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Menentukan tegangan permukaan cairan secara relative dengan air sebagai zat pembanding dan menentukan pengaruh konsentrasi zat terlarut terhadap tegangan permukaan
Pewarna tekstil seperti bahan-bahan yang lain, tidak melekat / menempel untuk selamanya. Pakaian yang masih baru dengan warna cerah setelah terkena udara luar, sinar matahari, keringat, detergen serta pemutih/pengelantang ; akan banyak kehilangan warna aslinya bahkan akan menjadi pudar.Hal ini di karenakan pewarna merupakan bahan organik tak jenuh yang dapat diserang oleh senyawa kimia yang reaktif dan di ubah menjadi produk yang tidak berwarna. Pemutih merupakan spesifikasi agen oksidasi yang kuat untuk menghancurkan molekul organik dari pewarna dengan mengoksidasi ikatan rangkapnya. Pada percobaan kali ini, kita akan mempelajari reaksi dari pewarna yang sering disebut Crystal Violet (CV +). Pewarna ini memiliki struktur yang hampir mirip dengan pewarna lain seperti Malachite Green (MG +) dan Metil Violet Struktur. Crystal Violet dan Metil Violet merupakan bahan pewarna yang biasanya ada sebagai kation (ion positif) di gunakan sebagai indikator asam-basa, pewarna tekstil dan sebagai agen anti bakteri. Ion hidroksidasi pada kosentrasi tinggi akan menyerang kation dari Crystal Violet pada atom karbon pusat dimana ketiga cincinnya akan diikat. Ketika ion OH-berikatan / terikat pada atom karbon, produk tidak berwarna akan terbentuk. CV + + OH-CV – OH
Menentukan isoterm adsorbsi menurut Freundlich bagi proses adsorbsi asam asetat pada arang
1. Mengidentifikasi sifat asam basa dengan indicator lakmus. 2. Memperkirakan pH larutan dengan indikator: a. Penolptalain (PP) b. Metil Merah (MM) c. Metil Biru (MB) d. Bromtimol Biru (BTB) 3. Menentukan pH larutan dengan indicator universal. C. Dasar Teori Untuk mengetahui suatu larutan bersifat asam atau basa dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan indikator kertas lakmus, dimana warna kertas lakmus tersebut dapat berubah warna apabila dicelupkan ke dalam larutan asam atau basa. Warna kertas lakmus dalam larutan asam, larutan basa, dan larutan bersifat netral berbeda. Ada dua macam kertas lakmus, yaitu lakmus merah dan lakmus biru. Sifat dari masing-masin gkertas lakmus tersebut berbeda. Namun, apabila ingin mengetahui berapa pH suatu larutan diperlukan indikator universal atau pH-meter. Penggunaannya sangat sederhana, sehelai inidkator diletakkan dalam plat tetes yang sudah diisi larutan uji yang akan diukur pH-nya.kemudian dibandingkan dengan peta warna yang tersedia.nilai pH ditunjukkan dengan skala secara sistematis dengan nomor 0-14. Ada juga cara lain, yaitu menguji larutan tersebut dengan beberapa indikator yang telah diketahui trayek pH-nya dalam table. Dalam percobaan ini, siswa diharapkan dapat memperkirakan pH larutan yang tidak diketahui harga pH-nya, yakni larutan cuk, amoniak, A, B, C, D, E, dan F dengan menggunakan indikator Pnolptalain, Metil Merah, dan
Academia Medicine, 2024
In the evolving landscape of healthcare, the integration of deep learning within the Internet of Things (IoT) presents transformative potentials for medical diagnostics and patient care. This article explores the advanced architectures of deep learning and their application in healthcare IoT, emphasizing the enhancement of disease prediction models, medical image analysis, and real-time health monitoring systems. Deep learning’s capacity to handle vast and complex datasets by extracting high-level features and enabling predictive analytics is particularly beneficial in healthcare, where timely and accurate diagnosis can significantly influence treatment outcomes. Furthermore, the implementation of deep learning technologies in healthcare IoT has proven effective in the early detection of critical health conditions, including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, through sophisticated analysis of medical images and physiological data. This article also discusses the pivotal role of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)-accelerated computing and the expertise of medical professionals in refining deep learning models for clinical applications. Despite these advancements, challengesremain such as data privacy, interoperability of diverse systems, and the computational demands of processing large-scale data. Ethical and legal considerations are also critical as the deployment of artificial intelligence in healthcare necessitates careful consideration of patient consent and data security. The future of deep learning in healthcare IoT is geared toward enhancing data security, improving device integration, and creating patient-centric models through innovative technologies such as blockchain and edge computing. This article advocates for a collaborative approach to overcome barriers and accelerate the adoption of these technologies in mainstream healthcare settings.
gli indif, 1987
Entrò Carla; aveva indossato un vestitino di lanetta marrone con la gonna così corta, che bastò quel movimento di chiudere l'uscio per fargliela salire di un buon palmo sopra le pieghe lente che le facevano le calze intorno alle gambe; ma ella non se ne accorse e si avanzò con precauzione guardando misteriosamente davanti a sé, dinoccolata e malsicura; una sola lampada era accesa e illuminava le ginocchia di Leo seduto sul divano; un'oscurità grigia avvolgeva il resto del salotto. " Mamma sta vestendosi ", ella disse avvicinandosi " e verrà giù tra poco ". " L'aspetteremo insieme ", disse l'uomo curvandosi in avanti; " vieni qui Carla, mettiti qui". Ma Carla non accettò questa offerta; in piedi presso il tavolino della lampada, cogli occhi rivolti verso quel cerchio di luce del paralume nel quale i gingilli e gli altri oggetti, a differenza dei loro compagni morti e inconsistenti sparsi nell'ombra del salotto, rivelavano tutti i loro colori e la loro solidità, ella provava col dito la testa mobile di una porcellana cinese: un asino molto carico sul quale tra due cesti sedeva una specie di Budda campagnolo, un contadino grasso dal ventre avvolto in un kimono a fiorami; la testa andava in su e in giù, e Carla, dagli occhi bassi, dalle guance illuminate, dalle labbra strette, pareva tutta assorta in questa occupazione. " Resti a cena con noi? " ella domandò alfine senza alzare la testa. " Sicuro ", rispose Leo accendendo una sigaretta; " forse non mi vuoi? ". Curvo, seduto sul divano, egli osservava la fanciulla con una attenzione avida; gambe dai polpacci storti, ventre piatto, una piccola valle di ombra fra i grossi seni, braccia e spalle fragili, e quella testa rotonda così pesante sul collo sottile. " Eh che bella bambina "; egli si ripete " che bella bambina ". La libidine sopita per quel pomeriggio si ridestava, il sangue gli saliva alle guance, dal desiderio avrebbe voluto gridare. Ella diede ancora un colpo alla testa dell'asino: "Ti sei accorto quanto fosse nervosa mamma oggi al tè? Tutti ci guardavano ". " Affari suoi " disse Leo; si protese e senza parer di nulla, sollevò un lembo di quella gonna: " Sai che hai delle belle gambe, Carla? " disse volgendole una faccia stupida ed eccitata sulla quale non riusciva ad aprirsi un falso sorriso di giovialità; ma Carla , non arrossì ne rispose e con un colpo secco abbatte la veste: "Mamma è gelosa di te" disse guardandolo; "per questo ci fa a tutti la vita impossibile". Leo fece un gesto che significava: " E che ci posso fare io? "; poi si rovesciò daccapo sul divano e accavalciò le gambe.
PLoS One, 2024
The Xiongnu polity (ca. 200 BC– 150 AD) emerged out of indigenous community-centered socio-political structures to forge a powerful state that commanded the Mongolian steppe and beyond. Underpinned by a highly mobile pastoralist population, accustomed to seasonally rhythmic moves and embedded in an equestrian culture that facilitated rapid transport over long-distances, it remains unclear precisely how the movement of commoners, local aristocrats and regional elites abetted the formation and organization of Xiongnu state structures. Here, we evaluate Xiongnu movement and dietary intake through multi-stable isotopic analyses of tooth enamel from directly dated Xiongnu intermediate elites recovered from the mortuary center of Baga Gazaryn Chuluu–a prominent granite outcrop set in the Gobi Desert. Carbon isotope (δ13C) analysis indicates millet was consumed by some individuals, but whether or not this C4 cultivar contributed to the diets of most elites remains ambiguous in this C3/C4 desert-steppe environment. The effectiveness of oxygen isotopes (δ18O) to establish mobility appears much reduced in steppe environments, where geospatially sensitive information appears disrupted by extraordinary seasonality in meteoric water oxygen isotopes, pronounced oxygen isotopic variation in potential drinking water sources, and culturally mediated drinking practices. Most revealing, strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) indicate circulation of local elites around this central place and beyond, a mobility format that helped leaders cement their own position through political consolidation of spatially dispersed mobile pastoralist communities. The consistent presence at Baga Gazaryn Chuluu of extra-local intermediate elites also points toward the importance of transregional mobility in binding together the Xiongnu polity over the vast distances of the eastern steppe.
Београд–Шибеник, 2022
Наслови поглавља [Chapter titles] Поглавље 8: "Пред ликом евхаристијског Тела..." [Chapter 8: "Before the Countenance of the Eucharistic Body..."] Поглавље 9: "... са широм отвореним очима" [Chapter 9: "... With Eyes Wide Open"]
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2021
University Press of Colorado eBooks, 2024
Journal of Urban Management, 2020
Quaternary and Environmental Geosciences, 2010
University of Richmond Law Review, 2006
Journal of Chromatography A, 2006
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 2021
Thin Solid Films, 2008
Physics Letters B, 2011
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2001
Saúde Coletiva (Barueri)
Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2019