Les noms de la femme en latin: essai d'analyse structurale

De Lingua Latina Novae Quaestiones. Actes du Xème Colloque International de Linguistique Latine (ed. C. Moussy), Lovaina-París, Peeters, 2001, pp. 847-858.

Ever since ancient times, grammarians have been interested in the terms designating age. Several authors have studied the stages of life, which, in Latin, seem to be organized along a three-level scale (a five-level scale since the postclassic era), A similar study of women's age terminology, however, has not appeared before. The basic structure is similar to that employed for men: a set of three terms, the second of which (mulier) has coexisted with femina since the times of August. Contrary to widespread beleif, uirgo is not a gradus aetatis, but a gradus status.


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