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Academia Mental Health and Well-Being, 2024
High rates of sexual and gender related violence (SGRV) against girls occur in sub-Saharan Africa. SGRV generates fear, anxiety and depression and leads to multiple adverse outcomes; its pervasive nature constitutes a significant public health crisis; the need for effective interventions is evident as currently-applied programs have known limitations and 1 in 3 women still suffer gender-based violence in their lifetime. This report reviews the challenge and mental health impact of the high prevalence of SGRV reported in sub-Saharan Africa, summarizes the strength and weaknesses of currently-applied interventions, and describes preliminary data from a novel social empowerment intervention piloted in Uganda which achieved nationwide reach. Girls were engaged in high schools to identify the SGRV issues they saw as priorities. A music video was recorded by celebrity artists with scenarios to illustrate these issues and promote positive interventions; this used the framework for Education-Entertainment media, a validated form of health promotion. The video and theme song were made accessible across Uganda through free viewing and streaming via social media, and promoted nationally through concert performances and broadcasts. Over 12 months the video was viewed 36,651 times on YouTube and generated >200,000 comments posted on social media; streaming platforms saw 113,757 individuals download the song; >310,000 people at major concerts heard the song performed; and eight national TV and radio stations each broadcast the video or song at least 30 times reaching a combined audience of >9,500,000. We can only hypothesize on the extent of the mental health benefit achieved. However, there are urgent calls and a clear need for effective interventions. Hence, we suggest our data indicating significant reach, and the inherent merit of a preventive intervention warrant further consideration of this music video model. In future, other countries can produce region-specific and population-focused versions to meet the global need for targeted interventions to address SGRV and enhance mental health support for those living in fear of sexual violence.
Development Policy Review, 2024
The rise of climate change up the international agenda is an opportunity for development and poverty alleviation, but perhaps also a threat. An opportunity because the issues that climate change brings to the fore are similar to those that matter for development. Overlaps, complementarities, and synergies exist between investment and policies for development and those aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change. A threat because trying to reduce emissions could come at the expense of international and national development efforts, and might be more expensive than traditional development strategies, meaning that funds and political capital are diverted away from development.
Jurnal Nurani, 2018
Badan Usaha Milik Negara (selanjutnya disebut BUMN) yang seluruh atau sebagian besar modalnya berasal dari kekayaan Negara yang dipisahkan, merupakan salah satu pelaku ekonomi dalam sistem perekonomian nasional, di samping usaha swasta dan koperasi. (lihat UU No 17 Tahun 2003). Nowadays the loss of state enterprises company (BUMN) still a problem absolutely crucial. In 2018 exists 22 State-owned business entities (BUMN) Which has lost up to 5,4 million. While 22 State-owned business entities Has raised its capital participation the state piety (PNM) to be able to run the business as well as possible. In its loss State-owned business entities (BUMN) often defined as losses to the state, but the state is not a state a loss. In general the definition of losses to the state contain a major illegal actions. Illegal actions in perspective contains the things that are causing the cash, securities, or the reduced state credit . In other words the state losses referred to are formil loss in meaning. For what is in soe is their countries to have separated. This article explored the “Detournement de pouvoir” principle in perspective the Law Number 17 of 2003 Concerning State Finance.
Ontgroening en vergrijzing van de beroepsbevolking maken het noodzakelijk om gericht aandacht te besteden aan duurzaam inzetbaarheidsbeleid als onderdeel van Strategisch HRM. In deze verkorte versie van mijn oratie wordt vanuit een positief psychologische benadering ingegaan op de mogelijkheden die werknemers en arbeidsorganisaties hebben om mensen tot hun pensioengerechtigde leeftijd, of zelfs daarna, op een gezonde, welvarende, aantrekkelijke, uitdagende en productieve manier hun loopbaan te laten invullen. Hierbij wordt de kracht van senioriteit expliciet voor het voetlicht gebracht. Ook wordt ingegaan op bedreigingen die oudere werknemers op hun pad kunnen krijgen, en op eventuele tekortkomingen waar gericht aandacht aan moet worden besteed. Gezien de enorme diversiteit in percepties die mensen hebben ten aanzien van levensen loopbaansucces, is een niet-normatief raamwerk gehanteerd. Met het oog op de pluriformiteit van de arbeidsmarkt is de rede gestructureerd rondom vier loopbaangerelateerde vragen: hoe lang moet ik nog doorwerken; hoe lang kan ik nog doorwerken; hoe lang mag ik nog doorwerken; en hoe lang wil ik nog doorwerken? * Dit is een bewerking van de rede van Beate van der Heijden, uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar Strategisch HRM aan de Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen op vrijdag 18 maart 2011. ** Beate van der Heijden is verbonden aan
Global Journal of Human Social Science Research, 2012
The study examines the politics of fuel subsidy removal in Nigeria. The descriptive nature of the study has necessitated the extensive use of desk research. The paper argues strongly that the policy derives its instrumentality from the theory of development racism, which only benefits the rulers of the country and multinational companies and not the citizen. This explains the massive protests by the Nigerian Labour Congress, Civil Liberty Organisations and the masses of Nigerian that usually accompanied fuel subsidy removal. We have recommended that for the smooth operation of the petroleum sub-sector, government must always engage the people in policies that will affect them. We also recommended for the building of more refineries in order to make the product more available to the people and at an affordable pump price. This could be done through private/public partnership.
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Acta Biotheoretica, 2004
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 2021
Annals of cardiothoracic surgery, 2012
Physics Letters B, 1994
The International Journal of Multiphysics, 2012
Jurnal Rimba Lestari
Applied Clay Science, 2021
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 2008
European Journal of Endocrinology, 2006
New England Journal of Medicine, 1998