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215 pages
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Sinteza studiilor de caz privind tratamentul cu radiatii ionizante pentru documentele de arhiva
The analysis of wood flows is important for any evaluation of the sustainability of forest ressource utilisation. We have analysed the raw wood flows in Romania in 2017, starting from a consumption scenario based on the maximum installed processing capacity. The balance of timber resources considers the use of wood as raw material and the by-products (waste generated in processing), which can be used as inputs for later use in the wood processing or energy sector.Our results show that at a maximum processing capacity (hypothetical scenario), Romania's domestic consumption would be 46 million m3 per year, of which 49% is energy consumption, mostly in households. The maximum installed capacity of the manufacturing industry is 18.7 million m3. The difference between domestic production and apparent consumption reaches 23 million m3, a similar estimation to that provided by JRC Europe for 2015. Further research is needed to improve the proposed wood balance model using data as close...
This paper present a new method for the modelling and the control of the manufacturing systems. This method utilise the Generalised Stochastic Object Oriented Petri Nets for the modelling of the manufacturing systems. The object approach allow the obtaining a model with reduced dimensions and the stochastic approach allow the modelling of the stochastic behaviour of the system. We obtain the Markov process associated with the Petri Net model and the lumped Markov chain. This allow to analyse and to evaluate the performances of the manufacturing system, which allow to set the variation domain of the control parameters and lastly the optimal control of the system. The resulting control solution is used to guide the real system behaviour.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2011
The article presents and analyzes the situation (in 2007-2008) of severe land degradation of the agricultural land fund, because of landslides and also the predisposing factors involved in this process. In addition, we made references to other factors leading to soil degradation in these regions such as surface erosion and gully, excessive moisture, salinization, alkalization, in order to develop the most adequate solutions to reduce the negative effects on the economic, social and ecological plans.
Cercetări arheologice, 2006
The lithic inventory (artifacts and rock fragments) discovered on the Eneolithic tell-type settlement Borduşani Popină during the 1995-1997 archaeological excavations represents several rock types: silicolith, limestone, marl, gritty limestone, sandstone, micro-conglomerate, green-schist, mica-schist, quartzite, dolerite and granodiorite. Most of these rock types crop out on large areas in Dobrogea, with potential source areas for the lithic material located as close as 10-20 km away from the settlement. However, for the igneous rocks the closest outcrops are located in North Dobrogea, at distances of minimum 70-80 km from the settlement.
Sursele de cercetare privind discursurile judiciare sunt constituite din colec iile de legi i decrete, bulele papale, canoanele biserice ti, actele conciliilor, analele monastice, istoriile comunit ilor locale i aba iilor, procesele-verbale ale proceselor desf urate, sentin ele proceselor inchizitoriale, biografiile episcopilor, papilor, diverse panegirice etc. Acestora li se adaug diverse coduri de procedur penal sau manuale pentru uzul inchizitorilor, ghiduri dup care erau recunoscute persoanele care practicau vr jitoria, legisla ia care se aplica în cazul condamn rii ereticilor i a persoanelor care propov duiau alte înv turi decât cea predicat de Biserica Apusean. Toate acestea ofer numeroase detalii despre modul în care erau organizate i se desf urau procesele inchizitoriale.
Cercetări Arheologice, 2020
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Culegerea de articole reprezintă materialele celei de-a 2-a ediții a Conferinței Internaționale "Lectura ca bază pentru cultură, cunoaștere și dezvoltare", organizată de Biblioteca Națională a Republicii Moldova în septembrie 2020. Temele abordate de către autori sunt de ordin teoretic cât și practic. Volumul al II lea reprezintă diferite abordări ale fenomenului lecturii.
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The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2019
F. Klimscha, M. Heumüller, D.C.M. Raemaekers, H. Peeters and T. Terberger (eds), Stone Age borderland experience: Neolithic and Late Mesolithic parallel societies in the North European Plain, 263-95. Rahden: Marie Leidorf, 2022
Digital Humanities for XXI century, 2024
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2003
Israel Affairs, 2017
Volume 3: Operations, Monitoring and Maintenance; Materials and Joining, 2016
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2020
British Journal of Cancer, 2001
Journal of General Virology, 1984
Open Systems & Information Dynamics, 2013
Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2014
Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, 2021