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1990, Social Choice and Welfare…
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in Inkarnat und Signifikanz: das menschliche Abbild in der Tafelmalerei von 200 bis 1250 im Mittelmeerraum, , 2017
The Organization of Artisan Trades in the Twelfth Century and the Enigma of Treatises in Inkarnat und Signifikanz: das menschliche Abbild in der Tafelmalerei von 200 bis 1250 im Mittelmeerraum, Redaktion: Yvonne Schmuhl, Esther P. Wipfler München, 2017, pp. 67-72
In today's world, healthcare plays an important role and includes efforts to keep people healthy, prevent illness, and provide treatment when needed. Technology is changing how healthcare works, with a recent focus on artificial intelligence (AI), to improve it further.This paper looks at how AI could impact healthcare, making it easier to assist patients, streamline operations, and make better decisions. It discusses the increasing use of AI in healthcare, its practical applications, and the benefits. Additionally, it addresses the challenges and ethical concerns associated with AI in healthcare, whilesuggesting potential paths forward with this technology.
Copyright © 1989 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America First Harvard University Press paperback edition, 1991 Library of Congress Catatogi*y-in-Publicatim Data Bordwell, David. Making meaning : inference ...
ΣΤ΄ Επιστημονικό Συμπόσιο Νεοελληνικής Εκκλησιαστικής Τέχνης, 2022
O homem é um ser que sempre está a caminho. Esse caminho no qual o homem se coloca é a busca da libertação do determinismo para alcançar novas áreas, novas metas. O homem é um ser "viato" (expressão utilizada pelo filósofo existencialista Gabriel Marcel). Sendo um ser a caminho o homem se apresenta como temporal, ou seja, um ser que se evolui na história e nela constrói a sua própria história. Nessa história ele não é estático, outrossim, ele está em constante mutação, num processo contínuo de realização. Assim, a filosofia existencialista, nos direciona a olharmos o ser humano não como algo pré-determinado, mas como um ser em constante construção. O homem é responsável pelo seu destino. O homem é um ser que busca a sua completude, a sua realização plena.
Nasze Pomorze, 2022
This paper explores the sustainable manufacturing practices (SMP) and sustainability performance (SP) among Malaysian manufacturing firms from diverse industries. Using survey data collected from 150 firms, the current state of SMP and SP in Malaysia has been examined. The results show moderate to considerable extent of implementation of internal SMP and external SMP with high technology industries are found to be the greatest implementers of both types of practices. Meanwhile, the findings of the study indicate the ability of firms to achieve better SP in the last three years with economic benefits are still the dominant factor in embracing SMP compared to the environmental and social consideration. Besides providing a better understanding of the elements of SMP and SP, this paper is expected to increase the level of awareness of sustainability issues and promoting the implementation of the SMP in manufacturing industries.
Como toda acción social, el trabajo del psicólogo comunitario opera desde enfoques y posturas políticas entendido esto como un posicionamiento teórico-práctico frente a la realidad. Algunas veces responden de forma asistencialista y paternalista, otras veces las perspectivas de trabajo comunitario son prácticas liberadoras, consistentes en la potencialización del papel transformador de la comunidad.
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