JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 113, C10031, doi:10.1029/2007JC004629, 2008
Ocean acidification of the Greater Caribbean Region 1996–2006
Dwight K. Gledhill,1 Rik Wanninkhof,2 Frank J. Millero,3 and Mark Eakin1
Received 9 November 2007; revised 5 May 2008; accepted 20 August 2008; published 31 October 2008.
[1] The global oceans serve as the largest sustained natural sink for increasing
atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. As this CO2 is absorbed by seawater, it
not only reacts causing a reduction in seawater pH (or acidification) but also decreases the
carbonate mineral saturation state (W), which plays an important role in calcification
for many marine organisms. Ocean acidification could affect some of the most
fundamental biological and geochemical processes of the sea in coming decades.
Observations obtained in situ from Volunteer Observing Ships and multiple geochemical
surveys have been extended using satellite remote sensing and modeled environmental
parameters to derive estimates of sea-surface alkalinity (AT) and carbon dioxide partial
pressure (pCO2,sw). Pairing estimates of AT and pCO2,sw have permitted characterization
of the changes in sea-surface W, which have transpired over the past decade throughout the
Greater Caribbean Region as a consequence of ocean acidification. The results reveal
considerable spatial and temporal variability throughout the region. Despite this
variability, we observed a strong secular decrease in aragonite saturation state (Warg) at a
rate of approximately 0.012 ± 0.001 Warg yr1 (r2 = 0.97, P < 0.001).
Citation: Gledhill, D. K., R. Wanninkhof, F. J. Millero, and M. Eakin (2008), Ocean acidification of the Greater Caribbean Region
1996 – 2006, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C10031, doi:10.1029/2007JC004629.
1. Introduction
[2] Anthropogenic activities during the last century have
driven atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations to
levels greater than, and increasing at a rate much faster than,
experienced on Earth for at least the last 650,000 years
[Petit et al., 1999; Augustin et al., 2004; Siegenthaler et al.,
2005]. The global oceans are the largest natural reservoir for
this excess CO2, absorbing approximately one-third of that
attributed to anthropogenic activities each year [Sabine et
al., 2004]. Consequently, dissolved gaseous CO2 in the
surface ocean will likely double over its pre-industrial value
by the middle of this century having important consequences for the marine environment. While the ocean’s uptake of
CO2 has alleviated some of the atmospheric burden, the
subsequent impact on surface ocean chemistry may represent the most dramatic change in over 20 million years
[Feely et al., 2004]. When CO2 reacts with seawater, a
series of equilibrium reactions occur including the production of carbonic acid causing a reduction in seawater pH.
While seawater is naturally ‘‘buffered’’ against such
changes, it does so at the expense of carbonate ions which
play an important role in the creation of calcium carbonate
shells and skeletons produced by a large number of marine
organisms (e.g., corals, marine plankton, coralline algae,
and shellfish). Such changes in ocean chemistry in response
to increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 have been recog1
NOAA NESDIS Coral Reef Watch, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA.
NOAA OAR AOML, Miami, Florida, USA.
Rosenstiel School, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA.
Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union.
nized for more than three decades [e.g., Broecker et al.,
1971; Bacastow and Keeling, 1972] and are clearly seen in
seawater CO2 observations obtained from several continuous ocean time-series stations and repeated geochemical
surveys. These include, for example: BATS (Bermuda
Atlantic Time-series Study) in the NW Atlantic Ocean
[e.g., Bates et al., 1996; Bates, 2007], station ALOHA (A
Long-term Oligotrophic Habitat Assessment) near Hawaii
in the North Pacific Ocean [e.g., Karl et al., 2001; Keeling
et al., 2004] as well as in the World Ocean Circulation
Experiment (WOCE) and Joint Global Ocean Flux Study
(JGOFS) [Sabine et al., 2004; Feely et al., 2004]. In coming
decades, this process of ‘‘ocean acidification’’ could affect
some of the most fundamental biological and geochemical
processes of the sea [Caldeira and Wickett, 2003].
[3] A number of biological systems have now demonstrated a sensitivity to changes in carbonate chemistry
from reef-building corals and coralline algae [e.g., Gattuso
et al., 1998a; Marubini et al., 2001, 2002; Reynaud et
al., 2003; Marshall and Clode, 2002; Ohde and Hossain,
2004; Borowitzka, 1981; Gao et al., 1993; Langdon et al.,
2000, 2003; Langdon and Atkinson, 2005; Leclercq et al.,
2000, 2002; Yates and Halley, 2006; Kuffner et al., 2008]
to phytoplankton [e.g., Riebesell et al., 2000; Riebesell,
2004; Bijma et al., 2002]. The effects of ocean acidification
on corals, which produce the calcium carbonate mineral
aragonite, appears not to be directly related to changes in
pH per se, but instead related to corresponding changes in
carbonate mineral saturation state (W), where W can be
described as the ratio of the ion concentration product
3 ]) to the stoichiometric solubility product
(K*sp) of the mineral phase of interest (typically aragonite)
[Morse and Berner, 1972]. A near first-order linear rela-
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Figure 1. Map of the Greater Caribbean Region. The lines show a composite of the 2002 –2006
Explorer of the Seas ship tracks where underway pCO2,sw and ancillary data were collected. Discrete
measurements of multiple sea-surface carbonate parameters were measured as part of several
geochemical surveying efforts throughout the region between 1996 and 2006 (grey squares). These
include the ACT Cruises (June 1997), WOCE A22 (August 1997, October 2003), WOCE AR01
(February 1998), selected Explorer of the Seas transects (March 2003, May and August 2005, November
2006), and the ABACO Easter Boundary Current Cruise (March 2006). In some instances, only total
alkalinity was measured (black triangles).
tionship was observed between calcification rate and aragonite saturation state (Warg) by Langdon and Atkinson
[2005] similar to the inorganic precipitation kinetics described by Morse et al. [2003]. Responses beyond the
effects on calcification rate have also been observed. For
example, a decreased abundance of crustose coralline algae
due to ocean acidification has been experimentally demonstrated [Kuffner et al., 2008].
[4] Modern-day ocean carbonate chemistry was computed
by Orr et al. [2005] from observed total alkalinity (AT) and
dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) data collected as part of
WOCE and JGOFS [Key et al., 2004]. Using these calculations along with simulated DIC from ocean models that
were forced by multiple IPCC CO2 scenarios, they estimated
changes in surface Warg through the year 2100 [Orr et al.,
2005]. Applying the IPCC IS92a ‘‘business as usual’’
scenario, and assuming the calcification rate-Warg relationship observed in the experimental studies, they estimated
that the resulting changes in surface Warg could cause
calcification rates to decline by up to 50% by 2100. Such
projections have garnered considerable interest from the
coral community as this would likely compromise coral reef
accretion. These models currently contain important omissions in that they exclude much of the Greater Caribbean
Region, Gulf of Mexico, and the ‘‘coral triangle’’ (Indonesian-Philippines Region and Far Southwestern Pacific Region). These are non-trivial omissions as these waters
contain vast coral reef ecosystems that may be negatively
impacted by ocean acidification. We focus here on estimating the carbonate chemistry changes that have transpired
over the past decade in one such region: the Greater
Caribbean Region (GCR).
[5] Using the convention employed by Olsen et al.
[2004], we refer to the GCR as the region comprising
waters 90°– 60°W, 15°– 30°N. This region houses extensive
carbonate platform production and coral reef ecosystems
including those of the Antilles island arc, Puerto Rico,
Hispaniola, Jamaica, Cuba, Bahamas, and the Florida Keys.
The waters of this region are predominantly oligotrophic
and similar to the subtropical gyre from which it receives
most of its water. These reefs are important to the US and
many Caribbean nations with an estimated annual net
economic value between US$3.1 – 4.6 billion in 2000
[Burke and Maidens, 2004]. Unfortunately, at least 2/3 of
Caribbean reefs are threatened by numerous local threats
with some of the greatest threats coming from human
population growth, overfishing, coastal development, sediments, land-based pollution, nutrient runoff, boat damage
and coral disease [Burke and Maidens, 2004; Kleypas and
Eakin, 2006]. Climatic threats of rising ocean temperatures
and ocean acidification further exacerbate the problems
facing Caribbean reefs.
[6] Here we extend observations obtained in situ from the
Volunteer Observing Ship Explorer of the Seas and multiple
geochemical surveys using satellite remote sensing and
modeled environmental parameters to estimate the seasonal
and spatial variability in Warg and to evaluate the changes in
surface ocean chemistry that have transpired over the past
decade throughout the GCR.
2. Methods and Data
2.1. General Approach
[7] In order to fully describe the carbonic acid system and
solve for Warg, it is required that at least two of the carbonate
parameters (pCO2,sw, AT, DIC, pH) be known. To achieve
this, we have computed daily fields of AT and pCO2,sw
(carbon dioxide partial pressure) through the application of
a variety of modeled and remotely sensed environmental
parameters. Sea-surface pCO2,sw was estimated using an
empirical model relating the differential between seasurface and atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (DpCO2 =
pCO2,sw pCO2,air) to changes in CO2 gas solubility (K0).
Sea-surface AT was derived using the empirical relationships
recently offered by Lee et al. [2006] describing (sub)tropical
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Figure 2. The gas solubility coefficient was calculated for each Explorer of the Seas observation
(2002 –2006) using the on-board thermosalinograph (TSG) data. Differences between the measured
pCO2,sw and atmospheric pCO2,air (DpCO2) are shown as a first-order exponential decay function of
increasing gas solubility (DpCO2 = y0 + A1EXP(K0/t1), r2 = 0.85, 95% prediction bands shown as
dashed lines).
surface AT as a function of sea-surface salinity (SSS) and
temperature (SST). Monthly composites of these AT and
pCO2,sw fields were then coupled to solve the carbonic acid
system using the CO2SYS program [Lewis and Wallace,
2.2. Computation of Sea-Surface pCO2,sw Fields
[8] Sea-surface pCO2,sw was modeled using an empirical
DpCO2,sw-K0 relationship derived using underway pCO2,sw,
SST, SSS, and sea level barometric pressure (SLP) measurements taken aboard the Explorer of the Seas. The ship is
operated by Royal Caribbean International and maintained
by the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine
and Atmospheric Sciences and the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory (AOML). Until recently, the vessel has made alternating east and west tracks
throughout the GCR and was equipped with an underway
pCO2,sw analyzer beginning in February 2002 (Figure 1).
The details of this system are provided elsewhere [Olsen et
al., 2004; Feely et al., 1998; Wanninkhof and Thoning,
1993]. Briefly, the seawater used by the Seabird thermosalinograph and pCO2,sw system is drawn from an intake
situated at 2 m depth close to the ship’s bow. Headspace
from an equilibrator chamber is passed through a LI-COR
6251 nondispersive infrared analyzer and the resulting
pCO2,sw value (matm) is corrected to in situ conditions using
the iso-chemical temperature dependency of Takahashi et al.
[1993]. Weekly quality controlled Explorer of the Seas data
are available from the NOAA AOML Global Carbon Cycle
(GCC) Program at
[9] Atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (pCO2,air) was
computed according to:
pCO2;atm ¼ XCO2 ðSLP pH2 OÞ
where SLP was as measured by the underway barometric
pressure system, water vapor pressure (pH2O) was calculated as a function of thermosalinograph SST (SSTTSG)
according to the empirical formula offered by Cooper et al.
[1998], and the dry atmospheric CO2 mole fraction data
(XCO2) were obtained from the NOAA Global Monitoring
Division (GMD) Carbon Cycle Cooperative Global Air
Sampling Network [Thoning et al., 1995; http://www.esrl.]. The XCO2 flask data
1996– 2006 from Key Biscayne, Fl (25.7°N) and Ragged
Point, Barbados (13.2°N) were interpolated to derive daily
estimates and linearly regressed to account for any
latitudinal gradient across the region in the fashion
employed by Olsen et al. [2004]. Using this approach, a
DpCO2 value was obtained for each Explorer of the Seas
observation as a function of pCO2,sw, SLPship, SSTTSG and a
date and latitude-dependent XCO2. The temperature and
salinity-dependent gas solubility coefficient (K0, moles
kg1 atm1) was calculated according to Weiss [1974] using
the thermosalinograph data.
[10] A common approach to modeling pCO2,sw has been
to apply simple multivariate statistical regression analysis
relating pCO2,sw to SST, latitude, and longitude [e.g., Olsen
et al., 2004; Wanninkhof et al., 2007; Goyet et al., 1998].
Such an approach has proven quite successful at modeling
fields of pCO2,sw constrained to the time period from which
the in situ measurements on which algorithms are based.
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Figure 3. Calculated residuals between pCO2,sw values as computed using equation (3) solved using
Explorer of the Seas TSG data versus that measured by the underway pCO2,sw analyzer. This single
algorithm exhibits no systematic change in the residual distribution over time. The mean and standard
deviation of the residuals are 0.40 ± 7.6 matm (n = 314510).
However, while the primary control on pCO2,sw in these
oligotrophic surface waters is thermodynamic (i.e., temperature & salinity), these waters also reflect changes induced
as a consequence of the rising atmospheric CO2 to which
they are in contact. Therefore it can be expected that such
algorithms become increasingly biased outside the sampling
domain requiring an independently derived algorithm specific to each year [Wanninkhof et al., 2007]. In addition,
these algorithms provide no mechanistic attribution to the
lat/lon dependency. Consequently, we have chosen instead
to model the DpCO2 as a function of CO2 solubility (K0)
thereby accounting for the secular rise in global atmospheric
CO2 and more appropriately attributing the spatial dependence to salinity variations rather than lat/lon. The DpCO2
is shown as a first-order exponential decay function of
increasing gas solubility (K0, 102 moles kg1 atm1)
according to:
DpCO2 ¼ y0 þ A EXPðK0 =BÞ; r2 ¼ 0:85;
RMSD ¼ 7:18 matm; n ¼ 314395
where y0 = 51.2 ± 0.3, A = 350.7 ± 12.3 103, B = 30.3 ±
0.1 102 as fit using Origin v6.1 Software [Yang et al.,
2003] (Figure 2). Equation (2) can then be rearranged to
compute pCO2,sw according to:
pCO2;sw ¼ y0 þ A EXPðK0 =BÞ þ pCO2;air
[11] This algorithm yields comparable predictive capability to that offered by Olsen et al. [2004] exhibiting an r2 =
0.85 with a root mean square deviation (RMSD) of 7.2 matm.
However, unlike previous algorithms that required unique
fitting terms for each year, this approach provides a single
equation that captures the secular increase in pCO2,sw and
exhibits no systematic change in the residual distribution
over time (Figure 3). It also attributes the spatial dependency
of the pCO2,sw to thermodynamic variability rather than
geographic location. Implicit in equation (3) is that pCO2,sw
will increase at the same rate as pCO2,air over time if there
are no trends in SST or SSS.
[12] To compute daily fields of pCO2,sw, this algorithm
was applied to the ¼-degree gridded fields of daily NOAA
National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) Optimum Interpolation Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (OIAVHRR) SST, NOAA National Center for Environmental
Prediction (NCEP) mean SLP, climatological salinities from
the NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center World
Ocean Atlas (NODC_WOA94), and interpolated fields of
XCO2 derived from the NOAA GMD Carbon Cycle Cooperative Global Air Sampling Network data at Key Biscayne,
FL and Ragged Point, Barbados. The daily ¼-degree
gridded NOAA OI-AVHRR SST OI.1 (henceforth referred
to as SSTOI) blends in situ data from ships and buoys with
Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)
infrared satellite SST data and includes a large-scale adjustment of satellite biases with respect to the in situ data. The
product offers improved spatial and temporal resolution
compared with previous weekly 1° OI analyses. The
AVHRR blended product uses Pathfinder Version 5
AVHRR data (currently available from January 1985
through December 2005) and operational AVHRR data for
2006 onward. A description of the OI analysis and the daily
high-resolution blended product can be found in the study
of Reynolds et al. [2007] and the data obtained from
anonymous ftp at The daily
mean SLP data are provided on an approximately 2.5-degree
grid from the NOAA Climate Diagnostic Center from
anonymous ftp at These were re-gridded
using an IDL v6.1 cubic convolution interpolation routine to
align with the ¼-degree NOAA SSTOI. A similar approach
was applied to the monthly 1-degree NODC_WOA94
climatological salinities (henceforth termed SSSWOA) provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado,
USA [Monterey and Levitus, 1997; http://www.cdc.noaa.
[13] Before computation of the daily pCO2,sw fields, the
NOAA SSTOI was bias corrected to the ship TSG data.
The bias was evaluated by bin-averaging and collocating the
Explorer of the Seas data at daily ¼-degree resolution. The
NOAA SSTOI exhibited a systematic negative bias relative
to daily bin-averaged SSTTSG values (0.31 ± 0.42°C) and
was adjusted using regression analysis according to SSTTSG =
1.70(±0.05) + 0.95(±0.002)SSTOI, r2 = 0.93, n = 20814 No
correction was applied to the SSSWOA fields which did not
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Figure 4. Box plots of the normalized residuals between the calculated fields and bin-averaged
collocated geochemical survey data. Residuals, calculated as the difference between the computed
fields and collocated ship data, were normalized to the mean ship values. Resolution 0.25° latitude
0.25° longitude daily. The line within each box represents the median normalized residual and the
center square the mean. Box boundaries indicate 25th (closest to zero) and 75th percentile, and whiskers
indicate the 10th and 90th percentiles.
exhibit a systematic bias and showed good agreement with
bin-averaged in situ data (mean residual = 0.16 ± 0.44 g
kg1, n = 20629).
2.3. Computation of Sea-Surface Total Alkalinity
[14] Estimates of sea-surface total alkalinity (AT) were
derived using the empirical relations offered by Lee et al.
[2006] for surface waters. Lee et al. [2006] demonstrated
that about 80% of the variability in surface AT can be
attributed to variations in SSS with a minor dependence
on SST. A simple equation of the form:
AT ¼ a þ bðSSS 35Þ
þ cðSSS 35Þ2 þd ðSST 20Þ þ eðSST 20Þ2
was derived for each of the five oceanographic regimes. The
data used to derive these algorithms were obtained as part of
the global inorganic carbon surveys conducted from 1990 to
1998 as part of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study, the
Ocean Atmosphere Carbon Exchange Study, and the World
Ocean Circulation Experiment. To compute daily fields of
AT, the (sub)tropical form of the algorithm, which exhibited
an area-weighted uncertainty ±8.6 mmol kg1 (1s), was
applied to the bias corrected ¼-degree NOAA SSTOI and regridded SSSWOA fields.
2.4. Computation of Sea-Surface Warg Fields
[15] Monthly composites of the daily (1 January 1 1996
to 31 December 2006) pCO2,sw, AT, SSTOI and SSSWOA
fields were used to solve for the carbon dioxide system
parameters and derive estimates of Warg throughout the
GCR using the CO2SYS program [Lewis and Wallace,
1998]. The carbonate equilibria calculations used the
formulations by Mehrbach et al. [1973] of the K1 and
K2 dissociation constants as refit by Dickson and Millero
2.5. Evaluation of Computed Fields
[16] Daily computed fields were compared against binaveraged (¼° ¼° daily) geochemical cruise data sets
from 1997 through 2006 where sea-surface carbonate
chemistry parameters were measured (Figure 1). For
pCO2,sw this included all the Explorer of the Seas data sets.
Cases where at least two carbonate chemistry parameters
were measured permitting derivation of Warg included the
ACT Cruises (June 1997), WOCE A22 (August 1997,
October 2003), WOCE AR01 (February 1998; also referred
to as WOCE/WHP_A05_1998), selected Explorer of the
Seas transects (March 2003; May and August 2005; November 2006), and the ABACO Easter Boundary Current
Cruise (March 2006) for which the data are made available
at Residuals were calculated as the difference between the computed pCO2,sw, AT,
and Warg values and the bin-averaged ship values. In the
case of deriving Warg ship values, the preferred coupling was
AT and pCO2,sw (n = 61). In cases where pCO2,sw was not
measured, AT and DIC were coupled (n = 38) and in cases
where AT was not measured, pCO2,sw was instead coupled
with DIC (n = 15).
[17] The relevant statistics of the residuals are listed in
Table 1 and box plots are shown in Figure 4. The normalized residuals were derived by dividing the absolute residual
by the mean ship values observed across the entire period
(1997– 2006). The computed pCO2,sw values show a positive bias of 1.8 ± 8.8 matm representing less than 0.5 ± 2%.
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Table 1. Summary of the Statistics of the Residuals Between Computed pCO2,sw, AT, and Warg Fields and Bin-Averaged (0.25° 0.25°
Daily) Collocated Geochemical Cruise Data
pCO2,sw (matm)
AT (mmol kg1)
372 ± 18
2366 ± 77
4.01 ± 0.17
374 ± 15
2375 ± 36
4.00 ± 0.10
Provided are the descriptive statistics of the residuals, the number of collocations (N), and the mean ± S.D. of ship (Meanobs) and modeled (Meanmodel)
collocated values. The geochemical survey data represent observations made from 1997 through 2006.
[18] Of the total survey data applied in the derivation by
Lee et al. [2006] of the (sub)tropical AT algorithm, samples
collected within the marginal basin and coastal regions that
constitute the GCR represent only a minor fraction. Despite
this, even applied to climatological salinity, the algorithm
appears to provide a reasonable estimate of surface AT in the
GCR. The computed AT values show only a 2 ± 18 mmol
kg1 negative bias representing less than 0.1 ± 1%.
[19] The computed Warg values exhibit a negative bias of
0.02 ± 0.08, or about 0.5 ± 2%. This is not unreasonable
as a 2% precision in Warg is within the reported precision of
the dissociation constants used by the CO2SYS program.
For example, Mehrbach et al. [1973] K1 and K2 2s
precision is about 2.5% in K1 and 4.5% in K2 [Lewis and
Wallace, 1998]. Also, it is important to consider that the
ship values represent an average of a few instantaneous
measurements within each ¼° ¼° daily bin. Clearly,
there are biogeochemical processes (e.g., primary productivity, coastal upwelling) beyond the simple thermodynamic
and carbonate chemistry controls driving this model that
must contribute to some of the disparity between the ship
and computed fields (Figure 5A). The model captures much
of the longitudinal variation observed in the 1998 WOCE
AR01 transect (Figure 5B) and the latitudinal trend visible
in the 2003 WOCE A22 transect (Figure 5C).
3. Results
[20] Variations in temperature, alkalinity (primarily driven by salinity changes), and pCO2,sw impart important
controls on aragonite saturation state (Warg). The absolute
change in Warg per unit change in SST, AT, and pCO2,sw
within the domain of conditions encountered across the
GCR (SST ± 10°C, AT ± 200 mmol kg1, pCO2,sw ± 100
matm) were derived using the CO2SYS program as:
¼ 0:003;
¼ 0:006:
¼ 0:117;
[21] Thus seasonal variations in Warg are dominated by
thermodynamic effects but changes in carbonate chemistry
should not be neglected. The combined effects produce a
Figure 5. Comparison of bin-averaged ship versus collocated modeled Warg values. Ship values were
computed from measured carbonate chemistry data while modeled values were computed from pCO2,sw
and AT fields. (A) Values plot near the 1:1 line. (B and C) Ship values (black) compared with collocated
modeled values (grey) as a function of longitude and latitude. The longitudinal track was obtained from
the 1998 WOCE AR01 cruise transect while the latitudinal track is derived from the 2003 WOCE A22
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Figure 6. Seasonal variations in sea-surface aragonite saturation state (Warg) in 1996 and 2006. Monthly
mean values calculated for (A) January 1996, (B) August 1996, (C) January 2006, and (D) August 2006.
Shaded areas denote regions from which trend calculations were performed (Figure 7).
dynamic and complex distribution in Warg spatially and
temporally across the GCR. The spatial variability in Warg
is typically close to 4% (d = 0.15 Warg units) in the
wintertime with the lowest variability occurring in the
spring and fall. During the wintertime, freshwater input
from the Mississippi River plume appears to reduce Warg in
waters along the northwest coast of Florida to values 20%
lower than the rest of the GCR (Figure 6). The highest and
most stable Warg values persist throughout the central GCR
where the major carbonate platforms of the Bahamas and
Greater Antilles occur. Regionally, the waters exhibit maximum values in August and September when, despite higher
pCO2,sw values that drive down Warg, the thermodynamic
effect on carbonate equilibria is such that the increased SSTs
yield elevated [CO2
3 ] in addition to a reduced carbonate
mineral solubility thereby driving up Warg. This summertime
maximum is counteracted in the southeastern GCR because
of low-salinity surface waters attributed to Orinoco River
discharge. Seasonal trends of waters occupied by selected
prominent reef systems illustrate the Florida Keys region
likely experiences the greatest variability (Figure 7).
[22] For the GCR region, the decadal trends calculated
using regression analysis of the annual computed mean
pCO2,sw and Warg are +2.2 matm yr1 (S.E. = 0.2, r2 = 0.95,
P < 0.001) and 0.012 Warg yr1 (S.E. = 0.001, r2 = 0.97,
P < 0.001) respectively. The model computes a regional
decline in Warg from 4.05 to 3.9 over the period 1996 – 2006
(Figure 8).
4. Discussion
[23] The secular change in GCR surface ocean carbonate
chemistry in response to ocean acidification calculated in
this study provides important independent support of
other modeled rates previously reported. The model esti-
mates the annual mean GCR surface ocean pCO2,sw increased 24 matm, approximately that of the pCO2,air,
between 1996 –2006 yielding a corresponding decrease in
the carbonate ion of about 7 mmol kg1 which agrees well
with the assumed thermodynamic equilibrium calculations
of Broecker et al. [1979] and the non-equilibrium model
employed by Orr et al. [2005] for tropical waters. The
model estimates an increase in dissolved inorganic carbon
(DIC) at a rate of 1.2 mmol kg1 yr1 in excellent
agreement with the seasonally detrended rate of 1.3 mmol
mol kg1 yr1 observed at the Bermuda Atlantic Timeseries (BATS) site between 1998 and 2006 [Nelson et al.,
2001]. The rate of decline in Warg computed here is faster
than that recently reported 0.007 ± 0.002 for the 22 year
trend at BATS [Bates, 2007]. This difference may be related
to a systematic increase in surface salinity of 0.19 observed over at BATS during the 22 year period which would
partially counteract the effects of ocean acidification by
concentrating both AT and Ca2+ and by reducing carbonate
mineral solubility. No trend in surface salinity is apparent
from the Explorer of the Sea’s salinity data set and as this
model is dependent on climatological salinity, no such
increase would be reflected in the computed rates. Furthermore, the 22 year trend in pCO2,atm at BATS (+1.78 ±
0.02 matm yr1) is slightly slower the rate computed from
the Key Biscayne, Fl and Ragged Point, Barbados monitoring stations (+2.00 ± 0.04 matm yr1). Finally, differences could reflect the length of time over which the
regression is fit (22 year trend at BATS versus the 11 year
trend computed in this study).
[24] On the basis of experimentally observed relationships between saturation state and coral community calcification rates, previous authors have assigned various
categorical thresholds [Guinotte et al., 2003; Kleypas et
al., 1999]. The following convention was employed by
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Figure 7. Trends in annual (black symbols) and monthly (grey symbols) mean sea-surface aragonite
saturation state (Warg) for the four regions occupied by prominent coral reefs denoted in Figure 6A.
(A) Florida Keys. (B) Turks and Caicos. (C) Lesser Antilles. (D) Jamaica. Rates of change range from
0.014 ± 0.001 Warg yr1 for the Florida Keys region to 0.010 ± 0.001 Warg yr1 for the Jamaica region.
Guinotte et al. [2003]: surface waters exhibiting Warg > 4 are
deemed ‘‘optimal’’, 3.5– 4.0 are ‘‘adequate’’, 3.0– 3.5 are
‘‘low’’, and <3.0 are considered ‘‘extremely marginal’’. It is
thought that while calcification would persist in ‘‘extremely
marginal’’ waters, the rates would likely not be sufficient to
maintain net positive reef accretion thereby resulting in loss
of reef structure. Certain reefs, especially those in naturally
low Warg waters such as the eastern Pacific, have been
shown to move from net accretion to net erosion because of
local environmental perturbations [Eakin, 1996, 2001;
Manzello et al., 2008]. Currently, the ranges of saturation
state across the GCR generally reside within ‘‘adequate’’levels based on this scheme. However, under increasing
pCO2,air concentrations, the annual GCR saturation state
would fall to ‘‘low’’ levels when pCO2,air reaches approximately 450 matm and become ‘‘extremely marginal’’ at
concentrations above 550 matm. Surface waters in the GCR
would likely become undersaturated with respect to aragonite
should pCO2,atm levels reach much beyond 900 matm.
[25] Clearly illustrated by the computed monthly Warg
fields is that seasonal and spatial variability in carbonate
chemistry may be of similar magnitude to the changes that
have transpired over the past decade in the GCR. How the
seasonal variability and long-term trend in carbonate chemistry is transposed onto the considerably higher variability
experienced in the coastal waters occupied by coral reefs is
not yet adequately characterized. Some models have suggested that the secular decline in saturation state for atolls
and other semi-enclosed carbonate systems may strongly
depend on mineral buffering reactions and water mass
residence time [e.g., Andersson et al., 2005]. At these
semi-enclosed systems, calcification and respiration processes elevate pCO2,sw levels relative to offshore as documented in several studies [e.g., Bates, 2002; Frankignoulle
et al., 1994; Gattuso et al., 1993, 1996, 1998a, 1998b,
1999; Kawahata et al., 1997, 2000; Kayanne et al., 1995,
2005; Suzuki and Kawahata, 1999, 2003, 2004; Fagan and
Mackenzie, 2007]. As a consequence of the elevated
pCO2,sw and the reduced alkalinity from calcification,
saturation state can be appreciably lower on reefs relative
to nearby oceanic waters. However, dissolution of high-Mg
calcites could, at least initially, buffer these systems [Morse
et al., 2006]. Therefore efforts must be made to better refine
the critical thresholds based on relationships between oceanic changes and corresponding changes in coastal systems.
[26] When concerns are raised with regards to the possible consequences of ocean acidification, the higher latitudes
are typically highlighted as under the greatest threat since
these waters already exhibit lower saturation states. Certainly there should be considerable concern that regions of
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Figure 8. Secular decrease in sea-surface aragonite saturation state (Warg) in the GCR as computed
from the modeled fields of pCO2,sw and AT. Calculated annual mean value in (A) 1996, (B) 1998,
(C) 2000, (D) 2002, (E) 2004, and (F) 2006.
the Southern Ocean surface waters may become undersaturated with respect to aragonite by 2050 [Orr et al., 2005].
However, since most studies to date demonstrate that the
response in coral community calcification rate is not a step
function, but instead roughly proportional to saturation
state, it is likely that significant consequences may be
unfolding in tropical waters as a result of the long-term
decline in saturation state.
[27] We have provided an important application of satellite and modeled environmental data sets to upscale and
extend in situ observations of carbonate chemistry permitting an examination of spatial and temporal variability not
possible through ship observation alone. These new satellite-derived products can be produced on an operational
basis to supplement in situ observations and provided at
broader spatial and temporal scales than shipboard observations alone permit. As with any model, however, there are
limitations and needed refinements. The climatological
salinity fields offer perhaps the greatest limitation to the
accuracy of this approach. Plans to incorporate modeled
salinity fields or, in coming years, satellite acquired salinity
fields such as those being planned for the NASA Aquarius
mission could prove useful in improving our geochemical
modeling capabilities. With increased availability and cov-
erage of geochemical survey and time series data, this
approach can be applied to map the seasonal distribution
of saturation state in regions beyond the GCR.
5. Summary
[28] Here we extend observations obtained in situ from
the Volunteer Observing Ship Explorer of the Seas and
multiple geochemical surveys using satellite remote sensing
and modeled environmental parameters to estimate the
seasonal and spatial variability in Warg and to evaluate the
changes in surface ocean chemistry that have transpired
over the past decade throughout the GCR. As numerous
studies have now demonstrated a functional relationship
between Warg and coral community calcification, mapping
its distribution seasonally can offer an important tool to the
ocean acidification and coral reef research and management
communities. The findings reveal the highest and most
stable Warg values persist throughout the central GCR where
the carbonate platforms of the Bahamas and Greater Antilles
occur. Summertime maximums in Warg values occur in
August and September when despite higher pCO2,sw values,
the thermodynamic effect on carbonate equilibria drives up
Warg. Seasonal trends of waters occupied by selected prominent reef systems illustrate the Florida Key’s region likely
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experiences the greatest variability. While Warg values across
the GCR can be deemed ‘‘adequate’’ by current classification schemes, the annual mean Warg for the GCR region has
declined from 4.05 to 3.9 (±0.08) at a rate of 0.012 (S.E. =
0.001, r2 = 0.97, P < 0.001) Warg yr1 from 1996 to 2006 as
a consequence of rising atmospheric CO2 and the resulting
ocean acidification and may reach the ‘‘extremely marginal’’ levels (Warg < 3.0) should atmospheric CO2
exceed 550 matm.
[29] Acknowledgments. D.K.G. would like to acknowledge the continued support of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Coral Reef Conservation Program (NOAA CRCP) and the I.M. Systems
Group. We would also like to recognize the contributions of the NOAA
Global Monitoring Division (GMD) Carbon Cycle Cooperative Global Air
Sampling Network and particularly the efforts of Thomas Conway. The
observations on the Explorer of the Seas are funded by the Climate
Observation Division of the NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric
Research (OAR). F.J.M. would like to acknowledge the support of the
Oceanographic Section of the National Science Foundation and National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Association for supporting his CO2 work. The
manuscript contents are solely the opinions of the authors and do not
constitute a statement of policy, decision, or position on behalf of NOAA or
the U. S. Government.
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