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El diagnostico organizacional es el estudio, necesario para todas la organizaciones, que se encarga de evaluar la situación de la empresa, sus conflictos esto es qué problemas existen en la empresa, sus potencialidades o hasta dónde puede llegar y vías de desarrollo que es el camino a seguir para su crecimiento. En general podría decirse que un diagnostico organizacional busca generar eficiencia en la organización a través de cambios. Las organizaciones con todas sus implicaciones, son el resultado de la búsqueda que ha encausado el hombre racional a la prosperidad.
El diagnostico organizacional es el estudio, necesario para todas la organizaciones, que se encarga de evaluar la situación de la empresa, sus conflictos esto es qué problemas existen en la empresa, sus potencialidades o hasta dónde puede llegar y vías de desarrollo que es el camino a seguir para su crecimiento. En general podría decirse que un diagnostico organizacional busca generar eficiencia en la organización a través de cambios. Las organizaciones con todas sus implicaciones, son el resultado de la búsqueda que ha encausado el hombre racional a la prosperidad.
Ámbito en el que se desarrolla el proyecto pedagógico real.
Resumen: El diagnóstico organizacional, se define como el análisis que se hace para evaluar la situación de la empresa, sus problemas, potencialidades y vías eventuales de desarrollo. Así mismo ha ido adquiriendo cada vez mayor importancia, en la medida que se ha profesionalizado el área y que se ha difundido como una disciplina profesional a la que concurren especialistas de diversa procedencia y formación. El diagnóstico constituye una parte de gran importancia en el proceso de consultoría. Es importante tener presente, sin embargo, que es solo una etapa en un proceso de mayor envergadura. Abstract: The organizational assessment is defined as the analysis is done to assess the situation of the company, its problems, potential and possible ways development. It has also gained increasing importance, as the area has become more professional, the same it's attended by specialists from different origin. The diagnosis is a very important part in the consultation process. It is important to note, however, is only one step in a larger process.
Paracrina: Secreciones hormonales realizadas muy cerca de las células blanco, de manera tal que las hormonas secretadas pueden movilizarse rápidamente a través de las células blancas.
The deep mixing method is an in situ soil mixing technology that mixes existing soil with cementitious materials using mixing shafts consisting of auger cutting heads, discontinuous auger flights, and mixing paddles. The mixing equipment varies from single to eight shaft configurations depending on the purpose of the deep mixing The soil-cement produced generally has higher strength, less compressibility, and lower permeability than the native soils. The development and research on deep mixing started from laboratory model tests in 1967 by the Port and Harbor Research Institute of the Japanese Ministry of Transportation for the purpose of stabilizing soft marine soils with lime in harbors or below the sea floor before the construction of harbor facilities In 1974, the DLM Method (Deep Lime Mxing method) became feasible for full scale construction. Based on the technology developed for DLM, the CDM Method (Cement Deep Mixing method) was initiated using cement grout as the stabilization agent. Starting from laboratory model tests through on-/and full scale testing and ocean full scale testing, the CDM method was developed in 1975 for full scale application (CDM 1994) Typical CDM equipment is shown in Table 25-1. Parallel to the development of the CDM method for large-scale-area ground treatment under sea water, the development and research on the SMW (Soil Mix Wall) Method was started in 1972 by
Chemometrics: a university course using the R language (Atena Editora), 2024
The origin of this book arose when the authors saw the need to write theoretical and experimental material for the Chemometrics discipline of the undergraduate and postgraduate Chemistry course at UFRN/Brazil. The R programming language was chosen in this book because it presents a free, easily accessible work environment, rich in a variety of packages and various statistical tools capable of exploring different functionalities through different means and formats. Furthermore, with the versatility of being able to work through a command line or through menus pre-defined by the software itself, it is very accessible and practical to explore the main concepts of Chemometrics. The main topics of Chemometrics that are explored in undergraduate and postgraduate courses at UFRN are, among them, Descriptive Statistics and their properties (Chapter 1), Design and Optimization of Experiments (Chapter 2), Pattern Recognition (Chapter 3), Higher-order Multivariate Classification (Chapter 4), Higher-order Multivariate Regression (Chapter 5) and Digital Images (Chapter 6). All chapters contain the fundamentals descriptions and examples on simulated or real data through scripts in the R language. In addition, the book presents an appendix which brings together the main scripts in the R language for importing, pre-processing and organizing matrices that are necessary for the development of multivariate models. Finally, to encourage learning, proposed exercises were created so that students can try to answer them based on theory and solved examples in each chapter.
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