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-- K-443 pōḷī caklā, ‘flat bread board’ is the cargo manifest of crucible steel -- Earliest stunning, epigraphical evidence for production of crucible steel ca. 3rd-2nd m BCE K-443 Inscription, Nausharo pot graphemes read pōli- పోలడు, పోలిగాడుor దూడల పోలడు Black Drongo Dicrurus ater (Telugu) rebus: पोलाद pōlāda ‘steel’ (Marathi) +पोळ pōḷa ‘zebu, bos indicus’ पोळी pōḷī ‘dewlap’ rebus: पोळ pōḷa magnetite ferrite ore karanaka, kanka 'rim of jar' rebus: bhāṭi karaṇa sāla 'furnace writers’ workshop’ karana ‘messenger, despatch’.-- Amarakośodghāṭana of Kṣīrasvāmin Thus, cargo manifest for despatch of crucible steel cargo. Such a steel sword is presented to Alexander May of 326 BCE by Porus the victor of the war fought on banks of Jhelum, Hydaspes, vitastā --RV.; MBh
Menurut ketentuan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, setiap sekolah/madrasah diamanatkan untuk mengembangkan kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan (KTSP) berdasarkan Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL) dan Standar Isi (SI) dan berpedoman kepada panduan yang ditetapkan oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP). Satuan Pendidikan yang telah melakukan uji coba kurikulum 2004 secara menyeluruh diperkirakan mampu secara mandiri mengembangkan kurikulumnya berdasarkan SKL, SI dan Panduan. Oleh karena itu Pemerintah menerbitkan Panduan Umum agar memungkinkan satuan pendidikan tersebut, dan juga sekolah/madrasah lain yang mempunyai kemampuan, dapat mengembangkan KTSP mulai tahun ajaran 2006/2007. Pemerintah juga menyediakan model KTSP yang diperlukan bagi satuan pendidikan yang saat ini belum mampu mengembangkan kurikulum secara mandiri. Bagi satuan pendidikan ini, mempunyai waktu sampai dengan tiga tahun untuk mengembangkan kurikulumnya, yaitu selambat-lambatnya pada tahun ajaran 2009/2010.
TESIS RESP Y EMOCION EN TERAPIA GESTAL NUEVO ENFOQUE 8.-Resultados principales del estudio En este apartado se presentan los principales resultados del análisis documental realizado de los componentes del método Alba Emoting™ y su posible aplicación (acercamiento) a la Psicoterapia Gestáltica.
Thomas Perroud, Jacques Caillosse, Jacques Chevallier, Danièle Lochak (direction), Les grands arrêts de la jurisprudence administrative. Approche politique, Paris : LGDJ, p. 964-976, 2024
Décision du Conseil d’Etat, 31 mai 2006, Ordre des avocats au barreau de Paris...
Work-life balance is a key issue for both the employers and the employees. Much has been studied on providing and improving work-life balance for the employees. It is an accepted fact that work-life balance cannot be delivered as a single capsule and hence to be effective need to consider several factors that aligns with both the organization and the human capital. This paper attempts to study the preferences of employees on work-life balance and suggests a design for enhancing work-life balance among employees. The study concludes that both the organization and the employees will have to collaborate for achieving a balance work-life.
IMPROVING THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS THROUGH INFORMATION GAP ACTIVITIES AT SMP N 2 SLEMAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2010/2011 By Oviana Puspitasari 06202244020 ABSTRACT This research study is aimed at improving the students’ speaking skills through information gap activities at SMP N 2 Sleman. To limit the aspects to be analysed in this study, the researcher formulates three research questions: (1) How are the information gap activities implemented in the second grade of SMP N 2 Sleman?, (2) How can information gap activities be applied to improve the students’ speaking skills?, and (3) How are the students’ responses to the implementation of information gap activities? The study was action research in two cycles. In the study, the researcher collaborated with the English teacher and the second grade students of SMP N 2 Sleman. Data of this study were qualitative in nature supported by quantitative data. Qualitative data were obtained from the results of classroom obse...
Las turbinas de vapor transforman la energía potencial de tipo térmico, en energía mecánica. La energía potencial térmica disponible es la diferencia de entalpías entre el estado inicial del vapor, a la entrada de la turbina, y su estado final, a la salida de la misma; esta diferencia de entalpías se conoce como salto entálpico o salto térmico.
Red Thread , 2020
Bu makalede, Türk televizyon dizilerinden Meryem’in bugünün siyasi dinamikleri üzerine düşünmenin bir yolu olarak okunması gerektiğini savunuyoruz. Bu okuma, dizinin makulleştirdiği ve arzulanır kıldığı karakter biçimlerine, bu karakterlerin içinde bulundukları mücadeleye ve bu mücadelenin onlara açtığı özne konumlarına dayanmaktadır. Diziyi iki düzlemde ele alıyoruz: türün gerektirdiği özne konumları ve anlatı yapısının gerektirdiği karakterler açısından. Zira bize göre dizilerin türünü, anlatı yapısını, özne konumlarını, karakterleri ve mücadeleleri hakikat sonrasının şimdiki zaman mefhumu belirlemektedir.
Sustainability, 2024
Following a design-based research methodology, this investigation develops a pedagogical model to foster ocean citizenship through the application of a design cycle consisting of four phases: (1) preliminary research, (2) planning, (3) action and (4) evaluation. This article presents the results of phases 1 and 2, which define the conceptual foundation of the pedagogical model, and the planning of actions for its implementation in the school environment. The conceptual foundation was established by drawing upon the theoretical principles of a systemic/complex approach to education, along with theoretical-methodological elements compiled from the literature in the field of ocean literacy and ocean citizenship. During the planning phase, six educational activities were defined, to be conducted as part of a citizen science project to monitor the coastal zone. This model was developed with the objective of going beyond theoretical concepts, to offer schools a practical and objective guide for fostering ocean citizenship in basic education.
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Advanced Materials Research, 2010
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