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The paper examines the effectiveness of two teaching methodologies in language learning: the Grammar Translation Method and the Direct Method. It highlights observational findings on student-teacher interactions, student engagement, the role of the native language, and the implications of each method for enhancing language proficiency. The conclusion emphasizes that both methods possess strengths and weaknesses, urging future educators to adapt their teaching strategies to fit classroom conditions.
The goal of this report is to introduce a general Language Learning Framework for Turkish within the American experience and to offer curriculum guides for formal programs in Turkish in academic settings in the US. This will enable instructors who are teaching Turkish at American universities to follow the same general curriculum and will guide them in devising their syllabi. Turkish, a less commonly taught language, is being taught in several major universities; class attendance is relatively small. Because of the small numbers of the students, this report focuses on developing curriculum guidelines mainly for first and second year classes. We assume that a uniform set of goals for these programs will enhance teaching of this language in institutions of higher learning, lead to further development of teaching materials, and improve the quality of teaching overall. The particulars of the goals that the working group suggests is guided by a set of principles within a language learnin...
This study intends to examine the speech act of direction giving in L1 Persian and L2 English comparing it to the baseline data in L1 English. To this end, two sets of direction-giving interviews (in Persian and L2 English) were conducted. As for the L1 English data, the researchers relied on Taylor-Hamilton’s (2004) results of the interviews with native English speakers. The three sets of data were then analyzed using Chi-square test. The findings revealed the similarities and differences in performing this speech behavior between the two cultures. Furthermore, L2 English results shed light on the possibility of transfer of training. Finally, pedagogical implications were discussed in the context of second language learning.
Teaching Foreign Language with Using Cultural Aspects of Literature - Edebiyatın Kültürel Yönlerini Kullanarak Yabancı Dil Öğretmek, 2013
In this study, we shall examine the portfolio studies of the third grade student teachers of the English Language Teaching Department in Yıldız Technical University, as part of the requirements of the “Language and Literature” course offered. They include the worksheets designed by student teachers, mainly targeting teaching grammar, vocabulary, translation, textual cohesion and coherence. The research shall mainly focuses on the following points of (i) how student teachers approached literary texts, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages they encountered while coping with literary texts; (ii) which literary texts were chosen as teaching materials and how were these texts internalized and interpreted to target cultural enrichment; (iii) which language samples of real life settings were demonstrated. This paper aims to show that teaching language through literature initiates the student teachers’ pragmatic input in progress, and helps them to prepare authentic teaching materials in terms of developing teaching competencies. - Bu çalışmada, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi İngilizce Öğretmenliği Bölümü 3. Sınıf öğrencilerinin Dil ve Edebiyat dersi için oluşturdukları çalışma dosyalarını inceledik. Bu dosyalar, öğretmen adayları tarafından hazırlanmış olup dilbilgisi, sözcük bilgisi, çeviri, metinsel bütünlük ve tutarlılık öğretimini hedefleyen çalışma kağıtlarını içermektedir. Araştırmamız başlıca şu noktalar üzerinde durmaktadır: Öğretmen adayları edebi metinlere nasıl yaklaşıyor? (Edebi metinlerle çalışırken ne gibi olumlu veya olumsuz yönlerle karşılaşıyorlar?) Öğretim materyali olarak hangi edebi metinleri seçiyorlar? Hedef dil kültürünü nasıl içselleştirip yorumluyorlar? Gerçek hayattan hangi dil örneklerini gösteriyorlar? Amacımız, edebiyatı dil öğretiminde kullanırken öğretmen adaylarının edimbilimsel girdisini geliştirmektir. Böylece edebiyatın dil öğretiminde kullanımı, öğretmen yeterliliklerini geliştirmek açısından onlara özgün materyal hazırlama da yardımcı olacaktır.
New Literary History, 1981
Language is the main mode of communication in human society. This highly sophisticated and important mode, which is attributed to humans only as conscious social beings, is accomplished through speech. Men use speech as the main mode to bond spiritually, socially, politically, and commercially with others in their community. Seeing language as a distinctive symbol of a nation, the Albanian National Renaissance continually tried to purify its language from loanwords and enrich with words from its own source. Thus, the Renaissance took a difficult step towards creating a literary Albanian language. It took our written language out from its rudimentary state of the past century and placed it on a new track creating a unified literary language as an important matter for our nation. Communication is application of inspirations and requests through a system of symbols. There are many sign systems used by human society in communication including gestures, body movements, or its limbs, vocal sounds, traffic sings, Morse alphabet, chemical symbols, mathematical, physical, programming language and artificial logic language and the language as the essential mode of communication. When we write, communication is not simultaneous and in direct contact with the one whom we address it. Thus, the speaker needs context, intonation, gestures, mimicry, etc. All of these are fulfilled through writing.
By providing a definition of culture, its sociological context, this part of the presentation aims at introducing and highlighting the importance of culture in a language. Furthermore, it will provide the link between culture and language in the process of English language teaching.
Abstract Language is an important component in human life which always used in daily life. Language also used as a means of delivering ideas, concepts and feelings that come from the heart aimed at delivering a particular purpose because, language is a tool for human’s communication with each other critical growth and development their talents which can lead to creativity; innovation and novelty; exchanging and transferring their experience; and overall, the establishment people in society. Language is a product of culture. Because each of culture always has their own language in which language can also be a reflection of a culture or where someone is coming. In this paper has the aim to determine the relationship between language and culture are not separated from each other. Because language is the medium for delivering the culture which it is as the result from their language. Keywords: culture, human, language, meaning, people, communication
The present study attempts to present the evidence of how learners of English as Second Language perform the target language by involving 20 participants from one of state universities in Yogyakarta. The participants are sitting in the first semester majoring English Literature. In investigating the target language performance this study used a writing assignment namely recount text in order to identify language development in relation to grammar acquisition comitted by the learners. Errors made by the learners tend to show interlanguage that the learners performance gains immediate status between native language and target language. The study found that the leaners explored 15 grammar aspects including past tense, modality, to + infinitive , gerund, make, passive voice ,sentence elements, prepositions, articles, collocations, singular and plural nouns, pronouns, relative pronouns, question word order and native language transfer. The approximate cause of the errors are overgeneral...
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