Resolving Hiatus by Diphthongisation in Romanian


Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE), Clare College, Cambridge, Marea Britanie (poster presentation) Resolving Hiatus by Diphthongisation in Romanian Oana Niculescu Dep. of Linguistics, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, Romania [email protected] 1. The data. Among Romance languages, Romanian displays a robust diphthong / hiatus contrast, the heterosyllabic [iV] sequences being the preferred outcome (Chițoran & Hualde 2007). When hiatus is avoided, the main repair strategies employed by native speakers are: (1) glide formation (/kopilərie/ - [kopilərije] ‘childhood’); (2) diphthongisation (/realizezi/ [realizezi] ‘you realize’, /de#atunč/ - [deatunč] ‘since then’); (3) vowel elision (V1 elision: /fruktuos/ - [fruktos] ‘fruitful’, /nu#am/ - [nam] ‘I do not have’, V2 elision: /bineɨnțeles/ [binențeles] ‘by no means’, /skrise#ɨn/ - [skrisen] ‘written in’, coalescence of identical vowels: /alkool/ - [alkol] ‘alcohol’, /vara#asta/ - [varasta] ‘this summer’) (Niculescu 2014). In this article, we focus on the second avoidance strategy, both for internal (vowel-vowel sequences within the word) and external hiatus (vowel-vowel sequences across word boundaries). Based on our PhD thesis (Hiatul în limba română. O abordare optimalistă [Hiatus in Romanian. An OT Approach]), this paper will be divided into 3 sections. 2. Analysis. First, we aim to: (1) establish an inventory of internal hiatuses and diphthongs in Romanian based on DOOM2 (Niculescu 2012); (2) classify these sequences according to the position in the word and proximity to stress, vowel height, and frequency in the list. Second, we want to examine how the norm reflects in the spoken language. To accomplish this, we will investigate inter- and intra- speaker variation in the case of V-V sequence diphthongisation through a production task. Data are collected from 10 informants (5 females, 5 males), and the analysis is carried out in PRAAT. In this part of the study, the main objectives are as follows: (1) to identify the structures that undergo diphthongisation; (2) to account for the factors that facilitate this repair strategy; (3) to sort out the sequences that allow for more than one avoidance mechanism (besides the one under investigation) and explain this situation. We hypothesize that external hiatus attracts more repair mechanisms for the same V-V sequence than internal hiatus, and that proximity to stress becomes inoperative for the former type of hiatus. Thus, in the final part of the study, we compare these two classes of vocalic structures in terms of a norm / usage relation (for the internal hiatus, we correlate the data gathered from DOOM2 with the one obtained from the 10 informants), frequency (based on the production experiment, we establish and examine the hierarchies for each type of hiatus), and tendency (we will review those vocalic pairs that are more prone to diphthongise, focusing on their distribution in the two categories of hiatus). This analysis aims to offer an up-to-date description of internal and external hiatus in Romanian at the interface between phonetics and phonology. Keywords: hiatus resolution, internal hiatus, external hiatus, diphthongisation, Romanian phonetics and phonology SELECTED REFERENCES Aguilar, L. 1999. ‘Hiatus and diphthong: Acoustic cues and speech situation differences’, Speech Communication, 28, 57–74. 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