol of words the significance of the soul. The soul is therefore the son of God, the product of the marriage of spirit and matter. The soul is an expression of the mind of God, for mind and intellect are terms expressing the cosmic principle of intelligent love, —a love which produces an appearance through the nature of mind and thus is the builder of the separate forms or appearances. The soul also, through the quality of love, produces the fusion of appearance and of quality, of awareness and of form. Continue to understand the answer to this question by going here: Bailey, Esoteric Psychology - Volume I, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Pages 36 to 59. 96 Concretion of Form Concretion of Form 97 Defining Dark Matter 98 In the presentation 'Origin of Universe', we discussed how planet Earth coalesced out of dark matter. "This graphic shows the coalescing of Earth, however, it is important to note that the process is identical for a hydrogen atom, a planet or the universe and even man! It shows part of the planetary chain of Earth and is a series of seven globes or worlds which form the field of evolution during the planetary cycle (or manvantara). The first three of these globes – generally known as A, B and C form the descending arc, the densest physical matter of the descent being reached in the fourth globe, D, of which are Earth is an instance. The fifth globe, E, on the ascending arc (not shown) which corresponds to C on the descending arc usually belongs to the astral plane (6th) and the sixth and seventh globe – F and G correspond to B and A. ONLY globe D is visible, the other globes sit in dark matter. All forms are composed on 7 planes through sound, and all represent the consciousness of some living entity. All physical plane planets are permanent atoms and have chemical structures sitting in Dark Matter. All planets are the physical bodies of Planetary Logoi – conscious entities. The corollary - where there is light there is life. " Humans also have a permanent atom as we will discuss below. 99 The Races and Concretion of the Human Form The Races and Concretion of the Human Form 100 First come the SELF-EXISTENT on this Earth. They are the "Spiritual Lives" projected by the absolute WILL and LAW, at the Dawn of every Rebirth of the Worlds. These Lives are the divine " Shishta" [the Seed -, Manus, or the Prajâpatis and the Pitris]. From these proceed: 1. The First Race, the "Self-born," which are the [Astral] Shadows of their Progenitors. The Body was devoid of all understanding [mind, intelligence, and will]. The Inner Being [the Higher Self, or Monad], though within the earthly frame, was unconnected with it. The link, the Manas, was not there as yet. 2. From the First [Race] emanated the Second, called the "Sweat-born"- and the "Boneless." This is the Second Root-Race, endowed by the Preservers [Râkshasas] and the Incarnating Gods [the Asuras and Kumaras] with the first primitive and weak Spark [the germ of intelligence] . . . And from these in turn proceeds: 3. The Third Root-Race, the "Two-fold" [Androgynes]. The first Races thereof are Shells, till the last is "inhabited" [i.e., informed] by the Dhyânis. 101 Evolution of the Root-Races in the Fourth Round Evolution of the Root-Races in the Fourth Round 102 Meridian of Races Walter Russell's, "Harp Vibration Creating a Vortex." Walter Russell's, "Harp Vibration Creating a Vortex." 103 The Primal Modes of Reproduction The Primal Modes of Reproduction. 104 The primal modes of reproduction are: I. Fission. (a) As seen in the division of the homogeneous speck of Protoplasm, known as Moneron or Amoeba, into two. (b) As seen in the division of the nucleated cell in which the cell-nucleus splits into two sub-nuclei, which either develop within the original cell-wall or burst it, and multiply outside as independent entities. (Cf. the First Root-Race.) II. Budding. A small portion of the parent structure swells out at the surface and finally parts company, growing to the size of the original organism; e.g., many vegetables, the seaanemone, etc. (Cf. the Second Root-Race.) Every process of healing and cicatrization in the higher animal groups—even in the case of reproduction of mutilated limbs with the Amphibians—is effected by fission and gemmation of the elementary morphological elements. III. Spores. A single cell thrown off by the parent organism, which develops into a multicellular organism reproducing the features of the latter, e.g., Bacteria and mosses. (This is the method used by the seed Manu to transfer DNA from one system to another, including human.) 105 IV. Intermediate Hermaphroditism. Male and female organs inhering in the same individual; e.g., the majority of plants, worms, and snails, etc.; allied to budding. (Cf. Second and early Third Root-Races.) V. True Sexual Union. (Cf. later Third Root-Race.) Secret Doctrine, Aryan 106 107 Reproduction, Asexual, Gemmation, Fragmentation, Unisexual, Sexual, Hermaphrodites, Fertilization, Zygote, Ovum, Spermatozoon, Gametes 108 First Race First Race The evolution of man of the fist race is given in The Secret Doctrine, Volume II, 3rd Edition page 90, Stanza IV. STANZA IV. CREATION OF THE FIRST RACES. (14) Creation of men. (15) They are empty shadows. (16) The Creators are perplexed how to create a Thinking man. (17) What is needed for the formation of a perfect Man. ——————— 14.The Seven Hosts, the Will-Born Lords, Propelled by the Spirit of Life-Giving, separate men from themselves, each on his own Zone. They threw off their “Shadows” or Astral Bodies — if such an ethereal being as a “Lunar Spirit” may be supposed to rejoice in an Astral, besides a hardly tangible body. In another Commentary it is said that the “Ancestors” breathed out the first man, as Brahma is explained to have breathed out the Suras or Gods, when they became Asuras (from Asu, breath). In a third it is said that they, the newly-created men, “were the shadows of the Shadows.” 109 From Marvel's Doctor Strange From Marvel's Doctor Strange © 2016 MARVEL, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 110 Second Race Second Race The evolution of the second race is given in The Secret Doctrine, Volume II, 3rd Edition page 115, Stanza V. STANZA V. THE EVOLUTION OF THE SECOND RACE. I8. The Sons of Yoga. 19. The Sexless Second Race. 20. The Sons of the "Sons of Twilight." 21. The "Shadow," or the Astral Man, retires within, and man develops a Physical Body. 18. THE FIRST WERE THE SONS OF YOGA. THEIR SONS, THE CHILDREN OF THE YELLOW FATHER AND THE WHITE MOTHER. In the later Commentary, the sentence is translated: The Sons of the Sun and of the Moon, the nursling of Ether [or the "Wind"] . . .. They were the shadows of the Shadows of the Lords. They [the shadows] expanded. The Spirits of the Earth clothed them; the Solar Lhas warmed them [i.e., preserved the Vital Fire in the nascent physical Forms]. The Breaths had life, but had no understanding-. They had no Fire or Water of their own. 111 Third Race Third Race The evolution of the third race is given in The Secret Doctrine, Volume II, 3rd Edition page 139, Stanza VI. STANZA VI. THE EVOLUTION OF THE "SWEAT-BORN." 22. The evolution of the three Races continued. 23. The Second Race creates the Third and perishes. 22. THEN THE SECOND EVOLVED THE EGG-BORN, THE THIRD. THE SWEAT GREW, ITS DROPS GREW, AND THE DROPS BECAME HARD AND ROUND. THE SUN WARMED IT; THE MOON COOLED AND SHAPED IT; THE WIND FED IT UNTIL ITS RIPENESS. THE WHITE SWAN FROM THE STARRY VAULT OVERSHADOWED THE BIG DROP. THE EGG OF THE FUTURE RACE, THE MAN-SWANS OF THE LATER THIRD (a). FIRST MALE-FEMALE, THEN MAN AND WOMAN (b). 112 Final Evolution Final Evolution The final evolution of man is given in The Secret Doctrine, Volume II, 3rd Edition page 201, Stanza IX. STANZA IX. THE FINAL EVOLUTION OF MAN. 33. The creators repent. 34. They atone for their neglect. 35. Men become endowed with minds. 36. The Fourth Race develops perfect speech. 37. Every androgynous unit is separated and becomes bisexual. 113 114 The Fall 115 The Fall The "Fall" occurred, according to the testimony of ancient Wisdom and the old records, as soon as Daksha—the reincarnated Creator of men and things in the early Third Race—disappeared to make room for that portion of mankind which had "separated." This is how one Commentary explains the details that preceded the "Fall": In the initial period of man's Fourth Evolution, the human kingdom branched off in several and various directions. The outward shape of its first specimens was not uniform, for the vehicles [the egg-like, external shells, in which the future fully physical man gestated] were often tampered with, before they hardened, by huge animals, of species now unknown, and belonging to the tentative efforts of Nature. The result was that intermediate races of monsters, half animals, half men, were produced. But as They were failures, they were not allowed to breathe long and live, although, the intrinsically paramount power of psychic over physical nature being yet very weak, and hardly established, the "Egg-born" Sons had taken several of their females unto themselves as mates, and bred other human monsters. Later, animal species and human races becoming gradually equilibrized, they separated, and mated no longer. Man created no more—he begot. But he also begot animals as well as men, in days of old. Therefore the Sages [or wise men], who 116 speak of males who had no more will-begotten offspring, but begat various animals along with Dânavas [Giants] on females of other species—animals being as [or in the manner of] sons putative to them; and they [the human males] refusing in time to be regarded as [putative] fathers of dumb creatures—spoke truthfully and wisely. Upon seeing this [state of things], the Kings and Lords of the last Races [of the Third and the Fourth] placed the seal of prohibition upon the sinful intercourse. It interfered with Karma, it developed new [Karma]. They [the Divine Kings] struck the culprits with sterility. They destroyed the Red and Blue Races. In another we find: There were blue and red-faced animal-men even in later times; not from actual intercourse [between the human and animal species], but by descent. And still another passage mentions: Red-haired, swarthy men going on all-fours, who bend and unbend [stand erect and fall on their hands again], who speak as their forefathers, and run on their hands as their giant fore-mothers. 117 History of the Fourth Race History of the Fourth Race 118 119 The history of the fourth race is given in The Secret Doctrine, Volume II, 3rd Edition page 237. STANZA X. THE HISTORY OF THE FOURTH RACE. 38. The birth of the Fourth (Atlantean) Race. 39. The sub-races of the Fourth Humanity begin to divide and interblend; they form the first mixed races of various colours. 40. The superiority of the Atlantean over other Races. 41. They fall into sin and beget children and monsters. 42. The first germs of anthropomorphism and sexual religion. They lose their "third eye." 38. THUS, TWO BY TWO, ON THE SEVEN ZONES, THE THIRD RACE GAVE BIRTH TO THE FOURTH; THE SURA BECAME A-SURA. 39. THE FIRST: ON EVERY ZONE, WAS MOON-COLOURED (yellow-white - no longer seen); THE SECOND YELLOW. LIKE GOLD; THE THIRD RED; THE FOURTH BROWN, WHICH BECAME BLACK WITH SIN *. THE FIRST SEVEN HUMAN SHOOTS WERE ALL OF ONE COMPLEXION. THE NEXT SEVEN,** BEGAN MIXING.*** * Strictly speaking, it is only from the time of the Atlantean, brown and yellow giant races, that one ought to speak of man, since it was the Fourth Race only which was the first completely human species, however much larger in size than we are now. 120 ** sub-races *** their colours An example - larger in size than we are now 121 An example - larger in size than we are now The Fifth Race – Aryan. Rumi The Fifth Race - Aryan 122 Every human being, in the earlier stages of his development (in ancient Lemuria and Atlantis, or possessing today the Lemurian or Atlantean state of consciousness—and there are many such), comes into incarnation upon one of the four Rays of Attribute, because these rays are peculiarly and uniquely related to the fourth kingdom in nature, and therefore to the fourth Creative Hierarchy. During the long, long cycle of the present fifth race, the so-called Aryan race, there came a period (lying now in the far distant and forgotten past) when individuals who had attained a certain state of consciousness transferred on to one of the three Rays of Aspect, according to the predominance of the energy or the line of force which was conditioned by these rays. One of the Rays of Aspect and two of the Rays of Attribute (rays 3, 5, 7) are conditioned by the first Ray of Power of Will, whilst rays 4 and 6 are conditioned by the second Ray of Love-Wisdom. A cycle of lives upon the third Ray of Creative Intelligence (as I prefer to call it) always precedes this transference. This ray experience covers a vast period of time. Except in the occult teaching and the Archives which remain in the custody of the Masters, history—as we know it and as it expresses the emergence from primitive and primeval times—does not exist. From the angle of occultism, history only covers the emergence of those cultures and civilisations which are called the fifth rootrace, only a small part of it being recognised as Aryan; the latter is simply a modern and scientific nomenclature covering a small period of modern history. The Aryan cycle covers the period of the relation between groups and nations though positing (as a necessary hypothesis) previous but unknown cycles of human living wherein primitive man roamed the earth; or positing sometimes the existence of 123 previous civilisations which have completely disappeared, leaving behind them faint traces of ancient organised civilisations and cultural remains, plus indications of interworld relationships of which there is no positive proof; these, it is suggested, must have existed owing to the similarity of architecture, language roots, traditions and the myths of religions. 124 Rumi Rumi Ancient Aliens 125 Shloka 39, Atlanteans, Egyptians 126 We are all ONE! We are all ONE! 127 Shloka 39 Shloka 39 Shloka 39 relates exclusively to the racial divisions. Strictly speaking, Esoteric Philosophy teaches a modified polygenesis. For, while it assigns to humanity a oneness of origin, in so far that its Forefathers or "Creators" were all Divine Beings—though of different classes or degrees of perfection in their Hierarchy—it teaches that men were nevertheless born at seven different centres of the Continent of that period. Though all were of one common origin, yet, for reasons given, their potentialities and mental capabilities, outward or physical forms, and future characteristics, were very different. [8] [8] Some superior, others inferior, to suit the Karma of the various reincarnating Monads, which could not all be of the same degree of purity in their last births in other Worlds. This accounts for the difference of races, the inferiority of the savage and other human varieties. 128 As to their complexions, there is a suggestive allegory told in Linga Pztrana. The Kumâras—the Rudra Gods, so called—are described as incarnations of Shiva, the Destroyer (of outward forms), called also Vâmadeva. The latter, as a Kumâra, the "Eternal Celibate," the chaste Virgin Youth, springs from Brahmâ in each great Manvantara, and "again becomes four"; a reference to the four great divisions of the human Races, as regards complexion and type—and the three chief variations of these. Thus in the twenty-ninth Kalpa—in this case a reference to the transformation and evolution of the human form, which Shiva ever destroys and remodels periodically down to the great Manvantaric turning point, about the middle of the Fourth (Atlantean) Race—in the twenty-ninth Kalpa, Shiva, as Shvetalohita, the Root-Kumâra, from mooncoloured becomes white; in his next transformation, he is red (and in this the exoteric version differs from the Esoteric Teaching); in the third, yellow; in the fourth, black. 129 130 Esotericism now classes these seven variations, with their four great divisions, into only three distinct primeval Races—as it does not take into consideration the First Race, which had neither type nor colour, and a hardly objective, though colossal, form. The evolution of these Races, their formation and development, proceeded on parallel lines with the evolution, formation, and development of three geological strata, from which the human complexion was as much derived as it was determined by the climates of these zones. The Esoteric Teaching names three great divisions, namely, the red-yellow, the black, and the brown-while. The Aryan races, for instance, now varying from dark brown, almost black, red-brown-yellow, down to the whitest creamy colour, are nevertheless all of one and the same stock, the Fifth Root-Race, and spring from one single Progenitor, called in Hindû exotericism by the generic name of Vaivasvata Mann; the latter, remember, being that Generic Personage, the Sage, who is said to have lived over 18,000,000 years ago, and also 850,000 years ago—at the time of the sinking of the last remnants of the Great Continent of Atlantis,[9] and who is said to live even now in his mankind. The light yellow is the colour of the first solid human race, which appeared after the middle of the Third Root-Race—after its fall into generation, as just explained—bringing on the final changes. For, it is only at that 131 period that the last transformation took place, which brought forth man as he is now, only on a magnified scale. This Race gave birth to the Fourth Race; "Shiva" gradually transforming that portion of Humanity which became "black with sin" into red-yellow, of which the red Indians and the Mongolians are the descendants, and finally into brownwhite races —which now, together with the yellow races, form the great bulk of Humanity. The allegory in Linga Purâna is curious, as showing the great ethnological knowledge of the ancients. [9] It must be remembered that the "last remnants" here spoken of, refer to those portions of the "Great Continent" which still remained, and not to any of the numerous islands which existed contemporaneously with the Continent. Plato's "island," for instance, was one of such remnants; the others having sunk at various periods previously. An Occult "tradition" teaches that such submersions occur whenever there is an eclipse of the "Spiritual Sun." 132 When reading of the "last transformation," which is said to have taken place 18,000,000 years ago, let the reader at this juncture, consider how many millions more it must have required to reach that final stage. And if Man, in his gradual consolidation, developed pari passu with the Earth, how many millions of years must have elapsed during the First, Second, and the first half of the Third Race. For the Earth was in a comparatively ethereal condition before it reached its last consolidated state [10]. The Archaic Teachings, moreover, tell us that, during the middle period of the Lemuro-Atlantean Race, three and a half Races after the Genesis of Man, the Earth, Man, and everything on the Globe, were of a still grosser and more material nature, while such things as corals and some shells were still in a semi-gelatinous, astral state. The cycles that have intervened since then, have already carried us onward, on the opposite ascending arc, some steps toward our "dematerialization," as the Spiritualists would say. The Earth, ourselves, and all things have softened since then—aye, even our brains. But it has been objected by some Theosophists that an ethereal Earth even some 15 or 20,000,000 years ago, "does not square with Geology," which teaches us that winds blew, rains fell, waves broke on the shore, sands shifted and accumulated, etc.; that, in short, all natural causes now in operation were then in force, "in the very earliest ages of geological time, aye, that of the oldest paIæozoic rocks." To this the following answers are given. 133 Firstly, what is the date assigned by Geology to these "oldest palæozoic rocks”? And secondly, why could not the winds blow, rain fall, and waves—of "carbonic acid" apparently, as Science seems to imply—break on the shore, on an Earth semi-astral, i.e., viscid? The word "astral" does not necessarily, in Occult phraseology, mean as thin as smoke, but rather "starry," shining or pellucid, in various and numerous degrees, from a quite filmy to a viscid state, as just observed. But it is further objected: "How could an astral Earth have affected the other Planets in this System? Would not the whole process get out of gear now if the attraction of one Planet were suddenly removed?" The objection is evidently invalid, since our System is composed of older and younger Planets, some dead —like the Moon—others in process of formation, for all that Astronomy knows to the contrary. Nor has the latter ever affirmed, so far as we know, that all the bodies of our System have sprung into existence and developed simultaneously. The Cis-Himâlayan Secret Teachings differ from those of India in this respect. Hindû Occultism teaches that the Vaivasvata Manu Humanity is 18,000,000 and odd years old. We say, yes; but only so far as physical or approximately physical, Man is concerned, who dates from the close of the Third Root-Race. Beyond that period Man, or his filmy image, may have existed for 300,000,000 years, for all we know; since we are not taught figures which are and will remain secret with the Masters of Occult Science, as justly stated in Esoteric 134 Buddhism. Moreover, whereas the Hindû Purânas speak of one Vaivasvata Manu, we affirm that there were several, the name being a generic one. [10] See the 'Origin of the Universe' presentation. 135 Genesis of the Pithecoid Stocks Genesis of the Pithecoid Stocks 136 Here is an excerpt from Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine, Volume II, Third Edition, Page 727 on the pedigree of apes. The attached figure (page 140) was supplied by Master Djwhal Khul to her. “Holding, as we do, that the mammalian type was a post-human Fourth Round product, the following diagram—as the writer understands the teaching—may make the process clear [11]: The unnatural union was invariably fertile, because the then mammalian types were not remote enough from their root-type [12]—Primeval Astral Man—to develop the necessary barrier. Medical Science records such cases of monsters, bred from human and animal parents, even in our own day. The possibility is, therefore, only one of degree, not of fact. Thus it is that Occultism solves one of the strangest problems presented to the consideration of the Anthropologist. The pendulum of thought oscillates between extremes. Having now finally emancipated herself from the shackles of Theology, Science has embraced the opposite fallacy; and in the attempt to interpret Nature on purely materialistic lines, she has built up that 137 most extravagant theory of the ages—the derivation of man from a ferocious and brutal ape. So rooted has this doctrine now become, in one form and another, that the most Herculean efforts will be needed to bring about its final rejection. The Darwinian Anthropology is the incubus of the Ethnologist, a sturdy child of modern Materialism, which has grown up and acquired increasing vigour, as the ineptitude of the theological legend of Man's "creation" became more and more apparent. It has thriven on account of the strange delusion that—as a Scientist of repute puts it: “All hypotheses and theories with respect to the rise of man can be reduced to two [the evolutionist and the biblical exoteric account] . . .. There is no other hypothesis conceivable [! !].” The anthropology of the Secret Volumes is, however, the best possible answer to such a worthless contention. The anatomical resemblance between man and the higher ape, so frequently cited by Darwinists as pointing to some former ancestor common to both, presents an interesting problem, the proper solution of which is to be sought for in the Esoteric explanation of the genesis of the pithecoid stocks. We have given it as far as it was useful, by stating that the bestiality of the primeval mindless races resulted in the production of huge man-like monsters—the offspring of human and animal parents. As time rolled on, and the still semi-astral forms consolidated into the physical, the 138 descendants of these creatures were modified by external conditions, until the breed, dwindling in size, culminated in the lower apes of the Miocene period. With these the later Atlanteans renewed the sin of the "Mindless"—this time with full responsibility. The resultants of their crime were the apes now known as anthropoid. It may be useful to compare this very simple theory—and we are willing to offer it merely as a hypothesis to the unbelievers—with the Darwinian scheme, so full of insurmountable obstacles, that no sooner is one of them overcome by a more or less ingenious hypothesis, than ten worse difficulties are forthwith discovered behind the one disposed of.[13] – [14] 139 Apes, Second Race, Third Race, Fourth Race, Fifth Race, Mammal Prototypes, Primeval Astral Man 140 [11] It is corroborated, however, as we have shown, by the Esotericism of Genesis. Not only are the animals created therein after the "Adam of Dust," but vegetation is shown in the Earth before "the heavens and the earth were created." "Every plant of the field before it was in the earth " (ii. 5). Now, unless the Occult interpretation is accepted—which shows that in this Fourth Round the Globe was covered with vegetation, and the First (Astral) Humanity was produced before almost anything could grow and develop thereon—what can the dead letter mean? Simply that the grass was in the earth of the Globe before that Globe was created? And yet the meaning of verse 6, which says that "there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground," before it rained, and caused the trees, etc., to grow, is plain enough. It shows also in what geological period it occurred, and further what is meant by "heaven" and "earth." It meant the firmament and dry incrustrated land, separated and ridden of its vapours and exhalations. Moreover, the student must bear in mind that, as Adam Kadmon, the "male and female being" of Genesis i, is no physical human being but the host of the Elohim, among which was Jehovah himself—so the animals, mentioned in that chapter as " created " before man in the dead-latter text, were no animals, but the zodiacal signs and other sidereal bodies. The Secret Doctrine, II, 119. [12] Let us remember in this connection the Esoteric Teaching which tells that Man in the Third Round was possessed of a gigantic ape-like form on the astral plane. And similarly at the close of the Third Race in this Round. Thus it accounts for the human 141 features of the apes, especially of the later anthropoids—apart from the fact that these latter preserve by heredity a resemblance to their Atlantean-Lemurian sires. [13] The Secret Doctrine, II, 3rd Edition, 728. [14] July 20, 1857, The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, supra, at 6:431. 142 On Darwin On Darwin 143 144 145 146 147 How are our Bodies Made? 148 From Thought to Appearance of a Human 149 From Thought to Appearance of a Human 150 151 How are our Bodies Made? How are our Bodies Made? 152 The smallest part of an atom consists of whirling vortexes, as a tornado, of energy and this vortex, gathers around it the smallest of life forms - we call them Devas. They are smaller than a virus, smaller than the smallest known particle. It is like a miniature solar system. Just like a tornado it has a centre, a tube, or a miniature BLACK HOLE which behaves almost the same as a cosmic black hole. Everything in the universe, including you and I, is built on these tubes. Let's say you place a tube in some sticky mud, move it around a bit then pull the tube out. Mud sticks to the tube. Now change the shape of the tube by adding some bumps, place the tube in the same mud, move it around a bit and pull out. The mud still sticks to the tube, but the pattern is different because of the bumps. This is how your DNA is built! This process happens in six steps and can be seen below in 'The Six Steps to Form Building.' 153 The Process is the Same! The Process is the Same! 154 155 156 Russell, Quantum Entanglement 157 Regardless of the form whether a planet, a superstructure, or the universe the process is the same!! But did you know that it is also the same for hydrogen or you and I? The reason, it is all about fractals!! 158 Building the Human Form Building the Human Form 159 The Black Hole Carbon Nanotubes The Black Hole 160 The black hole is encased in a film or membrane. The construction of the film is analogous to carbon nanotubes shown in the picture. The construction of the tubes is more complicated than shown. For the quantum and cosmic blackhole, the head-in view resembles the E8 graphs shown below, however, just as carbon nanotubes vary in structure so do the quantum and cosmic blackhole tubes. MANY more configurations are possible. The configuration of the tube, the predominate spirillae, the tones, etc. all work together in a synchronous fashion to produce the form whether it is an atom, ant, rock, human or galaxy. 161 E8 162 DNA is Built on the Tube Carbon Nanotubes, A-DNA, B-DNA, DNA Growth, Graphene 163 DNA is Built on the Tube Quantum Entanglement and DNA Quantum Entanglement and DNA As discussed above the Law of Rebirth, and Quantum Entanglement over Time, or karma, is a fact. It is the Quantum Entanglement of DNA which permits the development of the form, and the personality so that the soul can express itself and learn the needed lessons. 164 The Six Steps to Form Building Begins The Six Steps to Form Building Begins 165 Form-building proceeds under definite laws, which are the laws of substance itself; the effect is the same for human, planetary and solar vehicles. The different stages might be enumerated as follows: 1. The Nebulous. The stage wherein the matter of the coming sheath begins to separate itself gradually from the aggregate of plane substance, and to assume a nebulous or milky aspect. This corresponds to the "fire-mist" stage in the formation of a solar system and of a planet. 2. The Inchoate. Condensation has set in, but all is as yet inchoate, and the condition is chaotic; there is no definite form. It is characterised by excessive energy, and violent activity, for the greater the condensation prior to coordination the more terrific are the effects of activity. This is true of Gods, of men, and of atoms. 3. The Fiery. The internal energy of the rapidly congregating atoms and their effect upon each other produces an increase of heat, and a consequent demonstration of the spheroidal form, so that the vehicle of all entities is seen to be fundamentally a sphere, rolling upon itself and attracting and repulsing other spheres. 4. The Watery. The ball or sphere of gaseous fiery essence becomes still more condensed and liquefied; it begins to solidify on its outer surface and the ringpass-not of each sheath is more clearly defined. The heat of the sphere becomes increased and is centralised at the core or heart of the sphere where it produces 166 that pulsation at the centre which characterises the sun, the planet, and the various vehicles of all incarnating entities. It is an analogous stage to that of the awakening of life in the fetus during the prenatal stage, and this analogy can be seen working out in the form-building which proceeds on every plane. 5. The Etheric. The stage is not to be confined to the building of the physical body in its etheric division, for its counterpart is found on all the planes with which man is concerned in the three worlds. The condensation and the solidification of the material have proceeded. The rhythm set up has been established and synchronised. The law of Karma (Quantum Entanglement over Time) is demonstrating actively, for it should be remembered that it is the inherent karma, colouring, or vibratory response of the substance itself which is the selective reaction to the note. Only that substance which has (through past utilisation) been keyed to a certain note and vibration will respond to the mantram and to the subsequent vibrations issuing from the permanent atom. 6. The Solid. This marks the final stage in actual form building, and signifies the moment wherein the work is done as regards the aggregating and shaping of substance. The word "solid" refers not solely to the lowest objective manifestation, for a solid form may be ethereal, and only the stage of evolution of the entity involved will reveal its relative significance. 167 Step 1 – Fine Misty Aspect Step 1 – Fine Misty Aspect 168 Spacetime Acoustic Fracton Lattice Spacetime Acoustic Fracton Lattice The solar Angel utters the mantric words of creation in the 5th dimension. A chemical reaction with the root occurs and a fine misty aspect is seen. The figure represents the inertial reality which is neither Space nor Time but both – a spacetime acoustic fracton lattice. The mist is part of the structure and is an acoustic phonon in process of condensing. 169 Root of Matter Root of Matter Here we see the egg of the mother. This is analogous to the root of matter for the universe. 170 Sperm Penetrates the Egg Sperm Penetrates the Egg 171 The incoming soul, or solar Angel, utter the words in the 5th dimension for creation for ALL bodies - mental, emotional, etheric and dense physical. This happens approximately nine months BEFORE conception. This utterance calls the devas of the permanent atoms and the building devas to begin the process of construction as seen in the figure below. The father releases the sperm and penetrates the egg. The spirillae begin to whorl. A chemical reaction starts. At the cosmic level, The UNKNOWN uttered the mantric words of creation in the 5th dimension. A chemical reaction with the root occurs. Under the Law of Synthesis, he pulled together the analogous, cosmic spirillae of energy and force and synthesised them into the equivalent of a subquark. The four lower spirillae when manifesting on the physical plane will come under the Law of Economy, Quantum Mechanics, the 5th and 6th spirillae, from the perspective of the physical plane, will come under the Law of Attraction. However, the 5th spirilla synthesises the lower four and is the 3rd of three major spirillae - Quantum Mechanics. The lesser spirillae are direct reflections as shown in the figure below. 172 Dark Matter, Subquark, Devas 173 Step 2 - Condensation Begins Step 2 - Condensation Begins 174 Simultaneously with the above, the frequency of the sound wave increases passing through microwave and infrared, condensation appears when the wavelength reaches that of light. The planes develop, and light appears on all planes within the human bubble. The planes for the human form, refer to the planes shown above for the 7th plane of the 7th plane that is the very bottom plane which is further divided into 7 planes - Ether E1, Ether E2 (this is the plane where the human monad sits), Ether E3, Ether E4 Intuitional, mental (this is where the human causal body sits), astral, and dense physical as shown below. The greater and lesser builders respond to the call and begin to build consciousness, the causal body, and the personality composed of the mental, emotional, and physical bodies. 175 Agnichaitans, Agnishvattas, Agnisuryans, Dark Matter, Subquark, Devas 176 Two other points should here be added. First: the individual etheric body is not an isolated and separated human vehicle but is, in a peculiar sense, an integral part of the etheric body of that entity which we have called the human family; this kingdom in nature, through its etheric body, is an integral part of the planetary etheric body; the planetary etheric body is not separated off from the etheric bodies of other planets but all of them in their totality, along with the etheric body of the sun constitute the etheric body of the solar system. This is related to the etheric bodies of the six solar systems which, with ours, form a cosmic unity and into these pour energies and forces from certain great constellations. The field of space is etheric in nature and its vital body is composed of the totality of etheric bodies of all constellations, solar systems and planets which are found therein. Throughout this cosmic golden web there is a constant circulation of energies and forces and this constitutes the scientific basis of the astrological theories. Just as the forces of the planet and of the inner spiritual man (to mention only one factor among many) pour through the etheric body of the individual man upon the physical plane, and condition his outer expression, activities, and qualities, so do the varying forces of the universe pour through every part of the etheric body of that entity we call space and condition and determine the outer expression, the activities and qualities of every form found within the cosmic periphery. 177 The second point I would make is that within the human etheric body there are to be found seven major force centres which are in the nature of distributing agencies and electrical batteries, providing dynamic force and qualitative energy to the man; they produce definite effects upon his outer physical manifestation. Through their constant activity his quality appears, his ray tendencies begin to emerge and his point in evolution is clearly indicated. This "control of form through a septenate of energies" (as it is defined in the Old Commentary) is an unalterable rule in the inner government of our universe and of our particular solar system, as well as in the case of individual man. There are, for instance, in our solar system, seven sacred planets which correspond to the seven individual force centres in man, the seven solar systems, of which our solar system is one, and in their turn the seven energy centres of the One About Whom Naught Can Be Said. 178 Step 3 - The Sphere of the Atom Begins to Form Step 3 - The Sphere of the Atom Begins to Form 179 The energy centres appear, and bonding begins to form. At the cosmic level the energy centres appear (e.g. Betelgeuse), and form begins to develop as the image in the lower sub-planes. From the perspective of the physical plane, it bonds with surrounding universe-atoms. Hydrogen coalesces; it is the ‘firstborn’ and contains within its structure the reflection of the Cosmic Logos. 180 Step 4 - The Form Becomes More Condensed - It Appears to go Through a Liquefaction Stage Step 4 - The Form Becomes More Condensed -It Appears to go Through a Liquefaction Stage 181 The ball or sphere of gaseous fiery essence becomes still more condensed and liquefied; it begins to solidify on its outer surface and the ring-pass-not of each sheath is more clearly defined. The heat of the sphere becomes increased and is centralised at the core or heart of the sphere where it produces that pulsation at the centre which characterises the sun, the planet, and the various vehicles of all incarnating entities including humans. Remember, the human has an etheric body and it is this body, in the 4th dimension, where the gaseous fiery essence is seen pulsating. The young body is held together through the spheroidal form controlled by magnetism. 182 Budding - The A-sexual from the Sexless Budding - The A-sexual from the Sexless 183 This may, perhaps, serve as an analogy to give some idea of the process by which the Second Race was formed from the First. The Astral Form clothing the Monad was surrounded, as it still is, by its egg-shaped sphere of Aura, which here corresponds to the substance of the germ-cell or Ovum. The Astral Form itself is the nucleus, now, as then, instinct with the Principle of Life. The Sub-astral "extrudes" a miniature of itself from the egg of surrounding Aura. This germ grows and feeds on the Aura till it becomes fully developed, when it gradually separates from its parent, carrying with it its own sphere of Aura; just as we see living cells reproducing their like by growth and subsequent division into two. The analogy with the "polar cells" would seem to hold good. since their death would now correspond to the change introduced by the separation of the sexes, when gestation in utero, i.e., within the cell, became the rule. Primeval human Hermaphrodites are a fact in Nature well known to the Ancients, and form one of Darwin's greatest perplexities. Yet there is certainly no impossibility, but, on the contrary, a great probability that hermaphroditism existed in the evolution of the early Races; while on the grounds of analogy, and on that of the existence of one 184 universal law in physical evolution, acting indifferently in the construction of plant, animal, and man, it must be so. The mistaken theories Monogenesis, and the descent of man from the mammal instead of the mammals from man, are fatal to the completeness of evolution as taught in modern schools on Darwinian lines, and they will have to be abandoned in view of the insuperable difficulties which they encounter. Occult tradition—if the terms Science and Knowledge are denied in this particular to Antiquity—can alone reconcile the inconsistencies and fill the gap. Says a Talmudic axiom: If thou wilt know the invisible, open thine eyes wide on the visible. 185 Process of Transformation Process of Transformation 186 When the race became old, the old waters mixed with the fresher waters (a). When its drops became turbid, they vanished and disappeared in the new stream, in the hot stream of life. The outer of the first became the inner of the second (b). The old wing became the new shadow, and the shadow of the wing (c). (a) The old or Primitive Race merged in the Second Race, and became one with it. (b) This is the mysterious process of the transformation and evolution of mankind. The material of the first Forms—shadowy, ethereal, and negative—was drawn or absorbed into, and thus became the complement of the Forms of the Second Race. The Commentary explains this by saying that, as the First Race was simply composed of the Astral Shadows of the Creative Progenitors, having of course neither astral nor physical bodies of its own—the Race never died. Its "Men" melted gradually away, becoming absorbed in the bodies of their own "Sweatborn" progeny, more solid than their own. The old Form vanished and was absorbed by, disappeared in, the new Form, more human and physical. There was no death in those days of a period more blissful than the Golden Age; but the first, or parent, material was used for the formation of the new being, to form the Body and even the inner or lower Principles or Bodies of the progeny. (c) When the "Shadow" retires, i.e., when the Astral Body becomes covered with more solid flesh, man develops a Physical Body. The "Wing," or the ethereal Form that 187 produced its Shadow and Image, became the Shadow of the Astral Body and its own progeny. The expression is queer and original. The Sweat-Born 188 The Sweat Born Then the second evolved the egg-born, the third the sweat grew, its drops grew, and the drops became hard and round. The Sun warmed it; the moon cooled and shaped it; the wind fed it until its ripeness. The white swan from the starry vault overshadowed the big drop. The egg of the future race, the man-swans of the later third (a). First male-female, then man and woman (b). (a)The text of the Stanza clearly implies that the human embryo was nourished ab extra by Cosmic Forces, and that the "Father-Mother" furnished apparently the germ that ripened; in all probability a "sweat-born egg," to be hatched out, in some mysterious way, disconnected from the "double" parent. It is comparatively easy to conceive of an oviparous humanity, since even now man is, in one sense, "egg-born." 189 (b) This is a very curious statement as explained in the Commentaries. To make it clear: The First Race having created the Second by "budding," ……., the Second Race gives birth to the Third—which itself is separated into three distinct divisions, consisting of men differently procreated. The first two of these are produced by an oviparous method, presumably unknown to modern Natural History. While the early sub-races of the Third Humanity procreated their species by a kind of exudation of moisture or vital fluid, the drops of which coalescing formed an oviform ball—or shall we say egg—that served as an extraneous vehicle for the generation therein of a foetus and child, the mode of procreation by the later sub-races changed, in its results at all events. The little ones of the earlier sub-races were entirely sexless—shapeless even for all one knows but those of the later sub-races were born androgynous. It is in the Third Race that the separation of sexes occurred. From being previously a-sexual, Humanity became distinctly hermaphrodite or bisexual; and finally the man-bearing Eggs began to give birth, gradually and almost imperceptibly in their evolutionary development, first, to beings in which one sex predominated over the other, and, finally, to distinct men and women. (c) Now the point most insisted upon at present is that, whatever origin be claimed for man, his evolution took place in this order: (i) sexless, as all the earlier forms are; (2) then, by a natural transition, he became a "solitary hermaphrodite," a bi-sexual being; and (3) finally separated and became what he is now. Science teaches us that all the primitive forms, though sexless, "still retained the power of undergoing 190 the processes of a-sexual multiplication"; why, then, should man be excluded from that law of Nature? Bi-sexual reproduction is an evolution, a specialized and perfected form on the scale of Matter of the fissiparous act of reproduction. Occult teachings are preeminently panspermic, and the early history of humanity is hidden only "from ordinary mortals”; nor is the history of the primitive Races buried for the Initiates in the tomb of time, as it is for profane Science. Therefore, supported on the one hand by that Science which shows us progressive development and an internal cause for every external modification, as a law in Nature; and, on the other hand, by an implicit faith in the Wisdom—we may say Pansophia even—of the universal traditions gathered and preserved by the Initiates, who have perfected them into an almost faultless system—thus supported, we venture to state the doctrine clearly. 191 Step 5 - The Atom Proceeds to Synthesize Step 5 - The Atom Proceeds to Synthesize 192 The atom proceeds to synthesise, and the rhythm of the atom to the tone is established. The colouring and vibratory response of the atom can be seen. All parts of the atom are now moving to the chord of the tone in three parts:  The nucleus responds to part 1 – positive charge.  The spheroidal form responds to part 2 – synthesising or equilibrating.  The electrons respond to part 3 – negative charge. This stage is very important as the synthesis and synchronisation of the positive and negative charges and the equilibrating of the spheroidal form determines the quality, appearance, attributes, and properties of the atom. Remember - a human is classified as an atom. 193 Powering the Cell – Mitochondria Powering the Cell – Mitochondria 15 194 How Mitochondria Create Energy 16 195 How Mitochondria Create Energy The Inner Life of the Cell The Inner Life of the Cell 17. 196 References References 15. Together Harvard University and XVIVO developed this 3D animation journey for Harvard's undergraduate Molecular and Cellular Biology students about the microscopic world of mitochondria. The animation highlights the creation of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) -- mobile molecules which store chemical energy derived from the breakdown of carbon-based food. ATP molecules act as a kind of currency, imparting chemical energy to power all the functional components of cellular activity. This piece is the second in a series of award winning animations XVIVO is creating for Harvard's educational website BioVisions at Harvard. The first program, Inner Life of the Cell, received international acclaim and can be seen both on their website and the BioVisions site. 16. CorticalStudios Explaining the complex process of oxidative phosphorylation. Excerpt form a Mode of Action animation. 17. Harvard University selected XVIVO to develop an animation that would take their cellular biology students on a journey through the microscopic world of a cell, illustrating mechanisms that allow a white blood cell to sense its surroundings and respond to an external stimulus. This award winning piece was the first topic in a series of animations XVIVO is creating for Harvard's educational website BioVisions at Harvard. 197 Foetus Recapitulates 198 Foetus Recapitulates During the prenatal period, the foetus recapitulates, during the formative process, the history of the preceding kingdoms. This history - is the history of the human monad as it transmutated its form discussed above and is the history of the human form developed over untold eons in other systems outside of our planet. 199 200 Step 6 Step 6 201 The Nucleus is Rotating, and the Vortex is Clearly Defined The Nucleus is Rotating, and the Vortex is Clearly Defined Following principles of recurrence relations and using the genetic code stored in the root, regardless of the form, human, animals, planets, suns, stars and galaxies develop and proceed through the lifecycle in three basic stages: inertia, mobility and rhythm. 1. Inertia – Inertia is the result of lack of activity and the relative quiescence of the fires of matter. These fires, during obscuration or Pralaya, though latent, are free from the stimulation that comes from the aggregation of atoms into form, and the consequent interplay of the forms upon each other. Where form exists and the Laws of Repulsion and Attraction are coming into force, making radiation therefore possible, then comes stimulation, emanative effect, and a gradual speeding up which eventually, from within the atom itself, by its own 202 rotary movement produces the next quality. For humans this refers to the period between incarnations. 2. Mobility – rotary movement begins as inertia is overcome by the incessant rotation of the black hole. The radiation of matter produces necessarily an effect upon other atoms in its environment, and this interaction and interplay causes repulsion and attraction according to polarity eventually producing cohesion of form. 3. Rhythm – this is the point of perfect balance and for a human the etheric body (in the 4th dimension) with its reflection the physical body is now perfected. The infant is born. At birth, the soul finds itself in new surroundings and immersed in a body which is at first totally incompetent to take care of itself or to establish intelligent contact with surrounding conditions for a long period of time. The human comes into incarnation with no recollection as to the identity or the significance to him of the group of souls in bodies with which he finds himself in relationship; this loneliness only disappears gradually as he makes his own personality contacts, discovers those who are congenial to him and eventually gathers around him those whom he calls his friends. 203 The Formulas The Formulas 204 A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Spirilla, Subquark, D. V. Chistyakov, p-Adic Mathematics, E8 The formulas concern only the two aspects of life and light—the first conditioned by Sound and the second by the Word. The writing which I have in mind concerns the light, and the Word which abstracts it from the form or focusses it within the form. "Bear in mind, O Chela, that within the known spheres naught is but light responsive to the WORD. Know that that light descends and concentrates itself; know that from its point of chosen focus, it lightens its own sphere; know too that light ascends and leaves in darkness that which it—in time and space—illumined. This descending and ascension men call life, existence and decease; this We Who tread the Lighted Way call death, experience and life. Light which descends anchors itself upon the plane of temporary appearance. Seven threads it outward puts, and seven rays of light pulsate along these threads. Twenty one lesser threads are radiated thence, causing the forty-nine fires to glow and burn. Upon the plane of manifested life, the word goes forth: Behold! A man is born. 205 As life proceeds, the quality of light appears; dim and murky it may be, or radiant, bright and shining. Thus do the points of light within the Flame pass and repass; they come and go. This men call life; they call it true existence. They thus delude themselves yet serve the purpose of their souls and fit into the greater Plan. And then a Word sounds forth. The descended, radiating point of light ascends, responsive to the dimly heard recalling note, attracted to its emanating source. This man calls death and this the soul calls life. The Word retains the light in life; the Word abstracts the light, and only That is left which is the Word Itself. That Word is Light. That Light is Life, and Life is God." The manifestation of the etheric body in time and space has in it what has been esoterically called "two moments of brilliance." These are, first, the moment prior to physical incarnation, when the descending light (carrying life) is focussed in all its intensity around the physical body and sets up a rapport with the innate light of matter itself, to be found in every atom of substance. This focussing light will be found to concentrate itself in seven areas of its ring-pass-not, thus creating seven major centres as shown in the 'Thousand Petal Sahasrara Lotus in Spirituality' which will control its expression and its existence upon the outer plane, esoterically speaking. This is a moment of great radiance; it is almost as if a point of pulsating light burst into flame, and as if within that flame seven points of intensified light took shape. This is a high point in the experience of taking incarnation, and precedes physical birth by a very 206 short period of time. It is that which brings on the birth hour. The next phase of the process, as seen by the clairvoyant, is the stage of interpenetration, during which "the seven become the twenty-one and then the many"; the light substance, the energy aspect of the soul, begins to permeate the physical body, and the creative work of the etheric or vital body is completed. The first recognition of this upon the physical plane is the "sound" uttered by the newborn infant. It climaxes the process. The act of creation by the soul is now complete; a new light shines forth in a dark place. 207 Animation of a Fetus Growing in the Womb Animation of a Fetus Growing in the Womb 208 It is often overlooked that the path of incarnation is not a quick one, but that the Ego descends very slowly and takes possession gradually of his vehicles; the less evolved the man, the slower is the process. We are dealing here with the period of time which transpires after the Ego has made the first move towards descent, and not with the time which elapses between two incarnations. This work of passing on to a plane for purposes of incarnation marks a definite crisis, and is characterised by the exertion of the will in sacrifice, the appropriation of the substance in love, and its energising into activity. That the earlier method was seen in the moon-chain is only evidence of the steadfastness of the Law of Repetition by which every large cycle includes, in its earlier stages, all the lesser, and repeats the earlier procedure. This is a recognised fact, for instance, in the building of man's physical body, for the foetus reproduces all earlier stages and forms till the human is achieved; again, as we know, the fourth round reproduces briefly the earlier three but has its own distinctive quality. As you watch Fx Studio's video production showing human development from a sperm to a baby watch for the recapitulation of the original races, and the various forms of the monad. (Excerpt from French documentary L'Odyssée de la Vie. ...) Explanations - 209 After sexual intercourse, sperm travels through the cervix and uterus and into the Fallopian tubes. Conception usually takes place in the outer third of the Fallopian tube. A single sperm penetrates that egg and a joining of the genetic information occurs. This resulting single cell is called a zygote. The zygote spends the next few days traveling down the Fallopian tube and rapidly multiplying the number of cells through division. A mulberry-like mass, like a hollow rubber ball, 1/100 inch wide, results from the cell division. This ball of cells in the Fallopian tube is called a morula. The embryonic stage begins on the 15th day after conception and continues until about the 8th week, or until the embryo is 1.2 inches in length. Week 3 we see the formation of the heart, the beginning development of the brain and spinal cord, and the beginning of the gastrointestinal tract. Weeks 4 and 5 -1/4 inch long: Here we see the beginnings of the vertebra, the lower jaw, the larynx ("voice box"), and the rudiments of the ear and eye. The heart, which is still outside body, now beats at a regular rhythm. Although arm and leg "buds" are visible with hand and foot "pads," the embryo still has a tail and cannot be distinguished from pig, rabbit, elephant, or chick embryo by an untrained eye. 210 Week 6 - 1/2 inch, 1/1000 of an ounce: In week 6, we see the formation of the nose, jaw, palate, lung buds. The fingers and toes form but may still be webbed. The tail is receding, and the heart is almost fully developed. Week 7 - 7/8 inch, 1/30 ounce (less than an aspirin): This week, the eyes move forward on the face, and the eyelids and tongue begin to form. All essential organs have begun to form. Week 8 -1 inch, 1/15 ounce: The embryo now resembles a human being. The facial features continue to develop, and the external ear appears. Also, we see the beginnings of external genitalia. By now, the circulation through the umbilical cord is well developed. The long bones begin to form, and the muscles are able to contract. At this point the embryo is developed enough to call a fetus. All organs and structures found in a full-term newborn are present. Weeks 9 to 12 - 3 inches, 1 ounce: The head comprises nearly half of the fetus' size and the face is well formed. The eyelids close now and will not reopen until about the 28th week. The tooth buds for the baby teeth appear. The genitalia are now clearly male or female. Weeks 13 to 16 - 6 inches: These weeks mark the beginning of the second trimester. Although the skin of the fetus is almost transparent, fine hair develops on the head called lanugo. The fetus makes active movements, including sucking, which leads to 211 some swallowing of the amniotic fluid. A thin dark substance called meconium is made in the intestinal tract. The heart beats 120-150 beats per minute and brain waves detectable. (The life stimulation is felt between the third and fourth month during the prenatal period, when the heart of the child thrills with life and individual existence becomes a possibility. This life vibration emanates from the soul of the mother and is coincident with the awakening of the third spirilla in the permanent physical atom of the infant.) Weeks 17 to 20 - 8 inches: Eyebrows and lashes appear and nails appear on fingers and toes. This is an exciting time for the parents: The mother can feel the fetus moving ("quickening") and the fetal heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope. Weeks 21 to 24 - 11.2 inches, 1 lb. 10 oz.: All the eye components are developed, footprints and fingerprints are forming, and the entire body covered in cream-cheeselike vernix caseosa. The fetus now has a startle reflex. Weeks 25 to 28 - 15 inches, 2 lbs. 11 oz.: Now we are entering the third trimester. During these weeks, we see rapid brain development. The nervous system is developed enough to control some body functions, and the eyelids open and close. A baby born at this time may survive, but the chances of complications and death are high. (The soul begins appropriation of the empty house.) 212 Weeks 29 to 32 - 15 to 17 inches, 4 lbs. 6 oz.: These weeks see further development towards independent life: There is a rapid increase in the amount of body fat and the fetus begins storing its own iron, calcium, and phosphorus. The bones are fully developed, but still soft and pliable. There are rhythmic breathing movements present, the fetal body temperature is partially self-controlled, and there is increased central nervous system control over body functions. Weeks 33 to 36 - 16 to 19 inches, 5 lbs. 12 oz. to 6 lbs. 12 oz.: The lanugo (body hair) begins to disappear. A baby born at 36 weeks has a high chance of survival. Weeks 37 to 40 - 19 to 21 inches 7 or 8 pounds: At 38 weeks, the fetus is considered full term. 213 214 Afterword 215 How Solid Are We? Holographic Phantasm: Illusion Perception and Self-Delusion How Solid Are We? Holographic Phantasm: Illusion, - Perception and Self-Delusion 216 1. Our nervous systems cannot process these quantum events at the extraordinary speed at which they are really happening. 2. We decode the ultra-fast flickering energy and information soup of the Universe into the experience of solid three-dimensional material bodies. 3. The grand illusion, perceived momentarily, reinforces our self-delusion of solidity which is nothing but a holographic phantasm. 4. All material things are made up of atoms and those atoms are made up of subatomic particles -protons, neutrons, electrons etc. 5. Those subatomic particles are 99.99999 percent energy and .00001 percent matter. Think about it? 6. Every physical thing in our life is not solid matter but rather, fields of energy or frequency patterns of information. 7. Matter is more “no-thing” (energy) than “some-thing” (particles). 8. Our physical bodies and the body of the physical Universe are as proportionately empty as is all of space. 9. The essential nature of our material bodies and that of the solid-appearing Universe is that they are both non-material. 10. Our bodies like the universe are non-material and made up of non-stuff. 217 Death Death 218 Silence: is it in the last steps that one finds the unfathomable beginnings? Is it in our aloneness that we discover ourselves never alone? Death cures all ills!! If people but knew more, birth would be the experience which they would dread, and not death, for birth establishes the soul in the true prison, and physical death is only the first step towards liberation. What if we are not in our body, our body is in us? What if our bodies do not have consciousness, our consciousness has bodies? There is no angry god, no hell, and no vicarious atonement. The fear of death is one of the last great strangle hold that the forces of the dark side use to manipulate man - death releases your consciousness from a physical body. There is no death. There is entrance into fuller life. There is freedom from the handicaps of the fleshly vehicle. For more details on death please go here. 219 220 We are all Part of the Universal Consciousness! We are all Part of the Universal Consciousness! 221 Non-duality simply put, lies beyond duality and exposes the intricate web of forces that permanently connect us towards unity. That soaring feeling, sense of elation and humility while grasping the intricacy, beauty, mathematical precision, synchronicity and subtlety of life ultimately merges the two with perfection! When we recognise our tiny yet significant place in the grand immensity of light years and in the swift passage of eons, eras and ages, what else remains in our bubble-like life-span existence in comparison to the grand symphony of the universe and what lies beyond those multiple parallel macro- and micro- universes which we inhabit simultaneously? What we had forgotten, which Science now confirms yet again, is that our microcosm is a true and complete fractal reflection of That macrocosm. Mystics have known that all along! Science and Spirituality are one and the same, it depends which end of the telescope we are looking from! Journey without or within? The end lies perhaps where we began, as we come full circle, yet again? 222 Luminous Beings are We, Not this Crude Matter Luminous Beings are We, Not this Crude Matter Yoda 223 © Microsoft Corporation STAR WARS © 1977 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. TM & © 1977 Lucasfilm Ltd. THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK TM & © 1980 Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL) All rights reserved. RETURN OF THE JEDI TM & © 1983 Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL) All rights reserved. "Twentieth Century Fox", "Fox" and their associated logos are property of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. 224 The Matrix - Its all an Illusion The Matrix Its all an Illusion 225 TM Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. 226 Consciousness Layers Reveal Significance Consciousness Layers Reveal Significance Utriusque Cosmi by Robert Fludd 227 Every layer of consciousness above the lesser ones, has the awareness of all the lowerlevel layers too. For example, when we are trapped in a traffic jam, we feel much like part of a herd. We are feeling the layer of Stimulus Response. Yet when we are feeling like we are an individual, there is an extreme difference in our awareness. This understanding of higher levels of consciousness is very important. The importance lies within the fact that Consciousness is the Source of Everything and we have the awareness of every layer of consciousness in existence. This is significant because it allows us the privilege to attract and to attach to any energy field. We have the ability to vibrate at different frequencies and manifest different energy fields into matter depending on our level of consciousness. What if we are not in our body, our body is in us? What if our bodies do not have consciousness, our consciousness has bodies? Using the principle of resonance, we can actually increase the speed at which the energy field of our bodies and minds vibrates, through higher frequency thoughts of love, joy and gratitude and accessing even higher consciousness states via meditation. Modern science demonstrates that when pure energy slows down, lower dimensional matter is created; conversely when the vibration field speeds up, the higher dimensions of consciousness can be accessed. And the higher our consciousness is raised, the closer to the Source we become. “In the beginning was the Word”, the primordial vibration of sound and light, which according to thousands of years old Vedic science resonates to different phonetic sounds at different levels including the original “Aum”! 228 Vibration Frequency Vibration Frequency 229 The lower the vibration frequency, the slower the vibration; the higher the vibration frequency the faster the vibration. The difference between the manifestations of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of connectivity result simply from different levels of vibrating energy or frequencies. So, while the feelings of fear, grief and despair vibrate at a very low frequency, the feelings of love, joy and gratitude may vibrate much quicker at a higher frequency, and meditation states higher still, as demonstrated by the frequency of the electro-magnetic waves generated by the human brain in a number of scientific experiments around the world. 230 Does Human Consciousness have Cosmic Origin? Does Human Consciousness have Cosmic Origin? 231 232 Does Human Consciousness have Cosmic Origin? Is it equipped for trans-universal travel through astral and causal dimensions? Are humans capable of developing advanced cosmic abilities: telepathy [18] teleportation [19], [20] selfhealing [21], and bi-location [22]? The short answer is YES(!) and a growing community of scientific, metaphysical and cosmic researchers is delving deeper into such questions. Exoconsciousness is an emerging school of thought dedicated to exploring the extraterrestrial dimensions of human consciousness that link us directly to the cosmos and its inhabitants. Exoconsciousness is committed to understanding and preparation for peaceful co-existence and communication with the cosmos and extraterrestrial communities. Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle, who coined the term "Exoconsciousness," [23] claims that it is time humanity acknowledges its cosmic, i.e., extraterrestrial heritage and uses it to find solutions for an earth threatened by global disunity, systemic crises and man-made disasters. Dr. Hardcastle conceived Exoconsciousness to describe the cosmic origins, dimensions and abilities of human consciousness. Her travels have re-defined her relationship with cosmic intelligence, inter and extra dimensional life signatures, as well as radically reframed her belief system. She claims that the era of Exoconsciousness accelerates the human race into a peaceful, galactic, space faring civilisation. It offers unparalleled hope, possibilities and potential... 233 The question of cosmic or extraterrestrial consciousness in human life and civilisation has taken a new turn in the 21st century. Theories of human encounters with trans-universal cultures are now receiving serious attention from major scientific and research establishments. In his book "Life Itself: Its Origins and Nature" (1981), Dr. Francis Crick, Nobel Prize winner and co-discoverer of the human DNA, explicitly claims that man was "seeded1" by an advanced extraterrestrial civilisation. His view of man's extraterrestrial origins was supported by Sir Fred Hoyle whose book "Life from Space" (1981) made similar claims of extraterrestrial origins that created life spores which eventually seeded the planet earth. Prof Sam Chang, working on The Human Genome Project, indicates that current research strongly suggests that "Junk DNA" which constitutes 97% non-coding sequences in the human DNA may have non-earthly, i.e., cosmic or extraterrestrial origins. The codes of "Junk DNA" have been found to be so sophisticated and self-sufficient that Professor Chang claims the coding program could not have been written or evolved on earth. Genes by themselves, claims Prof Chang, are insufficient to explain human evolution. Some extra dimension or protocol like the prospect of humanity carrying a genetic code of cosmic or extraterrestrial origins and extraterrestrial consciousness may need to be considered! 1 See Transportation of Life above. 234 Exo-scientists state that part of man's evolutionary incentive is reclaiming the spirituality of cosmic goodness. Humanity needs to evolve into higher consciousness based on love and cosmic harmony, rather than on economic systems of self-profit and greed... [18] See Bailey, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle [19] Some of the Masters will create what is called in the language of the East the "mayavirupa"— a vehicle of expression which is built of atomic physical and astral substance and of concrete mental substance. This They can create at will, use at will and cause to vanish at will……... See Bailey, Externalization of the Hierarchy, 697 [20] Physicists at the University of Geneva have succeeded in teleporting the quantum state of a photon to a crystal over 25 kilometers of optical fiber. Bussières, F., Clausen, C., Tiranov, A., Korzh, B., Verma, V. B., Nam, S. W., Marsili, F., Ferrier, A., Goldner, P., Herrmann, H., Silberhorn, C., Sohler, W., Afzelius., M., and Gisin, N., Quantum teleportation from a telecom-wavelength photon to a solid-state quantum memory, Nature Photonics 8, 775–778 (2014) doi:10.1038/nphoton.2014.215 [21] See Bailey, Esoteric Healing – A Treatise on the Seven Rays [22] Quantum superposition. "The authors found that time dilation does cause decoherence in the system, at least to a degree. Under Earth’s gravity, according to their calculations, the system’s center of mass does decohere and essentially acts like a classical object. But it’s worth noting 235 that the system as a whole does not. The individual particles moving around that center of mass can still exist in superpositions." and [23] See 236 Quantum Mind Quantum Mind 237 Quantum Mind postulates that classical mechanics cannot fully explain human consciousness and proposes that quantum mechanical phenomena such as quantum entanglement and superposition play an important part in the brain's function and form the basis of explanation of our consciousness. The human brain's Quantum Mind acts as a Quantum Computer and tries all "Many Worlds" possibilities at once, thus finding an optimal solution to a multidimensional problem very quickly. 238 Conclusion 239 Conclusion 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 Cicero 248 There is another Skywalker! There is another Skywalker! 249 For the young and the young at heart, a compilation of the 10 Best Yoda Quotes2 compiled by Wan Little! 2 © Microsoft Corporation STAR WARS © 1977 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. TM & © 1977 Lucasfilm Ltd. THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK TM & © 1980 Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL) All rights reserved. RETURN OF THE JEDI TM & © 1983 Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL) All rights reserved. "Twentieth Century Fox", "Fox" and their associated logos are property of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. 250 I’m Late I’m Late 251 Flying Flying 252 The Snowman, 1982, ©Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved. 253 The Beginning! The Beginning 254 255 256 257 The End 258 Index Index 5 5th Dimension, 79, 169, 172 A A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 85, 204 A Treatise on the Seven Rays, 96 Abel, 37 Acoustic Phonon, 169 Adam Kadmon, 141 Adam of Dust, 67 Adept, 25, 58 Afzelius., M., 235 Agnichaitans, 176 Agnishvattas, 176 Agnisuryans, 176 Alchemists, 76 Alcyone, 75 Androgyne, 68, 101 260 Androgynous, 113, 190 Animal, 13, 53, 54, 55, 62, 66, 105, 141 Domesticated, 70 Forms, 15 Half Animals, 116 Half Men, 116 Matter, 67 -men, 117 Anthropoid, 139, 142 Anthropologist, 137 Anthropology, 64 Anthropomorphism, 120 Archaic Teachings, 133 Archives, 123 Arjuna, 13 Army of the Voice, 59 Aryan, 96, 106, 122, 123, 131 Astral, 134, 235 Bodies, 109, 187 Dimension, 233 Form, 184 Gelatinous state, 133 Primeval Man, 137 Semi, 138 Shadow, 101, 111, 187 Viscid, 134 Astronomy, 134 A-Sura, 120 Asuras, 101, 109 Atlantean, 120, 123, 126, 129, 133, 139, 142 Atlantis, 123, 131 Aura, 184 Australia, 55 B Bailey, A. A., 96, 235 Battle of Arjuna, 13 Battle of Kurukshetra, 13 Beatitudes, 29 Bergson, H., 53, 54 Betelgeuse, 180 Bi-location, 233 Biology, 64, 197 BioVisions at Harvard, 197 Bisexual, 113 Black Hole, 153, 160, 161, 203 Blavatsky, H. P., 55, 67, 68, 137 Boneless, 101 Brahma, 109, 129 Breath of the Absolute, 67 261 Buddha, 41 Budding, 106 Amphibians, 105 Gemmation, 105 Sea-anemone, 105 Bussières, F., 235 C Cain, 37 Calcium, 213 Capitalistic System, 30 Carbon Nanotubes, 160, 161, 163 Carbonic Acid, 134 Causal Body, 175 Chang, S., 234 Chela, 205 Chemistry, 64 Chistyakov, D. V., 204 Chohan, 58 Christ, 15, 16, 21, 36, 95, 96 Christian, 15 Cicero, 248 Cis-Himâlayan Secret Teachings, 134 Clausen, C., 235 Cloud Atlas, 42, 43 Coalescing, 190 Concretion of the Human Form, 100 Confucianism, 32 Confucius, 33 Consciousness, 67, 93, 96, 99, 221 Atlantean, 123 Cosmic Origin, 231 Dimensions of human, 233 Exoconsciousness, 233 Expansion, 47 Extraterrestrial, 234 Greater and lesser builders, 175 Higher, 235 Human, 238 Layers, 227 Universal, 221 CorticalStudios, 197 Cosmic Christ, 95 Logos, 180 Cosmology, 64 Creationism, 53 Creative Hierarchy, 123 Crick, F., 234 Crystals, 65 D Daksha, 116 Dânavas, 117 Dark Matter, 98, 99, 173, 176 Darwin, 54, 89, 142, 143, 184 Darwinian Anthropology, 138 Darwinism, 53, 54, 55 Darwinists, 138 Death, 218 262 Decoherence, 235 Deleterious Mutations, 54 Devas Building, 172 Cooperate under rule, 78 Deva Substance, 64, 79 Life forms, 153 Mineral, 65 Permanent Atoms, 172 White, 120, 197 Dhyânis, 101 Disciple, 94 DNA, 105, 153, 163, 164, 234 A-DNA, 163 B-DNA, 163 DNA Growth, 163 Junk, 234 Dovrat, L., 24 Dubhe, 75 Dvir, T., 24 E E8, 161, 162, 204 Earth Centre of mass, 235 Coalescing, 99 Planetary chain, 99 Polarities and Bonds, 75 School of Life, 17 Self Exisent on this, 101 Transformation does not take place, 67 Ebb and Flow, 86 Ecclesiastes, 27 Eclipse, 132 Egg-born, 112, 116 Eisenberg, H. S., 24 Electricity, 79 Electrons, 74, 75, 78, 193, 217 Elohim, 68, 141 Esoteric Buddhism, 135 Esoteric Healing – A Treatise on the Seven Rays, 235 Esoteric Philosophy, 128 Esoteric Teaching, 129, 131, 141 Ether, 175 Ethnologist, 138 Evolution of Man, 63 Externalization of the Hierarchy, 235 Extraterrestrial, 233 F Ferrier, A., 235 Final Evolution, 113 Fire by Friction, 59 Firstborn, 180 Fission Amoeba, 105 Moneron, 105 Nucleated Cell, 105 Protoplasm, 105 Flying, 252 263 Fourth Kingdom, 123 Fourth Round, 67, 102, 137, 141 Fractal, 222 Fruit of Knowledge, 68 Fx Studio, 209 G Genesis, 133, 136, 141 Genetic Entropy, 54 Geochemistry, 64 Geochemists, 74 Geology, 133, 134 Germ of Intelligence, 101 Giants, 117 Gisin, N., 235 Global Warming, 79 God, 15, 20, 29, 95, 96, 206 Gold, 65 Goldner, P., 235 Graphene, 163 Gravity, 235 Great heresy of separateness, 92 Great Sacrifice, 58 H Halevy, A., 24 Hardcastle, R., 233 Harvard University, 197 Hate, 37 Heavenly Man, 57, 76 University, 23 Helen of Troy, 40 Hermaphrodite, 190 Hermaphrodites, 184 Herrmann, H., 235 Hierarchy, 95, 128 Hindû Exotericism, 131 Occultism, 134 Purânas, 135 Hinton, D., 33 Hitler, A., 36, 37 Holographic Phantasm, 216 Hoyle, F., 234 Human Bubble, 175 Complexion, 131 Consciousness, 233 Divisions of races, 129 DNA transfer, 105 Embryo, 189 Encounters, 234 Etheric body, 178 Evolution of form, 129 Family, 37 Features of the apes, 141 Form, 175 Future form, 67 Genome Project, 234 264 History first time, 24 Kingdom, 15, 116 Living, 21 Magnetic waves, 230 Monad, 175 Monsters, 116 Passing out, 47 Primeval, 184 Right relationships, 16 Super, 47 Unknown cycles, 123 Humanity, 120, 132, 134, 235 First (Astral), 141 Third, 190 Hydrogen, 99, 158, 180 I India, 134 Indians, 132 Inertia, 202 Infrared, 175 Initiate, 94 Controlling energies, 58 Express God’s love, 96 History of primitive races, 191 Will know, 47 Initiation First, 48 Second, 48 Third Battle of Aujuna, 13 What is?, 47 Intelligent Design, 53 Intelligent Love, 96 Interworld Relationships, 124 Iron, 65, 213 Isis Unveiled, 67 J J-coupling, 75 Jehovah, 141 Jîva, 67 K Kalpa, 129 Karma Animals of, 70 Caregivers, 40 Quantum Entanglement over Time, 22, 34, 164, 167 Reincarnating Monads, 128 Science finally proves, 24 Seal of prohibition, 117 Work off, 48 Khunrath, H., 61, 81 Kingdom of God, 16, 19, 20 Kingdom of the Soul, 92 Kipling, R., 31 Korzh, B., 235 Kumaras, 101, 129 265 L Laws Law of Attraction, 172, 202 Law of Cause and Effect, 19, 25, 43 Law of Economy, 172 Law of Evolution, 15, 19, 37, 67 Law of Karma, 19, 25, 85, 167 Law of Monadic Return, 59 Law of Periodicity, 25 Law of Rebirth, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 43, 164 Law of Repetition, 209 Law of Repulsion, 74, 202 Law of Transmigration, 15 Lemurian, 123, 142 Lemuro-Atlantean Race, 133 Lichen, 67 Life Seeds, 58 Light, 205, 206 Linga Purâna, 132 Linga Pztrana, 129 Little, W., 250 L'Odyssée de la Vie, 209 Lord Compassion of, 40, 48 Lucasfilm Ltd, 224, 250 M Macroevolution, 55 Magnetism, 182 Mammal Prototypes, 140 Manas, 68, 101 Mantram, 167 Mantric Sounds, 64 Manus, 101 Manvantara, 99, 129 Marriage, 96 Marsili, F., 235 Marvel, 110 Doctor Strange, 110 Master Djwhal Khul, 137 Wisdom of, 48 Materialism, 138 Matthew, 29, 36 Mayavirupa, 235 Megidish, E., 24 Merak, 75 Meridian of Races, 102 Microsoft Corporation Return of the Jedi, 224, 250 Star Wars, 224, 250 The Empire Strikes Back, 224, 250 Microwave, 175 Mineral, 15, 62, 64, 65, 66, 76, 79 Kingdom, 64, 65, 79 Lowest form of matter, 67 Monads, 73 Miocene Period, 139 Mitchell, D., 43 266 Mitochondria, 194, 195, 197 Animation, 197 Mobility, 203 Monad Astral clothing, 184 But a spark, 64 Descends baser metals, 65 Evolution, 66 Higher Self, 101 Human, 175 Jiva, 67 Karma, 128 Manifesting qualtiy, 57 Mineral, 79 Progressing, 66 Recapitulates human history, 199 Soul superseded, 93 Swept along, 58 Works through stages, 79 Mongolians, 132 Monogenesis, 185 Moon, 73, 111, 134, 189 Moon Chain, 209 Moon-Coloured, 120 Mutation, 86 N Nam, S. W., 235 Nature Photonics, 235 New Group of World Servers, 95 Newborn Infant, 207 Nobel Prize, 53, 234 Nonlocality, 23 Nuclear Overhauser Effect, 75 O Occultism, 123, 137 Old Commentary Ancestors, 109 Control of form through a septenate of energies, 178 First Race was composed of the Astral Shadows, 187 Human embryo nourished by Cosmic Forces, 190 Preceded the Fall, 116 Sons of the Sun and the Moon, 111 One About Whom Naught Can Be Said, 178 Other Worlds, 128 Oviparous, 189, 190 Ovum, 184 Oxidative Phosphorylation, 197 P p-Adic Mathematics, 204 PaIæozoic Rocks, 133 Pansophia, 191 Pari Passu, 133 Particle Physics, 64 Path Chosen, 79 Return of, 20, 59 267 Pedigree of Apes, 137 Permanent Atom, 167 Devas, 172 Human, 99 Physical plane planets, 99 Third spirilla in, 212 Phonons, 79 Phosphorus, 213 Photon, 23, 235 Pithecoid Stocks, 136, 138 Pitris, 101 Plane 5th and 6th spirillae of physical, 172 Astral, 99, 141 Five planes of evolution, 58 Form-building proceeds on, 167 Manifested life, 205 Men functioning on the physical, 48 Mental, 20 Passing onto, 209 Pour through the etheric body of physical, 177 Separate from the aggragate, 166 Soul upon, 20 Sound uttered by the newborn on the phycial, 207 Temporary appearance, 205 Wavelength reached that of light, 175 Planetary Chain, 99 Logoi physical bodies, 99 Logos Earth great experiment, 47 Earth preparing for initiation, 79 Monad path chosen leading to, 79 wife the, 57 Planets, 134 Plants, 66 Plato, 132 Pleiades, 57, 75 Polygenesis, 128 Possession Mystery of cycles, 25 Prajâpatis, 101 Pralaya, 202 Precious Stones, 65 Primal Modes of Reproduction Asexual, 108 Budding, 183, See Budding Fertilization, 108 Fission. See Fission Fragmentation, 108 Gametes, 108 Gemmation, 108 Hermaphrodites, 108 Ovum, 108 Reproduction, 108 Sexual, 108 Spermatozoon, 108 Spores. See Spores Unisexual, 108 Zygote, 108 268 Primeval Astral Man, 140 Primitive Race, 187, 191 Three distinct Races, 131 Principle Hydro genetic mutation of, 87 Life of, 184 Mutation of, 84 Resonance of, 228 Problems of Humanity, 16 Process Progessive development of, 19 Transformation of, 186 Transmutation of, 65 Progenitor Astral Shadows of, 101 Creative, 187 Fifth Root-Race, 131 Prototype, 57 Q Quantum Entanglement, 157, 238 DNA, 164 Entanglement over Time (Karma), 19, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 34, 164, 167 Mechanics, 23, 172 Mind, 237, 238 Physics, 79 Superposition, 235, 238 R Race Budding, 190 Difference of, 128 Division of, 129 Egg-born, 189 Exoconsciousness accelerates the human, 233 Fifth, 122, 131, 140 Fifth rootrace, 123 First, 101, 109, 131, 187, 190 First solid human, 131 Fourth, 113, 132, 140 Fourth History of, 118 Giant, 120 Hermaphroditism existed in the evolution of the early, 184 Huge man-like monsters, 138 Monsters of, 116 Never died, 187 Primeval mindless, 138 Primitive, 187 Recapitulation of the original, 209 Red and Blue, 117 Second, 140, 184, 187, 190 Sweat-born, 187, 188 Third, 112, 131, 133, 140, 190 Gigantic ape-like form, 141 The Fall, 116 Third Root-, 101, 106, 134 269 Three and a half after Genesis, 133 Radiation, 65 Radioactivity, 65 Râkshasas, 101 Ray Aspect Individuals transferred, 123 Aspect of, 123 Attribute (rays 3, 5, 7) of, 123 First Attribute conditioned by, 123 Second Four and six conditioned by, 123 Reincarnation, 12, 15, 17 Revelation, 28 Rhythm – this is the point of perfect balance, 203 Ring-pass-not, 166, 182, 206 Root of Matter, 67, 170 Rotary Movement, 203 Rudhyar, D. New Mansions for New Men, 17 Rudra Gods, 129 Rumi, 62, 122, 125 Russell, W., 103, 157 S Scientist, 138 Scientists Exo-scientists, 235 Second Race, 111, 112 Secret Doctrine, 68, 106, 109, 111, 112, 113, 120, 137, 141, 142 Seed Manu, 105 Sermon on the Mount, 29 Seven Sisters or the Pleiades, 57 Seven Stars of the Great Bear, 57 Shacham, T., 24 Shadows of the Lords, 111 Shishta, 101 Shiva, 129, 132 Shloka 39, 126, 128 Shvetalohita, 129 Sidereal Bodies, 141 Silberhorn, C., 235 Silent Watcher, 58 Silver, 65 Sirius, 57, 75 Six Steps to Form Building, 153, 165 Etheric, 167, 235 Fiery, 166 Inchoate, 166 Nebulous, 166 Solid, 167 Step 1 - Fine Misty Aspect, 168 Step 2 - Condensation Begins, 174 Step 3 - The Sphere of the Atom Begins to Form, 179 Step 4 - The Form Becomes More Condensed - It Appears to go Through a Liquefaction Stage, 181 Step 5 - The Atom Proceeds to Synthesize, 192 270 Step 6 - The Nucleus is Rotating, and the Vortex is Clearly Defined, 202 Watery, 166 Skywalker, 249 Sohler, W., 235 Solar Fire, 59 Solar Lhas, 111 Solar Logos, 76 Solar System, 37, 57, 58, 74, 95, 153, 166, 177, 178 Sonmi-451, 43 Sons of Twilight, 111 Sons of Yoga, 111 Soul Act of creation by the, 207 Assumes a misshapen form, 40 Birth at, 203 Christ constant return of the incarnating, 17 Death of the personality is life of the, 206 Experiences life in many forms, 13 Experssion of the mind of God, 96 Group, 21 In all forms reincarnates, 19 Life of, 67 Life vibration emanates from the, 212 Personality of, 93 Principle of intelligence, 92 Solar angel, 172 What is the, 90 Spacetime Acoustic Fracton Lattice, 169 Spacial Depths, 67 Spheroidal Form, 166, 182, 193 Spirilla, 25, 204 Spirillae, 161, 172 Spirits of the Earth, 111 Spiritual Sun, 132 Spores Bacteria, 105 Hermaphroditism, 106 Moss, 105 Subatomic Particles, 217 Subquark, 172, 173, 176, 204 Sun, 75, 111, 189 Sura became A-Sura, 120 Suras, 109 Sweat-born, 101, 112 T Talmudic axiom, 185 Teleporting, 235 Temple, 96 The Fall, 115 The Golden Rule, 30, 32 The Matrix - Its all an Illusion, 225 The Wachowskis, 43 Theology, 137 Theosophists, 133 Third Round, 67, 141 Tiranov, A., 235 Tornado, 153 Transmigration of Souls, 15 271 Transmutation Being the liberation of the essence, 65 Form of, 61 High level introduction, 64 Process, 74 Transmutative Process, 64 Transportation of Life, 56 Tree of Good and Evil, 68 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, 224, 250 Tykwer, T., 43 U Unevolved Man, 94 Universe, 30, 99, 153, 158, 170, 177, 178, 180, 217, 222 Universe-atoms, 180 University Erlangen-Nuremberg of, 23 Geneva of, 235 V Vaivasvata Manu, 131, 134, 135 Vâmadeva, 129 Vegetable Forms, 15 Kingdom, 79 Matter, 67 Verma, V. B., 235 Vibration Frequency, 229 Vishnu, 13 Volcano, 64 Voltage, 76 Vortex, 103, 153, 202 Voynich Manuscript, 81, 82 World Cataclysms, 64 X XVIVO, 197 W Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Cloud Atlas, 44 The Matrix., 226 Water Old mixed with the fresh, 187 272 Y Ying and Yang, 38 Yoda, 224, 250 Z Zodiacal Signs, 141