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De Pietro Jean Francois De Saint Georges Ingrid Gnach Aleksandra Stotz Daniel Wyss Eva Lia, 2011
The paper presents preliminary findings of a research project on the transition from primary to secondary level concerning English as a foreign language teaching in Germany. The project seeks to develop tasks that promote cooperation and methodological continuity between the two institutional contexts. The task design aims at raising learners' and their teachers' awareness of competencies acquired in primary school. By way of qualitative case-study research the study tries to identify task features that help teachers diagnose learners' competencies as well as difficulties teachers face. After a short introduction into the current situation in Germany and an outline of the research study, the paper describes the task design and presents the sample task 'book quiz'. On the basis of teacher interviews task features that support the diagnosis of competencies are presented.
Armendaris, Diego ; Salgado, Jonathan Pupilos de la materia IAI 595-Tecnología de Abonos y Fertilizantes, Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas, Universidad de las Américas, Quito-Ecuador RESUMEN Palabras claves: SUMMARY Key words:
Urban Studies, 2018
New private property investments in Africa's cities are on the rise, and they often take the form of entirely new cities built up from scratch as comprehensively planned self-contained enclaves. As these new city-making trajectories are expanding and empirical research is emerging, there is a need to provide more conceptual clarity. We systematically examine the diversity of new cities in Africa; elicit their financial trajectories; and set an agenda for critically examining their actual and expected implications, by learning transnational lessons from debates on gated communities, peri-urban land governance and displacement, and older waves of new city building. Although most new cities are private-led projects, they are inserted into diverse and dynamic political economies with states ranging from developmentalist to neoliberal to absent. The consumptive and supply-driven character of many projects so far (resembling gated communities for middle and higher classes), their insertion into 'rurban' spaces with complex land governance arrangements, and their tendency to implement post-democratic private-sector-driven governance will make them at best unsuitable for solving Africa's urban problems, and at worst they will increase expulsions and enclosures of the poor, public funding injustice and socio-spatial segregation and fragmentation.
Depuis trois décennies, le « barbare » a fait l’objet d’un intérêt accru. L’étude des civilisations se focalisait jusqu’ici sur les espaces plus documentés par les sources écrites, mais une attention nouvelle est désormais accordée aux mondes jugés extérieurs, aux zones de contact, aux pratiques d’échanges et aux formes de la représentation mutuelle. Le barbare apparaît aujourd’hui moins comme l’ennemi irréductible du « civilisé » que comme un autre, que l’on doit construire par des dispositifs multiples et qui s’avère nécessaire pour se définir soi-même. Deux cents spécialistes questionnent ici la création et l’exploitation de cette altérité à travers des exemples précis pris dans l’histoire mondiale et dans tous les domaines : philosophie, linguistique, sources textuelles, archéologie, histoire de l’art, lieux de mémoire, personnages historiques, droit, culture matérielle, ethnographie, sociologie, historiographie, muséographie, représentations médiatiques… Tout autant introduction historique que dictionnaire exhaustif, cet ouvrage explore, depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours, trois mille ans d’histoire de la barbarie.
Rozprawa doktorska, 2023
The subject of the dissertation research is instructional estates created in the former Bialystok region on the basis of the Instruction on the principles of selling state land in the western gubernias to persons of Russian origin serving there or wishing to settle permanently, enacted in 1865.The aim of this study is to examine the practical application of the legal mechanisms (based on the example of the Instruction) introduced by the Russian authorities after the suppression of the January Uprising with the intention of increasing Russian possession. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the Instruction Law is assessed against the background of other Russian normative acts.The main thesis of the thesis is to show the significance of the Instruction as the most effective legal tool among the repressive decrees enacted in the post-January period in order to change the nationality structure of land ownership in favour of Russians and other non-Polish nationalities. The paper uses three research methods: quantitative, legal-historical and archival. The creation of instructional estates influenced the growth of Russian ownership in the former Bialystok region.... Between 1867 and 1878, the Russians purchased 40 estates with a total area of 8631 ha under the Instruction. In this way, the Instruction contributed to a 36% increase in the acreage of Russian property. The Instruction was the most effective legal tool in property policy in the former Bialystok region compared to the Dec. 10, 1865 ukaz, as it prevented Polish landowners from regaining lost estates or acquiring new ones.
Problems of humanities History
Анотація. Мета дослідження. У статті увага зосереджена на дослідженні еволюції логіки мислення та дій агресорів у рамках сучасної російсько-української війни, насамперед керівництва держави-агресора – Російської Федерації. Методологія дослідження. Авторами показано необхідність застосування історико-системного методу в контексті окресленої проблематики. Новизна роботи. Проаналізовано специфіку мислення та механізми дій російських агресорів в контексті зв’язків між внутрішньою і зовнішньою політикою РФ. Мотиви й загалом раціональність агресивних дій російського керівництва проти України розглянуто зокрема у порівнянні з логікою агресії, притаманною й іншим претендентам на світову першість (Наполеон Бонапарт, Адольф Гітлер), простежено ідейні зв’язки між людиноненависницькою концепцією рашизму та іншими різновидами нацистсько-фашистської ідеології та парадигми міжнародних відносин. Висновки. Показано, що сучасна РФ у своєму розвитку в багатьох аспектах повторює моделі минулого інших к...
Humana.Mente, 2011
An inter-enactive approach to agency holds that the behaviour of agents in a social situation unfolds not only according to their individual abilities and goals, but also according to the conditions and constraints imposed by the autonomous dynamics of the interaction process itself. We illustrate this position with examples drawn from phenomenological observations and dynamical systems models. On the basis of these examples we discuss some of the implications of this inter-enactive approach to agency for our understanding of social phenomena in a broader sense, and how the inter-enactive account provided here has to be taken alongside a theory of larger-scale social processes.
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Living Traditions of Vedas: Proceeding of the International Vedic Workshop (IVW) 2014. Ed. P. Vinod Bhattathiripad and Shrikant S. Bahulkar, New Delhi: New Bharatiya Book Corporation. (ISBN: 978-81-8315-355-3) , 2019
Mukt Shabd Journal, UGC Care List I, ISSN No: 2347-3150, 2024
Handbook of the History of Logic, 2008
Journal of General Virology, 2004
Revista Paralellus, 2021
Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 2020
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2013
The Cochrane library, 2016
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 1999
Australian journal of applied linguistics, 2020
Revista signos, 2010