Mechanical Engineers Data Handbook.pdf

j J k K KE K , 1 L rn SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS 3 M and torque T, the maximum direct and shear stresses, a, and 7,,, are equal to those produced by 'equivalent' moments M e and T, where 5, = T,/Z, and a , = M,/Z where Z , = polar modulus T, = ,/m and M e = (M + T,)/2 nD3 K ( D 4 -d 4 ) Z=-(solid shaft) or -~ (hollow shaft) 32 32

zyx 1'1 . I L T A- - I- zy z JAMES CARVll ! SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. Mechanical Engineer’s Data Handbook SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. To my daughters, Helen and Sarah SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwv Mechanical Engineer’s Data Handbook J. Carvill IUTTERWO E I N E M A N N OXFORD AMSTERDAM BOSTON LONDON NEW YORK PARIS SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYO SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. Butterworth-Heinemann An imprint of Elsevier Science Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 200 Wheeler Road, Burlington MA 01803 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsr zyxwvut First published 1993 Paperback edition 1994 Reprinted 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000(twice), 2001 (twice), 2003 Copyright 0 1993, Elsevier Science Ltd. All riehts reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (includmg photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, England WIT 4LP. Applications for the copyright holder’s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publishers zyxwvutsrqp British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Carvill, James Mechanical Engineer’s Data Handbook I. Title 62 1 Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data Carvill, James Mechanical engineer’s data handbook/James Carvill. p. an. Includes index. 1. Mechanical engineering - Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Title. TD51.C36 62 1-dc20 92- 19069 CIP ISBN 0 7506 1960 0 I For information on all Butterworth-Heinemann publications visit our website at I Typeset by Vision Typesetting, Manchester Printed in Great Britain by Bookcraft (Bath) Ltd, Somerset SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyx zyxwvutsrq Contents Preface vii Symbols used in text ix 1. Strength of materials 1.1 Types of stress 1.2 Strength of fasteners 1.3 Fatigue and stress concentration 1.4 Bending of beams 1.5 Springs 1.6 Shafts 1.7 Struts 1.8 Cylinders and hollow spheres 1.9 Contact stress 1.10 Flat plates 8 17 24 32 38 46 48 51 53 2. A p p l i mechanics 2.1 Basic mechanics 2.2 Belt drives 2.3 Balancing 2.4 Miscellaneous machine elements 2.5 Automobile mechanics 2.6 Vibrations 2.7 Friction 2.8 Brakes, clutches and dynamometers 2.9 Bearings 2.10 Gears 56 56 65 68 70 77 79 83 87 90 95 3. Tbennodyanmics and heat transfer 3.1 Heat 3.2 Perfect gases 3.3 Vapours 3.4 Data tables 3.5 Flow through nozzles 3.6 Steam plant 3.7 Steam turbines 3.8 Gas turbines 3.9 Heat engine cycles 3.10 Reciprocating spark ignition internal combustion engines 3.1 1 Air compressors 102 1 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 Reciprocating air motor Refrigerators Heat transfer Heat exchangers Combustion of fuels 126 127 i28 137 139 1 4. Fluid mechanics 4.1 Hydrostatics 4.2 Flow of liquids in pipes and ducts 4.3 Flow of liquids through various devices 4.4 Viscosity and laminar flow 4.5 Fluid jets 4.6 Flow of gases 4.7 Fluid machines 146 146 148 152 155 157 160 165 5. Manufacturing technology 5.1 General characteristics of metal processes 5.2 Turning 5.3 Drilling and reaming 5.4 Milling 5.5 Grinding 5.6 Cutting-tool materials 5.7 General information on metal cutting 5.8 Casting 5.9 Metal forming processes 5.10 Soldering and brazing 5.11 Gas welding 5.12 Arc welding 5.13 Limits and fits 172 172 173 178 182 188 189 192 196 199 205 207 210 216 6. Engineering materials 6.1 Cast irons 6.2 Carbon steels 6.3 Alloy steels 6.4 Stainless steels 6.5 British Standard specification of steels 6.6 Non-ferrous metals 6.7 Miscellaneous metals 6.8 Spring materials 6.9 Powdered metals 6.10 Low-melting-point alloys 218 218 219 22 1 225 228 228 233 235 236 236 zyxwvuts 102 I02 106 107 111 112 114 116 118 120 I24 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. vi zyxwvutsrqp zyx 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Miscellaneous information on metals Corrosion of metals Plastics Elastomers Wood Adhesives Composites Ceramics Cermets Materials for special requirements Miscellaneous information 7. Engineering measurements 7.1 Length measurement 7.2 Angle measurement 7.3 Strain measurement 237 240 242 248 250 25 1 257 259 259 260 263 267 267 270 27 1 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 Temperature measurement Pressure measurement Flow measurement Velocity measurement Rotational-speed measurement Materials-testing measurements 274 279 28 1 283 284 285 8. General data 8.1 Units and symbols 8.2 Fasteners 8.3 Engineering stock 8.4 Miscellaneous data 288 288 293 304 308 Glossary of terms 31 1 Index 330 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. Preface zyx There are several good mechanical engineering data books on the market but these tend to be very bulky and expensive, and are usually only available in libraries as reference books. The Mechnical Engineer’s Data Handbook has been compiled with the express intention of providing a compact but comprehensive source of information of particular value to the engineer whether in the design office, drawing office, research and development department or on site. It should also prove to be of use to production, chemical, mining, mineral, electrical and building services engineers, and lecturers and students in universities, polytechnics and colleges. Although intended as a personal handbook it should also find its way into the libraries of engineering establishments and teaching institutions. The Mechanical Engineer’s Data Handbook covers the main disciplines of mechanical engineering and incorporates basic principles, formulae for easy substitution, tables of physical properties and much descriptive matter backed by numerous illustrations. It also contains a comprehensive glossary of technical terms and a full index for easy cross-reference. 1 would like to thank my colleagues at the University of Northumbria, at Newcastle, for their constructive suggestions and useful criticisms, and my wife Anne for her assistance and patience in helping me to prepare this book. zyxwvut J. Carvill SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. Symbols used in text ~~ zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvut zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsr Acceleration Area d Anergy b Breadth b.p. Boiling point Breadth, flux density B Clearance, depth of cut; specific heat C capacity Couple; Spring coil index; velocity C (thermodynamics); heat capacity Drag coefficient, discharge coefficient Cd Coefficient of performance COP Specific heat at constant pressure CP Specific heat at constant volume; velocity CY coefficient Calorific value cv Depth; depth of cut; diameter; d deceleration Depth; diameter; flexural rigidity D Strain; coefficient of restitution; e emissivity Young’s Modulus; energy; luminance; E effort EL Elastic limit; endurance limit ELONG% Percentage elongation 8 Exergy f Frequency; friction factor; feed F Force; luminous flux F, Strain gauge factor FL Fatigue limit FS Factor of safety 9 Acceleration due to gravity G Shear modulus; Gravitational constant Gr Grashof number h Height; thickness; specific enthalpy; shear, heat transfer coefficient h.t.c. Heat transfer coefficient Enthalpy; height, magnetic field strength H i slope; operator Moment of inertia; Second moment of I area; luminous intensity, electric current a A j J k K KE K, 1 L rn m m.p. M MA n N Ns Nu V P pr PE PS Q r R Re RE Operator J- 1 Polar second moment of area Radius of gyration; coefficient of thermal conductivity; pipe roughness Bulk modulus; stress concentration factor Kinetic energy Wahl factor for spring Length Length Mass; mass per unit length; module of gear Mass flow rate Melting point Mass; moment; bending moment; molecular weight Mechanical advantage Index of expansion; index; number of; rotational speed Rotational speed; number of Specific speed Nusselt number Pressure; pitch Power; force; perimeter Prandtl number Potential energy Proof stress Heat quantity; volume flow rate; metal removal rate Radius; pressure or volume ratio Radius; electric resistance; reaction, thermal resistance; gas constant Reynolds number Refrigeration effect Universal gas constant Specific entropy; stiffness Entropy, shear force, thermoelectric sensitivity Strain energy Stanton number Temperature; thickness; time zyxwvut J-l Ro S S SE s, t SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. X zyxwvutsrqponmlk zy T zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrqponm TS U U UTS U V VR W W X X Y YP YS Z ZP MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Time; temperature; torque; tension; thrust; number of gear teeth Tensile strength Velocity; specific strain energy; specific internal energy Internal energy; strain energy; overall heat transfer coefficient Ultimate tensile stress Velocity; specific volume Velocity; voltage, volume Velocity ratio Weight; weight per unit length Weight; load; work; power (watts) Distance (along beam); dryness fraction Parameter (fluid machines) Deflection Yield point Yield stress Bending modulus; impedance; number of Polar modulus Angle; coefficient of linear expansion; angular acceleration; thermal diffusivity; Resistance temperature coefficient Angle; coefficient of superficial expansion Angle; coefficient of volumetric expansion; ratio of specific heats Angle Permittivity Efficiency Angle; temperature Wavelength Absolute viscosity; coefficient of friction Poisson’s ratio; kinematic viscosity Density; resistivity; velocity ratio Resistivity Stress; Stefan-Boltzmann constant Shear stress Friction angle; phase angle; shear strain; pressure angle of gear tooth Angular velocity SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. z II 1.1 zyxwvuts S trengths of materials Types of stress Engineering design involves the correct determination of the sizes of components to withstand the maximum stress due to combinations ofdirect, bending and shear loads. The following deals with the different types of stress and their combinations. Only the case of two- I. I. I dimensional stress is dealt with, although many cases of three-dimensional stress combinations occur. The theory is applied to the special case of shafts under both torsion and bending. zyxwvuts zyxwv Direct, shear and bending stress Tensile and compressive stress (direct stresses) zyxwvut zyxwvutsrq zyxw load P Stress o=-=area A Strain e = extension original length x =z Stress a PL - -Young's modulus, E . Thus E =Strain e Ax Shear stress P Shear stress T =- Shear strain 4=:, A G where G=Shear modulus Note: A is parallel to the direction of P . Poisson's ratio Poisson's ratio v = strain in direction of load strain at right angles to load zyxwvutsr -- 6BIB eB ~L/L=< I P Note: $ e , is positive, eB is negative. SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 2 zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxwvuts zy zyxwvutsr zyxwvut zyxwvutsrq MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Bending stress MY Bending stress a = - I P where: M = bending moment I =second moment of area of section y = distance from centroid to the point considered V MYm Maximum stress am=I where y , =maximum value of y for tensile and compressive stress. Relationship between elastic constants El Radius of curvature R =M Bending modulus Z = I/ym and u,,, = M / Z Compound stress T For normal stresses u, and ay with shear stress Maximum principal stress a1= (a, ay)/2+ Minimum principal stress a2= (a, aJ2 -t, + + 5: NA = neutral axis Combined bending and direct stresses a, =PIA I M / Z where Z =Ylll UV Volumetric strain e , = V Bulk modulus K = p i e , where p =pressure and V = volume. zyxw (+I zyxwvut Hydrostatic (three-dimensional) stress e= 112 tan-‘ Combined bending and torsion For solid and hollow circular shafts the following can be derived from the theory for two-dimensional (Compound) stress. If the shaft is subject to bending moment SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsrqpon zy zyxwvuts zyxwvut zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsrq STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS 3 M and torque T, the maximum direct and shear Stress due to a ‘suddenly applied’ load ( h = O ) stresses, a, and 7,,, are equal to those produced by ‘equivalent’ moments M eand T, where urn= 2a, 5, = T,/Z, and a, = M , / Z Stress due to a mass M moving at velocity v where Z , = polar modulus T, = ,/m and M e = (M + T,)/2 nD3 K (D4-d4) Z=(solid shaft) or (hollow shaft) 32 32 D ~ Z,=- nD3 16 I[ ( D 4 - d 4 ) (solid shaft) or - -(hollow shaft) 16 D See section 1.1.7. M b I.I.2 Impact stress In many components the load may be suddenly applied to give stresses much higher than the steady stress. An example of stress due to a falling mass is given. Compound bar in tension A compound bar is one composed of two or more bars of different materials rigidly joined. The stress when loaded depends on the cross-sectional areas (A, and Ab) areas and Young’s moduli (E, and Eb) of the components . zyxwvuts Maximum tensile stress in bar a,=a,[l I. I.3 Stresses +J- where : a, =steady stress =mgiA x, =steady extension =w L / A E h = height fallen by mass m. SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 4 zy zyxwvutsr zyxwvu zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvutsrqpon MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Failure may be due to any one of the following stresses. Strains e, = a,/E,; e,, = ab/E,, (note that e, = e,,) (1 ) Tensile in rod a, =4P/nDZ a F F (2) Tensile in eye 6,= P/(Do- D,)b I. I .4 Stresses in knuckle joint The knuckle joint is a good example of the application of simple stress calculations. The various stresses which occur are given. zyxwvut zyxwvut p-$gPp Symbols used: P = load a, =tensile stress a,,=bending stress a, =crushing stress 7 =shear stress D = rod diameter D , = pin diameter Do = eye outer diameter a=thickness of the fork b = the thickness of the eye i (3) Shear in eye z = P / ( D , - D , ) b 9 approx (4)Tensile in fork a, = P/(Do- D,)2a a a (5) Shear in fork T= P/(Do-Dp)2a p+@~~ SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxwvuts zyxwvut zyxwvuts 5 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS (1 1) Crushing in pin due to fork a, = P/2aD, (6) Crushing in eye a, = P/bD, p E @ (7) Crushing in fork uc= P/2Dpa zyxwvutsr I . I .5 Theories of failure @ T + j L p For one-dimensional stress the factor of safety (FS) based on the elastic limit is simply given by FS = Elastic limit Actual stress‘ When a two- or three-dimensional stress system exists, determination of FS is more complicated and depends on the type of failure assumed and on the material used. (8) Shear in pin r=2P/7rD; sp Symbols used: ael=elastic limit in simple tension i tPl2 at,az, a,=maximum principal stresses in a threedimensional system FS =factor of safety based on a,, v = Poisson’s ratio Pi2 + zyxwvutsrqpon 4P(a b ) (9) Bending in pin ab=ZDP” P I Maximum principal stress theory (used for brittle metals) FS =smallest of ael/uI,aeJa2and ael/a3 Maximum shear stress theory (used for ductile metals) FS = smallest of ae,/(ul-a2), aeI/(aI - a3)and a,,/(a, (10) Crushing in pin due to eye a, = P / b D p n -03) Strain energy theory (used for ductile metals) FS = a,,/Ja: + a: + a: - 2 v ( a l a z+a2a, + a , a 3 ) Shear strain energy theory (best theory for ductile metals) W SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zy zyxwvu zyxwvutsrq 6 zyxwvut zyxwvut zyxwvutsr MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK Maximum principal strain theory (used for special cases) nD37,,, Torque capacity T = 16 FS = smallest of u,J(ul - vu2-vu,), u,J(u2-vuI -vu,) and o ~ , / ( u , - v-vu1) ~~ Power capacity P=- Example n2ND3 8 where: N =the number of revolutions per second. In a three-dimensional stress system, the stresses are a,=40MNm-2, ~ , = 2 0 M N m - ~and u3= -10MNm-2. ~ , , = 2 0 0 M N m - ~and v=0.3. Calculate the factors of safety for each theory. Angle of twist e= nGD4 rad where: G =shear modulus, L = length T Answer: (a) 5.0; (b) 4.0; (c) 4.5; (d) 4.6; (e) 5.4. I.I .6 Strain energy (Resilience) Strain energy U is the energy stored in the material of a component due to the application of a load. Resilience u is the strain energy per unit volume of material. Tension and compression Strain energy Fx u2AL 2E u =-=2 Hollow circular shaft 5, = 0 2 Resilience U =2E 16TD n(D4-d4) n( D4 - d4); T = 160 5m where: D =outer diameter, d=inner diameter. Shear P= n2N(D4- d4)5,,,, 32 TL , %= 8D nG(D4- d4) 22 Resilience U = 2G The units for U and u are joules and joules per cubic metre. I.I.7 Torsion of various sections Formulae are given for stress and angle of twist for a solid or hollow circular shaft, a rectangular bar, a thin tubular section, and a thin open section. The hollow shaft size equivalent in strength to a solid shaft is given for various ratios of bore to outside diameter. Rectangular section bar Solid circular shafi For d>b: Maximum shear stress t,=- 16T nD3 where: D=diameter, T= torque. 5, = (1'8b+3d)T b2d2 %= (at middle of side d) 7TL(b2+d2) 2~b3d3 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS zyxwvutsrqpon 7 zyxw zyxw zyxwvutsrq zy zyxwv zyxw zyxwvu Strain energy in torsion Strain energy U =+TO 2 for solid circular shaft u = L 4G for hollow circular shaft u = Thin tubular section Z , = T/2tA; €'=TpL/4A2tG ~ D ~ L where U = u -solid shaft 4 where t =thickness A = area enclosed by mean perimeter p = mean perimeter n(D2 - d 2 ) L =U hollow shaft 4 Torsion of hollow shaft For a hollow shaft to have the same strength as an equivalent solid shaft: DJD, = 1 f--W,/ W, 1 -k4' = 1-k2 v m ode,= gcF) k = BJD, where: D,, Do, Di=solid, outer and inner diameters W,, W,= weights of hollow and solid shafts Oh, 6, =angles of twist of hollow and solid shafts Thin rectangular bar and thin open section = 3 T/dt2;0 = 3 TL/Gdt3 (rectangle) z,=3T/Zdr2; e = 3 T L / G Z d t 3 (general case) Edt2=(d,t:+d2t:+. . .Zdt3=(dlt:+dzt:+. Z , . .) k 0.5 1.02 DJD, W,JW, 0.783 eje, 0.979 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.047 0.702 0.955 1.095 0.613 0.913 1.192 0.516 0.839 1.427 0.387 0.701 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 8 1.2 I.2. I MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK z zy zyxwvu zyxwvutsr Strength of fasteners Bolts and bolted joints Bolts, usually in conjunction with nuts, are the most widely used non-permanent fastening. The bolt head is usually hexagonal but may be square or round. The shank is screwed with a vee thread for all or part of its length. In the UK, metric (ISOM) threads have replaced Whitworth (BSW) and British Standard Fine (BSF) threads. British Association BA threads are used for small sizes and British Standard Pipe BSP threads for pipes and pipe fittings. In the USA the most common threads are designated ‘unified fine’ (UNF) and ‘unified coarse’ (UNC). Extract from table of metric bolt sizes (mm) Nominal size D H F Thread pitch Coarse Fine M 10 M12 M16 M20 10 12 16 20 7 8 10 13 17 19 24 30 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.5 Materials Most bolts are made of low or medium carbon steel by forging or machining and the threads are formed by cutting or rolling. Forged bolts are called ‘black’ and machined bolts are called ‘bright’. They are also made in high tensile steel (HT bolts), alloy steel, stainless steel, brass and other metals. Nuts are usually hexagonal and may be bright or black. Typical proportions and several methods of locking nuts are shown. F--/ 1.25 1.25 1.5 1.5 Hexagonal head bolt D - F - Square head bolt Types of bolt Bolted joints A bolted joint may use a ‘through bolt’, a ‘tap bolt’ or a ‘stud’. Socket head bolts Bolted joint (through bolt) application Many types of bolt with a hexagonal socket head are used. They are made of high tensile steel and require a special wrench. Symbols used: D = outside or major diameter of thread L = Length of shank T = Length of thread H =height of head F=distance across flats C = distance across corners R = radius of fillet under head B =bearing diameter Tap bolt application SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS . T . zyxwvutsrqpon 9 zyxw .@. ' __ ' k i&Istud (Stud bolt) Locked nuts ern nuts) Stud application zyxwvutsrqpon . ~. Studding - Stud and application slotted nut - Castle nut D zyxwvutsrqponm zyxwvutsrqp Spring lock nut (compression stop nut) Typical metric sizes (mm) D=lOO R = 0 6 A-160 F=80 H=100 K = 5 5 UTaccording to application Hexagon socket head screw Elastic stop nut (Nyloc nut) SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. z zyxwvutsrq 10 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK .+--@- The bolt shown is under tensile load plus an initial tightening load. Three members are shown bolted together but the method can be applied to any number of members. Symbols used: P, =external load PI=tightening load P=total load A=area of a member (Al, A,, etc.) A, = bolt cross-sectional area t =thickness of a member ( t , , t,, etc.) L=length of bolt E=Youngs modulus (E,, E,, etc.) x=deflection of member per unit load x, = deflection of bolt per unit load D =bolt diameter D,=bolt thread root diameter A, =area at thread root T = bolt tightening torque zyxwvutsrqpon zyx Helical spring lock washer and two-coil spring lock washer t Bolted joint in tension . @ E . x,=-; L At$, P = PI+ P;- B tl t2 xl=-; x,=----; etc. A,El A,E, EX zx +x, Tab washer and a p p l i h n Approximate dimensions of bolt heads and nuts ( I S 0 metric precision) zyxwvutsr zyxwvu Exact sizes are obtained from tables. c=2d s = 1.73d m =0.8d t =0.6d Tightening load (a) Hand tightening: PI=kD SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrqp 11 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS where: k=1500 to 3000; P, is in newtons and D is in millimetres. (b) Torque-wrench tightening: P , = T/0.2D Shear stress in bolt zyxw zyxwvutsr zy Distance of bolt horn edge - I.2.2 Bolted or riveted brackets stress in bolts where: A=bolt area. p2 and similarly a2=-, etc. A Bracket in torsion Shear stress z =P / ( n A ) Force on a bolt at rl from centroid of bolt group P,=Par,/(r:+r:+r:+. . .) Vertical force on each bolt P , = P/n where: n = number of bolts. Total force on a bolt P,=vector sum of P , and P, Shear stress in bolt 7 = PJA where: A =bolt area. This is repeated for each bolt and the greatest value o f t is noted. where: n=number of bolts. Maximum tensile stress in bolt at a , , o , , 2, = ~ + ~ , / ~ ? (b) Horizontal load: Maximum tensile stress a,,,=a,+P/(nA) for bolt at a , J ‘Pivot 1.2.3 Bolts in shear This deals with bolts in single and double shear. The crushing stress is also important. Bracket under bending moment Single shear (a) Vertical load: Tensile force on bolt at a, from pivot point Shear stress t=4P/7tD2 P,=Pda,/(a:+a:+a:+. Tensile stress o1= P , / A . .) Double shear Shear stress t = 2P/nD2 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 12 zyxwvutsrq z zyxwvutsrq MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK I +,MI I P P f I \ 0 I P Efficiency of joint: PI2 I]. = P zyxw zyxwvut zyxwvu Butt joint PI2 I Crushing stress Q, =P/Dt I .2.4 least of P P P P 4 x 1 ~ % QpPt zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX The rivet is in 'double shear', therefore P, =z,nD2/2 per row. In practice, P, is nearer to TJC-. 3D2 8 Rivets and riveted joints in shear Lap joint Symbols used: t =plate thickness D=diameter of rivets L=distance from rivet centre to edge of plate p=pitch of rivets oP=allowable tensile stress in plate ob=allowable bearing pressure on rivet t,=allowable shear stress in rivet T~ = allowable shear stress in plate P =load Allowable load per rivet: Shearing of rivet P, = T , R D ~ / ~ Shearing of plate P, =tp2Lt Tearing of plate P , =ap(p- D)t Crushing of rivet P , = abDt Several rows of rivets The load which can be taken is proportional to the number of rows. 1.2.5 Strength of welds A well-made 'butt weld' has a strength at least equal to that of the plates joined. In the case of a 'fillet weld' in shear the weld cross section is assumed to be a 45" right-angle triangle with the shear area at 45" to the plates. For transverse loading an angle of 67.5" is assumed as shown. For brackets it is assumed that the weld area is flattened and behaves like a thin section in bending. For ease of computation the welds are treated as thin lines. Section 1.2.6 gives the properties of typical weld groups. Since fillet welds result in discontinuities and hence stress concentration, it is necessary to use stress concentration factors when fluctuating stress is present. SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 13 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS Butt weld zy The strength of the weld is assumed equal to that of the plates themselves. Fillet weld zyxwvuts zyxw zyx Maximum shear stress due to moment Parallel loading: 7 b sM / Z (an assumption) Shear stress 7 = F/tL Weld throat t =0.7w where w = weld leg size. where: M = bending moment. Direct shear stress T~ = F / A where: A = total area of weld at throat, F =load. J‘m Resultant stress 7r = from which t is found. Welded bracket subject to torsion Maximum shear stress due to torque ( T ) z,= Tr/J ( T = F a ) Polar second moment of area J = I, + I, where: r = distance from centroid of weld group to any point on weld. zy zyxwvuts Direct shear stress sd= F / A Transverse loading: Shear stress 7 = F/tL Throat t = 0 . 7 7 ~ I Resultant stress ( T ~ is ) the vector sum of T~ and T ~ r;is . T, the value oft chosen to give highest value of T ~ From is found, and hence w. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba ,n\\\’m 1 Symbols used : I=second moment of area of weld group (treated as lines) =constant x t Z = l/ymax= bending modulus SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 14 zyxw zyxwvutsrqp z zyxwvuts zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Y A - A X X -X Y I .2.6 Properties of weld groups treated as lines - welds Symbols used: Z =bending modulus about axis XX J =polar second moment of area t =weld throat size [ ( Z b ~ d )b2(b+d)’) ~ (4)Z = ( b d + d 2 / 6 ) t ;J = ~(26+d) y=- 6’ It 2b+d ( 1 ) Z =d2t/3;J = dt(3b2+ d2)/6 (2) Z =bdt; J =bt(3d2+ b2)/6 ( 5 ) Z = ( 2 b d + d 2 ) t / 3 (at top); J = [(6+2d)’ ~12 Z= dl x X- - b 4 ( 3 ) Z = (4bd + d2)t/6 (at top); J z= d2(26+d)t dZ (at bottom); x=b+2d 3(b+d) zyxwvutsrq 11 1 1 -d’(b+d)’] t (b+ 2d) = + [ ( b d)4- 6b2dz]I 12(b+d) (4bd2+ d3)t dZ bZ (at bottom); x=y=6(2b+ d ) 2(b+d); 2(b+d) SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsrqp zy 15 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS (6) Z=(bd+d2/3)t;J=t(b+d)j/6 (9) Z =zD2t/4;J = xD3t/4 yi .-x 1.2.7 Stresses due to rotation zyxw zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvut zyxw Flywheels are used to store large amounts of energy and are therefore usually very highly stressed. It is necessary to be able to calculate the stresses accurately. Formulae are given for the thin ring, solid disk, annular wheel and spoked wheel, and also the rotating thick cylinder. Z= (4bd2+d3)t dZ (at bottom); x=(6b+ 3d) 2(b+d) T Symbols used: p =density r =mean radius u =tangential velocity =rw Tangential stress u, =po2 = pr2w2 (8) Z = (2bd+d2/3)t;J = (2b3+ 6bd2+d3)t/6 Y b 3 b Thin ring 1 ‘ E zyxwvu zyxwvu P (density) Solid disk X- d Maximum tangential and radial stress (a,) + ut=u, =pu2(3 v)/8 at r =0 where: v =Poisson’s ratio, u =rw. SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 16 No. of spokes zy zyx MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Value of constant c 4 6 8 Annular wheel For axial length assumed ‘small’: where: u=rzw 2Ar Tensile stress in spokes us=-.pu2 3cA, Long thick cylinder Maximum tangential stress Spoked wheel zyxwv Maximum radial stress ur= Greatest tangential stress ul =pu2 (at r = a zyxwvuts Maximum axial stress ua=- where: r=mean radius of rim. 8(1 - v ) 4(1 - v ) (tensile at r l r compressive at r 2 ) SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 1.3 Fatigue and stress concentration In most cases failure of machine parts is caused by fatigue, usually at a point of high ‘stress concentration’, due to fluctuating stress. Failure occurs suddenly as a result of crack propagation without plastic deformation at a stress well below the elastic limit. The stress may be ‘alternating’, ‘repeated’, or a combination of these. Test specimens are subjected to a very large number of stress reversals to determine the I .3. I zy zyxw 17 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS ‘endurance limit’. Typical values are given. At a discontinuity such as a notch, hole or step, the stress is much higher than the average value by a factor K, which is known as the ‘stress concentration factor’. The Soderberg diagram shows the alternating and steady stress components, the former being multiplied by K, in relation to a safe working line and a factor of safety. zyxwvu zyxwvu Fluctuating stress Alternating stress The stress varies from u, compressive to or tensile. Tensile1 Compressive1 W zy zyxwvu SN curves - endurance limit Repeated stress The stress varies from zero to a maximum tensile or compressive stress, of magnitude 2u,. a The number of cycles N of alternating stress to cause failure and the magnitude of the stress ofare plotted. At N = O , failure occurs at uu, the ultimate tensile strength. At a lower stress ue,known as the ‘endurance limit’, failure occurs, in the case of steel, as N approaches infinity. In the case of non-ferrous metals, alloys and plastics, the curve does not flatten out and a ‘fatigue stress’ uFsfor a finite number of stress reversals N ’ is specified. 0 Combined steady and alternating stress The average value is urnwith a superimposed alternating stress of range Q,. oFs zyxwvu alloy N’ N (log scale) SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 18 zyxwvutsrq z zyxwv zyxwvuts zyxwvu MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Soderberg diagram vor steel) I.3.2 Endurance limit and fatigue stress for various materials Alternating stress is plotted against steady stress. Actual failures occur above the line PQ joining u, to u,. PQ is taken as a failure line. For practical purposes the yield stress oYis taken instead of u, and a safety factor FS is applied to give a working line AB. A typical point on the line is C, where the steady stress component is a,,, and the alternating component is Ku,, where K is a ‘stress concentration coefficient’ which allows for discontinuities such as notches, holes, shoulders, etc. From the figure: QY FS = Qnl Steel Most steels have an endurance limit which is about half the tensile strength. An approximation often used is as follows: zyxw Endurance limit =0.5 tensile strength up to a tensile strength of 1400Nmm-2 Endurance limit =700 N mm - above a tensile strength of 1400Nmm-2 Cast iron and cast steel + (Cy/%)KQ, Approximately : Endurance limit =0.45 x tensile strength up to a tensile strength of 600Nmm-2 Endurance limit = 275 N mm-2 above a tensile strength of 600Nmm-’. IP Non-ferrous metals and alloys There is no endurance limit and the fatigue stress is taken at a definite value of stress reversals, e.g. 5 x 10’. Some typical values are given. Endurance limit for some steels Tensile strength, u, (Nmm-2) Endurance limit, u, (N mm-2) QJUU Steel Condition 0.4% carbon (080M40) Normalized Hardened and tempered 540 700 270 340 0.50 0.49 Carbon, manganese (150M 19) Normalized Hardened and tempered 540 700 250 325 0.46 0.53 3% Chrome molybdenum Hardened and tempered lo00 480 0.48 Spring steel (735ASO) Hardened and tempered 1500 650 0.43 18,8 Stainless Cold rolled 1200 490 0.41 (709M40) SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsrqpo Tensile strength, Q, (Nmm-’) Fatigue stress, om (Nmm-’), (5x lo7 cycles) N3 non-heat-treated 110 130 175 48 55 70 H9 heat treated 155 240 80 85 Material ~ zyx 19 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS ~~~ .Jam 0.44 0.42 0.40 0.52 0.35 zyx Plastics Efect of surface finish on endurance limit Plastics are very subject to fatigue failure, but the data on fatigue stress are complex. A working value varies between 0.18 and 0.43 times the tensile strength. Curves are given for some plastics. The values of endurance limits and fatigue stress given are based on tests on highly polished small specimens. For other types of surface the endurance limit must be multiplied by a suitable factor which varies with tensile strength. Values are given for a tensile strength of 1400N mm - ’. Surface Surface factor Polished Ground Machined, cold drawn Hot rolled As-forged 1 .o 0.90 0.65 0.37 0.25 There are also factors which depend upon size, temperature, etc. 1.3.3 Causes of fatigue failure in welds Under fatigue loading, discontinuities lead to stress concentration and possible failure. Great care must be taken in welds subject to fluctuating loads to prevent unnecessary stress concentration. Some examples are given below of bad cases. penetration SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 20 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK z Incomplete penetration I Incomplete penetration n Cracking Slag inclusions zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvutsr (due to poor weldability) zyxwvutsr zyx zyxwvu zyxwvuts Porosity Bad profile Improved profile Incomplete weld 1.3.4 Stress concentration factors Stress concentration factors are given for various common discontinuities; for example, it can be seen that for a ‘wide plate’ with a hole the highest stress is 3 times the nominal stress. General values are also given for keyways, gear teeth, screw threads and welds. 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.55 K 3.00 3.03 3.14 3.36 3.74 4.32 4.70 Note: In this case the area of maximum cross-section is used. Stress concentration factor is defined as: K= dJw Highest value of stress at a discontinuity Nominal stress at the minimum cross-section Plate with hole at centre of width K a = PJwh occurs at A and B. = u,,$o; a, Semi-injinite plate with hole near edge a, =stress at A nb= stress at B n = stress away from hole K,=aJa; K,=oda r/c 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.85 K, K, 3.00 3.00 3.05 3.03 3.15 3.07 3.25 3.10 3.40 3.15 3.70 3.18 4.12 3.25 4.85 3.32 6.12 3.42 7.15 3.50 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsrq zy zyxwvutsrqp STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS 21 Bending of stepped flat bar with fillets (values of K) K = - cmax 6Mlhd’ Dld 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 1.01 1.02 1.05 1.10 1.20 1s o 2.00 3.00 1.64 1.94 2.42 2.80 3.30 3.80 1.44 1.66 2.04 2.34 2.68 2.98 3.14 3.30 1.32 1.46 1.74 1.96 2.21 2.38 2.52 2.68 1.28 1.38 1.60 1.78 1.96 2.08 2.20 2.34 .24 .32 .48 .60 .70 .78 1.86 1.93 - - -. 1.40 1.49 1.55 1.59 1.64 1.67 1.34 1.40 1.44 1.48 1.51 1.53 1.29 1.31 1.34 1.36 1.37 1.38 - - Tension of stepped bar withjllets (values of K ) Dld 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.10 1.01 1.02 1.05 1.10 1.20 1.30 1s o 2.00 1.68 2.00 2.50 2.96 3.74 4.27 4.80 1.48 1.70 2.08 2.43 2.98 3.40 3.76 1.34 1.49 1.74 1.98 2.38 2.67 3.00 3.30 1.26 1.39 1.60 1.78 2.14 2.38 2.64 2.90 1.20 1.30 1.45 1.60 1.89 2.06 2.24 2.44 - - 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 - - - - 1s o 1.72 1.86 1.99 2.13 1.43 1.62 1.73 1.84 1.95 1.39 1.56 1.64 1.74 1.84 1.36 1.53 1.59 1.67 1.76 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 22 zyxwvutsrq z MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK r zyxwvutsrqp rid Bending P 0 d P Dfd 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 1.05 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.50 2.00 2.33 2.52 2.75 2.96 2.04 2.19 2.36 2.52 2.60 2.67 1.76 1.89 1.98 2.02 2.07 2.10 1.60 1.69 1.75 1.78 1.81 1.83 1.50 1.56 1.60 1.62 1.64 1.67 1.42 1.46 1.49 1.51 1.53 1.55 1.36 1.39 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.45 zyxwvuts zyxwvu zyxwv - Bending of grooved shaft (values of K) K=dnux 32Mfnd’ Torsion of grooved shaft (values of K) K=zmrx 16T/nd3 Torsion rld Dld 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 1.05 1.10 1.20 1.30 2.00 2.01 2.20 2.43 2.58 2.69 2.80 1.80 1.95 2.12 2.20 2.25 2.30 1.65 1.81 1.94 2.00 2.03 2.05 1.52 1.63 1.72 1.76 1.79 1.80 1.38 1.45 1.51 1.54 1.56 1.57 1.30 1.35 1.39 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.25 1.29 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.34 1.20 1.22 1.24 1.24 1.25 1.25 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxwvu zyxwvutsr 23 WRENGTHS OF MATERIALS Bending of stepped shaft (ualues of K) K= a , , , 32Mjnd3 Djd 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 1.01 1.02 1.05 1.10 1.20 1.50 2.00 3.00 1.65 1.96 2.41 2.85 3.40 3.73 1.44 1.64 2.04 2.34 2.62 2.90 1.29 1.41 1.65 1.84 2.00 2.13 2.25 2.42 1.25 1.34 1.52 1.66 1.75 1.84 1.92 2.04 1.24 1.32 1.48 1.60 1.65 1.72 1.78 1.88 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.32 1.46 1.73 1.94 2.14 2.30 2.42 2.60 - - 1.36 1.54 1.84 2.08 2.32 2.52 2.70 1.50 1.54 1.58 1.61 1.42 1.43 1.46 1.48 1.30 1.35 1.36 1.38 - - - zyxwvutsrqp zyx Torsion of stepped shaji (ualues of K ) K=% 16 Tjnd Old 1.05 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 1.60 1.75 1.85 1.48 1.60 1.72 1.78 1.33 1.44 1.59 1.59 1.25 1.35 1.43 1.47 1.50 1.51 1.20 1.28 1.33 1.36 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.16 1.21 1.25 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.31 1.31 1.13 1.17 1.19 1.21 1.22 1.24 1.24 1.25 1.09 1.12 1.14 1.14 - ~ - 1.15 1.16 1.16 1.16 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 24 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK z End of parallel fillet weld, K =2.7 r zyxwvutsrqpon zyx T - Welds Tee butt joint sharp corner, K = 2.0 Reinforced butt weld, K = 1.2 zyxwv z Toe of transverse fillet weld, K = 1.5 Typical stress concentrationfactors for various features 1.4 Component K Keyways Gear teeth Screw threads 1.36-2.0 1.5-2.2 2.2-3.8 Bending of beams Beams generally have higher stresses than axially loaded members and most engineering problems involve bending. Examples of beams include structural members, shafts, axles, levers, and gear teeth. To simplify the analysis, beams are usually regarded as being either ‘simply supported’ at the ends or ‘built in’. In practice, the situation often lies between the two. SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxwvut 25 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS 1.4.1 - zyxwvut zyx zyxwvutsrq Beoms &sic theory X Symbols used: x =distance along beam y =deflection normal to x i =slope of beam = dy/dx R =radius of curvature S =shear force M =bending moment w = load per unit length W=concentrated load I = second moment of area of beam E = Young’s modulus w d4y S d’y M d2y dy 1 d2y -=-. -=-. i=-; y=f(x); -=(approx.) E l dx4’ E l dx3’ E l dx2’ dx R dx2 -=-. Principle of superposition McYm Maximum compressive stress p, =- For a beam with several loads, the shear force, bending moment, slope and deflection can be found at any point by adding those quantities due to each load where: I acting separately. Example For a cantilever with an end load Wand a distributed load w, per unit length. Due to W only: Sa= W , Ma= WL; y,= WL’I3EI Due to w only: S,=wL; M,=wL2/2; y,=wL4/8EI For both Wand w: Sa= W+wL; Ma= WL+wL2/2; y,= WL3/3EI +wL4/8E1 =greatat Y on compressive side, .C~/~~-JM Values of I for some sections Rectangular section B x 1= BD3/12 about axis parallel to B. Hollow rectangular section, hole b x d 1= (BD3- bd3)/ 12 about axis parallel to B. Circular section, diameter D I = rrD4/64 about diameter. Hollow circular section, hole diameter d 1= n(D4 -d4)/64 about diameter. I section, B x D, flange T,web t I = [BD’ - (B-t)(D- 2T)3]/12 about axis parallel to B. Bending stress Bending stress at y from neutral axis c=Ma, Maximum tensile stress p, =I where: ,ym=greatest y on tensile side. MY I I.4.2 Standard cases of beams The table gives maximum values of the bending moment, slope and deflection for a number of standard cases. Many complex arrangements may be analysed by using the principle of superimposition in conjunction with these. SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. z zyx zy zyx zyx 26 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Maximum bending moment M, =k , WL Maximum slope ,i =k, WL2/EI Maximum deflection y, = k3 WL3/EI Symbols used: L = length of beam I =second moment of area w = load per unit length W = total load =W Lfor distributed loads E =Young’s modulus Type of beam zyx Moment coefficient, Slope coefficient, Deflection coefficient, kl k2 k3 -1 1 1 2 at wall at load at load 1 2 1 6 1 8 at wall at free end at free end 3 zyxwvutsr 1 u2 u2 KL I F 1 4 1 16 I - at load at ends at load K(l - K ) at load K ( 1- K 2 ) / 6 at right-hand end for K > f K 2 (1-K)’/3 at load (not maximum) 1 8 1 - 5 - at centre at ends at centre -1 1 64 1 192 at centre and ends at ends at centre I 48 z L 24 384 L 8 1 - 12 at ends 0.00803 at 0.21 1L from each end 1 384 at centre SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zy zy zyx zyxw zy zyxwvu 27 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS 3 16 7 768 1 32 at wall at prop at load (not maximum) 1 8 1 48 0.0054 0.57851, from wall sw 16 at prop at wall 3w 8 IA.3 zyxwvut Continuous beams Most beam problems are concerned with a single span. Where there are two or more spans the solution is more complicated and the following method is used. This uses the so-called ‘equation of three moments’ (or Clapeyron’s equation), which is applied to two spans at a time. n Spans: Apply to each group of three supports to obtain (n- 2 ) simultaneous equations which can be solved to give the (n- 2) unknown bending moments. Solution : For cases ( 2 )and (3). If M ,and M 3 are known (these are either zero or due to an overhanging load), then M, can be found. See example. Clapeyron’s equation of three moments Symbols used: M = bending moment L =span I =second moment of area A =area of ‘free’ bending moment diagram treating span as simply supported %=distance from support to centroid C of A y=deflections of supports due to loading (1) General case: MI LlIIl+2M,(Ll/11 + L , l ~ z ) + M 3 L , I I , = 6 ( A i x i / L i I i + A,x,/LzIz)+ 6Eb2IL1 + (YZ -Y~)/LzI (2) Supports at same level, same I: Y l =YZ=Y3=’ “Free EM’ diabram I P+4- zyxwv Resultam BM da igram MIL1 +2M,(L1 + L , ) + M , L , = 6 ( A , x , / L 1 + AZxJZ-2) (usual case) (3) Free ends, Ml=M3=O: M 2 ( 4 +& ) = 3 ( A , x J b + & 4 1 , 2 ) Yl Y2 IA 4 Bending of thick curved bars In these the calculation of maximum bending stress is morecomplex, involving the quantity h2 which is given for several geometrical shapes. The method is used for loaded rings and the crane hook. Y3 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsr zyxwvut zyxw zyxwvut 28 MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK Bending of thick curved bars, rings and crane hooks If M acts as shown: In Stress on inside of curve u, (E) - ( B- C ) ) - R Z AR ( C f') Stress on outside of curve u -- 1+-. '-AR RY+'y, where values of hZ are as given below. Is Circle: h 2 = 2 ~ 3 + ( R -/,) -RZ zyxw zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg zyx R3 Rectangle: h2=-ln D (ii'x)-R2 - ! R 6 b I 0 - C :; R3 I section: hZ=- (B, In R J R , A + B , In R J R , S B , lnR,/R,)-RZ where: R =radius at centroid, A =total area. This method can be used for any shape made up of rectangles. SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS I zyxw ['+$&Izyx zy zyx 29 Maximum stresses (at A and B): W R2 Outside, tensile u, =- rrA ( R 2 + h Z ) Inside, compressive where: A =area of cross-section,R = radius at centroid C. Use appropriate hZ for the section. Stresses in a crane hook There is a bending stress due to moment Wa and a direct tensile stress of W/Aat P. Stresses in a loaded thick ring Maximum bending moment (at A and B): M,,,=- WR R 2 2 -2 R2+hZn Inside, tensile stress u,= Outside, compressive stress u, Use appropriate h2 for the section. I 1.4.5 Bending of thin curved bars and rings Stresses and deflectionsfor a loaded thin ring WR Maximum bending moment Mmax=--7L (at A ) SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 30 MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK A z zyxwvutsrqponm .tw vw zyxwvu Maximum bending stresses u,=- Mmxyl (tensile on outside) I Uc =-MmaxYz I Deflection in direction of load hW=- (compressive on inside) WR3 n2-8 4EI n ( ) ( ) WR3 4-x Deflection in direction normal to load 6 , = --- (reduces diameter) zyxwvu zyxwvu 2 WRJ Deflection in direction normal to load 6, =El SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxwvuts zyxwvuts zyxwvut zyxwvutsr 31 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS Simply supported beam, beam mass only CW 111: M,,= WR (A to B) Stresses as for case I. Deflection in direction of load 157 f=+@qi L Deflection in direction normal to load & = pE( lR f +2 R L + : ) Built-in beam, mass of beam only Concentrated mass: for all cases with a single mass r=&a where: y =static deflection at load, g =acceleration due to gravity. For cantilever mass at end f= 1J2nJ3EI/mL3 IA.6 zy zyxwvu Transverse vibration of beams Formulae are given for the fundamental frequency of transverse vibrations of beams due to the beam’s own mass and due to concentrated masses. Ungorm cantilever, beam mass only 0.56 f= 1J 2 n J z Z 3 z fi Frequency of vibration f =L2 Simply supported beam, central mass where: m=mass per unit length of beam, I=second moment of area, L=length of beam. Simply supported beam, non-central mass f= 1 / 2 n J z & m SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK rn I z zyxwvutsrqpon zy zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg zyxwv zyxwvuts zyxwvut 32 a b where: &=frequency for beam only, f,,f2, frequencies for each mass. m2 m1 rn3 3 --rn Built-in beam, central mass f= 1/2nJEEi7iZ . . ., are Yl Y2 Y3 Energy method If y is the static deflection under a mass m, then Combined loading (Dunkerley’s method) l/y= 1/f: + 1fl: + 1 1:+ . . . 1.5 Springs Springs are used extensively in engineering to control movement, apply forces, limit impact forces, reduce vibration and for force measurement. I.5. I Helical torsion and spiral springs Close-coiled helical spring This consists of a wire of circular or rectangular cross-section, wrapped around an imaginary cylinder to form a helix. Springs may be ‘compression’,with flat ends, or ‘tension’ with loading hooks. Helical springs may also be used as ‘torsion’ springs. Formulae are given for stress and deflection as well as frequency of vibration. Close-coiled helical compression spring Symbols used: D =mean diameter d =wire diameter c = clearance between coils L =free length p=pitch of coils n =number of active coils n,=total number of coils y = deflection E =Young’s modulus W=load s =stiffness C =coil ratio or index = D/d G =shear modulus 7 =allowable shear stress p =density of spring material K, =Wahl factor 4C-1 0.615 (stress concentration factor) =K, =-+4c-4 c SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsrqpon zy zyxwvuts 33 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS zyxwv Load W=xzd2/8CK, Wire diameter d = Stiffness S= Gd/8nC3 Deflection y = Wls Total number of coils n,=n+ 1.5 (for ground, flattened ends) Free length L = ( n + l ) d + n c Ratio LID =about 2 to 3 for stability ‘Close-coiled‘ length L, =(n 1)d d m i Vibration of helical spring Axial vibration under own mass: 1 Frequency of vibration f = 2xdCn zyxwv + zy Torsional vibration under end inertia I: Helical tension spring Frequency of vibration f = The formulae for load and stiffness are the same. There is usually no initial clearance between coils, and there is an initial ‘built-in’ compression. Various types of end hooks are used. z;1;d m zyxwvutsr Compression helical spring of rectangular section Helical torsion spring Angle of twist (for torque r ) 8= 64TDn/Ed4 Maximum bending stress 6, = 32T/nd3 Section is b x d , where b =major dimension. Maximum shear stress (side b ) T*= (1.86+ 36)WDK/2b2dZ Maximum shear stress (side d) T,, = (1.8b 3d)WDK/2b2d2 Direct shear stress T = 1.5 W/bd + 4C-1 where: K =and C = D/d for case 1 and Dfb for case 2. 4c-4 + Case 1 (d =radial dimension): Maximum stress =T~ T Case 2 (b= radial dimension): Maximum stress T,,,,,=T~ or r,+r whichever is the greater. 8 Gb3d3 Stiffness s = W / y = - 7 n (b2+d2)nD3 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 34 zyxwvutsrq zy zyxwvutsr MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Case 1 , .d Conical helical compression spring This is a helical spring in which the coils progressively change in diameter to give increasing stiffness with increasing load. It has the advantage that the compressed height is small. This type of spring is used for upholstery. Conical helical spring case 2 zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvutsrq Symbols used: D,=smaller diameter D, =larger diameter d = wire diameter n =number of active coils Spiral spring W A spiral spring consists of a strip or wire wound in a flat spiral subjected to a torque to give an angular deflection. The clock spring is an example. + Equation of spiral D =D, pu/x where: D =diameter Di =minimum diameter u=angle around spiral (in radians) p =radial pitch Do=maximum diameter zyxwvu Torque T = Fa, where a=DJ2. Angle of twist 8= 1.25 TL/EI Maximum bending stress om= My11 where M = 2T Length of strip or wire =m ( D 0 + Di)/2, where n =number of turns. Second moment of area I=bt3/12 (strip) or nd4/64 (wire) Dimension y = t/2 (strip) or d/2 (wire) md2 Load W = 8CK 4C-1 0.615 where: C = D , / d ; K = ( 4 c -4) zy + c Allowable working stress (MPa) for helical springs (grade M A % ) Spring Light duty Medium duty Heavy duty Wire diameter (mm) 1-3.9 4-7.9 8-12 590 470 410 510 450 360 400 340 300 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsrq zy zyxwvutsr zyxwvu zyxwvutsrq 35 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS I.5.2 Leaf and laminated leaf springs Leaf springs A leaf spring consists basically of a beam, usually of flat strip, e.g. a cantilever or simply supported beam, subjected to a load to give a desired deflection proportional to the load. The laminated leaf spring, or ‘camage spring’, is used for vehicle suspensions and is made up of several flat strips of steel of various lengths clamped together. The spring is effectively a diamond-shaped plate cut into strips. Analysis shows that the maximum bending stress is constant. The quarter-elliptic spring is, in effect, half of the so-called ’semi-elliptic’ spring. Quarter-elliptic spring: Maximum bending stress om= 6 WLfnbt’ Stiffness s = Enbt3/6L3 zyxwvuts Beam leaf springs Maximum stress u = k , WLfbd’ Stiffness s= Wfy=k2EIfL3 id+ zyxwvutsrqp kl Spring type b -d 6.0 k2 3 I.5.3 1.5 0.75 Laminated leaf springs Symbols used: L =span b =width of leaves t =thickness of leaves W =load y =deflection urn=maximum bending stress n =number of leaves E =Young’s modulus s = stiffness= WJy Semi-elliptic spring: Maximum bending stress u, = 3 WL/2nbt2 Stiffness s = 8Enbt3J3L3 Torsion bar spring 48 192 The torsion bar is a solid or hollow circular bar clamped at one end with a lever attached to the other. The load is applied to the end of the lever and twists the bar elastically. Symbols used: R =lever radius D =bar diameter L =bar length G =torsional modulus 7 =allowable shear stress P For a hollow shafl of bore dum: (v) (D4- d insteed of 0 4 insteed of 03 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 36 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK z zyxwvuts zyx zyxwvutsrq zyxwvut zyxwv P nGD4 Stiffness s =-=y 32RZL nD3r Maximum load P,, =16R I. S A Belleville washer spring (disk or diaphragm spring) This is an annular dished steel ring which deflects axially under load. Several springs may be used in series or parallel arrangements to give lower or higher stiffness, respectively. The spring is space saving and its non-linear characteristics can be altered considerably by varying the proportions. Symbols used: Do=outer diameter Di =inner diameter t =thickness h = height y =deflection E =Young’s modulus v =Poisson’s ratio k,, k,, k,=constants urn=maximum stress W =load W= (1 -vz)klD: [ - -$)+ (h y e t t3] (may be negative) arn=(l-v2)klD~[,,(h-i),,,t] (positive for A, negative for B. Stress is positive or negative depending on the value of y) DoPi kl k, k3 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.O 3.4 3.8 4.2 4.6 5.0 0.46 0.64 0.73 0.76 0.78 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.79 1.07 1.18 1.27 1.35 1.43 1.57 1.64 1.71 1.77 1.14 1.30 1.46 1.60 1.74 1.88 2 .oo 2.14 2.26 2.38 c zyxwvutsr I _ - -- WI Series stacking Parallel stacking SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxwvuts STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS I.5.5 Rubber springs zyx zyxwvut zyxwvuts Springs of rubber bonded to metal are made in a wide variety of configurations. The rubber is usually in shear and, because of the high internal damping, such springs are used for limiting vibrations. 37 Cylindrical torsion spring, torque T Maximum shear stress T,,, = 2T/xLDf T Angle of twist 0 =-(l/@ - l/D:) nLG Two-block shear spring - load P Shear stress 7 =P/2A Deflection y = Ph/SAG where G =shear modulus. Modulus and strength of rubber G=0.3 to 1.2MPa E =0.9 to 3.6 MPa Allowable shear stress=0.2 to 0.4 MPa Deflection limited to 10% to 20% of free height. 1.5.6 Cylindrical shear spring, load P Maximum shear stress T, = P/nhDi Form hcton for springt The table gives form factors giving the amount of strain energy stored in different types of spring relative to a bar with uniform direct stress. P Deflection y = -In (DJDi) 2nhG SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 38 z zyxwvut MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Strain energy u =Cp;,J2E or Cfz;,J2G per unit volume Type of spring Modulus Cf Bar in tension or compression Beam, uniform bending moment rectangular section Clock spring Uniformly tapered cantilever rectangular section Straight cantilever rectangular section Torsion spring Belleville washer Torsion bar Torsion tube Compression spring E E 0.33 1.6 E E E 1.o zyxwv zyxw 0.33 0.33 0.11 0.25 0.05 to 0.20 0.50 i[l -(d/D)’] ~ 0 . to 8 0.9 O.SO/Wahl factor Shafts Rotating or semirotating shafts are invariably subject to both torsion and bending due to forces on levers, cranks, gears, etc. These forces may act in several planes parallel to the shaft, producing bending moments which may be resolved into two perpendicular planes. In addition, there will be a torque which varies along the length of the shaft. The following shows how the resultant bending moments and bearing reactions can be determined. In the case of gears, the contact force is resolved into a tangential force and a separating force. zyxwvu zy 1.6. I Resultant bending moment diagram Forces P and Q may be resolved into vertical and horizontal components: diagrams for each plane, moments M,and M, may be found and also reactions ,Ra, ,Rb, hRa and bRb. P, =P sin Op, Q, =Q sin e,, P h = P C O S eP, Qh= Q Cos Os Assuming the bearings act as simple supports, the bending moment (BM) diagram is drawn. From BM yRa hRa ++33th5 SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxwvuts 39 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS zyxwvutsrq Resultant bending moments, M,: At any point M,=, /-: and the bending stress=M,fZ; Z=modulus Driver Resultant reactions, R , and R , (bearing loads): A torque diagram is also drawn and the torque and resultant bending moment can be found at any point. The equivalent torque and equivalent bending moment are found as follows: zyxwvu E E T,= Jw; + zyxwvutsr zyxwvut M e = (M, TJ2 The shaft diameter is: d=3 -~ r d -~ (whichever is the greater) where: T and o=the allowable shear and bending stresses. Note: bearings are assumed to act as simple supports. 1.6.2 ShdyI with gears and levers Shafts with levers A force such as P acting at radius R,can be replaced by a force P acting at the shaft centre and a torque PR. P is resolved into components P , and P , as before. zyxwvuts zyxwvutsr Shafts with gears The tangential force on the gear teeth is F, =Pf2zNR where: P=power, N=speed, R=gear radius. The ‘separatingforce’ is F,=F,tan & where: &=the pressure angle. F, and F, can be assumed to act at the gear centre if a torque F,R is introduced. F,and Fa can be resolved into vertical and horizontal components, as before. The forces are shown for a shaft AB with two gears. SOFTbank E-Book Center Tehran, Phone: 66403879,66493070 For Educational Use. 40 z zyxwvuts zyxwvu MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK I.6.3 Strength of keys and splines A key is used to prevent a machine part from moving relative to another part. In the case of a shaft, the key must be strong enough to transmit a high torque and is often made of alloy or high tensile steel. The fit may be either ‘close’ or ‘free’ if sliding is desired. The ‘keyway’ in the shaft and hub is usually produced by milling. Saddle key mkzl Gbhead b-width h-depth L -- length S chamfer T 450,. Rectangular Round key zyxwvutsrq s &w FeaMer Splines are a means of keying a hub to a shaft where separate keys are not required. They consist of mating grooves in hub and shaft of rectangular, triangular or involute form. The grooves are designed to allow axial sliding. Internal External involute Feather Key applications Rectangular zyxwv zyxw Triangular Gib head Splines Square Types of key The main types of key are the _ectang~--.r’where the keyways are half the key depth, the ‘feather’ where the keyway is closed at each end, the ‘Gib-head’ used always at the end of a shaft and with a head so that it can be tapped into place, the ‘Woodruff key’ which is segmental and for use on tapered shafts, and the inexpensive ‘saddle’ and ‘round’ keys. zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxwvutsr 41 STRENGTHS OP MATERIALS Torque capacity zyxwvuts zyxwvu zyxwvu d-depth of spline or half depth of key r = mean radius of spline or shaft radius for key n=number of splines L=length of spline or key b =breadth of key T= limiting torque 0, =allowable crushing stress t = allowable shear stress Keys : T=tbLr (based on shear) T=a,dLr (based on crushing) Splines : T=a,ndLr (based on crushing) (a,=about 7 MPa for steel) I.6.4 A large variety of flexible couplings are used to accommodate angular, parallel or axial misalignment. Several types arc shown. Shaft couplings Shaft couplings may be ‘solid’ or ‘flexible’. Solid couplings may consist simply of a sleeve joining the shafts, the drive being taken by pins or keys. For large powers, bolted flanges are used to give either a solid or flexible coupling. E 42 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK - z S o l i bolted flanged coupling Gear coupling Muff couping zyxw u Metal spring coupllng Compression coupling Oldham coupling Claw mupling Steel lamination Metaflex coupling Bonded rubber couplings are simple and cheap and permit large misalignments. Their non-linear characteristics make them useful for detuning purposes. Three annular types are shown and their spring constants given. Sleeve coupling r zyxwvutsrq z 43 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS Sleeve shaji coupling Friction lining Solid bolted shaft coupling Symbols used : D =shaft diameter Do= sleeve outer diameter T= torque transmitted 7 =allowable shear stress N=speed P =power b=key width L =key length zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvutsr zyxwvut Torque capacity of shaft T = nD3rf 16 Symbols used: D =shaft diameter D,=pitch circle diameter of bolts D, = bolt diameter n = number of bolts b =width of key L = length of key and hub P= power transmitted N =shaft speed FS=factor of safety 7,, =shear yield stress DbLt Torque capacity of key T = 2 zyxwvutsrq Power capacity of shaft P=n2ND3rJ8 Torque capacity of sleeve T = nt(D: - D4)/16D, (allowance to be made for keyway) For equal strength of sleeve and shaft Do= 1.220. Pinned sleeve shaft coupling Symbols used: D = shaft diameter d = pin diameter Torque capacity of pin T = nd2Drf4 I I.6.5 Bonded rubber shaft coupling zyxwvu zyxw Power capacity P =n2NnD,D~zYJ4 FS Key FS=nDNbLr,JP Shaft FS = n2ND3ryJ8P If bolts and shaft have same material and FS, then: Bolt diameter D, = -i-d Jm Symbols used: 0 =angle of twist T = torque G =shear modulus s =spring constant = TJ9 44 zyxwvutsr z zyxwvuts zyxw MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Annulus bonded to sleeve: ~RLG ZG == (r: - r f ) Critical speed o f whirling of shatits When a shaft rotates there is a certain speed at which, if there is an initial deflection due to imperfections, the centripetal force is equal to the elastic restoring force. At this point the deflection increases to a large value and the shaft is said to ‘whirl’. Above this speed,which depends on the shaft dimensions, the material and the loads carried by the shaft, the shaft whirling decreases. Shafts must be run well below or well above this speed. It can be shown that numerically the critical speed is the same as the frequency of transverse vibrations. Formulae are given for several common cases. zyxwvuts Annulus bonded to disks: s 1.6.6 Critical speed for all cases: 1 Nc=j+ii where: g=acceleration due to gravity, y = ‘static’ deflection at mass. zyx Cantilevered shaft with disc at end Mass of shaft neglected. N,= 1 / 2 x , / m Hyperbolic contour: Central disc, ‘short’ bearings N,= 1 / 2 R J w ~ Non-central disc, short bearings N , =1 / 2 R , / m zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvutsrqponm 45 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS rn E Uniform shaft, ‘long’ bearings 1 N,=F@ 3.57 where: m=mass per unit length of shaft. Central disc, ‘long’ bearings N , =1 / 2 n d m Combined loading on uniform shaft m (1) Dunkerley’s method: zyxwvut zyxwvutsr 1/N: = 1/N: + 1/N: + 1 / N i + , . Uniform shaft, one endfree Critical speed N , = where: N,=critical speed of system N,=critical speed for shaft alone N , , N , , etc.=critical speeds for discs acting alone (2) Energy method: 0 56 L where: m=mass per unit length I =second moment of area E =Young’s modulus L=length of shaft where: m=any mass of a disc, y=static deflection under the disc. Uniform shaft, in ‘short’ bearings I.6.7 N c 1.57 ’ F a For long shafts, e.g. a ship’s propeller shaft, torsional vibration may be. a problem and the shaft must be designed so that its rotational speed is not numerically near to its natural torsional frequency. where: m=mass per unit length of shaft. Torsional vibration of shafts zyxw Symbols used: j= frequency of torsional oscillations (Hz) s=torsional stiffness=GJ/L (N-mrad-’) G =torsional modulus (N m- *) z zyxwvu zyxwvutsr zyxwvu zyxwvu 46 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK J-polar second moment of area (m4) D=shaft outer diameter (m) d =inner diameter L =length of shaft (m) I =moment of inertia of disc= mk2 (kg mZ) m =mass of disc (kg) k = radius of gyration of disc (m) Two discs on stepped solid shaft Single disc on shaft 1 1 f=-&i 2n nD4 J=- 32 - f=-J 2x 41, +12)/1112 (for solid shaft); $(D4-d4) S I + zyxwvutsrqpon (for hollow shaft) I s =GJJLe where: Le=La f,b(DJDb)4(equivalent length of shaft for uniform diameter D,) length D Note: the node must be in length La. Two discs on ungorm shajl I Position of node L , = L / ( l + L ) ,L = L , + L , =I1 I Node b. €3 12 1.7 Struts A component subject to compression is known as a ‘strut’ if it is relatively long and prone to ‘buckling’. A short column fails due to shearing when the compressive stress is too high, a strut fails when a critical load called the ‘buckling’ or ‘crippling’load causes sudden bending. The resistance to buckling is determined by the ‘flexural rigidity’ E l or EAk’, where k is the least radius of gyration. The important criterion is the ‘slenderness ratio’ L/k, where L is the length of the strut. The Euler theory is the simplest to use but the much more involved Perry-Robertson formula (BS449) is regarded as the most reliable. zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvu zyxwvuts 47 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS I.7. I Euler theory zyxwvutsr zyxwvut zyxwvuts Buckling load P=Kn2EIJL2 where: I = least second moment of area = Ak2 K =factor dependent on ‘end conditions’ k =least radius of gyration = A =cross-sectional area L =length E =Young’s modulus A, k, -41 End condition Pinned ends Fixed ends (3) Fixed at one end, free at other K 1 4 0.25 (1) I.7.2 (2) I.7.3 Rankine-Gordon formula (4) Fixed at one end, pinned at other 2.05 Johnson’s parabolic formula zyxwvuts zyxw Buckling load P =a A = Buckling load P=a,ACl -b(L/k)21 a, = 290 MPa for mild steel b=0.00003 (pinned ends) or O.ooOo2 (fixed ends) OCA Ita(:)’ where: c =failure stress a, =elastic limit in compression a =constant A =cross-sectional area I.7.4 Buckling load P =a,A[ 1 - K(L/k)] a, = 110MPa (mild steel) or 140 (structural steel) K=0.005 (pinned ends) or 0.004 (fixed ends) a Material MPa Pinned ends Mild steel Wrought iron Cast iron wood 320 250 1/7500 1/9ooo 550 1/1600 35 1/3000 DE Straight-line formula Fixed ends 1/3oooO 1/36000 1/6400 1/12000 I .7.5 Perry-Robertson formula Buckling load P =A where: K =0.3 ( P+(:+l)ae z zyxwvu zyx zyx zy zy zyxwvut 48 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Le =actual length of pinned end strut =0.7 x actual length of fixed ends strut = 2.0 x actual length of strut with one end fixed, one end free =OX5 x actual length with one end pinned and one end fixed 71ZE U, =Euler U, =Yield stress in compression Maximum compressive stress U, =My+! I A M wLz Maximum deflection y, = -3+P 8P where: a=& buckling stress =(LJkIZ I .7.6 Pinned strut with uniformly distributed lateral load w per unit IecgM i cc ccc le L Maximum bending moment M, = 1.8 Cylinders and hollow spheres In engineering there are many examples of hollow cylindrical and spherical vessels subject to internal or external pressure. The formulae given are based on Lam& equations. In the case of external pressure, failure may be due to buckling. In the following, p is the difference between the internal and external pressures. I.8. I Thin cylinder, internal pressure Buckling of thin cylinder due to external pressure Hoop stress o,=pD/2t Longitudinal stress uL =pD/4t (1) Long tube, free ends: D Radial displacement x, =-(u,, -vuL) 2E where: v = Poisson’s ratio. For external pressure, use - p . z zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvuts 49 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS /F (2) Short tube, ends held circular: pb=- 1.61Et2 4 -.LD - v ’ ) ~ D2 Change in inner radius x, = Change in outer radius x,, = Thin spherical vessel, internal pressure =aL=pD/4t; X, Dah =- 2E (1 - V ) For external pressure use - p . Thick cylinder, internal pressure, all directions Thin cylinder with hemispherical ends ah and a, as above. Longitudinal stress a,=p For equal maximum stress t,=O.St, For no distortion t , s 0 . 4 t c (r,,!ra) Thick cylinder, internal pressure, no longitudinal pressure Thick sphere, internal pressure zyxwvut (at inner radius); oL=0 Maximum radial stress 6, =p Maximum shear stress T,,, =pr;/(r; -r.f ) (at inner radius) Symbols used: a =direct stress ‘t = shear stress p = pressure v = Poisson’s ratio t =thickness D =diameter r =radius 50 zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxwvuts zyxwvutsr MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK P, = axial force to give interference fit a =coefficient of linear expansion of inner or outer cylinder At =temperature difference between cylinders x =radial displacement E =Young’s modulus L =length ohmex=- ~ (r’z (rb-ra) (at inner radius) urmax=p(at inner radius) xa 3 3 pra (rb + 2ra) (1 E 2(rt-r:) =-[ + 1 Contact pressure zyxwvuts zyxwvut Hoop stresses 1.8.2 Shrink fit of cylinders Two hollow cylindrical parts may be connected together by shrinking or press-fitting where a contact pressure is produced. In the case ofa hub on a shaft this eliminates the need for a key. Formulae are given for the resulting stresses, axial fitting force and the resulting torque capacity in the case of a shaft. Symbols used: ra =inner radius of inner cylinder ( =0 for solid shaft) rb= outer radius of inner cylinder rb=inner radius of outer cylinder r, = outer radius of outer cylinder x = interference between inner and outer cylinders L =length of outer cylinder Ei, E, = Young’s modulus of inner and outer cylinders vi, v, = Poisson’s ratio of inner and outer cylinders p = radial pressure between cylinders p = coefficient of friction between cylinders T = torque capacity of system Inner cylinder: Q,= -pK, at ra pb=-pK3 at rb Outer cylinder: o ~ b = p K at , rb u,=pK, at r, where: K, = l/[(rc/rb)2- 13; K, = (rc/rb)2 + 1. (rc/rb)z - ’ pa= 2pnrbLp; T = Parb. Thermal shrinkage If the outer cylinder is heated or the inner cylinder is cooled by At, then: x =2arbAt zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts zyxwvut zyxwvu 51 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS ~~~ ~ 1.9 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZ Contact stresses When a ball is in contact with a flat, concave or convex surface, a small contact area is formed,the size of the area depending on the load and materials. In the case of a roller, a line contact is obtained, giving a rectangular contact area of very small width. The following gives the size of these areas and the maximum stress for several common cases. The theory is of great importance in the design of rolling bearings. zyxwvutsr I.9. I Contact stresses for balls and rollers Symbols used: E,, E,=Young’s moduli F =load r , , r2 =radii v l , v2 = Poisson’s ratio Two balls in contact Contact area radius a = t w Contact stress a, = 3F/2na2 Ball on frat surface, same material: r 2 = c o , r l = r Two balls in contact, same material: E , = E 2 , v1 = v 2 52 zyxwvutsrqp MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Ball on concave surface, same material: r2 negative Two rollers in contact, same material 32F( 1 - v’) . aC=4F/nwL nLE(l/r, l/r2)’ ~~ 6F(1-v2) ; crc=3F/2na2 Wr1- W2) Two rollers in contact + z zyxwvuts zyxw Roller on frat surface, same material: r2 = 0 0, r l = r Contact width 16F((1-v:)/E, +(1 - v 2 ) / E 2 ) ; crC=4F/nwL nL(l/r,+ 1 / 1 2 ) /-; 32F( 1 - v2)r cr, = 4F/wL sLE w= IF Roller on concave surface, same material: r2 negative 32F( 1 - v’) ’ 0,=4F/nwL nLE(l/r,- 1/r2)’ z zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrq zyxwv zyxwvutsr 53 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS 1.10 Loaded tlat plates Formulae are given for the maximum stress and deflection for circular and rectangular flat plates subject to concentrated or distributed loads (pressure) with the edga either clamped or supported. In prac- tice, the edge conditions are usually uncertain and some compromise must be made. The equations are only valid if the deflection is small compared to the plate thickness. zyxwvutsrq - Symbols used: r =radius of circular plate a =minor length of rectangular plate b =major length of rectangular plate p = uniform pressure loading P =concentrated load v = Poisson’s ratio (assumed to be 0.3) E = Young’s modulus t =plate thickness u, =maximum stress y , =maximum deflection D=flexural rigidity= Et3/12(1 - v 2 ) ir Circular plate, concentrated load at centre, simply supporter (3 + v)Pr2 ym = 16n(1 = (at centre, lower surface) 0.552Pr2 (at centre) + v)D= F Circular plate, uniform load, edges simply supported U, zyxwv r I.IO. I Stress a d ddlection of circular lsht plates + - + 3(3 v)pr2 1.238pr2 =(at centre) 8t2 t2 + (5 v)pr4 0.6%pr4 (at centre, v=0.3) ’“=64(1 + v ) D = r Circular plate, concentrated load at centre, clamped edge r I I r I (at centre, lower surface) 21 Pr2 J Circular plate, unform load, clamped edge 0 In 3pr2 (at edge) 4t2 =- pr4 0.171pr4 y,=-=(at centre) 640 Et3 ’ m = 0.217Pr2 G = F zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvuts zyxwvut zyx 54 MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK I. 10.2 Stress and deflection of rectangular flat plates Rectangular plate, uniform load, clamped edges (empirical) Rectangular plate, uniform load, simply supported (Empirical) 6, zyxwvutsr Since comers tend to rise off the supports, vertical movement must be prevented without restricting rotation. U, = 0.75paZ (at centre) t2[1.61(a/b)3;t13 = Pa2 (at middle of edge b) 2t2[0.623(a/b)6 13 + 0.0284pa4 (at centre) Y"=Et3[1.056(a/b)s 13 + Rectangular plate, concentrated load at centre, simply supported (empirical) The load is assumed to act over a small area of radius e. 0.142~~~ (at centre) ym= Et3[2.21(a/b)3 13 =-[ 1.5P + 0, nt2 2r (1 v ) In -+ 1 - k, + xe Pa2 y,= k , - (at centre) Et3 1 (at centre) z Simply supportededge Clamped edge kl k, zy zy 1 .o 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 3.0 0.127 0.564 0.138 0.445 0.148 0.349 0.162 0.211 0.171 0.124 0.177 0.072 0.180 0.041 0.185 0.003 Rectangular plate, concentrated load at centre, clamped edges (empirical) um=kzP/t2(at middle of edge b ) y,=k,Pa2/Et3 (at centre) co 0.185 O.OO0 zyxwvutsrq 55 STRENGTHS OF MATERIALS k, k, zyxwvu zyxwv zyxwvuts 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.061 0.754 0.071 0.076 0.078 0.894 0.962 0.991 1.8 2.0 0.079 0.079 1.000 1.004 zyxwvutsrq I.10.3 Loaded circular plates with central hole Symbols used: a =outer radius b =inner radius t =thickness P =concentrated load p =distributed load E =modulus of elasticity Pa2 Maximum deflection y,, =k , Et3 or (7) Pa4 Y m p x = k lEt3 - P Maximum stress om,= k t2 or ~ , , , = k Pa2 t2 The followingtable gives values of k , and k , for each of the 10 cases shown for various values of alb. It is assumed that Poisson’s ratio v=0.3. 1.25 Case kl k2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.341 0.202 0.184 0.00504 0.00199 0.00343 0.0023 1 0.00510 0.00129 0.00077 0.100 0.660 0.592 0.194 0.105 0.122 0.135 0.227 0.115 0.090 1.5 3 2 5 4 zyxwv zyxwvuts kl 0.519 0.491 0.414 0.0242 0.0139 0.03 13 0.0183 0.0249 k2 1.26 1.19 0.976 0.320 0.259 0.336 0.410 0.428 0.0064 0.220 0.0062 0.273 kl k2 kl k2 kl 0.672 0.902 1.48 2.04 1.440 0.454 0.480 0.740 1.040 0.753 0.405 0.710 0.734 1.220 0.824 0.172 0.130 0.221 0.293 0.209 0.062 0.1 10 1.880 3.340 1.880 0.673 0.657 1.210 2.150 1.205 0.703 1.540 0.724 2.17 1.300 4.30 0.830 2.08 0.217 1.021 0.162 0.710 0.417 1.450 0.448 2.990 0.293 1.514 0.092 0.933 0.179 2.230 0.664 0.0810 0.0575 0.1250 0.0938 0.0877 0.0237 0.0329 k2 kl k2 0.704 2.34 1.310 5.100 0.8 13 2.190 0.238 1.305 0.175 0.730 0.492 1.590 0.564 3.690 0.350 1.745 0.114 1.130 0.234 2.800 ~ zy zyxwvut zyxwvutsrqponm zyxwvuts Applied mechanics zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 2.1 2. I.I Basic mechanics Force nents of these forces in the x and y directions and constructing a triangle of forces. zy zyxwvu zyxwv zyx F,=Flcos01+F2cos82+. . Fy=F,sin8,+F,sin0,+. . . The resultant force is Fr=Jm ~~ A force may be represented by an arrow-headed line called a ‘vector’ which gives ‘magnitude’, proportional to its length, its ‘point of application’ and its ‘direction’. Referring to the figure, the magnitude is 20N,the point of application is 0 ,and the line of action is XX. (3 to the x axis. A F2 X 2. I.2 at an angle 8,=tan-’ Triangle of forces A force may be resolved into two forces at right angles to one another. The force F shown is at angle 0 to axis XX and has components: F,=FcosO and Fy=Fsin8 zyxwvuts 7 FA YA Polygon of forces Resultant of several forces If several forces F,, F,, F,, etc., act on a body, then the resultant force may be found by adding the compo- The force vectors may be added by drawing a polygon of forces. The line completing the polygon is the resultant (note that its arrow points in the opposite direction), and its angle to a reference direction may be found. APPLIED MECHANICS zy zyxwvutsrqpon 57 Couple If two equal and opposite forces have parallel lines of action a distance a apart, the moment about any point 0 at distance d from one of the lines of action is zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu zyxwvutsr M = F, - F(d -a)= Fa This is independant of d and the resultant force is zero. Such a moment is called a ‘couple’. Balance of forces A system of forces is balanced, i.e. in equilibrium, when the resultant F , is zero, in which case its components F , and F, are each zero. 2.1.3 Moment of a force, couple F The moment of a force F about a point 0 at a perpendicular distanced from its line of action, is equal to Fd. Resolution of a moment into a force and a couple Resultant of several moments zyxwvut If forces F,, F,, etc., act on a body at perpendicular distances d,, d,, etc., from a point 0,the moments are, M,=F,d,, M2=Fzdz, etc. about 0 The resultant moment is M,= M ,iM,+ . . . Clockwise moments are reckoned positive and counterclockwise moments negative. If the moments ‘balance’ M , = O and the system is in equilibrium. For a force F at a from point 0; if equal and opposite forces are applied at 0, then the result is a couple Fa and a net force F. General condition for equilibrium of a body Complete equilibrium exists when both the forces and the moments balance, Le. F,=O and M,=O. 2. I.4 Linear and circular motion Relationships for distance travelled, velocity and time of travel are given for a constant linear acceleration. 58 zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvut zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Similar relationships are given for circular motion with constant angular acceleration. In practice, acceleration may vary with time, in which case analysis is much more difficult. 2. I.5 Centripetal acceleration For a mass m rotating at o r a d s - ' at radius r: Tangential velocity v = ro Acceleration Linear acceleration Symbols used: u =initial velocity v =final velocity t =time a =acceleration x =distance s s And:x= vdt; v = a d t Equations of motion: v=u+at x=- (u + u ) 2t V2 Centripetal acceleration = - = r o z r Centripetal force =mro2 (acting inwards on m) Centrifugal force =mro2 (acting outwards on pivot) zyxw 2. I.7 Newton's laws of motion These state that: (1) A body remains at rest or continues in a straight line at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. (2) A force applied to a body accelerates the body by an amount which is proportional to the force. (3) Every action is opposed by an equal and opposite reaction. zyxwvuts zyxwvuts s zyxwvut s s v2 = u2 +2ax 1 2 x =ut Tat + Angular acceleration Let: 2. I.6 o1=initial angular velocity w2=final angular velocity t = time O= angle of rotation a =angular acceleration 2. I.8 Work, energy and power Kinetic, potential, strain and rotational kinetic energy are defined and the relationships between work, force and power are given. Work done W = force x distance =Fx (Nm =J) And: 8= o d t : o= a d t Equations of motion: w2=w1 +at Work done by variable force W = F dx Work done by torque (7')W = TO where: O =angle of rotation. s Also W = TdO mu' 2 Kinetic energy KE =- zy zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsr zyxw zyxwvu 59 APPLIED MECHANICS do If m is constant then force F = m - = m dt IW2 Rotational kinetic energy KE =- 2 where: I = moment of inertia of body Similarly: Torque T=-dUw) (rate of change of angular m Change of kinetic energy =- (u2 - u 2 ) 2 Potential energy PE =mgh where: g=acceleration due to gravity (9.81 ms-2), h = height above a datum. kx2 Strain energy SE = Fx = 2 where: x =deflection, k =stiffness. Conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy: mu2 Wh=- 2 (mass x acceleration) dt dw If I is constant T = I - = I a dt 2.1.10 momentum) Impact The following deals with the impact of elastic and inelastic spheres, although it applies to bodies of any shape. Consider two spheres rolling on a horizontal plane. Velocities before impact are ul and u2 for spheres of mass m , and m2. After impact their velocities are uI and u2. zyxwvu Coefficient of restitution V2 Therefore v = J2gh or h =29 e= - Power difference in final velocities = difference in initial velocities _- (ul - v 2 ) (ul - u z ) Note: e = l for perfectly elastic spheres; e = O for inelastic spheres. Velocities after impact (velocities positive to right): Rotational power P = torque x angular velocity Te =Tw=t Also, if N = the number of revolutions per second P=2nNT where: 2nN =angular velocity w. 2. I.9 Impulse and momentum Impulse. An impulsive force is one acting for a very short time dt. Impulse is defined as the product of the force and the time, Le. = F a t . Momentum is the product of mass and velocity=mv Change of momentum =mu -mu Angular momentum =Io Loss of kinetic energy due to impact = Change of angular momentum = I ( w , - w , ) If e = 1, KE loss=O. d (mu) Force F =rate of change of momentum =dt ml(u: -u:)+m2(u: 2 -u;) 60 z zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu zyxwvut zyxwv MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK 1.I.I I Centre of percussion Sphere Let: h=distance from pivot to centre of gravity p=distance from pivot to centre of percussion k =radius of gyration of suspended body about centre of gravity p=- hZ+ k2 h The physical meaning of centre of percussion is that it is the point where an impact produces no reaction at the pivot point. 2. I.I 2 Uniform thin rod Horizontal curved track Skidding speed us= (- +-); L2 D2 12 16 fi Overturning speed vo= Cylinder k2 = zyx Vehicles on curved track L h =?; :11 zy Curved track banked at angle 8 J ( 3 Skidding speed us= gpr 1 +tan - (1 - p tan 0) where: p =coefficient of friction, h =height of CG above ground. 2. I. I 3 The gyroscope The flywheel of moment of inertia I ( =mk2) rotates at angular velocity o1 about the x axis. An applied couple C about the z axis produces an angular velocity u2 about zyxwvutsrq zy zyxwvuts zyxwvut APPLIED MECHANICS 61 the y axis. Directions of rotation are as shown in the figure. Conical pendulum Couple C = lu,02 Periodic time t , = 2n Conversely, if a rotation u 2is applied to the wheel bearings, then a couple C is produced. String tension T=mLw2 2. I.I 4 The pendulum zyxwvutsrqp zyxw Simple pendulum Compound pendulum Periodic time tp = 2n Periodic time 1 Frequency f = tP \, \, E? t, = 2n ~ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY I 62 zyxwvu zyxw zyxwvutsr z zyxwvutsr MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK h2 + kZ -=L'= the length of the equivalent simple pendulum. h (Also equal to the distance to the centre of percussion) Where: k =radius of gyration about CG, h =distance from pivot to CG. 2. I.15 Gravitation This deals with the mutual attraction which exists between bodies. The magnitude of the force depends on the masses and the distance between them. For two masses m, and m, a distance d apart, the force is: Thus: g=9.81 ms-' F=G- m1m2 Variation of g with height and latitude F= 6.67 x 5.97 x 10m2=9.81m2=gm2 6.37' d2 where: G is the 'gravitational =6.67x 10-'1Nm2kg-2 constant' For a body m, on the earth's surface m,= 5.97 x loz4kg (earth's mass), d=6.37 x lo6 m (earth's radius). Then If zyx L = degrees latitude (0' at equator) h =height above sea level (km) g =9.806294 -0.025862 COS 2L O.ooOO58 COS' 2L -0.003086h + 2. I.I6 The solar system The following table gives useful information on the sun, moon and earth. Mass (kg) Radius (km) Average density (kgm-3) Period of revolution About axis orbital Acceleration due to gravity (ms-') Mean orbital radius (km) Miscellaneous information Earth Sun Moon 5.97 x 1024 Equatorial 6378 Polar 6357 5500 2 1030 696000 7.34 x 1738 1375 3300 23 h 56min 365.26 days 9.81 149.6 x lo6 Tilt of polar axis 23f" 25 days 27.33 days 27.33 days 1.64 384 400 Period between new moons= 29; days 2.75 x 10" - Type G star. Absolute magnitude 5.0. Surface temperature 6ooo"C. Centre temperature 14 x 106'C 1022 z zyxwvuts zyxwvuts 63 APPLIED MECHANICS 2.I. I7 Machines maximum range is achieved if the projection angle is 45". The effect of air resistance is to reduce both range zyx zyx zyxwvuts Mechanical advantage MA (or force ratio)=- Load Effort and height. Assuming no air resistance: Velocity ratio VR (or movement ratio) - Distance moved by effort Distance moved by load Efficiency 1= 2.1.18 Useful work out --MA Work put in VR Time of flight for 8=45"; Projection up a slope (of angle 8): Levers The lever is a simple machine consisting of a pivoted beam. An effort E lifts a load W.Referring to the figure, and assuming no friction: u2 Range R =g RX, I 2sin(O-#l)cos8 cos28 ' =- g (l+sin#l) V Firstorder W r Second-orderlever & $ E Third-order lever 2.I. I9 Projectiles 2. I .20 Rockets For a rocket travelling vertically against gravity, the mass of fuel is continually decreasing as the fuel is burnt, i.e. the total mass being lifted decreases uniformly with time. The following formulae give the velocity and height at any time up to burn-out, and the velocity, height and time expired at bum-out. Let: Y=jet velocity (assumed constant) U =rocket velocity M,=mass of fuel at blast off M,=mass of rocket with no fuel m=mass flow rate of fuel t =time after blast-off g=acceleration due to gravity (assumed to be constant) zyxwvuts When a projectile is fired at an angle to a horizontal plane under gravity, the trajectory is a parabola if air resistance is neglected. It can be shown that the 64 z zyx zyx MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK 2. I.2 I Satellites The orbital velocity of a satellite is a maximum at sea level and falls off with height, while the orbital time increases. When the period of rotation is the same as that of the planet, the satellite is said to be 'synchronous', i.e. the satellite appears to be stationary to an observer on earth. This is of great value in radio communications. Let: u =velocity h =height of orbit a =radius of planet r=a+h t =time g =acceleration due to gravity zyxw V. S zyx Orbital velocity 0, zyxwv =E zyxwv 6 Let: T=- M , + M , Maximum velocity u, m.l = m M Time to bum-out t, =f m Periodic time (orbit time) t, = 2n Escape velocity ue=+ This is the velocity for a given height when the satellite will leave its orbit and escape the effect of the earth's gravity. Velocity at t : U = Vln (TT_t)-gt ( Velocity at burn-out U,= Vln TTt,,)-gtb 9tZ Height at t : h= V t - - 2 & (at sea level) V(T-t)ln- gt: Height at burn-out: h,= Vt,--2 T Height of orbit h = a ( 6 - 1 ) (T-0 V(T-t,)ln- T Example (T- tb) For the earth, a=6.37x 106m, g = 9 . 8 1 m ~ - ~ . Then: u, ~x =7.905 km s- (at sea level) u,=ll.l8kms-' (about 7 miles per second) Height of synchronous orbit h, = 35 700 km (tP=24 h). ' APPLIED MECHANICS 2.2 2.2. I zyxwvutsrq zy 65 zyxwvutsr zyxwvu zyxw zyxwvut zyxwvuts zyxwvu Belt drives Flat, vee and timing belt drives Formulae are given for the power transmitted by a belt drive and for the tensions in the belt. The effect of centrifugal force is included. A table of information on timing belt drives is included. Symbols used: F , =belt tension, tight side F, = belt tension, slack side r, =radius of pulley a rb =radius of pulley b N,=speed of pulley a N, =speed of pulley b m=mass of belt per unit length P =power transmitted p =codficient of friction between belt and pulley F , = initial belt tension 6, =arc of belt contact pulley a eb=arc of belt contact pulley b L =distance between pulley centres s =percentage slip u = belt velocity N, rb (100-s) Speed ratio -=N, r, 100 Tension ratio for belt about to slip: F For pulley 'a , >=epe* F2 F For pulley 'b' 2=ereb F2 where: e=base of natural logarithms (=2.718). Power capacity P = o ( F , - F , ) where: belt velocity u=2nraN,= 2nr,N, (no slip). Pulley torque T,=r,(Fl - F , ) ; T,=r,(F, - F 2 ) (F + F ) Initial tension F , = -L--L 2 Effect of centrifugal force: the belt tensions are reduced by mu2 so that F-, -mu2 - F , -mu2 - d9 Vee belt The 'wedge' action of the vee belt produces a higher effective coefficient of friction p' ~ (when pulley b is the driver) Arc of contact (r, >rb): ea= 180" + 2 sin-' L Ob= 180"- 2 sin-' (ra -rb) L p'=- P sin a where: a=the 'half angle' of the vee (p'=2.9p for a = 20"). 66 zyxwvutsrq zy zyxwv zyxwv z MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Timing belts Timing belts have teeth which mate with grooves on the pulleys. They are reinforced with high strength polymer strands to give power capacity up to three times that of conventional belts at three times the speed. There is no slip so a constant ratio is maintained. A large number of speed ratios is available. Belts are made in several strengths and widths. Timing belt sizes (BS 4548: 1WO) Type Meaning Pitch (mm) Widths (mm) Constant, K XL L Extra light Light Heavy Extra heavy Double extra heavy 5.08 9.53 12.70 22.23 31.75 - H XH XXH 6.4, 7.9, 9.6 12.7, 19.1, 25.4 19.1, 25.4, 38.1, 50.8, 76.2 50.8, 76.2, 101.6 50.8, 76.2, 101.6, 127.0 ~~ 1.53 5.19 12.60 - ~ Service factor Hours of service per day < 10 1&16 > 16 % full power 100 72 67 Class Applications % full power 1 Typewriters, radar, light domestic Centrifugal pumps, fans, woodworking machines, light conveyors Punching presses, large fans, printing machines, grain conveyors Blowers, paper machines, piston pumps, textile machines Brickmaking machines, piston compressors, hoists, crushers, mills 100 69 63 58 54 2 3 4 5 Power capacity P=KNTWx kilowatts where: K =size constant (see table) N =number of revolutions per minute T= teeth in smaller pulley W= width of belt (mm) zyx Example: Type H belt, W=50.8mm, N=1500 revmin-’, T=20, for large fan working 12 hours per day. From tables, K=5.19 service factors 72% and 63Yo. P=5.19~ 1 5 0 0 ~ 2 50.8 0~x ~ 0 . 6 ~0.72=3.59kW 3 Note: at high speeds and with large pulleys the power capacity may be up to 25% less. See manufacturer’s tables. zy zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts 67 APPLIED MECHANICS 2.2.2 Winches and pulleys Winch Block and tackle Velocity ratio VR =n where: n=number of ropes between the sets of pulleys (= 5 in figure). R Velocity ratio VR=r W Wr Force to raise load F = - VR -‘R W Force to raise load F =q- n where: q =efficiency. F Pulleys zyxwvuts zyxwvut Velocity ratio VR-2 W Force to raise load F =q 2 Differential pulley F 7 Velocity ratio VR=- 2 W Force to raise load F =q - VR 68 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK zy zyxwvu zyxw zyxwv zyxw zyxwvuts zyxw zyxwvut where: a=- U R Load rising and coming to rest, no drive T,- la=mR(d - 9 ) 2.2.3 Hoist Deceleration d = Symbols used: m-mass of load I=moment of inertia of drum, etc. R=drum radius T= torque to drive drum T,=friction torque a =acceleration of load d =deceleration of load a =angular acceleration/deceleration + (mR+i) zyxwvu Load being raised and accelerating + + (WR+ T,) Torque T = T, Ia mR(a g) Load being lowered and accelerating, no drive T, + la=mR(g -a) Load falling and being brought to rest T=Ia- T, +mR(g +d) 2.3 Balancing 2.3. I Rotating masses Out of balance due to one mass Balancing of rotating components is of extreme importance, especially in the case of high-speed machinery. Lack of balance may be due to a single mass in one plane or masses in two planes some distanceapart. The method of balancing is given. For mass m at radius r and angular velocity o: Out of balance force F =m r d This may be balanced by a mass mb at i b SO that mbrb= mr zy zyx zy z zyxwvu 69 APPLIED MECHANICS Dynamic unbalance, forces in several planes For a force mrw2 acting at x from bearing A, the moment of the force about the bearing is mrw2x. This has components: m r d x sin 8 vertically mrw2xcos 6 horizontally For several forces: Several out of balance masses in one plane The forces are: m1r102, m2r2w2,etc. These are resolved into vertical and horizontal components: Total vertical moment M,=mlrlw2x, sin 6 , -+m,r,w2x, sin 8, Total horizontal moment M,=m,r,w2x, cos8, +m,r,w2x,ws82 . . . zyxwvut Fv=m,r,w2sin8, +m,r202sin8,+. . . F,=m,r,02cos8,+m2r2w2cos8,+. . . Resultant force F, = d m at an angle to horizontal axis 6, =tan - zyx zyx Resultant moment ,M,=,/= acting at ob=tan- * The reaction at B is: R b =.ML L where: L=span. The process is repeated, by taking moments about end B, and R, found. -- Method of balancing Complete 'dynamic balance' is achieved by introducing forces equal and opposite to R, and R,. In practice, balancing is carried out at planes a short distance from the bearings. m mr c-? cos0 \ To balance a mass mb at rb such that mbrb=iFr w is required at an angle e,+ 180". z zyxwvuts zyxw zyx 70 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK zyxwvut zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts If this distance is c then the balancing forces are Force to accelerate piston F- - m r d (approximately, see Section 2.4.1) This introduces small errors due to moments which can be corrected for as shown in the figure. A further very small error remains and the process may be repeated until the desired degree of balance is achieved. 23.2 Reciprocating masses For the piston, connecting rod, crank system shown in the figure there exists a piston accelerating force which varies throughout a revolution of the crank. The force can be partially balanced by weights on the crankshaft. Maximum forces F,=mm2 (at crankshaft speed, which can be balanced) r F, =ma2-(at twice crankshaft speed) L Eflect of conrod mass The conrod mass may be divided approximately between the crankpin and the gudgeon pin. If mcis the conrod mass: a Effective mass at gudgeon m, =m,- added to piston mass. L Effective mass at crankpin m2 =m, Let: m=mass of piston w =angular velocity of crank r =radius of crank L=length of conrod 0 =crank angle b 1 2.4 Miscellaneous machine elements 2.4. I Simple engine mechanism Using the same symbols as in the previous section: Piston Piston velocity v = t K3 Piston acceleration a = m 2 cos8+Kcos2B+-((cos2B-cos48)+. 4 1 1 .. zyxwvutsrqponm zy 71 APPLlED MECHANICS Example The power of an ongine is 100kW at a mean speadof250nvmin-'.Theencrgy to beabsorbed by the flywheel between maximum and minimum speeds is 10% of the work done per revolution. Calculate the required moment of inertia for the flywheel if the spad fluctuation is not to cxaed 2%. 2x x 250 K, 10.02, KB=O.l, U J ~ , , , ==26.2 rad S- ' 60 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvuts zyxwvut zyxwvut zyxwvutsr where: K = -.Lr If K is under about 0.3,it is accurate enough to use only the first two terms containing B in each formula. Energy per revolution E = looooo 254) =24 OOo J z4-2 nywfmds Flywheels are used for the storing of enesgy in a rotating machine and to limit speed fluctuations. Formulae are given for the calculation of the moment of inertia of flywheels and for speed and energy fluctuation. Solid disk: Angular velocity o==2nN Radius of gyration k=- t Angular acceleration a = ( 0 2 - 0 1 ) Mass m = H b r fi mr2 pxr4b Moment of inertia I =mk2=-= 2 2 - Acceleration torque T=la where: I=mk2. Energy stored E = Values of1 and k (radius of gyration) 102 2 Calculation of I for given speed jluctuation If P =power, Energy from engine per revolution=- P N Cafficitnt of speed fluctuation Coefficient of energy fluctuation Required moment of inertia I = Example For flywheel in previous example (J = 175kg-m*. If the flywheel is a solid disc with thickness of the diameter, and the density is 7000 kgm-3, determine the dimensions. KEE KNOL Thus: diameter D = 1088mm, thickneas 6- 181mm. 72 zyxwvutsrqpo z zyxwvutsrq MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Annular ring: m =pn(ri -rf)b 2.4.3 Hooke's joint (cardan joint) zyxw zyxwvutsrq This is a type of flexible shaft coupling used extensively for vehicle drives. They are used in pairs when there is parallel misalignment. Symbols used : N =input speed N, = output speed I Thin ring: of input to output shaft 0 =angle of rotation a = angle If rm=mean radius, A =cross-sectional area. N2 m =2nr,Ap k=rm I =mr,2 Spokes of uniform cross-section: m= p(r, - r l ) A N cos a N, 1-sin2acos2a Speed ratio>= I , =mk2 1 zyxwv zyxwvuts Spoked wheel: The hub and rim are regarded as annular rings. I =l,,u,,+lrim+nl, where: n = number of spokes. Maximum speed ratio = ~ cos a (at 0 =O" or 180") Minimum speed ratio=cosa (at 0=90" or 270") N 2 = 1 , when 0=cos-' Nl +1 JG zyxwvutsrqpo zy zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts 13 APPLIED MECHANICS 2.4.4 Cams A cam is a mechanism which involves sliding contact and which converts one type of motion into another, e.g. rotary to reciprocating. Most cams are of the radial type, but axial rotary cams are also used. Cams may have linear motion. The motion is transmitted through a ‘follower’ and four types are shown for radial cams. zyxwvutsrqp Circular arc cam with pat follower On flank: Lift y = ( R -rl)( 1-cos e) Velocity o = o ( R - r , ) sin0 Acceleration a=w2(R-rl) cos0 On nose: Lift y = (r2 - r + d cos(a - e) Velocity u = od sin@- 0) Acceleration a = - w2dcos(a - 0) Maximum lift y,,=d-r, +r, Tangent cam with roller follower On the flank: Lift y- (rl + rJ(sec0- 1) zyxwvu where: 0=angle of rotation. Velocity v=w(rl +ro) sec0 tan0 where: w=- d0 the angular velocity. dt + 2 tanZe) zyxwvuts Acceleration a =w2(rl+ r,) (1 cos e On the nose: the system is equivalent to a conrodlcrank mechanism with crank radius d and conrod length (ro+r2)(seeSection 2.4.1). Maximum lift y,, = d - rl +r2 74 z zyxwvuts zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK Simple harmonic motion cam Lift y =d( 1-cos 6) where: d =eccentricity. Velocity u = od sin 6 Acceleration a =d d cos 6 Maximum lift y, =d (2:) Velocity v = - Acceleration a=O during rise and fall but infinite at direction reversal. Constant acceleration and deceleration cam, roller follower The shape of the cam is a circle. The following refers to the motion of the roller centre. (61)2 Lift y=2ym,, - (for first half of lift). y =2ym,, [f -rey] (for second half of lift). zyxw Velocity u=40ymx6 (for first half of lift) 6LX u =4oymar7 (emax - 6 ) (for second half of lift) emax Acceleration and deceleration a =4w2y,x C (constant) x I Constant velocity cam, knife-edge follower where: 6,,, =angle for y,. Axial cam vace cam) The cam profile is on the end of a rotating cylinder and the follower moves parallel to the cylinder axis. zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvu 75 APPLIED MECHANICS 2.4.5 Governors Hartnell governor A governor is a device which controls the speed of an engine, a motor or other machine by regulating the fuel or power supply. The controlled speed is called the 'isochronous speed'. Electronic systems are also available. Watt governor 2n 2m a zy Where: k =spring stiffness. bc Initial spring force F,= k--, when a=O. a Isochronous speed N =- zyxwvuts zyxwvut ctb U Porter governor N =2nL / p J .='JI"T 2.4.6 Screw threads Screw threads are used in fasteners such as bolts and screws, and also to provide a linear motion drive which may transmit power. There are several different types of screw thread used for different purposes. Power transmission (see also Section 2.7.2) Symbols used: D = mean diameter of thread p = pitch of thread 0 =thread angle =tan- ZD 4 =friction angle =tan- l p p =coefficient of friction Mechanical advantage MA= 1 1 RD Velocity ratio VR =-=tan0 p U MA tan0 Efficiency =-= VR tan@+ 4 ) + tan@ 4 ) z zyxwvut zyxw zyxwvu 76 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Effective coefficientof friction (vee thread) po = p sec fl where: fl- half angle thread. Acme thread Used for power transmission. Has greater root strength and is easier to machine than the square thread. Used for lathe lead screw. zyxwvut Vee thread The vee thread is used extensively for nuts, bolts and screws. The thread may be produced by machining but rolling is much cheaper. 0.137P 0.64P zyxwvutsrqp Buttress thread Whitworththread A power screw with the advantages of both square and Acme threads. It has the greatest strength but takes a large load in one direction only (on the vertical face). f Multi-start thread This gives a greater pitch with the same thread depth. The nut advance per revolution (lead) is equal to the pitch multiplied by the number of ‘starts’. Lead Square thread i - 1 Used for power transmission. The friction is low and there is no radial force on the nut. .. P , I % . ’ Ball-bearing power screw The friction is extremely low and hence the efficiency is high. The power is transmitted by balls between the zy zyxwvuts zyx zyxwvutsr zyxw 77 APPLIED MECHANICS threads on nut and screw. The balls circulate continuously. This ranges from 0.12 to 0.20 with an average value of 0.15. It is however much lower for the ball-bearing thread. Recirwlatiyl tube 2.5 2.4.7 Cocffjcient of friction for screw threads Automobile mechanics The resistance of a vehicle to motion is made up of ‘rolling resistance’, ‘gradient force’ and ‘aerodynamic drag’. From the total resistance and a knowledge ofthe overall efficiency of the drive, the power can be calculated. Additional power is required to accelerate the vehicle. Braking torque is also dealt with. 2.5. I For pneumatic tyres on dry road Rolling resistance Symbols used: C , =coefficient of rolling resistance m=mass of vehicle v=speed (km h-I) p = tyre pressure (bars) F, = C,mg cr Asphalt or concrete, new Asphalt or concrete, worn Cobbles, small, new Cobbles, large, worn 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.03 C, gravel, rolled, new gravel, loose, worn soil, medium hard sand 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.1-0.3 78 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsr zyxwvu zyxwvutsrqp 2.5.3 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Aerodynamic drag Symbols used: C,=drag coefficient A, =frontal area (approx. 0.9 bh m’) p =air density (==1.2 kg m - 3, v=velocity (ms-’) aerodynamic drag force: 02 F, = CdAfPT Typical valws of drag coefficient cd cd Sports car, sloping rear Saloon, stepped rear Convertible, open top Bus Truck 0.2-0.3 0.4-0.5 0.6-0.7 0.6-0.8 0.8-1 .O Motorcycle and rider Flat plate normal to flow Sphere Long stream-lined body 1.8 1.2 0.47 0.1 zyxwvutsr zyxwvu zyxw + +Fa Total force F, =F, F, 2.5.4 Tractive effort Symbols used: po =coefficient of adhesion R, =load on wheel considered The horizontal force at which slipping occurs: Flu=POR, Coe&ie!nt of adbesion for different surfaces PO Concrete/asphalt, dry Concrete/asphalt, wet Gravel, rolled, dry Gravel, rolled, wet 2.5.5 0.8-0.9 0.4-0.7 0.6-0.7 0.3-0.5 PO Clay, dry Sand, loose Ice, dry Ice, wet Power, torque and emciency Let: F, = total resistance v =velocity qo =overall transmission efficiency P,=required engine power Te=engine torque Ne=engine speed N,=wheel speed r =wheel effective radius F,=wheel force (4 wheels) 0.5-0.6 0.3-0.4 0.2 0.1 zy zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxwvut zyxwvut 79 APPLIED MECHANICS F,v Engine power P , =?o D (a-Phh) Rear wheels torque T, =prmg L 'e Engine torque Te=2nNe N Wheel force (for 4 wheels) F w T= 43 2 r Nw zyxwvuts Acceleration power Pa=mvi where: a = acceleration, vi =instantaneous speed. Transmission efficiency : Overall efficiency qo =qcqr)tdqa Typical values are given in the table. ~ ~ ~ ~ Clutch efficiency, qc Gearbox efficiency, qg Drive shaft, joints and bearings, q,, Axle efficiency, qa Overall efficiency, q, 0.99 0.98 direct drive 0.95 low gears Wheel inertia torque Ti=la Deceleration d =pg Total braking torque (for one wheel): 0.99 0.95 T,,f=T+ Tf Ti (front) 0.90 direct drive 0.85 low gears T,,,= 2.5.6 Tr + Ti (rear) Braking torque Let : I = moment of inertia of a pair of wheels a =angular deceleration of wheels rn =mass of vehicle p=coefficient of friction between wheels and road (b+ Ph) Front wheels torque Tf=prmgL 2.6 2.6. I Vibrations Simple harmonic motion Let : x =displacement X =maximum displacement t =time f=frequency t , =periodic time rn =vibrating mass k =spring stiffness 4 =phase angle 0 =angle of rotation zy zyxwvu zy zyxwvuts 80 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Definition of simple harmonic motion where x, =static deflection Referring to the figure, point A rotates with constant angular velocity w at radius AB. The projection of A on to PQ, i.e. A , moves with simple harmonic motion. If A B is plotted to a base of the angle of rotation 8, a so-called ‘sine curve’ is produced. The base of the graph can also represent time. The time for one complete rotation is the ‘periodic time’ t,. 8 If AB = X and A B =x, then x = X sin wt, where w =-. Periodic time 2n t, =0 1 -1 fn zyxwv zyxwv zyxw Torsional vibration Displacement 8=8,, cos (w, + 4) Frequency fn t Periodic time t, = w, = w 2n E. ’ Where: To= torque per unit angle of twist, I =moment of inertia of oscillating mass. 0 Frequency f= -=t, 2n I zyxwvu 2.6.2 Free undamped vibration I Spring mass system x= x cos (0,+ (b), where: w , = J k 2.6.3 Free damped vibration C Critical frequency 0, =2m where: c = damping force per unit velocity Damping ratio R =0, O n Frequency of vibration f, = zyxwvutsrq zy zyxwvutsrq 81 APPLIED MECHANICS Light damping Critical damping zyxwvutsr Oscillations are produced which decrease in amplitude with time. x= Ce-wc'coswdt where: C=constant, cod=,/'= 2n Periodic time t , =- In this case the damping is just sufficient to allow oscillations to occur: w, =on. x = c e -wet where: C=constant. wd / / zyxwvu zyxwvut zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsrqpon Heavy damping Amplitude ratio AR = Initial amplitude =enw.f, Amplitude after n cycles AR is a measure of the rate at which the amplitude falls with successive oscillations. Torsional vibration 8= Ce-wcfcosmdr where: w, = JT3; a d =JG:, where w, =-, Tf. 21 The damping is heavier than critical and w, >0,. x = Ae - + Be - bz where: A, B, a and b are constants. 2.6.4 Forced damped vibration A simple harmonic force of constant amplitude applied to mass Let the applied force be Fa = F cos wt. When steady conditions are attained the mass will vibrate at the T, =damping torque per unit angular velocity. Fcos 01, frequency of the applied force. The amplitude varies with frequency as follows: Magnification factor Q = and Q= Actual amplitude of vibration Amplitude for a static force F 1 J(1 -r2)2+4R2r2 z zyxwvutsrq 82 z MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK "c where: R = - and r = - w a, W" Phase angle a =tan- 2Rr (1 - r 2 ) zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqp 5.0 -- 0 4.0 b a c .- 3.0 Frequency ratio, r = 9 .- e & 0, 2.0 Simple harmonic force applied to mass due to rotary unbalance B 1 .O 1 0 - 2 Frequency ratio r 3 F =m , w 2 cos ut (due to mass m, rotating at radius a angular velocity u) 0, Q= r2 J(1 -r2)2+4R2rZ r Simple harmonic force of constant amplitude applied to base Fa=F C O S O ~ + 1 4R2rZ I m ; a=tan-'- 2Rr (I-?) zy zyxwvu zyxwvuts zyxwvu zyxwvuts 83 APPLIED MECHANICS 2.4.5 Three mass vibration system Natural frequency on= (two values) A 2 - k,k, (- 1 m1m2 1 1 ++-)] m2m3 mlm3 If m, is infinite it is equivalent to a wall, hence: 2.7 2.7. I Friction Friction laws For clean dry surfaces the following laws apply approximately. The friction force is proportional to the perpendicular force between contacting surfaces and is independent of the surface area or rubbing speed. This only applies for low pr eqym and speeds. There are two values of friction coefficient, the ‘static’ value when motion is about to commence, and the ‘dynamic’ value, which is smaller, when there is motion. Angle of repose 4 = tan-’fi; or when fi= tan 4 If the angle of the plane is greater than the angle of repose, the body will slide down the plane. Force horizontal I F = Wtan(0+4) (up plane) F = Wtan(0-4) (down plane) t F Coefficient of friction p = N 2.7.2 Friction on an inclined plane 2.7.3 Rolling friction Force parallel to plane : F = W@cos 0 +sin 0) (up plane) F = W(pcos 0 -sin 0) (down plane) The force to move a wheeled vehicle F,=prN where: pr=rolling coefficient of resistance, N =wheel reaction. MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA H A zyxwvuts zyxwvut zyxwvutsrq zyxwv zyx i * 2.7.4 z zy zy 84 The wedge Wedge angle u =tan - (k) Force Q normal to wedge face F = 2Q(p cos u + sin a) Force Q normal to force (F), F = 2Q tan(u + 4) where: p = tan 4. o=tan-'(z) (for n starts) Torque to lower load TL=-WD tan(6 - 4) 2 Torque to raise load TR=WD tan(6 + 4) 2 Efficiency q = tan 6 tan@ 4) + Maximum efficiency qma,= Mechanical advantage MA=-=cot(O+d) W F XD 2.7.5 Friction of screw thread Square section thread Thread angle 6 =tan- Velocity ratio VR = P Vee thread nD (for one start) For a vee thread the 'effective coefficient of friction' Pe =P Sec B zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvuts zyxwvuts 85 APPLIED MECHANICS where: /3= half angle of thread. Example For /l=30", pe=1.155p. 2.7.6 Tables of friction coentcients The following tables give coefficients of friction for general combinations of materials, clutch and brake materials, machine tool slides and for rubber on asphalt and concrete. Coefficient of friction (low pressure) Materials Lubrication Metal on metal Bronze on bronze Bronze on cast iron Cast iron on cast iron Cast iron on hardwood Cast iron on hardwood Metal on hardwood Metal on hardwood Leather on metal Rubber on metal Rubber on road Nylon on steel Acrylic on steel Teflon on steel Metal on ice Cermet on metal Dry Dry Dry Slightly lubricated Dry Slightly lubricated Dry Slightly lubricated Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 0.20 average 0.20 0.21 0.15 0.49 0.19 0.60 average 0.20 average 0.4 average 0.40 0.90 average 0.3-0.5 0.5 0.04 0.02 0.4 - Dry Coefficient of friction Maximum temperature (0°C) Materials Wet Dry Cast iron/cast iron Cast iron/steel Hard steel/hard steel Hard steel/chrome-plated hard steel Hard drawn phosphor bronze/ hard drawn chrome plated steel Powder metal/cast iron or steel 0.05 0.06 0.15-0.2 0.15-0.2 0.05 0.03 - 150 250 250 250 0.03 - 250 0.05-0.1 0.1-0.4 500 Maximum pressure (bar) zyxw 8 8-13 7 13 10 10 86 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrq zyxw zyx MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Clutches and brakes (continued) Coefficient of friction Materials Wet Dry Maximum temperature (O°C) Powder metal/chrome plated hard steel Wood/cast iron or steel Leather/cast iron or steel Cork/cast iron or steel Felt/cast iron or steel Vulcanized paper or fibre/ cast iron or steel Woven asbestos/cast iron or steel Moulded asbestos/cast iron or steel Impregnated asbestos/cast iron or steel Asbestos in rubber/cast iron or steel Carbon graphite/steel Moulded phenolic plastic with cloth base/cast iron or steel 0.05-0.1 0.1-0.3 500 0.16 0.12-0.15 0.15-0.25 0.18 0.2-0.35 0.3-0.5 0.3-0.5 0.22 0.3-0.5 150 100 100 140 100 6 2.5 1 0.6 3 0.1-0.2 0.3-0.6 250 7-14 0.08-0.12 0.2-0.5 250 1 0.12 0.32 350 10 0.3-0.40 100 6 0.25 0.25 500 20 7 0.05-0.1 0.1-0.1 5 150 Maximum pressure (bar) 20 Band brake materials Material Lubrication Coefficient of friction Leather belt/wood Leather belt/cast iron Leather belt/cast iron Leather belt/cast iron Steel band/cast iron Well lubricated Well lubricated Slightly lubricated Very slightly lubricated Dry 0.47 0.12 0.28 0.38 0.18 - Machine tool s l i i Rubber sliding ~ Pressure (bars) Materials Cast iron/cast iron Cast iron/steel Steel/steel 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 4.0 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.15 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 ~ Surface Wet Dry Asphalt Concrete 0.254.75 0.45-0.75 0.60-0.85 0.50-0.80 z zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrq 87 APPLIED MECHANICS 2.8 2.8.1 Brakes, clutches and dynamometers Band brake In the simple band brake a force is applied through a lever to a band wrapped part of the way around a drum. This produces tensions in the band and the difference between these multiplied by the drum radius gives the braking torque. Let : T= braking torque P = braking power F = applied force p = maximum pressure on friction material p = coefficient of friction N = speed of rotation a =lever arm b = belt width 0 =angle of lap of band r = drum radius c = distance from belt attachment to fulcrum 2.8.2 Block brake The friction force is applied through a l u c k made of, or lined with, a friction material. The brake can operate with either direction of rotation, but the friction torque is greater in one direction than the other. As in all friction brakes the limiting factor is the allowable pressure on the friction material. Power P = 2nN T Torque T = r ( F , - F,) Farp Friction torque T=cfpb zyxwvut Pressure p = - Diflerential band brake In this case the dimensions can be chosen so that the brake is ‘self-locking’, i.e. no force is required, or it can Fa (cf p b ) A where: A =block contact area. Use the positive sign for directions shown in the figure and the negative sign for opposite rotation (greater torque). operate in the opposite direction. Double block brake, spring set If cleflois greater than c2, the brake is self-locking. To achieve a greater friction torque, two blocks are used. This also results in zero transverse force on the 88 zyxwvutsrq zyx zyx zyx zyxwvutsrq zyxw MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK drum. In this type of brake the force is provided by a spring which normally keeps the brake applied. Further compression is necessary to release the brake. This type of brake is used for lifts, for safety reasons. [ (c fPb) A~~~~~~pressure Pa = T 2pwr2 sin 9 1 Friction torque T=Farp (c + pb)+&] Maximum pressure p = Far Friction torque T = Fa Maximum pressure pm= Kp, 2.8.3 Internally expanding shoe brake ~ (c - @ ) A where: F = spring force. The brake is released by a force greater than F. This type is used on vehicles and has two shoes, lined with friction material, which make contact with the inside surface of a hollow drum. For rotation as shown in the figure: KpFar Torque for left-hand shoe T -L-(b+Kpc) zyxw KpFar ( b- K p c ) ’- Torque for right-hand shoe T -- + Total torque T - TL TR with K as previously. Maximum pressure pm= TR 2pwr2sin 9 Average pressure p , =Pill K Block brake with long shoe Here the friction force is applied around a large angle. The torque is increased by a factor K which is a function of the angle of contact. The shoe subtends an angle of 28 and is pivoted at ‘h’ where h=Kr; K = 4 sin 8 (28 sin 28) + 2.0.4 Disk brake Let: F =force on pad r =mean radius of pad A=pad area Torque capacity (2 pads) T = 2pFr Pad pressure p = - F A APPLIED MECHANICS zyxwvutsrqpon zy 89 2.8.6 Cone clutch By angling the contacting surfaces, the torque capacity is increased; for example, for an angle of 9.6" the capacity is increased by a factor of 6. O=cone angle (to the shaft axis, from 8' upwards). zyxwvutsr The theory is the same as for the disk clutch but with an effective coefficient of friction 2.8.5 Disk clutch zyxwvutsrqp zyxw The simplest type of clutch is the single-plate clutch in which an annular plate with a surface of friction material is forced against a metal disk by means of a spring, or springs, or by other means. There are two theories which give slightly different values of torque capacity. Uniform-wear theory 2.8.7 Let: F = spring force r, =outer radius of friction material ri =inner radius of friction material A number of double-sided friction plates may be mounted on splines on one element, and corresponding steel contacting plates on splines on the other element. The assembly is compressed by a spring or springs to give a torque capacity proportional to the number of pairs of contacting surfaces. (ro Maximum torque capacity T = F p F Maximum pressure pm= 2nri(ro-vi) + Ti) 2 Multi-plate disk clutch Torque capacity T = n x torque for one plate where: n=number of pairs of surfaces (6 in the example shown in the figure). U 7 u Uniform-pressure theory 2.8.8 Detail of iiction plate and pressure plate Centrifugal clutch Internally expanding friction shoes are held in contact, by the force due to rotation against the force of a light spring. The torque capacity increases as the speed increases. 90 zyxwvutsrq z zyxwvutsr zyxwvut zyxwvut zyxwvutsr zyxwvut MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Let: m=mass of shoe k =spring stiffness x =deflection of spring p = coefficient of friction F =radial force on drum N =rotational speed o =angular velocity Torque capacity ( 2 shoes) T=2pr(mro2 - k x ) where: w=2nN. f 2.8.9 Dynamometers The power output of a rotary machine may be measured by means of a friction brake. The forces are measured by spring balances or load cells. Other types of dynamometer include fluid brakes and electric generators. zyxwvut Torque absorbed T = r ( F , - F 2 ) Power P = 2 n N T 2.9 Bearings The full analysis of heavily loaded plain bearings is extremely complex. For so called ‘lightly-loaded bearings’ the calculation of power loss is simple for both journal and thrust bearings. 2.9. I Important factors are, load capacity, length to diameter ratio, and allowable pressure on bearing material. Information is also given on rolling bearings. Lightly loaded plain bearings Let : P =power L =length D = diameter p = absolute viscosity t =radial clearance rl =inner radius r2 =outer radius N =rotational speed Journal bearing: P= 2rc3N 2D Lp t Thrust bearing: - Journal bearing 2.9.2 z zy zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrq APPLIED MeCHANICS 91 r, Thrust bearing zyxwvu Load capacity for plain bearings Machine and bearing Automobile and aircraft engine main bearings Automobile and aircraft engine crankpin bearings Marine steam turbine main bearings Marine steam turbine crankpin bearings Land steam turbine main bearings Generators and motors Machine tools Hoisting machinery Centrifugal pumps Railway axle bearings Load capacity p = Bearing load --W Projected area-LD This assumes a uniform pressure; actually the maximum pressure is considerably higher. Load capacity, p (MPa) Lengthldiameter, LID 4-12 4-23 1s-4 24 0.5-4 0.3-1 .O 0.4-2.0 0.54.7 0.54.7 2-2.5 0.5-1.75 0.5-1.50 1.0-1.5 1.0-1.5 1.0-2.0 1.0-2.5 1M . 0 1.5-2.0 1&2.0 1.5-2.0 92 zyxwvutsrq z zyx 2.9.3 MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Bearing materials Metals Material Brinell hardness Thin shaft hardness Load capacity, p (MPa) Maximum temperature ("C) Tin base babbitt Lead base babbitt Alkali-hardened lead Cadmium base Copper lead Tin bronze Lead bronze Aluminium alloy Silver plus overlay 20-30 15-20 22-26 3WO 20-30 60-80 40-70 45-50 25 < 150 < 150 5.5-10.3 5.5-8 .O 8.0-10.3 10.3-15 10.3-16.5 2 30 20-30 2 30 2 30 150 150 260 260 175 260 225 125 260 200-250 200-250 200 300-400 300 200-300 3w00 zyxwvuts Porous metals and nonmetals Materials Load capacity, p (MPa) Maximum temperature ("C) Maximum velocity, u (ms-') Maximum pu (MPaxm s - ' ) Porous metals Rubber Graphite materials Phenolics Nylon Teflon 30 0.35 4 35 7 3.5 75 75 350 95 95 265 7.5 5.O 12.5 12.5 2.5 1.2 0.7 0.525 5.25 wet, 0.525 dry 0.525 0.875 0.35 2.9.4 Surface finish and clearance for bearings Surface Type of service Journal Precision spindles N D < 50 x lo3 Precision spindles N D > 5 0 x lo3 Electric motors, generators, etc. General machinery, continuous running Rough service machinery Hardened ground steel Hardened ground steel Ground Turned Turned N =revolutions per minute, D= diameter (mm). Bearing Diametral clearance (mm) Lapped 0.01750 +0.0075 Lapped Broached or reamed 0.020 + 0.01 0.020 + 0.015 Bored or reamed 1.5-3 pm 0.0250 + 0.025 0.0750+0.1 zyx zy zyxwvuts zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr 93 APPLIED MECHANICS 2.9.5 Rolling bearings The term ‘rolling bearing’ refers to both ball and roller bearings. Ball bearings of the journal type are used for transverse loads but will take a considerable axial load. They may also be used for thrust bearings. Rollers are used for journal bearings but will not take axial load. Taper roller bearings will take axial thrust as well as transverse load. Advantages of rolling bearings (1) Coefficient of friction is low compared with plain bearings especially at low speeds. This results in lower power loss. (2) Wear is negligible if lubrication is correct. (3) They are much shorter than plain bearings and take up less axial space. 2.9.6 (4) Because of extremely small clearance they permit more accurate location; important for gears for example. ( 5 ) Self-aligningtypes permit angular deflection of the shaft and misalignment. Disadvantages of rolling bearings (1) The outside diameter is large. (2) The noise is greater than for plain bearings, especially at high speeds. (3) There is greater need of cleanliness when fitted to achieve correct life. (4) They cannot always be fitted, e.g. on crankshafts. ( 5 ) They are more expensive for small quantities but relatively cheap when produced in large quantities. (6) Failure may be catastrophic. zyxwvuts Types of rolling bearings The following table lists the most common types of rolling bearings. Ball journal Used for radial load but will take one third load axially. Deep grooved type now used extensively. Light, medium and heavy duty types available. Light Angular contact hall journal Takes a larger axial load in one direction. Must be used in pairs if load in either direction Self-aligning ball, single row The outer race has a spherical surface mounted in a ring which allows for a few degrees of shaft misalignment Medium Heavy 94 ~~ zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK ~~ ~ ~ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Self-aligning ball, double row Two rows of balls in staggered arrangement. Outer race with spherical surface Double row ball journal Used for larger loads without increase in outer diameter Roller journal For high radial loads but no axial load. Allows axial sliding Self-aligning spherical roller Barrel shaped rollers. High capacity. Self-aligning ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ Taper roller Takes radial and axial loads. Used in pairs for thrust in either direction Needle rollers These run directly on the shaft with or without cages. Occupy small space Shields, seals and grooves zyxwvuts Shields on one or both sides prevent ingress of dirt. Seals allow packing with grease for life. A groove allows fitting of a circlip for location in bore. Shields Shields and seals Circllp groove 2.9.1 zy zyxwv 95 APPLIED MECHANICS Service factor for rolling bearings The bearing load should be multiplied by the following factor when selecting a bearing. Type of load Even Uneven light shock Service factor 1.o 1.2-1.5 2.9.8 Moderate shock Heavy shock Very heavy shock zyxw zyxw 1.7-2.0 2.2-2.5 2.7-3.0 Coefficient of friction for bearings Rolling bearings Plain bearings - boundary lubrication P P zyxwvutsr Mixed film (boundary plus hydrodynamic) Thin film Dry (metal to metal) 0.024.08 0.084.14 0.2M.40 Plain journal bearings - oil bath lubrication Self-aligning ball Rollers Thrust ball Deep groove ball Taper roller Spherical roller Angular contact 0.001&0.0066 0.00124.0060 0.00134.0060 0.0015-0.0050 0.00254.0083 0.00294.0071 0.00184.00 19 P Lubricant Velocity (ms-’) Pressure Pressure 7bar 30bar Mineral grease Mineral grease Mineral oil Mineral oil 1.0 2.5 1.o 2.5 0.0076 0.0151 0.0040 0.007 2.10 0.00016 0.0027 0.0012 0.0020 Gears Gears are toothed wheels which transmit motion and power between rotating shafts by means of successively engaging teeth. They give a constant velocity ratio and different types are available to suit different relative positions of the axes of the shafts (see table). Most teeth are of the ‘involute’ type. The nomenclature for spur gears is given in the figures. z 96 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK I_Centre distance zyxwvu zyxwvu s / 2. IO. I Classification of gears Type of gear Relation of axes Pitch surfaces Elements of teeth Spur Parallel Cylinder Parallel helical Herringbone Straight bevel Spiral bevel Crossed helical Parallel Parallel Intersecting Intersecting Crossed but not intersecting Right angle but not intersecting Cylinder Cylinder Cone Cone Cylinder Straight, parallel to axis Helical Double helical Straight Spiral Helical Cylinder Helical worm 2.10.2 Metric gear teeth D Metric module m=- (in millimetres) T where: D=pitch circle diameter, T=number of teeth. The preferred values of module are: 1, 1.25, 1.5,2,2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40 and 50. ItD Circular pitch p = -=r m T Addendum = m Dedendum = 1.25m 2.25m 0.39m Datum Height of tooth = 2.25m The figure shows the metric tooth form for a ‘rack’ (Le. a gear with infinite diameter). zy zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsrq 97 APPLIED MECHANICS zyxwvu zyxwvutsr zyxw zyxwvuts zyxwvu Design of gears The design of gears is complex and it is recommended that British Standards (or other similar sources) be consulted. See BS 436 for the design of gears and BS 1949 for permissible stresses. 2.10.3 Spur gears Symbols used: F =tooth force F, =tangential component of tooth force F , =separating component of tooth force r#J =pressure angle of teeth D , =pitch circle diameter of driver gear D, =pitch circle diameter of driven gear N , =speed of driver gear N , =speed of driven gear n, =number of teeth in driver gear n2 =number of teeth in driven gear P =power T = torque 9 =efficiency Tangential force on gears F, = F cos r#J Separating force on gears F, = F , tan q5 Torque on driver gear T I=-FIDI 2 Torque on driven gear T , =-FID, 2 . N , D, n Speed ratio - - - = A N2 D , n, , Input power P i = 271N F, D 2 D Output power P , = 2 n N 2 F , ~ q 2 Po Efficiency q = pi Rack and pinion drive For a pinion, pitch circle diameter D speed N and torque T : Rack velocity V = n D N Force on rack F=- 2T D Rack power P = F Vq = 2nN Tq where: 9 =efficiency. 2.10.4 Helical spur gears In this case there is an additional component of force Fa in the axial direction. 98 z z zyxwvu MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr zyx zy Let: &=pressure angle normal to the tooth a= helix angle Separating force F, =F, tan (6" cos a Spiral bevel gear Let: a =spiral angle of pinion c$,, = normal pressure angle Force on pinion F , = F, Axial force Fa= F, tan a Double helical gears Force on gear F,= F, To eliminate the axial thrust, gears have two sections with helices of opposite hand. These are also called 'herringbone gears'. @ 3 - -1- Single helical gear . . [ tan 6,sin [ cosa cos B +tan a sin tan cosa For the diagram shown the signs are '+' for F, and '-' for F,. The signs are reversed if the hand of the helix is reversed or the speed is reversed; they remain the same if both are reversed. Double helical gear 2.10.5 1 1 ktan a cosg Bevel gears Straight bevel gears Let: r i g h t bevel gear 4 =pressure angle of teeth B =pinion pitch cone angle I Tangential force on gears = F, Separating force F, = F, tan (b Pinion thrust F, =F, sin B Gear thrust F, = F, cos fl ,,' '~ p, Spiral bevel gear z zyxwvuts zyxwvut 99 APPLIED MECHANICS 2.10.6 Worm gears zyxwvutsr The worm gear is basically a screw (the worm) engaging with a nut (the gear). The gear is, in effect, a partial nut whose length is wrapped around in a circle. Let : b,,=normal pressure angle u =worm helix angle n, = number of threads or starts on worm n, = number of teeth in gear D, = worm pitch circle diameter D, =gear pitch circle diameter L = lead of worm p=pitch of worm threads and gear teeth p =coefficient of friction q =efficiency T, =worm torque u = velocity of gear teeth N, = speed of worm N , = speed of gear zyxwvut Worm \ zyxwv zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts zyxwvut Tangential force on worm ,F,=axial force on gear$,=- 2TW DW Tangential force on gear ,F, =axial force on worm = ,F, Separating force on each component F,= ,F, tanu=-; L nDW Efficiency q = L=pn,; D,=pn,Jn cos b,,-/*tan LY cos 4" + p cot a ( Input power P, = 2nN,T, Gear tooth velocity u = nD,N, 1 cos 4,, - p tan u cos 4"tan u + p sin 4" cos 4, sin u + p cos u 100 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvut zyx MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Coefficient of friction for worm gears zyxwv zyxwvuts zyxw z Velocity (m s - * ) Hard steel worm/phosphor bronze wheel Cast iron worm/cast iron wheel 2.10.7 Epicyclic gears The main advantage of an epicyclic gear train is that the input and output shafts are coaxial. The basic type consists of a ‘sun gear’ several ‘planet gears’ and a ‘ring gear’ which has internal teeth. Various ratios can be obtained, depending on which member is held stationary. Ratio of output to input speed for various types 0.5 1.o 2.0 5.0 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.067 0.035 0.050 0.023 0.037 10.0 0.017 0.022 20.0 0.014 0.018 Let : N = speed n = number of teeth Note that a negative result indicates rotation reversal. zyx zyxwvu zyxwvut Thermodynamics and heat transfer 3.1 Heat 3. I.I Heat capacity zyxwvutsr zyxwv Heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a body or quantity of substance by 1 K. The symbol is C (units joules per kelvin, J K - I ) Heat supplied Q = C ( t 2 - t l ) where: t , and t , are the initial and final temperatures. 3.1.3 This is the quantity of heat required to change the state of 1 kg of substance. For example: Solid to liquid: specific heat of melting; h,, (J kg- ') Liquid to gas: specific heat ofevaporation, h,, (J kg- * ) 3. I.4 3. I.2 Latent heat Mixing of fluids Specific heat capacity This is the heat to raise 1 kg of substance by 1 K. The symbol is c (units joules per kilogram per kelvin, Jkg-' K-'). Q=mc(t,-t,) where: m=mass. If m1 kg of fluid 1 at temperature t , is mixed with m, kg of fluid 2 at temperature t,, then zyxwv Final mass m = m l + m , at a temperature t= "lClt1 +m,c,t, m1c1 +m2c2 3.2 Perfect gases 3.2 Gas laws zyx For a so-called 'perfect gas': where: m =mass, R =the gas constant Boyle's law: pv = constant for a constant temperature T specific volume u=- V T V m (m3kg-') so that: p v = R T zyxwvut Charles' law: -=constant for a constant pressure p where: p =pressure, V = volume, T=absolute temperature. 3.2.2 Combining the two laws: If R is multiplied by M the molecular weight of the gas, then : Universal gas constant R,= MR=8.3143 kJ kg-' K - ' (for all perfect gases) e= constant T = mR Universal gas constant APPLIED MECHANICS zyxwvutsrqp 101 zy zyxwvu zyxw zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu zyxwvutsr zyxwvu z 103 THERMODYNAMICS A N D HEAT TRANSFER 3.2.3 Specific heat relationships There are two particular values of specific heat: that at constant volume c,, and that at constant pressure cp. h, - h l =Q- W (neglecting height differences) 3.2.7 C Ratio of specific heats y =-1! C" R Also (cp- c,) = R, so that c, = (Y-1) 3.2.4 or, if the kinetic energy is small (which is usually the case) Entropy Entropy, when plotted versus temperature, gives a curve under which the area is heat. The symbol for entropy is s and the units are kilojoules per kilogram per kelvin (kJkg-'K-'). Internal energy This is the energy of a gas by virtue of its temperature. u =cVT (specific internal energy) U =mc,T (total internal energy) Change in internal energy: U , - U , =mc,( T, - T , ) u2-u1=c,(T2-T1) 3.2.5 Enthalpy Enthalpy is the sum of internal energy and pressure energy p V , i.e. h = u + p v , or H = U + p V where: h = specific enthalpy, H = total enthalpy and it can be shown that h=c,T. Change in enthalpy h , - h , = ( u , - u , ) + P b , - 01 1 =CJT, - Tl 1 H , - H , =mc,(T, - T I ) 3.2.6 Energy equations 3.2.8 Exergy and anergy In a heat engine process from state 1 with surroundings at state 2 exergy is that part of the total enthalpy drop available for work production. Non-pow energy equation Gain in internal energy =Heat supplied - Work done uz-ul=Q- where: W = W j12 pdv. Steady pow energy equation This includes kinetic energy and enthalpy: I S 104 zy zyxwvutsrq MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK zyxwvutsr zyxwvu e) zyx Exergy c f , = ( H , - H , ) - T , ( S , - S , ) Constant temperature (isothermal) That part of the total enthalpy not available is called the ‘anergy’. In this case: Anergy d ,= To@,- S o ) 3.2.9 pv =constant Reversible non-flow processes Constant volume In this case: (s2-sl)= R In 7 F P -=constant T ):( = R In \ zyxwvutsrq (2) 1 T5C 2 pv=c (st -sl)=c,In S V Isothermal process zyxw Constant entropy (isentropic) In this case: C pvY=constant, where y =2 CV Constant-volume pmceSS W = PlVl -P2V2 Y-1 Q=O Constant pressure (s2 -SI) = 0 Also: Constant-entropypmcess Polytropic process Constant-pressurepr0cB.s In this case: pv” =constant, where n = any index zyxwvu THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER zyxwvutsrq 10.5 3.2. I I zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsrqponmlk W = PlVl - P 2 V 2 n-1 Q= Mixtures o f gases w(g) The thermodynamic properties of a mixture of gases can be determined in the same way as for a single gas, the most common example being air for which the properties are well known. Using Dalton’s law of partial pressures as a basis, the properties of mixtures can be found as follows. Symbols used: m=total mass of mixture m,, mB,etc.=masses of constituent gases p = pressure of mixture PA, p e , etc. =pressures of constituents R,, RE, etc. =gas constants of constituents T = temperature of mixture V = volume of mixture Polytropic process 3.2. I O zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvut Irreversible processes Throttling (constant enthalpy process) Dalton’s law: P = P A + P B + P ~ + . . . +Pi m=rnA+m,+m,+. . . +mi where: pi=miRi(T/V) Z(miRi) Apparent gas constant R = m Apparent molecular weight M = R,/R where: R,= universal gas constant. h,=h2, For perfect gas T, = T , W i 4 ) h h Internal energy u = m Entropy s=- %vi) Throttling process Specific heats: Adiabatic mixing When two flows of a gas rkl and m2 at temperatures T, and T2 mix: Final temperature T3= mT, +m2T, m, +m, m 106 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK 3.3 Vapours A substance may exist as a solid, liquid, vapour or gas. A mixture of liquid (usually in the form of very small drops) and dry vapour is known as a ‘wet vapour’. When all the liquid has just been converted to vapour the substance is referred to as ‘saturated vapour’ or ‘dry saturated vapour’. Further heating produces what is known as ‘superheated vapour’ and the temperature rise (at constant pressure) required to do this is known as the ‘degree of superheat’. The method of determining the properties of vapours is given, and is to be used in conjunction with vapour tables, the most comprehensive of which are for water vapour. Processes are shown on the temperature-entropy and enthalpy-entropy diagrams. Symbols used: p=pressure (Nm-’ (=pascal); Nmm-2; bar (E1OSNm-’); millibar (E100Nm-’)) t = temperature ( “ C ) t, = saturation temperature (“C) T = absolute temperature (K N “C 273) u = specific volume (m3kg - ’) u,=specific volume of liquid (m3kg-’) u,=specific volume of saturated vapour (m3kg-’) u = specific internal energy (kJ kg- I ) u, = specific internal energy of liquid (kJ kg- ’) ug= specific internal energy of vapour (kJ kg-’) u,, = specific internal energy change from liquid to vapour (kJkg-’) h =specific enthalpy (kJ kg - I ) h, =specific enthalpy of liquid, kJ/kg h, =specific enthalpy of vapour, kJ/kg h,, =specific enthalpy change from liquid to vapour (latent heat) kJ/kg s =specific entropy, kJ/kg K sf =specific entropy of liquid, kJ/kg K sg = specific entropy of vapour, kJ/kg K sfg=specific entropy change from liquid to vapour, kJ/kg K x =dryness fraction Specific enthalpy of wet vapour h, =h, + x(h, - h,) = h, + xh,, zyxwv zyxwvu zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts zyxwvu + specific entropy of wet vapour sx=sf+x(s,-sf)=sf +xs,, Superheated vapour Tables (e.g. for water) give values of u, u, h, and s for a particular pressure and a range of temperatures above the saturation temperature t,. For steam above 70 bar use u=h-pu. 3.3.2 TemperatureEntropy diagram (T-s diagram) Various processes are shown for a vapour on the T-s diagram. AB is an isothermal process in which a wet vapour becomes superheated. CD shows an isentropic expansion from the superheat to the wet region. EF is a polytropic process in the superheat region. regm Liquid T region Properties of vapours Dryness fraction x = Mass of dry vapour Mass of wet vapour Specific volume of wet vapour u, = uf( 1 -x) + XD,==XU, (since u, is small) Specific internal energy of wet vapour + u, = Uf x(u, - Uf) =Uf +XUfs Fv \ / 3.3. I i Wet vapour region P1 \ S 3.3.3 Enthalpy of a vapour The enthalpy is represented by the area under a constant pressure line on the T-s diagram. Area h, is the enthalpy of the liquid at saturation temperature, h,, is the enthalpy corresponding to the latent heat, z zyxwvutsrqponmlkj 107 THERMODYNAMICS A N D HEAT TRANSFER 3.3.5 J Enthalpy-entropy (h-s) diagram Lines of constant pressure, temperature, dryness fraction and specific volume are shown on the diagram. AB represents an isentropic process, AC a polytropic process and DE a constant enthalpy process. zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrqp Superheat region zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrq zyx S h and h,, is the superheat. The total enthalpy is, therefore, h = hf + h,,+ h,, 3.3.4 Dryness fraction The dryness fraction at entropy s is x = ( y ) and h=h,+xh,, The area xh,, is shown. 3.4 Data tables 3.4. I Temperature conversion Conversion formulae : OC=- "F- 32 1.8 'F=('Cx 1.8)+32 fa* v zyxw 108 MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK "C "F "C "F "C "F 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 32 50 68 86 104 122 140 158 176 194 212 230 248 266 284 302 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 338 356 374 392 410 428 446 464 482 500 518 536 554 572 590 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 lo00 1050 1100 662 752 842 932 1022 1112 1202 1292 1382 1472 1562 1652 1742 1832 1922 2012 3.4.2 zyxwv zyxwvutsr Latent heats and boiling points Latent heat of evaporation (kJkg-') at atmospheric pressure hf, Liquid hfk! Liquid Ammonia 1230 Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) 863 Ether 379 Methanol (methyl or wood 1119 alcohol) Bisulphide of carbon 372 Liquid hfk! Sulphur dioxide 381 Turpentine 309 Water 2248 Latent heat of fusion (kJkg-') at atmospheric pressure Substance h*f Substance hsf Substance hsf Aluminium Bismuth Cast iron, grey Cast iron, white 387 52.9 96.3 138.2 Copper 180 Paraffin (kerosene) Phosphorus Lead Silver Nickel 147.2 21.1 23.3 88.2 309 Sulphur Tin Zinc Ice Magnesium 39.2 59.7 117.8 334.9 372 THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER zyxwvuts zyxwvut 109 Boiling point ("C) at atmospheric pressure Substance b.p. - 33 Ammonia Benzine Bromine Butane Carbon dioxide Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) Ether Freon 12 Hydrogen Kerosine (paraffin) Mercury 3.4.3 Substance 80 63 1 - 78.5 (sublimates) 78 38 - 30 - 252.7 150-300 358 b.p. Methanol (methyl alcohol or 66 wood alcohol) Napthalene 220 Nitric acid 120 Nitrogen - 195 Oxygen - 183 Petrol 200 (approx.) Propane -45 Saturated brine 108 Sulphuric acid 3 10 Water 100 Water, sea 100.7 (average) zyxwvutsrqp zyxw Properties of air Analysis of air Gas Symbol Oxygen Nitrogen Argon Carbon dioxide 0 2 NZ Ar CO, Molecular weight YOvolume YOmass 3 1.999 28.013 39.948 44.010 20.95 78.09 0.930 0.030 23.14 75.53 1.28 0.050 Approximate analysis of air (suitable for calculations) Gas Molecular % volume weight Oxygen Nitrogen 32 28 YOmass zyxwvut zyx zyx 21 79 23 77 General properties of air (at 300K, 1 bar) Mean molecular weight Specific heat at constant pressure Specific heat at constant volume Ratio of specific heats Gas constant Density Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Thermal conductivity Thermal diffusivity Prandtl number M = 28.96 cP= 1.005 kJ kg-' zy c,=0.718 kJ kg-' K - ' y= 1.40 R=0.2871 k J k g - ' K - ' p = 1.183 kgm-3 p=1.853x 1 0 - 5 N s m - Z v=1.566x 1 0 - 5 m 2 s - 1 k =0.02614 W m- K - ' a = 2203 m2 s P,=0.711 110 3.4.4 z zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts zyxwvutsr MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Specific heat capacities Specific heat capacity of solids and liquids (kJkg-' K-') Aluminium Aluminium bronze Brass Bronze Cadmium Constantan Copper Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) Glass: crown flint Pyrex Gold Graphite Ice Iron: cast pure Kerosene Lead Magnesia Magnesium Mercury Molybdenum Nickel 0.897 0.897 0.377 0.343 0.235 0.410 0.384 2.940 1.676 2.100 2.140 2.140 0.796 0.133 2.010 0.880 0.796 3.940 0.800 0.737 0.236 0.220 0.523 0.142 1.760 0.116 0.482 4.196 4.221 2.0 to 3.O 0.388 Oil, machine Paraffin Paraffin wax Petroleum Phosphorus Platinum Rubber Salt, common Sand Seawater Silica Si1icon Silver Tin Titanium Tungsten Turpentine Uranium Vanadium Water Water, heavy Wood (typical) 0.670 0.503 0.753 0.129 0.838 2.100 0.420 0.447 2.100 0.130 0.930 1.030 0.138 0.272 0.457 Zinc zyx Specific heat capacity of gases, gas constant and molecular weight (at normal pressure and temperature) Gas Specific heats (kJ kg-' K-') CP C" C )l=" C" ~ Air Ammonia Argon Butane Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide Chlorine Ethane Helium Hydrogen Hydrogen chloride Methane Nitrogen Nitrous oxide Oxygen Propane Sulphur dioxide 1.005 2.191 0.5234 1.68 0.8457 1.041 0.511 1.7668 5.234 14.323 0.813 2.2316 1.040 0.928 0.9182 1.6915 0.6448 0.7 18 1.663 0.3136 1.51 0.6573 0.7449 0.383 1.4947 3.1568 10.1965 0.583 1.7124 0.7436 0.708 0.6586 1.507 0.5150 Gas constant, R (kJkg-'K-') ~~ 1.4 1.32 1.668 1.11 1.29 1.398 1.33 1.18 1.659 1.405 1.40 1.30 1.40 1.31 1.394 1.12 1.25 0.2871 0.528 0.2081 0.17 0.1889 0.2968 0.128 0.2765 2.077 4.124 0.230 0.5183 0.2968 0.220 0.2598 0.1886 0.1298 Molecular weight, M ~ 28.96 15.75 40 58 44 28 65 30 4 2 36.15 16 28 37.8 32 44 64 zy zyxwv zyxwvutsrq zyxwvut zyxwvut zy zyxwv /m zyxwv 111 THERMODYNAMICS A N D HEAT TRANSFER 3.5 Flow through nozzles Nozzles are used in steam and gas turbines, in rocket motors, in jet engines and in many other applications. Two types of nozzle are considered: the ‘convergent nozzle’, where the flow is subsonic; and the ‘convergent divergent nozzle’, for supersonic flow. Symbols used: p =inlet pressure p , =outlet pressure p , =critical pressure at throat u I =inlet specific volume u2 =outlet specific volume C , =outlet velocity C , =throat velocity r =pressure ratio =P2 - P1 P rc =critical pressure ratio =2 P1 A, =outlet area A, =throat area n =index of expansion h=mass flow rate Note that C , is independent of p 2 and that the nozzle flow is a maximum. In this case the nozzle is said to be ‘choked’. 3.5.2 Convergent-divergent nozzle In this case: Critical pressure ratio r, = - (n: 3.5. I I)(*) Convergent nozzle Outlet pressure p 2 greater than p,. i.e. r > r , Outlet velocity C , = Outlet area A,=7 = / Throat velocity C, = n+ 1 mu, Throat area A, = -, r, = CArJ Outlet velocity C,= = / - - mv 1 mV Outlet area A , = L C,(rf C,(r). Outlet pressure p 2 equal to or less than p c , i.e. r < r , mu Outlet area A,=+ C*(rF Values of the index n and the critical pressure ratio r, for different fluids are given in the table. z zyxwvutsrq zyxwvut zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvu 112 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Fluid n IC 1.4 1.135 1.3 0.528 0.577 0.546 zyxwvu Air ( n = y ) Initially dry saturated steam Initially superheated steam 3.6 Steam plant The simplest steam cycle of practical value is the Rankine cycle with dry saturated steam supplied by a boiler to a power unit, e.g. a turbine, which exhausts to a condenser where the condensed steam is pumped back into the boiler. Formulae are given for work output, heat supplied, efficiency and specific steam consumption. Higher efficiency is obtained if the steam is initially superheated which also reduces specific steam consumption and means smaller plant can be used. If the steam is ‘reheated’ and passed through a second turbine the final dryness fraction is increased with beneficial effects (e.g. reduced erosion of turbine blades due to water droplets); in addition, there is a further reduction in specific steam consumption. In the ‘regenerative cycle’ efficiency is improved by bleeding off a proportion of the steam at an intermediate pressure and mixing it with feed water pumped to the same pressure in a ‘feed heater’. Several feed heaters may be used but these are of the ‘closed’variety to avoid the necessity for expensive pumps. zy - dry saturated 3.6. I Rankine cycle steam a t turbine inlet From the T-s diagram: s2 =SI, x 2 = (s2 -sf21 Sf,, ~ h,=hfz+xZh,g2 Work output W = ( h , - h 2 ) Heat supplied Q=(hl -hf3) Cycle efficiency q = W/Q (neglecting pump work) Specific steam consumption SSC = 36001W kg kW - ‘h C Note: if the turbine isentropic efficiency vi is allowed for: W= (h, -h2)qi and expansion is to point 2’ on the diagram. $ = v) 3.6.2 I S ssc Rankine cycle - with superheat The method is the same as for dry saturated steam. The graph shows the effect of superheat temperature on efficiency and specific steam consumption. In this case h , is the enthalpy for superheated steam. zyx z 1 I3 THERMODYNAMICS A N D HEAT TRANSFER T zyxwvutsrqponm zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrq a A bleed pressure pb is selected to correspond to the saturation temperature t,. \ 4 \ '1 -'fb; Dryness fractions: xb=- S Enthalpy: h, =h,, zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqpo Q=(hl-h3)+(h6-h2) The value of p 6 is found using T6= TI (usually) and sgz,= s, from which h6 is found. The value of h , is found using s, = s6. s Regenerative cycle Turbine inlet conditions pl, t,, h , Turbine outlet conditions p , , t , , h, Bleed steam conditions p,, t,, h, For maximum efficiency tb=- (tl + t 2 ) 2 hfb-hfZ kg/kg total steam hb-h2 Rankine cycle with reheat At point 2 the steam is reheated to point 6 and passed through a second turbine. W = ( h , -hz)+ ( h 6 - h 7 ) 3.6.4 Sfg2 + xbhfg,;h2 = hf, + xzhfg2 Quantity of bled steam y=- 3.6.3 '1 - s f 2 2- 'Pgb 2 - 2 3 Work done per kg steam W=(h,-h,)+(l-y)(h,-h2) Heat supplied per kg steam Q = (h, -hfb) W Cycle efficiency 4 = - Q Specific steam consumption (SSC)= 3600 kg kW W ~ ~ h ' 3.7 Steam turbines z zyxwv MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK 114 This section deals with the two main types of steam turbine, the ‘impulse turbine’ and the ‘impulse-reaction turbine’. The theory is given for a single-stage impulse turbine and velocity compounded impulse turbine. In the impulse-reaction turbine the fixed and mov- ing blades are of similar form, consisting of converging passages to give a pressure drop in each case. In the case of 50% reaction (Parson’s turbine) the enthalpy drop is the same for both fixed and moving blades. Stage efficiency, overall efficiency and the reheat factor are defined. 3.7. I Power P = mC2p(cosa - p ) ( 1 k) zyxw zyxwvu zyxwvuts zyxwv + Impulse turbine C where: p = b and Cb=2nR,N Single-stage impulse turbine c + Symbols used: Efficiency q = 2p(cos o! -p)( 1 k ) C = nozzle velocity Maximum efficiency C, =blade velocity C, =axial velocity p=ratio of blade to nozzle velocity 8 , =blade inlet angle Axial thrust T, =mC(1- k) sin a /I, =blade outlet angle (in this case j1=/Iz) a= nozzle angle CaA Mass flow rate m=m=mass flow rate of steam V outlet relative velocity k =blade friction coefficient= inlet relative velocity Nozzle area A=- nR,Oh 180 P = stage power 4 =stage diagram efficiency T, =axial thrust on blades R, =mean radius of nozzle arc v=specific volume of steam at nozzle outlet 0 =nozzle arc angle (degrees) N=speed of rotation h =nozzle height A =nozzle area zyx Pressure compounded impulse turbine The steam pressure is broken down in two or more stages. Each stage may be analysed in the same manner as described above. Pressure L2??3Glca zy zyxwvut 115 THERMODYNAMICS A N D HEAT TRANSFER Velocity compounded impulse turbine One row of nozzles is followed by two or more rows of moving blades with intervening rows of fixed blades of the same type which alter the direction of flow. zyxwv zyxwvuts Two-row wheel Assume blades are symmetrical. PI = P2, k = 1 and that all Mass flow rate m=-Ce.A V Area of flow A=2nRmh zyxwvutsrq \Maximom efficiency diagram 50% reaction (Parson’s) turbine c, In this case the velocity diagram is symmetrical. (exit velocitv) zyxwv zyxwvu Mass flow rate m = Maximum efficiency vmax=cosz a (at p = y) in which case the steam leaves the last row axially. 3.7.2 Impulse-reaction turbine In this case there is ‘full admission’, i.e. e= 360”. Both nozzles and moving blades are similar in shape and have approximately the same enthalpy drop. Referring to the figure: Enthalpy drop = (h, -h , ) (for the fixed blades) = (h, - h 2 ) (for the moving blades) 2nR,hC sin a V where: a= blade outlet angle. Enthalpy drop per stage Ahs = C’p(2 cos a - p) where: p=- Cb and Cb=2nR,N. C Stage power P,=mAh, Stage efficiency q, = - 2p(2 cos a p ) 1+ p ( 2 c o s a - p ) Maximum efficiency qmX= 2 cos2 a (1 + cos2 ). (when p =cos a ) z zyxw 116 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK zyx zyxw 3.7.3 Reheat factor and overall efficiency Referring to the ‘condition curve’ on the h-s diagram: AhA=available stage enthalpy drop Ah, = isentropic stage enthalpy drop AhoA= available overall enthalpy drop Aho, = isentropic overall enthalpy drop Stage efficiency qs=- Ah, Ah, zyxw Overall efficiency qo= Ah01 v Reheat factor R F = 2 ?, h zyxwvu 3.8 Gas turbines The gas turbine unit operates basically on the constant-pressure cycle, particularly in the case of the ‘closed cycle’. In the ‘open cycle’ air is drawn in from the atmosphere, compressed and supplied to a combustion chamber where fuel is burnt with a large amount of ‘excess air’. The hot gases drive a turbine which drives the compressor and also provides useful work. The efficiency increases with compression ratio. The output power increases with both compression ratio and turbine inlet temperature. The effect of losses and variation in fluid properties is shown on the basic cycle. The efficiency of the basic cycle can be greatly increased by incorporating a heat exchanger between the compressor outlet and the combustion chamber inlet. It uses the exhaust gases from the turbine to preheat the incoming air. THERMODYNAMICS A N D HEAT TRANSFER 3.8.1 Simple cycle zyxwvutsrq zy 117 Comnrensinn rg tin r =Pz -=P3 .. . . I // ~ P1 P4 1 Simple cycle with isentropic eficiencies and variable specijc heats zyxw zyx C =compressor CC = wmbustion chamber tubine T (cP= specific heat for turbine cccp= specific heat for combustion chamber yc = ratio of specific heats for compressor yl =ratio of specific heats for turbine qc = isentropic compressor efficiency ql = isentropic turbine efficiency zyx zyxwvuts 4. J 1 s Heat supplied Q = c , T , ( t - c ) per kg of air Work done =Turbine work out -Compressor work in W=cpT1 [ I ( 1 -f)-(.1 I I 1 I s l)] Work done = Turbine work out - Compressor work in Efficiency 9 = 1 -C zyxwv Heat supplied Q = ==cP T3- TI - (Tz-T1)] per kg of air ~ vc Work ratio= W Net work out Gross work lcp(T3- T,)ql W Efficiency q =- Q zyxw z zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrq :zyxwvutsr > 118 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK 3.8.2 Simple cycle with heat exchanger ( 3 [ (1-- Heat supplied Q=c,T,t Work done W=c,T, t C Efficiency q = 1 -t T 3 1-- -(c-1) 1 S cc 6 n zyxwvutsrqpo C =compressor CC = combustion HE = heat exchanger T =turbine W = work done r 3.9 zyx Heat engine cycles 3.9. I T2 Efficiency q = 1 -- Carnot cycle TI The ideal gas cycle is the Carnot cycle and, in practice, only about half of the Carnot cycle efficiency is realized between the same temperature limits. 4 V (sl TI - s4) = R In P4 --c, In - Pz T2 zy zyxwvutsrq zyx zyxwvutsrq 119 THERMODYNAMICS A N D HEAT TRANSFER Work done (per kg) W = ( T , - T2)(s1 -s4) Heat supplied (per kg) Q = T , (s, -s4) 3.9.2 Constant pressure cycle In this cycle, heat is supplied and rejected at constant pressure; expansion and compression are assumed to take place at constant entropy. The cycle was once known as the Joule or Brayton cycle and used for hot-air engines. It is now the ideal cycle for the closed gas turbine unit. 3.9.3 O t t o cycle (constant-volume cycle) This is the basic cycle for the petrol engine, the gas engine and the high-speed oil engine. Heat is supplied and rejected at constant volume, and expansion and compression take place isentropically. The thermal efficiency depends only on the compression ratio. 1 Efficiency q= 1 -rY-l 3 I zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwv zyxw V Efficiency '1= 1 - -, 1 ( p 1 where r = P2 w=Cp(T3- T4)- cp(r2- T , ) Ti Work ratio = 1 - -r T3 V PI 3.9.4 Diesel cycle (constant-pressure combustion) Although this is called the 'diesel cycle', practical diesel engines do not follow it very closely. In this case heat is added at constant pressure; otherwise the cycle is the same as the Otto cycle. P I V 120 Efficiency = 1- (IY1) (/3-1)yrY-l V V 02 02 where: r = A and /3=”. W=c,(T,- z zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvutsrq MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK (‘cut-off ratio) T2)-c,(T4- T , ) Q =cp( T3 - TZ ) 3.9.5 Dual combustion cycle zyx Modern diesel engines follow a similar cycle to this ideal one. In this case combustion takes place partly at constant volume and partly at constant pressure. Efficiency q = 1- (kPY- 1 ) C(k-l)+(B-l)yk]rY-l V 3.9.6 Practical engine cycles In actual engines the working substance is air only in the induction and compression strokes. During expansion and exhaust the working substance consists of the products of combustion with different properties to air. In addition, the wide variations in temperature and pressure result in variation in the thermal properties. Another factor is ‘dissociation’which results in a lower maximum temperature than is assumed in elementary treatment of the combustion process. 3.10 Reciprocating spark ignition internal combustion engines 3. IO. I Four-stroke engine The charge of air and fuel is induced into the engine cylinder as the piston moves from top dead centre (TDC) to bottom dead centre (BDC). The charge is then compressed and ignited by the sparking plug before TDC producing high pressure and temperature at about TDC. The gas expands and work is produced as the piston moves to BDC. A little before BDC the exhaust valve opens and the gases exhaust. The process is completed during the next stroke. A typical ‘timing diagram’ (section 3.10.3) and the p-v diagram are shown. Formulae are given for power, mean effective pressure, efficiency and specific fuel consumption. Pressure-volume (p-v) diagram: A=area of power loop B=area of pumping loop L, =length of diagram K =indicator constant Indicated mean effectivepressure K pi = ( A- B) -(N mm - ’) Ld n Indicated power Pi=piApLN - (watts) 2 121 THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER z I Coding water jacket-. Cooling waterjackel Combustion chamber Push md zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwv zyxwvutsrq Piston- Cylinder Crank angle, e Typical timing diagram - zmiw-I where: N =number of revolutions per second, n =number of cylinders, A , =piston area (m'), L = stroke (m) zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvuts Torque T = F R ( N m ) where: F=force on brake arm (N), R = brake radius (m). Sump Four-stmke engine Brake power Pb=2nNT (watts) 3.10.2 7f/m7n3r Brake Friction power P, = Pi- P, b ' Mechanical efficiency )I,, = Pi In an engine with crankcase compression, the piston draws a new charge into the crankcase through a spring-loaded valve during the compression stroke. Ignition occurs just before TDC after which the working stroke commences. Near the end of the stroke the exhaust port is uncovered and the next charge enters the cylinder. The exhaust port closes shortly after the transfer port, and compression begins. The piston is shaped to minimize mixing of the new charge with the exhaust. (See section 3.10.3) zy ~ Pressure-volume ( p u ) diagram: A =area of power loop B = area of pumping loop zyxwvuts Brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) pb==constant x T(N m *) Two-stroke engine 4n T ALn K Indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP): pi = ( A - B ) L* Brake thermal efficiency 9 -~b' ,-mLCV where: m=mass flow rate of fuel (kgs-I), LCV= lower calorific value of fuel (J kg-'). m Specific fuel consumption SFC =- (kg s- ' W - ') Pb Volume of induced air at NTP Volumetric efficiency )I,, = Swept volume of cylinder where: NTP = normal temperature and pressure. V 122 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqpo MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK TDC Crankcase diagram zyxwvutsr where: K =indicator constant. Indicated power P,=p,A,LNn 271T Brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) p -b-ALn Other quantities are as for the four-stroke engine. BOC Compression-ignition engines Two-stroke engine Both four-stroke and two-stroke engines may have compression ignition instead of spark ignition. The air is compressed to a high pressure and temperature and the fuel injected. The high air temperature causes combustion. I =inlet angle (approx. 80') E =exhaust angle (approx. 120") T = transfer angle (approx. 100") TDC zyxwvuts zyxwvut BDC 3.10.4 Performance curves for internal combustion engines 3.10.3 Timing diagrams Four-stroke engine IO =inlet valve opens IC =inlet valve closes S =spark occurs EO=exhaust valve opens EC = exhaust valve closes Typical curves are shown for mechanical efficiency versus brake power, BMEP versus torque, and volumetric efficiency versus speed. The effect of mixture strength on the p v and pS diagrams is shown and curves of power and MEP against speed are given. The curve of specificfuel consumption versus brake power, known as the 'consumption loop' shows the effect of mixture strength on fuel consumption. 123 THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER ,Rich z zyxwvutsrqponm Crank angle, e Mechanicalefliclency ' s brake power E l f a 01 mixture strength MI p -e -am zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvut 4 P BMEP vs toque 1 speed. N Power, MEP, mechanical efficiency vs speed zyxwvutsrqponmlk '\i N VOlUmenie efficiency vs speed Max. power Max. economy V Effectof mixture strength M p - vdisgram zyxwvut zyxwv 124 MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK 3. I I Air compressors zyxwvut The following deals with positive-displacement-type compressors as opposed to rotodynamic types. The reciprocating compressor is the most suitable for high pressures and the Roots blower and vane compressor are most suitable for low pressures. 3. I I. I TP Freeair flow Q=(V,-V,)--NNZ Tl P Reciprocating compressor This consists of one or more cylinders with cranks, connecting rods and pistons. The inlet and outlet valves are of the automatic spring-loaded type. Large cylinders may be water cooled, but small ones are usually finned. Air is drawn into the cylinder at slightly below atmospheric pressure, compressed to the required discharge pressure during part of the stroke, and finally discharged at outlet pressure. A small clearance volume is necessary. The cylinders may be single or double acting. where: V,=(V,+ V J . "1 c TZ zyxwvutsrq zyxwv zyx zyxwvutsr zyxwvu Symbols used: p = free air pressure (atmospheric conditions) p i =inlet pressure p 2 =discharge pressure P2 r =pressure ratio = - P1 T = free air temperature T , =inlet air temperature T2=discharge temperature V, = swept volume Vc=clearance volume v,= V, Vc Va- Vd =induced volume R =gas constant for air n =index of expansion and compression y = ratio of specific heats for air rit = air mass flow rate Q = free air volume flow rate N =number of revolutions per second Z =number of effective strokes per revolution (= 1 for single acting; 2 for double acting) q =efficiency W=work done per revolution Pi=indicated power S=number of stages + b V "a n Indicated power Pi=-mR(T2(n- 1) T,) vc Volumetric efficiency qv = 1 - (14 - 1 ) Vs vc Clearance ratio CR = - VS ' ' Also d--=re VC zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr 125 THERMODYNAMICS A N D HEAT TRANSFER zyxwvutsrqponm 3. I I.2 Multi-stage compressor Intercooler zyxw zyxw zyxwvuts zyxw zyxwvutsrq For S stages, the ideal pressure for each stage is: Isentropic work W i = p , V, ( ] , Y )( I ~ for which Sn Indicated power Pi=mR( T, - T , ) (n- 1 ) Wi y Efficiency q =-= W y-1 (31 ) - 1) (r-1) Typical efficiencies The efficiency is increased by using more than one stage if intercooling is used between the stages to reduce ideally the temperature of the air to that at the first stage inlet. The cylinders become progressively smaller as the pressure increases and volume decreases. 3.1 1.3 Roots blower This has two rotors with 2,3 or 4 lobes which rotate in opposite directions so that the lobes mesh. Compression takes place at approximately constant volume. Work input per revolution W = p , VS(r- 1 ) where: r = PL . P1 r 1.2 1.6 2.0 v 0.95 0.84 0.77 Pressure ratio <2.0 for one stage ~ 3 . for 0 two stages Size: 0.14-1400m~rnin-' 3. I I.4 Vane compressor The simplest type consists of a rotor mounted eccentrically in a cylindrical casing. The rotor has a number of radial slots in which are mounted sliding vanes, often of non-metallic material, between which the air is trapped. Reduction in the volume between vanes as the 126 MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK rotor rotates produces compression. Higher pressures may be attained by using more than one stage. The work is done partly isentropically and partly at constant volume. Assuming ideal conditions: Isentropic work done Wi=-p, Y Y-1 -Pi) V, r1$ zyxwvutsrqponm V s ( r ( T ) - 1) (Y-1) Constant-volume work done W, = (P, z Pi where: r =P1 where r1 =-PZ Pi Total work done per revolution W,= Wi + W, Pressure ratio: G8.5 normally 20 in special cases. Size: ,<150m3min-' A two-stage vane compressor is shown in the figure. I Inlet tlet Two-stage vane compressor 3.12 Reciprocating air motor zyxwvutsr zyxwvu zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu zyxwvutsr zyx Reciprocating air motors are used extensively for tools such as breakers, picks, riveters, vibrators and drillers. They are useful where there is fire danger such as in 3.12.1 Power and flow rate coal mines. The operating cycle is the reverse of that for the reciprocating compressor. p 6 Referring to the p V diagram: [ Power P = N pI(Vl- V 6 ) + (P1v1- Pz VZ) n- 1 -p3(v3 - v4)- (J'5v5--P4v'J] n- 1 where n =index of expansion and compression. 4 V Mass flow rate of air m = N where: "=(?r z=(?Y. and P4 Cut-off ratio =-1' - '6 3' - '6 v 5 Clearance ratio =- v 3- v 5 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvut THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER 127 3. I 3 Refrigerators Two basic types are considered, the ‘vapour compression refrigerator’ and the ‘gas refrigerator’. The former consists of a compressor followed by a condenser where the refrigerant is liquified at high pressure. It is then expanded in a ‘throttle valve’ to a lower pressure and temperature and finally evaporated in an ‘evaporator’ before re-entry into the compressor. The cycle is similar to the Rankine cycle in reverse. The gas cycle is the reverse of a closed gas-turbine cycle, Le. the constant pressure or Joule cycle. 3.13. I Heat removed Q =mRE where: m = mass flow rate of refrigerant zyxwvu zyxwvutsrq Vapour compression cycle The process can be shown on the temperature entropy (T-s) chart for the appropriate refrigerant, e.g. ammonia or Freon. (1) Compression Work W = h , - h , where: h , = h , at p , , h,=enthalpy at p 2 , s 2 = s 1 (since isentropic compression). 3.13.2 The pressure-enthalpy chart is a more convenient way of showing refrigeration cycles. Work in and refrigeration effect can be measured directly as the length of a line. If p , , pz and the under cooling temperature T4 are known, the diagram can be easily drawn and RE and W scaled off as shown. p I Pressure-enthalpy chart Undercooling zyxwvuts zyxwvu RE S (2) Condensation at constant pressure p z . (3) Under-cooling from T3(= T, at p2) to T4. Degree of undercooling AT= T3- T4 (4) Throttling from 4 to 5. Therefore h , = h 4 and h4=h, at T4. (5) Evaporation at pressure p , . Condenser h 3.13.3 Gas refrigeration cycle zyxwvutsrqp 2 Compressor Throttle Evaporator Refrigeration effect RE = h , - h, RE Coefficient of performance COP = W Referring to the T-s diagram: 128 z zyxw zyxw MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Refrigeration effect RE =cp(TI - T 3 )+ cpq,(T3- T,) (T2- zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedc zyxwvuts zyxwv zyxwvutsrq Work in W=cp-- V C cpqt(T3- T,) RE Coefficient of performance COP = W ( )~ ( I, qt =turbine isentropic effi- T T, where: A= m -= m 1 2 I I 4 \Pl/ 13 ciency, qc =compressor isentropic efficiency. 3.14 Heat transfer Heat may be transmitted by conduction, convection or radiation. 3.14. I Conduction Heat transfer by conduction is the transfer of heat from one part of a substance to another without appreciable displacement of the molecules of the substance, e.g. heat flow along a bar heated at one end. This section deals with conduction of heat through a flat wall, a composite wall, a cylindrical wall and a composite cylindrical wall. A table of thermal-conductivity coefficients is given. x 1 Thermal resistance R =-=kA UA 3.14.2 Conduction through wall zyxwvuts Let: k=conductivity of wall, Wm-lK-' A=area of wall, m2 x =thickness of wall, m t = temperature ("C) q =heat flow rate, W h=heat transfer coefficient, WrnW2K-' U =overall heat transfer coefficient, Wm-2K-1 R = thermal resistance KWkA Heat flow q = - ( t , - t , ) X k Overall heat transfer coefficient U =X Therefore, q = UA(t, - t 2 ) Conduction from JIuid to Jluid through wall In this case the surface coefficients are taken into account. kA q=Aha(ta-tl)=-(tl X -t2)= Ahb(t2-tb) THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER U= 1 1 x -+-+ha zyxwvutsrq zy 129 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwv zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr Conduction through composite cylinder fluid to fluid 1 hb A typical example is a lagged pipe. 4=UA(ta-tb) l h,A R =- l x +-h,A +-= kA q=- R , + R , +R R Conduction through composite wall q=UA(t,-t,) U= 1 ( R , + R l + R 2 + . . . R,)A R=Ra+R,+R2+. . .R, R ’ = ~ ,x2 A , , etc. where: R , =A, X k,Al 3.14.4 Heat transfer from fins The heat flow depends on the rate of conduction along the fin and on the surface heat-transfer coefficient. The theory involves the use of hyperbolic functions. zyxwvutsrqponm cylinder wall 4= 2nk(t, -t2)L -kA, - X (t,--t,) In r2 rl A l = 2 n r l L ; A 2 = 2 n r 2 L ; A m = -A2-A1 In ‘ . rl x = r2 - r , , L = Length of cylinder Fin of constant cross-section with insulated t i p Let: L =fin length A =fin cross-sectional area P=perimeter of fin k =conductivity h = surface heat-transfer coefficient ta = air temperature t, = fin root temperature zyxw Heat flow from fin, 4= kA(t,-t,)m tanhmL where: m=&. z zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu 130 zyxwvu zyxwvut zyx MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Fin efficiency q = Heat flow from fin Heat flow if fin all at t , figure where L=fin length=(r,-r,) sectional area = tL. 4 hPL(t, - t.) Hyperbolic section circular fins: curves are given for hyperbolic fins using the appropriate values of A, and A. - If fin has constant cross-section and is insulated at the end: tanh mL Efficiency q =mL and A=cross- Temperature profile along fin: Temperature at distance x from root + t, = t , ( t ,- t,) cosh m(L - x) cosh mL Fins on a circular pipe Constant thickness: ob I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 Straight fins Similar efficiency curves are given in the figures for straight fins of various shapes. Constant thickness Triangular 2‘ Constant thickness where: A,=surface area=n(r:-r?)+2ar2t. Efficiency is plotted against the function Parabolic (convex) Parabolic (concave) 131 THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER ob 3.14.2 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts zy zy I I I I 1 2 3 4 Thermal conductivity coefficient The fo1low;i;g table gives values of conductivity for solids, liquids and gases. Thermal conductivity coeffieients (W tn-l K-') at W C and 1 bar Metals Aluminium Antimony Brass (60/4Q) Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Constantan Copper Gold Inconel Iron, cast Iron, pure Lead Magnesium Molybdenum Monel Nickel Platinum Silver Steel: mild stainless Tin Tungsten Uranium Zinc Liquids 239 18 96 92 67 69 22 386 310 15 55 80 35 151 143 26 92 67 419 50 25 67 172 28 113 Benzene Carbon tetrachloride Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) Ether Glycerine Kerosene Mercury Methanol (methyl alcohol) Oil: machine transformer Water Plastics 0.16 0.11 0.18 0.14 0.29 0.15 8.80 0.21 0.15 0.13 0.58 Gases Air Ammonia Argon Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide Helium Hydrogen Methane Nitrogen Oxygen Water vapour 0.024 0.022 0.016 0.015 0.023 0.142 0.168 0.030 0.024 0.024 0.016 Acrylic (Perspex) Epoxy Epoxy glass fibre Nylon 6 Polyethylene: low density high density PTFE PVC 0.20 0.17 0.23 0.25 0.33 0.50 0.25 0.19 Refrigerants at critical temperature Ammonia (132.4"C) Ethyl chloride (187.2"C) Freon 12 (112°C) Freon 22 (97°C) Sulphur dioxide (157.2") 0.049 0.095 0.076 0.10 0.0087 Insulating materials Asbestos cloth Balsa wood (average) Calcium silicate Compressed straw slab Corkboard Cotton wool Diatomaceous earth Diatomite Expanded polystyrene 0.13 0.048 0.05 0.09 0.04 0.029 0.06 0.12 0.03/0.04 132 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvut zyxwvu zyxwv zyx MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Thermal conductivity coefficients (W m - K - ’) at 20°C and 1 bar (continued) Miscellaneous materials Insulating materials, cont. 1.26 0.17 0.10.20 0.6-1 .o 1.6 1.7 0.1-0.3 0.4-0.7 1Sb1.8 1 1.05 0.84 1.30 2.18 1.10 0.75 1.01 0.25 1.05 0.06 3.00 2.01 Asphalt Bitumen Breeze block Brickwork: common dense Carbon Concrete: lightweight medium dense Firebrick (600°C) Glass: crown flint Pyrex Ice Limestone Mica Cement Paraffin wax Porcelain Sand Sandstone Slate 3.14.6 Felt Glass fibre quilt Glass wool quilt Hardboard Kapok Magnesia Mineral wool quilt Plywood Polyurethane foam Rock wool Rubber, natural Sawdust Slag wool Urea formaldehyde Wood Wood wool slab .w 0.04 0.043 0.040 0.13 0.034 0.07 0.04 0.13 0.03 0.045 0.130 0.06 0.042 0.040 0.134.17 0.10.15 zyxwvutsr zyxw Stanton number St=--=- Convection Convection is the transfer of heat in a fluid by the mixing of one part of the fluid with another. Motion of the fluid may be caused by differencesin density due to temperature differences as in ‘natural convection’ (or ‘free convection’), or by mechanical means, such as pumping, as in ‘forced convection’. 3.14.7 h pcC Dimensionless groups In the study of heat transfer by convection it is convenient to plot curves using dimensionless groups. Those commonly used are: Nu RePr Grashof number Gr =B9P2L30 ~ P2 where : p=fluid density p =fluid viscosity k =fluid conductivity c = fluid specific heat B = fluid coefficient of cubical expansion C=fluid velocity 9 =acceleration due to gravity L = characteristic dimension h = heat transfer coefficient 0 =fluid temperature difference zyx zyxwvutsrq PCL P Reynold’s number Re =- 3.14.8 Natural convection hL Nusselt number Nu=k Natural convection from horizontal pipe CP Prandtl number Pr = k hL Nusselt number Nu=k THERMODYNAMICS A N D HEAT TRANSFER zyxwvutsrq 133 zyxwvuts zyxwvut zyxwvutsrqp F N ~ = 0 . 4 7 ( P r G r ) ~ ,for ” PrGr= lo5 to lo8 Nu=O.lO (PrGr)0.j3for PrGr> lo8 Approximate heat transfer coefficient: h=1.32(:)”” for Gr=104 to 109 h = 1.2560.j3for Gr = 10’ to 10” where : 6 =temperature difference between cylinder and fluid d =diameter of cylinder L -I zyxwvut 4 t Natural convection from a vertical plate or cylinder N ~ = 0 . 5 6 ( G r P r ) ~for . ’ ~P a r = lo5 to IO9 Nu=0.12 (GrPr)0.j3for PrGr> 10’ Approximately : h = 1.42($’”’‘’ zyxwvut zyxwvu for G r = 104 to 109 h = 1.310°.33for G r = lo9 to 1OI2 Horizontal plate facing upwards a+b Characteristic dimension L = 2 N ~ = 0 . 5 4 ( G r P r ) ~for . ~ ’GrPr= lo5 to lo8 N ~ = 0 . 1 4 ( G r P r ) ’ .for ~ ~GrPr> lo8 49 4 134 zyxwvutsrq zy zyxwvu MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Horizontal plate facing downwards N ~ = 0 . 2 5 ( G r P r )for ~ . ~GrPr> ~ lo5 In-line pipes 3.14.9 zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsrq Forced convection Laminar flow in pipe staggered pipes k Turbulentflow over flat plate Nu=3.65 and h=3.65d -c t d Let: L = the distance from the leading edge over which heat is transferred C = fluid velocity For a small temperature difference: Turbulent flow over cylinder Nu =0.332Re0.5Pr0.33 Generally: Nu = 0.26Re0.6Pr0.3 For gases: Nu =0.24Re0.6 +L- For a large temperature difference: (2°"77 N ~ = 0 . 3 3 2 R e ~ . ~ J? Pr~.~~ where: T, =plate temperature, T,=mean fluid temperature. zyxwvut Turbulentflow over banks of pipes Generally: Nu = 0.33C,Re0.6Pr0.3 For gases: Nu =0.30C,Re0.6 In-line pipes: C , N 1.O Staggered pipes: C,? 1.1 Turbulentflow in pipe kNu Heat transfer coefficient h = d zy zyxwv zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts zyxwvut zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu 135 THERMODYNAMICS A N D HEAT TRANSFER PCd Reynold’s number Re = - P Nusselt number Nu = 0.0243Re0.8Pr0,4 = 0.02Re0.’ for gases For non-circular pipes use: d= A, =area of receiving body (mz) e, =emissivity of radiating body (= 1 for black body) e, =emissivity of surroundings e =emissivity of intermediate wall u =Stefan-Boltzmann constant (=5.67 x lO-’Wm-’ K - 4 ) f= interchange factor F = geometric factor h, = heat transfer coefficient for radiation (W m-’K-’) Heat radiated from a body to surroundings q=oe,(T:- 4 x Area of cross-section Inside perimeter Heat transferred q =hAB, T:)A, (watts) Taking into account emissivity of surroundings q=o(e,T:-e,T:)A1 (watts) 01 - 0 2 where : em= e In 2 v2 and O1 and B2 are the temperature differences at each end of a plate or tube between fluid and surface. 0, is called the ‘logarithmic mean temperature difference’. 3.14. I O Evaluation of Nu, Re and Pr The fluid properties must be evaluated for a suitable mean temperature. If the temperature difference between the bulk of the fluid and the solid surface is small, use the ‘mean bulk temperature’of the fluid, e.g. the mean of inlet and outlet temperatures for flow in a pipe. If the difference is large, use the ‘mean film temperature’ t, = (Mean bulk temperature + Surface temperature)/2. 3.14. I I Radiation of heat Radiated heat is electromagnetic radiation like light, radiowaves, etc., and does not require a medium for its propagation. The energy emitted from a hot body is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. Symbols used: q =radiated energy flow (watts) T , =temperature of radiating body (K) T2=temperature of surroundings (K) A, =area of radiating body (mZ) Interchange factor f zyx This takes into account the shape, size and relative positions of bodies. H (1) Large parallel planes: f = 9 el% e, +e,-e,e, 136 zyxwvutsrq z zyxwv zyxwvut MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK Parallel surfaces with intermediate wall Let: T = wall temperature e-emissivity of wall (2) Small body enclosed by another body: f=e, (3) Large body (1) enclosed by body (2): e1ez A e2+L(e1-e1e2) f= A2 ( 4 ) Concentric spheres and concentric infinite cylinders:fas for (3) (5) Parallel disks of different or same diameter: f=e,ez e zyx e2 zyxwvuts zyxwv e,e e, +e-e,e Geometric factor F For side 1:f,= This takes into account the fact that not all radiation reaches the second body. For side 2: f 2 = (a) For cases (1) to ( 4 ) above, F = 1. (b) For case ( 5 ) with disks of radii r1 and r2 a distance x apart: Intermediate temperature: T4=f T:+fZT': e2e e, + e-e2e fl + f 2 q=f,aA(T:- T 4 ) = f 2 0 A ( T 4 - T:) 3.14. I2 Emissivity of surfaces Heat radiated including f and F q=fFoA,(T:-T:) Heat transfer coeficient 4=hrA,(T,-T2) Emissivity depends not only on the material but also to a large extent on the nature of the surface, being high for a matt surface (e.g. 0.96 for matt black paint) and low for a polished surface (e.g. 0.04 for polished aluminium). zyxwvut Therefore: h, =Po( T, + T2)(7: + e) zyxwvut zyxwvu zyxwvu 137 THERMODYNAMICS A N D HEAT TRANSFER Emissivity of surfaces (&WC except where stated) Aluminium : oxidized polished anodized Aluminium-coated paper, polished Aluminium, dull Aluminium foil Asbestos board Black body (matt black) Brass: dull polished Brick, dark Concrete Copper: oxidized polished Glass Marble, polished 0.11, 0.12 (250°C) 0.04, 0.05 (250°C) 0.72, 0.79 (250°C) 0.20 0.20 0.05 (average) 0.94 1.oo 0.22, 0.24 (250°C) 0.03, 0.04 (250°C) 0.90 0.85 0.87, 0.83 (250°C) 0.04, 0.05 (250°C) 0.92 0.93 Tile Water Wood Paint: white black gloss Paper Plastics Rubber: natural, hard natural, soft Steel: oxidized polished Steel: stainless weathered polished Steel: galvanized weathered new 0.97 0.95 0.90 0.95, 0.91 (250°C) 0.96, 0.94 (250°C) 0.93 0.91 (average) 0.91 0.86 0.79, 0.79 (250°C) 0.07, 0.11 (250°C) 0.85, 0.85 (250°C) 0.15, 0.18 (250°C) 0.88, 0.90 (250°C) 0.23, 0.42 (250°C) 3. I 5 Heat exchangers In a heat exchanger, heat is transferred from one fluid to another either by direct contact or through an intervening wall. Heat exchangers are used extensively in engineering and include air coolers and heaters, oil coolers, boilers and condensers in steam plant, condensers and evaporators in refrigeration units, and many other industrial processes. There are three main types of heat exchanger: the ‘recuperator’, in which the fluids exchange heat through a wall; the ‘regenerative’,in which the hot and cold fluids pass alternately through a space containing a porous solid acting as a heat sink; and ‘evaporative’, in which a liquid is cooled evaporatively and continuously, e.g. as in a cooling tower. The following deals with the recuperative type. 3. IS. I Symbols used: U = overall heat transfer coefficient A =surface area of tubes (mean) ha =heat transfer coefficient for hot side h, = heat transfer coefficient for cold side 0 =temperature difference (“C) t =Temperature (“C) zyxwv zyxwv zyxwvut z Shell and tube heat exchangers One fluid flows through a series of pipes and the other through a shell surrounding them. Flow may be either ‘parallel’(both fluids moving in the same direction) or ‘counter flow’ (fluids moving in opposite directions). Another possibility is the ‘cross-flow’ arrangement in which the flows are at right angles. Other types have more complex flows, e.g. the ‘multi-pass’and ‘mixedflow’ types. The following formulae give the heat transferred, the logarithmic mean temperature difference and the ‘effectiveness’. e l = l t , - l t , ; e,=,t,-,t, Parallel flow 61 -02 Logarithmic mean temperature difference Om =0 In 2 02 138 2 c z zyxwvutsr MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvuts zyxwvut zy Cold fluid ab 4 Heat transferred q= UAB, 1 Overall coefficient u = 1 1 -+hll 3.15.2 Multi-pass and mixed-flo w heat exchangers ha Heat-exchanger effectiveness E =- lta- ltb Note: if one of the fluids is a wet vapour or a boiling liquid, the temperature is constant and ,t = ,t. In some cases the values for Om for parallel- and counter-flow types may be used for these, with reasonable accuracy. Otherwise, correction factors must be used. Counter Jlow The temperature range possible is greater than for the parallel-flow type. The same formulae apply. Multi-pass-typeheat exchanger Cross-Jlow Mixed-flow-typeheat exchanger Instead of using 8, as above, 0°K is used, where K is a factor obtained from tables. q = UAKO, 3.15.3 Steam condenser zyxwvutsr If one fluid is a wet vapour (constant temperature), Om is the same as for parallel-flow and counter-flow types. If 0, and 8, are nearly the same, the arithmetic mean temperature difference is used: The steam condenser is a particular type of heat exchanger in which one fluid is usually cooling water and the other wet steam which condenses on the tubes carrying the cooling water. It is assumed that the steam temperature is constant throughout (Le. at the saturation temperature). Formulae for cooling-water flow zy zyxwvu zyxwvuts zyxwvu zyxwvu zyxwvut 139 THERMODYNAMICS A N D HEAT TRANSFER rate and the number and dimensions of the tubes are given. Symbols used: m,=cooling water mass flow (kgs-’) m,=steam mass flow (kgs-’) h,,=latent heat of steam (kJkg-’) x =dryness fraction of steam c = specific heat capacity of water (4.183kJkg-’K-’ for fresh water) h,=overall heat transfer coefficient (kWm-’K-’) t , =water inlet temperature (“C) t, =water outlet temperature (“C) t, =steam saturation temperature (“C) C, = velocity of water in tubes (m s- I ) A,=area of tube bore (m2) D,=outside diameter of tubes (m) n,=number of tubes per pass np= number of tube passes L =tube length (m) A, =surface area of tubes (m’) p=density of water (kgm-’) \ui’ Two tube passes Surface area of tubes A,= 1.25mshfp h06, zy (assuming 25% allowance for fouling) zyxwvu Cooling water flow mc=- k*hf, c(t, - t , ) where: ern=logarithmic mean temperature difference - (4- t , 1- (t, - t z ) (assuming no undercooling of In condensate) Overall heat transfer coefficient h 0 = 1 . 1 4 ( ~ ~ ’ 5 t(+7 )18 ’.*’ Number of tubes per pass n,=m,/pA,C, Tube length L = A$zD,n,np where: t = ( t , + t 2 ) / 2 . 3.16 Combustion of fuels 3.16. I Air-fuel ratio and mixture strength The following deals with the combustion of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels with atmospheric air. The fuels are supposed to be composed only of carbon, hydrogen and sulphur, with perhaps oxygen and ash. The carbon, hydrogen and sulphur combine with the oxygen in the air; the nitrogen in the air remains unchanged. The correct proportion of air for complete combustion is called the ‘stoichiometricair/fuel ratio’. Usually the proportion of air is higher and the mixture is said to be ‘weak’ or ‘lean’. With less air the combustion is incomplete and the mixture is said to be ‘rich’ (see table). Definitions: Air/fuel ratio R = Amount of air Amount of fuel (by mass for solids and liquids and by volume for gases) Stoichiometric air/fuel ratio R, = ratio for complete combustion Percentage excess air Rs x 100% 140 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts zyxwvut zyxwvuts zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Mixture strength M , = -Rs x 100% R Weak mixture M,< 100% Rich mixture M , > 100% 3.16.2 Combustion equations The following are the basic equations normally used for combustion processes. A table of elements and compounds is given. + + + Carbon: C 0, + CO,; 2C 0, + 2CO Hydrogen: 2H, +O, + 2H,O Sulphur: S 0, + SO, Typical hydrocarbon fuels : C4H8+6O2+ 4C0,+4H20 C,H60 30, + 2C0, +3H,O + Carbon with air (assuming that air is composed of 79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen by volume): 79 C+O,+-N, 21 79 21 + CO,+-N, +-2821x 79 N, + 12C+ 32 0, (by volume) Element Formula Benzene Butane Carbon Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Ethane Ethanol Ethene Hydrogen Methane Metha no1 Nitrogen Octane Oxygen Pentane Propane Propene Sulphur Sulphur monoxide Sulphur dioxide Water (steam) C6H6 Approximate molecular weight 78 58 12 28 C4H10 C co CO, CZH, C,HsOH C2H4 H CH4 CH,OH N, C8H,* 0, CSHl, C3H8 C3H6 44 30 46 28 2 16 32 28 114 32 72 44 42 32 48 S SO SO, H,O 64 18 28 x 79 4 4 C O z + N, ~ Engine exhaust and frue gas analysis (by mass) since the molecular weights of C, 0,, CO, and N, are 12,32,44 and 28. If the analysis includes the H,O (as steam) produced by the combustion of hydrogen, it is known as a ‘wet analysis’. Usually the steam condenses out and a ‘dry analysis’ is made. 3.16.3 Molecular weights of elements and compounds 3.16.4 The molecular weights of elements and compounds used in combustion processes are listed in the table. Let: c=%C, h=%H,, o=%O,, n=%N,, s=%S, all by mass. Solid and liquid fuels Stoichiometric air/fuel ratio R, = + (2.67~ 8h + s - 0 ) 23.3 If x =0.84~+ 0.3 135s+ 0.357n +0.0728ERS+ 27.4R y =x + 5h (using E =0 for a stoichiometric air/fuel ratio) 141 THERMODYNAMICS A N D HEAT TRANSFER Combustion products (% volume) Wet analysis zyxw zyxwvutsrqp zyxw zyxwvu h C 84 Y 500 Y S 7.28 35.7n + 274QR Y Y 31.3Y -ER, S 7.28ER, 35.7n + 214OR X X X zyxwvutsr Dry analysis C 0 84 X 31.3- 3.16.5 Hydrocarbon fuels, solid and liquid Weak mixture Let: c = %C, h = %H,, both by mass. Then: R,= + ( 2 . 6 7 ~ 8h) 23.3 x =0.84~+ 0.0728ERS+ 27.4R y=x+Sh Combustion products (% volume) Wet analysis C 84 Y Dry analysis C 84 X 31.3(c+3h) Ms a=0.532n-- x=a+b+n y=x+- h 2 Y 0 zyx 7.28 ~ ER, Y 7.28 P E R , X R 2740 Y R 2740 X zyxwvutsr Rich mixture ( M ,> 100%) n= h 500- + (c 6h) 12 zyxwvut zyxw zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu zyxwvut 142 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Combustion products (YOvolume) Wet analysis Y Dry analysis h b 100Y 100: n 100- 0 n 100- Y b a 100; 50- 100X Y X zyxwvut Airfluel ratiofrom the CO, in the exhaust for fuel consisting of C and H , by weight R=2.4- YOC +0.072yo H %CO, , Ratio of carbon to hydrogen by massfiom the dry exhaust analysis + (%CO, %CO+ %CH,) %C (8.858 -0.422%C02 -0.255%CO +0.245%CH4+0.078%H, -0.422%0,) %H, r 100% 100%; %H,=%C=(1 + r ) (1 +r) r=-- 3.16.6 Liquid fuels of the type C#*O, Weak mixture R, =4.292 (32p + 8q - 16r) (12p+q+16r) n En x =p + 376-+Ma 100 4 y=x+2 Combustion products (YOvolume) Wet analysis CO, H2O 0, NZ l00P 4 50 Y En - 31 600n Y Ms Y 100 0 - En 31 600n Y Dry analysis X X zy zyxwvut zyxwvuts zy zyxwvutsrqp zyxwv zyxwvuts zyxwvu 143 THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER Rich mixture R, = 4.292 (32p+8q- 16r) (12p+q+ 16r) y=x+- 4 2 Combustion products (% volume) Wet analysis Dry analysis 3.16.7 100Y b 100Y Y a b 100- 0 X X U 100- Gaseous fuels For a mixture of gases such as H,, 0,, CO, CH,, etc., let V , , V,, V3, etc., be the percentage by volume of gases, 1 , 2 , 3 , etc., containing C, H, and 0,. V, and V , are the percentage volumes of N, and CO,. Let: c,, c2, c3, etc. = the number of atoms of carbon in each gas h,, h,, h,, etc.=the number of atoms of hydrogen in each gas ol, o,, 03, etc. = the number of atoms of oxygen in each gas And let: S,=c,V,+c,V,+. . . Sh=h,V,+h,V,+. , . S,=o,V,+o,V,+. . . h ' k =S, + +- 4 2 Then: R,=--;k R = R , ( i + k ) 21 x = 1 0 0 R + -s-o- + S h 2 4 V" 37 600n M,Y 37 600n Msx 144 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvut zyzy zyxw zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Combustion products (YOvolume) Wet analysis 100- sc + vc ’h 50 - Y Y sc+ v c 100- Dry analysis X 3.16.8 0 Calorific value of fuels 100(21R - k) 100(Vn + 79R) Y Y 100(21R-k) 100(Vn + 79R) X X Liquid ( k J kg-‘; 1 Y C ) Petrol (gasoline) The calorific value of a fuel is the quantity of heat obtained per kilogram (solid or liquid) or per cubic metre (gas) when burnt with an excess of oxygen in a calorimeter. If H,O is present in the products of combustion as a liquid then the ‘higher calorific value’ (HCV) is obtained. If the H,O is present as a vapour then the ‘lower calorific value’ (LCV) is obtained. LCV=HCV-207.4%H2 (by mass) Calorific value of fuels 47 OOO average 42 OOO 46 250 46 OOO 44 800 44OOo 42 100 Benzole (crude benzene) Kerosene (paraffin) Diesel Light fuel oil Heavy fuel oil Residual fuel oil Gas (MJm-’; 15°C; I bar) Coal gas 20.00 Producer gas 6.04 Natural gas 36.20 Blast-furnace gas 3.41 Carbon monoxide 11.79 Hydrogen 11.85 43 900 average 40 200 43 250 43 250 42 100 41 300 4oOOO 17.85 6 .00 32.60 3.37 11.79 10.00 zyxwvuts Solid (kJkg-’; 15°C) Anthracite Bituminous coal Coke Lignite Peat Higher calorific value Lower calorific value 34 600 33 500 30 750 21 650 15 900 33 900 32 450 30 500 20 400 14500 3.16.9 Boiler emciency This may be based on either the HCV or the LCV. Boiler efficiency E,= ms(hh - h w ) m,(HCV or LCV) where: ms= mass flow of steam &=mass flow of fuel h, =enthalpy of steam hw =enthalpy of feed water THERMODYNAMICS A N D HEAT TRANSFER ~ ~ zyxwvutsrqp 145 Analysis of solid fuels %mass Fuel Moisture (%mass) C H, 0, N, ash Volatile matter (%mass of dry fuel) Anthracite Bituminous coal Lignite Peat 1 2 15 20 90.27 81.93 56.52 43.70 3.00 4.87 5.72 6.48 2.32 5.98 31.89 44.36 1.44 2.32 1.62 1.52 2.97 4.90 4.25 4.00 4 25 50 65 zyxwvu zyxwvu zyxwvutsr zy zyxwvut Analysis of liquid fuels %mass Fuel C H, S Ash, etc. 84.3 84.9 91.7 86.3 86.3 15.7 14.76 8.0 13.6 13.4 0.0 0.08 0.3 0.1 0.3 - 86.3 86.2 86.1 88.3 12.8 12.4 11.8 9.5 0.9 1.4 2.1 1.2 - Petrol (gasolene) s.g. 0.713 s.g. 0.739 Benzole Kerosene (paraffin) DERV (diesel engine road vehicle fuel) Diesel oil Light fuel oil Heavy fuel oil Residual fuel oil - - - - 1.o Analysis of ~pseolisfuels %volume Fuel Coal gas Producer gas Natural gas Blast-furnace gas H, CO CH, C,H, C,H, C,H, 0, CO, N, 53.6 12.0 0.0 2.0 9.0 29.0 1.0 27.0 25.0 2.6 93.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.O 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.O 4.0 0.0 11.0 6.0 52.0 3.O 60.0 0.0 zyxwvu zyxwvuts zyxwvuts zyxwvu zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu zyx 4.1 Hydrostatics 4. I.I Buoyancy V” The ‘apparent weight’ of a submerged body is less than its weight in air or, more strictly, a vacuum. It can be shown that it appears to weigh the same as an identical volume having a density equal to the difference in densities between the body and the liquid in which it is immersed. For a partially immersed body the weight of the displaced liquid is equal to the weight of the body. 4. I .2 Archimedes principle Submerged body Let : W = weight of body V = volume of body = W/pB pB= density of body pL=density of liquid Apparent weight W ‘ = W-p,V Then: W ‘ = V ( p B - p p , ) p” Weight of liquid displaced =Weight of body or PLVS= PB V B S‘ P B Therefore: Vs= VBPor =2 PL 4. I.3 VB PL Pressure of liquids The pressure in a liquid under gravity increases uniformly with depth and is proportional to the depth and density of the liquid. The pressure in a cylinder is equal to the force on the piston divided by the area of the piston. The larger piston of a hydraulic jack exerts a force greater than that applied to the small cylinder in the ratio of the areas. An additional increase in force is due to the handleflever ratio. 4.1.4 Pressure in liquids Gravity pressure p =pgh where: p =fluid density, h =depth. Floating body Units are: newtons per square metre (Nm-’) or pascals (Pa); lo5N m-2 = lo5 Pa = 1 bar = lo00 millibars (mbar). Let : F Pressure in cylinder p =- VB=volume of body Vs= volume submerged where: F=force on piston, A=piston area. A z zyxwvutsrq 147 FLUID MECHANICS -E -- F Pressure 1 1 Symbols used: p =density of liquid A=plate area x =depth of centroid I =second moment of area of plate about a horizontal axis through the centroid 6 =angle of inclined plate to the horizontal zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvutsrqponml w Piston area A Hydraulic jack zyxwvuts zyxwvut A relatively small force F, on the handle produces a pressure in a small-diameter cylinder which acts on a large-diameter cylinder to lift a large load W: Depth of centre of pressure h=x+- 4F 4W a Pressure p =-=-, where F = F nd2 nD2 ,b h=X+- D2 Load raised W=F-=F,-d2 aD2 bd2 Force on plate F=pgxA I sin26 (for the inclined plate) Ax CG = centroid CP=centre of pressure 4. I .5 Pressure on a submerged plate The force on a submerged plate is equal to the pressure at the depth of its centroid multiplied by its area. The point at which the force acts is called the ‘centre of pressure’and is at a greater depth than the centroid. A formula is also given for an angled plate. I Ax 148 4.2 Flow of liquids in pipes and ducts The Bernoulli equation states that for a fluid flowing in a pipe or duct the total energy, relative to a height datum, is constant if there is no loss due to friction. The formula can be given in terms of energy, pressure or ‘head’. 4.2. I z zyxw MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK The ‘continuity equation’ is given as are expressions for the Reynold’s number, a non-dimensional quantity expressing the fluid velocity in terms of the size of pipe, etc., and the fluid density and viscosity. zyxwvu zyxwvutsrq Bernoulli equation Symbols used: p =pressure p =density h =height above datum V=velocity A = area If p1 = p z (incompressible fluid), then: A,V,=A,V, or Q 1 = Q 2 where Q =volume flow rate For an incompressible fluid p is constant, also the energy at 1 is the same as at 2, i.e. E , =E , or p I / p + V:/2+gh,=p,p+ V:/2+ghZ+Energy loss (per kilogram) In terms of pressure: p1 + p v:/2 pgh, = p 2 p ~ : / 2 pgh, Pressure losses + + In terms of ‘head’: pl/pg v:/2g h , =p,/pg + + + + 4.2.3 Reynold’s number (non-dimensional velocity) z In the use of models, similarity is obtained, as far as fluid friction is concerned, when: VD VD Reynold’s number Re = p -=P ” is the same for the model and the full scale version. + Vi/2g + h, +Head losses Velocity pressure p, = p v2/2 Velocity head h, = V2/2g For a circular pipe: D =diameter p =dynamic viscosity v =kinematic viscosity Pressure head h, =p/pg For a non-circular duct: D =equivalen?.diameter= 4.2.2 Continuity equation If no fluid is gained or lost in a conduit: Mass flow m=p,A,V,=p,A,V, Types of flow 4 x Area - 4A -_ Perimeter P zy In a circular pipe the flow is ‘laminar’below Re N 2000 and ‘turbulent’ above about Re = 2500. Between these values the flow is termed ‘transitional’. zy zyxwvutsr FLUID MECHANICS 4.2.4 zyxwvutsrqpon zyxw 149 Pressure loss in a pipe ~ ~ = 4Lf - pv2 -(Nm-~) D 2 Friction in pipes The formula is given for the pressure loss in a pipe due to friction on the wall for turbulent flow. The friction factor f depends on both Reynold's number and the surface roughness k, values of which are given for different materials. In the laminar-flow region, the friction factor is given by f = 16/Re, which is derived from the formula for laminar flow in a circular pipe. This is independant of the surface roughness. For non-circular pipes and ducts an equivalent diameter (equal to 4 times the area divided by the perimeter) is used. x - 0 -- ti P and the relative roughness k/D (for values of k, see table). For non-circular pipes, use the equivalent diameter D, = 4xArea -_ -4A Perimeter P zy For a water velocity of 0.5 m s- ' in a 50 mm bore pipe of roughness k = 0 . 1 mm, find the pressure loss per metre (viscosity=0.001 N - S ~ and - ~p = lo00 kgm-3 for water). Critical zone FTurbulent region zyxwvuts C 0 .- ~~ Re=- P V D Example Let : L=length (m) D 5 diameter (m) V-5 velocity (m s- I ) p=density (kgm-3) Laminar region Friction factor f This depends on the Reynold's number zyxwvu \ Recr,, Reynolds number, Re Smooth pipe 150 zyxwvu zyxwvut zyxwvut z MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Reynold’s number Re = lo00 x 0.5 x 0.05 a . 5 x 104 0.001 Pressure loss pr=pr +pf2+ 0.1 50 Relative roughness k / D =- = 0.002 Friction factor (from chart)f= 0.0073 The mass flow rate is the same in all pipes, i.e. Pressure loss 1 1000~0.5~ pf = 4 x 0.0073 x -x = 7 3 N m-2 0.05 2 m=m --m 2-etc. - where: m l = p A I V l , etc. kgs-’ zyxwv Pipes in parallel Laminar (oiscous) flow The pressure loss is the same in all pipes: For circular pipes only, the friction factor f= 16/Re. This value is independant of roughness. =pf2 =etc. The total flow is the sum of the flow in each pipe: Total flow m=hl+m2+.. . Typical roughness of pipes Roughness, k (mm) Material of pipe (new) Glass, drawn brass, copper, lead, aluminium, etc. Wrought iron, steel Asphalted cast iron Galvanized iron, steel Cast iron Wood stave Concrete Riveted steel 4.2.5 Pressure loss pr=pr where: pf1=4fl-p---, Ll v: pf2=4f2-p-. L2 v: etc. Dl 2 D2 2 ‘Smooth’ (k -0) 0.05 0.12 0.15 0.25 0.2-1.0 0.3-3.0 1.0-10 Pipes in series and parallel I I 4.2.6 Pressure loss in pipe fittings and pipe section changes In addition to pipe friction loss, there are losses due to changes in pipe cross-section and also due to fittings such as valves and filters. These losses are given in terms of velocity pressure p(v2/2) and a constant called the ‘K factor’. Sudden enlargement v: where K = Pressure loss pL=Kp -, 2 ID I h Piperoughness I Pipes in series The pressure loss is the sum of the individual losses: z zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxwvuts FLUID MECHANICS Sudden exit zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts 151 Losses in valves Pressure loss p L = p - v: , ( K =1) 2 I I v,_ Globe valve wide open K = 10 Gate valve wide open K =0.2 Gate valve three-quarters open K = 1.15 Gate valve half open K = 5.6 Gate valve quarter open K =24 Rounded entry K z 0.05 Sudden contraction zyxwvuts v: Pressure loss pL= K p 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Re-entrant pipe K 0.5 0.45 0.38 0.28 0.14 0 K =0.8-1.o r l I I Sudden entry Pressure loss p , = K p - - ,v: where K z 0 . 5 2 L - Bends The factor K depends on RID, the angle of bend 0, and the cross-sectional area and the Reynold's number. Data are given for a circular pipe with 90"bend. The loss factor takes into account the loss due to the pipe length. "2 K 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.18 0.2 0.27 0.33 0.4 152 MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK z zyxw zyxwv z zyxwvutsrq Cascaded bends Plate : K = 0.2 Aerofoil : K K =0.05 aerofoil vanes, 0.2 circular arc plate vanes 4.3 0.05 Flow of liquids through various devices Formulae are given for the flow through orifices, weirs and channels. Orifices are used for the measurement of flow, weirs being for channel flow. 4.3. I - Flow in channels depends on the cross-section, the slope and the type of surface of the channel. Orifices Let: C , = coefficient of discharge C, =coefficient of velocity C , =coefficient of contraction H =head A = orifice area Aj =jet area TIT zy zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqp 153 FLUID MECHANICS Values of C, orifice type zyxwvuts +!I Rounded entry Sharp edged Borda reentrant (running full) External mouthpiece Cd Nearly 1.0 0.61-0.64 About 0.72 Arrangement 4zyxwv 0 About 0.86 0 c-, I = 0 4.3.2 Weirs, vee notch and channels Unsuppressed weir - Flow Q=3.33bH1.’ Vee notch O zyxwvu Flow Q =2.95C,(b-0.2H)H1.’ Suppressed weir L e flow Q=2.36C,tan-H2.’ 2 where C,=discharge coefficient 154 z zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu zyxwvut MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Channels Symbols used : m =hydraulic mean radius =A/P i=slope of channel C =constant =87/[ 1 + (K/&)] A=flow area P =wetted perimeter zyxwvut zyxwvut zyxwvuts Mean velocity V = Values of K ~Jmr Flow rate Q = V A Surface K Clean smooth wood, brick, stone Dirty wood, brick, stone Natural earth 0.16 Maximum discharge for given excavation Channel Condition Rectangular Trapezoidal d=b/2 Sides tangential to semicircle 4.3.3 Arrangement Venturi, orifice and pipe nozzle These are used for measuring the flow of liquids and gases. In all three the restriction of flow creates a pressure difference which is measured to give an indication of the flow rate. The flow is always proportional to the square root of the pressure difference so that these two factors are non-linearly related. The venturi gives the least overall pressure loss (this is often important), but is much more expensive to make than the orifice which has a much greater loss. A good compromise is the pipe nozzle. The pressure difference may be measured by means of a manometer (as shown) or any other differential pressure device. The formula for flow rate is the same for each type. Let : D =pipe diameter d =throat diameter p =fluid density p, =density of manometer fluid p1=upstream pressure p =throat pressure C, =coefficient of discharge h =manometer reading Flow rate Q = C,E 4 /? 0.28 1.30 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqponmlk 155 FLUID MECHANICS Inlet I Throat zyxwv zyxwv Values of C, Cd Venturi Orifice plate Nozzle 4.4 4.4. I 0.974.99 0.60 0.92 to 0.98 Viscosity and laminar flow viscosity In fluids there is cohesion and interaction between molecules which results in a shear force between adjacent layers moving at different velocities and between a moving fluid and a fixed wall. This results in friction and loss of energy. The following theory applies to so-called ‘laminar’ or ‘viscous’ flow associated with low velocity and high viscosity, i.e. where the Reynold’s number is low. Dejnition of viscosity At zyxwvu zyxwvut Flat plate moving overjixed plate of area A In laminar flow the shear stress between adjacent layers parallel to the direction of flow is proportional to the velocity gradient. Let : V=velocity y =distance normal to flow p =dynamic viscosity V+dV dV Shear stress 7=constant-=pdY dV dY Force to move plate F=7A=pAA --Iy Flua.mkKitypmfile V Y 156 zyxwvutsrq z zyxwv zyxwvut zyxwv MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK in a circular pipe is parabolic, being a maximum at the pipe centre. Kinematic viscosity Kinematic viscosity = Dynamic viscosity Density or v = - P P Dimensions of viscosity ' Dynamic viscosity: ML- TKinematic viscosity: L2 T- ' Units with conversions from Imperial and other units Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity SI unit: Nsm-2 SI unit: m2s- llbf-s ft -' =47.9 N s m-' 1 lbf-hft-2= 17.24 N s m-2 1 poundal-s ft - = 1.49 N s m-2 llbft-' s - ' = 1.49 kg ms 1 slugft-'s-'= 47.9 kgms-' ' ' =Om29 mz s1ft2h- = 334 mz s1 ftz s- ' ' ' Velocity distribution ' Flow Q=?c (Pi -p2)r4 8PL Viscosity of water Approximate values at room temperature: p=10-3Nsm-z y = 10-6mZs-l Temperature ("C) Dynamic viscosity ( x 10-3Nsm-i) 0.01 20 40 60 80 100 1.755 1.002 Mean velocity V = (Pi -P2)rZ 8PL Maximum velocity V , =2V 4.4.3 Laminar flow between flat plates Flow Q = (PI - p 2 W 12pL Mean velocity V = (Pi-Pz)t2 12pL Maximum velocity V,=$ V 0.65 1 0.462 0.350 zyxwvuts 4.4.2 0.278 Laminar flow in circular pipes The flow is directly proportional to the pressure drop for any shape of pipe or duct. The velocity distribution zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsr zyxwv zyxwv 157 FLUID MECHANICS 4.4.4 0 Flow through annulus (small gap) Mean velocity V = Q z ( R 2- r 2 ) zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr Use formula for flat plates but with B =zD,, where D, is the mean diameter. 0 Flow through annulus (exact formula) (R2- r 2 ) Flow Q =- (PI - p 2 ) ( R 2- r 2 ) (R2+ r 2 ) - 8uL ?K 4.5 R In - 1 Fluid jets If the velocity or direction of a jet of fluid is changed, there is a force on the device causing the change which is proportional to the mass flow rate. Examples are of jets striking both fixed and moving plates. Change of momentum of aJIuid stream For flow in one direction, the force on a plate, etc., causing a velocity change is Let : m=mass flow rate=pAV VI =initial velocity V z=final velocity p =fluid density A=flow area It1 I' i A F = h ( VI - V 2 ) 4.5. I Jet on stationary plates Jet on u p a t plate In this case V2 =0, and if VI = V l II I F=mV= Flat plate, e = Boc Angled plate, 8c90" 158 MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK Jet on angled plate z zyxwvu zyxwvutsrqponm F=pAP(l-cost?) in direction of VI e=90", F = ~ A V , For t?=180°,F=2pAV2. For 't' V Moving flat plate zyxw zyxwvuts Moving angled plate Example U Angled plate. 4.5.2 e= 180' Jet on moving plates If r = -0.4, t?= 170°, V = 10 ms- I , A = 4 cm2 ( = 4 x V 10-4m3)and p=lOOOkgm-'. Then P=lOOox 4x x lo3 x 0.4(1-0.4)(1 -COS 170°)= 190.5 watts Jet on a p a t plate F=pAV(V- U ) where: U =plate velocity. Power P=FU=pAVU(V-U) = p A V3r( 1- r ) Jet on jixed curved vane In the x direction: F,= pA V2(cost?, +cos e,) In the y direction: F, = p A p(sin 8, -sin e,) Jet on moving curved vane U where: r = - sina cost?, sin 8, V' Jet on angfed plate U F=pAV(V-U)(l--cost?) in direction of V P = p ~ V ~ r ( l - r ) (-cost?)p l where: r = - V' FLUID MECHANICS zyxwvutsrq z 159 occurs when the boat speed is half the jet speed and maximum power is attained. When the water enters the front of the boat, maximum efficiency occurs when the boat speed equals the jet speed, that is, when the power is zero. A compromise must therefore be made between power and efficiency. Let: V=jet velocity relative to boat U =boat velocity m=mass flow rate of jet Water enters side of boat Thrust F =m V(1- r ) VZ Pump power P =m 2 Efficiency q =2r( 1-r); q,,=O.S, at r=0.5. F,=mV ( zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts U 1-- ?i:)sina sina cos8, sin 8, sina cos8, sin 8, where: V=jet velocity, a=jet angle, 8, =vane inlet angle, O2 =vane outlet angle. 4.5.3 Water enters fiont of boat Thrust F=hV(l -r) Pump power P = m (vz-U2) vz =m-(I 2 2 -9) zyxwvuts Water jet boat This is an example of change in momentum of a fluid jet. The highest efficiency is obtained when the water enters the boat in the direction of motion. When the water enters the side of the boat, maximum efficiency 2r Efficiency q =(1+ r ) q=0.667, for r=0.5. q = 1.0, for r = 1.0. Output power (both cases) P,=mitVlr(I - r ) 160 z zyxw zyx zyxw MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK 4.5.4 Aircraft jet engine Let : V = jet velocity relative to aircraft U =aircraft velocity m=mass flow rate of air hf=mass flow rate of fuel Thrust T=mU - (m +mf)V Output power P = TU=mU2-(m+mf)UV r Side entry - l.OL--- I/ 0 - I I 0.5 1.o r Front entry vz Po mar =m -, at r =0.5. 4 4.6 Flow of gases Formulae are given for the compressible flow of a gas. They include isothermal flow with friction in a uniform pipe and flow through orifices. The velocity ofsound in a gas is defined. Symbols used: p =pressure L =pipe length D =pipe diameter T = temperature C , =discharge coefficient VI =inlet velocity R =gas constant m =mass flow f = friction coefficient y =ratio of specific heats p =density zyxwvut zyx zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvut zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvutsrq zy zy zyxw [A- zyxwv FLUID MECHANICS 4.6. I :;c Isothermal flow in pipe Pressure drop: A,=,,( 1 -/= m D2 Mass flow m = p , V , n 4 where: p r 161 =(g) 4.6.3 Velocity of sound in a gas v,= Jyp/p=J r R T 4.6.2 V Mach number M =- Flow through orifice Mass flow m=C,A vs nJ-7-7 4.6.4 Drag cafflcients for various bodies 29 - pIpln2 1-n where: n=p21p1; p 1 =pl/RTl Maximum flow when n = - The drag coefficient (non-dimensionaldrag) is equal to the drag force divided by the product of velocity pressure and frontal area. The velocity may be that of the object through the air (or any other gas) or the air velocity past a stationary object. Coefficients are given for a number of geometrical shapes and also for cars, airships and struts. '- =0.528 for air. Drag coeilkients for various bodies VZ Drag D = C,Ap -; p =fluid density; A =frontal area; V = fluid velocity. 2 Shape L d cd Re - 104 A Arrangement 162 zyxwvuts zyxwvutsr zyxwvu zyxwvu zyxwvu MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Drag coelficients for various bodies (continued) Shape L - d Rectangular flat plate A Cd I 2 1.15 5 1.20 10 30 1.22 1.62 co 1.98 Arrangement 1.16 60 Ld Long semicircular convex surface Long circular cylinder zyxwvu I .oo 0.35 <20 >20 Ld Long square section flow on edge -3 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvuts 163 FLUID MECHANICS Drag codficieats for various bodies (continued) Shape L d - zyxwvutsrq 1 .os (a) Cube flow on face A Cd 100 Arrangement d2 \ (b) Cube flow on edge Sphere Long elliptical section 8 4 2 0.45 0.20 <20 >20 0.24 0.32 0.46 10 nd2 - 4 164 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu zyxwvut zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Drag coefiients for various bodies (continued) Shape Long symmetrical aerofoil Ellipsoid Streamlined body of circular cross-section Solid hemisphere flow on convex face L d Cd 16 8 7 5 4 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 800 5 2.5 1.25 0.06 0.07 0.13 100 3 4 0.049 0.051 5 6 0.060 0.072 0.38 A 4 500 0.1 nd2 Arrangement FLUID MECHANICS zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsr zyxwvut 165 Drag coefficients for various bodies (continued) L d Shape - Cd Re - A 104 Hollow hemisphere flow on convex face 0.80 Hollow hemisphere flow on concave face 1.42 (a) High-drag car >0.55 50 - 0.45 50 - <0.30 50 - (b) Medium-drag car (c) Low-drag car 4.7 4.7. I 0.1 Arrangement lrd’ 4 0.1 lrd2 4 (b) d-b zyxwvu Fluid machines Centrifugal pump A centrifugal pump consists of an impeller with vanes rotating in a suitably shaped casing which has an inlet at the centre and usually a spiral ‘volute’ terminating in an outlet branch of circular cross-section to suit a vipe. Fluid enters the impeller axially at its centre of rotation through its ‘eye’and is discharged from its rim in a spiralling motion having received energy from the rotating impeller. This results in an increase in both pressure and velocity. The kinetic energy is mostly converted to pressure energy in the volute and a tapered section of the discharge branch. 166 zyxwvutsrqp MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu zyxwvu zyxw zyxwvut zyxwvuts Some pumps have a ring of fixed (diffuser) vanes into which the impeller discharges. These reduce the velocity and convert a proportion of the kinetic energy into pressure energy. Symbols used: D , =mean inlet diameter of impeller D, =outlet diameter of impeller b , =mean inlet width of impeller b , =outlet width of impeller t =vane thickness at outlet b1=vane inlet angle bz=vane outlet angle N =impeller rotational speed K =whirl coefficient Q =flow H=hMd Z=number of vanes p =fluid density 1 refers to impeller inlet 2 refers to impeller outlet 3 refers to diffuser outlet P =power Vt = tangential velocity Vw= whirl velocity V, =flow velocity V, = velocity relative to vane V = absolute velocity of fluid qh= hydraulic efficiency q, =volumetric efficiency q,,= mechanical efficiency qo= overall efficiency a =diffuser inlet angle d,=diffuser inlet width d , =diffuser outlet width b =diffuser breadth (constant) a, =diffuser inlet area =bd, a, =diffuser outlet area =bd, V, =diffuser outlet velocity p =pressure rise in pump Head Refemng to velocity triangles Theoretical head Hth= ( v w 2 Vt 2 - v w I vt I ) 9 It is usually assumed that V,, is zero, Le. there is no 'whirl' at inlet. The outlet whirl velocity V,,, is reduced by a whirl factor K to KVw,(K < I). Then: Actual head H = vwZ VtZqh 9 where tfh= hydraulic efficiency. Or: Pressure rise p =pK Vw,VtZqh Flow Q = V,,A,= Vf,A, ="D,b,Vf,tl" where qv =volumetric efficiency I Velocity relationships zyxwvutsrq zy zyxwvuts zyxwvuts 167 FLUID MECHANICS zyxwvuts A Power and eficiency Overall efficiency rt. =flmrtvrth gHQ Input power P =p ‘IO Inlet angles Diffuser (fixed vanes): Vf2 VW2 Inlet angle a = tan - - zyxwvuts a2 Outlet velocity V3= V2a3 Vane : Vfl Inlet angle fl, =tan- (assuming no whirl) VI1 -.lbCII I Static and total eficiencies Static head =H , Total head HI= no+v: Static pressure=po=pgHo Total pressum=Pp,=pgHt % PQ Total efficiency =q1=P~Q Static efficiency=‘I,=o P 4.1.2 P Pump characteristics Pump characteristics are plotted to a base of flow rate for a fixed pump speed. Head (or pressure), power and efficiency are plotted for dl&rent speeds to give a family of curves. For a given speed the point at which maximum efficiency is attained is called the ‘best etficiency point’ (B.E.P.).If the curves are plotted nondimensionally a single curve is obtained which is also the same for all geometrically similar pumps. Pump volute Q Velocity in volute V,=A4 where: A4=maximum area. Then: A4 Pump outlet velocity V, = V, A0 where: A,=outlet area. v: 28 zyxwvut v,’ 5 Pressure head at outlet Ho= H --- K” where: K,=dHuser and volute discharge coefficient. 168 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvuts zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts zyx zy MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Head (H), power ( P ) and efficiency ( q ) are plotted against flow at various speeds (N) and the B.E.P. can be determined from these. vapour pressure at the operating temperature and also on the ‘specific speed’. Symbols used: p=fluid density pa=atmospheric pressure p , =vapour pressure of liquid at working temperature V, =suction pipe velocity h, =friction head loss in suction pipe plus any other losses Ha=pump head u, =cavitation constant which depends on vane design and specific speed Minimum safe suction head Hmin=Pa/Pg-(ocHa+ C/2g+hr+Pv/Pg) 0 Non-dimensional characteristics To give single curves for any speed the following non-dimensional quantities, (parameters) are plotted (see figure): Head parameter X,=gH/N2DZ Flow parameter X, = Q/ND3 Power parameter X,= PIpN3DS Range of 6,: Safe region u, >0.0005Nf.37,where N,=specific speed. Dangerous region u, <O.OOO~~N:.~’ A ‘doubtful zone’ exists between the two values. 4.7.4 4.7.3 Cavitation If the suction pressure of a pump falls to a very low value, the fluid may boil at a low pressure region (e.g. at the vane inlet). A formula is given for the minimum suction head, which depends on the fluid density and Centrifugal fans The theory for centrifugal fans is basically the same as that for centrifugal pumps but there are differences in construction since fans are used for gases and pumps for liquids. They are usually constructed from sheet metal and efficiency is sacrificed for simplicity. The three types are: the radial blade fan (paddle wheel fan); the backward-curved vane fan, which is similar in design to the centrifugal pump; and the forwardcurved vane fan which has a wide impeller and a large number of vanes. Typical proportions for impellers, maximum efficiencies and static pressures are given together with the outlet-velocity diagram for the impeller. zyxwvutsr zyxwv zyxw zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqp zyxw h ~~ Max. efficiency Type and application Arrangement blD (%I Radial vanes: (paddle wheel), mill exhaust 0.35-0.45 60-70 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI Static No. of pressure Velocity vanes (cmH,O) triangle ~ Ve- 6-8 w6 ve* Backward-curved vanes: air conditioning Forwardcurved vanes: ventilation 3- 0.25-0.45 75-90 0.50-0.60 55-60 v, v, zyxwvuts 8-12 12-15 16-20 7-10 170 zyxwvutsrq z zyxwvutsr zyxwvut zyxwvut z zyxwvutsr z 4.7.5 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Impulse (Pelton) water turbine This is a water turbine in which the pressure energy of the water is converted wholly to kinetic energy in one or more jets which impinge on buckets disposed around the periphery of a wheel. The jet is almost completely reversed in direction by the buckets and a high efficiency is attained. Formulae are given for the optimum pipe size to give maximum power, and for the jet size for maximum power (one jet). Symbols used: 8=bucket angle H =available head H,,, =total head H, = friction head D =mean diameter of bucket wheel D, =pipe diameter d =jet diameter p =water density f= pipe friction factor L=length of pipe N = wheel speed C , =jet velocity coefficient V=jet velocity V, =pipe velocity qo=overall efficiency Available head H = (HIoI-H,) Shaft power P =p g H q , Jet velocity V = C , m Mean bucket speed U = nDN nd2 V Flow through jet Q=- 4 + Hydraulic efficiency qh = 2r( 1- I ) ( 1 k cos 0) U where: r =-, 0 =bucket angle (4-7”), V k =friction coefficient (about 0.9). Maximum efficiency (at r =0.5): qh(max)= + (1 k cos 8) 2 Overall efficiency qo=qhqm 4ftv2 HtOI Maximum power when H r = - = L . Hence: 3 29Dp Optimum size of supply pipe D,= F - (approximately) (z)’ Jet size for maximum power d = - T------lH V 4.7.6 R Reaction (Francis) water turbine The head of water is partially converted to kinetic energy in stationary guide vanes and the rest is converted into mechanical energy in the ‘runner’. The water first enters a spiral casing or volute and then into the guide vanes and a set of adjustable vanes which are used to control the flow and hence the power. The water then enters the runner and finally leaves via the ‘draft tube’ at low velocity. The draft tube tapers to reduce the final velocity to a minimum. FLUID MECHANICS Velocity triangles zy zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrq zy zyxw 171 Radial velocities: V,, =Q/nb,D, (inlet) V,, = Q/nbzD, (outlet) Tangential velocities: VI, = x D , N (inlet) VI, = nD,N (outlet) Whirl velocities: V,, =gHqh/Vl, (inlet, usually) Vw2=O (outlet, usually) Guide vane velocity: V, = vanes Specific speed of pumps and turbines 0 Vane and blade angles Guide vanes: a=tan-'V,,/V,, Blade inlet: B1=tan- Vrl/( Vll - V,,) Blade outlet: & =tan- V,,/V,, Overall efficiency q,, =qmqh Shaft power =pgHQq, Available head H =HI,, -H , - Vf/2g where: V,=draft tube outlet velocity. It is useful to compare design parameters and characteristics of fluid machines for different sizes. This is done by introducing the concept of 'specific speed', which is a constant for geometrically similar machines. 4.7.7 Specific speed of pumps and turbines Symbols used: N =speed of rotation Q = flow H = head P = power Specific speed of pump N , =N A Hi Specific speed of turbine N N s J 7 =; H2 ~ ~ z zyxwv Manufacturing technology zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 5.1 Metal processes Metals can be processed in a variety of ways. These can be classifiedroughly into casting, forming and machining. The following table gives characteristics of different processes for metals, although some may also apply to non-metallic materials such as plastics and composites. General characteristics of metal processes zyxwv Optimum size Minimum section Holes (mm) possible Inserts possible 1400 kg 1-50 kg 3 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes 50g to 5 kg 1 Yes Yes 3 Yes Yes No limit 30mm to l m diameter 50g to 5Okg 1 Yes No Large No limit 3000 cm3 3 Yes No Large No limit 500mm diameter 1 - No Hot rolling Cold rolling Drawing Large Large Smallbarge - 0.1 No No No No No Yes Spinning One-off, large Large No limit No limit AI, Cu,Zn, mild steel Al, Cu,Zn, mild steel AI, Pb, Zn, Mg, Sn Fe, W,bronze No limit 0.1 No Yes 0.1 - No 0.5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Economic quantity Materials (typical) Sand casting Die casting, gravity Die casting, pressure Centrifugal casting Investment casting Closed die forging Hot extrusion Smallbarge Large Large No limit AI, Cu, Mg, Zn alloys AI, Cu, Mg, Zn alloys No limit Smallbarge Process Impact extrusion Sintering Machining Large Large One-off, large - zyxwvu 3 mm/6 m diameter 6mm/4.5m diameter 6-l00mm diameter 80g to 4kg - - 173 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY ~~ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 5.2 5.2. I zyxwvut Turning Single point metal cutting In metal cutting, a wedge-shaped tool is used to remove material from the workpiece in the form of a ‘chip’. Two motions are required: the ‘primary motion’, e.g. the rotation of the workpiece in a lathe; and the ‘secondary motion’,e.g. the feed ofa lathe tool. Single-point tools are used for turning, shaping, planing, etc., and multi-point tools are used for milling, etc. It is necessary to understand the forces acting on the tool and their d e c t s on power requirement, tool life and production cost. In the following tables of tool forces and formulae specific power consumption, metal removal rate, tool life, etc., are given. A graph shows the tool life plotted against cutting speed for high-speed steel, carbide and ceramic tools. zyxwvuts zyx zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts zyxwvu zyxwvutsr 5.2.2 V P = F , -(watts) 60 where: v = x(D- d ) N lo00 Cutting tool forces Metal removal rate Q = Tool forces vary with cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut and rake angle. Force may be measured experimentally by using a ‘cutting tool dynamometer’ in which the tool is mounted on a flexiblesteel diaphragm and its deflections in three planes measured by three electrical transducers. Three meters indicate the force, typically of 25 N up to, say, 2000 N. Graphs show typical characteristics. Symbols used: F , =cutting force (in newtons) F , = radial force (in newtons) F,=feed force (in newtons) Resultant force on tool in horizontal plane = Jm: newtons 5.2.3 Cutting power, P Let: D = work diameter (mm) d-depth of cut (mm) N = number of revolutions per minute ’ (m min - ) n(D-d)d f N (an3min-’) lo00 where: f=feed rate (mm rev-’). P Specific power consumption P,=- (wattscrr-3 min- Q 174 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvut zyxwvutsr MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Typkd values of P. Material Specific power consumption, P. Plain carbon steel Alloy steel Cast iron Aluminium alloy Brass 34 71 24 12 25 5.2.4 zyxwvuts Tool life, T Wear T= - (min) lend zyxwvut zyxwvu Values of C and n Wear land width (mm) Tool material C n Roughing Finishing 0.08-0.15 0.16-0.5 1.5 0.75 0.25-0.38 0.25-0.38 0.25-0.38 0.25-0.38 ~~ High-speed steel Cemented carbide Ceramic 5.2.5 &IO0 200-330 330-600 0.404.6 Tool ch8racteristics Force versus cutting speed F, is constant over normal range of cutting speed. F, increases slowly with cutting speed. Force versus depth of cut F, increases with depth of cut. F, increases at decreasing rate with depth of cut. 1200 lo00 i- 400 200 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Wdcut. d(mm) Force versus rake angle F, and F, fall slowly with rake angle. MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY z zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts 175 700 - zyxwv ,t / 9 2400 e 300 ~ 200100 - I Force versus feed rate I I F, increases linearly with feed rate. F, increases in a curve with decreasing rate. I I I Key: 1 HSS 2cer#de 3comnic zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts Tool We, t (min) 5.2.6 Cutting speeds Taming cllttiag speeds (mmia-') Tool material Material High-speed steel Super-highspeed steel Aluminium alloys Brass, free cutting Bronze Grey cast iron Copper Magnesium alloys Monel metal Mild steel High tensile steel Stainless steel Thermosetting plastic 70-100 70-100 40-70 35-50 35-70 85-135 15-20 35-50 5-10 10-15 35-50 90-120 90-120 50-80 45-60 50-90 110-150 18-25 45-60 7-12 12-18 45-60 Stellite > 200 170-250 70-150 60 70-150 85-135 25-45 70-120 20-35 30-50 70-120 Tungsten carbide > 350 350-500 150-250 9CL120 100-300 85-135 50-80 100-200 176 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvuts zyxw zyx 5.2.7 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Turning of plastics Turning of plastics - depth of cut, feed, and cutting sped Cutting speed (m min- ’) Material Condition Thermoplastics, polyethylene, polypropylene, TFE fluorocarbon High-impact styrene, modified acrylic Extruded, moulded or cast Extruded, moulded or cast Nylon, acetals and polycarbonate Polystyrene - Moulded or extruded Cast, moulded or filled Cast, moulded or filled Soft grades of thermosetting plastic Hard grades of thermosetting plastic Brazed carbide Throwaway carbide tip 50 145 160 0.25 53 160 175 4 0.25 50 160 175 4 0.25 18 50 65 4 0.25 50 160 175 4 0.25 48 145 160 Depth of cut (mm) Feed (mm rev- ’) HSS 4 0.25 4 HSS, high-speed steels. 5.2.8 Typical standard times for capstan and turret lathe operations Time Operation (s) Change speed Change feed Index tool post 3 3 3.5 5.2.9 Lathe-tool nomenclature and setting Time Operation (SI zyxwvu Engage feed Feed to bar stop Chuck in, 3-jaw chuck There are many types of lathe tool, the principal ones being: bar turning; turning and facing; parting-off facing; boring; and screw cutting. Some are made from a bar of tool steel, others with high-speed steel tips welded to carbon steel shanks and some with tungsten carbide tips brazed to a steel shank. A tool holder with interchangeable tips can also be used. 1.5 3.5 4.5 Tool features For cutting to take place the tool must have a ‘front clearance angle’ which must not be so large that the tool is weakened. There must also be a ‘top rake angle’ to increase the effectiveness of cutting. The value of this angle depends on the material being cut. Typical values are given in the following table. zy zyxwvutsrq 177 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Plan approach angle FLAT SURFACE EXTERNAL CYLINDER zyxw To reduce the load on the tool for a given depth of cut the cutting edge can be angled to increase its length. Note the direction of chip flow - if the angle is too large there is a danger of chatter. k Clearance angle INTERNAL CYLINDER Plan approach angle e usually 90" zyxwvu zyxw zyxwvutsrq IChip now IC clearance Rake angle for Merent workpiece materials Workpiece material I High tensile steel Nickel-chrome steel Steel Steel forging Brass and bronze Cast iron Mild steel Free-cutting mild steel Light alloys Tensile Tool rake strength angle (Nmm-2) (") 1550 -8 loo(r1150 -5 750 -3 450-600 -2 0 2 7 10 12 Other features In addition to front clearance and top rake, there are side clearance and side rake. A small nose radius improves cutting and reduces wear. Symbols used: 4-top rake angle a =front clearance angle /3 =wedge angle S =plan relief or trail angle E = plan approach angle 8=true rake angle y = true wedge angle 1=side clearance angle $ =side rake angle. Another feature is the 'chip breaker' which breaks long, dangerous and inconvenient streamers of 'swarf' into chips. Single-point tool Chip breaker 178 zy z zyxwvutsrq MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Tool setting The tool must not be set too high or too low, or inclined at an angle. The effects are shown in the figure. \ Inclineddownwards Inclined upwards TOOL SEl-rING zyxwvutsrqp Above centre: tool tends to rub. Below centre: work tends to climb over tool. 5.2. I O Inclined upwards: tool rubs. Inclined downwards: work tends to drag tool in. Parting-off tool This is used for ‘parting-off the workpiece from bar stock held in a chuck. Note that there is ‘body clearance’ on both sides as well as ‘side clea’rance’. The tool is weak and must be used with care. It must be set on or slightly above centre. If set even slightly below centre the work will climb onto the tool before parting-off. zyxw Side clearance Body clearance * 3 PARTING-OFFTOOL 5.3 Drilling and reaming A twist drill is a manually or machine rotated tool with cutting edges to produce circular holes in metals, plastics, wood, etc. It consists of a hardened steel bar with usually two helical grooves or ‘flutes’ ending in two angled cutting edges. The flutes permit many regrinds and assist in removal of cuttings. Drills vary in size from a fraction of a millimetre to over 1Ocm. As with a lathe turning tool, the cutting edges must have top rake and clearance. Grinding is best done on a special drill grinding machine. zy zyxwvutsrqponmlkjih zyxwvut zyxwv zyxwvu 179 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 5.3. I Helix and point angles The helix angle is usually a standard size but 'quick' and 'slow' helix angles are used for particular materials. It is sometimes necessary, e.g. for brass and thin material, to grind a short length of straight flute, as shown. It is also sometimes necessary to thin down the web or core. The point angle was traditionally about 120" (included angle), but other angles are now used to suit the material. The lip clearance also varies (see table). 5.3.2 Core drills 5.3.3 Reamers A reamer is used to finish a hole accurately with a good surface finish. It is a periphery cutting tool, unlike the drill which is end cutting. Rake and clearance are required as shown; note that a reamer must be ground on the clearance face otherwise the size will be lost. Flutes may be straight or helical (usually left handed). A hand reamer requires a long slow taper, but machine reamers have a short 45" Lead. The hole is drilled only slightly smaller than the reamer diameter, the allowance is about 0.015 mm per millimetre, but depends on the material. Taper reamers are used for finishing holes for taper pins. Core drills have three or four flutes and are used for opening out existing holes, e.g. core holes in castings. : - @ I Reduction - IJ Clearance Rake Reamer Taper shank 5.3.4 .___ T - FOUR FLUTE CORE DRILL Drilling parameters The tables below give drilling feeds and speeds including information on drilling plastics. Cutting lubricants for drilling, reaming and tapping are also given and tapping drill sizes for metric coarse threads. A table of suggested angles for drills is given. 180 Drilling feeds zyxwvut zyxwvut MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK zyxwvu zyxw Higb-speeddrill s p e d Feed (mm rev.- ') Drill diameter (mm) Hard materials* Soft materials? 1.5 3.O 6 .O 9.0 12.0 19.0 25.0 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.10 0.12 0.18 0.22 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.35 Speed* (ms-') Material Cast iron Mild steel 60140 brass Medium carbon steel O.M.6 0.3-4.5 0.8-1.0 0.2-0.3 ' *Speed =nDN/60 OOO m s- , where D = diameter (mm), N =number of revolutions per minute. ~ ~ *Steels above 0.3 % C and alloy steels. tGrey cast iron, steels below 0.3 %C, brass, bronze, aluminium alloys, etc. Drilling plastics, cutting speeds and feeds Cutting speed (mmin-') Feed (mmrev.-') for nominal hole diameter (mm) of: Material Condition Polyethylene, polypropylene, TFE-fluorocarbon High-impact styrene, modified acrylic Extruded, moulded or cast Extruded, moulded or cast Moulded 33 0.12 0.25 0.30 0.38 0.46 0.50 0.64 0.76 33 0.05 0.10 0 0.15 33 0.05 0.12 0.1 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.38 0.38 Moulded or extruded Cast, moulded or filled Cast, moulded or filled 66 0.03 0.05 0 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.20 50 0.08 0.13 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.38 0.38 33 0.05 0.13 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.38 0.38 Nylon, acetals, polycarbonate Polystyrene Soft grades of thermosetting plastic Hard grades of thermosetting plastic 1.5 3.0 6.0 0 12.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 50.0 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.25 zyxwvutsrq zy 181 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Material Drilling Reaming Tapping Mild steel (hot and cold rolled) Tool steel (carbon and high speed) Alloy steel Soluble oil, mineral oil, lard oil Soluble oil, lard oil with sulphur Soluble oil, mineral oil Dry, lard oil, paraffin mixture Soluble oil Paraffin, lard oil Mineral lard oil Soluble oil, lard oil Lard oil Sulphur base oil, mineral lard oil Sulphur base oil, mineral lard oil Soluble oil, lard oil Lard oil, sulphur base oil Soluble oil Dry Mineral lard oil, sulphur base oil Soluble oil Dry Brass and bronze Copper Aluminium Monel metal Malleable iron Cast iron Lard oil Soluble oil Soluble oil Mineral lard oil Soluble oil, lard oil Soluble oil, mineral lard oil Mineral lard oil, sulphur base oil Soluble oil Dry, lard oil for nickel cast iron zyxwvut Tapping tirill &xis for metric coarse threads 1.6 2.0 2.5 3 .O 3.5 4.0 5 .O 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 1.o 1.25 1s o 1.75 2.00 2.00 1.20 1.60 2.05 2.50 2.90 3.30 4.20 5.30 6.80 8.50 10.20 12.00 14.00 Nominal diameter (mm) Thread pitch (mm) Tap drill size (mm) 20.0 24.0 30.0 36.0 42.0 48.0 56.0 64.0 72.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 2.50 3 .O 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 17.5 21.0 26.5 32.0 37.5 43.0 50.5 58.0 66.0 74.0 84.0 94.0 182 zyxwvutsrqp zyxw zyxwvutsrq MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBM~K Drill angles Material ~ Helix angle ~ ~~ Aluminium alloy Magnesium alloy Brass Copper Bakelite Manganese steel 5.4 5.4. I ~ Quick Standard Slow Quick Slow Slow Point angle Lip clearance (“1 (“1 ~ ~ 140 100 130 125 30 130 ~- 12-15 12-15 10-12 12-15 12-15 7-10 zyxwvutsrqpon Milling Milling process Milling machines produce mainly flat surfaces by means of a rotating cutter with multiple cutting edges. The two main types of machine are the horizontal and the vertical spindle. Milling cutters usually have teeth cut on the periphery and/or on the end of a disk or cylinder. Alternatively, ‘inserted-tooth’ cutters with replaceable teeth may be used. In horizontal milling ‘upcutting’ is the usual practice, but ‘down-cutting’ may be used. The types of cutter are listed in the following table. Feed zy Horizontal milling- dowrrcui zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts Types of d b g cutter Type Cylindrical (slab or rolling) zyxwvu zy 183 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Arrangement of teeth Application Helical teeth on periphery Flat surfaces parallel to cutter axis Appearance Size u p to 160x160mm 7 53 4 --d ?$*% - \s?,Feed Side and face On periphery and both sides Steps and slots Up to 200mm diameter, 32mm wide Straddle ganged On periphery and both sides Cutting two steps Up to 200mm diameter, 32mm wide Side and face Teeth on staggered periphery. Face tooth teeth on alternate sides Deep slots Up to 200mm diameter, 32mm wide Single angle Teeth on conical surface and flat face Angled surfaces and chamfers 60-85" in 5" steps 184 zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts zyxwv zyxw MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Types of milling cutter (continued) Type Arrangement of teeth Application Size Double angle Teeth on two conical faces Vee slots 45", 60", 90" Rounding Concave quarter circle and flat face Corner radius on edge 1.5-20 mm radius Involute gear cutter Teeth on two involute curves Involute gears Large range End mill Helical teeth at one end and circumferential Light work, slots, profiling, facing narrow surfaces G50mm Appearance z zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsr 185 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Types of milling cutter (continued) Arrangement of teeth Application Size Tee slot Circumferential and both sides Tee slots in machine table For bolts up to 24 mm diameter Dovetail On conical surface and one end face Dovetail machine slides 38 mm diameter, 45" and 60" Shell end mill Circumferential and one end Larger work than end mill 40-160mm diameter Slitting saw (slot) Circumferential teeth Cutting off or slitting. Screw slotting 60-400mm diameter Type Appearance zyxwvu zyxw zyxw I cultsr Thick Concaveconvex Curved teeth on periphery Radiusing 1.5-20 mm radius Concave Convex Thin 186 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvuts zyxwvu 2.4.2 zyxwvuts zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Milling parameters Power for peripheral milling Symbols used: P = power (watts) u = cutting speed (m s- ') z=number of teeth b=chip width (mm) C = constant f=feed per tooth (mm) d = depth of cut (mm) r = radius of cutter (mm) x, y =indices k =constant zyxwvuts Values of x, y, k and C are given in the tables. Material X Y k Steels Cast iron 0.85 0.70 0.925 0.85 0.164 0.169 Material C* ~~ Free machining carbon steel Carbon steels Nickekhrome steels Nickel-molybdenum and chrome-molybdenum steels Chrome-Vanadium steels Flake graphite cast iron Nodular cast irons *BHN numbers are hardness grades. Milling cutting speeds Let : D =cutter diameter (mm), N =number of revolutions per minute. Cutting speed v=nDN/1000(mmin-') 980 (120 BHN) 1620 (125 BHN) 1460 (125 BHN) 1190 (180 BHN) 2240 (225 BHN) 2200 (270 BHN) 1600 (150 BHN) 1820 (170 BHN) 635 (100 BHN) 1110 (annealed) 1960 (280 BHN) 2380 (190 BHN) 1330 (263 BHN) 1240 (as cast) zyxwvuts zyxwvuts zyxwvu zyxwv 187 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Milling cutting speeds at a f e d rate of 0.2mm per tootb Cutting speed (mmin-') Metal being cut Indexable inserts I S 0 carbide grade Brazed cutters I S 0 carbide grade P10 P30 P40 K20 P10 P30 P40 K20 z z zyxwvutsrq Mild steel Carbon steel 0.7% Steel castings Stainless steel Grey cast iron Aluminium alloy 150 120 60 100 150 130 90 - 100 200 150 80 125 150 20 - 100 130 75 50 100 110 - - 6 0 0 - 45 - - - 170 90 75 125 130 130 75 50 115 110 - - - 600 - - Milling cutting speeds for hishspeea steel cutters Material being cut Cutting speed (m min - ) Alloy steel Cast iron Low-carbon steel Bronze Hard brass Copper Aluminium alloy 10 20 28 35 45 60 100 ' zyxwvutsrqponm Table feed rate For the values given in the table below Feed rate f , =fzN (mm min- ') where: f=feed/tooth (mm), z=number of teeth, N =number of revolutions per minute of cutter. Typical values of feed per tooth (mm) Face mills Side and face mills End mills Saws Material being cut HSS Carbide HSS Carbide HSS Carbide HSS Carbide Aluminium alloy, brass, bronze Copper Cast iron Low carbon steel Alloy steel 0.55 0.50 0.25 0.13 0.13 0.30 0.50 0.35 0.35 0.30 0.18 0.18 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.28 0.30 0.40 0.25 0.20 0.33 0.18 0.18 0.22 0.15 0.13 0.15 0.20 0.13 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.18 0.18 0.07 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.13 0.10 0.10 HSS, high-speed steels. These values should be lowered for finishing and increased for rough milling. 188 zyxwvutsrqp z zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Metal removal rate in milling Material being cut Metal removal rate (mm3kW-’min-’) Mild steel Alloy steel Cast steel Grey cast iron Stainless steel Copper Aluminium Magnesium Titanium 18 900 10500 12 600 12 600 8400 18900 42 OOO 42 OOO 10 500 5.5 5.5. I Grinding zyxwvuts zyxwvuts zyxwv Grinding machines Grinding machines produce flat, cylindrical and other surfaces by means of high-speed rotating abrasive wheels. Grinding is a means of giving a more accurate finish to a part already machined, but is also a machining process in its own right. The main types of machine are: the ‘surface grinding machine’ for flat surfaces; and the ‘cylindrical grinding machine’ for cylindrical surfaces. More complex shapes are produced by shaped wheels called ‘contour grinding wheels’. ‘Bench’ and ‘pedestal’ grinders are used for tool sharpening, etc. 5.5.2 Grinding wheels - . .- Standard grinding wheel Typical materials for wheels are bonded abrasive powders such as aluminium oxide (A1203), silicon carbide (Sic) and diamond dust. Contour grinding wheels Steel Heel coated with abrasive z zyxwvutsr zyxwv zyxwv zyxwvut 189 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 5.5.3 Grinding process calculations (cylindrical grinding) Power P = - Symbols used: t =chip thickness (mm) f=feed or depth of cut (mm) p=pitch of grains (mm) b =width of cut (mm) P =power (watts) u = wheel peripheral velocity (mm s- ') u=work peripheral velocity (mm s - l ) d = wheel diameter (mm) D = work diameter (mm) F =tangential force on wheel (newtons) FU loo0 Energy per unit volume removed E=- P (J mm-3) bfv V minus sign for internal grinding ~~ 5.6 5.6.1 Cutting-tool materials Carbon steels Their use is restricted to the cutting of soft metals and wood. Performance is poor above 250°C. 5.6.2 High-speed StMIS These are used extensively, particularly for multi-point tools. They have been replaced to a large extent by carbides for single-point tools. Their main application is for form tools and complex shapes, e.g. for gearcutting and broaching. They are also used for twist drills, reamers, etc. 5.6.3 ~ Carbides These consist of powdered carbides of tungsten, titanium, tantalum, niobium, etc., with powdered cobalt as binder. They are produced by pressing the powder in dies and sintering at high temperature. They are then ground to the final shape. They are generally used as tips and can operate up to 1oo0"C. 5.6.4 zyx Laminated carbide These consist of a hard thin layer of titanium carbide bonded to a tungsten carbide body. The surface has very high strength at high temperature, whilst the body has high thermal conductivity and thus efficient removal of heat. 5.6.5 Diamonds These are the hardest of all cutting materials with low thermal expansion and good conductivity. They are twice as good as carbides under compression. A good finish can be obtained with non-ferrous metals and final polishing can be eliminated. Diamonds are particularly good for cutting aluminium and magnesium alloys, copper, brass and zinc. They have a long life. 190 zyxwvutsrq zyxw z zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrq MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Characteristics of steel tools 1.6.6 Carboo steels (for softer metals and wood; poor perfomace above 250°C) Composition Characteristics Applications Plain carbon steel, O.Z%Mn, water hardening 0.7-0.8%c High toughness, low hardness Shear blades, chisels, turning mandrels 0.9%c General purpose. Best combination of toughness and hardness Large taps and reamers High hardness, keen edge, low shock resistance Taps, screw dies, twist drills, mills for soft metals, files Water hardening, takes keen edge, more shock resistant than plain carbon steel Screw taps and dies, twist drills, reamers, broaches Water hardening, good abrasion resistance, takes high compression Drawing dies, wood planes, chisels Oil hardening, tougher but less hard, high shock resistance Bending form dies, hammers, tool shanks + Carbon steel vanadium 0.8-1 .O%C, 0.2%Mn, 0.2%Va zyxwvutsr Chrome steel 0.9%C, 0.2%Mn, O.S%Cr High manganese steel OSM.8%C, 0.6-0.8Y0Mn High-speed steels Composition (%) C Cr W ~ Super 0.8 Va Co 18/22 4.5 1.5 Mo - ~~ 10112 Characteristics ~- - Highest temperature of HSS. Very hard but not so tough. Most expensive. For materials with tensile strength 1225 MPa =- - - Tougher than super and cheaper, for materials over 1225 MPa tensile strength 2.8 6 5.5 Better impact resistance and cheaper than general purpose HSS. High wear resistance 4.75 5.0 5 - Best abrasion resistance. Used for General purpose 0.75 18 4.15 1.2 General purpose tungsten/molybdenum 1.25 7 4.3 High vanadium 1.55 12.5 hinhlv abrasive materials HSS,high-speed steels. zyxwvutsrq zy zyxwvuts zyxwvu 191 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 5.6.7 Carbide and ceramic tools Carbides are graded according to series (see table) and by a number from 01 (hardest) to 50 (toughest), e.g. Po1 and K40. ~~ ~~ Series Material machined Carbides P Steel, steel castings Cast iron, non-ferrous, plastic Heat resistant steels, stainless steels W, Ta, Tt, Ni with Co binder W with Co binder W with Co binder M K SI&ered carbide tools - zyxw eollrdiriolllilud poeitive rake Material being cut Rough Steel: Low-medium carbon Medium-high carbon Nickel chrome 120-210 90-180 75-120 75 60 30 Cast iron: 200 Brinell hardness White heart Copper Brass Bronze and gun metal Aluminium alloy Plastics Glass Fine 90-150 Material being cut Cutting speed (m min- ') Cast iron Steel Aluminium 60-610 w 5 0 >610 0.4 0-4 0-3 0 240-360 240-360 240-300 180-225 240-300 15-21 13-16 Ceramic tools ( s i n t ed ahminiurn oxide witb grain nlslersulbio&r) 8 4 Rough scaly metal 3.5-8 0 3-6 120-180 9-15 Clean metal 90-120 6-4 45-60 150-240 120-240 120-180 zyxw Top rake (") Cutting speed (mmin-') 0-3.5 0-3.5 13-16 0 3.5 192 5.7 zyxwvutsrq z zyxwvutsrqponm zyxwv 5.7. I MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK General information on metal cutting Cutting speeds and feed rates Cutting speed (m s- ') High-speed steel Feed rate (mmrev.-') Material of workpiece Mild steel Cast steel Stainless steel Grey cast iron Aluminium Brass Phosphor bronze 90 75 18 75 33 25 45 180 150 50 Rough Fine 0.625-2.0 0.5-1.25 0.5-1.00 0.4-2.5 0.1-0.5 0.375-2.0 0.3754.75 0.1254.75 0.1254.50 0.075-0.175 0.20-1.00 0.0754.25 0.20-1.25 0.125-0.50 zyxwvu 3.O 27 3.5 50 15 100 18 36 4.5 72 60 13 180 270 120 180 - R, rough; F, fine; R & T, reaming and threading; D, drilling. 2.7.2 Power used and volume removed in metal cutting zyxwvuts Symbols used: P=power (kW) d =depth of cut (mm) f= feed (mm rev.- I ) o=cutting speed (mmin-') T = torque (N-m) D =drill diameter (mm) N = rotational speed (rev. min- ') w = width of cut (mm) f, =milling machine table feed (mm min- l ) V = volume of metal removed (cm3min- ') Material k, kD kM Material k, kD kM Aluminium Brass Cast iron 700 1250 900 0.11 0.084 0.07 0.9 1.6 1.9 Mild steel Tool steel 1200 3000 0.36 2.7 7.0 0.40 zyxwvutsr zy zyxw zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts zyxwvuts MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 193 5.7.3 Power Turning: P = - k d f v moo0 Different processes produce different degrees of finish on machined surfaces. These are graded from N1 with an average height of roughness of 0.025 pm, up to N12 roughness 50pm.The manner in which a machined surface is indicated is shown. Drilling: T = k,fo.75D1.8 p=- Surface finish 2nN T 6ooo0 a+b+c+. . . Average height of roughness, h, = L -where a, b, c, etc. =area on graph, and L =length of surface. Milling: P =60 kMdwfm Volume of metal removed Turning: V =dfv Drilling: V=- ZD2j7V 4Ooo Milling: V = -wdfM lo00 Roughness grade N1 h,(pm) 0.025 0.05 Finishing processes Mill Bore Turn Grind 5.7.4 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.6 3.2 6.3 12.3 50 25 Surface indication Ream Broach Lap Hone, etc. Merchants circle for tool forces ‘Merchant’s circle’ is a well-known construction for the analysis of cutting forces for a single-point tool. If the cutting and feed forces, the initial and final chip thickness and the tool rake angle are known, then the other forces, friction and shear angles can be found. The diagram can be drawn to give: F, =shear force F , =resultant force F=friction force on tool face F,, =force normal to shear force F, =force normal to F p =coefficient of friction = F / F , 6=friction angle =tan - p 4 = shear angle zyxwvut Known: F, =cutting force F,=feed force t , =initial chip thickness t , =final chip thickness a=tool rake angle 194 zyxwvutsrq MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK zyxwvuts zyxwvut 5.7.5 Machining properties of thermoplastics Turning Dri11ing Milling Rake angle Material ("1 Clearance Cutting angle speed ("1 (ms-') Feed (mmrev.-') Cutting speed (ms-') Feed (mmrev.-') Nylon 01-10 01-5 Of - 5 01-10 20130 20130 20130 20130 0.1-0.25 0.05-0.25 0.05-0.25 0.25-0.75 2.0-5.0 1.25-5.0 0.5-10 2.5-30 0.1-0.38 0.1-0.38 0.1-0.38 0.05-0.13 PTFE Polystyrene Rigid PVC 5.7.6 2.1-5.0 1.0-2.5 1.5-5.0 1.5-5.0 Feed (mms-') 5 <4 5 5 5 <4 94 <4 Negative rake cutting Material being cut Roughing speed (m min- ') Finishing speed (mmin-I) 230 160 120 300 210 135 90 105 Phosphor bronze and gun metal 300 420 Copper Brass 450 540 600 900 Aluminium and allovs 900 1200 Steel 0.15%c 0.4%c O.8%C Steel castings z Cutting speed (ms-') Feeds (mmftooth) Milling: 0.2-0.4 Turning: 0.25-0.5 z zyxwvu zyxwvu zyxwvu zyxwvut zyxwv zyxwvuts 195 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 5.7.7 Calculation of machining cost The ‘total-time cost per workpiece’ is made up of ‘machine-time cost’, ‘non-productive-time cost’ and ‘tool cost’. ‘Machining-time cost’ is for actual machining and includes overheads and wages. ‘Non-productive-time cost’ covers ‘setting-up’ and ‘loading- and unloading-time cost’. ‘Tool cost’ combines ‘toolchange-time cost’ and actual ‘tool cost’. The former is the cost of changing the cutting edge, the latter is the cost of the cutting plus resharpening. When ‘total cost’ is plotted against ‘cutting speed’an optimum speed for minimum cost is found. Let: 82i 1 8 Cutting speed rnirnin c C, =machining-time cost per workpiece C, =non-productive-time cost per workpiece C, =tool-change-time cost per workpiece C, =tool cost per workpiece Total cost of machining C,,, = C, + C, + C, + C , - t R =E “ 6 0 3: ( c,= t,+J - t t R C,==at. (Elworkpiece) + Total tool cost per workpiece C,, = C, C, Let : t , =machining time per workpiece (min) t, =loading and unloading time per workpiece (min) t,=setting time per batch (min) t , = tool life (min) t, =tool change time (min) t,, = tool sharpening time (min) R =cost rate per hour (E) nb=number per batch n, =number of resharpenings Group C,=- ctt + l+n, 5.7.8 tshtmR at, Cutting fluids It is necessary when machining to use some form of fluid which acts as a coolant and lubricant, resulting in a better finish and longer tool life. The fluid also acts as a rust preventative and assists in swarf removal. The following table lists various fluids and their advantages. Description Advantages ~ ~~~~~ Soluble oil Oil, emulsifier and 2-10% water Good coolant. Poor lubricant Clear soluble oil As above, with more emulsifier Good coolant. Poor lubricant Water based fluids Solution of sodium nitride and triethanolamine Good coolant. Poor lubricant EP soluble oils Soluble oils with EP additives, e.g. sulphur and/or chlorine Fairly good lubricant 196 z zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Cutting fluid applications (continued) Group Description Advantages Straight oils Mineral or fatty oils (lard, sperm, olive, neat’s foot, rape, etc.) alone or compounded Good lubricant. Often unstable. Sulphurized EP oils Straight oils with sulphur, zinc oxide or other additives (0.2-0.8%S) Average coolant. Good lubricant. Pressure resistant. Prevents welding of chip on tool Sulphochlorinated EP oils Mineral and fatty oil blends with sulphur and chlorine additives More efficient than sulphurized oils. For most arduous conditions. Highly resistant to welding of chip on tool Chlorinated materials Carbon tetrachloride and trichlorethylene alone or blended with oils Very good EP fluid. Highly dangerous to use Gases and vapours Air, oil mist, CO, Limited cooling power. Chip dispersed EP, extreme pressure. 5.8 Casting zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu Casting is the forming of metal or plastic parts by introducing the liquid material to a suitably shaped cavity (mould), allowing it to solidify, and then 5.8.1 removing it from the mould. Further processing is usually required. Sand casting In sand casting the mould is made in a ‘moulding box’ using a special sand and a wooden ‘pattern’. Holes are produced by inserting previously made ‘cores’ of baked sand. Molten metal is poured into runners until it appears in risers. The casting is cleaned by chipping, grinding and sandblasting. Practically any metal can be cast. SAND CASTING .- Requiredcasting Risers Runner Moulding box 197 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY zy INVESTMENT CASTING Turbine biada 5.8.2 zyxwvutsr zyxwvut Shell moulding This is a form of sand casting done using a very fine sand mixed with synthetic resin. The pattern is made of machined and polished iron. The sand mixture is blown into a box containing the pattern which is heated to produce a hard, thin (6-10mm) mould which is split and removed from the pattern and then glued together. It is a high-speed process, producing highly accurate castings. 5.8.3 Investment a r t l n g (lost wax casting) Wax patterns are made from a permanent metal mould. The wax patterns are coated with ceramic slurry which is hardened and baked so that the wax is melted out. The cavity is filled with molten metal to give a precision casting. Any metal can be cast using this process. Fan impeller Wax panern .ylil ofceramic 198 5.0.4 z zyxwvuts zyxwvut MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Die casting The mould is of steel in several parts dowelled together. Molten metal is fed by gravity or pressure and, when solid, is ejected by pins. Aluminium, copper, manganese and zinc alloy are suitable for casting by this method. DIE CASTING Ram Shafl couplingpml ,Feed hol 5.8.5 zyxw zyxw zyxw Centrifugal casting Cylindrical or circular components such as piston rings, cylinder liners, pipes, etc., may be cast in a rotating mould. Centrifugal pressure gives a fine grain casting. Any metal may be cast using this process. CENTRIFUGAL CASTING i 4 Valve body Feed w Vertical axis Gear wheel MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 5.9 5.9. I zyxwvutsr z 199 zyxwvu zyxwvut zyxwvuts Metal forming processes Hand f o r l r y Md drop hwng ‘Forging’is the forming of metal parts by hammering, pressing, or bending to the required shape, usually at red heat. ‘Handforging’ involves the use of an anvil and special hammers, chisels and swages. A ‘drop forging machine’uses pneumatic or hydraulicpressure to compress hot metal blanks between hard steel dies. Fo@ngwithfiashnmwval 200 MECHANICALENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Vehicle axle FORGINGS 5.9.2 z zyxwvu Drawing process This is the forming of flat metal blanks into box and cup-like shapes by pressing them with a shaped punch into a die. The process is used for cartridge cases, boxes, electrical fittings, etc. First stage Deep drawing f-\ h Deep-drawn components A zyxw Second stage zy zy zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr 20 1 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOOY 5.9.3 Extrusion Hot extrusion A piece of red-hot bar or billet is placed in a cylinder and forced through a specially shaped die by a piston to produce long lengths of bar. Hollow sections can be made by placing a mandrel in the die orifice. Cold extrusion Soft metals such as aluminium and copper can be extruded cold. Practically all metals may be extruded. Cylinder Aluminium archilectural ~ ~ c t i o n s Billet Hot extrusion 5.9.4 Impact extrusion zyx A metal which is plastic when cold may be extruded by the impact of a high-velocity punch. The metal of the blank flows up the sides of the punch to produce a cylinder. The process is used for manufacturing toothpaste tubes, ignition coil cans, etc. Impact extrusion 202 5.9.5 z zyxw zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvu MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK zyxwvuts Rolling Press work A press is used for a wide range of processes such as punching, piercing, blanking, notching, bending, drawing, and folding. It may be operated by means of a crank connected to a heavy flywheel or by hydraulic power. Formulae are given for various processes. Bending plate In a rolling mill, red-hot ingots of steel or other metals are passed through successivepairs of specially shaped rollers to produce flat bar, sheet, I, T, channel, angle or other section bar. Final cold rolling may be camed out to give a better finish. Universal Beams, Universal Columns, Joists, Angles, and Channels are made to British Standards BS 4: Part 1 and BS 4848: Part 4. Flanging a pipe Rolls for I section =Punching Folding Press work 5.9.6 Press tool theory Sheet metal work Punching process In sheet metal work allowance must be made for bends depending on the thickness of the material, the radius of the bend and bend angle. Symbols used: F,,, =maximum shear force 7u=ultimate shear stress t =material thickness x =penetration p =perimeter of profile zyx Maximum shear force F,,, =7 . t ~ . Work done W = Fmaxx X Penetration ratio c = t Rolling mill (rolling channel) MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY zyxwvutsrqp zyx 203 Drawing process zyxwv zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvutsr Jm Blank diameter D = Required force F = ndta, where: uu= ultimate tensile stress. f F-Cl L Distance Shearing process Shearing force F = - IF P zyxwvuts 5.9.7 (3) where: h=the ‘shear’. - .... ..... D x Sheet metal work Allowance for right angle bend Lengths a and b are reduced by an ‘allowance’c, and c =r +t -a (r +;) When r=2t (as is often the case), c= 1.037t. Allowance for bend with outside angle 0 2” (: :) c=(r+t)tan--- r+- ( : , (6 in degrees) When r=2t, c = 3tan--0.02188 Bending process Bending force F , = r,Lt Planishing force F , = a,Lb where: a,=yield stress. + + I( + :) Initial length of strip Li = h - t -2r b - r - ) t. 204 zyxwvutsrq z zyxwvut zyxwvutsr zyxwvut 5.9.8 MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK Unequal angles Rolled sections Rolled sections are made to British Standards BS 4: Part 1 and BS 4848: Part 4. D x B from 40mm x 25mm to 200mm x 150mm. Universal beams D x B = 127mm x 76 mm to 914 mm x 419 mm. t zyxwvut and T are of several sizes in each case. Universal columns D x E = 152mm x 152mm to 356mm x 406 mm. t and T are in several sizes in each case. Channels D x B from 76 mm x 38 mm to 432 mm x 102 mm. One value of t in each case. Beams. columns and joists Joists From 76 mm x 76 mm to 254 mm x 203 mm Equal angles D x B from 25 mm x 25 mm to 200mm x 200mm. Several values of t in each case. Y. ' Channels MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Miscellaneous rolled sections zy zyxwvutsr zy zyxwvu 205 Hexagonal b a ~ 2 section Rail sections Round bar L nz Square bar Shea pile Bulb -ions Flat bai T section 5.10 Soldering and brazing zyxwv In soldering and brazing, bonding takes place at a temperature below the melting points of the metals 5. IO. I being joined. The bond consists of a thin film of low-melting-point alloy known as 'solder' or 'filler'. zyxwvut zy Solders and soldering For small parts, a 'soldering iron', which is heated by gas or an internal electric element, is used. For large joints a gas flame is used. Soji solder form of bar or wire with cores of resin flux. Flux is used to prevent oxidation by forming a gas which excludes air from the joint. A solution of zinc chloride (killed spirits) or resin are commonly used as fluxes. Silver solder This is a mixture of lead, tin and sometimes antimony. Typical solders are 50% tin and 50% lead (melting range 182-21SoC), 60% tin and 40% lead (melting range 182-188°C) and 95% tin and 5% antimony (melting range 238-243 "C).Solder is available in the This is an alloy of silver, copper and zinc with a melting point of about 700°C used mainly for joining brass and copper. It is in strip form and is used with a flux powder. 206 5.10.2 z zyxwvuts MECHANICALENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK Soldered joints zyxwvutsrq v zyxwvutsrqpon M I Single lap joint Gas-alr brazing torch Onset lap joint Double lock joint 5.10.4 Brazed joints z In the figure, several types of brazed joint are shown; the arrows indicate the direction of the load. son soldering 5.10.3 Brazing Above about 800 "Cthe process is called 'brazing' (or hard soldering). Brazing rod (50Y0copper and 50% zinc) is used for general work, with a flux consisting of borax mixed to a paste with water. A torch supplied with mains gas and compressed air is used. Taps control the flow and mixture. For large-scaleproduction work, induction and furnace heating are used. I MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY zyxwvutsrqpo zy 207 zyxwvuts zyxwvu zyxwvutsrqponmlkji 5.1 I Gas welding In gas welding the heat to melt the metal parts being welded is produced by the combination of oxygen and an inflammable gas such as acetylene, propane, bu- 5. I I.I tane, etc. Acetylene is the most commonly used gas; propane and butane are cheaper but less efficient. Oxyacetylene welding A flame temperature of about 3250 "Cmelts the metals which fuse together to form a strong joint. Extra metal may be supplied from a filler rod and a flux may be used to prevent oxidation. The gas is supplied from high pressure bottles fitted with special regulators which reduce the pressure to 0.134.5 bar. Gauges indicate the pressures before and after the regulators. A torch mixes the gases which issue from a copper nozzle designed to suit the weld size. The process produces harmful radiation and goggles must be worn. The process is suitable for steel plate up to 25mm thick, but is mostly used for plate about 2 mm thick. Gas-welding equipment Gas wekliag - edge prepration, speed, a d metal thickness Welding rod diameter (mm) Method Edge preparation rn 1.5 1.5-3 Leftward 3-4 (C) 'd) 127-1 52 100-127 Metal thickness (mm) zy 0.8 1.5 zyxwvutsrqpo Leftward ++ 1 I 08-3mm (b' Speed (mm min- ') -\ TWY /- 100-127 90-100 2.5 3.0 75-90 Leftward Rightward 60-75 4 .O 4.8 Rightward 50-60 6.0 35-40 8.0 II 208 z zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvu zyxwv zyxw zyxwvutsr MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK Gas welding - edge preparation, speed, and metal thickness (continued) Welding rod diameter (mm) Edge preparation 3-6.5 3E 4 c f 6.5 5.1 1.2 y--"07 Speed (mmmin-') Method Metal thickness (mm) Rightward 30-35 22-25 9.5 12.5 Rightward 19-22 15-16 10-12 15.0 19.0 25.0 zyxwvuts Type of flame duces brittle low-strength oxides. Use of this flame should be avoided when welding brass and bronze. It is essential to have the correct type of flame which depends on the proportions of the gases. Neutral flame This is the type most used since it least affects the metal being welded. The almost transparent flame has a well defined blue core with a rounded end. Roughly equal amounts of gas are used. 5. I I.3 Method of gas welding Two methods of gas welding are used: leftward and rightward. Leftward welding Carburizing flame This is used for plate up to 4.5mm thick and for non-ferrous metals. The torch is moved towards the filler rod and given a slight side-to-side motion. This flame contains excess acetylene and hence carbon. Carbides are formed which produce brittleness. The flame is used when 'hard facing'. The blue core is surrounded by a white plume. Oxidizing flame This flame contains an excess of oxygen which pro- Lettward welding zy zyxwvutsr zyxwvut 209 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Rightward welding This is used for plate thicker than 4.5 mm. For larger plate the edges are chamfered Bo give an included angle of about 80". zyxwvutsr Rihtward welding 5. I I.4 Fillers and fluxas The table below gives recommended filler rod materials and fluxes for gas welding. Metal welded Filler Flux Low carbon steels Low carbon steel rod sometimes copper coated. 1.&5 mm diameter No flux required Stainless steel Special steel rod for each type. 1.63.2mm diameter Grey powder in paste with water (m.p. 910 "C). Weld cleaned with 5% caustic soda solution, then with hot water Cast iron High silicon cast iron rod. 5 or 6mm square Grey powder in paste with water (m.p. 850 "C). Excess removed by chipping and wire brushing Brass or bronze Silicon bronze sometimes flux coated. 1.&6 mm diameter Pale blue powder (m.p. 875 "C) in paste with alcohol. Cleaning is with boiling water and by brushing Aluminium and alloys Pure aluminium or alloy. 1.6-5 mm diameter White powder in paste with water (m.p. 570 "C). Cleaning by dipping in 5% nitric acid solution and hot water wash Copper Copper-silver low melting point rods. 3.2 mm diameter White powder in paste with water. Cleaning is with boiling water and by wire brushing 210 zyxwvutsrq z zyxwvutsr 5. I I.5 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Flame cutting Steel plate over 300mm thick can be cut by this method, either manually or by automatic machine using templates for complicated shapes. Thin plates may be stacked so that many may be cut at one time. The plate is first heated by a mixture of oxygen and acetylene until red hot and then a stream of oxygen alone is used to burn with the metal with intense heat. Propane and butane may be used with plain carbon steel, but are not as effective as oxygen. Cutting speeds of up to 280 mm min- are possible with 25-mm plate. Typical speeds are given in the table. ’ Cutting oxygen Oxyacetylene cutting torch Flame cutting Oxyacetylene cutting Plate thickness (mm) 6 13 25 50 75 100 Nozzle diameter (mm) Acetylene pressure (bar) Oxygen pressure (bar) Cutting speed (mmmin-’) 0.8 1.2 0.14 0.21 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 1.8 2.1 2.8 3.2 3.5 3.2 430 360 280 200 200 150 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.0 5.12 Arc welding 5.12. I Description of arc welding The heat of fusion is generated by an electric arc struck between two electrodes, one of which is the workpiece and the other a ‘welding rod’. The welding rod is made of a metal similar to the workpiece and is coated with a solid flux which melts and prevents oxidation of the weld. The rod is used to fill the welded joint. Power is obtained from an a.c. or d.c. ‘welding set’ providing a regulated low-voltage high-current supply to an ‘elec- -- MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY zyxwvutsr zy trode holder’ and ‘earthing clamp’. The work is done on a steel ‘weldingtable’ to which the work is clamped and to which the earthing clamp is attached to complete the circuit. 21 1 E M B.- zyxwvutsr zyxwvut Earthing clamp 5.12.2 Arc welding processes Joint condition -fusion Manual metal arc Carbon arc Submerged arc Tungsten inert g a s (TIG) Metal inert gas (MIG) Open arc, automatic Atomic hydrogen Arc stud welding Spot welding Roller spot welding Projection welding Electroslag Thermit 5.12.3 Laser welding Plasma welding Electron beam welding Joint condition - solid phase Butt welding Flash butt welding Friction welding Ultrasonic welding Sintering Joint condition - solid/liquid Brazing Types of weld Thefillet weld, the most used, is formed in the corner of overlapping plates, etc. In the interests of economy, and to reduce distortion, intermittent welds are often used for long runs, with correct sequencing to minim i x distortion. Tack welds are used for temporary holding before final welding. Plug welds and slot welds are examples of fillet welds used for joining plates. For joining plates end to end, butt welds are used. The plates must have been suitably prepared, e.g. single or double V or U, or single and double bevel or J. To avoid distortion, especially with thick plates, an unequal V weld may be used. the smaller weld being made first. @& zyxwvuts zyxwvut Fillet wekls 212 MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK z zyx Resistance welding is used to produce spot welds and stud welding by passing an electric current through the two metal parts via electrodes. In seam welding the electrodes are wheels. BUTT WELDS Double V ( D i i W ) Single V (SVBW) single u (SUBW) Double U (DUBW) Uneaual double U Resistance spot welding Single bevel (SBBW) Double bevel (DBBW) Single J (SJBW) zyxwvutsrqpo r Double J (DJBW) Resistance seam welding zyxwvutsr zy 213 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 5.12.4 zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsrq zy Weld symbols weld symbok, (Bs499) \ 6mm fillet weld on one side of joint V butt weld on one side 8 mm fillet weld all round on one side U butt weld on one side with sealing run 6mm fillet weld on both sides of joint 5 4 mm diameter spot welds at 70mm pitch I ~ 8mm fillet weld all round on both sides 5.12.5 Intermittent 8 mm fillet welds, 25mm long, starting with 50mm space and 50mm gaps zyxwvuts Gas-shielded metal arc welding In this process an inert gas such as argon is used as a flux; the electrode is a continuously fed consumable wire. Two processes are used: ‘metal inert gas’ (MIG) and ‘tungsten inert gas’ (TIG). Welding processes (50)25(50) A table is given of all the welding processes, together with recommendations for the use of a number of these. zyxwvutsr zyxw zyxwvuts 2 14 MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Recommended welding processes R R S S R R R R S Manual metal arc Submerged arc TIG MIG Flash welding Spot welding Oxyacetylene weldiing Furnace brazing Torch brazing R R S S R R R R S R R S S R R S S N R R R R R R S S S R S S S S S S S S R S S S S S S N N S N S N N U R N R R =recommended; S =satisfactory; N =not recommended; U =unsuitable. Edge preparation Plates below 8 mm thick may be butt welded without preparation; with thicker plate the edges must be chamfered to obtain good penetration. The groove is then filled by depositing a number of runs of weld. The double V uses less material for thick plates and also reduces thermal distortion. A U preparation approaches a uniform weld width. Arc weldine: - edge preparation Close butt Single V I Single U Y"'Y S N R R S R S R R U U R S N S N N N N N R R S S S S R R S R R S R S R R U U R S S S U S S zyxw z zyxw I/--Double V MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Positions of welding zyxwvutsrqp zy 215 zyxwv In addition to 'flat' welding, which is the ideal position, three other positions are used: horizontal, vertical and overhead. If one member is vertical and one horizontal the position is called horizontal-vertical. In the last case a number of passes must be made to overcome the tendency for molten metal to run out. (See figure.) Horizontal vemcai Overhead Horizontacvellical zyxwvu zyxwvu % i 5.12.9 Welding terminology, throat size and allowable stress Welding practice The relevant British Standards are BS 4360:Part 2, BS 639, BS 1719, BS 1856, BS 2642, BS 449 and BS 499. Weld face Included f Excess weld metal Leg length / Throat thickness Root e = included angle Fillet weld Butt weM Effective throat size (r=throat thickness, L=leg length) zy zyxwv Fillet angle, 0 (") 60-90 91-100 101- 106 107-1 13 114-120 tlL 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 216 zyxwvutsrq zyxw zyxwvu zyxwvu MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK \ Allowable stress for welded structural steels 43 50 55 Stress (N mm-’) 115 160 195 Grade 5.13 Limits and f i t s It is impossible to make components the exact size and an allowance or ‘tolerance’ must be made which depends on the process and the application. The tolerance results in two extremes of size which must be maintained. The tolerances of two fitting parts, e.g. a shaft in a bearing, determines the type of ‘fit’ and 5.13. I makes interchangeability possible. British Standard BS 4500:Part 1 : 1969,‘IS0 Limits and Fits’, gives a comprehensive system relating to holes and shafts; it can, however, be used for other components, e.g. a key in a keyway. Terminology Taking the example of holes and shafts, there is a ‘basic size’ and then maximum and minimum sizes for each, their differences being the tolerances. Their differences from the basic size are called the ‘maximum and minimum deviations’. Minimum limit Basic of size Minimum limit of size E-+ nca Maximum limit 01 size r deviation r deviation Maximum limit of size Basic size Maximum Maximum Minimum mum rance Clearance fit Transition lit Upper deviation Lower deviation Tolerance Interference fit zy zyxw zyxw zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvuts 217 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Types 5.13.2 The fit describes the manner in which two parts go together. A ‘clearance fit’ means that the shaft will always be smaller than the hole. An ‘interference fit’ means that the shaft will always be larger than the hole and a fitting force will be necessary. A ‘transition fit’ means that there may be either clearance or interference. BS 4500 ‘Selected Fits’ Gives a much smaller range of fits, the hole tolerance is denoted by the letter H and the shaft by a lower-case letter (see table). For conventionally manufactured parts, the five fits given are usually sufficient (see table). Tolerance Hole H7 H8 H9 H11 BS 4500 gives 18 ‘tolerance grades’ numbered ITO1, ITO, IT1, IT2, up to IT16. The actual tolerance depends on the size of the component (see table below). Shaft c l l d10 e9 fl g6 h6 k6 n6 p6 s6 Selected Fits zyxw selected fits (Bs 4500) Reduced range of fits for conventionally manufactured prts _______~ ~~ Type of fit Shaft tolerance Hole tolerance Description of fit Clearance Clearance Transition Interference Interference fl H8 H7 H7 H7 H7 Running Sliding Keying Press Push or shrink g6 k6 P6 s6 5.13.3 Example of symbols and sizes on drawing On the drawing these parameters would be given as (rounding off to nearest 0.01 mm): Preliminary design drawing Hole: 30.01 30.00 It is convenient to use symbols, e.g. 45 mm shaft and ‘transition’ fit. Tolerance is given as: 4 45H7/k6. Production drawing For a 30mm diameter shaft, fit H9/d10: Hole maximum limit of size= 30.012 mm Hole minimum limit of size = 30.00 mm Therefore tolerance =0.012 mm. Shaft maximum limit of size = 30.015 mm Shaft minimum limit of size = 30.002 mm Therefore, tolerance =0.013 mm Shaft: 30.02 30.00 ~ z zyxwvuts Engineering materials zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA 6.1 Cast irons ~~~ 6. I. I ~ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA z zyxwvutsrq Grey iron Grey iron is so called because of the colour of the fracture face. It contains 1 . 5 4 3 % carbon and 0.3-5%0 silicon plus manganese, sulphur and phosphorus. It is brittle with low tensile strength, but is easy to cast. Properties of some grey irons (BS 1452) Grade Tensile strength (Nmm-2) Compressive strength (Nmm-*) Transverse strength (Nmm-’) Hardness, BHN* Modulus of elasticity (GN m-’) 10 17 24 160 260 370 620 770 1240 2W370 450490 620-700 160-180 190-250 240-300 76-104 110-130 124145 *BHN =Brinell hardness number. 6. I.2 Spheroidal graphite (SG) iron zyxwvutsr This is also called nodular iron because the graphite is in the form of small spheres or nodules. These result in higher ductility which can be im- proved further by heat treatment. Mechanical properties approach those of steel combined with good castability. Properties of some SG irons (BS 2789) Grade Tensile strength (Nmm-2) 0.5% permanent set stress (Nmm-2) Hardness BHN* SNG24/17 SNG37/2 SNG47/2 370 570 730 230 390 460 140-170 210-310 280-450 *BH = Brinell hardness number. Minimum elongation (%) 17 2 2 z zyxwvutsr zyxwvut 219 ENGINEERING MATERIALS 6. I.3 Malleable irons These have excellent machining qualities with strength similar to grey irons but better ductility as a result of closely controlled heat treatment. There are three types: white heart with superior casting properties; black heart with superior machining properties; and pearlitic which is superior to the other two but difficult to produce. Properties of some maUeabie irons Type Grade Minimum tensile strength (Nmm-2) Yield point strength (Nmm-2) Hardness, BHN* White heart, BS 309 W22/24 W24/8 310-340 340-370 180-200 200-220 248 (max.) 248 (max.) 4 6 Black heart, BS 310 B18/6 B20/10 B22/14 280 3 10 340 170 190 200 150 (max.) 150 (max.) 150 (max.) 6 10 14 Pearlitic, BS 3333 P28/6 P33/4 430 460 - 143-187 170-229 Elongation (%) zyxwvut - 6 4 *BHN = Brinell hardness number. 6. I.4 Alloy irons The strength, hardness, wear resistance, temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, machinability and castability of irons may be improved by the addition of 6.2 Carbon steels 6.2. I Applications of plain carbon steels These are alloys of iron and carbon, chemically combined, with other elements such as manganese, silicon, sulphur, phosphorus, nickel and chromium. Properties are governed by the amount of carbon and the heat treatment used. Plain carbon steels are broadly classified as: low carbon (0.05-0.3%C), with elements such as nickel, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, copper and zirconium. zyx high ductility and ease of forming; medium carbon (0.3-0.6%C), in which heat treatment can double the strength and hardness but retain good ductility; and high carbon (>0.6%C),which has great hardness and high strength and is used for tools, dies, springs, etc. 220 zyxwvutsrq MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Applications of plain carbon steels %Carbon Name Applications 0.05 0.084. 15 0.15 0.10-0.30 0.254.40 0.30-0.45 0.40-0.50 0.554.65 0.654.75 0.75-0.85 0.854.95 0.95-1.10 Sheet, strip, car bodies, tinplate, wire, rod, tubes Sheet, strip, wire, rod, nails, screws, reinforcing bars Case carburizing type Steel plate, sections, structural steel Bright drawn bar High tensile tube, shafts Shafts, gears, forgings, castings, springs Forging dies, springs, railway rails Hammers, saws, cylinder liners Chisels, die blocks for forging Punches, shear blades, high tensile wire Knives, axes, screwing taps and dies, milling cutters Dead mild Mild Mild Mild Medium carbon Medium carbon Medium carbon High carbon High carbon High carbon High carbon High carbon zyxwvut Properties of carbon steels (BS970) Composition (%) Mechanical properties Type C Si Mn Tensile strength (Nmm-’) 070 M20 0.2 - 0.7 400 21 150 Easily machinable steels suitable for light stressing. Weldable 070 M26 0.26 - 0.7 430 20 165 Stronger than En2. Good machinability. Weldable 080 M30 0.3 - 0.8 460 20 165 Increased carbon improves mechanical properties, but slightly less machinable 080 M36 0.36 - 0.8 490 18 180 Tough steel used for forgings, nuts and bolts, levers, spanners, etc. 080 M40 0.4 - 0.8 510 16 180 Medium carbon steel, readily machinable 080 M46 0.46 - 0.8 540 14 205 Used for motor shafts, axles, brackets and couplings 080 M5O 0.5 - 0.8 570 14 205 Used where strength is more important than toughness, e.g. machine tool parts 216 M28 0.28 0.25 1.3 540 10 180 Increased manganese content gives enhanced strength and toughness Elongation (%) Hardness, BHN* Applications, etc. ENGINEERING MATERIALS zyxwvutsrqpon zy zyxwvut zyxwvutsr zyxw 22 1 Properties of carbon steels (E 970) (continued) Composition (YO) Mechanical properties Type C Si Mn Tensile strength Elongation (Nmm-*) (YO) 080 M15 0.15 0.25 0.8 460 16 - Case-hardening steel. Used where wear is important, e.g. gears and pawls 060A96t 0.99-1.0 0.14.7 0.5-0.7 1300 - 500 High carbon spring steel Hardness, BHN* Applications, etc. *BHN =Brinell hardness number. tTo BS 950. Tempering temperature and clolour for carbon steels Temperature ("C) zyxw Colour Application Pale yellow Light yellow Straw yellow Dark yellow Brown-yellow Brown-purple Purple Dark purple Dark blue Up to dark red Hacksaw blades Planing and slotting tools, hammers Milling cutters, drills, reamers Taps, dies, shear blades, punches Wood drills, stone-cutting tools Axe blades, press tools Cold chisels, wood chisels, plane blades Screw drivers Wood saws, springs Great toughness at expense of hardness _ _ _ _ _ ~ 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 450-700 6.3 Alloy steels 6.3. I Classification Alloy steels differ from carbon steels in that they contain a high proportion of other alloying elements. The following are regarded as the minimum levels: Element YO Element YO Element Aluminium Chromium Cobalt Copper 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.4 Lead Manganese and silica Molybdenum Nickel 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.5 Silicon Sulphur and phosphorus Tungsten Vanadium O/Q 2 .o 0.2 0.3 0.1 zyxw z 222 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Alloy steels are classified according to increasing proportion of alloying elements and also phase change during heating and cooling as follows: low alloy steels medium alloy steels high alloy steels ternary - one element quarternary - two elements complex - more than two elements General description Low alloy steels Cobalt Cobalt provides air hardening and resistance to scaling. It improves the cutting properties of tool steel with 8-10%. With chromium, cobalt gives certain high alloy steels high-temperature scaling resistance. Copper These generally have less than 1.8% nickel, less than 6%chromium, and less than 0.65%molybdenum. The tensile strength range is from 450-620 N mm-’ up to 85O-lOoON mm-2. Medium alloy steels High alloy steels Up to 0.25% is used. It increases machineability in plain carbon steels rather than in alloy steels. Manganese The range used is 0.3-2%. It reduces sulphur brittleness, is pearlitic up to 2%, and a hardening agent up to 1 Yo.From 1-2% it improves strength and toughness and is non-magnetic above 5%. zyxwvut These have more than 12% alloying elements. A chromium content of 13-18% (stainless steel) gives good corrosion resistance; high wear resistance is obtained with austenitic steel containing over 1 1 YO manganese. Some types have good heat resistance and high strength. Molybdenum The range used is 0.3-5%. It is a carbide forming element which promotes grain refinement and increases high-temperature strength, creep resistance, and hardenability. Molybdenum reduces temper brittleness in nickel-chromium steels. zyxwvut Effect o f alloying elements Aluminium The typical range is 0.24.5%.It has limited application for improving corrosion resistance and yield strength of low alloy steels and promotes a tenacious oxide film. Lead These have alloying elements ranging from 5-12%. They do not lend themselves to classification. They include: nickel steels used for structural work, axles, shafts, etc.; nickel-molybdenum steels capable of being case-hardened, which are used for cams, camshafts, rolling bearing races, etc.; and nickelchromemolybdenum steels of high strength which have good fatigue resistance. 6.3.3 A range of O M % , improves wear, oxidation, scaling resistance, strength and hardenability. It also increases high-temperature strength, but with some loss of ductility. Chromium combines with carbon to form a wear-resistant microstructure. Above 12% the steel is stainless, up to 30%it is used in martensitic and ferritic stainless steel with nickel. zyxwvu zyxwvut and according to the number of alloying elements as follows: 6.3.2 Chromium This acts as a deoxidizer to increase resistance to oxidation and scaling. It aids nitriding, restricts grain growth, and may reduce strength unless in small quantities. The range used is 0-2%. Nickel The range used is 0.3-5%. It improves strength, toughness and hardenability, without affecting ductility. A high proportion of it improves corrosion resistance. For parts subject to fatigue 5% is used, and above 27% the steel is non-magnetic. Nickel promotes an austenitic structure. zy zyxwvutsr 223 ENGINEERING MATERIALS Silicon Tungsten The usual range is 0.2-3%. It has little effect below 3%. At 3% it improves strength and hardenability but reduces ductility. Silicon acts as a deoxidizer. Sulphur Up to 0.5% sulphur forms sulphides which improve machineability but reduces ductility and weldability. Titanium Content Type Low 1 %Cr, Mo Specification 709M40 1.75%Ni,Cr,Mo 817M40 4.25%Ni,Cr, Mo 835M30 897M39 3%Cr, Mo, V 5%Cr, M o , V AISI HI 1 9%Ni, Co HP9/4/45 Republic Steel 410S21 Vascojet MA Vanadium alloy steel 12-14%Cr Cr, W, Mo. V High This is a carbide forming element and deoxidizer used with nickel and/or chromium to increase strength. It improves hardenability and grain refinement and combines with carbon to form wear-resistant microconstituents. As a deoxidizer it is useful for casting steels, improving strength and hardness and eliminating blowholes, etc. Vanadium is used in high-speed and pearlitic chromium steels. Typical properties of alloy steels Typical properties of alloy steels Medium Vanadium zyxwvu zyxwvu This is a strong carbide forming element. In proportions of O.2-O.75% it is used in maraging steels to make them age-hardening and to give high strength. It stabilizes austenitic stainless steel. 6.3.4 This forms hard stable carbides and promotes grain refining with great hardness and toughness at high temperatures. It is a main alloying element in high speed tool steels. It is also used for permanent-magnet steels. 13%Cr, Ni, Mo 316S12 19%Cr,Ni, Mo 317S16 15%Cr, Ni, Mo, V ESSHETE 1250 S. Fox 17%Cr,Ni AISI 301 17% Cr, Ni, AI 14%Cr, Ni, Cu. Mo, Nh 15%Cr, Ni, Mo, V 1717 PH Armco REX 627 Firth Vickers AM 355 Allegheny Ludlum 300grade maraging INCO 250grade maraging Tensile strength (Nmm-’) Fatigue limit (Nmm-’) Weldability Corrosion resistance Machineability Formability 1240 1550 1550 1310 (1780) 2010 (A2630) 540 700 700 620 PHIFHTR PHIFHTR P H FHTR PH/FHTR PR PR PR PR F/HTR P/HTR PWTR PIHTR F F F F 850 (A1880) PH/FHTR PR P/HTR F 1390 1850 1160 2320 (A3090) - FHTR PR WHTR F 340 960 PJFHTR PHJFHTR F PR FJHTR PIHTR F F 260 260 G G GJFHTR G G GJHT F G F ~ F F F G F FHTR F F F F G F 620 650 590 - 740 280 (CR 1240) 1480 1470 540 zyxwvu F G zyxwvutsrqpon 18%Ni, Co, Mo 18%Ni, Co, Mo 1480 740 1930 1700 660 FHTR F F F GIFHTR PR F P GIFHTR PR F P A = ausformed, MA = martempered, CR =cold rolled, P = poor, F = fair, G = good, PH = preheat required, PR = protection required, HT = at high temperature, HTR = when heat treated, FHTR=final heat treatment required. 224 zyxwvutsrq z zyxwvutsr zyxw 6.3.5 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Cast high-alloy steels Composition (YO) BS specification Type Cu Si Mn Ni Cr Mo C Tensile strength (Nmm-’) Yield stress Elongation (Nmm-’)(%) 1.0 11.0 - - - 1.0 Possess great hardness hence used for earth moving equipment pinions, sprockets, etc., where wear resistance is important. 3 100 BW 10 Austenitic manganese steel 3 100 410 C 21 13%chromium - 1.0 1.0 1.0 13.5 - 0.15 540 steel Mildly corrosion resistant. Used in paper industry 3100 302 C25 Austenitic chromiumnickel steel 3100 315 C16 Austenitic 1.5 2.0 10.0 20.0 1.0 0.08 480 210 22 chromium- Cast stainless steel with higher nickel content giving increased corrosion nickelresistance. Molybdenum gives increased weldability molybdenum steel 3100 302 C35 Heat-resisting alloy steel - 370 15 1.5 2.0 8.0 21.0 - 0.08 480 210 Cast stainless steel. Corrosion resistant and very ductile. 26 - - 2.0 2.0 10.0 22.0 1.5 0.4 560 - 3 3.0 2.0 65.0 10.0 1.0 0.75 460 3 Can withstand temperatures in excess of 650 “C.Temperature at which scaling occurs raised due to chromium - 3100 334Cll zyxwvut 6.3.6 Weldablestructural steel for hollow sections Mechanical properties of weldable structural steel for hollow sections (BS4360: 1972) Grade 43c 43D 43E 50B 5oc 50D 55c 55E Tensile strength (Nmm-’) Yield strength* (Nmm-’) Elongation 4301540 4301540 4301540 4901620 4901620 4901620 550/700 5501700 255 255 270 355 355 355 450 450 22 22 22 20 20 20 19 19 *Up to 16mm thickness. (YO) ENGINEERING MATERIALS 6.4 6.4. I zyxwvutsrqpo zy 225 zyxwvu zyxwvut Stainless steels Types of stainless steel Stainless steels comprise a wide range of iron alloys containing more than 10% chromium. They are classified as austenitic, ferritic and martensitic. Austinitic stainless steels A standard composition is l8%Cr, 8%Ni (18/8 steel). These steels have high resistance to corrosion, good weldability, high toughness, especially at low temperature, and excellent ductility. They may be hardened by cold working and are non-magnetic. Special properties are produced by the addition of molybdenum, cadmium, manganese, tungsten and columbium. Ferritic stainless steels The chromium content is normally 16-20% with corrosion resistance better than martensitic but inferior to austenitic steels. They are used for presswork because of their high ductility, but are subject to brittle failure at low temperature. They have moderate strength and limited weldability and are hardenable by heat treatment. The low carbon content makes them suitable for forming without cracking. They are magnetic and have low coefficients of thermal expansion. can be heat treated to improve properties and can be made with a wide range of properties. They are used for cutlery. 6.4.1 Selection of stainless steels The applications of the different stainless steels are listed below. Austenitic Window and aoor frames. Roofing and guttering. Chemical plant and tanks. Domestic hot water piping. Spoons, forks, knife handles. Kitchen utensils. Washing machines. Hospital equipment. Car hub caps, rim embellishers and bumpers. Wheel spokes. Welding rods and electrodes. Wire ropes. Yacht fittings, masts and marine fittings. Nuts, bolts, screws, rivets, locking wire, split pins. Shafts. Coil and leafsprings. Ferritic Mouldings and trim for cars, furniture, television sets, gas and electric cookers, refrigerators, etc. Coinage. Spoons and forks. Domestic iron soles. Vehicle silencers. Driving mirror frames. Fasteners. Parts to resist atmospheric corrosion. Heat-resistant parts, e.g. oil-burner sleeves and parts working up to 800 "C. Martensitic stainless steels Martensitic The chromium content is 12-18% and the nickel content is 1-3%. These steels are the least corrosion resistant of all. They are unsuitable for welding or cold forming. They have moderate machineability and are used where high resistance to tempering at high temperature is important, e.g. for turbine blades. They Structural components. Tools. High temperature turbine parts. Flat and coil springs. Scales, rulers, knives, spatulas. Kitchen tools and appliances where high strength and hardness are required with moderate corrosion resistance. Surgical and dental instruments. Record player spindles. Fasteners. 226 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts zyxwvu MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK zyxw zyxwvu zyxwv 6.4.3 Properties of typical types BS code no. Remarks Yield Tensile stress strength Elongation C Condition (Nmm-2) (Nmrn-?) (YO) Stainless Iron 1 AD S Stainless Iron 1 AD Martensitic steel, easy to (416821) manipulate Similar to above, but (416829) harder Stainless Iron W Weldable martensitic steel S AH AD S AH 12 35 0.9-0.15 1 (max.) 11.5/13.5 0.9-0.15 1 (max.) 11.5/13.5 465 280 850 540 430 1080 10 - 0.14/0.2 1 (max.) 11.5/13.5 0.1410.2 1 (max.) 11.51133 0.14/0.2 1 (max.) 11.5/13.5 465 250 700 540 450 930 10 35 - - 850 740 1080 10 25 15 0.1210.2 213 0.1210.2 213 0.1210.2 213 510 25 0.1 H Stainless Ferritic stainless steel 17 steel more (430S15) corrosion resistant than stainless iron S 310 Stainless Similar to Steel 20 above, but a (430316) little more corrosion resistant S Stainless Ferritic steel Steel 27 with excellent resistance to scaling at high temperature S 390 560 1818 Austenitic steel, (302325) good for AD 620 S 230 700 540 working and welding. Must be softened after welding S Cr 5 10 400 than stainless iron but greater resistance, especially to sea water AD Ni 430 280 770 590 1005 2012 Martensitic steel (43 1S29) harder to work Composition (YO) 540 - - - - - 15/20 15/20 15/20 0.5 16/18 (max.) 0.5 16/18 20 - - - 25 50 0.12 0.12 8.11 8.12 17/19 17/19 (max.) 340 - 25 0.1 zyxwvutsrqp z zyxwvuts zyxwvu ENGINEERING MATERULS 6.4.3 227 zy zyxwvut zyxwvu Proprties of typical types (contihued) BS code no. Remarks Yield Tensile stress strength Condition (Nmm-*) (Nmm-’) Composition (YO) Elongation (%) C 0.06 (max.) 0.06 (max.) Ni Cr 8/11 17/19 8/11 17/19 1818 low As above, but (304S15) low carbon content. Need not be softened after welding AD 540 620 25 S 230 540 30 18/8/r Special welding 18/12/Ni qualities, need (347317) not be softened after welding. 18/12/Nb contains niobium AD S 700 280 770 590 20 40 0.08 0.08 9/12 9/12 17/19 17/19 18/8/M For resistance to (316S16) certain concentrations of acetic and sulphuric acids AD S 700 330 770 660 20 40 0.07 0.07 10113 10113 16.5/18.5 16.5/18.5 AD S 700 330 770 660 20 40 - - - - Similar to 18/8/M AD S 700 310 770 20 40 - - - 620 - - - Austenitic steel with good heat-resisting properties AD 700 340 775 620 30 - - S 45 - - Similar to 25/20, canbewelded without subsequent softening AD S 700 390 770 660 30 40 - - - - - - An austenitic/ martensitic steel suitable for hardening- S H 310 1080 850 1240 30 15 - - - - - - 18/8/MT ‘316’ 25/20 23116/T 16/6/H As above but need not be softened after welding S =softened, H =hardened, AD =as drawn, AH =air hardened. - 228 6.5 British Standard specification of steels zyx zyxwvut The relevant standard is BS 970 ‘Wrought Steels’. The standard is in six parts: 300-449 : Heat-resistant, stainless and valve steels 500-999: Alloy steels Part 1 Carbon and carbon manganese steels including free-cutting steels Part 2 Direct hardening alloy steels Part 3 Steels for Case Hardening Part 4 Stainless, heat resisting and spring steels Part 5 Carbon and alloy spring steels Part 6 SI metric values (for use with Parts 1 to 5) Letter The letters A, M, H and S indicate if the steel is supplied to - chemical analysis, mechanical properties, hardenability requirements, or is stainless, respectively. Each steel is designated by six symbols: First three digits 000-199: Carbon and carbon-manganese steels. Digits represent 100 times the percentage of manganese. 200-240: Free cutting steels. Second and third digits represent 100 times the percentage of sulphur. 250: Silicon-manganese steel 6.6 6.6. I z zyxw MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Last two digits These give 100 times the percentage of carbon, except for stainless steels. Example 070M20: A plain carbon steel with 0.2% carbon and 0.7% manganese. The mechanical properties, i.e. tensile strength, yield strength, elongation and hardness, are given in the standard. Non-ferrous metals Copper and copper alloys ElectrolYticallY r&ned copper (99.95% Pure) is used for components requiring high conductivity. Less Pure copper is used for chemical plant, domestic plumbing, zyxw etc. Copper is available in the form ofwire, sheet, strip, plate, round bar and tube. Copper is used in many alloys, including brasses, bronzes, aluminium bronze, cupronickel, nickel-silver and &ryllium+opper. Composition and mechanical properties of some copper alloys zyxwvut Mechanical properties Composition (YO) 0.1% proof stress Tensile strength Elongation (YO) Vickers hardness Type and uses Cu Zn Others Condition (Nmm-’) (Nmm-’) Muntz metal: die stampings, and extrusions 60 40 - Extruded 110 350 40 15 Free-cutting brass: high-speed machining 58 39 3 Pb Extruded 140 440 30 100 ~~ zyxwvut zyxwv zyxwv 229 ENGINEERING MATERIALS Composition and meclumiial properties of some copper alloys (continued) Mechanical properties Composition (%) Type and uses Cu Zn Others Condition Cartridge brass: severe cold working 70 30 - Annealed Work hardened Standard brass: presswork 65 35 Admiralty gunmetal: 88 general-purpose castings 2 Phosphor bronze: castings and bushes for bearings remainder zyxw zyxwv zyxwvu 0.1% proof stress (Nmm-’) Tensile strength (Nmm-’) 75 500 (%) Vickers hardness 600 70 5 180 270 Elongation 65 - Annealed Work hardened 90 500 320 690 65 4 65 185 10 Sn Sand casting I20 290 16 85 10 Sn, 0.034.25 Sand casting 120 280 15 90 P Apdicatioas of copper and copper alloys Type and composition Pure copper 99.95%Cu Condition Tensile MN/mz Product Use 0 H 220 350 Sheet, strip wire High conductivity electrical applications 98.85%cu 0 H 220 360 All wrought forms Chemical plant. Deep drawn, spun articles 99.25%cu +0.5%As 0 H 220 360 All wrought forms Retains strength at high temperatures. Heat exchangers, steam pipes Brasses 9O%Cu, 10%Zngilding metal 0 H 280 510 Sheet, strip and wire Imitation jewellery, decorative work 7o%cU, 30%Zncartridge brass 0 H 325 700 Sheet, strip High ductility for deep drawing 65%Cu, 35%Znstandard brass 0 H 340 700 Sheet, strip and extrusions General cold working alloy 60%Cu, 40%ZnMuntz metal M 375 Hot rolled plate and extrusions Condenser and heat exchanger plates 59%Cu, 35%Zn, 2%Mn, M 2%A1, 2%Fe 600 Cast and hot worked forms Ships screws, rudders 58%Cu, 39%Zn, 3 % P b free cutting 440 Extrusions High speed machine parts M zyxwvut zyxwvu 230 MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Applications of copper and copper alloys (continued) Type and composition Bronzes 95.5%Cu, 3%Sn, 1.5Zn Condition Tensile MN/m2 Product Use 0 H 325 725 Strip Coinage 5.5%Sn, O.l%Zn, Cu 0 H 360 700 Sheet, strip and wire Springs, steam turbine blades 10%Sn, 0.03-0.25P, Cuphosphor bronze M 280 Castings Bushes, bearings and springs 10%Sn, O.S%P, Cu M 280 Castings General-purpose castings and bearings 10%Sn, 2%Zn, CuAdmiralty gunmetal M 300 Castings Pressure-tight castings, pump, valve bodies 0 H 400 770 Strip and tubing Imitation jewellery, condenser tubes M 700 Hot worked and cast products High-strength castings and forgings 0 H 360 600 Strip British 'silver' coinage 0 H 375 650 Sheet and tubing Condenser tubes, good corrosion resistance 29%cu, 68%Ni, 1.25%Fe, 0 1.25%Mn H 550 All forms Chemical plant, good corrosion resistance Sheet and strip Decorative use and cutlery zyxwvu zyxwvu zyxwvutsr Aluminium bronze 95?'ocU, 5%AI 10Y0A1,2.5%Fe, 2-5%Ni, Cu Cupronickel 75%cu, 25%Ni 70%Cu, 30%Ni Nickel-silver 55%Cu, 27%Zn, l8%Ni 0 H 725 375 650 zyxwvutsr zyxwvu Bery llium-copper 1.75-2.5%Be, 0.5% co, c u WP 1300 Sheet, strip, wire, forgings Non-spark tools, springs 0 =annealed, M =as manufactured, H =fully work hardened, WP=solution heat treated and precipitation hardened. 6.6.2 Aluminium and aluminium alloys Pure aluminium is available in grades from 99% to 99.99% purity. It is soft and ductile but work hardens. Pure aluminium is difficult to cast. Alloying elements improve properties as follows: Copper: increases strength and hardness. Makes heat treatable. Magnesium: increases hardness and corrosion resistance. Manganese: increases strength. Silicon: lowers melting point, increases castability. Silicon and magnesium: gives a heat-treatable alloy. Zinc: increases strength and hardness. Zinc and magnesium : increases strength; makes heat treatable. Bismuth: increases machinability. Lead: increases machinability. Boron: increases electrical conductivity. Nickel: increases strength at high temperature. Titanium: increases strength and ductility. Chromium, vanadium and zirconium : also used. ENGINEERING MATERIALS zyxwvutsrqp zy 23 1 Classification of aluminium alloys Aluminium alloys may be classified as follows. (1) Wrought alloys: (a) heat-treatable (b) non-heat-treatable (2) Casting alloys: (a) heat-treatable (b) non-heat-treatable zyxwvuts zyxw zyxw Wrought aluminium alloys Composition (%) Condition Non-heat-treatable alloys Annealed Aluminium 99.99 Half hard Full hard Cu 0.15, Si 0.6, Fe 0.7, Mn 1.0, Zn 0.1, Ti 0.2, A1 97.2 Cu 0.1, Mg 7.0, Si 0.6, Fe 0.7, Mn 0.5, Zn 0.1, Cr 0.5, Ti 0.2, A1 balance Heat-treatable alloys Cu 3 . 54 8 , Mg 0.6, Si 1.5, Fe 1.0, Mn 1.2, Ti 0.3, AI balance Cu 0.1, Mg 0.4-1.5, Si 0.6-1.3, Fe 0.6, Mn 0.6, Zn 0.1, Cr 0.5, Ti 0.2, AI balance Annealed Quarter hard Half hard Three-quarters hard Full hard Annealed 0.1Yo proof stress (Nmm-’) - - - Tensile strength (Nmm-’) (X) 90 (max.) 30 100-120 8 130 5 115 (max.) 30 12 115-145 140-170 7 5 16190 180 90 Elongation Cold Machineability forming Poor Very good Fair Very good 3 3l e 3 6 0 18 Good Fair Solution treated Fully heat treated - 380 - Good Good - 420 - Very good Poor Solution treated Fully heat treated 110 185 18 Good Good 230 280 10 Very good Fair 232 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Aluminium alloys for sheet, strip, extrusions and forgings Tensile strength (Nmm-*) Specification no. Composition (YO) Condition 1 99.99 AI 0 45 Sheet, strip. Linings for chemical and food plant 1A 99.80 A1 0 60 Sheet, strip. Linings for chemical and food plant 1c 99.0 AI 0 90 120 150 Sheet, strip, wire, extruded sections. Hollow ware, kitchen ware, bus-bars, decorative panelling 110 160 210 Sheet, strip, extruded sections. Hollow ware, roofing, panelling, scaffolding, tubes $H 210 250 Sheet, plate, tubes, extrusions. Stronger deep-drawn articles, ship and boat construction, other marine applications fH H N3 AI, 1.25% Mn 0 $H H N4 AI, 2 Mg 0 Type of product and use N5 Al, 3.5 Mg 0 +H 230 280 N6 AI, 5 Mg 0 fH 280 320 H10 AI, 0.1 Mg, 1.0 Si W WP 210 325 Sheet, forgings, extrusions. Structural components for road and rail vehicles H14 AI, 4.5 Cu, 0.15 Mg, 0.5 Mn T 440 Sheet, forgings, extrusions. Highly stressed aircraft parts, general engineering parts zyxwvutsr H15 AI, 4.5 Cu, 0.15 Mg, 0.5 Mn WP 500 Tube. Highly stressed aircraft parts, general engineering parts H16 AI, 1.75 Cu, 2 Mg, I Zn WP 620 Sheet, extrusions. Aircraft construction 0 =annealed, fH=half hard, H =fully work hardened, M = as manufactured, W = solution treated only, WP = solution treated and precipitation hardened, T = solution heat treated and naturally aged. zyxwvutsrqp z zyxwvut 233 ENGINEERING MATERIALS A l m n i h crdiag aUoys* Composition (Yo) As cast alloys Cu, 0.1, Mg 3-6, Si 10-13, Fe 0.6, Mn 0.5, Ni 0.1, Sn 0.05, Pb 0.1, AI balance Cu 0.7-2.5, Mg 0.3, Si 9-1 1.5, Fe 1.0, Mn 0.5, Ni 1.0, Zn 1.2, A1 balance Heat treatable Cu 4-5, Mg 0.1, Si 0.25, Fe 0.25, Mn 0.1, Ni 0.1, Zn 0.1, AI balance Condition zyx zyxwvu zyxwv zyxwv 0.2% proof stress (Nmm2) Tensile strength Elongation (Nmm-2) (%) Hardness, BHNt Machinability 5 50 120 160 190 280 7 2 55 55 - Chill cast Die cast 100 150 180 320 1.5 1 85 85 - Chill cast Fully heat treated - 300 300 9 9 - Good Good Sand cast Chill cast Die cast 60 IO - Difficult Difficult Fair *These alloys are used for food, chemical plant, marine castings and hydraulics. tBHN = Brinell hardness number. 6.7 Miscellaneous metals Antimony A brittle lustrous white metal used mainly as an alloying element for casting and bearing alloys and in solders. Beryllium A white metal similar in appearance to aluminium. Brittle at room temperature. Has many applications in the nuclear field and for electronic tubes. With copper and nickel it produces alloys with high strength and electrical conductivity. Beryllium iron has good corrosion and heat resistance. Cadmium A fairly expensive soft white metal like tin. Used for plating and electrical storage batteries. It has good resistance to water and saline atmospheres and is useful as plating for electrical parts since it takes solder readily. Chromium A steel-grey soft but brittle metal. Small traces of carbide give it extreme hardness. It is used extensively in alloys and for electroplating and is also used for electrical resistance wire and in magnet alloys. Lead A heavy, soft, ductile metal of low strength but with good corrosion resistance. It is used for chemical equipment, roofing, cable sheathing and radiation shielding. It is also used in alloys for solder and bearings. 234 zyxwvutsrq zz zyxwv MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Lead-tin alloys These are used as ‘soft solders’, often with a little antimony for strength. resistance to creep and is used for gas turbine discs and blades, and combustion chambers. Strong up to 900 “C. Platinum Tinman’s solder Approximately 2 parts of tin to 1 part of lead. Used for electrical jointing and tinplatecan sealing. Plumber’s solder Approximately 2 parts of lead to 1 part of tin. Used for wiping lead pipe joints. Type metal Contains about 25% tin, with lead and some antimony. Has negligible shrinkage. Bearing metal Lead based ‘white metal’ contains lead, tin, antimony and copper, etc. Magnesium A very light metal, only one-quarter the weight of steel and two-thirds that of aluminium, but not easily cold worked. Usually alloyed with up to 10% aluminium and often small amounts of manganese, zinc and zirconium. Used for aircraft and internal combustion engine parts, nuclear fuel cans and sand and die castings. Magnesium and its alloys corrode less in normal temperatures than does steel. A soft ductile white metal with exceptional resistance to corrosion and chemical attack. Platinum and its alloys are widely used for electricalcontacts, electrodes and resistance wire. Silver A ductile malleable metal with exceptional thermal and electrical conductivity. It resists most chemicals but tarnishes in a sulphurous atmosphere. It is used for electrical contacts, plating, bearing linings and as an alloying element. Tin A low-melting-point metal with silvery appearance and high corrosion resistance. It is used for tinplate, bearing alloys and solder. Manganese Titanium A silvery white hard brittle metal present in most steels. It is used in manganese bronze and high nickel alloys and to improve corrosion resistance in magnesium alloys. An expensive metal with low density, high strength and excellent corrosion resistance. It is used in the aircraft industry, generally alloyed with up to 10% aluminium with some manganese, vanadium and tin. Titanium is very heat resistant. Nickel Tungsten Nickel has high corrosion resistance. It is used for chemical plant, coating steel plate and electroplating as a base for chromium. Nickel is used for many steel, iron and non-ferrous alloys. Nickel-base alloys Monel Used for steam turbine blades and chemical plant. Composition: 68%Ni, 3o%cu, 2%0Fe. Inconel Good at elevated temperatures, e.g. for cooker heater sheaths. Composition: 8O%Ni, 14%Cr, 6YoFe. Nimonic A series of alloys based on 70-80%Ni, with small amounts of Ti, Co, Fe, A1 and C. Has high A heavy refractory steel-grey metal which can only be produced in shapes by powder metallurgy (m.p. 3410 “C). It is used as an alloying element in tool and die steels and in tungsten carbide tool tips. It is also used in permanent magnets. Zinc zyxwv Pure zinc has a melting point of only 400“C so is good for die casting, usually with 1-2%0Cu and 4%A1 to increase strength. Used for carburettors, fuel pumps, door handles, toys, etc., and also for galvanizing sheet steel, nails and wire, and in bronze. ENGINEERING MATERIALS 6.8 6.0.1 zyxwvutsrqp z 235 zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsrq Spring materials CPrbon steels 6.8.3 Non-ferrous alloys Hard-drawn spring steel Spring brass (70/30) Low cost; general purpose; low stress; low fatigue life. Temperatures below 120°C. Tensile strength up to 1600N mm - '. Low strength, but cheap and easily formed. Good electrical conductivity. Phosphor bronze (5%Sn) Piano (music) wire Tougher than harddrawn spring steel; high stress (tensilestrength up to 2300 N inm- *); long fatigue life; used for 'small springs'. Temperatures below 120°C. High strength, resilience, corrosion resistance and fatigue strength. Good electrical conductivity. Tensile strength 770N mm-'. Wire diameters 0.15-7mm. Used for leaf and coil switch springs. Oil-tempered spring steel Beryllium-copper (2$%) General purpose springs; stress not too high; unsuitable for shock or impact loads. Popular diameter range 3-15 mm. Formed in soft condition and hardened. High tensile strength. Used for current-carrying brush springs and contacts. Tensile strength 1300Nmm-2. 6.0.2 Alloy steels Chrome-vanadium steel zyxwvu Best for shock and impact loaL,. Available in oiltempered and annealed condition. Used for internal combustion engine valve spriags. Temperatures up to 220 "C. Inconel Nickel based alloy useful up to 370°C. Exceedingly good corrosion resistance. Diameters up to 7mm. Tensile strength up to 1300Nmm-'. 6.0.4 Moduli of spring materials Silicon-manganese steel High working stress; used for leaf springs; temperatures up to 220°C. Si1icon-chromium steel Better than silicon-manganese; temperatures up to 220 "C. Stainless steels Cold drawn; tensile strength up to 1200Nmm-'. Temperatures from sub-zero to 290 "C, depending on type. Diameters up to 5mm. Material Carbon steel Chromevanadium steel 1818 Stainless steel 70130 Brass Phosphor bronze Beryllium<opper Inconel Monel Nickel-silver Modulus of rigidity, G,GNm-' Modulus of elasticity, E,GNm-' 80 207 80 63 38 36 4048 76 207 193 103 97 110-128 214 179 110 66 38 236 6.9 z zyxwvut zyxwv MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Powdered metals Powdered metal technology is used widely to produce components which are homogeneous, have controlled density, are inclusion free and of uniform strength. 6.9. I They can be subject to secondary treatment such as forging, repressing, resintering, and heat treatment. zyxwv zyxwvuts POWDERED-METAL COMPONENTS Process (1) Production of metal powder, mixing for alloys and additives if required. (2) Compacting in a shaped die with pressure of 40&800 N mm- to give required density. (3) Sintering at high temperatures to bond particles, e.g. 1100"C for iron and 1600 "C for tungsten. (4) Sizing and finishing. 6.9.2 Metals used Preform for gear Iron and copper The most used metals. High-melting-point metals For example, platinum and tungsten. Aluminium Special atmosphere and lubricant required because of the formation of the oxide. Tin bronze Used for 'self-lubricating' bearings. Stainless steel Used for filters. 6.9.3 Gear Level Advantages (1) For use in alloys where metals are insoluble. (2) For high-melting-point metals, e.g. tungsten. (3) Virtually no waste. (4) Little or no finishing required. (5) Controlled density and strength. (6) Relatively inexpensive production method. 6.10 Thrust plate Rotor Low-melting-point alloys Composition (%) Name Sn Pb Bi 37.5 50.0 25.0 50.0 40.0 50.0 12.5 10.0 25.0 Cd 0 0 0 Melting point ("C) 178 162 149 ENGINEERING MATERIALS zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxw zyxwv 237 Composition (%) Melting point Name - Rose’s alloy Newton’s alloy Darcet’s alloy - Wood’s metal Lipowitz’ alloy 6. I I Sn Pb Bi 40.0 40.0 33.33 40.0 28.0 31.25 20.0 33.33 40.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 0 50.0 50.0 50.0 33.33 20.0 22.0 18.75 25.0 50.0 9.25 12.5 13.33 25.0 25.0 34.5 25.0 26.67 Cd (“C) 0 145 123 113 100 95 0 0 0 0 0 25.0 6.25 12.5 10.0 93 86 77 73 70 Miscellaneous information on metals ~ ~~ Physical properties of common engineering materials Tensile strength zyxwv zyxw Application PS/YS (Nmm-2) E (GNm-’) G (GNm-2) v U Material (x 106K-’) ( k g ~ ~ - ~ ) Steel 070M20 Structures, lightly stressed parts, bolts, brackets, levers 240 430 207 80 0.3 11 7850 Steel 080M40 Shafts and machine details requiring strength and wear resistance 25MOO 510-650 207 80 0.3 11 7850 Steel 070M55 Gears, machine tools and hard parts 31&570 620-980 207 80 0.3 II 7850 Steel 060A96 Springs - 1300 207 80 0.3 11 7850 Steel 331340 Internal combustion engine valves - 11W17OO 207 80 0.3 11 7850 Aluminium alloy NS4 Plate, sheet and strip Aluminium alloy NF8M Aluminium alloy HE 15TB P 60 170 70 27 0.32 23 2700 Forgings 130 280 70 27 0.32 23 2700 Rolled sections 230 370 70 27 0.32 23 2700 zyxwvu zyxwv zyxwvu zyxwv zyxw 238 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Physical properties of common engineering materials (continued) PS/YS Tensile strength (Nmm-’) (GNm-’) v a P ( x 1O6K-*) (kgm-3) 150/400 130 (tension) 600/1200 (compression) 48 - 12 7200 260 170 (tension) 780 (compression) 68 0.26 11 7350 170 68 0.26 11 7350 168 100 34 0.32 20 8400 410 116 43 0.33 17 8800 E (GNm-’) G Material Application Grey cast iron Brittle. Castings not subject to heavy impact - Malleable cast iron blackheart Foot pedals, small cast parts, bends before fracture 180 Spheroidal graphite iron Similar to malleable cast iron 240-420 380-740 Brass, cold drawn Bearings - Phosphor bronze, rolled Castings in contact with water. Nonmagnetic springs Timber Frames - 3-5 (along grain) 35-60 (across grain) Fibre glass Cowls. motor bodies - 100 10. (tension) 150 (compression) Acetal resin Mouldings - 70 4.7 (compression) 3.6* (tension) Nylon Bearings - 80 1.6* Polystyrene Moulded components - zyxwvu 8-16 45 3* (tension) 110 (compression) - _ - 350-800 - - 20 1500 0.35 13.5 1420 __ - 100 1100 - - 70 zyx 1070 PS/YS = proof stress (N mm-’)/yield stress (N mm-’), E = Young’s modulus, G = shear modulus, v = Poisson’s ratio, a =coefficient of linear expansion, p =density. *Do not obey Hooke’s law. ENGINEERING MATERIALS zyxwvutsrqp 239 Chemical symbols for metals and alloying elements AI Sb As Aluminium Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Bismuth Carbon Cadmium Cobalt Chromium Copper Iron Gallium Germanium Ba Be Bi C Cd co Cr cu Fe Ga Ge Gold Mercury Indium Magnesium Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Phosphorus Lead Platinum Plutonium Radium Rhodium Silver Au Hg In Mg Mn Mo Ni P Pb Pt Pu Ra Rh Ag Se Si S Ta Te Sn Ti Selenium Silicon Sulphur Tantalum Tellurium Tin Titanium Tungsten Uranium Vanadium Zinc Zirconium W zy U V Zn Zr Typical Brinell hardness numbers (BHN) for metals Material BHN Soft brass Mild steel Annealed chisel steel White cast iron Nitrided surface 60 130 235 415 750 Comparison of hardness numbers Brinell hardness number Rockwell C scale Vicker’s pyramid 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 1030 975 935 895 860 830 800 770 - 740 - 715 690 670 650 630 610 590 570 550 532 609 594 579 564 549 534 519 504 492 480 - - zyxwvuts zyxwvu zyxw Rockwell C scale Vicker’s pyramid Brinell hardness number 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 515 500 485 470 456 442 430 418 406 395 385 375 365 355 345 335 325 315 307 468 458 447 436 426 416 406 396 386 376 366 356 346 337 328 319 310 302 294 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 Brinell hardness number Rockwell C scale Vicker’s pyramid 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 286 279 272 266 260 255 250 245 240 235 230 210 __ __ 299 29 1 284 277 271 265 260 255 250 245 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 - - - - - 190 171 152 133 114 95 240 zyxwvutsr MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Properties of pure metals m.p. ("C) Metal Aluminium Copper Gold Iron Lead Mercury Nickel Platinum Silver Tungsten Zinc P (kgm-') 659 1083 1063 1475 327 2 700 1452 1775 961 3400 419 8900 19300 7850 11 370 13580 8 800 21040 10530 19300 6 860 E (GNm-') G (GNm-*) 70 96 19 200 16 27 38 27 82 - - 198 164 78 410 86 - - RSHC ( x 1060C-')(@-m) (mQ'C-') ECE (mg"C-') 0.21 0.09 0.03 0.11 0.03 0.03 0.1 1 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.09 23 17 14 12 29 60 13 9 19 4.5 30 450 430 400 650 420 100 680 390 410 480 420 0.093 0.329 0.68 1 0.193 1.074 1.039 0.304 0.506 1.118 0.318 0.339 a P O 245 156 204 890 1900 9410 614 98 1 151 490 550 a, zyxwvutsrqp zy 51 29 - 38 m.p.=melting point, p =density, E=Young's modulus, G = shear modulus, RSHC=relative specific heat capacity, a=coefficient of linear expansion, p , = resistivity at 0 "C, a, = resistance temperature coefficient at 0 "C, ECE = electrochemical equivalent. 6.12 6.12. I zyxwvu zyxwvu Corrosion of metals Corrosion prevention Corrosion may be prevented by considering the following points. Material selection Metals and alloys which resist corrosion in a particular environment can be used. Proximity of metals with large potential difference, e.g. a copper pipe on a steel tank, should be avoided. Galvanic protection can be used, e.g. by use of a 'sacrificial anode' of zinc close to buried steel pipe or a ship's hull. Appropriate design Crevices which hold water, e.g. bad joints and incomplete welds, should be avoided as should high tensile stresses in material subject to stress corrosion. Locked-in internal stress due to forming should be avoided. Modijied environment Metals can be enclosured against a corrosive atmosphere, water, etc. Drying agents, e.g. silica gel, and corrosion inhibitors, e.g. in central-heating radiators can be used. Protective coating Metals can be coated to make them impervious to the atmosphere, water, etc., by use of a coating of grease, plasticizer, bitumen, resins, polymers, rubber latex, corrosion-resistant paints or metal coating. 6.12.2 Corrosion resistance of metals Ferrous metals Stainless steels Generally the best of all metals. All types have good resistance to atmospheric corrosion except gases such as chlorine and sulphur. Some types are suitable up to 1100"C. Some resist sulphuric acid and some nitric acids, but not hydrochloric or hydrofluoric acids. All resist uncontaminated organic solvents and foods and also alkalis at room temperature, but not bleaches. They resist neutral water, but stress corrosion cracking may occur above 66 "C. Alloy steels Chrome steel has good resistance which is improved by the addition of nickel; it can be used in sea water. Iron-nickel steel has good resistance with over 20% nickel plus 2-3% carbon; it is used in a marine environment. Iron and carbon steel These readily corrode in air and especially sea water. They are subject to stress corrosion cracking and internal stress corrosion, and ENGINEERING MATERIALS zyxwvutsrqpon zy zyxwv require protection by painting, plating, tinning, galvanizing, etc. Copper and copper based alloys Copper An oxide coating prevents corrosion from water and atmosphere, e.g. water pipes. Brass ‘Yellow brass’ (> 15%Zn) is subject to ‘dezincification’ in hot water. ‘Red brass’ (85%Cu minimum) is much better. Resistance is improved by the addition of arsenic or antimony. Bronzes Over 5% tin gives better resistance than brass, especially to sea water and stress corrosion cracking. Aluminium bronze is good at elevated temperatures. Silicon bronze is as good but also has weldability; it is used for tanks. Cupronickel This has the best resistance of all copper alloys and is used for heat-exchanger tubes. Other metals and alloys Nickel alloys These are generally extremely resistant to caustics up to high temperature, and to neutral water and sea water. They resist some acids. Alloys such as Inconel have good resistance up to 1170“C which increases with chromium content. Nickel alloys have high resistance to stress corrosion cracking. Different alloys have resistance to different acids. Nickel alloys are used for tanks, heat exchangers, furnace parts, and chemical plant. Magnesium and magnesium alloys These have better resistance than steel in the atmosphere, but are inferior to aluminium. They corrode in salty air. They are fairly resistant to caustics, many solvents and fuels, but not to acids. Titanium and titanium alloys These have excellent resistance to e.g. seawater and aqueous chloride solutions over a wide temperature range. Most alloys resist nitric acid. When alloyed with noble metals such as palladium they will resist reducing acids. These materials are high in the galvanic series and so should not be used with other metals. Zinc An oxide film gives reasonable resistance to water and normal atmosphere. Aluminium An oxide coating gives good resistance to water and atmosphere, but stress corrosion cracking occurs. 24 1 6.12.3 Stress corrosion cracking Under tensile stress and in a corrosive environment some metals develop surface cracks called ‘stress corrosion cracking’ which is time dependent and may take months to develop. It is avoided by minimizing stress and/or improving the environment. Environments causing stress corrosion cracking Material Environment Steels Stainless steels 50-60 “C Aluminium and alloys Copper alloys Caustic solutions Chloride solutions Chloride solutions Ammonia atmosphere, sometimes neutral water Chlorinated solvents Acrylics 6.12.4 Galvanic corrosion For a pair of metals, that highest up the ‘galvanic table’ is the ‘negative electrode’ or ‘cathode’; that lower down is the ‘positive electrode’ or ‘anode’. The anode loses metal, i.e. corrodes, whilst the cathode remains unchanged. The greater the potential, the greater the rate of corrosion. Hydrogen is assumed to have zero potential. Galvanic table for pure metals (relative to hydrogen) Potential difference (v 1 Metal Platinum Silver Copper Hydrogen Lead Tin Nickel Cadmium Iron Chromium Zinc Aluminium Magnesium Sodium + +1.70 CAT1 ODIC zyxw f0.86 +0.80 +0.34 0 - -0.13 -0.14 -0.25 - 0.40 - 0.44 -0.74 -0.76 - 1.67 -2.34 - 2.7 1 -2.87 A N 0 ,IC 242 6. I 3 Plastics z zyxwvut zyxwvu MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK The term ‘plastic’ is used for materials based on polymers to which other materials are added to give the desired properties. ‘Fillers’increase strength, ‘plasticizers’ reduce rigidity, and ‘stabilizers’ protect against ultraviolet radiation. ‘Thermoplastic’ polymers soften when heated and can be reshaped, the new shape being retained on cooling. The process can be repeated continuously. Thermosetting polymers (or thermosets) cannot be softened and reshaped by heating. They are plastic at some stage of processing but finally set and cannot be resoftened. Thermosets are generally stronger and stiffer than thermoplastics. 6.13. I Cellulose zyxwvu Thermoplastics Acetal and polyacetal These combine very high strength, good temperature and abrasion resistance, exceptional dimensional stability and low coefficient of thermal expansion. They compete with nylon (but with many better properties) and with diecastings (but are lighter). Chemical resistance is good except for strong acids. Typical applications are water-pump parts, pipe fittings, washing machines, car instrument housings, bearings and gears. Acrylics (methylmethacrylate, P M M A ) These are noted for their optical clarity and are available as sheet, rod, tubing, etc., as Perspex (UK) and Plexiglas (USA, Germany, etc.). They are hard and brittle and resistant to discolouring and weathering. Applications include optical lenses and prisms, transparent coverings, draughting instruments, reflectors, control knobs, baths and washbasins. They are available in a wide range of transparent and opaque colours. Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) This combination of three materials gives a material which is strong, stiff and abrasion resistant with good properties, except out of doors, and ease of processing. The many applications include pipes, refrigerator liners, car-instrument surrounds, radiator grills, telephones, boat shells, and radio and television parts. Available in medium, high and very high impact grades. ‘Cellulose nitrate’ is inflammable and has poor performance in heat and sunlight. Its uses are currently limited. Cellulose acetate has good strength, stiffness and hardness and can be made self-extinguishing. Glass-filled grades are made. Cellulose acetobutyrate (CAB) has superior impact strength, dimensional stability and service temperature range and can be weather stabilized. Cellulose proprionate (CP) is similar to CAB, but has better dimensional stability and can have higher strength and stiffness. Ethyl cellulose has better low-temperature strength and lower density than the others. Processing of cellulose plastics is by injection moulding and vacuum forming. Applications include all types of mouldings, electrical insulation, and toys. Ethylene-vinyl acetate ( E V A ) This material gives tough flexible mouldings and extrusions suitable for a wide temperature range. The material may be stiffened by the use of fillers and is also used for adhesives. Applications include all types of mouldings, disposable liners, shower curtains, gloves, inflatables, gaskets, and medical tubing. The material is considered competitive with polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polythene and synthetic rubbers, and is also used for adhesives and wax blends. Fluorocarbons These have outstanding chemical, thermal and electrical properties. The four main types are described below. ENGINEERING MATERIALS zy zyxwvut 243 Polytetrajluoroethylenes(PTFE) ‘Teflon’ or ‘Fluon’, these are the best known types of PTFEs. PTFEs resist all known chemicals, weather and heat, have extremely low coefficients of friction, and are ‘non-stick’. They are inert, with good electrical properties. They are non-toxic, non-flammable and have a working temperature range of - 270 “C to 260 “C.They may be glass filled for increased strength. Applications include chemical, mechanical and electrical components, bearings (plain or filled with glass and/or bronze), tubing, and vessels for ‘aggressive’ chemicals. sulphuric acids. It is used for bearings, tyre reinforcement, bottles, car parts, gears, and cams. zyxwvutsr Fluoroethylenepropylene ( F E P ) Unlike PTFE, this can be processed on conventional moulding machines and extruded, but the thermal and chemical properties are slightly less good. Ethylenetetrajluoroethylene (ETFE) The properties are similar to those of PTFE, with a thermoplasticity similar to that of polyethylene. Perjluoroulcoxy ( P F A ) This has the same excellent properties as FTFE, but is melt processable and, therefore, suitable for linings for pumps, valves, pipes and pipe fittings. Ionomers These thermoplastics based on ethylene have high melt strength which makes them suitable for deep forming, blowing, etc. They are used for packaging, bottles, mouldings for small components, tool handles, trim, etc. They have a high acceptance of fillers. Methylpentene ( T P X ) This is a high clarity resin with excellent chemical and electrical properties and the lowest density of all thermoplastics. It has the best resistance of all transparent plastics to distortion at high temperature - it compares well with acrylic for optical use, but has only 70% of its density. It is used for light covers, medical and chemical ware, high frequency electrical insulation, cables, microwave-oven parts, and radar components. It can withstand soft soldering temperatures. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET P ) This has good strength, rigidity, chemical and abrasion resistance and a very low coefficient of friction. It is attacked by acetic acid and strong nitric and Polyamides (nylons) These are a range of thermoplastics, e.g. Nylon 6, Nylon 66 and Nylon 610, which are among the toughest engineering plastics with high vibrationdamping capacity, abrasion resistance and high load capacity for high-speed bearings. They have low coefficient of friction and good flexibility. Pigmentstabilized types are not affected by ultraviolet radiation and chemical resistance is good. Unfilled nylon is prone to swelling due to moisture absorption. Nylon bearings may be filled with molybdenum disulphide or graphite. Applications include bearings, electrical insulators, gears, wheels, screw fasteners, cams, latches, fuel lines and rotary seals. Polyethylene Low density polyethylene is generally called ‘polythene’ and is used for films, coatings, pipes, domestic mouldings, cable sheathing and electrical insulation. The high-density type is used for larger mouldings and is available in the form of sheet, tube, etc. Polyethylene is limited as an engineering material because of its low strength and hardness. It is attacked by many chemicals. Polyethersulphone This is a high-temperature engineering plastic - useful up to 180°C and some grades up to 200°C. It is resistant to most chemicals and may be extruded or injection moulded to close tolerances. The properties are similar to those of nylons. Applications are as a replacement for glass for medical needs and food handling, circuit boards, general electrical components, and car parts requiring good mechanical properties and dimensional stability. zyxwv Polypropylene oxide (PPO) This is a useful engineering plastic with excellent mechanical, thermal and fatigue properties, low creep, and low moisture absorption. Filled grades can be used as alternatives to thermosets and some metals. Applications are light engineering parts, and car, aircraft and business components (especially for heat and flame resistance). 244 Polystyrene z zyxwvutsrq This plastic is not very useful as an engineering material, but used for toys, electrical insulation, refrigerator linings, packaging and numerous commercial articles. It is available in unmodified form, in transparent form and opaque colours, high-impact form and extra-high-impact form, as well as in a heat-resistant grade. It can be stabilized against ultraviolet radiation and also made in expanded form. It is attacked by many chemicals and by ultraviolet light. MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Polypropylene This is a low density, hard, stiff, creep-resistant plastic with good resistance to chemicals, good wear resistance, low water absorption and of relatively low cost. Produced as filaments, weaves and in many other forms, polypropylene may be glass filled. It is used for food and chemical containers, domestic appliances, furniture, car parts, twine, toys, tubing, cable sheath, and bristles. Polyphenylene sulphide Polysulphone This has similar properties to nylon but they are maintained up to 180 "C (120 "Cfor nylon). Its optical clarity is good and its moisture absorption lower than that of nylon. Applications are replacement for glass for medical needs and chemistry equipment, circuit boards, and many electrical components. Polyvinyl chloride ( P V C ) This is one the most widely used of all plastics. With the resin mixed with stabilizers, lubricants, fillers, pigments and plasticizers, a wide range of properties is possible from flexible to hard types, in transparent or opaque-colour form. It is tough, strong, with good resistance to chemicals, good low-temperature characteristics and flame-retardant properties. It is used for electrical conduit and trunking, junction boxes, rainwater pipes and gutters, decorative profile extrusions, tanks, guards, ducts, etc. Polycarbonate This is tough thermoplastic with outstanding strength, dimensional stability, and electrical properties, high heat distortion temperature and low temperature resistance (down to - 100"C). It is available in optical, translucent and opaque grades (many colours). Polycarbonates have good chemical resistance and weathering properties and can be stabilized against ultraviolet radiation. They are used for injection mouldings and blow extrusions for glazing panels, helmets, face shields, dashboards, window cranks, and gears. Polycarbonate is an important engineering plastic. This is a high-temperature plastic useful up to 260 "C with room temperature properties similar to those of nylon. It has good chemical resistance and is suitable for structural components subject to heat. Glass filler improves strength and heat resistance. Uses are similar to those of nylon, but for high temperatures. Polyphenylene oxide zy zyxw This is a rigid engineering plastic similar to polysulphone in uses. It can be injection moulded and has mechanical properties the same as those for nylon. It is used for car parts, domestic appliances, and parts requiring good dimensional stability. 6.13.2 Thermosets Alkyds There are two main groups of alkyds: diallylphthalate (DAP) and diallylisophthalate (DIAP). These have good dimensional stability and heat resistance (service temperature 170 "C; intermittent use 260 "C), excellent electrical properties, good resistance to oils, fats and most solvents, but restricted resistance to strong acids and alkalis. The mechanical properties are improved by filling with glass or minerals. The main uses are for electrical components and encapsulation. A wide range of colours and fast-curing grades are available. Amino resins These are based on formaldehyde with urea or melamine formulated as coatings and adhesives for laminates, impregnated paper and textiles. Moulding powder is compounded with fillers of cellulose and wood flour, and extenders, etc. Composites with ENGINEERING MATERIALS zy zyxwvuts zyxwvuts 245 open-weave fabric are used for building panels. Uses include domestic electrical appliances and electric light fittings; the melamine type is used for tableware. The strength is high enough for use in stressed components, but the material is brittle. Electrical, thermal and self-extinguishing properties are good. Epoxies These resins are used extensively. They can be cold cured without pressure using a 'hardener', or be heat cured. Inert fillers, plasticizers, flexibilizers,etc., give a wide range of properties from soft flexible to rigid solid materials. Bonding to wood, metal, glass, etc., is good and the mechanical, electrical and chemical properties are excellent. Epoxies are used in all branches of engineering, including large castings, electrical parts, circuit boards, potting, glass and carbon fibre structures, flooring, protective coatings and adhesives. Epon resins These can be formulated for surface coatings and have excellent adhesion, chemical resistance and flexibility. They are used for casting and potting materials, adhesives, structural laminates and foams. Phenolics (phenol formaldehyde, P F ) Polyimides These are noted for their high resistance to oxidation and service temperatures of up to 250 "C (400 "C for intermittent use). The low coefficient of friction and high resistance to abrasion makes them ideal for non-lubricated bearings. Graphite or molybdenum disulphide filling improves these properties. They are used for high density insulating tape. Polyimides have high strength, low moisture absorption, and resist most chemicals, except strong alkalis and ammonia solutions. Silicones These may be cold or heat cured and are used for high-temperature laminates and electrical parts resistant to heat (heat distortion temperature 450 "C). Unfilled and filled types are used for special-duty mouldings. Organosilicones are used for surface coatings and as an adhesive between organic and nonorganic materials. 6.13.3 Laminated plastics zyxwv zyxwvu PF is the original Bakelite and is usually filled with 50-70% wood flour for moulded non-stressed or lightly stressed parts. Other fillers are: mica for electrical parts; asbestos for heat resistance; glass fibre for strength and electrical properties; nylon; and graphite. Phenolics represent one of the best thermosets for low creep. Mouldings have good strength, good gloss and good temperature range (150"C wood filled; intermittent use 220 "C), but are rather brittle. Applications include electrical circuit boards, gears, cams, and car brake linings (when filled with asbestos, glass, metal powder, etc.). The cost is low and the compressive strength very high. Polyester This can be cured at room temperature with a hardener or alone at 70-1 50 "C.It is used unfilled as a coating, for potting, encapsulation, linings, thread locking, castings, and industrial mouldings. It is used mostly for glass-reinforced-plastic (GRP) mouldings. These consist of layers of fibrous material impregnated with and bonded together by a thermosetting resin to produce sheet, bars, rods, tubes, etc. The laminate may be 'decorative' or 'industrial', the latter being of mechanical or electrical grade. Phenolics Phenolic plastics can be reinforced with paper, cotton fabric, asbestos paper fabric or felt, synthetic fabric, or wood flour. They are used for general-purpose mechanical and electrical parts. They have good mechanical and electrical properties. Epoxies These are used for high-performance mechanical and electrical duties. Fillers used are paper, cotton fabric and glass fibre. Tufnol 'Tufnol' is the trade name for a large range of sheet, rod and tube materials using phenolic resin with paper and asbestos fabric, and epoxy resin with glass or fabric. 246 z zyxwvutsrqp MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Polyester This is normally used with glass fabric (the cheapest) filler. The mechanical and electrical properties are inferior to those of epoxy. It can be rendered in self-colours. Melamine Fillers used for melamine are paper, cotton fabric, asbestos paper fabric, and glass fabric. Melamines have a hard non-scratch surface, superior electrical properties and can be rendered in self-colours. They are used for insulators, especially in wet and dirty conditions, and for decorative and industrial laminates. Silicone This is used with asbestos paper and fabric and glass fabric fillers for high-temperature applications (2500C; intermittent use 300 "C).It has excellent electrical but inferior mechanical properties. Polyethylene foams The flexible type is closed cell and has low density with good chemical resistance and colour availability, but is a poor heat insulator and costly. The flexible foams are used for vibration damping, packaging and gaskets. The rigid type has high density and is used for filters, cable insulation. A structural type has a solid skin and a foam core. Ethylene vinyl acetates ( E V A ) These are microcellular foams similar to microcellular rubber foam, but are much lighter with better chemical resistance and colour possibilities. zyxwvu zyxwvuts P o l y imide This is used with glass fabric as filler. Polyimides have superior thermal and electrical properties with a service temperature as for silicones but with two to three times the strength and flexibility. 6.13.4 Cellular polyvinyl chlorides ( P V C ) The low-density type is closed cell and flexible. It is used for sandwich structures, thermal insulation, gaskets, trim, buoyancy, and insulating clothing. The moderate .to high density open-cell type is similar to latex rubber and is used as synthetic leather cloth. The rigid closed-cell type is used for structural parts, sandwich construction, thermal insulation and buoyancy. Rigid opencell PVC (microporous PVC) is used for filters and battery separators. In general, cellular PVC has high strength and good fire resistance and is easy to work. Foam and cellular plastics Thermoplastics Polyurethane foams The 'flexible' type is the one most used. It is 'open cell' and used for upholstery, underlays, thermal and vibration insulation, and buoyancy. It can be used in situ. The rigid type has 'closed cells' and is used for'sandwich construction, insulation, etc. Moulded components are made from rigid and semi-rigid types. Expanded polystyrene This is made only in rigid form with closed cells. It can be used in situ. The density is extremely low, as is the cost. Chemical resistance is low and the service temperature is only 70 "C. It is used for packaging, thermal and acoustic insulation and buoyancy applications. High-density polystyrene foam This has a porous core with a solid skin. It is used for structural parts. Other types Other types of thermoplastics include: cellular acetate which is used as a core material in constructions; expanded acrylics, which have good physical properties, thermal insulation and chemical resistance; expanded nylon (and expanded ABS) which are low-density, solid-skin constructions; expanded PVA which has similar properties to expanded polystyrene; and expanded polypropylene which gives highdensity foams. Thermosets Phenolids These can be formed in situ. They have good rigidity, thermal insulation and high service temperature. They are brittle. Ureaformaldehyde (UF)foam This is readily formed in situ and has good thermal insulation. It has open pores and is used for cavity-wall filling. Expanded expoxies These have limited use due to their high cost. They give a uniform texture and good dimensional stability, and are used for composite foams, e.g. with polystyrene beads. Silicon foams These are rigid and brittle with a high service temperature (300 " C ;400 "C intermittent use). Their use is limited to high-temperature-resistant sandwich constructions. The flexible closed-cell type is zyxwvutsrqp zyxw zyxwvutsr zyxw ENGINEERING MATERIALS 247 ‘foam’, a liquid rubber expanded to form open or closed cells and stiffer than sponge; and ‘expanded’,a solid rubber blown with mainly closed cells - it is stiffer than sponge. Uses include gaskets, seals, thermal insulation, cushioning, shock absorption, sound and vibration damping, buoyancy and sandwich constructions. costly but will operate up to 200°C and is used for high-temperature seals and gaskets. zyxwvutsr Elastomers Cellular rubbers There are three types: ‘sponge‘, solid rubber blown to give an open-cell structure; 6.13.5 Properties of plastics Typical physical properties of plastics Tensile strength (Nmm-’) P Properties of plastics (kg m- 3, Thermoplastics PVC rigid Polystyrene PTFE Polypropylene Nylon Cellulose nitrate Cellulose acetate Acrylic (Perspex) Polythene (high density) 1330 1300 2100 1200 1160 1350 1300 1190 1450 48 40 74 2&30 1600-2000 68-200 1800-2000 6&90 1500 38-90 160&1900 38-50 1600 58-75 Thermosetting plastics Epoxy resin (glass filled) Melamine formaldehyde (fabric filled) Urea formaldehyde (cellulose filled) Phenol formaldehyde (mica filled) Acetals (glass filled) Elongation E (%) (GNm-2) BHN Machinability zyxwvu 48 48 13 27 60 10 10 10 12 34 2 Excellent Fair Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent 20 38 Good 7 38 Fair 1 7-10 51 Fair 0.5 17-35 36 Good 27 Good 200 3 100 200-700 90 40 10-60 6 20-100 4 - 2-7 3.4 3.4 0.3 1.3 2.4 1.4 1.4 3.O 0.7 7 20 25 - BHN = Brinell hardness number, p =density, E =Young’s modulus. Relative properties of plastics Material Thermoplastics Nylon PTFE Polypropylene Polystyrene Rigid PVC Flexible PVC Tensile strength Compressive strength Machining properties G G F G G P E E E F E P Chemical resistance 248 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsr MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Relative properties of plastics (continued) Tensile strength Material Compressive strength Machining properties Chemical resistance Thermosetting plastics Epoxy resin (glass-fibre filled) Formaldehyde (asbestos filled) Phenol formaldehyde (Bakelite) Polyester (glass-fibre filled) Silicone (asbestos filled) 0 G G E 0 0 = outstanding, E =excellent, G =good, F =fair, P =poor. Tensile strength (typical): E=55Nmm-’; P=21 Nmm-’. Compressive strength (typical): E=210Nmm-’; P=35Nrnm-’. 6.14 zyxw Elastomers Elastomers, or rubbers, are essentially amorphic polymers with linear chain molecules with some crosslinking which ensures elasticity and the return of the material to its original shape when a load is removed. They are characterized by large strains (typically 100%) under stress. The synthetic rubber styrene butadiene is the most used elastomer, with natural rubber a close second. The following describes’the commonly used elastomers and gives some applications and properties. 6.14. I Natural rubbers (polyisoprene, N R) 6.14.2 zyxwvu zyxwv These have high strength, flexibility and resilience, but have poor resistance to fuels, oils, flame and sunlight ageing. They are more costly than synthetic rubbers which replace them. ‘Soft rubber’ contains 14%0 sulphur. Wear resistance is increased by inclusion of fillers such as carbon black, silicon dioxide, clay, and wood flour. ‘Hard rubber’ contains over 25% sulphur. Full vulcanization of 45 % produces ebonite. Applications include vehicle tyres and tubes, seals, antivibration mountings, hoses and belts. Shore hardness: 3&90. Temperature range: -55 “C to 82°C. Synthetic rubbers Styrene butadiene rubbers (SBR, GRS, BUNA S ) These are similar to natural rubbers in application, but are inferior in mechanical properties, although cheaper. They are used in car brake hydraulic systems and for hoses, belts, gaskets and anti-vibration mountings. Shore hardness: 4&80. Temperature range: - 50 “C to 82°C. Butadiene rubbers (polybutadiene, B R ) These are used as substitutes for natural rubber, but are generally inferior. They have similar applications as natural rubber. Shore hardness: - 100"C to 93 "C. zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrq ENGINEERING MATERIALS 40-90. 249 Temperature range: Butyl rubbers (isobutylene isoprene, G R 1 ) These are extremely resistant to water, silicon fluids and grease, and gas permeation. They are used for puncture-proof tyres, inner tubes and vacuum seals. Shore hardness: 40-90. Temperature range: -45 "C to 150°C. Nitrile rubbers (butadiene acrylonitrile, BUNA N . N B R ) These have good physical properties and good resistance to fuels, oils, solvents, water, silicon fluids and abrasion. They are used for 0 rings and other seals, petrol hoses, fuel-pump diaphragms, gaskets and oil-resistant shoe soles. Shore hardness: 40-95. Temperature range: - 55 "C to 82 "C. Neoprene rubbers (polychloroprene, chloroprene) These are some of the best general-purpose synthetic rubbers. They have excellent resistance to weather ageing, moderate resistance to oils, and good resistance to refrigerants and mild acids. Shore hardness: 30-95. Temperature range: -40 "C to 115 "C. Chlorosulphonated polyethylene rubbers ( C S M ) These have poor mechanical properties but good resistance to acids and heat with complete resistance to ozone. They are used for chemical plant, tank linings, and high-voltage insulation. Shore hardness: 45-100. Temperature range: - 100°C to 93 "C. Fluorocarbon rubbers These comprise a wide range of rubbers with excellent resistance to chemical attack, heat, acids, fuels, oils, aromatic compounds, etc. They have a high service temperature. They are particularly suitable for vacuum duties. Shore hardness: 60-90. Temperature range: -23 "C to 260°C. zyxw Isoprenes (polyisoprene, I R ) These are chemically the same as natural rubber but are more costly. The properties and applications are similar to those of natural rubber. Shore hardness: 40-80. Temperature range: - 50 "C to 82 "C. Polyacrylic rubbers ( A C M , A B R ) This is a group of rubbers midway between nitrile and fluorocarbon rubbers with excellent resistance to mineral oils, hypoid oils and greases, and good resistance to hot air and ageing. The mechanical strength is low. They are used for spark-plug seals and transmission seals. Shore hardness: 40-90. Temperature range: - 30 "C to 177°C. Polysulphide rubbers These have poor physical properties and heat resistance but good resistance to oils, solvents and weather ageing and are impermeable to gases and moisture. They are used for caulking and sealing compounds and as a casting material. Shore hardness: 40-85. Temperature range: - 50 "C to 121°C. Polyurethane rubbers Ethylene propylene rubbers (EP.FPM) These are specialized rubbers especially resistant to weather ageing, heat, many solvents, steam, hot water, dilute acids and alkalis, and ketones, but not petrol or mineral oils. They are used for conveyor belts, limited car applications, silicone fluid systems, and electrical insulation. Shore hardness: 40-90. Temperature range: - 50 "C to 177°C. These have exceptional strength and tear and abrasion resistance (the best of all rubbers), low-temperature flexibility and good resistance to fuels, hydrocarbons, ozone and weather. Resistance to solutions of acids and alkalis, hot water, steam, glycol and ketones is poor. They are used for wear-resistant applications such as floor coverings. Shore bardness: 35-100. Temperature range: -53°C to 115°C. 250 z zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrq MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Shore hardness: 30-90. Silicone rubbers ( S I ) These have exceptionally high service temperature ranges, but the mechanical properties and chemical resistance are poor. They cannot be used for fuels, light mineral oils, or high-pressure steam. They are used for high- and low-temperature seals, high-temperature rotary seals, cable insulation, hydraulic seals, and aircraft door and canopy seals. 6.15 Temperature range: - 116 "C to 315 "C (380 "C for intermittent use). z Fluorosilicone rubbers These are similar to silicone rubbers but have better oil resistance and a lower temperature range. Shore hardness: 40-80. Temperature range: - 64 "C to 204 "C. zyxwvut Wood Permitted stresses in structural timbers (Nmm-') Timber Bending Stress in extreme fibre Oak Douglas fir Norway spruce Outside locations Dry location Outside location Dry location 8.3 7.6 6.9 9.7 9.O 7.6 0.9 0.6 0.6 6.0 6.0 5.5 6.9 6.9 5.5 1.6 1.6 1.2 3.5 2.1 2.1 15 - 9-10 - 6-9 15 - - - Stress perpendicular to grain All locations (YO) - Stress parallel to grain Dry location Moisture Ash Beech Birch Elm, English Elm, Dutch Elm, Wych Fir, Douglas Mahogany Oak Pine, Scots Poplar Spruce, Norway sycamore Horizontal shear stress Outside location zyxwvu Meeh.nieel properties of timbers wood Compression Density, p (kgm-3) Fibre stress at elastic limit (Nmm-2) Modulus of elasticity, E (Nmm-') 657 740 710 560 560 690 530 545 740 530 450 430 625 60 -1 10 85-90 40-54 4260 65-100 4573 60 56-87 41-83 4a-43 36-62 62-106 10070 103 10350 13&135 15 170 11 790 7120 7860 10340-15 170 71-97 8 690 80 14550 85W10340 7 240 7380-8620 8970-13450 - Modulus of rupture (Nmm-') Compressive strength parallel Shear to grain strength (Nmm-') (Nmm-') 48 27-54 67-74 17-32 18-32 2947 49-74 45 27-50 2142 20 18-39 2646 10 8.3-14 13-18.5 8-1 I .3 7.2-10 7.3-1 1.4 748.8 6.0 8-12 5.2-9.7 4.8 4.3-8 8.8-15 z zyxwvu zyxwvu zyxw zyxwvuts 25 1 ENGINEERlNG MATERIALS 6. I6 Adhesives zyxwv zyxwvuts Adhesives are materials which are used to join solids (adherents) by means of a thin layer which adheres to the solids. At some stage the adhesive is liquid or plastic and sets to form a solid. In the final stage it may be rigid or flexible. In engineering, joining by adhesives has in many cases replaced other methods such as soldering, brazing, welding, riveting and bolting. The bond is generally permanent. A smooth finish is usually obtained. Disadvantages of adhesive bonding A curing time, which may be long, is required for optimum strength. The adhesive may be flammable or toxic. The bond may be affected by the environment, e.g. heat, cold, or humidity. zyxwvuts Advantages of adhesive bonding Dissimilar materials may be joined, e.g. plastics to metal. Large bonding areas are possible. Uniform stress distribution and low stress concentration is obtained. Bonding is usually carried out at low temperature. 6.16. I Natural adhesives These are set by solvent evaporation. They are generally of low strength and are weakened by moisture and mould. They are restricted to joining low-strength materials. Adhesives may be classified as follows: (1) natural adhesives, (2) elastomers, (3) thermoplastics, (4) thermosets, and ( 5 ) Other adhesives. Vegetable glues These!are bascd on starch or dextrine from starch and are available either as a powder to be mixed with water or ready mixed. The shear strength is low but they are only used for paper and cardboard. Resistance to water and high temperatures is low. Animal glues Casein These are made from collagen (from the bones and skins of animals) with sugar and glycerol added for increased flexibility. They are available in sheet (Scotch Glue), bead and powder forms, all of which dissolve in water at 60°C, and also as a liquid with gelling inhibitors. Degradation occurs at about 100 “C.These glues have a long ‘pot life’ a long dry life and a ‘tacky’ stage useful for ‘initial set’. They will join wood, paper,leather, cloth and most porous materials. Fish glues These have similar applications to animal glues but are usually liquid at room temperature and have better resistance to water and a better recovery of strength on drying. This is a protein glue made from milk precipitated with acid. It is supplied as a powder to be mixed with water and is used for joining wood, paper, cloth and asbestos. Latex/casein is used for foil/paper laminations. Casein has better resistance to water and better strength than animal and fish glues. Other protein glues are made from blood, soya bean residue, etc. 6.16.2 Elastomer adhesives These adhesives are based on natural and synthetic rubbers set by solvent evaporation or heat curing. They have relatively low shear strength and suffer from creep and are therefore used for unstressed joints. They are useful for flexible bonds with plastics and rubbers. ‘Contact adhesives’ use rubber in a solvent and will join many materials. 252 zy zyx MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Natural rubbers Polyurethane adhesives Solvent-type natural rubber adhesives have service temperatures up to 60 "C, and hot-curing types are serviceable up to 90 "C. The former may incorporate resin for improved strength (see later). Resistance to water is good, but resistance to oils and solvents is poor. Adherents include: natural rubber; some plastics such as acrylics and PTFE; expanded natural rubber, polystyrene and polyurethane; aluminium alloy, iron and steel; fabrics, card, leather, paper, wood; and glass and ceramics. Solutions are used for car upholstery, paper, fabric-backed PVC to hardboard, and floor coverings. The latex type is also used to adhere paper to plastics and metal. Reclaim rubber adhesives are used for car sound-proofing, draught excluding and undersealing. Pressure-sensitive adhesive is used for tapes, labels and gluing polythene sheet to metals. These are used for many plastics including PVC, polystyrene, and melamine. They have good strength at room temperature, excellent resistance to oils, acids, alkalis and many solvents, but poor resistance to water. They give a flexible bond suitable for resisting shock and vibration. Polychloroprenes (neoprene) Silicone rubber adhesives These synthetic-rubber-based adhesives have good resistance to water, oils and solvents and are either solvent setting or vulcanizing by heat curing or catalyst with or without resin modifiers. They are used for bonding metal, wood, leather, synthetic leather and plastics (except PVC) with applications in car, aircraft and ship-building industries. These vulcanize at room temperature and bond a wide range of materials, including silicone rubber. The shear strength is up to 1.4MNm-' at the maximum service temperature of 316 "C. Although the strength is not high, they have excellent resistance to high temperatures. Formulation with epoxy resin gives good strength up to 340°C. Acrylonitride butadienes (nitrile) 6.16.3 These adhesives are similar to neoprene types and are supplied in the form of solutions for joining rubber to rubber, unbacked PVC to itself, and metal, wood, leather and PVC sheet to metals. The latex type is used for PVC film to paper, textiles, aluminium foil to plastics, paper and wood, etc. The shear strength is up to 7 MN m-2. In general, these have a low shear strength and suffer from creep at high loading. They are therefore used in low-stress conditions. Resistance is good to oils and poor to good for water. Butyl rubber adhesives This is the well-known 'white glue' used for woodworking. It also bonds metals, glass, ceramics, leather and many plastics. The shear strength is good and the resistance high to oils and mould, but poor to heat and limited to water. Emulsion types are used for ceramic tiles. A fast-setting type is available. These are used in the car and building industries and are applied by gun or tape. Resistance to water is good, but that to oils is poor. Styrene butadiene rubber adhesives These are based on the synthetic rubber used for car tyres and are used in the car industry for bonding felt carpets and for gluing metal to rubber trims. The pressure-sensitive type is used for tapes and labels. Polysulphide rubber adhesives These have outstanding resistance to oils, solvents, light, air and heat, and will bond steel, aluminium, glass, concrete, ceramics and wood. Uses include sealants for fuel tanks, aircraft pressure cabins and windscreens, lights and pipe joints. With epoxy resins they are used for filling and sealing aluminium roof panels and car body panels. zyx zyxw Thermoplastic adhesives Polyvinyl acetate ( P V A ) Polyvinyl alcohol ( P V A ) This is made from PVA and is similar to it. It is used for paper in a re-sealable form. Resistance to oils and greases is good, but poor to water. zy zyxw zyxwvutsrq 253 ENGINEERING MATERIALS Polyacr ylates 6.16.4 These are generally used for textiles and the pressuresensitive types are used for labels. Water-based acrylic sealants are available. Thermoset adhesives These adhesives set as a result of the build-up of molecular chain length to give rigid cross-linked matrices. They include epoxy resins, which are some of the most widely used adhesives. Polyester acrylics Phenolic formaldehyde ( P F ) resins These cure in the absence of air (anaerobic) and give an extremely strong bond for metals, glass, ceramic and many other materials. The shear strength may be as high as 14MNm-’. Acrylic solvent cement These are widely used in woodworking especially for plywood, and have excellent resistance to water, oils, solvents, etc. They will bond fluorocarbons, nylons and epoxy resin. Engineering adhesives are based on mixtures with other resins. This consists of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) dissolved in methyl chloride and is used for bonding PMMA to itself and to cellulosics, styrene, polycarbonate and rigid PVC. The shear strength is about 7MNm-’ at 38°C. This is a heat-curing adhesive good for bonding metal to metal and metal to wood with a strength of 20 MN m-’. Cyanoacrylates Phenolic nitrile These set in the presence of moisture (from the adherents) in several seconds to give an extremely high strength (up to 20MNm-’). They are used for the rapid assembly of small components, metal to metal, and metal to non-metal joints, but not for porous materials since voids are not filled. This is a hot-curing adhesive with a shear strength of 28 MN m-’ at a service temperature of 175 “C. It is used for metal to non-metal joints such as car brake linings. Phenolic neoprene Phenolic polyamides Silicone resins These will bond fluorocarbons. They have low strength but a high service temperature. They can be formulated with other adhesives to give higher strength . Polyamides These are usually available as a thermoplastic polyamide film and phenolic resin solution. The shear strength is up to 35 NM m-’. zyx zyxwv These are applied hot and set on cooling. They bond metals, wood, plastics, leather and laminates. The chemical resistance is the same as that for nylon. Phenolic vinyls These have a high strength (up to 35 NM m- ‘), but are not very useful above 100°C. They are used for bonding honeycomb sandwich constructions, metal to metal and rubber to metal. Resorcinol formaldehydes ( R F ) Acrylic acid diesters These are anaerobic adhesives used for e.g. nut locking and as a gasket cement. Their performance is satisfactory up to 150°C. These are used for wood and have superior strength, water resistance and temperature resistance compared with PF adhesives. They bond acrylics, nylons, phenolics and urea plastics. 254 zyxwvutsrq z MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK Polyesters (unsaturated) Redux adhesive These have limited use and are unsuitable for glassreinforced plastic. They bond copper, copper alloys, most fabrics, PVC, polyester films and polystyrene (in certain cases). This is a mixture of polyvinyl formal powder and phenol formaldehyde liquid resin which gives a strong metal-to-metal joint that is better than riveting and spot-welding. It is normally useful up to 80"C, but can be formulated to 250 "C. Polyimides These cure at 260-370 "C and require post-curing for maximum strength which is retained up to 400°C. These structural adhesives will bond metals, but the cost is high. 6.16.5 Other adhesives Sodium silicate Known as 'water glass', this is a cheap, colourless adhesive used for bonding aluminium foil to paper, insulating materials to walls and for dry-mould bonding. zyxwvutsr Epoxy resins These adhesives are available as a two-part mixture (resin and hardener) for self-curing at room temperature or as one part for heat curing. Curing can take from 5 min (two part) to 24 h (one-part). They bond metal, glass, ceramics, wood, many rubbers and some plastics. They have excellent resistance to oils and good resistance to water and most solvents. The shear strength is up to 35MNm-'. Ceramic adhesive This is typically borosilicate glass compounded with alkaline earths and oxides of alkaline metals set by firing at 7W12OO"C. It is used for metal-to-metal joints. Epoxy phenolics Bitumen These have an increased service temperature with 50% strength at 200 "C and are useful up to 565 "C, with low creep. They are useful in the car industry. This is a substance derived from coal and lignite. It is used in solution or as a hot melt in the car industry and for roofing and tiles. Epoxy polyamides 6.16.6 Maximum and minimum service temperatures for adhesives These have improved flexibility and peel strength, but relatively low shear strength. Temperature ("C) Epoxy polysulphides These have improved peel strength and flexibility, with a shear strength of 28 MNm-'. Epoxy silicones Adhesive Minimum Maximum zyxwvu These have the best heat resistance (up to 300 "C) and a shear strength of 14MNm-'. They are used for bonding metals and laminates. Cyanoacrylate EPOXY Epoxy phenolic Epoxy polyamide Epoxy polysulphide Epoxy silicone Natural rubber Natural rubber (vulcanized) Neoprene Nitrile Polyurethane - - - 80 90 200 100 90 zyxwvuts Phenolic polyvinylacetates These set under pressure and at elevated temperatures. They have good strength and good resistance to water, oils and solvents. - 40 - 30 300 -50 90 150 150 - 50 - 200 65 90 zy zyxwvuts zyxwv 255 ENGINEERING MATERIALS 6.16.7 Complementary adhesives and adherents* Adhesive zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrqp Metals Glass ceramics wood Paper Leather Textiles, felt Elastomers Polychloroprene (neoprene) Nitrile Natural Silicone Butyl Polyurethane Thermoplastics Polyvinyl chloride (flexible) Polyvinyl chloride (rigid) Cellulose acetate Cellulose nitrate Ethyl cellulose Polyethylene (film) Polyethylene (rigid) Polypropylene (film) Polypropylene (rigid) Polycarbonate Fluorocarbons Polystyrene Polyamides (nylon) Polyformaldehyde (acetals) Methylpentene Thermosets EPOXY Phenolic Polyester Melamine Polyethylene terephthalate Diallylphthalate Polyimide x x X x x x x x x x x x x x X X x X x x x x X x x X X x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x X X X X X X X X X X X x x x x x x x x x X X X X X X X X X X x x X x x X X X X X X X X X X X X x X x X X X x x x X X X X X x x x X X X x x x x x x X X X X x x x x *From Shields, J. Adhesiue Bonding, The Design Council. Note: in general, any two adherends may be bonded together if the chart shows that they are compatible with the same adhesive. 256 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts - MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK 6.16.8 Typical shear strength of adhesives Shear strength (Nmm-') Adhesive Joints with increased bond area I Double lap Double bun strap EPOXY Filled epoxy Epoxy polyamide Epoxy nylon Epoxy polysulphide Epoxy silicone Neoprene Nitrile Phenolic neoprene Phenolic nitrile Phenolic polyamide Phenolic vinyl Polyvinyl acetate Polyimide Polyurethane Silicone (unmodified) 35 14-21 25 42 20-28 10-14 2 zyxwvuts zyxwvuts zyxwvut I 14-20 28 35 35 20 14-18 4-10 14 Right-angle bun Slotled-angle bun 6.16.9 Joints for adhesives Lap joints I \ \ 1 \ I ' Single lap ' 1 Joggle lap 1 I 'Tapered lap ~~ Right-angle-bunsupport n Angle pieces Angle pieces increase the bonded area and thus reduce the cleavage stress. ENGINEERING MATERIALS 6.17 zyxwvutsrqpon zy Composites zyxwvu 251 A composite is a material consisting of two (or more) different materials bonded together, one forming a ‘matrix’ in which are embedded fibres or particles that increase the strength and stiffness of the matrix material. A natural composite is wood in which cellulose fibres are embedded in a lignin matrix. Concrete is a composite in which particles of stone add strength with a further increase in strength provided by steel rein- forcing rods. Vehicle tyres consist of rubber reinforced with woven cords. Plastics are reinforced with glass, carbon and other fibres. The fibres may be unidirectional, woven or random chopped. Metals, carbon and ceramics are also used as matrix materials. So-called ‘whiskers’, which are single crystals of silicon carbide, silicon nitride, sapphire, etc., give extremely high strength. 6.17. I Elastic modulus of a composite (continuous fibres in direction of load) 6.17.2 Acronyms for composites FRP FRT GRP GRC CFC CFRP CFRT Fibre-reinforced plastic Fibre-reinforced thermoplastic Glass-reinforced plastic Glass-reinforced composite Carbon fibre composite Carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic Carbon-fibre-reinforced thermoplastic zyxwvut zyxwvutsrqpo Let: E , =modulus of fibres E , =modulus of matrix E , = modulus of composite r = (cross-sectional area of fibres)/(total crosssectional area) 6.17.3 E,=rE,+(l-r)E, Forms of fibres for composites Fibre: length over 10 times the diameter; diameter less than 0.25 mm. Filament: a continuous fibre. Wire: a metallic fibre Whisker: a fibre consisting of a single crystal. Matrix with fibres Arrangement of fibres in composites Type Unidirectional Arrangement Remarks Load taken in direction of fibres. Weak at right angles to fibres Takes equal load in both directions. Weaker since only half the fibres used in each direction 258 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvu zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Arrangement of fibres in composites (continued) Type Arrangement Remarks Load capacity much reduced but can take load in any direction in plane of fibres Multidirectional Random, chopped 6.17.4 zyxwvut Low in strength but multidirectional. Has handling advantages Matrix materials for composites Polymers: epoxies, polyesters, phenolics, silicones, polyimides, and other high-temperature polymers. Thermoplastics: Perspex, nylon, etc. Miscellaneous: metals, carbon, ceramics. 6.17.5 Properties of some fibres, wires and whiskers Material Type Density, p (kgm-j) E glass Carbon Silica 18/8 Stainless steel Tungsten Tungsten Graphite Sapphire (A1 0,) Silicon carbide Silicon nitride Fibre Fibre Fibre Wire Wire Wire Whisker Whisker Whisker Whisker 2 500 2000 2 500 7900 19 300 19 300 2 200 4000 3 200 3 100 Young’s modulus, E (GNm-’) 62 415 72 205 350 350 675 525 690 380 Tensile strength (Nmm-2) 3 500 1750 6000 2 100 2900 3 800 21 000 6000 21 000 14000 Filament diameter, (pm) 2.5 7.5 5.0 150 150 25 GL ENGINEERING MATERIALS 6.18 zyxwvutsrq z 259 Ceramics zyxw Aimmimum oxide (alumina) % Al,O, Density (kgmW3) Hardness (Moh scale) Compressive strength (N mm-2) Flexural strength (Nmm-2) Max. working temperature (“C) 75 86-94 3200 8.5 1250 270 800 3300 9.0 1750 290 1100 94-98 > 98 3500 9.0 1750 350 1500 3700 9.0 1750 380 1600 zyxwv zyxwvuts Reaction sintered Density (kgm-,) Open porosity (YO) Hardness (Moh scale) Young’s modulus (Nmrnw2) Flexural strength (Nmm-2) at 20°C at 1200“C 6.19 2 300-2 600 18-28 Hot pressed 3 120-3 180 0.1 9 290000 9 160000 110-175 210 550-680 350-480 Cermets Cermets consist of powdered ceramic material in a matrix of metal, combining the hardness and strength of ceramic with the ductility of the metal to produce a hard, strong, yet tough, combination; the process involves compaction and sintering. Ceramic Matrix Tungsten carbide Titanium carbide Molybdenum carbide Silicon carbide Cobalt Molybdenum, cobalt or tungsten Cobalt Cobalt or chromium Applications } } Cutting-tool bits Dies 260 zyxwvuts zyxwvut zy MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Typical cermets and applications (continued) Ceramic Matrix Applications Aluminium oxide Magnesium oxide High-temperature Chromium oxide Uranium oxide Cobalt, iron or chromium Magnesium, aluminium, cobalt, iron or nickel Chromium Stainless steel Titanium boride Chromium boride Molybdenum boride Cobalt or nickel Nickel Nickel or nickel-chromium 6.20 components Rocket and jet engine parts Disposable tool bits Nuclear fuel elements Mainly as cutting tool tips alloy Materials for special requirements High-strength metals Malleable metals High carbon steel Tool steel, carbon or alloy Spring steel Nickel steel High tensile steel Chrome-molybdenum steel Nickekhrome-molybdenum steel 18% nickel maraging steels Phosphor bronze Aluminium bronze Beryllium copper High-strength aluminium alloys Gold Silver Lead Palladium Rhodium Tantalum Vanadium High temperature metals Tungsten Tantalum Molybdenum Chromium Vanadium Titanium Nimonic alloys Stellite Hastelloy Inconel Stainless steel Nichrome Heat-resisting alloy steels Corrosion-resistant metals Stainless steels (especially austenitic) Cupronickel Monel Titanium and alloys Pure aluminium Nickel Lead Tin Meehanite (cast iron) Solders Lead-tin Pure tin Lead-tinxadmium Lead-tin-antimon y Silver solder Aluminium solder zyxwvutsrqpon zy zyxwvutsrq 26 1 ENGINEERING MATERIALS Coating metals Metals with high electrical resistance ~ Copper Cadmium Chromium Nickel Gold Silver Platinum Tin Zinc Brass Bronze Lead ~~ Advance (Cu, Ni) Constantan or Eureka (Cu, Ni) Manganin (Cu, Mn, Ni) Nichrome (Ni, Cr) Platinoid Mercury Bismuth zyxwvuts zyxwvu Brazing metals Copper, zinc (spelter) Copper, zinc, tin Silver, copper, zinc, cadmium (Easy-flo) Silver, copper eutectic Silver, copper, zinc Silver, copper, phosphorus Gold alloys Palladium alloys Pure gold, silver, palladium and platinum Good electrical insulators Thermoplastics Thermosetting plastics Glass Mica Transformer oil Quartz Ceramics Soft natural and synthetic rubber Hard rubber Silicone rubber Shellac Paxolin Tufnol Ebonite Insulating papers, silks, etc. Gases Good cductors of electricity ~ ~______ Silver Copper Gold Aluminium Magnesium Brass Copper Phosphor bronze Beryllium copper Semiconductors Silicon Germanium Gallium arsenide Gallium phosphide Gallium arsenide phosphide Cadmium sulphide Zinc sulphide Indium antimonide Permanent-magnet materials Low-loss ma~neticmaterials Alnico I Alnico I1 Alnico V Cobalt steel 35% Tungsten steel 6% Chrome steel 3% Electrical sheet steel 1% Si Barium femte Pure iron Permalloy Mumetal Silicon sheet steel 4.5% Silicon sheet steel 1% Permendur Annealed cast iron Ferrite 262 zyxw zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Good conductor!3 of beat Sound-absorbing materials Aluminium Bronze Copper Duralumin Gold Magnesium Molybdenum Silver Tungsten Zinc Acoustic tiles and boards: Cellulose Mineral Acoustic plasters zyxwvutsrq Blanket materials: Rock wool Glass wool Wood wool Perforated panels with absorbent backing Suspended absorbers Good heat insulators Asbestos cloth Balsa wood Calcium silicate Compressed straw Cork Cotton wool Diatomaceous earth Diatomite Expanded polystyrene Felt Glass fibre and foam Glass wool Hard boa rd Insulating wallboard Magnesia Mineral wool Plywood Polyurethane foam Rock wool Rubber Sawdust Slag wool Urea formaldehyde foam Wood Wood wool ~~~ ~ Bearing materials Tin based alloy Lead based alloy Lead-tin-antimony alloy Copper-lead alloy Leaded bronze Tin bronze Aluminium bronze Cast iron (Meehanite) Cadmium-nickel alloy Cadmium-silver alloy Cadmium-copper-silver alloy Silver overlay on lead-indium Silver overlay on lead-tin Porous bronze Porous leaded bronze Porous iron Chrome plating Carbon Carbon (graphite) Rubber Phenolics Nylon Teflon (PTFE) Cermets Lignum vitae Jewels High strength-to-weight ratio materials Magnesium alloys High strength aluminium alloys Titanium Titanium alloys Nylon Glass-reinforced nylon Glass-reinforced plastics Carbon-fibre-reinforced plastics Ceramic-whisker-reinforced metals Duralumin z zyxwvutsrqp 263 ENGINEERING MATERIALS Lubricants Mineral oils Vegetable oils Mineral grease Tallow Silicone oil Silicone grease Flaked graphite Colloidal graphite Graphite grease Molybdenum disulphide Water Gases 6.21 6.2 I.I zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvuts Miscellaneous information Densities In the following tables the densities p are given for normal pressure and temperature. W d (15% moistore) Metals P Metal Aluminium Aluminium bronze (~OYOCU, 10YoA1) Antimony Beryllium Bismuth Brass (60/40) Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Constantan Copper Gold Inconel Iron: pure cast Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum P (kg m - ’) 2 700 7 700 6 690 1829 9 750 8 520 8 650 7 190 8900 8 920 8 930 19 320 8 510 7 870 7 270 11 350 1740 7 430 13 546 Metal (kgm-3) Wood Monel Nickel Nimonic (average) Palladium Phosphor bronze (typical) Platinum Sodium Steel: mild stainless Tin: grey rhombic tetragonal Titanium Tungsten Uranium Vanadium Zinc 18 900 8900 8 100 12 160 8900 Ash Balsa Beech Birch Elm: English Dutch wych Fir, Douglas Mahogany Pine: Parana pitch 21 370 97 1 7 830 8OOO 5 750 6 550 7 310 4 540 19 300 18 680 5 960 scots Spruce, Norway Teak 660 100-390 740 720 560 560 690 480-550 545 550 640 zy 530 430 660 zyxwvuts 10200 7 140 264 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK Miscellaneous solids Solid 1180 2450 (average) 1600-2000 260 45&1000 1300-1700 2000-2400 1230 1500 15-30 3500 2210 2650 25 917 50 1130 Acrylic Asbestos Brickwork, common Compressed straw slab Concrete: lightweight medium dense Epoxy resin Epoxy/glass fibre Expanded polystyrene Glass: flint Pyrex window Glass-wool mat/quilt Ice Mineral wool quilt Nylon Polyethylene Polypropylene Polystyrene Polyurethane foam PTFE PVC Rock wool Rubber: butadiene natural neoprene nitrile Stone Urea formaldehyde foam Wood wool slab 910-965 900 (approx.) 1030 30 2170 1390 220-390 910 920 1250 1000 2300-2800 8 500-800 zyxwvutsrq zyxw zyxwvuts zyxw zyxwvu Liquids and gases Liquid P Gas (kgm-3) Amyl alcohol Ethanol Methanol Lubricating oil Paraffin (kerosene) Petrol Pure water Sea water Heavy water (11.6"C) 6.2 I.2 812 794 769 910 800 700 lo00 1030 1105 P Gas P (kgm-3) Air Argon Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide Ethane Helium Hydrogen Krypton Methane Neon Nitrogen 1.293 1.78 1.98 1.25 1.36 0.177 0.0899 3.73 0.72 0.90 1.25 (kgm-3) Oxygen Propane Smoke (average) Steam (100 "C) Sulphur dioxide Xenon Thermal expansion Let: tl =coefficient of linear expansion ("C- l) ,!?=coefficient of superficial expansion ("C- I ) y=coefficient of cubical expansion ("C-') 0 =temperature change ("C) L =initial length A =initial area V = initial volume L'= final length A'=final area V" =final volume Then: L'=L(I +tie) A'=A(I+~) v = v(i+ye) Approximately : ,!?=2a y=3a 1.43 2.02 0.13 0.63 2.92 5.89 zy zyxwvuts zyxwvut zyxwvuts zyx zyxwvutsrq 265 ENGINEERING MATERIALS C o e E i t s of linear expansion a( x IO6 "C- ') at normal temperature (unless otherwise stated) Material Aluminium Antimony Brass Brick Bronze Cadmium Cement Chromium Cobalt Concrete Copper Diamond Duralumin Ebonite German silver Glass 6.2 I.3 U Material U Material a 23 29 (CM00"C) 11 19 5 18 30 11 7 Gold 14 Rubber: natural, soft natural, hard nitrile silicone Sandstone Silver 150-220 80 11 ( 0 - m " C ) Lead 12 18 (23 350°C) 13 16.7 20 (trloOo0C) 1.3 23 70 18.4 8.6 (0-100°C) 9.9 (lW200"C) 11.9 (200-300 "C) Granite Graphite Gunmetal Ice Iron: cast Wrought 15 (0-50O0C) 8.3 7.9 18 50 11 12 15 (0-700°C) Magnesium Nickel Phosphor bronze Plaster Platinum Porcelain Quartz 29 33 (0-320°C) 25 30 ( M " C ) 12.8 18 (0-1oOo"C) 16.7 17 8.9 11 (cr8Oo0C) 4 8-14 Slate Solder (2 lead: 1 tin) Steel: hardened mild stainless Tin Titanium Tungsten Vanadium Zinc 110 185 12 19 20.5 (0-900°C) 10 25 12.4 11 10.4 21 9 4.5 (20°C) 6 (600-1400'c) 7 (14ocL2200"C) 8 30 6.2 I.4 CoeiRcients of cubical expansion of liquids at normal temperature (unless otherwise stated) Freezing mixtures Ammonium nitrate (Parts) Crushed ice or snow in water Temperature (Parts) ("C) 1 1 1 1 0.94 1.20 1.31 3.61 Calcium chloride (Parts) Crushed ice or Temperature snow in water ("C) (parts) 1 1 1 1 1 0.49 0.61 0.70 1.23 4.92 Liquid -4 - 14 - 17.5 -8 - 20 - 39 - 55 - 22 -4 Solid carbon dioxide with alcohol - 72 Solid carbon dioxide with - 77 chloroform or ether zyxw zyx y( x 106"c-') ~~ y Liquid Acetic acid 107 Olive oil Aniline 85 Paraffin 124 Sulphuric acid Benzene (20%) Chloroform 126 Ethanol 110 Turpentine Ether 163 Water Glycerine 53 Mercury 18 Y 70 90 51 94 41.5 (0-100 "C) 100 (100-200 "C) 180 (200-300 "C) 266 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvu zyxw zyxwvutsrq 6.2 I.6 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Anti-freeze mixtures Freezing point (“C) Concentration (YOVO~.) 10 20 Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) Methanol (methyl alcohol) Ethylene glycol Glycerine - 3.3 - 5.0 - 12.1 -3.9 - 1.7 - 8.9 - 5.0 - 7.8 30 40 50 - 14.4 - 22.2 -21.1 - 15.6 -9.4 - 32.2 - 30.6 -45.0 - 36.7 - 22.8 - 24.4 - 15.6 z R zyxwvutsr zy zy zyxwvuts zyxwvu zyxwv Engineering measurements 7. I Length measurement 7.1.1 Engineer’s rule These are made from hardened and tempered steel marked off with high accuracy in lengths from about 10-3Ocm with folding rules up to 60cm.They are used for marking off, setting callipers and dividers, etc. When used directly, the accuracy is &0.25mm, and when used to set a scribing block the accuracy is f0.125 mm. I 7. I.2 Feeler gauge (thickness gauge) These consist of a number of thin blades of spring steel of exact, various thicknesses. They are used for measuring small gaps between parts. Small engineer’s rule Thidcnm gauge 7. I.3 Folding rule Micrometers Micrometers are used for the measurement of internal and external dimensions, particularly of cylindrical shape. Measurement is based on the advance of a precision screw. The ‘outside micrometer’ is made in a variety of sizes, the most popular being 25mm in 0.01-mm steps. It has a fixed ‘barrel’ graduated in Outside micrometer 268 zyxwvutsrq z MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK 7. I.4 Vernier calliper gauge This is used for internal and external measurement. It has a long flat scale with a fixed jaw and a slidingjaw, with a scale, or cursor, sliding along the fixed scale and read in conjunction with it. Two scales are provided to allow measurement inside or outside of the jaws. Micrometer head zyxwvutsr Large outside miaumeter with extensionrod Part of vernier Vernier calliper guage Reading a vernier calliper gauge Inside micrometer 1-mm and 0.5-mm divisions screwed with a 0.5mm pitch thread and a ‘thimble’ graduated around its circumference with 5W.01mm divisions. An ‘inside micrometer’ has the fixed anvil projecting from the thimble; extensions may be attached. A ‘micrometer head’ is available consisting of the barrel and thimble assembly for use in any precision measuring device. Reading shown: Reading on main scale=43.5 mm Reading on cursor =0.18 mm Total reading = 43.68 mm zyxwvutsrq Main scale zyxwv Cursor Reading a micrometer 1.1.5 Reading shown: Dial test indicator (dial gauge) Reading on barrel = 5.5 mm Reading on thimble =0.28 mm Total reading = 5.78 mm Thimble 0.01-mm divisions Micrometer The linear movement of a spring-loaded plunger is magnified by gears and displayed on a dial. Various sensitivities are available and a smaller scale shows complete revolutions of the main pointer. A typical indicator has a scale with 1OO-O.01mm divisions and a small dial reading up to 25 revolutions of the pointer, Le. a total range of 25 mm. zyxw zyxwvutsrqp z zyxwvutsrq 269 ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS 7. I.6 7. I .7 Gauge blocks (slip gauges) Measurement of large bores These are hardened, ground and lapped rectangular blocks of steel made in various thicknesses of extreme accuracy and with a high degree of surface finish so that they will ‘wring’ together with a slight twist and pressure and remain firmly attached to one another. They are made in a number of sets; BS 888 recommends metric sets, two of which are given in the table below. The size of very large bores may be measured by means of a gauge rod of known length slightly less than the bore. The rod is placed in the bore and the ‘rock’ noted. The bore can be determined from the amount of rock and the rod length. Gauge Mock sets (BS888) where: L =gauge length, a = ‘rock’. zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsrq a’ Bore diameter D = L + 8L No. blocks Set M78 1.01-1.49mm in 0.01-mm steps 0.05-9.50mm in 0.50-mm steps 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, l00mm 1.0025 mm 1.005 mm 1.0075 mm Set M50 1.01-1.Wmm in 0.01-mm steps 1.10-1.90mm in 0.01-mm steps 1-25 mm in 1-mm steps 50, 75, l00mm 1.0025, 1.0050, 1.0075mm 0.05 mm zyxwvu 49 19 7 1 1 1 9 9 25 3 3 1 - Protective slips are provided for use at the ends of the combinations. 7. I.8 Accuracy of linear measurement The following table gives the accuracy of different methods of linear measurement. zyxwvu Instrument Use Steel rule Directly To set a scribing block External Internal Directly Preset to gauge blocks Over complete range As comparator over small range Vernier calipers 25-mm micrometer Dial gauge Dial gauge Accuracy (mm) f0.25 k0.125 k0.03 +_ 0.05 f0.007 k0.005 f0.003-0.03 fO.ooO1-0.0025 270 7.2 zyxwvutsrq z zyxw MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK zyxwv zyxwvutsrq Angle measurement 1.2. I Combination angle slip gauges Internal taper (using two balls) Precision angle blocks are available with faces inclined to one another at a particular angle accurate to one second of arc. The puges may be wrung together as with slip gauges, and angles may be added or subtracted to give the required angle. Details of a 13-blockset are given. 13-Blocks t : Degrees: 1,. 3,9,9,27,41. Minutes: 1, 3,9,27. Seconds: 3,9,27. Plus 1 square block. I 7.2.3 1.2.2 Measurement of angie of tapered bores The method of measuring the angle of internal and external bore tapers is shown using precision balls, rollers and slip gauges. External taper (using rollers and slip gauges) Sine bar zy This is used to measure the angle of one surface relative to another. It consistsof a precision bar with rollers, a precise distance apart. The angle of tilt is determined from the size of slip gauge used. Angle of surface 6 =sin- (9 where: L = distance between rollers, h =height of slip gauges. Slip gauges 7.3 Strain measurement zyxwvutsrqponml zyxwvutsr In carrying out strength tests on materials it is necessary to measure the strain. This is defined as the extension divided by the original length. In the case of mechanical extensometers, the original length is a ‘gauge length’ marked on the specimen. A typical gauge length is 2 cm and the magnification is up to 7.3. I bridge circuit and the strain is measured by a galvanometer or calibrated resistor. Dynamic strains may be indicated on an oscilloscope or suitable recorder. It is usually necessary to use ‘dummy’ gauges mounted on an unstressed surface at the same temperature to compensate for temperature effects. Extensometer 2000. zyxwvut A typical extensometer (the Huggenberger) is shown. The knife edges A and B are held on to the specimen by a clamp with gauge length L. There are pivots at C and D and knife edges E and F are held in contact by a tension spring. The magnified increase in L is indicated by a pointer H on a scale J. i I Electrical resistance strain gauge The sensitivity of a strain gauge is given by the ‘gauge factor’, i.e. the ratio of change in resistance to gauge resistance divided by the strain. Various arrangements are used, depending on the type of stress being measured, e.g. tension, compression, bending and torsion. For two-dimensional stress situations a ‘strain gauge rosette’ consisting of three gauges at different angles is used. The principal stresses and their direction can be calculated from the three strains. 7.3.3 JA Y7.3.2 zy zyxwv 271 ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS Strain gauges The commonest type of strain gauge is the electrical resistance strain gauge (‘strain gauge’ for short). These are devices which produce an electrical signal proportional to the mechanical strain of the surface to which they are bonded. They can be made extremely small and can be attached to components ofany shape which may be moving, e.g. an engine con-rod. The gauge consists of a grid of resistance wire or, more usually, foil mounted on an insulating backing cemented to the component. Leads are connected to a Strain-gauge applications Symbols used: R =resistance R, = gauge resistance R, = dummy gauge resistance dR =change in resistance e =strain E = Young’s modulus n= direct stress V = voltage applied to bridge P= galvanometer voltage I, =gauge current F , =gauge factor dRJR Gauge factor F , =e Direct stress o = e E 272 zyxwvutsrqp zyxw MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Tension or compression (one active gauge, one dummy gauge) Bending vour active gauges: two in tension, two in compression) V Galvanometer voltage P= F e 8 2 P=2F8eV; I,=- V 2 4 V Gauge current I , =2 4 zyxwv zyxwvu zy Tension or compression (two active gauges and two dummy gauges in series) Bending (two active gauges: one in tension, one in compression) - This arrangement eliminates the effect of bending V V=F,e V ; l g = 2% ,5 (tension) m rn Dummy gauges ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS zyxwvutsrqp zy 273 Principal stresses Torque measurement zyxw zyxw zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqp Two gauges are mounted on a shaft at 45" to its axis and perpendicular to one another. Under torsion one gauge is under tension and the other under compression, the stresses being numerically equal to the shear stress. The gauges are connected in a bridge circuit, as for bending. To eliminate bending effects four gauges may be used, two being on the opposite side of the shaft. In this case: P= 2F,e V Angle between o1 and e,, e= 2eb-e,- e, tan-' where: K , = - (ea+ec) and K , = 2 7.3.4 /T + + e, - eb)' (eb e,)' Strain gauge rosette In the case of two-dimensional stress, it is necessary to use three gauges. If the gauges are at 45" to one another, then the principal stresses may be found as follows. Let: e,, ebre, =measured strains E = Young's modulus v = Poisson's ratio 7.3.5 Characteristics of some strain gauges Material Gauge factor, F, Resistance, R , (0) Temperature coefficient of resistance ("C- I) zyxwvu Remarks Advance (57%Cu, 43%Ni) 2 .o 100 0.1 1 x 10-4 Platinum alloys 4.0 50 0.22 x 1 0 - 2 For high-temperature (>500 "C) use 0.09 Brittle, but high F,. Not suitable for large strains Silicon semiconductor - 1 0 0 to 100 + 200 F , constant over wide range of strain; low-temperature ( < 250°C) use 214 7.4 7.4. I MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK z zyxwvu zyxwvu zyxwvutsrq Temperature measurement Liquid-in-glass thermometers Mercury The commonest type of thermometer uses mercury which has a freezing point of - 39 "C and a boiling point of 357"C, although it can be used up to 500°C since the thermometer may contain an inert gas under pressure. The advantages of this thermometer are: good visibility; linear scale; non-wetting; good conductor of heat; and pure mercury is easily available. The disadvantages are: it is fragile; slow cooling of glass; long response time; and errors arise due to non-uniform bore and incorrect positioning. thermocouples connected in series, known as a 'thermopile', gives an e.m.f. proportional to the number of thermocouples. Practical thermocouples are protected by a metal sheath with ceramic beads as insulation. The advantages of thermocouples are: they are simple in construction, compact, robust and relatively cheap; they are suitable for remote control, automatic systems and recorders since they have a short response time. The disadvantages are that they suffer from errors due to voltage drop in the leads, variation in coldjunction e.m.f. and stray thermoelectric effects in leads. 7.4.3 Thermocouple circuits Basic thermocouple circuit Alcohol Alcohol can be used down to - 113 "C, but its boiling point is only 78 "C. The alcohol needs colouring. It is cheaper than mercury, and its low-temperature operation is an advantage in a number of applications. V = Constant x Temperature (usually) Galvanometer e.m.f. Y = Vh - Vc where: Vh=e.m.f. for 'hot' junction, Vc=e.m.f. for 'cold' junction Mercury in steel This thermometer employs a mercury filled capillary tube connected to a Bourdon-type pressure gauge which deflects as the mercury expands with temperature. It is extremely robust and can give a remote indication. Metal a junction junction Thermocouple circuit with ice bath 7.4.2 Thermocouples When a junction is made of two dissimilar metals (or semi-conductors) a small voltage, known as a 'thermal electromotive force (e.m.f.)' exists across it, which increases, usually linearly, with temperature. The basic circuit includes a 'cold junction' and a sensitive measuring device, e.g. a galvanometer, which indicates the e.m.f. The cold junction must be maintained at a known temperature as a reference, e.g. by an ice bath or a thermostatically controlled oven. If two cold junctions are used then the galvanometer may be connected by ordinary copper leads. A number of A bath of melting ice is used for the cold junction. Temperature is given relative to 0 "C. zy G =galvanometer, C =cold junction, H =hot junction ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxwvu zyxw zyx 275 Thermocouple circuit with extension leads Two cold junctions at the same temperature are used and copper extension leads to the measuring instrument. 7.4.5 Thermoelectric sensitivity of materials Therrnodectne * sensitivity of tbermocwple materials relative to platinum (reference jonctioa at O T ) ~ Metal Practical thermocouple The wires pass through ceramic beads inside a protective metal sheath. Bismuth Constantan Nickel Potassium Sodium Platinum Mercury Carbon Aluminium Lead Tantalum Rhodium Sensitivity ( p V " C - l ) Metal - 72 - 35 - 15 -9 -2 0 0.6 3 3.5 4 4.5 6 Silver Copper Gold Tungsten Cadmium Iron Nichrome Antimony Germanium Silicon Tellurium Selenium Sensitivity (pV "C- l ) 6.5 6.5 6.5 7.5 7.5 18.5 25 47 300 440 500 900 zyxwvut Thermopile This consists of a number of thermocouples connected in series to give a higher e.m.f. .<=e zyxwvutsr Thermopile 7.4.4 Thermocouple pairs and temperature limit Temperature ("C) Materials Minimum Copper/constantan (57%cu, 43%Ni) -250 400 Iron/constantan - 200 850 0 1100 0 1250 2600 Chrome1 (90%Ni, lO%Cr)/Alumel (94%Ni, 3%Mn, 2%A1, l%Si) Platinum/platinum rhodium Tungsten/mol ybdenum Maximum 1400 Applications Flue gases, food processes, sub-zero temperatures Paper pulp mills, chemical reactors, low-temperature furnaces Blast-furnace gas, brick kilns, glass manufacture Special applications Special applications 276 zyxwvutsrqp z zyxwvuts zyx MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK 7.4.6 Thermal e.m.f. for thermocouple combinations Thermal e.m.f, for common thermocouple combinations (reference junction at 0 "C) E.m.f. (mV) Temperature "F "C - 300 - 250 - 200 - 150 - 100 - 50 - 184 - 157 - 129 - 101 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 lo00 1200 1500 1700 2000 2500 3000 - 73 -46 - 18 10 38 66 93 121 149 177 204 232 260 316 371 427 538 649 816 927 1093 1371 1649 Copper/ constantan Chromel/ constantan Iron/ constantan Chromel/ alumel - 5.284 -4.747 -4.111 - 3.380 - 2.559 - 1.654 -0.670 0.389 1.517 2.71 1 3.967 5.280 6.647 8.064 9.525 11.030 12.575 15.773 19.100 - 8.30 - -7.52 -6.71 - 5.76 -4.68 - 3.49 - 2.22 -0.89 0.05 1.94 3.41 4.91 6.42 7.94 9.48 11.03 12.57 14.12 17.18 20.26 23.32 29.52 36.01 - - 1.4.7 Electronic thermocouple thermometer - - -5.51 -4.96 - 4.29 - 3.52 -2.65 - 1.70 -0.68 0.04 1.52 2.66 3.82 4.97 6.09 7.20 8.31 9.43 10.57 12.86 15.18 17.53 22.26 26.98 33.93 38.43 44.91 54.92 - - - - 6.40 - 3.94 - - 1.02 - 2.27 - 5.87 9.71 - 13.75 - 17.95 22.25 26.65 3 1.09 40.06 49.04 62.30 70.90 - - - Platinum 10% rhodium - - 0.221 0.401 0.595 0.800 1.017 1.242 1.474 1.712 1.956 2.458 2.977 3.506 4.596 5.726 7.498 8.732 10.662 13.991 17.292 This has a robust sheathed thermocouple connected to a voltmeter which gives a digital or analogue readout of temperature. It avoids many of the usual disadvantages of thermocouples. 1.4.8 Resistance thermometers Resistance thermometers are based on the fact that the electrical resistance of a metal wire varies with temperature. The metals most used are platinum and nickel, for which the resistance increases with temperature in a linear manner. zyxwvu zyxwv zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqp zyxw zyxwvutsrqp 277 ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS If R, is the resistance at 0 "C,then the resistance R, at T"C is: R, = R,(1 +Q T ) where: Q = temperature coefficient of resistance. The value of Q is given for a number of metals as well as electrolytes and semi-conductors in the table below. Resistance temperature coefficients (at room temperature) "C~ Material a ("c-') ~~ Nickel Iron Tungsten Aluminium Copper Lead Silver 0.0067 0.002-0.006 0.0048 0.0045 0.0043 0.0042 0.0041 The construction of a typical resistance thermometer is shown in the figure. It consists of a small resistance coil enclosed in a metal sheath with ceramic insulation beads. The temperature range is 100 "C to 300 "C for nickel and 200 "C to 800 "C for platinum. Dummy leads zyxwvu ("c-') Material Q Gold Platinum Mercury Manganin Carbon Electrolytes Semi-conductor (thermistor) 0.004 0.00392 0.00099 f0.00002 -0.0007 -0.02 to -0.09 ~~ -0.068 to +0.14 With other metals it is possible to reach 1500 "C. The small resistance change is measured by means of a Wheatstone bridge and dummy leads eliminate temperature effects on the element leads. The resistance thermometer is used for heat treatment and annealing furnaces and for calibration of other thermometers. The main disadvantages are fragility and slow response. beads 7.4.9 Resistance thermometer measuring b r i i Thermistors Temperature ("C) z zyxwvutsrq zyx F P 278 MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK onto the filament the brightness of which is varied by means of a calibrated variable resistor until the filament appears to vanish. A red filter protects the eye. 7.4. I I Thermistors Most metals have a positive temperature coefficient of resistance, i.e. resistance increases with temperature. Semi-conductors may have a very large negative coefficient which is non-linear. A 'thermistor' is a bead of such material, e.g. oxides of copper, manganese and cobalt, with leads connected to a measuring circuit. They are extremely sensitive; for example, a change from 4OOQ at 0°C to l00Q at 140°C. They are inexpensive and suitable for very small changes in temperature. The graph shows curves of resistivity for three thermistor materials compared with platinum. Bimetallic thermometer The deflection of a bimetallic strip or coil may be used to indicate temperature. This type is not very accurate but is simple and cheap. These thermometers are used for alarms and temperature controllers when connected to a mechanical system. Heat Bimetallic thermometei 7.4. I O Pyrometers 7.4. I 2 Total radiation pyrometer At very high temperatures where thermometers and thermocouples are unsuitable, temperature can be deduced from the measurement of radiant energy from a hot source. The radiation is passed down a tube and focused, using a mirror, onto a thermocouple or thermopile which is shielded from direct radiation. Temperature-sensitive paints zy Kits are available of paints and crayons made of chemicals which change colour at definite temperatures. The range is from about 30 "C to 700 "C, with an accuracy of about 5%. Several paints are required to cover the range. Crayons are the easiest to use. The method is suitable for inaccessible places. 7.4. I 3 Fixed-point temperatures Disappearing-filament pyrometer The brightness and colour of a hot body varies with temperature and in the case of the disappearing filament pyrometer it is compared with the appearance of a heated lamp filament. The radiation is focused The table below gives fixed-point temperatures known to a high degree of accuracy from which instruments can be calibrated. Temperature ("C) I I I I lThermocouple Total radiation pyrometer Lamp DisapQearing-filament pyrometer Boiling point of liquid oxygen - 182.97 Melting point of ice 0.00 Triple point of water 0.01 Boiling point of water 100.00 Freezing point of zinc 419.505 Boiling point of liquid sulphur 444.60 Freezing point of liquid antimony 630.50 Melting point of silver 960.80 Melting point of gold 1063.OO zy zy zyxwvu zyxwvutsr zyxwvu zyxwvutsrqponmlkj zyxwvu 279 ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS 7.5 Pressure measurement 7.5. I Pressure units 1 newton per square metre (1 N m- 2, = 1 pascal (1 Pa) 1 bar= 1OOOOO (1OS)Pa=lo00 millibar (mbar) 1 mbar = 100 Pa 1 bar =760mm Hg (approximately) 7.5.2 Barometers Mercury barometers The basic barometer consists of a vertical glass tube closed at the top, filled with mercury and standing in a mercury bath. There is a space at the top of the tube in which a vacuum exists and the height of the column is a measure of atmospheric pressure. The so-called ‘Fortin barometer’ is a mercury barometer with a Vernier scale. / Aneroid barometer A sealed flexible metal bellows or capsule with a very low internal pressure is connected to a lever with pointer and scale. Atmospheric-pressure variations cause a corresponding deflection of the capsule and movement of the pointer. The pointer usually carries a pen which records the temperature on a rotating chart. Mercury barometer Atmospheric pressure supports a column of mercury of approximately 760mm Hg. Anaeroid barometer Vacuum Standard atmospheric pressure= 1.0135 bar = 1013.25 mbar 101 325 Pa. Gauge pressure p , = p -pa / Mercury barometer where: p = absolute pressure, pa=atmospheric pressure. Mercury 7.5.3 Manometers The U-tube manometer may be used to measure a pressure relative to atmospheric pressure, or the difference between two pressures. If one ‘leg’ is much larger in diameter than the other, a ‘single-leg manometer’ is obtained and only a single reading is required (as for the barometer). The inclined single-leg manometer gives greater accuracy. When the manometer fluid is less dense than the fluid, the pressure of which is to be measured, an inverted manometer is used. When pressure is measured relative to atmospheric pressure the air density is assumed to be negligible compared with that of the manometer fluid. 280 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK zyxwvutsrq U-tube manometer - pressure relative to atmosphere (gauge pressure) Let: z Pa pm=density of manometer fluid h =manometer reading g =acceleration due to gravity Measured pressure p =p,gh Inclined single-leg manometer Measured pressure p = p m g Lsin 0 U-tube manometer - zyxwvu diferential pressure Pressure difference p1- p z = ( p m - p f ) g h where: p,=density of measured fluid. jP Inverted U-tube manometer Pressure difference (pl - p 2 ) = (pf -p,)gh zyxwv zyxwvutsr -7 I Single-leg manometer - gauge pressure Measured pressure p = p,gh zyxwvutsrqp zy zyxwvutsr 28 1 ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS 7.5.4 Bourdon pressure gauge In the Bourdon gauge a curved flattened metal tube is closed at one end and connected to the pressure source at the other end. Under pressure the tube tends to straighten and causes a deflection of a pointer through a lever and rack and pinion amplifying system. This gauge can be used for liquids or gases from a fraction of a bar pressure up to loo00 bar. Calibration is by means of a ‘dead-weight tester’. 7.5.5 Pressure transducers A wide range of transducers is available which convert the deflection of a diaphragm or Bourdon tube into an electrical signal which gives a reading on an indicator or is used to control a process, etc. Transducers cover a wide range of pressure and have a fast response. Types include, piezo-crystal, strain gauge, variable capacity, and variable inductance. 7.6 Flow measurement zyxwvut zyx The simplest method of measuring the mass flow of a liquid is to collect the liquid in a bucket or weigh tank over a given time and divide the mass by the collection 7.6. I Measurement by weight Bucket time. For gases, a volume can be collected in a gasometer over a known time to give the volume flow rate. riI = mass per second = Volume per second = Mass collected Collection time Mass per second Density Weigh tank m= Mass collected Collection time 7.6.2 Measurement by gas tank (gasometer) Volume per second = Volume collected Collection time Two-way valve Level Weigh tank Gasometer 282 7.6.3 z zyxwvut MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Rotameter zyxw This is a type of variable-orifice meter consisting of a vertical glass tapered tube containing a metal ‘float’. The fluid, which may be a liquid or gas, flows through the annular space between the float and the tube. As the flow is increased the float moves to a greater height. The movement is roughly proportional to flow, and calibration is usually carried our by the supplier. Angled grooves in the rim of the float cause rotation and give the float stability. Tangential-impellerflowmetel l r - 7.6.5 Differential pressure flowmeters These depend on the pressure difference caused by a change in section or obstruction in a pipe or duct. British Standard BS 1042 deals with the design of the ‘venturi-meter’ the ‘orifice plate’ and the ‘nozzle’. Pressure difference is measured by a manometer or transducer; the position of the pressure tappings is important. Flow is proportional to the square root of the pressure difference and calibration is therefore necessary. Of the three types the venturi-meter is the most expensive but gives the least overall pressure loss. The orifice plate is the simplest and cheapest type and occupies the least space, but has an appreciable overall pressure loss. The nozzle type is a compromise between the other two. Rotameter 7.6.4 Turbine flow meters An axial or tangential impeller mounted in a pipe rotates at a speed roughly proportional to the velocity, and hence the flow, of the fluid in the pipe. The rotational speed is measured either mechanically or electronically to give flow or flow rate. Venturi meter (See Section 4.3.3) zyxw ,/m Flow Q=Constant Pressure difference (pl -p2)= (pm-pr)gh Symbols are as for manometers (see above). Orijice meter Axial-impellerflowmeter The flow formula is as for the Venturi meter. zy zyxwvutsrq 283 ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS Nozzle meter / zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg The flow formula is as for the Venturi meter. h - m ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ zyxwvutsrq 7.7 Velocity measurement 7.7. I Pitot-static tube The Pitot-static tube consists of two concentric tubes, the central one with an open end pointing upstream of the fluid flow and the other closed at the end but with small holes drilled at right angles to the direction of flow. The central tube pressure is equal to the static pressure plus the ‘velocity pressure’, whereas the outer tube pressure is the static pressure only. A manometer or other differential pressure measuring device measures the pressure difference between the tubes which is equal to the ‘velocity pressure’. For zyxwv large pipes or ducts, traversing gear is used and an average value of velocity calculated. Fluid velocity V = P2p1) 284 7.7.2 z zyxwvut MECHANiCAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Anemometers Various types of anemometer are used to measure the velocity, usually of air. The ‘cup type’ is used for free air and has hemispherical cups on arms attached to a rotating shaft. The shape of the cups gives a greater drag on one side than the other and results in a speed of rotation approximately proportional to the air speed. Velocity is found by measuring revolutions over a fixed time. The ‘vane anemometer’ has an axial impeller attached to a handle with extensions and an electrical pick-up which measures the revolutions. A meter with several ranges indicates the velocity. The ‘hot-wire anemometer’ is used where it is necessary to investigate the change in velocity over a small distance, e.g. in a boundary layer. A probe terminating in an extremely small heated wire element is situated in the fluid stream and cools to an extent which depends on the velocity. The resulting change in resistance of the element is measured by a bridge circuit and is related to velocity by calibration. The response is rapid. zyxw zyxw r Vane anemometer Cuptype anemometer 7.8 7.0. I Rotational-speed measurement Mechanical tachometers These may be permanently mounted on a machine or hand-held. The hand-held type has several shaft attachments with rubber ends (see figure), including a conical end for use with a shaft centre hole, a wheel to run on a cylindrical surface, and a cup end for use where there is no centre hole. 7.0.2 Hot-wire anemometer dicated as rotational speed on a meter. Alternatively, a toothed wheel passing an inductive pick-up generates pulses which are counted over a fixed time and displayed on a meter as the speed of rotation. zyxw zyxwvut Electrical tachometers The tachogenerator is driven by the shaft and gives an output voltage proportional to speed which is in- 7.0.3 Stroboscope This has an electronic flash tube which flashes at a variable rate and which is adjusted to coincide with the rotational speed so that the rotating object, or a suitable mark on it, appears to stand still. The flash-rate control is calibrated in rotational speed. 285 ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS zy zyxw zyxwvuts Toothed wheel and eleCIriCBl pick-up and indiitor 7.9 7.9. I zyxwvu Materials-testing measurements Hardness testing Hardness tests on materials consist of pressing a hardened ball or point into a specimen and measuring the size of the resulting indentation. The two methods shown are the Brinell method, which utilizes a ball, and the Vicker's pyramid method which utilizes a pyramidal point. Other methods in use are the Rockwell method which uses a ball or diamond cone, and the Shore scleroscope, a portable instrument which measures the height of rebound of a hammer falling on the surface. Let : D =diameter of indentation (mmj D, =diameter of ball (mm) F=force on ball (kg) zyx zyxw Values of F: steel, F = 3 0 0 < ; copper, F = 1OD<; aluminium, F = 5 0: Hardness BHN = F zyxwvuts Measurement of Brinnel hardness number (BHN) I' d m ) Vicker's pyramid number ( V P N ) Let: F=load (kg) b = diagonal of indentation (mm) F The ball size is 10 mm for most cases or 1 mm for light work. 1 .57D,(D,- VPN = 1.854 - bZ 286 7.9.2 z zyxwvut MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Toughness tests Toughness testing consists of striking a notched test piece with a hammer and measuring the energy required to cause fracture. The energy is indicated on the dial of the test machine and the force is produced by a swinging mass. Toughness =Constant x zyxwvut Energy to fracture specimen Energy of the swinging mass The energy of the swinging mass is 163J for the Izod impact test and 294 J for the Charpy test. Izod impact test machine and test piece ~~ Charpy test piece / - > - specimen zy 7.9.3 Tensile test on steel Test bar Testing machines are used to determine the mechanical properties of materials under tension, compression, bending, shear and torsion. One of the most important tests is the tensile test, especially that for steel. Typical curves are shown for ductile steel and hard steel. In the case of a ductile steel such as ‘mild steel’, there is a definite yield point above which the steel is no longer elastic. In the case of hard steel the load-extension curve becomes non-linear and it is necessary to specify a ‘proof stress’ for a specified strain, e.g. 0.1%. zy zyxwvuts zyxwvu zyxwvutsr 287 ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS Load-extension curves for steel Symbols used : W= load We=elastic limit Wy=yield load W, =fracture load W, =maximum load W,, =proof load e =strain x =extension CT =stress E =Young's modulus Tensile strength TS = Yield stress YS= W, zyxwvu zyxwvut w, we WY h 2 3 Extension or strain w m rnm-2) Original area of cross-section (N W Y (Nmm-') Area of cross-section Proof stress PS=Stress for a specified strain (e.g. O.lYo), (Nmm-') Strain e = Extension at load W (mm) Original gauge length (mm) Young's modulus E = Stress in elastic region (N rnm-') Corresponding strain Percentage elongation (Elong. Extension at failure x 100% ")=Original gauge length Percentage reduction in area = Original area of cross-section -Area at fracture x 100% Original area zy zyxwv zyxwvut General data 8.1 Units and symbols 8. I. I Symbols and units for physical quantities Quantity Symbol Unit Quantity Symbol Unit Acceleration: gravitational linear Admittance Altitude above sea level Amount of substance Angle: plane solid Angular acceleration Angular velocity Area Area, second moment of ms-' Electric flux density Energy Energy: internal specific internal Enthalpy Enthalpy, specific Entropy Expansion, coefficient of cubical Expansion, coefficient of linear D Cm-2 J J kJkg-' J kJkg-' kJ K - ' Bulk modulus Nm-', Pa Capacitance Capacity Coefficient of friction Coefficient of linear expansion Conductance: electrical thermal Conductivity: electrical thermal Cubical expansion, coefficient of Current, electrical Current density PF I, m3 No unit ms-' S m mol rad steradian rads-' rad s - l m' m4 u, E u, e H h S B oc- 1 U y -1 E Vm-' Am-' Cm-' T C Wb N N Hz Hz zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvutsrqponm oc-I G h S kW m-' K - I kSmm-' Wm-I K - ' U E. Field strength: electric magnetic Flux density: electric magnetic Flux: electric magnetic Force Force, resisting Frequency Frequency, resonant W B oc- 1 I J A A mm-' P Efficiency Elasticity, modulus of Electric field strength Electric flux v No unit E Nm-', Pa E Vm-' C X v ms-' J kJ kg-' zyxwvutsrqp Density Density, relative Dryness fraction Dynamic viscosity d Gravitational acceleration Gibbs' function Gibbs' function, specific dJ kg~r-~ No unit No unit Ns m-', CP Heat capacity, specific Heat flow rate Heat flux intensity Illumination Impedance Inductance: self mutual Internal energy Internal energy, specific kJ kg-' K - ' W kW m-' lux n H H J kJkg-' GENERAL DATA zyxwvutsrqpon 289 zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqponml zyxwvu zyxwvutsrqp zyxw Quantity Symbol Unit Quantity Symbol Unit Inertia. moment of I. J kg m2 Y H, A Wb-' No unit Length Light: velocity of Light, wavelength of Linear expansion, coefficient of Luminance Luminous flux Luminous intensity I Reluctance Relative density Resistance, electrical Resisting force Resistance, temperature coefficients of Resistivity: conductors insulators Resonant frequency S Kinematic viscosity m2 s- ', St d zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsr Magnetic field strength Magnetic Hux Magnetic Hux density Magnetomotive force Mass: Mass: rate of How Modulus, bulk Modulus of elasticity Modulus of rigidity Modulus of section Molar mass of gas Molar volume Moment of force Moment of inertia Mutual inductance c /. 3 L 4 I H m ms-' m oc-l cdm-2 Im cd @ Am-' Wb B T F M I, J M A kg kgs-l Nm-2 Nm-' N m-2 m3 kg K - ' mol-I m3 K - ' mol-' N-m kg-m2 H Number of turns in a winding N No unit Periodic time Permeability: absolute absolute of free space relative Permeance Permittivity, absolute Permittivity of free space Permittivity, relative Poisson's ratio Polar moment of area Power: apparent active reactive Pressure T m k K E G z M vm 1' PO Pr A E EO E, \' J S P H pFm-' pFm-' No unit No unit m4 V-A W V-A, N m - 2 , Pa Second moment of area Self-inductance Shear strain Shear stress Specific gas constant Specific heat capacity Specific volume Strain, direct Stress, direct Shear modulus of rigidity Surface tension Susceptance 2, B. 7 N C-I Ma-mm Ma-mm Hz P P f, G m4 H No unit N m - 2 , Pa k Jk g - 'K - ' kJkg-'K-' m3kg-l No unit N m - 2 , Pa N r W 2 , Pa B Nm-' S I L I 5 R C \' E U Temperature value Temperature coefficients of resistance Thermodynamic temperature value Time Torque 0 Vapour velocity Velocity Velocity, angular angular Velocity of light Velocity of sound Voltage Volume Volume, rate of flow Viscosity: dynamic kinematic R R R a, 'C fi, 7 C ' T K t b T Nm C rns-' V ms-l w rads-' revk rev/min ms-' ms-' V N C CY V V V P . 'J m3 m3s1' N s m - 2 , cP Y m 2 s - I , cst 1. W m J E N m - 2 . Pa zyxwvutsrqp Q P Quantity of heat Quantity of electricity Q Q J A-h, C Reactance X R Wavelength Work Young's modulus of elasticity zyxwvuts zyxwvutsr zyxwv 290 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK 8. I.2 Abbreviations for technical terms Term Abb. Term Abb. Absolute Alternating current Aqueous Atomic number Atomic weight Audio frequency Boiling point Bottom dead centre Brake mean effective pressure Calculated Calorific value Cathode-ray oscilloscope Cathode-ray tube Centre of gravity Compare Computer-aided design Computer-aided manufacture Concentrated Constant Corrected Critical Cross-sectional area Decomposition Degree Diameter Differential coefficient Dilute Direct current Dry flue gas Elastic limit Electromotive force Equation Equivalent Example Experiment(a1) Freezing point Frequency Higher calorific value High frequency High pressure High speed steel High tensile abs. a.c. aq. at. no. at. wt. a.f. b.p. b.d.c., BDC b.m.e.p. calc. C.V., cv c.r.0. c.r.t. c.g. cf. CAD CAM conc. const. corr. crit. c.s.a. decomp. deg. dia. d.c. dil . d.c. d.f.g. e.1. e.m.f. eqn. equiv. ex. expt. f.p. freq. h.c.v., HCV h.f. h.p. h.s.s. h.t. High tension High voltage Horse power Indicated mean effective pressure Infra-red Intermediate frequency Internal combustion Internal combustion engine Kinetic energy Lower calorific value Low pressure Low tension Low voltage Magnetomotive force Maximum Mean effective pressure Melting point Minimum Moment Numerical control Pitch circle diameter Potential difference Potential energy Pressure Proof stress Radian Radio frequency Radius Relative density Relative humidity Root mean square Specific Specific gravity Standard temperature and pressure Strain energy Temperature Tensile strength Thermocouple Top dead centre Ultraviolet Ultra-high frequency Very high frequency Yield stress h.t. h.v. h.p. i.m.e.p. i.r. i.f. i.c., IC i.c.e. k.e. I.C.V., LCV 1.p. 1.t. I.V. m.m.f. max. m.e.p. m.p. min. mom. n.c. p.c.d. p.d. p.e. press. ps. rad. r.f. rad. r.d. r.h. r.m.s. spec. s.g. s.t.p. s.e. temp. ts., TS tic t.d.c., TDC U.V. u.h.f. v.h.f. ys., YS 0. I.3 Abbreviations for units Unit zyx zyxwvuts Abb. Unit Abb. m steradian radian per second hertz revolution per minute kilogramme gramme tonne (= 1 Mg) seimen atomic mass unit Dascal sr rads-' metre angstrom square metre cubic metre litre second minute hour lumen candela min h lm cd lux IX day year radian d a rad 0. I.4 103 10-3 10-6 10-9 10-12 10-15 10-18 A m2 m3 1 S Prefix Symbol tera gigs mega kilo milli micro nano pic0 femto atto T G M k m P n P f a 0. I.5 SI equivalents for Imperial and U S customary units Abbreviations used m =metre km =kilometre in. =inch ft =foot yd = yard m, mi = mile Pa = pascal (N mZ) psi =pounds per square inch Unit newton bar millibar standard Hz rev. minatmosphere millimetre of mercury kg poise g stokes t joule kilowatt hour S electron volt U calorie Pa Multiples and submultiples Multiplying factor 10'2 109 106 z zyxwvu 29 1 GENERAL DATA Abb. Unit Abb. N bar mb atm mole watt decibel kelvin centigrade coulomb ampere volt ohm farad henry weber tesla mol W dB K "C mm Hg P s, St J kW-h eV cal Tsi = tons per square inch atm = atmosphere 1=litre cc=cubic centimetre gal =gallon Ib =pound Ibm =pound mass Ibf =pound force k, kip = kilopound t, T=ton tnf, tonf = ton force mph =miles per hour fpm = feet per minute kt =knot (nautical mile per hour) gpm =gallons per minute cfs =cubic feet per second cfm =cubic feet per minute N =newton s, sec = second min = minute h = hour hp =horsepower kW = kilowatt Btu = British thermal unit J =joule Length 1 in. = 25.4 mm =0.0254 m. lft=305mm=0.305m. C A V R F H Wb T 292 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrq MECHANICAL ENGINEER'SDATA HANDBOOK 1 yard=914 mm =0.914 m. 1 mile = 1609m = 1.609 km. 1 nautical mile = 1.835km = 1.14 miles. m. 1 pm = 1 A = 10-'Om. 1 mile h-'=0.447 m s-' = 1.61 km h-'. 1 km h-' =0.719ms-'. 1 knot = 1 nautical mile/hour =0.515 m s- MassJlow rate ' Area 1in.'=645mm2=0.645 x 10-3m2 1ft2=9.29x 104mm2=0.0929m2. 1 yard2=0.836m2. 1 acre = 4047 m2. 1 mile2= 2.59 x lo4m2= 2.59 km2. 1 hectare= 10000m2 Volume (capacity) m3. 1 in.3 = 16.4 x 103mm3= 16.4 x 1 ft3=0.0283 m3. 1 yard3= 0.765 m3. 1 pint (UK)=0.568.1. 1 pint (US)=O.4561. 1 quart (UK)= 1.1371. 1 quart (US)= 0.9464 1. 1 gallon (UK)= 1.201 gallon (US)=4.546 1. 1 gallon (US) = 3.785 1. 1 barrel =42 gallons (US)= 1591. 1cm3=1000mm3. 1 I. = 1000cm3. lm2=10001. ' '. 1 Ibm s- =0.454 kg s lIbmh-'=1.26x 10-4kgs-'. 1 tonh-'=0.282kgs-'. 1 slugs-'= 1 4 . 6 k g ~ - ' . Volume $ow rate ' '. 1 ft3 s - = 0.283 m3 s1 UK gallonsec-'=0.00455m3s-'. 1 US galIons-'=0.00379m3s-'. 1 UK gallonmin-'=7.58~ 10-5m3s-1. 1 US gallon min-'=6.31x 10-5m3s-1. zyxwvuts Mass 1Ibm =0.454 kg. 1 slug=32.17Ibm= 14.6 kg. 1 ton (US or 'short')=2000Ibm=907.2kg. 1 ton (UK or 'long')=2240Ibm= 1016kg. 1 tonne (metric ton) = lo00 kg Density 1 Ib in.-3 =27 680 kgm-3 11bft-3=16.02kgm-3. 1 slug ft-' = 515.4 kg m- Velocity 1 in. s- ' = 0.0254 m s - '. 1 fts-'=0.3048ms-'. 1 ft min- ' =O.O0508 m s - ' Force 1 Ibf =4.45 N. 1 kip (1000Ibf)=4.45 kN. 1 tonf= 9964 N. 1 poundal=O.l38N. 1d~ne=lO-~N. Stress or pressure 1 Ibfin.' (psi)=6895Nm-2 (Pa). 1 IbfftW2( p ~ f ) = 4 7 . 9 N m - ~ . 1 kipin.-2 (ksi)=6895 k N m - 2 (kPa). 1 kipft-2. (ksf)=47.9 k N m - 2 (kPa). 1 po~ndalft-~=l.49Nm-~. 1 t ~ n f i n . - ~15.44 = x 106Nm-2. I t 0 n f f t - ~ = 1 . 0 7 3io5Nm-'. ~ lin. water (39.2"F)=249Nm-2. 1 ft water (39.2"F)=2989Nm-'. 1 in. m e r c ~ r y = 3 3 8 6 N m - ~ . latmos=14.7psi=1.01325 x lO5Nrn-' 1 MPa = lo6 N m- = 1 N mm- '. 1 bar = 10' N m - 2 . Work and energy 1 in.Ibf=0.113 J (Nm). 1 ft.lbf= 1.365 J. 1 Btu = 778 ft Ibf = 252 calories = 1055J. lcal=4.1865. 1 kcal = 4.186 kJ. GENERAL DATA zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvutsrq zyxw 1 ft poundal =0.0421 J. 1 horsepower-hour = 2.685 MJ. 1 kW-h=3.6MJ. 1 erg= lO-’J. Power ’ 1 ft Ibfs- = 1.356W. lftlbfrnin-’=O.O226W. 1 horsepower (550ftIbfs-’)=746W=0.746kW. 8.2 8.2. I 293 1 ft poundal sec =0.0421 W Acceleration 1 ft s - =~ o m m s - ~ . 1 g = 32. I74 ft s - =9.807 m s - Fuel consumption 1 mile per gallon fmpg)= 0.425 km I I. zyxwvut Fasteners Bolt and screw types Bolts Bolts are used for fastening machine parts together often in conjunction with nuts and washers to form non-permanent connections. The bolt head is usually hexagonal, but may be square or round. The ‘shank’ may be screwed for part or the whole of its length, in the latter case it is sometimes called a ‘screw’ or ‘machine screw’. Hexagonal head boll Most bolts are made of low or medium carbon steel by forging or machining with threads cut or rolled. Forged bolts are called ‘black’ and machined bolts ‘bright’. They are also made in high tensile, alloy and stainless steels as well as non-ferrous metals and alloys, and plastics. Bolts may be plated or galvanized to prevent corrosion. In the UK, metric threads (ISOM) have largely replaced BSW and BSF threads. For small sizes British Association (BA) threads are used. In the USA, the most used threads are ‘unified fine’ (UNF) and ‘unified coarse’ (UNC). zyxwvu stud (Stud bok) 294 zyxwvutsrqp MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK E== zyxwvutsrqp Uniformstrength bolts Square neck Ribbed neck -1 Serrated neck Coach bolts (cardage bolts) zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqpo Hexagon socket head s ~ e w Eye bolt HexagonsuAet head screw-application ul Hexagon socket wrench (Allen key) @+ - - _. Socket button head screw zyxwvutsrq indentedfoundation bon Socket muntersurk head screw Socket shoulder head screw Rawlbon zy zy zyxwvutsrqp zyxw zyx U'dEiPB zy zyxwv 295 GENERAL DATA Screws The term 'screw' is applied to a wide range of threaded fasteners used with metal, wood, plastin, etc. Screws have a variety of types of head and are made in many materials (steel, brass, nylon, etc.), some are plated. Small screws usually have %A threads and special threads are used for wood and self-tapping screws. Cheese Rolnd Camtem~nkFWstw- I h e e d p head M ( W ) head (Ormi8d flat filhster) counlsrsunk) head skttedheadmaoMnescter*s 0.2.2 Nuts a d washers Nuts are usually hexagonal, but may be square or round. Steel hexagon nuts may be 'black' or 'bright' and have one or both faces chamfered. Washers are used to distribute load and prevent damage to a surface. They are mostly of steel, but brass, copper, aluminium, fibre, leather and plastin are used. A wide variety of lock washers and locking devices are available, including adhesives such as 'Loctite'. R 309 3 0 0 l~"3o"l M f f Square nut Cap nut zyxwvu (cmwnnut. dome nut) Roundhead Countmunk head sen-tapping screws CmdIeed (PhilHps rscass) ' 296 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Wing nut - - Welded type barrel nut Barrel nut Castle nut Slotted nut , Fmed Before fitting Spli nut Elastic stop nut (NYLOC nut) Stamped spring nut Spring l x k nut (compressionstop nut) Is- @I Plain washer (flat washer) Locked nuts (jam nuts) Taper washer and application z zy zyxw zyxw 297 GENERAL DATA Rivets and pins 8.2.3 Rivets Rivets are used to make permanentjoints between two or more plates. Steel rivets may be closed when red hot; rivets of softer metals such as aluminium and copper may be closed cold. There are a number of types of riveted joint configurations for plates, two of which are shown in the figure. Helical spring lock washer Snap Pan Pan head Two-coil spnng lodc washer -iw @ q $ Countersunk Round head countersunk Flat C0;lil internally serrated lock washer (tooth kdc washer) Types of rivet zyxwvutsrqp Externally serrated lo& washer: (a) fiat and (b)for countersunkhole Rivet Tab washer -@ Tubular tivet BeC0re"mting Pop rivet Tab washer-application Flush rivet zy zyxw 298 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK tight fit. Split pins are used mainly for locking nuts. Cotter pins are used to connect rods in tension and fits into mating slots. Explosive rivet Dowel pin fitted Dowelpins Grwved pin Riveted lap joint zyxwv q + zyxwv zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqpon Coltei Plain pin Taper pin Double riveted bun pint with two straps Pins -e-*. Roll pin The term ‘pin’ refers to a large number of components used for fixing, locating and load carrying. Dowel pins are used to locate accurately one part relative to another. Taper pins fit into taper holes and are often used for light shaft couplings. A grooved pin has grooves with raised edges to give a tight fit in a hole. The roll pin is a spring steel tube which closes to give a @ \ Split pin (cotter pin) ~ zy zyxwvutsr zyxwvu zyx zyx zyxwv zyxwvutsrq 299 GENERAL DATA 8.2.4 I S 0 metric nut arad bolt sizes IS0 metric precision hexagon nuts and bolts (all quantities) (in mm) M1.6 M2 M2.5 M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M30 M36 M42 M48 M56 M64 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.7 0.8 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 3.2 4 5 5.5 7 8 10 13 17 19 24 30 36 46 55 65 75 85 95 D =nominal diameter pr=pitch (fine series) pE=pitch (coarse series) f = width across flats c = width across corners h=height of head 3.7 4.6 5.8 6.4 8.1 9.2 11.5 15 19.6 21.9 27.7 34.6 41.6 53.1 63.5 75.1 86.6 98.1 109.7 1.225 1.525 1.825 2.125 2.925 3.65 4.15 5.65 7.18 8.18 10.18 13.215 15.215 19.26 23.26 26.26 30.26 35.31 40.31 9.2 10 11 12 14 16 18 22 26 30 38 46 54 66 18 90 102 118 134 1.3 1.6 2 - - 2.4 - 3.2 4 5 6.5 8 10 13 16 19 24 29 34 38 46 51 - 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 - 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.7 0.8 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 0.795 1.53 2.61 4.0 6.82 11.3 15.8 30.0 48 70.5 136 212 305 492 722 1007 1330 1830 2430 Lmin=minimum length of thread t , =thickness of normal nut t , = thickness of thin nut Ab=area at bottom of thread D, =tapping drill diameter for coarse thread L = bolt length Standard bolt lengths ( L ) 20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150 Standard screw lengths 10, 12, 16, 18, 20,22, 25, 30, 35,40,45, 50, 55,60, 70. 4 1.25 1.6 2.05 2.5 3.3 4.2 5 6.8 8.5 10.2 14 17.5 21 26.5 32 37.5 43 50.5 58 300 zyxwvutsrq z zyxwvuts 8.2.5 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Clearance holes for bolts 8.2.6 British Association (BA) screw threads Clearance holes for metric bolts Bolt size, D (mm) Fine Medium Coarse 1.6 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 39 1.7 2.2 2.7 3.2 4.3 5.3 6.4 7.4 8.4 10.5 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 28 31 34 37 40 1.8 2.4 2.9 3.4 4.5 5.5 6.6 7.6 9 11 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 30 33 36 39 42 2 2.6 3.1 3.6 4.8 5.8 7 8 10 12 15 17 19 21 24 26 28 32 35 38 42 45 Pitch (mm) Core diameter (mm) Area at bottom of thread (mm2) 1.o 0.9 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.53 0.48 0.43 0.39 0.35 0.3 1 0.28 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.1 1 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 4.80 4.22 3.73 3.22 2.81 2.49 2.16 1.92 1.68 1.43 1.28 1.13 0.96 0.90 0.72 0.65 0.56 0.50 0.44 0.37 0.34 0.29 0.25 0.22 0.19 0.17 18.10 13.99 10.93 8.14 6.20 4.87 3.66 2.89 2.22 1.61 1.29 1.OO 0.72 0.64 0.41 0.33 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.1 1 0.09 1 0.066 0.049 0.038 0.028 0.023 Clearance hole diameter, (mm) Major diameter No. (mm) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 6.0 5.3 4.7 4.1 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.5 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.79 0.70 0.62 0.54 0.48 0.42 0.37 0.33 0.29 0.25 GENERAL DATA ~~~ 0.2.7 ~ zyxwvu zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA Unified screw threads Coarse series (UNC) Nominal major diameter Size designation in. mm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 114 5/16 318 7/16 112 9/16 518 314 718 1 1; 1+ 0.0600 0.0730 0.0860 0.0990 0.1 120 0.1250 0.1380 0.1640 0.1900 0.2 160 0.2500 0.3125 0.375 0.4375 0.5000 0.5625 0.6250 0.7500 0.8750 1.m 1.2500 1 .5000 1.524 1.854 2.184 2.5 15 2.845 3.175 3.505 4.166 4.826 5.486 6.350 7.938 9.525 11.11 12.70 14.29 15.88 19.05 22.23 25.40 3 1.75 38.10 Fine series (UNF) Area at bottom of threads No. threads per inch in.’ mm2 64 56 48 40 40 32 32 24 24 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 301 Area at bottom No. threads of threads per inch in.’ mm2 zyxwvuts 0.002 18 0.00310 0.00406 0.00496 0.00672 0.00745 0.01 196 0.01450 0.0206 0.0269 0.0454 0.0678 0.0933 0.1257 0.162 0.202 0.302 0.419 0.551 0.890 1.294 1.406 2.000 2.619 3.200 4.335 4.806 7.716 9.355 13.29 17.35 29.29 43.74 60.19 81.10 104.5 130.3 194.8 270.3 355.5 574.2 834.8 80 72 64 56 48 44 40 36 32 28 28 24 24 20 20 18 18 16 14 12 12 12 0.00151 0.00237 0.00339 0.0045 1 0.00566 0.00716 0.00874 0.01285 0.0175 0.0226 0.0326 0.0524 0.0809 0.1090 0.1485 0.1890 0.240 0.35 1 0.480 0.625 1.024 1.260 0.974 1.529 2.187 2.910 3.652 4.619 5.639 8.290 11.29 14.58 21.03 33.81 52.19 70.32 95.87 121.9 154.8 226.5 309.7 403.2 660.6 812.9 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvuts 8.2.0 Pipe threads BSP pipe threads (BS 2779: 1973) - Whitworth thread form Nominal size (in.) Threads per inch Pitch (mm) 28 28 19 19 14 14 14 14 11 11 11 0.907 0.907 1.337 1.337 1.814 1.814 1.814 1.814 2.309 2.309 2.309 Major diameter (mm) 7.723 9.728 13.157 16.662 20.955 22.91 1 26.441 30.201 33.249 37.897 41.910 Minor diameter (mm ) 6.561 8.566 11.445 14.950 18.631 20.587 24.1 17 27.877 30.291 34.939 38.952 302 zyxwvutsrqp z zyxwvut zyxwvu zyxwvut MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK BSP pipe threads (BS2779: 1973) - Whitwortb thread form (continued) Nominal size (in.) Threads per inch Pitch (mm) Major diameter (mm) Minor diameter (mm) 1) 1; 2 2: 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 2.309 2.309 2.309 2.309 2.309 2.309 2.309 2.309 2.309 2.309 2.309 2.309 2.309 47.803 53.746 59.614 65.710 75.189 81.534 87.884 100.330 113.030 125.73 138.43 151.13 163.83 44.845 50.788 56.656 62.752 72.226 78.576 84.926 97.372 110.072 122.772 135.472 148.172 160.372 2) 2: 3 3) 4 4) 5 5) 6 8.2.9 Rectangular BS keys Dimensions (mm) Shaft diameter, D 6-8 8-10 10-12 12-17 17-22 22-30 30-38 3 8 4 4450 50-58 58-65 65-75 75-85 85-95 95-1 10 110-130 130-150 150-170 170-200 200-230 230-260 260-290 290-330 330-380 3 8 W 440-500 Key bxd 2x2 3x3 4x4 5x5 6x6 8x7 10x8 12x8 14x9 1 6 x 10 18 x 11 2 0 x 12 22 x 14 25 x 14 2 8 x 16 32 x 18 36 x 20 40x22 45 x 25 50 x 28 56 x 32 63 x 32 70 x 36 80x40 90x45 100 x 50 Depth in shaft, dl 1.2 1.8 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 5 5.5 6 7 7.5 9 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 20 20 22 25 28 31 Depth in hub, zy Radius, r d2 Max. Min. 1 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.8 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.8 4.3 4.4 4.9 5.4 5.4 6.4 7.4 8.4 9.4 10.4 11.4 12.4 12.4 14.4 15.4 17.4 19.5 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 1.00 1.00 1.OO 1.OO 1.60 1.60 1.60 2.50 2.50 2.50 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 1.20 1.20 1.20 2.00 2.00 2.00 zyxwvutsrqpon zy 303 GENERAL DATA 4 8.2. I O I S 0 straight-sided splines Dimensions (mm) Light series Do Di n zyx zyxwvutsr Medium series b Do n b zyxwvuts ~ n=number of splines. Di zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF 10 12 82 72 10 12 92 82 10 14 102 92 112 102 10 16 10 18 125 112 304 8.3 zyxwvutsrq z zyxwv zyxwvut zyxwvu MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Engineering stock 8.3. I Circular, square and rectangular hollow steel sections M = mass per unit length A =cross-sectional area 1, =second moment of area about axis XX I , =second moment of area about axis YY zyxwvutsrqponm Circular hollow steel sections (BS4848: Part 2) Do (mm) t (mm) M A 1, (kgm-') (an2) (cm4) 21.3 3.2 1.43 1.82 0.77 26.9 3.2 1.87 2.38 1.70 33.7 2.6 3.2 4.0 1.99 2.41 2.93 2.54 3.07 3.73 3.09 3.60 4.19 42.4 2.6 3.2 4.0 2.55 3.09 3.79 3.25 3.94 4.83 6.46 7.62 8.99 48.3 3.2 4.0 5.O 3.56 4.37 5.34 4.53 5.57 6.80 11.60 13.8 16.2 60.3 3.2 4.0 5.0 4.51 5.55 6.82 5.74 7.07 8.69 23.5 28.2 33.5 76.1 3.2 4.0 5.O 5.75 7.1 1 8.77 7.33 9.06 11.2 48.8 59.1 70.9 88.9 3.2 4.0 5.O 6.76 8.38 10.3 8.62 10.7 13.2 79.2 96.3 116 114.3 3.6 5.O 6.3 9.83 13.5 16.8 12.5 17.2 21.4 192 257 313 Do (mm) t (mm) M A (kgm-') (cm2) 139.7 5.O 6.3 8 .o 10.0 16.6 20.7 26.0 32.0 21.2 26.4 33.1 40.7 48 1 589 720 862 168.3 5.0 6.3 8.0 10.0 20.1 25.2 31.6 39.0 25.7 32.1 40.3 49.7 856 1053 1297 1564 193.7 5.4 6.3 8.o 10.0 12.5 16.0 25.1 29.1 36.6 45.3 55.9 70.1 31.9 37.1 46.7 57.7 71.2 89.3 1417 1630 2016 2442 2934 3554 219.1 6.3 8.o 10.0 12.5 16.0 20.0 33.1 41.6 51.6 63.7 80.1 98.2 42.1 53.1 65.7 81.1 102 125 2386 2960 3598 4345 5297 6261 1, (cm') GENERAL DATA D (rnrn) zyxwvutsrqpon zy t (rnm) 305 zyxwvutsrq zyxw zyx zyxwvut M A (kgm-') (an2) I, (crn4) 120 5.0 6.3 8.O 10 18.0 22.3 27.9 34.2 22.9 28.5 35.5 43.5 503 610 738 870 140 5 .O* 6.3* 8.O* 1o* 21.1 26.3 32.9 40.4 26.9 33.5 41.9 51.5 814 994 1212 1441 150 5 .O 6.3 8.0 IO 12.5 16 22.7 28.3 35.4 43.6 53.4 66.4 28.9 36.0 45.1 55.5 68.0 84.5 1009 1236 1510 1803 2 125 2 500 180 6.3 8.0 10 12.5 16 34.2 43.0 53.0 65.2 81.4 43.6 54.7 67.5 83.0 104 2 186 2 689 3 237 3 856 4 607 200 6.3 8.O IO 12.5 16 38.2 48.0 59.3 73.0 91.5 48.6 61.1 75.5 93.0 117 3 033 3 744 4 525 5419 6 524 250 6.3 8.O 10 12.5 16 48.1 60.5 75.0 92.6 117 61.2 77.1 95.5 118 149 6 049 7 510 9 141 11 050 13480 10 12.5 16 90.7 112 142 116 143 181 16 150 19630 24 160 10.0 12.5 16.0 106 132 167 136 168 213 26 050 31 810 39 370 10.0 12.5 122 152 156 193 39 350 48 190 0.76 0.88 1.43 1.80 2.15 1.82 2.30 2.74 1.59 1.90 2.14 2.6 2.9* 3.2 2.21 2.44 2.65 2.82 3.10 3.38 3.49 3.76 4.00 40 2.4* 2.6 2.9 3.2 4.0 2.81 3.03 3.35 3.66 4.46 3.58 3.86 4.26 4.66 5.68 8.39 8.94 9.71 10.4 12.1 50 2.5* 2.9* 3.2 4.0 5.0 3.71 4.26 4.66 5.72 6.97 4.72 5.42 5.94 7.28 8.88 17.7 19.9 21.6 25.5 29.6 60 2.9* 3.2 4 .O 5 .O 5.17 5.67 6.97 8.54 6.58 7.22 8.88 10.90 35.6 38.7 46.1 54.4 70 2.9* 3.6 5.0 6.08 7.46 10.10 7.74 9.50 12.90 57.9 69.5 90.1 2.9* 3.6 5 .O 6.3 6.99 8.59 11.70 14.40 8.90 10.90 14.90 18.40 88.0 106 139 165 300 3.6 5 .O 6.3 9.72 13.30 16.40 12.4 16.9 20.9 154 202 242 350 4.0 5.O 6.3 8.0 10.0 12.00 14.80 18.40 22.90 27.90 15.3 18.9 23.4 29.1 35.5 234 283 34 I 408 474 2.0 2.6 1.12 1.39 25 2.0* 2.6* 3.2* 30 80 90 100 A (kgrn-') (crn2) t 1.42 1.78 20 M D (rnm) (rnm) 1, (crn4) zyxwvutsr *Not to BS 4848: Part 2 400 306 zyxwvu zyxwvuts zyxwvuts zyxwvuts zy zyxwv MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Rectangular hollow steel sections (BS 4848:Part 2) DxB t (mm x mm) (mm) M A (kgm-I) (cm2) 1, 1, (cm4) (cm4) 50 x 30 2.4* 2.6 2.9* 3.2 2.91 3.03 3.35 3.66 3.58 3.86 4.26 4.66 11.6 12.4 13.3 14.5 60x40 2.5* 2.9* 3.2 4.0 3.71 4.26 4.66 5.72 4.72 5.42 5.94 7.28 23.1 26.2 28.3 33.6 12.2 13.7 14.8 17.3 80x40 2.9* 3.2 4.0 5.17 5.67 6.97 6.58 7.22 8.88 53.5 58.1 69.6 17.7 19.1 22.6 90x50 2.9* 3.6 5.0 6.08 7.46 10.1 7.74 9.50 12.9 82.9 99.8 130 32.8 39.1 50.0 100 x 50 2.9* 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.3* 6.53 7.18 8.86 10.9 13.4 8.32 9.14 11.3 13.9 17.1 108 117 142 170 202 36.1 39.1 46.7 55.1 64.2 100x60 2.9* 3.6 5.0 6.3 6.99 8.59 11.7 14.4 8.90 10.9 14.9 18.4 121 147 192 230 54.6 65.4 84.7 99.9 120 x 60 3.6 5.0 6.3 9.72 13.3 16.4 12.4 16.9 20.9 230 304 366 76.9 99.9 118 120 x 80 5.0 6.3 8.0 10.0 14.8 18.4 22.9 27.9 18.9 23.4 29.1 35.5 370 447 537 628 195 234 278 320 150 x 100 5.0 6.3 8.0 10.0 18.7 23.3 29.1 35.7 23.9 29.7 37.1 45.5 747 910 1106 1312 396 479 577 678 160x80 5.0 6.3 8.0 10.0 18.0 22.3 27.9 34.2 22.9 28.5 35.5 43.5 753 917 I113 I318 251 302 361 419 *Not to BS 4848: Part 2. 5.14 5.45 5.90 6.3 1 DxB t (mm x mm) (mm) M A (kgm-I) (cm’) 1, 1, (cm*) (cm*) 200x 100 5.0 6.3 8.O 10.0 12.5 16.0 22.7 28.3 35.4 43.6 53.4 66.4 28.9 36.0 45.1 55.5 68.0 84.5 1509 1851 2269 2718 3218 3808 509 618 747 881 1022 1175 250x 150 6.3 8.O 10.0 12.5 16.0 38.2 48.0 59.3 73.0 91.5 48.6 61.1 75.5 93.0 117 4178 5167 6259 7518 9089 1886 2317 2784 3310 3943 300x200 6.3 8.O 10.0 12.5 16.0 48.1 60.5 75.0 92.6 117 61.2 77.1 95.5 118 149 7880 9798 11940 14460 17700 4216 5219 6331 7619 92931 400x200 10.0 12.5 16.0 90.7 112 142 116 143 181 24140 29410 36300 8138 9820 11950 450x250 10.0 12.5 16.0 106 132 167 136 168 213 37180 45470 56420 14900 18100 22250 GENERAL DATA zyxwvutsrqpon z 307 8.3.2 I S 0 metric metal sheet, strip and wire sizes zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr Preference is given in the order: R 10, R20, R40. Sizes (mm) R 10 R 20 R40 R 10 R 20 R 40 R 10 R 20 R40 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.02 1 0.022 0.024 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.265 0.280 0.300 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.35 3.55 3.75 0.025 0.026 0.028 0.030 0.315 0.315 0.335 0.355 0.375 4.00 0.032 0.034 0.036 0.038 0.400 0.400 0.425 0.450 0.475 5.00 0.040 0.042 0.045 0.048 0.500 0.500 0.530 0.560 0.600 6.30 0.050 0.053 0.056 0.060 0.630 0.630 0.670 0.710 0.750 8.00 0.063 0.067 0.07 1 0.075 0.800 0.800 0.850 0.900 0.950 10.00 0.080 0.085 0.090 0.095 1.Ooo 1.Ooo 1.06 1.12 1.18 12.5 0.100 0.106 0.112 0.118 1.25 1.25 1.32 1.40 1S O 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 16.0 0.022 0.025 0.025 0.028 0.032 0.0320 0.036 0.040 0.040 0.045 0.050 0.050 0.056 0.063 0.063 0.07 1 0.080 0.080 0.090 0.100 0.100 0.112 0.125 0.125 0.140 0.160 0.160 0.18 0.200 0.200 0.224 0.125 0.132 0.140 0.150 0.160 0.170 0.180 0.190 0.200 0.212 0.224 0.236 0.280 0.3 15 0.355 0.400 0.450 0.500 0.560 0.630 0.710 3.55 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.60 6.30 7.10 8.00 9.00 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.30 5.60 6.00 6.30 6.70 7.10 7.50 8.00 8.50 9 .00 9.50 zyxwvutsr 0.800 0.900 1.Ooo 1.12 1.25 1.40 1.60 1.60 1.80 2.00 2 .00 2.24 2.50 2.50 2.80 2.00 2.12 2.24 2.36 2.50 2.65 2.80 3.00 10.00 11.2 12.5 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 20.0 10.00 10.6 11.2 10.6 12.5 13.2 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.2 22.4 25.0 25.0 22.4 23.6 25.0 308 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK 0.3.3 Copper pipe sizes for domestic water pipes, etc. Size are given in BS 2871: Part 1. Nominal thickness (mm) (mm) Table X: Half-hard, light gauge Table Y: half-hard, annealed Table Z: hard drawn, thin wall 6 8 10 12 15 18 22 28 35 42 54 76.1 108 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.o 1.o 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 7.0 8.0 9.0 1.2 1.2 Size of pipe* *Outer diameter. 8.4 0.4. I zyxwvuts Miscellaneous data Factors of safety Factor of safety FS= Tensile strength or Proof stress (sometimes based on yield stress) Permissible working stress Typical factors of safety for various materials Type of load Material Grey cast iron Malleable cast iron Carbon steel Brittle alloys Soft alloys Timber Brick Stone Steady 4 4 4 5 5 6 15 15 Varying, of same kind 6 6 6 6 6 10 20 20 Alternating 10 8 8 10 8 14 25 25 Shock zyxw 15 12 12 15 12 20 30 30 zy zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvuts zyx zyxwvuts 309 GENERAL DATA Compooents Component Boi1ers Shafts for flywheels, armatures, etc. Lathe spindles Shafting Steelwork: buildings bridges small-scale Cast-iron wheels Welds not subject to fatigue Turbine blades and rotors Bolts 8.4.2 Component FS 4.5-6 1-9 12 24 4 5 6 20 3 4 3-5 8.5 Gears: static load fatigue load Wire rope: general hoists guys mine shafts lifts Springs: small, light duty small, heavy duty large, light duty large, heavy duty 1.25 2.0 5-1 3.5 5-8 7 12 2 3 3 4.5 Velocity of sound in various media Velocity (m s- ') Solid 5280 3580 3850 5050 1200 45-5600 30 4-5000 Aluminium Copper Iron Steel Lead Glass Rubber Wood 8.4.3 FS Velocity (ms-I) Liquid Water: fresh sea Alcohol Mercury Loudness of sounds Source Threshold of hearing Virtual silence Quiet room Average home Motor car Ordinary conversation Street traffic Intensity (db) Source 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Loud conversation Door slamming Riveting gun Loud motor horn Thunder Aero engine Threshold of pain Intensity (db) 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 1430 1510 1440 1460 Gas Velocity (ms-') Air Oxygen Hydrogen Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide 33 I 315 1263 336 258 310 z zyxwvuts MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvuts z zyxwvu zyxwv zyxwvutsrqp 0.4.4 Greek alphabet Upper case Lower case A B a r A E Z H 0 B Y 6 E r tt e Name alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta Upper case Lower case Name I iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron Pi I K A a M P N V - L 0 n K r 0 R Upper case Lower case P P C U T Y 7 a) u 4 Y x dJ R 0 X Name rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega zy zyxwvutsrq zyxwvut zyxwvuts Glossary of terms abrasion The process of rubbing, grinding or wearing away by friction using an abrasive such as emery, corundum, diamond, etc. abdste pmmre Pressure measured from absolute zero pressure as opposed to ‘gauge pressure’. aesdate tempentare Temperature measured with respect to ‘absolute EM temperature’, units are ‘kelvin’ (symbol K).K=”C+273.15. accelerrtba The rate of change of velocity with respect to time, (d2x/dt2) or R metres per second per second (ms-*). a.c. III( machines producing or using alternating current, e.g. alternator and a.c. generator. a.c. motors A & k d u n The radial distance between the pitch circle and the major diameter of a gear. dhcsivc Substances used for joining materials, usually without the necessity for heat, based on natural substances (animal bone, casein, rubber, etc.) or synthetic resins. adiabatic proeess A thermodynamic process in which there is no transfer of heat between the working substance and the surroundings. a d d A body shaped so as to produce an appreciable ‘lift’, Le. a force normal to the direction of fluid flow relative to the body, and a small ‘drag’ force in the same direction as the flow. Aerofoil sections are used for turbine blades, wing sections, etc. air-fuel ratio The ratio of the mass of air to mass of fuel entering an internal combustion engine, gas turbine or boiler furnace. air motor A motor which converts the energy of compressed air into mechanical energy, usually as a rotation. The main types are axial or radial piston, and vane. alloy A substance with metallic properties composed of two or more chemical elements, at least one of which is a metal. aUoy s t d Steel containing significant quantities of alloying elements other than carbon and commonly accepted amounts of manganese, sulphur, silicon and phosphorus, added to change the mechanical and physical properties. altersrtingcenzllt Abbreviation a.c. Electric current whose flow changes direction cyclicly. The normal waveform is sinusoidal. alternator A type of a.c. generator driven at constant speed to generate the desired frequency. anemometer A mechanical or electrical instrument for measuring the velocity of a fluid stream, particularly wind velocity. The main types are, cup, vane and hot wire. aneroid buometer A barometer with a partially evacuated bellows chamber connected to a pointer with a pen recording atmospheric pressure on a drum chart. The bellows responds to atmospheric pressure. angle gauges Sets of metal blocks with two opposite faces at various angles to one another, used separately or jointly to measure angles to a high degree of accuracy. angular accekratioa The rate of change of angular velocity expressed in radians per second squared: d20/dt2 or # (rads-2). angular momentom The product Iw of the moment of inertia, I and the angular velocity o of a body moving in a curve, e.g. a flywheel. angular velocity The rate of change of angular displacement with respect to time, expressed in radians per second, dO/dt or 0 (rad s- ’). atmedog Heating a metal to, and holding at, a suitable temperature and cooling at a suitable rate so as to reduce hardness, improve machineability, ease cold working, etc. AreLimccles pri.Ciple States that a body wholly or partially submerged suffers an apparent loss of weight equal to the weight of fluid displaced. are wddiag A process for joining metals by fusion in which heat is produced by an electric arc. uitbmeticmean The sum of n numbers divided by n. aritbwrie prognssioa A series of numbers where each number is obtained by adding a fixed quantity to the previous number. zyx zyxwvu zy 312 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrq atomic weight Relative atomic mass where one unit is 1.660 x kg. axial flow machines Pumps, fans, compressors, turbines, etc., in which the fluid flows generally parallel to the axis of rotation. balancing Measuring the static or dynamic outof-balance forces in a rotating part and adding or subtracting mass to cancel them out. barometer Instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, the main types being the aneroid and Fortin barometers. beams Bars, rods, etc., of metal or other material carrying transverse loads with various types of support, e.g. simple supports, built-in ends, continuous supports. bearing A fixed support for a rotating shaft or sliding part with minimum friction. belt drive The transmission of power from one shaft to another by means of an endless belt which may be flat or of vee section, etc. bending moment The algebraic sum of the moments of all the forces to either side of a transverse section of a beam, etc. bending modulus A property of a section equal to the bending moment divided by the maximum bending stress. bend loss The loss of pressure in a fluid flowing around a bend in a pipe or duct. Bernoulli equation States that in a pipe or duct in which a fluid flows, the sum of the pressure, potential and kinetic energies is equal at any point. bevel gear A toothed wheel with teeth formed on a conical surface used for transmitting rotation from a shaft to one at an angle to it in the same plane, usually at right angles. binary numbers A scale of numbers with ‘radix’equal to 2 as opposed to the usual scale radix of 10 (decimal numbers). Only two symbols are used: 0 and 1. binomial coefficients Coefficients of terms of the expansion of (1 + x)” using the binomial theorem. bmomial distribution A distribution used in statistics based on the binomial theorem which gives the probability of an event taking place. black body In the study of radiation of heat, a body which completely absorbs heat or light falling on it. black-body radiation The quantity or quality of radiation from a black body, e.g. from the inside of a cavity. MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK blade A curved plate often of aerofoil section used to deflect a fluid flow, e.g. airscrew or propeller blade, turbine blade, impeller vane. blank A piece of sheet metal cut to a suitable shape to be subject to further pressing processes. A pressed sintered component requiring further machining, etc. blower A rotating, usually air, compressor for supplying relatively large flows at a low pressure. boiling point The temperature at which a liquid boils at standard atmospheric pressure of 101.325 kN m-2. bolt A cylindrical partly screwed bar with a (usually) hexagonal head used in conjunction with a ‘nut’ to fasten two or more parts together. bore Hole or cavity produced by a single- or multipoint tool, usually cylindrical. boundary layer A thin layer of fluid adjacent to a surface over which the fluid flows, which exerts a viscous drag on the surface due to the large velocity gradient. boundary lubrication A state of partial lubrication in a plain bearing where there is no oil film, only an adsorbed monomolecular layer of lubricant in the surfaces. Bourdon tube pressure gauge A gauge in which fluid pressure tends to straighten a curved, flattened tube connected to a pointer mechanism; pressure is read from a circular scale. A differential form is available having two tubes connected to a single pointer. Boyle’s law States that, for a ‘perfect gas’ the volume of a given mass varies inversely as the pressure at constant temperature. brake A device for applying resistance to the motion of a body, either to retard it or to absorb power (dynamometer). brazing The joining of metals by a thin capillary layer of non-ferrous metal filler in the space between them. Carried out above about 800 “C. brittle fracture Fracture of a material with little or no plastic deformation. broaching The cutting of holes of various shapes or cutting of an outside surface, with a ‘broach’consisting of a tapered bar with cutting edges. The broach moves in a reciprocating axial manner. buckling Sudden large-scale deformation of a strut, thin cylinder, etc., due to instability when loaded, e.g. an axial load on a strut. bulk modulus The ratio of pressure (three-dimensional stress) to volumetric strain of a material. buoyancy The apparent loss of weight experienced by a submerged or floating body due to the upthrust caused by fluid pressure. GLOSSARY OF TERMS zyxwvutsrqpon 313 butt welding The welding together of abutting members lying in the same plane. cam A sliding mechanical device used to convert rotary to linear (usually) motion, and vice versa. capacitaoce The ‘charge’ on a conducting body divided by its ‘potential’. Unit the ‘farad’. capacitor An electrical component having capacitance usually consisting of two conducting surfaces of large area separated by a very thin (usually) dielectric. carbide tools High-speed machine tools of tungsten, titanium or tantalum carbide, or combinations of these in a matrix of cobalt or nickel. carbon steel Steel containing carbon up to about 2% and only residual quantities of other elements, except for small amounts of silicon and manganese. carburizing Introducing carbon into solid ferrous alloys by heating in the presence of a carbonaceous material. Carnot cycle An ideal heat engine cycle having the maximum thermal efficiency, called the ‘Carnot efficiency’. case hardening The production of a hard surface on steel by heating in a carbonaceous medium to increase the carbon content, and then quenching. casting An object at or near-finished shape obtained by the solidificationof a molten substance in a ‘mould’. The name of the process. cast iron Iron containing carbon suitable for casting, e.g. grey, white, malleable, nodular. cavitation The formation and sudden collapse of bubbles in a liquid due to local reduction in pressure. Cavitation erosion may be caused on local metal surfaces. centre drilling Drilling of a conical hole in the end of a workpiece to support it while being rotated. A ‘centre drill’ is used. centreless grinding The grinding of cylindrical or conical surfaces on workpieces running in rollers instead of centres. centre of buoyancy The ‘centroid’ of the immersed portion of a floating body. centre of gravity (centre of mass) The imaginary point in a body at which the mass may be assumed to be concentrated. centre of percussion The point on a compound pendulum whose distance from the centre of oscillation is the same as the length of a simple pendulum with the same periodic time. centre of pressure The point on a submerged surface at which the resultant pressure may be taken to act. centrifugal casting A casting made by pouring molten material into a rotating mould. This improves the quality of the casting. centrifugal compressor A machine similar to the centrifugal pump used for increasing the pressure of gases such as air. It may have several stages. centrifugal force A body constrained to move in a curved path reacts with a force (centrifugal force) directed away from the centre of curvature. It is equal and opposite to the force deviating the body from a straight line called the ‘centripetal force’. Both are equal to the mass multiplied by the ‘centripetal acceleration’. centrifugal pump A pump, usually for liquids, which has a rotating ‘impeller’ which increases the pressure and kinetic energy of the fluid. Centripetal force See ‘centrifugal force’. centroid The centre of gravity of a lamina. Centre of area. ceramics Non-organic, non-metallic materials of brittle nature, e.g. alumina, carbides. cermet A body of ceramic particles bonded with a metal. chain drive A device consisting of an endless chain (usually a ‘roller chain’) connecting two wheels (sprockets) on parallel shafts. chamfer A corner bevelled to eliminate a sharp edge. charge A quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body, i.e. an excess or deficiency of electrons. Charles’ law States that for a ‘perfect gas’ at constant pressure the volume increases by 1/273 of its volume at 0 “C for each degree Celsius rise in temperature. chip A piece of metal removed by a cutting tool or abrasive. chip breaker A groove in a cutting tool used to break continuous chips for safety and handling reasons. chuck A device for holding work or tools during machining operations. clearance The gap or space between two mating components. closed cycle gas turbine A gas turbine unit in which the working fluid continuously circulates without replenishment. clutch A device used to connect or disconnect two rotating shafts, etc., either while rotating or at rest. cold working Plastic deformation of metal below the recrystallization temperature. column A vertical member with a compressive load; a strut. zyxwv zyxwvu 314 zyxwvutsr zyxwvuts z zyxwvuts zyxwvu zyxwvut combined stress A state of stress combining tensile (or compressive), shear, and bending stresses. combustion equations Chemical equations used in the study of combustion of fuels for engines, boilers, etc. combustion products Chemical products resulting from the combustion of fuels in air. complex number A number of the form (a+ib) having a ‘real’ part a and an imaginary part ib where i= The symbol j is also used. composite A material consisting of a mixture of two or more materials, e.g. glass or carbon fibres in a plastic matrix. compressibility The reciprocal of ‘bulk modulus’. compression ignition engine An engine in which ignition takes place as the result of temperature rise in the air/fuel mixture due to compression. compression ratio In an internal combustion engine, the ratio of the total volume in a cylinder at outer dead centre to the clearance volume. In powder metallurgy, the ratio of the volume of loose powder to the volume of the ‘compact’ made from it. compressive strength The maximum compressive stress a material will withstand, based on the original cross-sectional area. compressive stress Compressive force divided by area of cross-section. compressor A rotary or reciprocating machine which compresses air or other gases. condenser A heat exchanger in which a vapour, e.g. steam, is condensed, usually by water flowing in tubes over which the vapour passes. conductance The property of a substance which makes it conduct electricity. The unit is the ‘siemens’ (symbol G). The reciprocal of resistance. conduction of heat Heat transferred from one part of a medium to another without motion, the heat being passed from one molecule to another. conductivity (electrical) Conduction (reciprocal of resistance) between opposite faces of a 1 m cube at a specified temperature. The unit is the ‘ohm metre’ (symbol a-m). conductivity (thermal) A measure of the rate at which heat flows through a wall by conduction. The unit is watt per metre per kelvin (Wm-I K-’). conservation of angular momentum In a closed system the sum ofthe angular momenta ZZw is aconstant, where Z =moment of inertia, w =angular velocity. conservation of energy The energy in a closed system cannot be changed but only interchanged, e.g. potential to kinetic energy. J-1. MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK conservation of matter Matter is neither created nor destroyed during any physical or chemical change. conservation of momentum In a closed system the sum of the momenta Zmu, is constant, where: m= mass, u = velocity. constant-pressurecycle (Diesel cycle) An ideal engine cycle in which combustion is assumed to take place at constant pressure. constant volume cycle (Otto cycle) An ideal cycle in which combustion is assumed to take place at constant volume. The basis for the petrol engine cycle. contact stresses The localized stress between contacting curved surfaces and between a curved and a flat surface, such as occurs in ball and roller bearings. continuousbeam A beam supported on three or more supports. continuouscasting A process in which an ingot, billet or tube is produced continuously. convection of beat The transfer of heat from one part of a fluid to another due to ‘convectioncurrents’ often due to gravity (natural convection) or by induced flow (forced convection). convergent-divergent nozzle A nozzle for fluid flow which decreases in area to a throat and then increases in area to the exit; the flow may be supersonicat outlet. convergent nozzle A nozzle for fluid flow which decreases in area to a ‘throat’ at outlet. core A formed object inserted into a mould to shape an internal cavity. core box In casting, a box in which cores are formed in sand, etc. corrosion The deterioration of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment. cosine rule A mathematical rule for solving triangles: a’ = b2 c2 - 2bc cos A, where a, b, c =lengths of the sides, A =angle opposite side a. counterboring Drilling or boring a flat-bottomed hole, often concentric with other holes. counterflow heat exchanger A heat exchanger in which the two fluids flow in opposite directions. countersinking Forming a conical depression at the entrance to a hole for deburring, and for countersunk screw heads. couple Two equal and opposite forces parallel to one another. The distance between them is the ‘arm’. Its magnitude is the product of one force and the arm. crank An arm on a shaft with a pin used to produce reciprocating motion with a connecting rod. crankshaft A shaft carrying several cranks, usually at different angular positions, to which connecting rods are fitted in an engine, reciprocating pump, etc. + zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsr zyxwv GLQSSARY OF TERMS creep Slow plastic deformation of metals under stress, particularly at high temperatures. creep resistance Resistance of metals to creep. critical speed A rotational speed corresponding to a natural frequency of transverse vibrations of the member. Also called ‘whirling speed’. CroBipffOw heat exchanger A heat exchanger in which the two fluids flow at right angles to one another. cutting fluid A fluid used in metal cutting to improve finish, tool life, and accuracy. It acts as a chip remover and a coolant. cutting speed The linear or peripheral speed of relative motion between a cutting tool and workpiece in the principal direction of cutting. cyaniding The introduction of carbon and nitrogen into a solid ferrous alloy by holding it at a suitable high temperature in contact with molten cyanide. cyeloichl gears Gears with teeth whose flank profile consists of a cycloidal curve. cylindrical grinding Grinding the outer cylindrical surfaces of a rotating part. damped vibmtioe Vibrations reduced in amplitude due to energy dissipation. damping The reduction in amplitude of vibrations due to mechanical friction in a mechanical system or by electrical resistance in an electrical one. deceleration Negative acceleration. The rate of diminution of velocity with time. The unit is metres per second per second (ms-*). dedemhn The radial distance between pitch circle and the bottom of a gear tooth. ddection The amount of bending, compression, tension, or twisting of a part subject to load. density The mass of a unit volume of a substance. The unit is kilograms per metre cubed (kgm-3). depth of cut The thickness of material removed from a workpiece in a machine tool during one pass. dm1 gauge A sensitive mechanical instrument in which a small displacement, e.g. 0.01 mm, is indicated on a dial. diametral clearance The difference in diameter between a shaft and the hole into which it fits or runs, e.g. in plain journal bearings. diamond dust The hardest substance used for abrasive wheels. d n d pyramid hardness An indentation hardness test for materials using a 136“ diamond pyramidal indenter and various loads. d i a d tool A diamond shaped to the contour of a 315 single-point cutting tool for precision machining of non-ferrous metals and plastics. diamond wheel A grinding wheel with crushed diamonds embedded in resin or metal. die A tool used to impart shape in many processes, e.g. blanking, cutting, drawing, forging, punching, etc. die casting A casting made in a die. A process where molten metal is forced by high pressure into a metal mould. d#erential pregsure gauge A gauge which measures the difference between two pressures, e.g. across an orifice in fluid flow. diode Thermionic or semiconductor device with unidirectional properties used as a rectifier. direet current (d.c.) An electric current which flows in one direction only. d m t current machines Generators or motors operating on d.c. discharge Coewcient The rate of actual to theoretical flow of a fluid through an orifice, nozzle, Venturi meter, etc. disk stresses Radial and hoop stresses in a rotating disk. dowel A pin located in mating holes in two or more parts used to locate them relative to one another. draft tube Discharge pipe at a water turbine outlet which reduces the water velocity and improves efficiency. drag The resistance to motion of a body moving through a fluid. drag coefficient A non-dimensional quantity relating drag to projected area, velocity and fluid density. drawing Forming recessed parts by the plastic flow of metal in dies. Reducing the diameter or wire by pulling through dies of decreasing diameter. drill A rotating end cutting tool with one or more cutting lips used for the production of holes. drop forging A forging made using a ‘drop hammer’. dry flue gas Gaseous products of combustion excluding water vapour. dryness fraction The proportion by mass of dry steam in a mixture of steam and water, i.e. in ‘wet steam’. ductility The ability of a material to deform plastically without fracture. Dunkerley’s metbod A method for determining the natural frequency of transverse vibrations of a shaft or its whirling speed when carrying several masses. dynamic balancing The technique of eliminating the centrifugal forces in a rotor in order to eliminate vibration. 316 zyxwvutsr zyxwvu dynamic pressure Pressure in a moving fluid resulting from its instantaneous arrest equal to pv2/2, where p=fluid density, V=velocity. dynamics A study of the way in which forces produce motion. dynamic viscosity (coefficient of viscosity, absolute viscosity) In a fluid the ratio of shear stress to velocity gradient. Units are newton seconds per square metre (N-s rn-’). dynamo An electromagnetic machine which converts mechanical to electrical energy. dynamometer A device for measuring the power output from a prime mover or electric motor. effectivenessof a heat exchanger The ratio of the ‘heat received by the cold fluid’ to the ‘maximum possible heat available in the hot fluid’. efficiency A non-dimensional measure of the perfection of a piece of equipment, e.g. for an engine, the ratio of power produced to the energy rate of the fuel consumed, expressed as a fraction or as a percentage. elastic constants The moduli of elasticity for direct stress, shear stress and hydrostatic stress and also Poisson’s ratio. elastic deformation Change of dimensions in a material due to stress in the elastic range. elasticity The property of a material by virtue of which it recovers its original size and shape after deformation. elastic limit The greatest stress that can be applied to a material without permanent deformation. electrical resistance The real part of impedance which involves dissipation of energy. The ratio of voltage drop to current in a conductor. electrical discharge machining (EDM) Machining process in which metal is removed by erosion due to an electric spark in a dielectric fluid using a shaped electrode. electric potential Potential measured by the energy of a unit positive charge at a point expressed relative to zero potential. electric strength The maximum voltage that can be applied to a piece of insulation before breakdown occurs. electrochemical corrosion Corrosion due to the flow of current between anodic and cathodic areas on metal surfaces. electrochemical machining (ECM) The removal of metal by electrolytic action, masks being used to MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK obtain the required shape. The process is the reverse of electroplating. elongation In tensile testing the increase in length of a specimen at fracture as a percentage of the original length. emissivity Ratio of the emissive power of a surface to that of a ‘black body’ at the same temperature and with the same surroundings. end milling Machining with a rotating peripheral and end cutting tool (see face milling). endurance limit Same as ‘fatigue limit’. energy The capacity of a body for doing work. Types are: kinetic, potential, pressure, chemical, electric, etc. energy fluctuation coefficient The ratio of the variation in kinetic energy in a flywheel due to speed fluctuation, to the average energy stored. enthalpy Thermodynamic property of a working substance equal to the sum of its ‘internal energy’ and the ‘flow work’ (pressure multiplied by volume). Used in the study of ‘flow processes’. enthalpy-ntropy diagram (h-s or Mollier chart) A diagram used for substances on which heat and work are represented by the length of a line. Used extensively for calculations on steam cycles and refrigeration. entropy In thermodynamics, entropy is concerned with the probability of a given distribution of momentum among molecules. In a free system entropy will tend to increase and the available energy decrease. If, in a substance undergoing a reversible change, a quantity of heat dQ at temperature Tis taken in, then its entropy S is increased by an amount dQ/T. Thus the area under a curve on a T-S graph represents the heat transferred. Units: joules per kelvin (J K - ’). epicyclic gear A system of gears in which one or more wheels travel round the outside or inside of another wheel the axis of which is fixed. equilibrium The state of a body at rest or in uniform motion. A body on which the resultant force is zero. erosion The destruction of metals, etc., by abrasive action of fluids usually accelerated by the presence of solids. Euler strut formula A theoretical formula for determining the collapsing load for a strut. excess air The proportion of air used in excess of the theoretical quantity for complete combustion of a fuel. expansion The increase in volume of a working fluid, e.g. in a cylinder with moving piston. The opposite is ‘compression’. In mathematics the expression of a function as an infinite series of terms. expansion coefficient (coefficient of expansion) The zyxw zy zy 317 GLOSSARY OF TERMS expansion per unit length, area, or volume, per unit increase in temperature. explosive forming Shaping metal parts confined in dies using the pressure from an explosive charge. extensometer A sensitive instrument for measuring the change in the length of a stressed body. extrusion The conversion of a ‘billet’ of metal into lengths of uniform cross-section by forcing it through a die, usually when heated. face mill A rotating milling cutter with cutting edges on the face to mill a surface perpendicular to the cutting axis. facing Generating a flat surface on a rotating workpiece by traversing a tool perpendicular to the axis of rotation. factor of safety The ratio between ultimate (or yield) stress for a material and the permissible stress. (Abbreviation FS or FOS). failure The breakdown of a member due to excessive load. Several ‘theories of failure’ are used. fan A device for delivering or exhausting large quantities of air or other gas at low pressure. It consists basically of a rotating axial or centrifugal impeller running in a casing. fatigue Phenomenon leading to the failure of a part under repeated or fluctuating stress below the tensile strength of the material. fatigue life The number of cycles of fluctuating stress required to produce failure in a fatigue test. fatigue limit (endurance limit) The maximum stress below which a material can endure an infinite number of stress fluctuation cycles. This only applies to a specially made specimen with a high degree of surface finish. feed The rate of advance of a cutting tool along the surface of the workpiece. fibres In ‘composites’,fine threads of a long length of glass, carbon, metal, etc., used to reinforce a material (e.g. plastics, metals), known as the ‘matrix’. filler metal Metal added in soldering, brazing and welding processes, usually in the form of a rod or stick. fillet wehl A weld of approximately triangular section joining two surfaces usually at right angles to one another in a lap, T or corner joint. film lubrication Lubrication where the shaft is separated from the bearing by a thin film of lubricant which is under pressure and supports the load. fin One of usually a number of thin projections integral with a body (e.g. engine cylinder block, gearbox, cooler) which increase the cooling area. finish The surface condition, quality and appearance of a metal, etc., surface. finish machining The final machining of a component where the objectives are surface finish and accuracy of dimension. fit The clearance or interference between mating parts. Also the term for a range of clearance suggested by standards such as British Standards. fitting loss The pressure or head loss incurred by fittings in a pipe or duct such as valves, bends, branch, etc. flame cutting The cutting of metal plate to a desired shape by melting with an oxygen-gas flame. flame hardening Quench hardening where the heat is supplied by a flame. flange A projecting annular rim around the end of a cylinder or shaft used for strengthening, fastening or locating. flat-plate theory A study of the stresses and deflection of loaded flat plates. It is assumed that the plate is relatively thin and the deflections small. flexible coupling A coupling usually joining rotating shafts to accommodate lateral or angular misalignment. flowmeter An instrument for measuring the volumetric or mass flow of a fluid. flow rate The rate of flow of a fluid. Units: cubic metres per second (m3s - ’ ) or kilograms per second (kgs- ’). flux Material used in soldering, brazing and welding to prevent the formation of, dissolve, or facilitate the removal of, oxides, etc. flywheel A heavy wheel on a shaft used either to reduce speed fluctuation due to uneven torque, or to store energy for punching, shearing, forming, etc. force That quantity which produces acceleration in a body measured by the rate of change of momentum. Unit: newton (N). forging Plastic deformation of metal, usually hot, into the desired shape using a compressive force with or without dies. form cutter A cutter profile sharpened to produce a specified form of work. four-stroke cycle An engine cycle of 4 strokes (2 revolutions) consisting of induction, compression, expansion (power) and exhaust strokes; e.g. in the Otto and Diesel cycles. Francis turbine A reaction water turbine in which zyx zyxwvut 318 z zyxw zy zyxwvu zyxwvuts zyxwv zyx MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK water flows radially inwards through guide vanes and a runner which it leaves axially. frequency The rate of repetition of a periodicdisturbance. Units: hertz (Hz) or cycles per second. Also called ‘periodicity’. fretting corrosion Surface damage between surfaces in contact under pressure due to slight relative motion, especially in a corrosive environment. friction The resistance to motion which takes place when attempting to move one surface over another with contact pressure. friction coefkiint The ratio of the friction force to the normal force at the point of slipping. The ‘static coefficient of friction’ is the value just before slipping takes place, the ‘dynamic coefficient of friction’ being the value just after. friction factor in pipes A dimensionless quantity from which the pressure loss due to pipe-wall friction can be calculated. It is usually plotted against the Reynold’s number for various degrees of relative pipe roughness. friction laws These state that the coefficient of friction is independent of surface area of contact and pressure between surfaces. These laws are not strictly true. Froude number A dimensionless number used in the study of the motion of ships through water. It is the ratio of velocity to the square root of the product of V length and acceleration due to gravity, -. & gas constant For a ‘perfect gas’, gas constant R=pV/mT, wherep=pressure, V=volume,m=mass, T= temperature. gasket A layer of usually soft material between two mating surfaces which prevents leakage of fluids. gas processes Changes in the properties of a substance, e.g. isothermal, isentropic, constant volume, etc. gas refrigeration cycle A cycle using a reversed constant pressure cycle in which the working substance is always a gas. gas shielded arc welding Arc welding with a shield of inert gas, e.g. argon, helium, to prevent oxidation. gas turbine set A prime mover consisting of one or more axial or centrifugal compressors, combustion chamber(s) (or gas heater), and one or more axial or radial flow turbines. The compressor(s) are driven by one turbine and a turbine delivers useful power. Additional components are intercoolers between compressors, reheat between turbines and a heat exchanger. gas welding Welding using the heat of an oxygen-gas flame. gauge Mocks (slip gauges) Accurate rectangular hard steel blocks used singly or in combination with others, the distance between them forming a gauging length. gear ratio The speed ratio for a pair or train of gears determined by the number of teeth on each gear. gear wheel A toothed rotating wheel used in conjunction with another wheel of the same or different diameter, to transmit motion to another shaft. The main types are spur, bevel, worm and epicyclic. geometric factor A factor dependent on the shapes of bodies between which heat or light is radiated. This factor affects the heat-transfer coefficient. geomehic Progression A series of numbers in which each number is derived by multiplying the previous number by a constant multiplier called the ‘ratio’. governor A speed regulator on variable-speed electric motors and prime movers, etc. gravitation The attractive force between two masses. The force is proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centres of mass. gravitational comtant The gravitational force between two masses m1 and m,, their centres of mass a distance d apart, is given by F=Gmlm,/d2 where G=gravitation constant=6.67 x lo-” Nrn’kg-,. grinding The removal of metal, etc., using an abrasive ‘grinding wheel’. b a r k The resistance of metals to plastic deformation, usually by indentation. Measured by tests such as Brinell, Rockwell, and Vickers pyramid. bead The height of a liquid above a datum in a gravity field. beat engine A system operating on a complete cycle developing net work from a supply of heat. heat Bow rate Heat flow per unit time in a process. Unit: watt (W). heat transfer The study of heat flow by conduction, convection and radiation. beat transfer coeflbieint A coefficient h relating, heat flow q, area of flow path A and temperature difference AT for heat transfer between two phases: q=hAAT. beat treatment Heating and cooling of solid metals to obtain the desired properties. zyxwvut zyxwvutsrqp zy GLOSSARY OF TERMS helical gear A gear in which the teeth are not parallel to the axis but on a helix. helix A line, thread or wire curved into a shape it would assume if wrapped around a cylinder with even spacing. M i x angle In screw threads, etc., the angle of the helix to a plane at right angles to the axis. honing The removal of metal, usually from a cylinder bore, by means of abrasive sticks on a rotating holder. Hooke’s law States that stress is proportional to strain up to the limit of proportionality. hoop stress The circumferential stress in a cylinder wall under pressure or in a rotating wheel. hot forming Forming operations such as bending, drawing, forging, pressing, etc., performed above the recrystallization temperature of a metal. hot wke ammometer An instrument for measuring the flow of air (orother fluids) from the cooling effect on an electrically heated sensor, in the fluid stream, the resistance of which changes with temperature. hydraulic cylinder A cylinder with piston and piston rod supplied by a liquid under pressure to provide a force with linear motion. The cylinder may be single or double acting. hydraulicjnck A device for lifting heavy loads a short distance using a hydraulic cylinder supplied by a pump, often hand operated. hydraulic motor A motor operated by high-pressure liquids. Types: radial piston, axial piston, vane, etc. hydraulic press A press using a hydraulic cylinder. hydraelk planp A machine which delivers fluids at high pressure. Types: radial piston, axial piston, reciprocating, vane, gear pump. hydraulics The science relating to the flow of fluids. hydrocarbon fuels Solid, liquid and gaseous fuels composed primarily of hydrogen and carbon. hydrodynnmic lubrication Thick film lubrication in which the surfaces are separated a n 8 the pressurized film supports the load. hydrodynamics The branch of dynamics which relates to fluids in motion. hyperbola A conic section of the form ( x 2 / U 2 ) - ( y z / b 2= ) 1. hyperbolicfunctions A set of six functions, particularly useful in electrical engineering, involving the terms exand e - x . Analogous to the trigonometrical functions sin, cos, tan, etc., they are sinh, cosh, tanh, cosech, sech, cotanh. 319 illnmimnce The quantity of light or luminous flux on unit surface area. Unit: lux (Ix)= 1 lumen per square metre (Imm-2). impact extrusion A high speed cold working process for producing tubular components by a single impact by a punch. A slug of material placed in a die flows up and around the punch into the die clearance. impact test A test to determine the behaviour of materials subjected to high rates of loading in bending, torsion and tension. The quantity measured is the ‘impact energy’ required to cause breakage of a specimen. impulse When two bodies collide the impulse of the force during impact is JFdt. Defined as the change of momentum produced in either body. impulse reaction turbine A steam turbine with impulse stage@)followed by reaction stages. impalse turbine A steam, gas or water turbine in which the working fluid is accelerated through nozzles and impinges on blades or buckets in which there is no pressure drop. i n c W plane For a smooth plane at an angle 8 to the horizontal, the force parallel to the plane to move a mass m up it is mg sin 8. It is equivalent to a ‘machine’ having a velocity ratio of cot 8. inductance The property of an electric circuit carrying a current is characterized by the formation of a magnetic field and the storage of magnetic energy. Unit: henry (H). idmctioo hardening The use of induction heating for hardening metals. induction heating The heating of conducting materials by inducing electric currents in the material, usually by a high-frequency source. induction motor An ax. motor in which the primary winding current sets up a magnetic flux which induces a current in the secondary winding, usually the rotor. indoctor An electriccircuit component which has the property of inductance. Usually a coil with air or magnetic core. inertia The property of a body proportional to mass, but independant of gravity. Inertia opposes the state of motion of a body. insulation I. Heat Material of low thermal conductivity used to limit heat gain or loss, e.g. pipelagging. 2. Electricity A material with very high resistivity through which there is virtually no flow of current, e.g. plastic covering on wires. zyxwvutsr zyxwvu zyxw zyxwvuts 320 zyxwvutsr MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK interchange factor When two bodies are involved in the interchange of heat radiation, the radiation depends upon the emissivities of both bodies. Interchange factor is a function of the emissivities which allows for this. intercooler A cooler, usually using water, interposed between air compressor stages. internal combustion engine (I.C. engine) An engine in which combustion takes place within a chamber, e.g. a cylinder, and the products of combustion form the working fluid, e.g. petrol engine, diesel engine, gas engine. internal energy The difference between the heat energy supplied to a system and the work taken out. The energy is in the form of heat as measured by the temperature of the substance or its change of state. inverse square law The intensity of a field of radiation (light, heat, radio waves) is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source. investment casting Casting of metal in a mould produced by coating an expendable pattern made of wax, plastic, etc., which is removed by heating. Also ‘lost wax process’. involute gear teeth Gear-wheel teeth the flank profile of which consists of an involute curve. The commonest form of gear teeth. isenthalpic process A process taking place at constant enthalpy, e.g. a ‘throttling’ process. isentropic efficiency Defined as the actual work from the expansion of a gas, vapour, etc., divided by the work done in an isentropic expansion. isentropic expansion The expansion of a fluid at constant entropy. isentropic process A thermodynamic process taking place at constant entropy. isobaric process A thermodynamic process taking place at constant pressure. isothermal process A constant-temperature process. Izod test A pendulum type of single blow impact test using notched test pieces. jig boring Boring carried out on a ‘jig borer’ on which the positions of holes can be positioned to a high degree of accuracy. journal The portion of a rotating shaft which is supported in a bearing. journal bearing A bearing which supports a journal. Kaplan turbine A propeller water turbine with adjustable runner blades which are altered to suit the load. key A piece of material inserted between usually a shaft and a hub to prevent relative rotation and fitting into a ‘keyway’. K factor A factor giving the proportion of, or number of, velocity head@) lost in a pipe or in pipe fittings. kinematic viscosity The coefficient of viscosity divided by the fluid density. kinetic energy The energy of a body arising from its velocity. For a mass m at velocity v the kinetic energy is $mv2. zyxwvu zyx zyx z zyxw jet A fluid stream issuing from an orifice, nozzle, etc. jet engine An engine incorporating rotary compressor and turbine which produces a high-velocity jet for the propulsion of aircraft. jet proputsion The propulsion of vehicles, e.g. boat, aircraft, by means of a fluid jet. jig A device to hold a workpiece and guide a tool in cutting operations. labyrinth gland A gland used on steam turbines, gas turbines, etc., with radial fins on a shaft or surrounding casing, with small radial or axial clearance to limit fluid leakage. lagging Thermal insulation on the surface of a pipe, tank, etc. laminar flow (viscous flow) Fluid flow in which adjacent layers do not mix. It occurs at relatively low velocity and high viscosity. lapping The finishing of spindles, bores, etc., to fine limits using a ‘lap’ of lead, brass, etc., in conjunction with an abrasive. latent heat The heat required to change the ‘state’ of a substance without temperature change, e.g. solid to liquid, liquid to gas. The latent heat per unit mass is the ‘specific latent heat’. lathe A versatile machine tool for producing cylindrical work by turning, facing, boring, screw cutting, etc., using (usually) a single-point tool. lead The axial advance of a helix in one revolution, e.g. in screw thread or worm. lift The component of force on a body in a fluid stream which is at right angles to the direction of flow. The force which supports the weight of an aircraft. lift coefficient A non-dimensional quantity relating lift to the velocity and density of the fluid and the size of the body. GLOSSARY OF TERMS zyxwvutsrqpon zy zyxwvu limit The maximum or minimum size of a component as determined by a specified tolerance. linear bearing A bearing in which the relative motion is linear, as opposed to rotary. lock nut An auxiliary nut used in conjunction with a normal nut to lock the latter. lock washer A name for many types of washer used with nuts, etc., to prevent loosening. logarithmic mean temperature difference In heat exchangers the ‘effective’difference in temperature of the fluids used in calculating heat transfer. logarithms The logarithm of a number N to a base b is the power to which the base must be raised to produce that number. This is written log, N or log N if the base is implied. Common logarithms are to the base 10. Natural logarithms (Naperian logarithms) are to the base e (e=2.7183 . . .). lubricant Any substance, solid, liquid or gaseous, which may be used to reduce friction between parts. lumiwus flux The flux emitted in a unit solid angle of 1 steradian by a point source of uniform intensity of 1 candela. Unit: lumen (Im). luminous inteaeity Unit: candela (cd).The luminance of ‘black body’ radiation at the temperature of solidification of platinum (2042K) is 60cdcm-2. machinability The relative ease of machining a particular material. machine In mechanics, a device which overcomes a resistance at one point known as the ‘load’, by the application of a force called the ‘effort’ at another point; e.g. inclined plane, lever, pulleys, screw. machining Removal of metal in the form of chips, etc., from work, usually by means of a ‘machine tool’. Mach uumber The ratio of velocity of a fluid relative to a body and the velocity of sound in the fluid. Symbol M. magnetism The science of magnetic fields and their effect on materials due to unbalanced spin of electrons in atoms. malleability The property of metals and alloys by which they can easily be deformed by hammering, rolling, extruding, etc. mandrel An accurately turned spindle on which work, already bored, is mounted for further machining. manometer An instrument used to measure the pressure of a fluid. The simplest form is the ‘U tube’ containing a liquid. See: pressure, Bourdon gauge. 32 1 mass The quantity of matter in a body. Equal to the inertia or resistance to acceleration under an applied force. Unit: kilogram (kg). Symbol: m. mass flow rate The rate at which mass passes a fixed point in a fluid stream. Unit: kilograms per second (kgs- I). matrix The material in a composite in which fibres, whiskers, etc., are embedded. mean etTective pressure (m.e.p.) The average absolute pressure during an engine cycle. It gives a measure of the work done per swept volume. mechanical advantage In a ‘machine’, the ratio of load to effort. mechanical efficiency In an engine, the ratio of useful power delivered to the ‘indicated power’, i.e. the efficiency regarded as a machine. Merchant’s circle A diagram showing the forces on a single-point machine tool. metal forming The shaping of metals by processes such as bending, drawing, extrusion, pressing, etc. micrometer gauge A hand held, U-shaped length gauge in which the gap between measuring faces is adjusted by means of an accurate screw. mild steel Carbon steel with a maximum carbon content of about 0.25%. milling The removal of metal by a ‘milling cutter’ with rotating teeth on a ‘milling machine’. mixed-flow heat exchanger A heat exchanger in which the flow of one fluid is a mixture of types, e.g. alternatively counterflow and cross-flow. mixed-flow pump A rotodynamic pump in which the general flow is a combination of axial and radial. mixture strength The ratio of ‘stoichiometric’air/fuel ratio, to the ‘actual’ air/fuel ratio, used for engines. 0.8 is ‘weak’ and 1.2 is ‘rich’. modulus of elasticity A measure of the rigidity of a material. The ratio of stress to strain in the elastic region. modulus of seetion A property of plane sections used in bending-stress calculations. It is equal to the ratio of bending moment to maximum bending stress. molecular weight The mass of a molecule referred to that of a carbon atom (12.000). The sum of the relative atomic masses in a molecule. Mollier diagram See: enthalpy-entropy diagram. moment The moment of a force (or other vector quantity) about a point is the product of the force and the perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to the point. moment of inertia The moment of inertia of a body of 322 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsr zyxwvu zyxwvuts zyxw zyxwvuts mass m about a point P is equal to mk2 where k is the ‘radius of gyration’ from P at which the whole mass may be assumed to be concentrated as a ring. momentum The product of mass and velocity of a body, i.e. mu. multi-pass heat exchanger A heat exchanger in which one of the fluids makes a series of passes in alternate directions. natural vibrations Free vibrations in an oscillatory system. nitriding Introducing nitrogen into solid ferrous alloys by heating in contact with nitrogenous material, e.g. ammonia, cyanide. non-destrctive testing Inspection by methods which do not destroy a part, to determine its suitability for use. non-Sow energy equation The equation in thermodynamics for a non-flow process such as compressing a gas in a cylinder. It states that the change in ‘internal energy’ of a substance is equal to heat supplied minus the work done. weNewtonian Suid A fluid which does not obey the viscosity law. See: coefficient of viscosity. notch A vee or rectangular cut-out in a plate restricting the flow of water in a channel. The height of water above the bottom of the cut-out gives a measure of the flow. nozzle A convergent or convergent-divergent tube through which a fluid flows. Used to produce a high-velocity jet. NusPelt number A dimensionless quantity used extensively in the study of heat transfer. Defined as Nu =Qd/kO, where Q =heat flow to or from a body per unit area, 8= temperature difference between the body and its surroundings, k =thermal conductivity, d =characteristic dimension of the body. nut A metal (or other material) collar internally screwed to fit a bolt usually of hexagonal shape but sometimes round or square. oil seal A device used to prevent leakage of oil, e.g. from a bearing in a gearbox. orifice A small opening for the passage of a fluid. Types: rounded entry, sharp edged, re-entrant. orifice plate A circular plate, with a central orifice, inserted in between pipe flanges or in a tank wall to measure fluid flow from the resulting pressure drop. MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK 0 ring A toroidal 0 section ring of a material such as Neoprene used as a seal. parabola A conic section of the form y2 = 4ax. parallel-flow heat exchanger A heat exchanger in which the two fluids flow parallel to one another and in the same direction. pattern A form made in wood or other material around which a mould is made. peak value For a waveform the maximum value of a half-wave. For a sine wave it is r = f i times the r.m.s. (root mean square) value. pendulum The ‘simple pendulum’ consists of a small heavy mass or ‘bob’ suspended from a fixed point by a string of negligible weight. Its periodic time for small oscillations is 2n-, where L=length of string, g =acceleration due to gravity. The ‘compound pendulum’is any body which oscillates about a fixed point a distance h from the centre of gravity with radius of gyration k . It has an equivalent simple pendulum length of (hz + k2)/h. perfect gas A gas which obeys the ‘gas laws’. A gas behaves as a perfect gas as the pressure is reduced. permanent set Plastic deformation in a material that remains after the load is removed. Perry-Robertson formula A practical formula for the buckling load for a strut. p-h chart A pressuresnthalpy chart used for refrigeration calculations. pH value Negative logarithm of hydrogen ion activity denoting the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. At 25°C: 7 is neutral, a lower number indicates acidity; a higher number indicates alkalinity. pitch The linear distance between similar features arranged in a pattern, e.g. turns of a screw thread, distance between rivets in a row. pitch circle An imaginary circle on gear wheels on which the teeth are constructed, a circle on which bolt holes, etc., are pitched, etc. plain bearing A bearing consisting of a plain bush or sleeve, as opposed to a ball or roller bearing. plastic deformation Deformation that remains after a load is removed. plasticity The ability of a metal to deform nonelastically without rupture. Poiseuille’s equation An expression for laminar flow of a fluid through a circular pipe. Poisson distribution A statistical distribution characterized by a small probability of a specific event GLOSSARY OF TERMS zyxwvutsrqpon occurring during observations over a continuous interval. A limiting form of 'binomial distribution'. PoiBson's ratio The ratio of transverse to axial strain in a body subject to axial load. polar modolus The polar second moment of area about an axis perpendicular to the area through the centroid divided by the maximum radius. polar second moment of area The second moment for an axis through the centroid perpendicular to the plane. It is equal to the sum of any two second moments of area about perpendicular axes in the plane. polymer A material built up of a series of smaller units (monomers) which may be relatively simple, e.g. ethane, or complex, e.g. methylmethacrylate. The mechanical properties are determined by molecular size ranging from a few hundred to hundreds of thousands. polynomial An algebraic expression of the form ax"+bx"-'+cx"-2 . . . p x + q . polypbase Said of a.c. power supply circuits, usually 3 phase, carrying current of equal frequency with uniformly spaced phase differences. polytropic process A gas process obeying the law PO" =constant, where p =pressure, v = volume, n =index ofexpansion not equal to 1 or ?, the ratio of specific heat capacities. pdtive displacement pump A pump which displaces a 'positive' quantity of fluid each stroke or revolution, e.g. piston pump, gear pump, vane pump. powder metallurgy The production of shaped objects by the compressing of metal powders ranging in size from 0.1 to 1OOOpm. power The rate of doing work. Unit: watt (W). power cycle A thermodynamic cycle in which net power is produced, e.g. Otto cycle. power factor The ratio of total power dissipation in an electrical circuit to the total equivalent voltamperes applied to the circuit. pres A machine tool with a fixed bed and a guided reciprocating, usually vertical, ram. press fit An interference or force fit made through the use of a press. The process is called 'pressing'. pressure At a point in a fluid, pressure is the force per unit area acting in all directions. That is, it is a scalar quantity; e.g. in a cylinder with a piston, pressure p is the force on the piston divided by the cylinder area. pressure trPasdllcer A device which produces a, usually electrical, signal proportional to the pressure. prime number A natural number other than 1 divis- 323 ible only by itself and 1, e.g. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, . . ., 37, . . ., 5521, etc. principal stresses Normal stresses on three mutually perpendicular planes on which there are no shear stresses. probability The number of ways in which an event can happen divided by the total possibilities. Symbol: P. proof stress The stress to cause a small specified permanent set in a material. proportioual Limit The maximum stress at which strain is directly proportional to stress. pump A machine driven by a prime mover which delivers a fluid, pumping it to a greater height, increasing its pressure, or increasing its kinetic energy. Main types: rotodynamic, positive displacement. punch A tool that forces metal into a die during blanking, coining, drawing, etc. The process is called 'punching'. push fit A fit similar to a 'snug' or 'slip' fit defined by several classes of clearance in British and other standards. pyrometer Device for measuring temperatures above the range of liquid thermometers. zyxwvutsr zyxwv zyxwvut zyxwvuts zyxwv quenching The rapid cooling of heated metal to anneal, harden, etc. rack and pinion gear A device for changing linear to rotary motion, and vice versa, in which a circular gear, or pinion, engages with a straight toothed bar or rack. radial clearaoce Half the diametral clearance. The difference between the radius of a circular hole and a rod or shaft fitting into it. radial stress The component of stress in a radial direction in pressurized cylinders, rotating disks, etc. radiatioa of heat A process by which heat is transferred without the aid of an intervening medium. radius of gyration The imaginary radius at which the mass of a rotating body is assumed to be concentrated when determining its moment of inertia. rake The angle of relief given to faces of a cutting tool to obtain the most efficient cutting angle. Rankine cyck An idealized steam cycle consisting of: pumping water to boiler pressure, evaporation, adiabatic expansion to condenser pressure, and complete condensation to initial point. Rankine etfifieocy The thermal efficiency of a Rankine cycle under given steam conditions. 324 zyxwvutszz MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK Rankine-Gordon formula An empirical formula for the buckling load of a strut. reaction The equal opposing force to a force applied to a system. The load on a bearing or beam support. reaction turbine A water, steam or gas turbine in which the pressure drop is distributed between fixed and moving blades. Strictly an impulse-reaction turbine. reamer Rotary cutter with teeth on its cylindrical surface used for enlarging a drilled hole to an accurate dimension. recess A groove or depression in a surface. rectifier A device for converting a.c. to d.c. by inversion or suppression of alternate half-waves, e.g. diodes, mercury arc rectifier, rotary converter. refining The removal of impurities from a metal after crude extraction from ore. refractory Material with very high melting point used for furnace and kiln linings. refrigerant The working fluid in a refrigerator. It may be a gas or a vapour. refrigerator A machine in which mechanical or heat energy is used to maintain a low temperature. regenerative heat exchanger A heat exchanger in which hot and cold fluids, usually gases, occupy the same space alternately. reheat The process of reheating steam or gas between turbines to obtain higher efficiency. Also the injection of fuel into the jet pipe of a turbojet to obtain greater thrust. residual stress Stress existing in a body free from external forces or thermal gradient. resistance In electricity, the real part of impedance of a current-carrying circuit characterized by the dissipation of heat. Unit: ohm (a).In physics, the opposition to motion tending to a loss of energy. resistance thermometer A thermometer using the change of resistance with temperature of a conductor. Platinum is used, as are semiconductors (thermistor). resistance welding and brazing A process in which the resistance of a pressurized joint causes melting of the parts in contact. resistivity A property of electric conductors which gives resistance in terms of dimensions. Resistance R =pL/A, wherep=resistivity, L=length, A=area of conductor. resistor An electrical component designed to give a specified resistance in a circuit. resistor colour code A method for marking the resistance value on resistors using coloured spots or bands. Reynold’s number A dimensionless quantity used in the study of fluid flow, particularly in a pipe. If v = velocity, d = pipe diameter, p =density of fluid, p = viscosity of fluid, the Reynold’s number Re = (pvd)/p. riveting Joining two or more members by means of rivets, the unheaded end being ‘upset’ after the rivet is in place. rivets A permanent fastener for connecting plates in which the unheaded end is upset, or closed, to make the joint. There are many types, e.g. snap head, pan head, pop, explosive. roller bearing A journal or thrust bearing with straight or tapered rollers running between two ‘races’. rolling Reducing the cross-section of metal stock or the shaping of metal products using ‘rolls’ in a ‘rolling mill’. rolling bearings The general name given to lowfriction bearings using balls and rollers running in ‘races’. root mean square (r.m.s.) A measure of the effective mean current of an alternating current. That is, with the same heating effect as a direct current. The square root of the mean of the squares of continuous ordinates for one cycle. Roots blower An air compressor for delivering large quantities of air at relatively low pressure. It has two hour-glass shaped intermeshing rotors running with small clearances in a casing. rotodynamic pump See: ‘pump’. roughness In machining, surface irregularities, the dimensions and direction of which establish the surface pattern. In fluid flow, the height of irregularities in pipes, etc. runner The rotating part of a water turbine carrying vanes. running fit Any clearance fit in the range used for relative motion. zyxwvuts zyxwvut zyxwvu screw A general name for fasteners with a screwed shank and a head. Also any section of bar with an external thread . screw jack A portable lifting machine for raising heavy objects a small height. It uses a nut which carries the load rotated, usually by hand, through a lever system. screw thread A helical ridge of vee, square, or rounded section formed on or inside a cylinder the form and pitch being standardized under various systems. zyxwvutsrqponm z zyxwvutsr zyxwvu zyxwvut zy zyxwvutsr zyxwvu GLOSSARY OF TERMS second moment of area The second moment of area of a plane figure about any axis XX is I,,=Zar2, where a = an element of area, r = perpendicular distance of a from XX. seizing The stopping of a moving part by a mating surface due to excessive friction caused by ‘galling’. sets In mathematics, any collection of ‘entities’ (elements) defined by specifying the elements. See: ‘Venn diagram’. shaft A circular section solid or hollow bar used for the transmission of motion and/or power. shaft coupling A solid or flexible device for connecting, usually coaxial, shafts. shear A force causing or tending to cause adjacent parts of a body to slide relative to one another in the direction of the force. shearing process A machine process in which shapes are produced from plate by shearing through the material. shear modulus (modulus of rigidity, torsional modulus) The ratio of shear stress to shear strain within the elastic limit. shear stram and stress See: ‘strain’ and ‘stress’. shell m d i n g A mould of thermosetting resin bonded with sand formed on a heated metal pattern to give a ‘shell‘. shim A thin piece of metal used between two mating surfaces to obtain a correct fit, alignment or adjustment. shrink fit An ‘interference fit’ between a hub and shaft, for example obtained by heating an under-sized hub to give a clearance and allowing it to cool on the shaft. Alternatively, the shaft may be cooled, e.g. by using ‘dry ice’. silver solder A brazing alloy of low melting point containing silver. simple hprmoRic motion Oscillatory motion of sinusoidal form, e.g. simple pendulum, mass and spring, electric current in a tuned circuit. It follows the law d2x/dt2= --wxz. Abbreviation: s.h.m. sine bar A hardened steel bar carrying two plugs of standard diameter accurately spaced to a standard distance. Used in setting out angles to a close tolerance. single-point tool A machine tool which has a single cutting point as opposed to a number of points, e.g. a lathe tool. sintering The bonding of particles by heating to form shapes. slotting Cutting a groove with a reciprocating tool in 325 a vertical shaper, broach or grinding wheel. S-N curve A graph of stress to cause fracture against number of stress fluctuations in fatigue tests. soldering A similar process to brazing, but with a low-melting-point filler, e.g. alloy of lead, tin, antimony. solenoid A current-carrying coil often with an iron core used to produce a mechanical force. solution heat treatment Heating an alloy and allowing one or more constituents to enter into solid solution. spark erosion machining The removal of metal by means of a high-energy spark between the workpiece and a specially shaped electrode, all immersed in a bath of electrolyte. specific fuel consumption The mass of fuel used in an engine per unit of energy delivered. Unit: kilograms per megajoule (kg MJ-I). specific heat capacity The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass of a substance by one degree. Unit: J kg-’K-’. specific speed A dimensionless quantity used in the study of rotodynamic pumps and turbines. It is the same for geometrically similar machines. specific volume The volume per unit mass of substance. Unit: cubic metres per kilogram (m3kg-’). spinning Shaping of hollow metal sheet parts by rotating and applying a force. splines Narrow keys integral with a shaft engaging with similarly shaped grooves in a hub used instead of keys. spot facing Machining flat circular faces for the seating of nuts, bolts, etc. spring A device capable of elastic deflection for the purpose of storing energy, absorbing shock, maintaining a pressure, measuring a force, etc. spring wpsber A name for many types of washer which deflect when compressed and prevent a nut, etc., from slackening. stagnation temperature The temperature which would be reached by a stream of fluid if it were brought to rest adiabatically. standard deviation The root of the average of the squares of the differences from their mean X of a number n of observations x: standard deviation a = J W static balancing Balancing of a rotating mass in one plane only. See: ‘dynamic balancing’. static pressure The pressure normal to the surface of a body moving through a fluid. 326 zyxwvutsrq z zyxwvu zyxwvuts zyxwvuts statics The branch of applied mathematics dealing with the combination of forces so as to produce equilibrium. steady flow energy equation For a flow process this statesthath, + ( C : / 2 ) + Q = h 2 + ( C : / 2 ) + W, whereh,, h, =inlet and outlet enthalpies, C,, C , =inlet and outlet velocities, Q = heat supplied, W = work out. steam plant A power plant operating on a steam cycle, e.g. steam power station. steam turbine A turbine using steam as a working substance. See: ‘turbines’. s t d Iron based alloy containing manganese, carbon and other alloying elements. stianesS The ability of a metal, etc., to resist elastic deformation. It is proportional to the appropriate modulus of elasticity. stoichiometric &/fuel ratio The mixture of air and fuel for engines and boiler furnaces which contains just sufficient oxygen for complete combustion. strain The change in shape or size of a stressed body divided by its original shape or size,e.g. ‘linear strain’, ‘shear strain’, ‘volumetric strain’. strain energy The work done in deforming a body elastically. strain gauge A metal grid or semiconductor rod on a backing sheet which is cemented to a strained body. The increase in length alters the electrical resistance of the grid or rod from which the strain may be deduced. strain-gauge bridge A form of Wheatstone bridge in which strain gauges are connected to give a sensitive reading of resistance change. strain-gauge rosette A combination of three strain gauges which give the principal strains in two-dimensional stress situations. strain bardening The increase in hardness caused by plastic deformation. strain rate The time rate of stress application used in testing. stress Force per unit area in a solid. The area is perpendicular to the force for tensile stress and parallel to it for shear stress. Unit: newtons per square metre (Nm-2). stress concentration factor The ratio of the greatest stress at a ‘stress raiser’ to the nominal stress in a component. stress raiser A local change in contour in a part, e.g. a hole, notch, change of section, etc., which gives rise to an increase in stress. stress d i v i n g Heating a material to a suitable temperature and holding it long enough to remove residual stresses, then slowly cooling. MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK stroboscope A flashing lamp of precisely variable periodicity which can be synchronized with a moving object to give a stationary appearance. sudden contraction A sudden decrease in the crosssectional area of a conduit, involving a loss of energy. sudden enlargement A sudden increase in the crosssectional area of a conduit, involving an energy loss. superheated steam Steam heated at constant pressure out of contact with the water from which it was formed, Le. at a temperature above saturation temperature. surface finish The condition of a surface after final treatment. surface grinder A grinding machine which produces a flat surface on the workpiece which is mounted on a reciprocating table. surface hardening Heat treatment such as nitriding, cyaniding, etc., which increases the surface hardness of a metal. surface tension Interfacial tension between two phases, one of which is a gas. swaging Forming a reduction in a metal part by forging, squeezing or hammering, sometimes when rotating. swarf Chips removed from a workpiece during cutting operations. tachogenerator An electric generator producing a voltage proportional to the speed of a shaft to which it is connected. Connected to a voltmeter calibrated in speed of rotation. tachometer An electrical or mechanical instrument which measures the rotational speed of a shaft, etc. tap A cylindrical cutter used to produce an internal screw thread. temperature The degree of hotness or coldness with reference to an arbitrary zero, e.g. the melting point of ice, absolute zero. temperature coefficient of resistance A coefficient giving the change in resistance of a piece of material per degree change in temperature. tempering The reheating of hardened steel or cast iron to a temperature below the eutectoid value to decrease hardness and increase toughness. tensile strength Ratio of maximum load to original cross-sectional area of a component. Also called ‘ultimate strength’. tensile stress Tensile load divided by cross-sectional area. tension The state of stress in a part which tends to increase its length in the direction of the load. zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts zyxwvut zyxwvutsr 327 GLOSSARY OF TERMS thermal shock The development of a steep tempera- ture gradient in a component and accompanying high stress. thermal stress Stress in a body due to a temperature gradient. thermiitor A semiconductor mixture of cobalt, nickel and manganese oxides and finely divided copper in the form of a bead with leads. The device has a high temperature coefficient of resistance and is used for temperature measurement. therrnoeollgle A device consisting of a junction of dissimilar metals which produce an e.m.f. approximately proportional to the temperature difference between the hot and cold junctions at the ends. thermodynamic process A gas process involving changes in pressure, volume, temperature or state. tlsermaleetrrer * ‘ty The interchange of heat and electric energy, e.g. as in a thermocouple. thermometer An instrument for measuring temperature. thermoplastic Any plastic which can be melted by heat and resolidified, the process being repeatable any number of times. thermosetting resin Compositions in which a chemical reaction takes place while being moulded under heat and pressure. The properties are changed and the product is resistant to further change. thick cylinder A cylinder in which the thickness of wall is large compared with the bore. Stress analysis is more complicated than for a ‘thin’ cylinder subject to internal pressure. thin c y l i e r A cylinder with a wall thickness relatively small compared with the bore. Under internal pressure a uniform hoop stress may be assumed with no radial stress. three phase An electric supply system in which the alternating potentials on the three wires differ in phase by 120”. throttling process The process involving the flow of a fluid through a small tortuous passage destroying all kinetic energy; there is no change in enthalpy. thrust bearing A shaft bearing designed to take axial load through a collar on the shaft. It may be a flat surface or have balls or rollers. thyristor A semiconductor device used for switching heavy currents. tie rod A rod or bar which takes a tensile load. timing belt A drive belt between two pulleys having teeth which engage with grooves in the pulleys. timing diagram A circular diagram showing the angular positions of valve opening and closing in two- and four-stroke engines. tolerance The specified permissible deviation from a dimension or permissible variation in the size of a component. toroid (torus) A solid generated by rotating a circle about an external point in its plane. torque The algebraic sum of couples, or moments of external forces, about the axis of twist. Also called ‘torsional moment’. torsion A twisting action resulting in shear stress. torsional Oseillntion Oscillations, e.g. in a shaft in which it is twisted periodically in opposite directions. total bead pressure The sum of dynamic pressure and static pressure in fluid flow. toughwss The ability of a metal to absorb energy and deform plastically before fracturing. Determined by impact tests. traducer A device which converts a physical magnitude of one form ofenergy to another form according to a specified formula, e.g. mechanical to electrical energy as in a microphone. transformer An electrical device without moving parts which transfers alternating current energy, usually with a change in voltage. transistor A three-electrode semiconductor device used to give a voltage, current or power gain. triaxial stress A state of stress where none of the three principal stresses is zero. Three-dimensional stress. turbine A prime mover running on steam, gas or water, in which energy is imparted to rows of moving blades on a rotor. turbulent flow Fluid flow in which particle motion varies rapidly in velocity and direction; characterized by a high Reynold’s number. turning Removing material from a rotating workpiece using a single-point tool as in a lathe. twisting moment See: ‘torque’. two4imensioaal streas A stress situation where two stresses act at right angles. two-sboke cycle An engine cycle of two piston strokes, i.e. one revolution. zyxw zyxwv zy ultimate strength (ultimate tensile strength, UTS) The maximum tensile stress a material will withstand before failure. ultrasonics Relating to sound with a frequency above the audible range, i.e. above about 15 kHz. universal gas constant This is equal to the gas constant for any gas multiplied by its molecular weight, i.e. R,= MR. 328 zyxwvutsrq MECHANICAL ENGINEER’SDATA HANDBOOK upthrust The force on a floating body due to fluid pressure. Equal to the weight of fluid displaced. U tube A simple type of pressure-measuring device, or manometer, consisting of a glass (or perspex, etc.) U-shaped tube partially filled with a liquid, e.g. water, mercury, and provided with a scale. A pressure difference across the U tube causes a difference in liquid levels. vacuum forming A shaping process applied to a sheet of thermoplastic which is heated and sucked into a mould by vacuum. vacuum pump General name for a pump which displaces a gas against atmospheric pressure. vane A curved metal plate used in pumps and turbines for directing flow. Same as ‘blade’. vane anemometer A type of anemometer with a vaned rotor which rotates at a speed proportional to a fluid velocity passing through the rotor. A mechanical counter or magnetic transducer counts the revolutions which are expressed as velocity. vane pump A type of positive-displacement pump with sliding radial vanes in slots in a rotor running eccentrically in a fixed casing. vapour compression cycle A reversed Carnot cycle used in refrigerators. vapour cycle A thermodynamic cycle using a vapour as the working substance, e.g. steam. vapour process A thermodynamic process using a vapour, e.g. steam. vector A vector, or vector quantity, has magnitude, sense and direction, e.g. velocity, force. vee belt A power-transmission belt with a truncated vee cross-section running in a vee-groove pulley. velocity The rate of change of position of a point with respect to time. Unit: metres per second (m s- ’). velocity head The head equivalent of the kinetic energy of a fluid equal to u2/(2g). velocity pressure Velocity head expressed as a pressure equal to (puz)/2.The pressure realized by suddenly stopping a fluid stream. velocity ratio In a ‘machine’ the ratio of distance moved by the ‘effort’ to that moved by the ‘load’. Venn diagram In logic and mathematics, a diagram consisting of shapes, e.g. circles and rectangles, that show by their inclusion, exclusion or intersection the relationship between ‘classes’ and ‘sets’. Venturi A convergent-divergent duct in which pressure energy is converted to kinetic energy at the throat. Venturi meter A flowmeter in which the pressure drop in a Venturi is used to give an indication of flow. Vernier In instruments, such as the Vernier caliper gauge, a small movable auxiliary scale attached to a slide in contact with a main scale. It enables readings to be taken to, usually, a tenth of a division. vibration damper A device fitted to a reciprocating engine crankshaft to minimize torsional oscillations. Vickers’ hardness test A hardness test using the indentation from a pyramidal diamond. viscosity The resistance of a fluid to shear force. The shear force per unit area is a constant times the velocity gradient, the constant being the coefficient of viscosity. Units: newton-seconds per square metre (Ns rn-’). Symbol: p. viscous flow The same as ‘laminar flow’. volute The snail-shell-shaped casing into which the impeller of a centrifugal pump discharges, terminating in a circular pipe. A similar casing is used at the inlet of water turbines. vortex flow Rotational flow. In a ‘forced vortex’ the fluid rotates as a solid cylinder. In a ‘free vortex’ (such as an eddy in a water surface) the velocity of rotation decreases with radius. washer An annular, usually flat, piece of metal, etc., used under a nut to distribute the load. weir A dam in a water channel sometimes used in flow measurement. weld A union made by welding. weld group A group of welds used to make a joint. welding The joining of two or more pieces of material by applying heat and/or pressure, with or without a filler material, to produce local fusion. welding rod Filler in rod or wire form used in welding. weldment An assembly of several parts joined by welds. wet steam A steam-water mixture such as results from partial condensation of dry saturated steam. whirling speed (critical speed) The speed at which excessive deflection of a shaft occurs being numerically the same as the natural frequency of transverse vibration or harmonics. white metal General term for low-melting-point alloys of lead, tin, bismuth, zinc and antimony used for plain bearings. work A type of energy involving mechanical effort, e.g. the output from an engine. zyxwv zyxwvut zyxwvutsrq zyxw zyxwvutsrqponm zyxwvutsr GLOSSARY OF TERMS work hardening See: ‘strain hardening’. workpiece A part upon which work is done in process operations. worm A part of a worm gear with helical single or multi-start thread. worm gear A high speed-ratio gear in which a single or multi-start worm engages with a worm wheel with circumferential teeth. The axes are at right angles and non-intersecting. 329 wrought iron Iron containing fibres of slag (iron silicate) in a ferrite matrix. yield stress (yield point) The stress at which a material exhibits a deviation from proportionality of stress and strain. Steels tend to have a definite yield point, for ductile metals an offset of typically 0.2% is used. Young’s modulus See: ‘modulus of elasticity’. Index zyx zyxwvutsrq zyxwv zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvutsr ABS (acrylonitrile-butadienestyrene), 242 Acceleration, angular, 58 centripetal, 58 linear, 58 Acetal resin, 238 Acetals, 242, 247 drilling cutting speeds and feeds, 180 turning characteristics, 176 Acetic acid, cubical expansion. 265 Acme thread, 76 Acrylic acid diester adhesives, 253 Acrylic (Perspex), 242, 247 density, 264 drilling cutting speeds and feeds, 180 thermal conductivity, 13 I turning cutting speeds and feeds, 176 Acrylic solvent cement adhesives. 253 Acrylonitride butadiene adhesives, 252 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS). 242 Adhesives, complementary adhesives and adherents, 255 elastomer, 251-2 joint types, 256 natural, 251 rubber (elastomer) based, 251-2 service temperatures, 254 shear strengths, typical, 256 thermoplastic, 252-4 thermoset, 253-4 Adiabatic mixing, gases. 105 Admiralty gunmetal, applications, 230 composition and mechanical properties, 229 Aerodynamic drag, automobiles, 78, 165 Air, density, 264 properties and analysis, 109 specific heat capacity, gas constant and molecular weight, I10 thermal conductivity, 131 velocity of sound in. 309 Air compressors see Compressors Air/fuel ratio. 1 3 9 4 3 Air motors, reciprocating, 126 Alcohol, velocity of sound in, 309 Alkyds. 244 Alphabet. Greek, 310 Aluminium and alloys of. coefficients of expansion, 265 corrosion resistance, 241 density. 263 drill angles, 182 general cutting speeds, feed rates and power, 192-3 latent heat of fusion, 108 lubricants for drihg/reaming/tapping, 181 milling cutting speeds and feed rates, I87 negative rake cutting speeds, 194 properties alloyed. 23&3. 237 properties pure, 240 resistance temperature coefficient. 277 specific heat capacity, I IO as steel alloy element, 222 surface emissivity, 137 thermal conductivity, 131 thermoelectric sensitivity. 275 turning cutting speeds, 175 turning power consumption, 174 velocity of sound in, 309 welding fillers and fluxes, 209 welding processes, 214 wrought aluminium, endurance limits and fatigue stress, 18-19 heat-treatable, properties, 23 I nOn-hCdt-tredtdbk, properties, 231 Aluminium bronze, specific heat capacity, I IO Aluminium oxide, properties, 259 Amino resins. 2 4 4 5 Ammonia. boiling point, 109 latent heat of evaporation, 108 specific heat capacity, gas constant and molecular weight, I IO thermal conductivity. I3 I Ammonium nitrate, freezing temperature. 265 Amorphic polymers see Rubber Amyl alcohol. density. 264 Anemometers, cup, 284 hot wire, 284 vane, 284 Anergy, gases, 103-4 Angle measurement. 270-3 Aniline, cubical expansion, 265 Anthracite, analysis, 145 calorific value, 144 Anti-freeze mixtures. 266 Antimony, applications, 233 coefficients of expansion, 265 density, 263 thermal conductivity, 131 thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Archimedes principle. 146 Arc welding. 21&16 see ulso Welding Area, SI equivalents. 292 Argon, density. 264 specific heat capacity. gas constant and molecular weight, I IO thermal conductivity. 131 Asbestos, as clutch and brake material, 86 density. 264 friction coefficient with cast iron. 86 Asbestos board, surface emissivity, 137 Asbestos cloth, thermal conductivity. 131 Ash (timber), mechanical properties. 250 Asphalt, friction coefficient with rubber, 86 thermal conductivity, 132 Automobile mechanics. aerodynamic drag. 78, 165 braking torque, 79 forces on a gradient. 77 power, torque and efficiency, 78-9 rolling resistance, 77 tractive effort. 78 BA (British Association) screw threads. 8 dimensions. 300 Bakelite, drill angles, 182 Balancing, reciprocating masses, 70 rotating masses. one mass only, 68-9 several in one plane. 69 in several planes. dynamic unbalance. 69-70 Ball-bearing power screw. 76-7 Ball-bearings see Bearings Balls, contact stresses. ball and concave surface. 51 ball on flat surface. 51 two balls. 51 Balsa wood, thcrmal conductivity, 131 Barometers. aneroid. 279 mercury. 279 Bars, thick, bending stresses. 28-9 thin, bending stresses, 29-31 torsion in. 6 7 see ulso Beams Beam leaf springs, 35 INDEX zyxwvutsrqpon zy zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrq 33 1 Beams, bending. basic theory, 25 continuous beams. 27 deflection coefficient. 26 moment coefficient, 26 slope coefficient, 26 standard cases, 25-7 thick bars, rings and crane hooks, 27-9 Beams, transverse vibration, 31-2 Bearing metal, 234 Bearings. ball, contact stresses, 51 journal, 93,94 self aligning. 93 service factor. 95 thrust, 93 plain. automobile and aircraft engine, 91 centrifugal pumps, 91 clearance, 92 friction coefficient, 94 generators and motors. 91 hoisting machinery, 91 land steam turbine, 91 lightly loaded, 9&1 b a d capacity, 91 machine tools, 91 marine steam turbine, 9I railway axial, 91 surface finish, 92 plain, materials for, aluminium alloy, 92 babbit, tin and lead base, 92 cadmium base, 92 copper lead. 92 graphite materials, 92 lead. alkali-hardened. 92 lead bronze, 92 nylon, 92 phenolics, 92 porous metals, 92 rubber. 92 silver plus overlay, 92 teflon, 92 tin bronze. 92 roller. contact stresses. 52 friction coefficient, 95 needle roller. 94 roller journal, 94 service factor, 95 taper roller. 94 materials for, 262 shields, seals and groves, 94 Beech (timber), mechanical properties, 250 Belleville washer spring, 36 Belt drives. flat. 65 timing, 66 service factors, 66 sizes. 66 vee. 65 Bending, beams, 2+7 bending moment (BM), 38 crane hooks, 29 measurement of, 272 press tools for, 203 rings, 28-31 Shafts. 22-3 stepped bars, 21 stress, 2 thick curved bars. 27-8 thin curved bars, 29-31 see also Bars; Beams. bending; Rings, bending stresses Benzene, cubical expansion, 265 formula and molecular weight, 140 thermal conductivity, 131 Benzine. boiling point. 109 Benzole. analysis, 145 calorific value. 144 Bernoulli equation, 148 Beryllium, applications. 233 density, 263 Beryllium-copper. applications, 230 springs, 235 Bevel gears, 98 BHN see Brinell hardness number Bimetal thermometers, 278 Birch timber, mechanical properties, 250 Bismuth, density, 263 latent heat of fusion, IO8 low melting point alloys. 236-7 thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Bisulphide of carbon, latent heat of evaporation. 108 Bitumen, thermal conductivity, I32 Bitumen adhesive, 254 Bituminous coal, analysis, 145 calorific value, 144 Black body, surface emissivity, 137 Black heart cast iron (BS 310). 219.238 Block and tackle, 67 BM (bending moment), 38 Boilers. efficiency, 144 factors of safety. 309 Boiling points, common substances, 109 Bolts and bolted joints, clearance holes for, 300 factors of safety, 309 IS0 metric sizes, 8,299 strength of, 8-1 I threads for. 8 types of, 8-12,2934 see also Nuts; Screw threads Bourdon pressure gauge, 281 Boyle’s law, 102 Brackets, stress in bolts, I I Brakes, automobile braking torque, 79 band, 87 block, 87-8 disk, 88 double block, 88 expanding shoe. 88 materials, friction characteristics of, 854 Brass, friction coefficent with bronze: hardwood, 85 specific heat capacity. 1 IO surface emissivity. 137 thermal conductivity, I31 Brasses. applications. 229,238 Brinell hardness numbers. 239 coefficients of expansion, 265 composition and mechanical properties. 228-9.238 corrosion resistance, 241 density. 263 drilling. 180, 182 general cutting speeds. feed rates and power. 192-3 lubricants for drillin~/reamingitapping. 181 milling cutting speeds and feed rates. I87 negative rake cutting speeds. 194 spring brass. 235 turning, 174,175. 177 welding fillers and fluxes. 209 Brazing, 206 metals for. 261 recommended usage. 214 BR (butadine rubbers). 248 Breeze block. thermal conductivity. I32 Brickwork, coefficients of expansion, 265 dark, surface emissivity. 137 density, 264 factors of safety, 308 thermal conductivity. 132 Brine, saturated, boiling point, 109 Brinell hardness number (BHN). 239.285 British Association (BA) screw threads, 8 dimensions, 300 Bromine, boiling point, 109 Bronze, applications. 230 corrosion resistance, 24I expansion coefficient, 265 friction coefficient with bronze; cast iron. zyxwvutsrq 85 general cutting speeds, feed rates and power, 192-3 high-strength bronze. 260 lubricants for drilling. reaming and tapping, 181 milling cutting speeds and feed rates. I87 zyxwvutsrqpo specific heat capacity. I IO turning. 175. 177 welding fillers and fluxes, 209 BSF (BS Fine) threads, 8 BSP (BS Pipe) threads, 8 BSW (BS Whitworth) threads. 8 Buckling loads, struts, 46-8 BUNA S rubbers. 248 Buoyancy, 146 Butadine rubbers (BR), 248 Butane. boiling point. 109 formula and molecular weight. 140 specific heat capacity, gas constant and molecular weight, I IO Buttress thread. 76 Butyl rubbers. 249 adhesives for, 255 butyle rubber adhcsivcs. 252 zyxwvutsrqpo CAB (cellulose aCetObutyrdte). 242 332 zyxwvutsrqp MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr Cadmium. applications, 233 density, 263 expansion coefficient. 265 specific heat capacity. I10 thermal conductivity. 13 I thermoelectric sensitivity. 275 Calcium chloride, freezing temperature. 265 Calcium silicate, thermal conductivity, I3 1 Calliper gauge, 268 Calorific values. fuels, 144 see also Fuels Cams. axial face. 74 circular arc with flat follower. 73 constant acceleration/deceleration,roller follower, 74 constant velocity, knife edge follower. 74 simple harmonic motion, 74 tangent with roller follower. 73 Capstan lathe operations, 176 see also Turning Carbide, as a cutting material, 189 cutting tools, 191 Carbon, formula and molecular weight, 140 resistance temperature coefficient, 277 thermal conductivity, 132 thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Carbon dioxide, boiling point, 109 density, 264 formula and molecular weight, 140 specific heat capacity, gas constant and molecular weight, I IO thermal conductivity, 131 velocity of sound in, 309 Carbon graphite, as clutch and brake material, 86 friction coefficient with steel, 86 Carbon monoxide, calorific value, 144 density, 264 formula and molecular weight, 140 specific heat capacity, gas constant and molecular weight, I IO thermal conductivity, 131 Carbon steel, applications, 219-20 as a cutting material, 189-90 factors of safety, 308 properties, 22&1 as spring materials, 234 tempering temperature and colour. 221 see also Steel Carbon tetrachloride, thermal conductivity. as clutch and brake material. 85-6 endurance limits and htigue stress, 18 friction coefficient with cast iron; hardwood; leather; steel, 85-6 grey iron (BS 1452). 188. 192. 218. 238 latent heat of fusion, 108 as machine tool slide material, 86 pearlitic (BS 3333). 219 spheroidal graphite (SG) iron (BS 2789). 218 White heart iron (BS 309). 219 see also Iron Cavitation. centrifugal pumps, 168 Cellular plastics. 246-7 Cellulose acetate, adhesives for, 255 Cellulose acetobutyrate (CAB), 242 Cellulose nitrate. 242. 247 adhesives for. 255 Cellulose proprionate (CP). 242 Cement, thermal conductivity. 132 Centrifugal casting, 197 Centrifugal fans see Fans, centrifugal Centrifugal force, 58 Centrifugal pumps see Pumps. centrifugal Centripetal force and acceleration, 58 Ceramic adhesive. 254 Ceramic cutting tools, 191 Ceramics, properties, 259 Cermets, compositions and applications, 259-60 Channels. liquid flow through, 154 Charle's law, 102 Charpy test piece, toughness testing. 286 Chemical symbols, metals and alloying elements, 239 Chlorinated materials as cutting fluids, 196 Chlorine, specific heat capacity. gas constant and molecular weight. I IO Chloroform, cubical expansion, 265 Chlorosulphonated polyethylene (CSM) rubbers, 249 Chrome plated steel, as clutch and brake material. 85-6 friction coefficient with phospher bronze; powder metal; steel, 85-6 Chrome vanadium steel (springs), 235 Chromium, applications, 233 coefficient of expansion, 265 density, 263 as steel alloy element, 222 thermal conductivity, 131 Clapeyron's equation of three moments, 27 Clutches, centrifugal. 89-90 cone, 89 disk, multiplate. 89 uniform pressure theory, 89 uniform wear theory. 89 materials, friction characteristics of. 8 5 4 Cobalt, density, 263 expansion coefficient, 265 as steel alloy element. 222 thermal conductivity, 131 Coke, calorific value. 144 Cold rolling, general characteristics, I72 Combustion see Fuels Composites, acronyms for. 257 elastic modulus for. 257 fibres, wires and whiskers, arrangements and properties, 257-8 Compressed straw slab. thermal conductivity. 131 Compression measurement. 272 Compressors. air. reciprocating. 124 reciprocating multi-stage. 125 Roots blower. 125 vane. 1 2 5 4 Concrete. density. 264 friction coefficient with rubber. 86 surface emissivity. 137 thermal conductivity, 132 Conduction of heat see Heat. conduction Conical helical springs, 34 Constantan. density. 263 specific heat capacity. I IO thermal conductivity. 131 thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Contact adhesives. 251 Continuity equation. liquids. 148 Convection. heat see Heat, convection Copper and alloys of, a1Ioy s applications, 229 composition. 228-9 mechanical properties, 228-9 coefficient of expansion. 265 corrosion resistance. 241 density. 263 drill angles. I82 latent heat of fusion. 108 lubricants for drilling. reaming and tapping, 181 milling cutting speeds and feed rates. 187 negative rake cutting speeds. 194 pipe sizes, domestic, 308 pure copper, applications. 229 properties. 240 recommended welding processes, 2 14 resistance temperature coefficient. 277 specific heat capacity. 1 IO as steel alloy element. 222 surface emissivity. 137 thermal conductivity, 131 thermoelectric sensitivity, 275. 276 turning cutting speeds, I75 velocity of sound in, 309 welding fillers and fluxes, 209 Cork, as clutch and brake material. 86 friction coefficient with cast iron; steel, 86 Corkboard, thermal conductivity, 131 Corrosion, metals. galvanic corrosion. 241 galvanic table, 241 prevention, 240 resistance to, 240-1 resistant metals. 260 stress corrosion cracking. 241 Costs. machining, 195 . zyxwvu zyxwvutsrqpo 131 Cardan joint, 72 Carnot heat engine cycle. I 1 8 Cars see Automobile mechanics Casting, centrifugal, 197 die, 172, 197 investment (lost wax), 172. 197-8 sand, 172. 196 shell, 1 9 6 7 Cast iron, black heart iron (BS 310). 219 INDEX zyxwvutsrqponm zy zyxw zyxwvutsrqp Cotton wool, thermal conductivity, I31 Couplings see shafts CP (cellulose proprionate). 242 Crane hooks, bending stresses, 29 CSM (chlorosulphonated polyethylene) rubbers. 249 Cupronickel, applications, 230 corrosion resistance. 241 Cutting, gas flame. 210 Cutting fluid applications, 195-6 Cutting power and speed for turning, I734 Cutting tool materials, carbides. 189. 191 ceramic tools, 191 steels. 189-90 Cutting tools see Turning Cyanoacrylate adhesives, 253 Cylinders, centre of percussion. 60 shrink fit, stresses and pressures, 50 thermal shrinkage. 50 thick, stress with internal pressure, 49 thin. buckling with external pressure. 48 hemispherical ends. distortion and stress, 49 short with circular ends, 49 stress with internal pressure, 48 DAP (diallylphthalate), 244 adhesives for, 255 Darcet's alloy. 237 Deflection. beams see Beams. bending flat plates. 53-5 see also Bending Density. SI equivalents. 292 various materials. 2 6 3 4 DERV, analysis. 145 Dial gauge (dial test indicator). 268 Diallylisophthalate (DIAP). 244 Diallylphthalate (DAP). 244 adhesives for, 255 Dialomite. thermal conductivity, 131 Diamonds. coefficient of expansion, 265 as a cutting material. 189 DIAP (diallylisophthalate).244 Diatomaceous earth, thermal conductivity. 131 Die casting see Casting Diesel. analysis, 145 calorific value. 144 Diesel (constant-pressure) heat engine cycle, 119-20 Douglas fir (timber), properties and permitted stresses. 250 Drag coefficients. various bodies in a gas, 161-5 Drawing. flat metal blanks. 200 metal processing, general characteristics. I72 press tools for. 203 Drilling, 333 core drills, 179 cutting lubricants. 181 drill angles. 182 helix and point angles. 179 metals. cutting and feed speeds, I80 plastics. cutting and feed speeds. 180 reamers, 179 Drop forging. 199-200 Dryness fraction, steam regenerative cycles. I13 vapours. 106. 107 Dunkerley's method. frequency of beam vibration. 32 Duralium, expansion coefficient, 265 Dynamic balancing. 69-70 Dynamometers. eletric generator. 90 fluid brake, 90 friction brake. 90 Earth. basic parameters, 62 Ebonite. coefficient of expansion. 265 Efficiency. automobiles, 78-9 boilers. 144 centrifugal pumps, 1 6 6 7 gas turbines. 117-18 heat engines. I20 heat transfer by fins. 130 internal combustion engines. 121-3 machines. 63 Roots blower, 125 screw threads. 75.84 spur gears. 97 steam plant. 113-16 water turbines, 170-1 worm gears, 99 Elastomers see Rubber Electrical properties, good conducting materials, 261 good insulating materials, 261 high resistance materials. 261 semiconducting materials. 261 Electrolytes, resistance temperature coefficient. 277 Elm (timber). mechanical properties. 250 Emissivity of surfaces. heat. 1 3 6 7 Endurance limit see Fatigue Energy. kinetic. 58-9 potential. 59 rotational kinetic. 59 SI equivalents. 292-3 stored in flywheel. 71 strain, 59 Energy equations, gases. 103 Engine cycles see Heat engine cycles Engineering stock, steel section see Steel section engineering stock Engines. bearings. 9 I internal combustion. compression-ignition, I22 four stroke spark ignition. I2&1. 122 performance curves. 122-3 timing diagrams. 122 two-stroke spark ignition. 121-2 reciprocating movement formulae. 70-1 Enthalpy. gases. 103 impulse-reaction turbine. I I 5 steam regencrativc cyclc. I I 3 vapours. 1 0 6 7 Entropy. gases. 103 vapours, 106. 107 EP (ethylene propylenc) rubbcrc. 249 Epicyclic gears, 100 Epon resins. 245 Epoxies. adhesives for. 255 properties and applications. 245. 247. 248 thermal conductivity. I3 I Epoxy phenolic adhesivcs. 254 Epoxy polyamide adhesives. 254 Epoxy polysulphide adhesives. 254 Epoxy resin adhesives. 254 Epoxy silicone adhesives. 254 ETFE (ethylcnctctrafluoroethylcnc).243 Ethane. density. 264 formula and molecular weight. 140 Specific heat Capacity. gdS COnStdnt and molecular weight. I10 Ethanol (ethyl alcohol). boiling point. 109 cubical expansion. 265 density. 264 formula and molecular weight. 140 freezing point, 266 latent heat of evaporation. 108 specific heat capacity. I I O thermal conductivity. 131 Ether. boiling point. 109 cubical expansion. 265 latent heat of evaporation, IO8 Ethyl alcohol .we Ethanol Ethyl cellulose. adhesives for. 255 Ethyl chloride, thermal conductivity. I3 I Ethylene glycol, freezing point. 266 Ethylene propylene (EP) rubbers. 249 Ethylenctetrafluoroethylene(ETFE). 243 Ethylene-vinyle acetate (EVA), 242. 246 Euler theory. struts buckling. 47 EVA (ethylene-vinylc acetate), 242. 246 Exergy, gases. 1 0 3 4 Expanded polystyrene. thermal conductivity. I3 I Extensometer. 271 Extrusion. cold, 201 hot. 201 impact. 201 process characteristicb. I72 Factor of safety (FS). common components. 309 common materials. 308 definition. 5-6.308 Failure. theories of, 5-6 Fans. centrifupal. backward curved. 169 forward curvcd. 169 radial vane. 169 Fasteners. bolted or rivctcd brackets. I I bolts and bolted joints. 8-1 I . 2 9 3 4 bolt$ in shcar. 11-12 334 z zyxwvutsrqp MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK zyxwvutsr Fasteners. (eontinuecl) nuts and washers, 295-7 pins, 298 rivets, 12, 297-8 screws, 295 welds, strength of. 1 3 1 5 Fatigue, cast iron, 18 non-ferous metals and alloys, 18-19 plastics, 19 steel, 18 welds, 19-20 Feeler (thickness) gauge, 267 Felt, adhesives for, 255 as clutch and brake material, 86 friction coefficient with cast iron; steel, 86 thermal conductivity, 132 FEP (fluoroethylenepropylene), 243 Fibre glass, applications and properties, 238 Fillers, welding, 209 Fins for heat transfer see Heat, transfer from fins Firebrick, thermal conductivity, 132 Fit types and tolerances, 216-17 Flame types, welding, 208 Flexural rigidity, struts, 46 Flow of gases see Gas flow Flow of liquids see Liquid flow Flow measurement, 2 8 1 4 Fluid flow see Gas flow; Liquid flow Fluids, cutting, applications, 195-6 Fluon, 243 Fluorocarbon rubbers, 249 Fluorocarbon thermoplastics, 242-3 adhesives for, 255 Fluoroethylenepropylene (FEP), 243 Fluorosilicone rubbers, 249 Fluxes, welding. 209 Flywheels, acceleration; energy stored; moment of inertia, 71-2 annular ring, 16.72 solid disk, 15-16,71 spoked wheel, 16.72 stresses in, 15-16 thick cylinder, 16 thin ring, 15,72 Foam plastics. 2 4 6 7 Force, SI equivalents, 292 Force ratio see Mechanicdl advantage Forces, balance of, 56 belt drives, 65 centrifugal, 58 centripetal, 58 gravitational, 62 moment of, couple, 57 polygon of, 56 rate of change of momentum. 59 resultant of, 56 triangle of, 56 winches and pulleys, 67-8 Forging, closed die, general characteristics, I72 hand and drop, 199-200 Formaldehyde, properties, 248 Form factors, springs, 37 Four-stroke engines see Engines Francis water turbine, 170-1 Freezing mixtures, 265 Freon, boiling point, 109 thermal conductivity. 131 Frequency of vibration, beams. 3 1-2 forced damped, 82 free undamped, 80 simple harmonic motion, 80 three mass system, 83 Friction, fluids in pipes, 149-50 on inclined plane, 83 laws. 83 rolling, 83-4 screw thread, 84 wedge, 84 Friction coefficients, band brake materials, 86 clutch and brake materials, 8 5 4 general materials, 85 machine tool slide materials, 86 rubber sliding on asphalt; concrete, 86 W O m gears. 100 FS see Factor of safety Fuels, air/fuel ratio, 13943 boiler efficiency, 144 calorific values, 144 chemical analysis, 145 chemical formulae, 140 combustion equations, 140 combustion products, 141-4 consumption, SI equivalents. 293 fuel oil analysis, 145 fuel oil calorific value, 144 gaseous, 1434, 145 mixture strength, 13940 molecular weights of, 140 solid and liquid, 140-3, 145 stoichiometric air/fuel ratio, 139, 140 Galvanic corrosion, 241 galvanic potentials for pure metals, 241 Gases. anergy, 103-4 blast-furnace, analysis, 145 calorific value, 144 Boyle's law, 102 Charles law, 102 coal gas, analysis. 145 calorific value, 144 common gas constants, 110 energy equation, non-flow, 103 steady flow, 103 enthalpy. 103 entropy, 103 exergy, 103-4 internal energy, 103 irreversible processes, adiabatic mixing, 105 throttling (constant enthalpy), 105 mixtures, Dalton's law, 105 natural gas. analysis, 145 calorific value, 144 producer gas, analysis, 145 calorific value, 144 reversible non-flow processes. constant energy (isentropic), 104 constant pressure. 104 constant temperature (isothermal). 104 constant volume, 104 polytropic, 1 0 4 5 Universal gas constant. 102 velocity of sound in. 161 Gases as cutting fluids, 196 Gas flow. drag coefficients for varous bodies, 161-5 isothermal flow in pipes, 161 measurement. 281 through orifice, 161 see ulso Fans Gas-shielded metal arc welding, 213 Gas turbines, simple cycle, I I7 simple cycle with heat exchanger. I18 Gas welding, 207-9 Gauge blocks. 269 Gears, classification. 96 double helical, 98 epicyclic, 100 factor of safety, 309 helical spur, 97-8 herringbone, 98 spiral bevel, 98 spur. 97 straight bevel, 98 teeth. metric, 96 part names. 96 stress concentration factors, 24 worm, 99-100 Germanium. thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Glass, density, 264 expansion coefficient, 265 specific heat capacity. I IO surface emissivity, 137 thermal conductivity, I32 velocity of sound in, 309 Glass ceramics. adhesives for, 255 Glass fibre/wool, thermal conductivity, 132 Glues, animal, 251 casein, 251 fish, 251 vegetable. 251 Glycerine. cubical expansion, 265 freezing point, 266 thermal conductivity, I31 Gold, coefficient of expansion. 265 density. 263 properties pure, 240 resistance temperature coefficient, 217 specific heat capacity, 1 IO thermal conductivity. I3 I thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Governers, Hartnell. 75 Porter. 75 zyxw zyxwvut zyxwvutsrq zy zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqponm 335 INDEX Watt, 75 Gradient force, automobiles, 77 Granite, expansion codficient, 265 Graphite, spaific heat capacity, I IO Grashof number, heat convection, 132 Gravitation, forces of mutual attraction, 62 gravitational constant, 62 Greek alphabet, 310 Grey cast iron, 188, 192, 218, 238 see also Iron Grinding, process calculations, 189 wheels, 188 Gunmetal, applications, 230 coefficient of expansion, 265 composition and mechanical properties, 229 Gyroscope. 6&1 Hand forging, 199-200 Hardboard, thermal conductivity, 132 Hardness numbers, Brinell/Rockwell/Vicker’s, comparison, 239 measurement, 285 Hardwood, friction coefficient with brass; cast iron; hardwood; leather; metal, 85 Hartnell governer, 75 Heat, boiling points of common substances, 109 conduction, through cylinder wall, 129 through flat wall. 128-9 convection, forced laminar flow in pipe, 134 forced turbulent Bow, 134-5 Grashof number, 132 natural from horizontal pipe, 132-3 natural from horizontal plate, 133-4 natural from vertical plate or cylinder, I33 Nusselt number, 132 Prandtl number, 132 Reynold’s number, I 32 Stanton number, I32 good conduding materials, 262 good insulating materials, 262 heat capacity, 102 latent heat, 102 latent heats of common substances, 108 mixing of fluids, 102 radiation, 13S7 emissivity of surfaces, 136-7 geometric factor, I36 interchange factors, 1 3 s specific heat, capacity, 102 relationships, 103 thermal conductivity. gases, 131 insulating materials, 13 I liquids, 131 metals, 131 m i d l a m u s materials. 132 plastics, 131 refrigerants. 131 transfer from fins, 129-31 Heat engine cycles. Carnot, 118-19 constant pressure, I19 diesel (constant pressure). 119-20 dual combustion. I20 Otto (constant-volume). I19 praaical engine, I 2 0 Heat exchangers, multipass and mixed flow, 138 shell and tube, 137-8 steam condenser, 138-9 Helical springs, 3 3 4 Helical spur gears, 97-8 Helium, density, 264 specific heat capacity, gas constant and molecular weight, 110 thermal conductivity, 131 High-speed steels. for cutting, 189-90 Hoists. 68 Hooke’s joint, 72 Hooks, bending, 29 Hoop stress, cylinders, 49 spheres, 50 Hot extrusion, general characteristics, 172 Hot rolling, general characteristics, I72 Hydraulic jack. 147 Hydrocarbon fuels see Fuels Hydrogen, boiling point, 109 calorific value, 144 density, 264 formula and molecular weight. 140 specific heat capacity, gas constant and molecular weight, I10 thermal conductivity, 131 velocity of sound in, 309 Hydrostatics, 1 6 7 Hydrostatic (three dimensional) stress. 2 black heart cast iron, 219. 238 Brinell hardness numbers, 239 coellkient of expansion, 265 corrosion resistance. 240-1 density. 263 drilling cutting speeds and feeds. 180 factors of safety, 308 general cutting speeds. feed rates and power, 192-3 grey cast iron, 188. 192. 218. 238 lubricants for drilling, reaming and tapping, 181 malleable iron properties. 219 milling cutting speeds and feed rates. I87 pearlitic cast iron, 219 properties pure, 240 recommended welding processes, 214 resistance temperature coeftkient, 277 specific heat capacity. 110 spheroidal graphite (SG)iron, 218. 238 thermal conductivity. 131 thennoelectric sensitivity. 275 turning, cutting speeds, 175 power consumption. I74 rake an&. 177 velocity of sound in. 309 welding fillers and fluxes, 209 white heart cast iron, 219 see also Cast iron Isentropic gas process, 104 I S 0 metric metal sheet, strip and wire sizes. 307 I S 0 metric nut and bolt sizes, 299 ISOM metric threads. 8 Isoprene rubbers, 249 I S 0 straight-sided splines. dimensions, 303 Isothermal gas flow in pipes, 161 Isothermal gas process, 104 lzod impact test, toughness testing. 286 Ice. coefficient of expansion, 265 density, 264 latent heat of fusion. IO8 specific heat capacity, 110 thermal conductivity. I32 Impact centre of percussion, cylinder, 60 sphere, 60 uniform thin rod, 60 Impact coefficient of restitution, 59 Impact extrusion, general characteristics, 172 process and application, 201 Impact stress, 3 Impulse, definition, 59 Impulse turbines see Steam plant Inconel, applications, 234 density, 263 springs, 235 thermal conductivity, 131 Inomers, 243 Internal combustion engines see Engines Investment casting. 197-8 Iron, alloy irons, 219 Jack, hydraulic, 147 Jets, 15740 aircraft engine, 160 water jet boat, 159-60 Johnson’s parabolic formula, struts buckling. 47 Kapok. thermal conductivity, 132 Kerosene, analysis, 145 boiling point, 109 calorific value, 144 latent heat of fusion, 108 specific heat capacity, I IO thermal conductivity. 131 Keys see Shafts Keyways. stress concentration factors. 24 Knuckle joints. stin, 4-5 Krypton. density, 264 zyxwvu Laminar flow. through annulus, I57 in circular pipes, 156 between flat plates. 156 Laminated carbide. as a cutting material. 189 Laminated plastics, 24% 336 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrq zyx zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvutsr Latent heats. evaporation. 108 fusion, 108 Lathes see Turning Lathe-tool nomenclature and setting. 1 7 6 8 Lead, applications, 233 coefficient of expansion, 265 density, 263 latent heat of fusion, 108 lead-tin alloys, applications, 234 low melting point alloys, 2 3 6 7 properties pure, 240 resistance temperature coefficient, 277 specific heat capacity, I IO as steel alloy element, 222 thermal conductivity, 131 thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 velocity of sound in, 309 Leaf springs, 35 Leather, adhesives for, 255 as clutch and brake material, 86 friction coefficient with cast iron; hardwood; metal, 85-6 Length, SI equivalents, 291-2 Length measurement, 267-9 Levers, 63 Lignite, analysis, 145 calorific value, 144 Limestone, thermal conductivity, 132 Limits and fits, fit types, 217 terminology, 216 tolerances, 217 Lipowitz’ alloy, 237 Liquid flow, Bernoulli equation, 148 channels, I54 continuity equation. 148 jets, 15840 laminar flow, 1 5 S 7 between flat plates, 156 in circular pipes, 156 through annulus, 157 measurement, 154-5, 281 notches, 153 orifices, flow in, 152-3 over weirs, 153 pipe nozzle flow measurement, 154-5 in pipes, friction, 149-50 laminar flow, 150 pressure loss in fittings and section changes, I5&2 roughness, 150 series and parallel, 150 pumps, centrifugal, 165-8 Reynold’s number, 148, 150, 155 venturi flow measurement, 154-5 viscosity, 1 5 5 6 Liquids, coefficients of cubical expansion, 265 Lost wax casting, 197-8 Loudness of various sounds, 309 Lubricant materials, 263 MA see Mechanical advantage Machines, MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK efficiency, 63 mechanical advantage. 63 velocity ratio, 63 Machine tool bearings, 91 Machine tool slide material frictions, 86 Machining metals. general characteristics. I72 Magnesia, thermal conductivity. 132 Magnesium and alloys of, applications, 234 coefficient of expansion. 265 corrosion resistance, 241 density, 263 drill cutting angles, 182 latent heat of fusion, 108 recommended welding processes, 2 I4 specific heat capacity, I IO thermal conductivity, 131 turning cutting speeds, 175 Magnetic materials, low-loss, 261 permanent, 261 Mahogany timber. mechanical properties. 250 Malleable irons, properties, 219 see also Iron Manganese, applications, 234 density, 263 manganese steel, drill angles, 182 as steel alloy element, 222 Manganin, resistance temperature coefficient, 277 Manometers, 279-80 Marble, surface emissivity, I37 Mass, SI equivalents, 292 Mass flow rate, SI equivalents, 292 Measurement, angle, 270 bending, 272 compression, 272 flow, 281 fluid velocity, 2 8 3 4 hardness testing. 285-7 length, 267-9 pressure, 279-81 rotational speed, 284-5 strain, 271-3 temperature. 274-8 tension, 272 torque, 273 toughness testing, 2 8 6 7 Mechanical advantage (MA). machines. 63 screw threads. 84 Melamine, 246, 247 adhesives for, 255 Merchants circle. tool forces, 1 9 3 4 Mercury. boiling point. 109 cubical expansion, 265 density, 263 properties pure, 240 resistance temperature coefficient. 277 specific heat capacity, I IO thermal conductivity. 131 thermoelectric sensitivity. 275 velocity of sound in, 309 Metal. adhesives for, 255 bending. 203 brazing. 261 casting see Casting chemical symbols for. 239 coating for. 261 corrosion-resistant. 260 cutting, general data, 192-5 surface finish and roughness. 193 see also Drilling; Grinding; Milling; Turning friction coefficient with metal; hardwood., 85 high-strength, 260 high temperature. 260 malleable. 260 press tool theory. 202-3 processes, general characteristics, I72 see also Aluminium; Copper; Iron; Steel etc. Metal sheet dimensions. strip and wire, 307 Methane, density, 264 formula and molecular weight, 140 specific heat capacity. gas constant and molecular weight. I IO thermal conductivity. 131 Methanol, boiling point, 109 density. 264 formula and molecular weight. 140 freezing point. 266 latent heat of evaporation. 108 thermal conductivity, 131 Methyl alcohol, thermal conductivity. 131 Methylpentene, adhesives for. 255 Methylpentene (TPX). 243 Mica. thermal conductivity, 132 Micrometers, 267-8 Mild steel see Steel Milling, cutter types, 183-5 cutting speeds. 1 8 6 7 metal removal rates. 188 power for peripheral. 186 process. 182 table feed rates. 1 8 6 7 Mineral wool quilt. thermal conductivity. 132 Mixtures, combustion see Fuels Molecular weights, common gases. I IO Molybdenum, density. 263 specific heat capacity. 1 I O as steel alloy element. 222 thermal conductivity, 131 Moment of a force. 57 Moments of inertia, flywheels. 71-2 Momentum, definition. 59 Monel. applications. 234 density. 263 lubricants for drilling. reaming and tapping, 181 as spring. 235 thermal conductivity. 131 turning cutting speeds. 175 Moon, basic parameters, 62 Motors. air, 126 Movement ratio see Velocity ratio 337 INDEX Multiplying factors. 291 Muntz metal. applications, 229 composition and mechanical properties. 228 Napthalene. boiling point. 109 Neon. density, 264 Neoprene adhesives. 252 Neoprene rubbers, 249 adhesives for, 255 Newton's alloy. 237 Newton's laws of motion. 58 Nichrome, thermoelectric sensitivity. 275 Nickel and alloys of. applications, 234 coefficient of expansion. 265 corrosion resistance. 241 density. 263 latent heat of fusion. 108 Nickel-silver. applications, 230 as spring. 235 properties pure, 240 recommended welding processes, 2 14 resistance temperature coefficient. 277 Specific heat capacity, 110 as steel alloy element. 222 thermal conductivity, I31 thermoelectric sensitivity. 275 Nimonic, applications. 234 density, 263 Nitric acid, boiling point, 109 Nitrile adhesives, 252 Nitrile rubbers. 249 adhesives for. 255 Nitrogen. boiling point. 109 density, 264 formula and molecular weight. 140 thermal conductivity. 131 Nitrous oxide, specific heat capacity. gas constant and molecular weight. 1 10 Non-ferous metals. endurance limits and fatigue stress. 18-19 Norway spruce (timber), properties and permitted stresses. 250 Notches. liquid flow through, I53 Nozzle flowmeter, 283 Nozzles. liquid flow measurement. 1 5 4 5 turbine and jet engine. convergent. 1 I I convergentdivergent. I IO Nusselt number, heat convection. 132-5 Nuts. I S 0 metric sizes, 299 locking. 9 types of, 8- I I . 2 9 5 4 see also Bolts and bolted joints: Screw threads Nyloc locking nut, 9 Nylon, density, 264 drilling cutting speeds and feeds, 180 properties and applications, 238. 243. turning. drilling. milling properties. 194 Oak (timber). properties and permitted stresses, 250 Octane. formula and molecular weight, 140 Oil. machine. specific heat capacity. I 10 Oils as cutting fluids, 195 Oil thermal conductivity. 131 Olive oil. cubical expansion, 265 Orifice flow meter. 282 Orifices. gas flow through, 161 liquid flow measurement. 154-5 liquid flow through, 152-3 Otto heat engine cycle. I19 Oxyacetylene cutting. cutting speeds. 210 nozzles. 210 pressures. 210 Oxyacetylene welding, 207-9 .werrlso Welding Oxygen. boiling point. 109 density. 264 formula and molecular weight, 140 specific heat capacity. gas constant and molecular weight, I 10 thermal conductivity, I31 velocity of sound in. 309 Perspex .\re Acrylic PETP (polyethylene terephthalate). 243 Petrol. analysis, 145 boiling point. 109 density. 264 specific heat capacity. I 10 PFA (pcrfluoroalcoxy). 243 P F (phcnol formaldehyde). 245 Phenol formaldehyde (PF), properties and applications. 245 propertics mica filled. 247 Phenolic. adhesives for. 255 friction Coefficient moulded. with cast iron: steel. 86 moulded for clutch and brake material. zyxwvuts Paint. surface emissivity. 137 temperature sensitive, 278 Palladium. density. 263 Paper. adhesives for. 255 surface emissivity. 137 Paper. vulcanised, as clutch and brake material, 86 friction coefficient with cast iron: steel, 86 Paraffin, boiling point. 109 CUbkdI expansion. 265 density. 264 latent heat of fusion. 108 Specific hedl Capacity, 110 Paraffin wax. Specific heat Capacity. 110 thermal conductivity. 132 Parson's turbine. I 1 5 Parting-off tool. 178 Pearlitic cast iron (BS 3333). 219 Peat, analysis. 145 calorific value, 144 Pelton water turbine. 170 Pendulum. compound. 61-2 conical. 61 simple, 61 Pentane, formula and molecular weight. X6 Phenolic formaldehyde resin adhcsivcs. 253 Phenolic neoprene adhesive. 253 Phenolic nitrile adhesive. 253 Phenolic polyamide adhesive. 25.1 Phenolic polyvinylacetatc adhcsivcs. 154 Phenolic vinyl adhesives. 253 Phenolids. 246 Phosphor-bronze. applications. 230, 238 coefficient of expansion, 265 composition. 229 density. 263 ncgativc rake cutting specds. 194 properties. 229. 238 springs, 235 Phosphorus. latent heat of fusion. I08 specific heat capacity. 1 10 Physical units. symbols and units. 288--9 Piano (music) wire. 235 Pins for fastening. typcs of. 298 Pipes. copper domestic pipe sizes. 30X fluid flow in. 148-52 pipe roughness. I50 pressure loss in fittings and section changes. l5&2 series and parallel pipes. I50 \PP c r b o Liquid flow thread dimensions. BSP. 301-2 Pistons. acceleration formula. 70 balancing, 70 displacement formula. 70 velocity formula, 70 Pitot-static tube. 283 Plastics. cellular, 24&7 drilling cutting speeds and feed>. 1x0 endurance limits and fatigue stress, 19 foam, 2 4 6 7 laminated plastics. 245-6 properties, 247-8 surface emissivity. I37 thermoplastics. 242-4 thermosets. 24&5 turning characteristics. I76 Plates. loaded Rat, stress and dcflcction. circular. with central hole. 55 clamped edges. 53 edges simply supported. 53 zyx zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe zyxwvutsrqponm zyxwvutsrqponmlkjih 247 thermal conductivity. 13 I turning characteristics. 176 I40 Perfluoroalcoxy (PFA). 243 Periodic time. free damped vibration, 81 free undamped vibration. 80 simple harmonic motion, 80 Perry-Robertson formula. struts buckling. 47-8 338 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqp zyxw MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Plates, (continued) rectangular, clamped edges. 54 simply supported, 54 Platinum. applications, 234 coefficient of expansion, 265 density, 263 properties pure, 240 resistance temperature coefficient, 277 specific heat capacity, 1 IO thermal conductivity, 131 thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Plexiglas, 242 Plumber’s solder. applications, 234 Plywood, thermal conductivity, 132 Poisson’s ratio, definition, 1.5 Polyacetal, 242 Polyacrylate adhesive, 253 Polyacrylic rubbers, 249 Polyamide adhesives, 253 Polyamides, 243 adhesives for, 255 Polycarbonate, adhesives for, 255 drilling cutting speeds and feeds, 180 properties and applications, 244 turning characteristics, 176 Polychloroprene adhesives, 252 Polychloroprene rubbers, adhesives for, 255 Polyester, 245, 246, 248 adhesives for, 255 Polyester acrylic adhesive, 253 Polyester (unsaturated) adhesives, 254 Polyethersulphone. 243 Polyethylene see Polythene Polyethylene terephthalate (PETP), 243 adhesives for, 255 Polyformaldehyde. adhesives for, 255 Polyimides, laminated plastics, 246 thermosets, 245, 254 Polyisoprene natural rubber, 248 Polyphenylene oxide, 244 Polyphenylene sulphide, 244 Polypropylene, 244 adhesives for. 255 density, 264 drilling cutting speeds and feeds, 180 turning cutting speeds and feeds, 176 Polypropylene oxide (PPO). 243. 247 Polystyrene, adhesives for, 255 applications, 238, 244, 247 density, 264 drilling, 180, 194 expanded, 246 high-density foam, 246 milling properties, 194 properties, 238, 244, 247 turning, 176, 194 Polysulphide rubber adhesives, 252 Polysulphide rubbers, 249 Polysulphone, 244 Polytetrafluoroethylene (FTFE), 243, 247 Polythene (polyethylene), adhesives for, 255 density, 264 drilling cutting speeds and feeds, 180 foams, 243,246 high density, 243, 247 thermal conductivity, 131 turning characteristics, 176 Polytropic gas process, 104 Polyurethane, adhesives for, 255 as an adhesives, 252 foam, 246 thermal conductivity, 132 rubbers. 249 Polyvinyl acetate adhesive, 252 Polyvinyl alcohol adhesive, 252 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). 244, 246. 247 adhesives for, 255 Poplar (timber). mechanical properties, 250 Porcelain, coeffcient of expansion, 265 thermal conductivity, I32 Porter governer. 75 Potassium, thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Powdered metal, advantages, 236 as clutch and brake material, 85-6 friction coefficient with cast iron; chrome plated steel, 85-6 metals used, 236 process, 236 Power, automobiles, 78-9 definition, 59 metal cutting requirements. 192-3 SI equivalents. 293 PPMA. 242 PPO (polypropylene oxide), 243 Prandtl number, heat convection, 132, 135 Press tools, 202-3 Pressure, in liquids, 146-7 SI equivalents, 292 Pressure measurement, barometers, 279 Bourdon pressure gauge, 281 manometers, 279-80 pressure transducers, 281 pressure units, 279 Press work, 202-3 Projectiles, 63 Proof stress, steel, 287 Propane, boiling point, 109 density. 264 formula and molecular weight, 140 specific heat capacity, gas constant and molecular weight, 1 IO Propene, formula and molecular weight, principle. I 6 5 4 specific speed concept. 171 PVC (polyvinyl chloride). 244. 246, 247 density. 264 thermal conductivity. I3 I turning. drilling. milling properties. 194 Pyrometers, 278 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrq 140 Protective coatings, corrosion prevention, 240 PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene). 243. 247 density, 264 thermal conductivity, 13I turning, drilling, milling properties. 194 Pulleys, 67 Pump bearings, 91 Pumps, centrifugal. cavitation, 168 characteristics, 167-8 head. 166 inlet angles. 167 power and efficiency, I67 Quartz, coefficient of expansion. 265 Radiation. heat, 135-7 emissivity of surfaces, 1 3 6 7 Railway axle bearings. 91 Rake angle, turning, 177 Rankin cycle, dry saturated steam, I I2 with reheat. I13 with superheat, 112-13 RankinGordon formula, struts buckling, 47 Reaming, 179 cutting lubricants, 181 see olso Drilling Reciprocating masses, balancing, 70 Redux adhesive. 254 Refrigerators, gas refrigeration cycle, 127-8 pressure-enthalpy chart, 127 vapour compression cycle, 127 Reheat Factor. steam turbines. 116 Resilience. shear. 6 tension and compression, 6 Resistance temperature coefficients, 277 Resistance thermometers. 277 Resolution of forces. 57 Resorcinol formaldehyde (RF) adhesives, 253 Restitution. coefficient of. 59 Reynolds number, fluid flow, 148, I50 heat convection. 132, 135 Rhodium, thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Rings, bending stresses, 29-31 Rivets, stress in. 12 types Of, 297-8 Rockets, 63-4 Rockwell hardness, 239, 285 Rock wool, thermal conductivity, 132 Rod, uniform. centre of percussion. 60 Rolled metal, process characteristics, 172 rolled sections, 204-5 beams, 204 channels, 204 columns, 204 joists, 204 rolling mills, 202 Roller bearings, contact stresses on roller and surfaces, 52 see also Bearings Rolling resistance, automobiles, 77 Roots blower, 125 Rope, wire, factors of safety, 309 Rose’s alloy, 237 Rotameter. 282 Rotating masses. balancing. 68-9 zy INDEX zy zyxwvutsrqp 339 Rotational speed measurement. 284-5 Roughness, metal cutting, 193 Rubber couplings, 41-7 see also shafts Rubber (elastomers). adhesives, 251-2 adhesives for, 255 cellular, 247 coefficient of expansion, 265 densities. 264 friction coefficient with asphalt; concrete; metal; road, 8 5 4 natural, 248 specific heat capacity, 1 IO surface emissivity, 137 synthetic, 248-50 thermal conductivity. 132 velocity of sound in. 309 Rubber springs, 37 Rule. engineer's, 267 rubber-tyre type, 41 sleeve, 42 solid bolted. 43 solid pinned sleeve, 43 solid sleeve. 43 critical speed of whirling, cantilevered shaft with disk. 44 central disk shaft, 44.45 Dunkerley's calculation method, 45 energy calculation method, 45 non-central disk shaft, 44-5 uniform shafts, 45 factors of safety, 309 with gears, 39 keys. feather. 40 Gibhead. 40 rectangular. 40.302 round. 40 saddle. 40 WOodrufT. 40 with levers, 39 resultant bending moment, 38-9 splines, 41 stress concentration factors. 2 1 4 torque diagram, 39 torsional vibration, single disk on shaft, 46 two disks on shaft. 46 torsion in, 6 7 Shearing press tools, 203 Shear stress see Stress, shear Shell casting. 1%7 Shore scleroscope, hardness testing. 285 Shrink fit, cylinders, 50 SI equivalents. 291-3 Silica, specific heat capacity, 1 IO Silica gel. corrosion prevention. 240 Silicon. specific heat capacity, 1 I O as steel alloy element, 223 thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Silicon-chromium steel (spring), 235 Silicone resin adhesives. 253 Silicone rubber adhesives. 252 Silicone rubbers. 249 adhesives for, 255 Silicones. 245, 246, 248 Silicon foams, 246 Silicon-mangenese steel (spring). 235 Silicon nitride, properties, 259 Silver, applications. 234 expansion coefficient, 265 latent heat of fusion, 108 properties pure, 240 resistance temperature coefficient, 277 specific heat capacity. I IO thermal conductivity, 131 thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Silver solder, 205 Simple harmonic motion, frequency, 80 periodic time, 80 Sine bar, angle measurement, 270 Sintering, general characteristics, I72 Slag wool, thermal conductivity, 132 Slate, expansion coefficient. 265 thermal conductivity, 132 Slenderness ratio. struts, 46 Slides, machine tools. materials for. characteristin of. 86 Slip gauges, angle measurement. 270 linear measurement. 269 Sodium, density. 263 thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Sodium silicate adhesive. 254 Solar system. 62 Soldering, common solder alloys. 260 joint types, 206 silver solder. 205 soft solder, 205 zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvutsrqp Salt. specific heat capacity, I IO Sand, specific heat capacity, I I O thermal conductivity, 132 Sand casting. 196 Sandstone, coefficient of expansion, 265 thermal conductivity, 132 Satellites, orbital velocity, 64 orbit height, 64 orbit time, 64 synchronous, 64 SBR (Styrene butadiene rubbers), 248 Scots pine, mechanical properties, 250 screws, types of, 295 Screw threads, Acme threads, 76 British Association (BA), 8,300 British Standard Fine (BSF), 8 British Standard Pipe (BSP), 8 BSP pipes, Whitworth thread, 301-2 buttress threads, 76 coeflscient of friction, 77.84 I S 0 metric. 8, 299 multi-start threads, 76 power transmission, 75 square threads, 76.84 stress concentration factors, 24 Unified Coarse (UNC), 8.301 Unified Fine (UNF), 8,301 vee threads, 76.84 Seawater, specific heat capacity, I IO Selenium, thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Semiconducting materials, 261 Semi-conducton. resistance temperature coefficient, 277 Shafts, couplings, bonded rubber, 43-5 claw, 42 disk, 41 gear, 42 Metalflux, 42 metal spring. 42 moulded rubber insert, 41 Muff, 42 Oldham, 42 rubber-bushed pin, 41 sound, loudness of various. 309 sound absorbing materials, 262 velocity in a gas, 161 velocity in various media, 309 Specific heat. gases. definition, 103 Specific heat capacities. common SUbstdm. 110 Sphere, centre of percussion, 60 hoop stress, thin with internal pressure. 49 stresses, thick with internal pressure. 4%50 Spheroidal graphite (SG)iron, properties, 218. 238 Spinning metal processing, general characteristics, I72 Spiral springs see Springs Spline dimensions. IS0 straight-sided, 303 Splines see Shafts Spring materials. alloy steels. 235 carbon steels, 235 moduli of, 235 non-ferrous alloys. 235 spring brass. 235 Springs. Bellville washer (disk or diaphragm), 36.38 clock, 38 conical helical compression. 34 cylindrical torsion, 37 Factors of safety, 309 helical compression, 32.334 helical tension. 33 helical torsion. 33 leaf, 35 rubber, cylindrical shear. 37 two-block shear. 37 spiral. 34 strain energy/form factors, 37-8 torsion bar. 35-6 vibration. axial. 33 torsional. 33 Wahl Factor. 32 Spur gears, 97 Square threads, 76 Stainless steel. austinitic. 225-7 ferritic, 225-7 Martensitic. 225-7 zyxwvutsrq 340 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqpo MECHANICAL ENGINEER'S DATA HANDBOOK Stainless steel. (continued) springs, 235 see also Steel Stanton number, heat convection, 132 Steam, density. 264 Steam plant, condenser heat exchangers. 138-9 impulse-reaction turbine. 115-16 impulse turbine, pressure compounded. 1 IS reheat factor and efficiency, 116 single-stage, I14 velocity compounded, 1 I5 Rankin cycle, dry saturated steam. 112 with reheat, I13 with superheat. 112-13 regenerative cycle, 113 Steel, applications. 237 Brinell hardness numbers, 239 British standards for, 228 chrome-vanadium (spring), 235 as clutch and brake material, 8 S 6 coefficient of expansion, 265 corrosion resistance, 2 6 1 density, 263 drilling, cutting speeds, feed rates and power, 180, 192-3 endurance limits and fatigue stress, 18 friction with various materials, 8 s hard-drawn spring, 235 high-speed steels, 190 high strength, 260 lubricants for drilling, reaming and tapping, 181 as machine tool slide material, 86 milling cutting speeds, feed rates and power, 187-8. 192-3 negative rake cutting speeds. 194 oil-tempered spring, 235 physical properties, 237 silicon-chromium (spring), 235 silicon-mangenese (spring), 235 steel tools, 190 surface emissivity, I37 tensile testing, 286-7 thermal conductivity, 131 turning, cutting speeds, feed rates and power, 1745, 192-3 rake angle, I77 velocity of sound in, 309 welding fillers and fluxes, 209 welding processes, 2 14 see also Carbon steel; Stainless steel; Steel alloys Steel alloys, alloy elements, 221 aluminium, effect of, 222 cast high-alloy properties. 224 chromium, effect of, 222 cobalt, effect of, 222 copper, effect of, 222 high alloy. 222, 223 lead, effect of, 222 low alloy, 222, 223 mangenese, effect of, 222 medium alloy. 222, 223 molybdenum, effect of, 222 nickel, effect of. 222 silicon, effect of. 223 sulphur, effect of, 223 titanium, effect of, 223 tungsten. effect of. 223 vanadium. effect of. 223 Steel section engineering stock. dimensions of. circular hollow section, 304 hollow rectangular section. 306 hollow square section. 305 Steelwork, factors of safety. 309 Stoichiometric air/fuel ratio. 139, 140 Stone, density, 264 factors of safety, 308 Straight-line formula, struts buckling. 47 Strain, definition, 1 measurement. 271-3, 287 strain gauges, 271-3 Strain energy. shear, 6 springs, 38 tension and compression, 6 torsion, 7 Strain gauges. 271-3 strain gauge rosette, 273 Strength see Stress Strength of materials, high strength-to-weight materials, 262 Stress, 1-7 balls. contact, 51-2 bars, thick curved, 28-9 thin curved. 29-30 bending, 2.45 bending and direct combined. 2 bending and torsion, 2-3 bolts, IO. 11-12 butt joints, 12 compound, 2,3 compressive, 25 concentration Factors, bending stepped bars. 2 I gear teath, 24 groved shafts, 22 keyways, 24 plate with hole, 20 screw threads, 24 stepped shafts, 23 welds, 24 contact, balls and rollers, 51-2 crane hooks, 29 crushing, 4 5 . I2 cylinders, 48-50 fatigue stress, 17, 18-20 fluctuating, alternating, 17 repeated. 17 flywheels, 15-1 6 hoop, 49 hydrostatic. 2 impact, 3 knuckle joints, 4 5 lap joints. 12 plate, circular. 53 circular with hole. 55 rectangular concentrated load, 54 rectangular uniform load. 54 rings. 28-31 rivets, I 2 rollers. contact, 52 rotational. 15-16 shear. 1.45. 1@12 shrink fit cylinders, 50 SI equivalents. 292 Soderberg diagram. 18 spheres. 49-50 struts. 48 tensile, 4 welds. 12-15 stress concentration factors. 24 Stress corrosion cracking. 241 Stroboscope. 284 Struts, buckling. Euler theory, 47 Johnson's parabolic formula. 47 Perry-Robertson formula. 47-8 RankinGordon formula. 47 straight-line formula. 47 pinned. deflection with lateral load. 48 Studs. 9 Styrene. drilling cutting speeds and feeds. 180 turning cutting speeds and feeds, 176 Styrene butadiene rubber adhesives. 252 Styrene butadiene rubbers. 248 Sulphur, formula and molecular weight, 140 latent heat of fusion, 108 as steel alloy element. 223 Sulphur dioxide. density. 264 formula and molecular weight. 140 latent heat of evaporation, 108 specific heat capacity, gas constant and molecular weight, 1 IO thermal conductivity. 131 Sulphuric acid. boiling point. 109 cubical expansion. 265 Sulphur monoxide, formula and molecular weight, 140 Sun, basic parameters, 62 Superposition, loads on beams. 25 Surface finish, metal cutting, 193 Sycamore (timber), mechanical properties, 250 Symbols for physical quantities, 288-9 zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsr zyx Tachometers, electrical. 284 mechanical. 284 Tantalum. thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Tapered bores. measurement of angle, 270 Tapping. cutting lubricants. 181 drill sizes for, 181 see dso Drilling Technical terms. abbreviations. 290 Teeth see Gears Teflon. 243 Tellurium, thermoelectric sensitivity. 275 Temperature. conversion. 107-8 Temperature measurement. bimetalic thermometers, 278 liquid-in-glass thermometers, 274 INDEX zyxwvutsrqpo zy 341 pyrometers. 278 reference temperatures (freezing/melting/boiling points). 279 resistance thermometers. 2 7 6 7 sensitive paints. 278 thermisters, 277-8 thermocouples, 2 7 4 4 Temperatures. freezing mixtures. 265 Tensile testing, steel. 2 8 6 7 Tension, stepped bar with fillets. 21 Tension measurement. 272 Textiles, adhesives for, 255 TFE-fluorocarbon, drilling cutting speeds and feeds, 180 turning characteristics. I76 Thermal conductivity coefficients. various materials. 131 2 Thermal resistance. 128 Thermisters, temperature measurement. 277-8 Thermocouple temperature measurement. 274-6 limits for combinations, 275 thermal emf for combinations, 276 thermoelectric sensitivity of materials. 275 Thermodynamics see Heat Thermometers, alcohol. 274 bimetal, 278 electronic thermocouple, 276 mercury in glass. 274 mercury in steel, 274 resistance, 2 7 6 7 sensitive paint. 278 see also Temperature measurement Thermopiles, 275 Thermoplastics, 2 4 2 4 . 246 as an adhesive, 252-3 turning characteristics. I76 turning, drilling, milling properties. 194 Thermosets. 244. 246-7 adhesives for. 255 as an adhesive. 2 5 3 4 Threads see Screw threads Throttling. irreversible gas process, I05 Tile, surface emissivity, 137 Timber, applications. 238 factors of safety, 308 properties, 238 Timing belts see Belt drives Tin. applications. 234 coefficient of expansion. 265 density, 263 latent heat of fusion, 108 low melting point alloys. 236-7 specific heat capacity. I I O thermal conductivity, I31 Tinman’s solder, applications. 234 Titanium. applications. 234 coefficient of expansion. 265 corrosion resistance, 241 density, 263 recommended welding processes. 21 4 specific heat capacity, 1 IO as steel alloy element, 223 Tolerances. limits and fits, 2 1 6 1 7 Tool forces, Merchants circle, I 9 3 4 Tools see Drilling; Milling: Turning Torque, automobiles, 78-9 Torque diagrams. 39 Torque measurement, 273 Torque-wrench tightening. IO Torsion. hollow circular shaft. 6.7 rectangular bar, 6 7 shafts. 22, 23 solid circular shaft. 6 stress, 2,6.7 thin bar and thin section, 7 thin tubular section. 7 torsion bar spring. 35-6 Toughness tests, 286 TPX (methylpentene). 243 Tractive effort. automobiles. 78 Tufnol. 245 Tungsten. applications. 234 coefficient of expansion. 265 density, 263 properties pure, 240 resistance temperature coefficient. 277 specific heat capacity. 110 as steel alloy element. 223 thermal conductivity, 131 thermoelectric sensitivity, 275 Turbine blades and rotors, factors of safety, 309 Turbine engines, 91 Turbine How meters. 282 Turbines, impulse (Pelton) water, 170 reaction (Francis) water. 170- I specific speed concept. 171 see afso Gas turbines: Steam plant Turning. cutting power, 1 7 3 4 cutting speeds, 175 cutting tool forces, I73 force versus cutting speed. I74 force versus depth of cut, I74 force versus feed rate, 175 lathe operation standard times. 176 lathe-tool nomenclature and setting. 176-8 metal cutting. single point. 173 parting-off tools, 178 plastics, I76 rake angle, I77 tool life, 174 tool setting. I78 Turpentine, CUbkdI expansion. 265 latent heat of evaporation. 108 specific heat capacity. I10 Turret lathe operations, 176 see also Turning Two-stroke engines see Engines Type metal, 234 Uranium. density, 263 specific heat capacity. I IO thermal conductivity. I 3 I Urea formaldehyde. thermal conductivity. 132 Urea formaldehyde foam (UF). 246. 247 zyxwvutsrq zyx Vanadium. density. 263 specific heat capacity. I IO as steel alloy element. 223 Vane air compressor. 125-6 Vapours. as cutting Huids. 196 dryness fraction, 106. 107 enthalpy. 1 0 6 7 enthalpy-entropy diagram. 107 Vee belts see Belt drives Vee thread. 76.84 Vehicles on curved horizontal track. overturning speed. ho skidding speed, 60 Velocity. SI equivalents, 292 Velocity of flow meters, 2 8 3 4 Velocity ratio (VR). machines. 63 screw threads. 84 winches and pulleys. 67-8 Venturi. How meters, 282 liquid flow measurement. 154-5 Vibration. beams. 31-2 forced damped. 8 1-2 free damped. critical. 81 heavy. 81 light. 81 free undamped. spring mass. 80 torsional. 80 helical springs, 33 simple harmonic motion, 79-80 three mass system. 83 Vicker’s pyramid hardness number (VPN). 239. 285 Viscosity, dynamic. 156 kinematic. I56 water. 156 Volume. SI equivalents. 292 Volume flow rate, SI equivalents. 292 VPN see Vicker‘s pyramid hardness number VR see Velocity ratio zyxwvutsr UF (urea formaldehyde foam). 246, 247 UNC (Unified Coarse) threads, 8.301 UNF (Unified Fine) threads, 8.301 Units. abbreviations. 291 Units for physical quantities, 288-9 Universal gas constant. 102 Wahl factor. springs. 32 Washers, helical spring lock, IO tab washer. I O two coil spring, I O types of. 2 9 6 7 Water. boiling point, 109 cubical expansion, 265 density. 264 heavy. specific heat capacity. 1 I O latent heat of evaporation. 108 specific heat capacity. I IO zyx zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvuts zyxwvutsrq 342 MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S DATA HANDBOOK Water, (confinued) steam, formula and molecular weight, 140 surface emissivity, 137 thermal conductivity, 131 velocity of sound in, 309 viscosity, 156 Water based fluids as cutting fluids, 195 Water uapour, thermal conductivity, 131 Watt governer, 75 Wedge, friction forces, 84 Weirs, liquid flow through, 153 Welding, arc, edge preparation, 214 fillet welds, 21 1-12 fusion joint processes, 21 1 gas shielded, 213 recommended usage, 214 resistance seam, 2 12-1 3 solidfliquid joint processes, 21 I solid phase joint processes, 21 I spot welding, 212 gas, carburizing flame, 208 edge preparation, s p e d and metal thickness, 207-8 fillers and fluxes, 209 flame cutting, 210 methods, 208-9 neutral h e . 208 oxidizing flame, 208 oxyacetylene welding, 207 recommended usage, 214 bracket welds, 13 butt welds, 13, 21 1-12 factors of safety, 309 fillet welds, 13 stress allowable, 216 symbols, 213 tack welds. 21 I terminology. 21 5 throat size, 215 weld fatigue failure, 19-20 weld group properties, 14-15 weld stress concentration, 24 Wheels, cast iron, factors of safety, 309 White heart cast iron (BS 309). properties, 219 Winches, 67 wood, adhesives for, 255 as clutch and brake material, 86 densities, 263 friction coefficient with cast iron; steel, 8% properties and permitted stresses, 250 specific heat capacity. I IO surface emissivity, 137 thermal conductivity, I32 velocity of sound in, 309 Wood alcohol, boiling point, 109 latent heat of evaporation, 108 Wood’s metal, 237 Work. definition, 58-9 SI equivalents. 292-3 Worm gears. 99 Wrought aluminium see Aluminium Xenon, density, 264 Yield stress, steel, 287 Young’s modulus, definition. 1 steel testing, 287 Zinc. applications, 234 corrosion resistance, 241 density, 263 latent heat of fusion, 108 properties pure, 240 specific heat capacity, I IO thermal conductivity. I31 zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr zyxwv zyxwvu zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsr zyxw zyxwvut zy I Thii book provides the student and profwod nwhniilaagimerwith a mference text of an essdaHypmdicd nature. Uncluttered by tat, an extensive use of illustrations and tables provides quick and ckar KUSSto inhndh. h also indudes exampbs d Wkd cokulolionr 011 mony d the a p p l i i ofidwbgydby mrchanicol and produdioA etqinm,d m u g h m dqinwiqdesigners. comms Slragtk of matodds: Trpesofdrssr urength offostenm Stress due to rotation Fatigue and drsss conontrotion Boding of beams Spriqjs shahs Struts Cylinders and hollow Iphrrer bntoddrsss*Flatm udania: M'mech4nics Bdt drives Balancing Miscellaneousmachine dements Autorobib mechanics Vibmtions Friction Bmkesddutthes Bearings Gwrs Flow of lids in pipes and duds Fbw of liquids through voriow bvices V i a n d h i n a r h Fluid iats Flow dgosos Fluid machines ky ndaks:Hydrostoticr - rclkrkb:Ferrous metals Non-ferrous metals Miscellaneousmetals W Ebsbmors Wood Adhesives brnposites Ceramics (kments Materialsfor special quhmmts ~laneousinfonnation :- h g t h mmumment Angle mearurement Strain mearumment Flow measurement Velocity mearurenmnt Rotoliosal rpesd measurement Matwiak fasting measurement Twnprrohrre measurement Pressure m e a s u m hmml dah : Units and symbols Fadeners Enginerring stock Miscellaneousdata Glossary Index I S B N 0-7506-1960-0 An knprlnt o f Elsevier Science 9 780750 619608