Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
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Nature of the Paleocene/Eocene (P/E) boundary in Sinai, Egypt
Nageh A. Obaidalla a, Nasr A. Abdel-Maksoud a, Atef M. Hosny b, Kamel H. Mahfouz b, *
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Assiut Branch, Egypt
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 24 October 2016
Received in revised form
27 December 2016
Accepted 3 January 2017
Available online 22 February 2017
The P/E boundary is studied at eight stratigraphic sections in Sinai, Egypt, which are nearly distributed in
a stratigraphic profile from north to south as follows: Al-Hasanah, Sudr Al-Hitan, Wadi Sudr, Al-Thamad,
Abu Qada, Wadi Matulla, Wadi Nukhul and Wadi Feiran. This study includes field, litho- and biostratigraphic analyses that enabled to delineate several hiatuses which may be due to the occurrence
of tectonic activity that may be related to the echo of the Syrian Arc Orogeny at the P/E boundary.
Generally, in Egypt the P/E boundary is marked by the occurrence of distinctive five beds, named by El
Dababiya Quarry Member. At Wadi Nukhul, Wadi Matulla and Wadi Feiran sections, El Dababiya Quarry
Member is well represented and the P/E boundary is conformable and resembles the GSSP section.
Although El Dababiya Quarry Member is represented at Al-Hasanah section, the P/E boundary is marked
by the occurrence of a minor hiatus at the end of Paleocene. Moreover, at Al Thamad section, El Dababiya
Quarry Member is partially represented. On the other hand, at Sudr Al-Hitan, Wadi Sudr and Abu Qada
sections, El Dababiya Quarry Member is completely absent due to a major hiatus.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Paleocene/Eocene boundary
Litho-, biostratigraphy
Syrian Arc
Sinai, Egypt
1. Introduction
The P-E successions are widely distributed in Sinai, Egypt.
These successions are represented by extensive deposits of siliciclastic facies (shale) and carbonate facies (calcareous shale and
limestone) that reflected periodic transgressions and regressions
and the shifting of local and regional depositional setting. In
Egypt, Dupuis et al. (2003) defined the P/E boundary (GSSP) at the
base of El Dababiya Quarry Beds in subsection DBH within the
lower part of the Esna Formation at the level in which isotope
studies have identified the beginning of the Carbon Isotope
Excursion (CIE) and the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
(PETM). Aubry et al. (2007) raised the lithostratigraphic rank of El
Dababiya Quarry Beds into El Dababiya Quarry Member. Also,
there are many complete P/E sections in Egypt such as El-Qreiya
(Berggren and Ouda, 2003b; Knox et al., 2003) and Wadi Tarfa
(Obaidalla, 2006).
The P-E sequences in Egypt have been studied by different
workers such as El-Nagger (1966), Abdel-kireem and Abdou (1979),
Abdel-Kireem and Samir (1995), Speijer et al. (1996, 1997, 2000),
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:
[email protected] (N.A. Obaidalla), atef_hosny_62@yahoo.
com (A.M. Hosny),
[email protected] (K.H. Mahfouz).
1464-343X/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Charisi and Schmitz (1995), Schmitz et al. (1996, 1997), Aubry et al.
(1999), Obaidalla (1999, 2000), Bolle et al. (2000), Khozyem et al.
(2013), Farouk (2016) and Farouk et al. (2016). There is a controversy in the definition of the P/E boundary in all these studies.
Dupuis et al. (2003), Berggren and Ouda (2003a,b), Berggren et al.
(2003), Knox et al. (2003), Soliman (2003), Kent and Dupuis
(2003), Ouda and Berggren (2003), Ouda et al. (2003), Obaidalla
(2006), Aubry et al. (2007), Obaidalla et al. (2015), El-Dawy et al.
(2016), and Ouda et al. (2016a,b) accurately defined the P/E
boundary at the base of El Dababiya Quarry Member and correlated
it with the Morozovella velascoensis (P5)/Acarinina sibaiyaensis (E1)
zonal boundary.
Discussion of the nature of the P/E boundary in Sinai is the main
aim of the present study, by using high-resolution field analyses
and planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy for determining the
missing intervals of the hiatuses.
For achieve this goal, eight sections are studied. These sections
are nearly distributed in a stratigraphic profile from north to south
as follow (Fig. 1): 1- Al-Hasanah (30 230 4100 N and 33 430 1800 E), 2Sudr Al-Hitan (30 000 5700 N and 33 110 4300 E), 3- Wadi Sudr (29
510 1300 N and 33 070 4000 E), 4- Al-Thamad (29 410 1200 N and 34 110
1000 E), 5- Abu Qada (29 200 5300 N and 33 060 0600 E), 6- Wadi
Matulla (29 040 4600 N and 33 090 5500 E), 7- Wadi Nukhul (29 020
0700 N and 33 110 4600 E) and 8- Wadi Feiran (28 460 4700 N and 33
240 2900 E). These sections are measured, described, and sampled in
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Fig. 1. Mosaic of Landsat TM images (Scenes) showing the locations of the study sections; 1- Al-Hasanah, 2- Sudr Al-Hitan, 3- Wadi Sudr, 4- Al-Thamad, 5- Abu Qada, 6- Wadi
Matulla, 7- Wadi Nukhul and 8- Wadi Feiran.
detail. General legend for symbols used in the present work has
been illustrated in Fig. 2. The intervals of these samples vary and
reach about 5 cm around the P/E boundary. The sediments are
trenched to remove surface contaminations and obtain fresh unweathered bed rock. Samples were disaggregated in water and
washed through a 63 mm sieve. This procedure is repeated until
foraminifera with clean surface texture were recorded. The planktonic foraminiferal species are picked, identified and mounted on
micro slides for permanent record. The identified planktonic foraminifera species are photographed using the Scanning Electron
Microscope (JSM 5400 LD), at Assiut University.
2. Geologic setting
Sinai Peninsula is located between African in the west, Arabian
plates in the east and Mediterranean Sea in the north. The Syrian
Arc structures attain more northerly to end aligning themselves
with the sinistral Dead Sea fault system and the Pelusium line to the
east and northeast of Sinai (Jenkins, 1990). Agah (1981) believed
that, the Syrian Arc Mountains in Sinai were initiated in the Late
Paleozoic, reactivated throughout the Mesozoic Era and the deformation climaxed in the Oligocene. Coleman (1981) suggested that,
this fold system is closely related to the compression stresses between the Afro-Arabian and Eurasian plates, which led to the
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Syrian Arc Mountains (e.g. Yelleq, Halal and Minshirah). The facies
of these rocks are siliciclastic and change to carbonate upward.
These sediments were accumulated in local synforms (sub-basins)
between the high antiforms of the Syrian Arc Orogeny. Further
northward, these strata are often absent as a result of the uplift and/
or erosion (Jenkins, 1990). In the south of Sinai, the P-E rocks are
well exposed and attain thickness more than these of the north
Sinai. Said (1962) suggested that the P-E sediments basin were
subjected to tectonic events especially toward the north of Egypt
(unstable shelf). These tectonic events are generated by the plate
movements in the Tethyan realm (Kerdany and Cherif, 1990;
Keheila, 1999).
3. Lithostratigraphy
The Late Paleocene-Early Eocene sediments in Sinai are differentiated into three major lithostratigraphic units. These units are
stratigraphically arranged into: Tarawan, Esna and Thebes
3.1. Tarawan Formation (Awad and Ghobrial, 1965)
Fig. 2. Symbols of the rocks at all the study sections.
closure of Tethys Ocean. The P-E sediments are well exposed in
Sinai, Egypt and rest unconformably on the CampanianMaastrichtian strata which is represented by the chalky limestone
of Sudr Formation throughout Sinai except for Wadi Matulla and
Wadi Nukhul sections where this relationship is conformable
(Obaidalla, 2005; Obaidalla et al., 2013). The chalky limestone of
Sudr Formation grades upward into argillaceous limestone and
The P-E strata are represented by four rock units namely from
base to top: Dakhla (shale), Tarawan (chalky limestone), Esna
(shale) and Thebes (limestone) formations. In the north of Sinai at
Al-Hasanah section, the P-E rocks are exposed on the flanks of the
Tarawan Formation composes of yellowish white and light gray
chalky limestone, with some intercalations of calcareous shale. The
thickness of Tarawan Formation ranges from 1.5 m thick at AlThamad section to 7.3 m thick at Wadi Sudr section (Fig. 3). At all
the study sections, Tarawan Formation is conformably overlain by
the Esna Formation, except for Sudr Al-Hitan and Wadi Sudr sections, where it is unconformably overlain by Thebes Formation.
This unconformity is marked by the occurrence of paleosol between Tarawan and Thebes formations (Fig. 4B).
3.2. Esna Formation (Said, 1962)
Esna Formation consists of greenish gray, dark gray shale, with
some intercalations of calcareous shale. The distribution of Esna
formation changes laterally and vertically from place to another
one. It exhibits a lateral and vertical variation in their lithology and
thicknesses. The thickness of Esna Formation reaches its maximum
Fig. 3. The distribution and thicknesses of the study rock units and their samples at all the study sections.
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Fig. 4. A. Field photograph showing El Dababiya Quarry Member at Al-Hasanah section, B. Field photograph showing the paleosol layer between the Tarawan and the Thebes
formations at Sudr Al-Hitan section, C. Field photograph showing El Dababiya Quarry Member at Al-Thamad section, D. Field photograph showing the erosive surface at Esna and
Thebes formational boundary at Abu Qada section, E. Field photograph showing El Dababiya Quarry Member at Wadi Matulla section, F. Field photograph showing El Dababiya
Quarry Member at Wadi Nukhul section, G. Field photograph showing El Dababiya Quarry Member at Wadi Feiran section, H. Photograph showing the fish skeleton print in bed 2
within El Dababiya Quarry Member at Wadi Feiran section (x ¼ 2).
thickness at Wadi Matulla section (about 30.8 m thick), while it is
represented by minimum thickness at Abu Qada and Al-Thamad
sections (Fig. 3). On the other hand, it is absent at Sudr Al-Hitan
and Wadi Sudr sections. Aubry et al. (2007) subdivided Esna Formation into four members; these members are well recorded in the
present study and arranged from base to top as follows (Fig. 5):
3.2.1. El-Hanadi Member (Abdel-Razik, 1972)
Abdel-Razik (1972) defined the pure shale facies rest on Tarawan
Formation as El-Hanadi Member. Aubry et al. (2007) amended the
definition of Abdel-Razik (1972) and define El-Hanadi Member to
cover the interval between the chalky limestone facies of Tarawan
Formation at base and the distinctive phosphatic shale-marly calcarenite limestone facies of El Dababiya Quarry Member at top
(Fig. 6). At the study sections, El-Hanadi Member is mainly
composed of greenish gray, dark gray shale, with some intercalations of calcareous shale. The thickness of El-Hanadi Member ranges from about 1 m thick at Wadi Feiran section to about
9.5 m thick at Wadi Matulla section (Fig. 3). At Al-Thamad, Wadi
Matulla, Wadi Nukhul and Wadi Feiran sections, El-Hanadi Member
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Fig. 5. A. Field photograph showing the different rock units of Wadi Nukhul section, B. Field photograph showing the different rock units of Wadi Matulla section.
is conformably overlain by El Dababiya Quarry Member. At AlHasanah section, there is a minor hiatus between El-Hanadi and
El Dababiya Quarry members due to the missing of the latest
Paleocene sediments. At Abu Qada section, El-Hanadi Member is
unconformably overlain by Thebes Formation. This is documented
by the occurrence of erosive surface at the base of Thebes Formation (Fig. 4D). At Sudr Al-Hitan and Wadi Sudr sections, Esna Formation is completely absent and there is a paleosol at the base of
the Thebes Formation (Fig. 4B).
3.2.2. El Dababiya Quarry Member (Aubry et al., 2007)
This member consists of five remarkable beds, Bed 1 is black clay
layer; Bed 2 is thin laminated fish skeletons-rich brown shale; Bed 3
is creamy coprolites-rich shale; Bed 4 is shale, which changes upward into calcareous shale; Bed 5 is limestone. These beds occupy
the stratigraphical interval between the underlying El-Hanadi
Member and the overlying El-Mahmiya Member where they
reflect the biotic and geochemical events associated with the global
warming at the P/E boundary. El Dababiya Quarry Member is well
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Fig. 6. Correlation of the rock units of the present work with some pervious works.
represented at Al-Hasanah, Wadi Matulla, Wadi Nukhul and Wadi
Feiran sections (Figs. 4, 5, 7 and 8) and resembles the GSSP (Dupuis
et al., 2003; Aubry et al., 2007) and other P/E complete sections in
Egypt such as Qreiya (Berggren and Ouda, 2003b; Knox et al., 2003)
and Wadi Tarfa (Obaidalla, 2006). It is conformably overlain by ElMahmiya Member at these sections. At Al-Thamad section, El
Dababiya Quarry Member is partially represent as a result of the
absence of beds 4&5. On the other hand, it is completely missing at
the remainder sections due to a hiatus at the P/E boundary.
Generally, the thickness of El Dababiya Quarry Member is variable
from place to another one in Egypt. In the present study, the
thickness of El Dababiya Quarry Member ranges from about 0.35 m
thick at Al-Thamad section to about 1.35 m thick at Wadi Nukhul
section (Fig. 3).
3.2.3. El- Mahmiya Member (Aubry et al., 2007)
It composes of dark shale without marked bedding and low
calcium carbonate content (<50%) and with clear cyclic color variations (Dupuis et al., 2003). At the study sections, El-Mahmiya
Member is mainly composed of dark gray shale. The thickness of
El-Mahmiya Member ranges from about 1.65 m thick at Al-Thamad
section to about 10.5 m thick at Wadi Matulla section (Fig. 3). ElMahmiya Member is conformably overlain by the Abu Had Member at Al-Hasanah, Al-Thamad, Wadi Matulla, Wadi Nukhul and
Wadi Feiran sections.
3.2.4. Abu Had Member (Abdel-Razik, 1972)
This member composes of siliciclastic facies (shale) which are
marked by the intercalation of limestone beds at the base of Thebes
Formation (Abdel-Razik, 1972). He (op. cit) considered it as a
member of Thebes Formation. On the other hand, Aubry et al.
(2007) considered Abu Had Member as a member of Esna Formation because of the clear-cut contact between the massive limestones of the Thebes Formation and the underlying shale of Esna
Formation. At the study sections, Abu Had Member is only recoded
at Al-Hasanah, Al-Thamad, Wadi Matulla, Wadi Nukhul and Wadi
Feiran sections. Abu Had Member rests conformably over ElMahmiya Member in these sections. It represents the vertical
gradational change from the siliciclastic facies of Esna Formation to
the carbonate facies of Thebes Formation. The thickness of Abu Had
Member ranges from about 2 m thick at Al-Thamad section to about
9.8 m thick at Wadi Matulla section (Fig. 3).
Fig. 7. Lithostratigraphic correlation showing the beds of El Dababiya Quarry Member along north-south profile.
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Fig. 8. Lithostratigraphic correlation showing the beds of El Dababiya Quarry Member along east-west profile.
Fig. 9. Litho-, bio-stratigraphy and range chart of the important planktonic foraminiferal species across the P-E succession at Al-Hasanah section.
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Fig. 10. Litho-, bio-stratigraphy and range chart of the important planktonic foraminiferal species across the P-E succession at Sudr Al-Hitan section.
3.3. Thebes Formation (Said, 1960)
This formation consists of yellowish white limestone with many
flint bands. The lower part of Thebes Formation is only considered
here. The thickness of Thebes Formation (lower part) ranges from
about 1.9 m thick at Wadi Feiran section to about 13.4 m thick at
Sudr Al-Hitan section (Fig. 3).
4. Biostratigraphy
According to the important planktonic foraminiferal species,
eight zones for the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene interval are
recognized in the study sections (Figs. 9e16, Plates 1 and 2). The
planktonic foraminiferal zonal scheme of Berggren and Pearson
(2005) for the Paleogene is here applied with minor modification.
The proposed planktonic foraminiferal zones, their definition and
occurrence in the study sections are arranged in stratigraphic order
as follows:
4.1. Acarinina subsphaerica (P4b) Zone
Ac. subsphaerica Zone was defined by Berggren and Pearson
(2005) as a Partial-Range Zone from the highest occurrence (HO)
of Parasubbotina variospira (Belford) to the lowest occurrence (LO)
€nnimann). This Zone is conformably overlain
of Ac. soldadoensis (Bro
by the Late Paleocene Ac. soldadoensis/Globanomalina pseudomenardii (P4c) Zone at all study sections (Figs. 9e16).
4.2. Acarinina soldadoensis/Globanomalina pseudomenardii (P4c)
This zone was defined by Berggren et al. (1995) as a ConcurrentRange Zone to cover the interval from the LO of Ac. soldadoensis
€nnimann) to the HO of the G. pseudomenardii (Bolli). Ac. sol(Bro
dadoensis/G. pseudomenardii Zone is conformably overlain by the
Morozovella velascoensis (P5) Zone at Al-Thamad, Wadi Matulla,
Wadi Nukhul and Wadi Feiran sections. It is unconformably overlain by the earliest Eocene Ac. sibaiyaensis (E1) Zone at Al-Hasanah
section; and by the Late Ypresian M. aragonensis/M. subbotinae (E5)
Zone at Sudr Al-Hitan, Wadi Sudr and Abu Qada sections.
4.3. Morozovella velascoensis (P5) Zone
It was defined by Berggren and Pearson (2005) as a PartialRange Zone from the HO of G. pseudomenardii (Bolli) to the LO of
the Ac. sibaiyaensis (El Naggar). M. velascoensis Zone covers the
interval of pre PETM event. It is conformably overlain by the earliest
Ypresian Ac. sibaiyaensis (E1) Zone at Al-Thamad, Wadi Matulla,
Wadi Nukhul and Wadi Feiran sections. On the other hand,
M. velascoensis Zone is absent at the remainder ones due to the
occurrence of a hiatus at the latest Paleocene.
4.4. Acarinina sibaiyaensis (E1) Zone
Ac. sibaiyaensis Zone was defined by Pardo et al. (1999) as a
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Fig. 11. Litho-, bio-stratigraphy and range chart of the important planktonic foraminiferal species across the P-E succession at Wadi Sudr section.
Lowest-Occurrence Zone from the LO of the nominate taxon to the
LO of Pseudohastigerina wilcoxensis (Cushman & Ponton). Berggren
and Ouda (2003a,b) and Berggren and Pearson (2005) used this
zone to recognize the earliest Eocene which characterizes the onset
of PETM. Ac. sibaiyaensis (E1) Zone is well represented at AlHasanah, Wadi Matulla, Wadi Nukhul and Wadi Feiran sections.
At these sections, Ac. sibaiyaensis Zone is conformably overlain by
the Early Ypresian Ps. wilcoxensis/M. velascoensis (E2) Zone. At AlThamad section this zone is unconformably overlain by the Middle Ypresian M. subbotinae (E3) Zone due to a minor hiatus at the
Early Eocene.
4.5. Pseudohastigerina wilcoxensis/Morozovella velascoensis (E2)
This zone was defined by Berggren and Pearson (2005) as a
Concurrent-Range Zone from the LO Ps. wilcoxensis (Cushman &
Ponton) to the HO of M. velascoensis (Cushman). It is completely
equivalent to Ps. wilcoxensis Subzone of Molina et al. (1999) and the
upper part of M. velascoensis (P5) Zone of Berggren et al. (1995)
(Fig. 17). The Early Ypresian Ps. wilcoxensis/M. velascoensis Zone is
represented at Al-Hasanah, Wadi Matulla, Wadi Nukhul and Wadi
Feiran sections and conformably overlain by the Middle Ypresian
M. subbotinae (E3) Zone. At Sudr Al-Hitan, Wadi Sudr and Abu Qada
sections, the latest Paleocene (M. velascoensis, P5) and the Early
Eocene (Ac. sibaiyaensis, E1; Ps. wilcoxensis/M. velascoensis, E2;
M. subbotinae E3; M. formosa, E4) zones are missing due to the
occurrence of a major hiatus at the P/E boundary. This hiatus is
supported by the occurrence of paleosol and erosive surface (Fig. 4B
and D).
4.6. Morozovella subbotinae (E3) Zone
It was defined by Molina et al. (1999) as Partial-Range Zone from
the HO M. velascoensis (Cushman) to the LO of M. formosa (Bolli). M.
subbotinae Zone is coeval to M. marginodentata Zone of Berggren
and Pearson (2005) (Fig. 17). The Middle Ypresian M. subbotinae
(E3) Zone is conformably overlain by the Late Ypresian M. formosa
(E4) Zone at Al-Hasanah, Al-Thamad, Wadi Matulla, Wadi Nukhul
and Wadi Feiran sections.
4.7. Morozovella formosa (E4) Zone
M. formosa (E4) Zone was defined by Berggren and Pearson
(2005) as a Lowest-Occurrence Zone from the LO of the nominate
taxon to the LO of M. aragonensis (Nuttall). This zone is conformably
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Fig. 12. Litho-, bio-stratigraphy and range chart of the important planktonic foraminiferal species across the P-E succession at Al-Thamad section.
Fig. 13. Litho-, bio-stratigraphy and range chart of the important planktonic foraminiferal species across the P-E succession at Abu Qada section.
overlain by M. aragonensis/M. subbotinae (E5) Zone at Al-Hasanah,
Al-Thamad, Wadi Matulla, Wadi Nukhul and Wadi Feiran sections.
4.8. Morozovella aragonensis/Morozovella subbotinae (E5) Zone
This zone was defined by Berggren and Pearson (2005) as a
Concurrent-Range Zone from the LO of M. aragonensis (Nuttall) to
the HO of M. subbotinae (Morozova). This zone is equivalent to the
M. aragonensis/M. formosa Zone (P7) of Berggren et al., 1995
(Fig. 17). M. aragonensis/M. subbotinae (E5) Zone covers the uppermost part of the study sections (the basal part of Thebes
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Fig. 14. Litho-, bio-stratigraphy and range chart of the important planktonic foraminiferal species across the P-E succession at Wadi Matulla section.
5. The P/E boundary
The P/E boundary at ~55 Ma is marked by a global warming event
named as PETM, formerly known as the Late Paleocene Thermal
Maximum LPTM by Zachos et al. (1993). It is coincident with an
abrupt change in d C13 in marine and terrestrial sequences and
abrupt extinction of in benthonic foraminifera (Kennett and Stott,
1991; Pak and Miller, 1992; Kaiho et al., 1996). The signatures of
this event are recorded in five distinctive beds of El Dababiya Quarry
Member in Egypt (Dupuis et al., 2003; Aubry et al., 2007).
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Fig. 15. Litho-, bio-stratigraphy and range chart of the important planktonic foraminiferal species across the P-E succession at Wadi Nukhul section.
In the present study, these beds completely occur at Al-Hasanah
section toward the north of Sinai and at Wadi Matulla, Wadi Nukhul
and Wadi Feiran sections toward the south of Sinai, where they
represent continuous sedimentation (Figs. 4, 5, 7 and 8). This
continuous sedimentation is here documented by the detection of
the earliest Eocene planktonic foraminiferal Ac. sibaiyaensis (E1)
Zone, corresponding to the PETM/CIE interval. On the other hand,
Khozyem et al. (2013) studied the paleoenvironmental and climatic
changes during the PETM at Wadi Nukhul section, Sinai, Egypt, and
believed that the P/E boundary is marked by a short hiatus, and this
is misleading due to the following facts: 1) They (op. cit) placed the
boundary within the upper part of Esna Formation at the base of
Abu Had Member (see their figure 1, page 342), but the P/E
boundary significantly lies within the lower part of Esna Formation
at the base of El Dababiya Quarry Member at the GSSP as well as the
present study; 2) Although the formal subdivisions of Esna Formation are well represented at Wadi Nukhul as observed in their
work (see their figure 1, page 342), they ignored this subdivisions,
3) The P/E boundary in the present study is stratigraphically about
9 m (Figs. 5A and 15) below that of Khozyem et al. (2013). Also,
Farouk (2016) and Farouk et al. (2016) studied two sections (AlThamad and Gebel Matulla), in Sinai, Egypt. Although, they defined
complete calcareous planktonic (foraminifera and nannofossils)
zonal schemes, they noted that there is a hiatus at the P/E boundary, without any field or lithostratigraphic evidences. These authors
were not analyzed in details El Dababiya Quarry Member in their
The latest Paleocene (pre PETM event) sediments at Al-Hasanah
are missing due to a minor hiatus. This hiatus is documented by the
absence of M. velascoensis (P5) Zone. On the other hand, toward east
of Sinai at Al-Thamad section, the beds of El Dababiya Quarry
Member are represented partially by beds 1e3, whereas beds 4e5
and the lower part of El Mahmiya Member are missing due to a
minor hiatus at this time. This is supported by the absence of the
upper part of Ac. sibaiyaensis (E1) and Ps. wilcoxensis/M. velascoensis
(E2) zones of the Early Eocene age. The previous two hiatuses are
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Fig. 16. Litho-, bio-stratigraphy and range chart of the important planktonic foraminiferal species across the P-E succession at Wadi Feiran section.
Fig. 17. Comparison between the present planktonic foraminiferal zones with some local and international ones.
related to the occurrence of submarine tectonic structure. On the
other hand, El Dababiya Quarry Member is completely missing at
Sudr Al-Hitan, Wadi Sudr and Abu Qada sections at the middle part
between the north and south of Sinai, due to the occurrence of a
major hiatus at the P/E boundary. This is biostratigraphically
documented by the absence of the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene
planktonic foraminiferal zones, M. velascoensis (P5), Ac. sibaiyaensis
(E1), Ps. wilcoxensis/M. velascoensis (E2), M. subbotinae (E3) and
M. formosa (E4). The field criteria of this event are the occurrence of
a paleosol and erosion surface at these sections. This indicates that,
the area between Sudr Al-Hitan toward north of Sinai and Abu Qada
toward the south of Sinai was aerial positive tectonic structure
during the latest Paleocene- Early Eocene age. These tectonic activities might be related to the collision between Africa/Arabia and
Eurasia plates during the closure of the Neotethys Ocean, which
may have prompted the development of the Syrian Arc Orogeny in
northern Egypt (Argyriadis et al., 1980; Sengor and Yilmaz, 1981;
Sengor et al., 1984; Robertson and Dixon, 1984; Moustafa and
Khalil, 1989). The Syrian Arc Orogeny took placed during the Late
Cretaceous (Turonian Age) and continued until the Early Eocene
(Robertson and Dixon, 1984).
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Plate 1. (Scale bar is 100 mm): 1e2. Subbotina linaperta (Finlay), sample no. 15, Wadi Feiran section; 3e4. Subbotina triloculinoides (Plummer), sample no. 16, Abu Qada section;
5e6. Acarinina africana (El Naggar), sample no. 18, Wadi Nukhul section; 7e8. Acarinina angulosa (Bolli), sample no. 16, Abu Qada section; 9e10. Acarinina esnehensis (Nakkady),
sample no. 16, Abu Qada section; 11e12. Acarinina mckannai (White), sample no. 17, Al-Thamad section; 13e14. Acarinina sibaiyaensis (El Naggar), sample no. 18, Wadi Nukhul
€ nnimann), sample no. 10, Abu Qada section; 17e18. Acarinina subsphaerica (Subbotina), sample no. 13, Wadi Sudr section; 19e20.
section; 15e16. Acarinina soldadoensis (Bro
Acarinina wilcoxensis (Cushman &Ponton), sample no. 27, Wadi Sudr section.
6. Conclusions
The Late Paleocene-Early Eocene sequences are well represented in Sinai. Eight stratigraphic sections are measured in
approximately north-south profile, Al-Hasanah, Sudr Al-Hitan,
Wadi Sudr, Al-Thamad, Abu Qada, Wadi Matulla, Wadi Nukhul
and Wadi Feiran. Lithostratigraphically, three formations have been
recorded within the study area, namely, Tarawan, Esna and Thebes.
The distinctive four members of Esna Formation are recorded at
most of the study sections. These members are arranged in a
stratigraphic order as follow: El-Hanadi, El Dababiya Quarry, ElMahmiya and Abu Had. The P/E boundary lies at the base of El
Dababiya Quarry Member, which consists of five distinctive beds
arranged from base to top: black clay layer, fish skeleton-rich thin
laminated phosphatic brown shale, creamy coprolite phosphatic
shale, calcareous shale and limestone. The base of this member is
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Plate 2. (Scale bar is 100 mm): 1e2. Morozovella aequa (Cushman & Renz), sample no. 10, Abu Qada section; 3e4. Morozovella allisonensis Kelly, Bralower & Zachos, sample no. 18,
Wadi Nukhul section; 5e6. Morozovella aragonensis (Nuttall), sample no. 17, Abu Qada section; 7e8. Morozovella edgari (Premoli Silva & Bolli), sample no. 20, Wadi Sudr section;
9e10. Morozovella formosa (Bolli), sample no. 20, Al-Thamad section; 11e12. Morozovella gracilis (Bolli), sample no. 39, Wadi Nukhul section; 13e14. Morozovella subbotinae
(Morozova), sample no. 17, Abu Qada section; 15e16. Morozovella velascoensis (Cushman), sample no. 4, Al-Thamad section; 17e18. Globanomalina pseudomenardii (Bolli),
sample no. 4, Al-Thamad section; 19e20. Pseudohastigerina wilcoxensis (Cushman &Ponton), sample no. 15, Wadi Feiran section.
coeval to the PETM which corresponds to the CIE, and coincides
with the Benthonic Extinction Event (BEE). Depending on the vertical distribution of the planktonic foraminiferal species, eight
planktonic foraminiferal zones are identified: Ac. subsphaerica
(P4b), Ac. soldadoensis/G. Pseudomenardii (P4c), M. velascoensis (P5)
for the Late Paleocene (Selandian-Thanetian Age), Ac. Sibaiyaensis
(E1), Ps. wilcoxensis/M. velascoensis (E2), M. subbotinae (E3), M.
formosa (E4) and M. aragonensis/M. subbotinae (E5) for the Early
Eocene (Ypresian age). These zones are applied in the age dating of
the different rock units, detecting the hiatuses and defining the P/E
The P/E boundary in the south of Sinai at Wadi Matulla, Wadi
Nukhul and Wadi Feiran sections is complete due to the continuous
sedimentation during the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene age. This
boundary at these sections resembles the GSSP section at the
Dababiya Village, south Luxor City. It lies at the M. velascoensis (P5)/
N.A. Obaidalla et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 136 (2017) 44e60
Ac. sibaiyaensis (E1) zonal boundary. At Al-Hasanah in the north of
Sinai, the P/E boundary is marked by the occurrence of a minor
hiatus, due to nondeposition of the latest Paleocene sediments,
belonging to the M. velascoensis (P5) Zone. Also, at Al-Thamad in the
east of Sinai, the beds 4 & 5 of El Dababiya Quarry Member and the
lower part of El Mahmiya Member which are covered by the upper
part of Ac. sibaiyaensis (E1) and Ps. wilcoxensis/M. velascoensis (E2)
zones are missing due to a hiatus during the Early Eocene Age.
These two hiatuses may be related to tectonic events which form a
submarine tectonic structure during the latest Paleocene at AlHasanah section and the Early Eocene at Al-Thamad section. On
the other hand, at Sudr Al-Hitan, Wadi Sudr and Abu Qada sections
in the middle area between the north and the south of Sinai, there
is a major hiatus may be due to the occurrence of a tectonic event
which has led to form an aerial tectonic structure during the latest
Paleocene- Early Eocene age. This aerial tectonic structure is evidenced by the occurrences of erosive surface at Abu Qada section
and paleosol at Sudr Al-Hitan and Wadi Sudr sections. Biostratigraphically, this major hiatus is documented by the absent of
M. velascoensis (P5), Ac. sibaiyaensis (E1), Ps. wilcoxensis/
M. velascoensis (E2), M. subbotinae (E3) and M. formosa (E4) of latest
Paleocene-Early Eocene planktonic foraminiferal zones. All these
hiatuses may be related to the echo- of Syrian Arc Orogeny during
the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene age.
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Further reading
Ayyad, S.N., Faris, M., El Nahass, H.A., Saad, K.A.A., 2003. Planktonic foraminiferal
and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy from the Upper Cretaceous-Lower
Eocene successions in northeast Sinai, Egypt. In: 3rd International Conference
on the Geology of Africa, Assiut University, vol. 1, pp. 649e683.
El-Dawy, M.H., Hewaidy, A.A., 2003. Biostratigraphy, paleobathymetry and biogeography of some Late Maastrichtian - Early Eocene Rotaliina from Egypt. Egypt.
J. Paleontol. 3, 55e86.
Faris, M., Ayyad, S.N., El Nahass, H.A., Al Wosabi, K.H.A., 2005a. Early Palaeogene
stages and their boundaries in Sinai, Egypt. In: Proc. 4th International Conference on the Geology of Africa, Assiut University, Egypt, vol. 2, pp. 753e768.
Faris, M., Ayyad, S., EI Nahass, H., Al-Wosabi, K.A., 2005b. Integrated Planktonic and
Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Eocene
Formations, West Central Sinai, Egypt. In: Proc. 4th International Conference on
the Geology of Africa, Assiut University, Egypt, vol. 2, pp. 769e791.
Toumarkine, M., Luterbacher, H.P., 1985. Paleocene and Eocene Planktic Foraminifera. In: Bolli, H.M., Saunders, J.B., Perch-Nielsen, K. (Eds.), Plankton Stratigraphy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 87e154.
€like, H., 2011. Review and revision of
Wade, B.S., Pearson, P.N., Berggren, W.A., Pa
Cenozoic tropical planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and calibration to
the geomagnetic polarity and astronomical time scale. Earth Sci. Rev. 104,