POSTGRESQL-IE: An Image-handling Extension for PostgreSQL
Denise Guliato,1 Ernani V. de Melo,1 Rangaraj M. Rangayyan,2 and Robson C. Soares1
The last decade witnessed a growing interest in research on content-based image retrieval (CBIR) and
related areas. Several systems for managing and
retrieving images have been proposed, each one
tailored to a specific application. Functionalities commonly available in CBIR systems include: storage and
management of complex data, development of feature
extractors to support similarity queries, development
of index structures to speed up image retrieval, and
design and implementation of an intuitive graphical
user interface tailored to each application. To facilitate
the development of new CBIR systems, we propose an
image-handling extension to the relational database
management system (RDBMS) PostgreSQL. This extension, called PostgreSQL-IE, is independent of the
application and provides the advantage of being open
source and portable. The proposed system extends the
functionalities of the structured query language SQL
with new functions that are able to create new feature
extraction procedures, new feature vectors as combinations of previously defined features, and new access
methods, as well as to compose similarity queries.
PostgreSQL-IE makes available a new image data type,
which permits the association of various images with a
given unique image attribute. This resource makes it
possible to combine visual features of different images
in the same feature vector. To validate the concepts
and resources available in the proposed extended
RDBMS, we propose a CBIR system applied to the
analysis of mammograms using PostgreSQL-IE.
KEY WORDS: Database management systems, digital
mammography, digital image management, image database, image retrieval, information storage and retrieval,
information system
ontent-based image retrieval (CBIR) has
emerged as an important area in computer
vision and multimedia computing. A large number
of new techniques to derive image features1–7 and
Journal of Digital Imaging, Vol 22, No 2 (April), 2009: pp 149Y165
several CBIR systems8–14 have been developed and
used in a vast range of applications. An important
subject related to the development of CBIR systems
is searching a database using similarity queries with
high performance. Queries of this kind search the
database for objects that are similar to one given as
the reference, according to a similarity measure
given by a distance function.15 The most wellknown strategies to implement similarity queries
are: K-nearest neighbor (KNN), range search, and
similarity join.16,17 With the aim of increasing the
efficiency of similarity searches, several index
structures have been proposed.18–22 However, few
works have been proposed to extend the structured
query language SQL to provide support for similarity queries and are restricted to predefined access
methods and a limited number of feature extraction
A CBIR system developer is required to be
involved with several complex tasks such as:
understanding the domain of the application,
organizing the data of the application and storing
From the Faculdade de Computação, Universidade Federal de
Uberlândia, Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121, 38.400-902, Minas
Gerais, Brazil.
From the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary,
2500 University Drive N. W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N
Correspondence to: Denise Guliato, Faculdade de Computação, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Av. João Naves de Ávila,
2121, 38.400-902, Minas Gerais, Brazil; e-mail:
[email protected]
Copyright * 2008 by by Society for Imaging Informatics in
Online publication 23 January 2008
doi: 10.1007/s10278-007-9097-5
them using a database management system (DBMS)
or a repository as the folders of an operating system,
designing a layout and developing an intuitive
graphical user interface (GUI), developing feature
extraction algorithms, access methods, and similarity
operators, and finally, defining and implementing
similarity query strategies. However, many of these
tasks are common to the majority of CBIR systems
and could be available in an extendable and configurable application-independent framework.
With the aim of providing facilities for the
development of CBIR systems, we propose an extension to the architecture of PostgreSQL,27 termed
PostgreSQL with Image-handling Extension (PostgreSQL-IE).13 The proposed system is independent
of the application, makes use of the powerful tools
available with PostgreSQL, while including more
flexibility with respect to the creation of new feature
descriptors and the definition of new feature
vectors, without extra cost. At the current stage of
its development, PostgreSQL-IE makes available
two similarity search procedures: KNN and range
search. Twelve feature extraction procedures are
available, with one of them related to color:
histogram, and the remainder related to shape
factors: Fourier descriptors (FDs), area, perimeter,
compactness, spiculation index (SI), concavity
index,6 index of spiculation based on the turning
angle function, fractal dimension, index of the
presence of concavity, index of the presence of
convexity, and index of convexity.3,4,28
To illustrate and validate the power of the
resources available in PostgreSQL-IE, we have
developed a research system that supports contentbased retrieval of mammograms. The research
system allows the user to retrieve information from
a mammographic database by combining conventional and visual data, using a friendly graphical Web
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows: “Review of Related Works on CBIR”
presents a review of related works. “PostgreSQL
with Image-handling Extension” presents the fundamental concepts related to PostgreSQL-IE, including the data structure of the new image data
type and the extension of the database catalog.13
“A Breast Cancer Database Application” provides
a description of the dataset used in the examples.
“The Extended SQL: SQL-IE” gives an overview
of the extended SQL, including a description of the
main commands. “SISPRIM—A System Design
for CBIR Applied to Mammograms” describes
SISPRIM—Sistema de Pesquisa para Recuperação
de Imagens Mamográficas por Conteúdo,29 a research system designed using PostgreSQL-IE that
supports CBIR applied to the analysis of mammograms. Finally, “Conclusions” gives the conclusions
of this paper and suggestions for future works.
To support the development of CBIR systems,
commercial extensions are available to relational
DBMS (RDBMS) that are able to store images as a
special data type and to include strategies for
searching by similarity, restricted to KNN and range
search.16,17 Examples of such extended RDBMS
(XRDBMS) are DB2 with Image Extender,30
Informix with Excalibur Image DataBlade,31 Informix with Image Foundation DataBlade (IFDB),32
and Oracle with interMedia.33 However, these
XRDBMS have a private architecture, are expensive, and do not include facilities for extension or
modification. In general, these systems possess
similar functionalities but support different sets of
image data type and include different feature
extraction procedures, access methods (if available),
and image manipulation commands.
With the aim of standardizing the resources and
the image data type of XRDBMS, the International
Organization for Standardization proposed SQL/
MM Part 5: Still Image. 26,34 The proposed
standardization provides a description for an image
data type, termed SI_StillImage, that should
encapsulate: the binary image, its dimension,
format, width, and height, a set of five image
manipulation functions that includes scaling, rotation, cropping, color reduction, and sharpening and
blurring, and a set of four feature extraction
procedures, of which one is based on texture and
the remainder are based on color (global color
average, local color average, and color histogram).
Each feature, derived from the execution of a
feature extraction procedure, can be associated
with a feature vector data type. A special feature
vector data type called SI_FeatureList makes it
possible to combine different features, using different weights, in the same feature vector. However,
SQL/MM Part 5: Still Image does not cover aspects
related to the query image by similarity search and
does not provide flexibilities to include new feature
extraction procedures. Notwithstanding the efforts,
none of the available commercial XRDBMS is
completely aligned with the standardization proposed by SQL/MM Part 5: Still Image, except
Oracle interMedia—version 10, which includes the
SQL/MM Part 5: Still Image module besides its own
previously defined functionalities. Oracle interMedia33 supports two image data types, StillImage and
ORDImage, and is limited to five feature extraction
procedures (global color, local color, texture,
structure, and facial). The image data type available
in DB2 with Image Extender30 is defined as a userdefined type (UDT), termed DB2Image, and is
limited to four feature extraction procedures (color
average, color histogram, positional color, and
texture). Informix Excalibur Image DataBlade
Module31 supports a new image data type, defined
as a UDT, called IfdImageDesc, and makes available six feature extraction procedures (color content, color structure, texture, shape, brightness
structure, and aspect ratio). IFDB32 defines another
image data type, termed IfxImage; the image is
stored as a binary large object (BLOB) type
attribute, and no feature extraction function is
available in this system.
The system proposed by Baroni et al.15 does not
allow execution of the feature extraction procedures as part of the system and does not include a
special data type to store image data. The feature
vector is comprised of features previously obtained
by the user and is stored in the database as a
special data type termed PARTICULATE. The
system makes it possible to create new metrics
associated with the PARTICULATE data type.
The similarity query is carried out by taking into
account the metric associated with the feature
vector defined by the user and the similarity
operators KNN, Range, and Join. Although this
system extends the SQL to pose similarity queries,
the approach is different from that proposed in the
present work. Because PostgreSQL-IE is closer to
the commercial RDBMS, we restrict further
discussions and comparisons to the related context.
The features supported for CBIR in all available
commercial XRDBMS are mostly restricted to
color and texture. The Informix Excalibur Image
DataBlade and Oracle RDBMS go beyond of the
standardized features and implement a shape-based
feature. However, additional specialized features
would be desirable for specific applications.35
All of the commercial systems described above
are able to store only one image in a given image
data type attribute (for short, image attribute) and
make it possible to associate only one feature
vector with each image attribute. The feature vector may be composed as a weighted combination
of all of the features available in the system: No
other user configuration is permitted. The systems
do not allow the inclusion of new functionalities,
new feature extraction procedures, or new access
To develop CBIR systems, it is desirable that the
XRDBMS provides flexibility to store images, to
define new feature extraction procedures, and to
combine the features into vectors in new manners
that are not predefined. To address these requirements, we propose PostgreSQL-IE, an extension
designed to support similarity queries in a straightforward manner. To manage the new functionalities,
PostgreSQL-IE extends the PostgreSQL database
catalog and includes the definition of a new image
data type, as described in the following sections.
The Extended Database Catalog
The extended database catalog for PostgreSQLIE is a database, called extended_template1, created
using template1 as the template, with a set of 12
internal functions written in the C language, a set
of 16 functions written in plpgsql,36 which extends
the SQL commands, whose details are described in
“The Extended SQL: SQL-IE,” and a set of six
tables that manages all of the information related
to image handling, whose scheme is shown in
Figure 1. The tables pge_extractor, pge_vector,
and pge_accessmethod keep track of all new feature extraction procedures, new feature vectors, and
new access methods added to the system by authorized users, respectively. The table pge_vector_
extractor relates each feature vector to a respective
set of features that compose the vector. Because of
this aspect, PostgreSQL-IE makes it possible to
combine one or more features in the same feature
vector, according to the needs of the application. To
imgclass: varchar
vector_id: int (FK)
ext_id: int (FK)
imgsize: bigint
imgwidht: bigint
imgheight: bigint
imgvalue: oid
imgformat: varchar
tabname: varchar
imgclass: varchar
vector_id: int
ext_id: int
name: varchar
func: varchar
path: varchar
rtype: varchar
param: varchar
rnum: int
name: varchar
ix_id: int
vector_id: int (FK)
maccess: int (FK)
maccess: int
ix_name: varchar
tabname: varchar
colname: varchar
name: varchar
path: varchar
Fig 1. Scheme of the extended database catalog for PostgreSQL-IE.
PostgreSQL-IE implements a new image data
type as a UDT, termed PGImage, according to the
plpgsql command:
This is possible by attributing different classes to
different images of the same attribute. This novel
approach is helpful in developing applications
where each image attribute is composed of a set of
images such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), mammography, or
architectural plans.
The PGImage data type encapsulates an identifier of the instance of a given image set (imgid)
and the classes associated with each image of this
image set (imgclass). The identifier imgid is a key
of the pge_regimage table, which stores information about each image stored in the database, such
as image dimension, width, height, format, the
referred table name, the referred column, and the
binary image stored as a BLOB.
This new image data type includes the capability
to store more than one image in the same image
attribute, different from all other image data types
reviewed in “Review of Related Works on CBIR.”
The new data type PGImage allows the modeling of a database application in a simpler way, in
comparison to other XRDBMS. For example,
consider an application that involves a radiological
speed up the answer to a query, an access method
can be associated with an available feature vector:
The table pge_tabvector manages this relationship.
Finally, the table pge_regimage maintains information about all of the images stored in a given
database, which is accessed directly from the application table, as described in the following sections.
New databases created using extended_template1 as
the template inherit all the resources to manage and
handle CBIR operations.
A New Image Data Type
electronic report that includes a short clinical
history of each patient and her set of related exams
obtained at different instants of time. Each exam
set can be composed of X-ray, CT, and MRI
images (the number of slices in CT and MRI may
vary between patients). Figure 2 illustrates the
database scheme using DB2 and PostgreSQL-IE
Because PGImage allows the storage of more
than one image in the same attribute, the application model using PostgreSQL-IE is simpler and
can be modeled with fewer tables, as compared to
DB2. By modeling the database using PostgreSQL-IE, the visual information related to all
exams carried out for a patient at a given instant of
time can be combined in the same similarity query.
This is not possible using any commercial XRDBMS
available at present.
images: a mammographic image whose class is
named mammography and the lesion contour whose
name is lesion_contour, drawn by an expert radiologist. Figure 3 shows an instance for the patient_
case table and its respective pge_regimage table
with the aim of illustrating the management for the
PGImage data type.
SQL-IE is composed of a set of 16 new
functions that includes commands to create new
feature extraction procedures, new feature vectors
as combinations of previously defined features,
and new access methods. The details about the
syntax of the SLQ-IE commands using the
functions to be described in the following sections
can be found in Appendix A.
Data Definition Functions
To illustrate the use of resources available in
PostgreSQL-IE and the commands for the extended SQL, to be presented in the following
sections, we will use a breast cancer database
The mammographic database, called mammo_
database, is modeled by two tables: patient that
contains information about the patients and patient_
case that contains information about the mammographic exams carried out on the patients at a given
instant of time. Each mammogram is associated
with the contour of the lesion, drawn by an expert
radiologist. The command
creates the patient case table. The attribute c_mammo
is a PGImage data type and stores two different
In this section, we describe three of the six
functions available in SQL-IE for data manipulation. The others three functions termed Delete_
Extractor, Delete_Feature_Vector, and Delete_
Accessmethod are used for maintenance of the
database catalog.
Create_Extractor —This function makes it
possible to include a new feature in PostgreSQLIE, by inserting specific information
about the feature extraction procedure in
the pge_extractor table and by creating
internal control functions, which are able to
access the function in the appropriate library.
Fig 2. Two possible database schemes: a for DB2 with Image Extender, b for PostgreSQL with Image-handling Extension.
To include a new feature, it is required to
convert the corresponding function’s code to
the library format dll (dynamic linked library)
or so (shared object), depending on the
operating system, and to store it in the lib
directory of PostgreSQL. At present, PostgreSQL-IE makes available four different
libraries in dll and so: ExtShape with six
feature extraction procedures proposed by
Rangayyan et al.37 (SI, FDs, fractional
patient_case table
(1, "mammography, lesion_contour")
(2, "mammography, lesion_contour")
(3, "mammography, lesion_contour")
pge_regimage table
patient_case c_mammo
mammography 4194304
patient_case c_mammo
patient_case c_mammo
patient_case c_mammo
patient_case c_mammo
patient_case c_mammo
Fig. 3. a An instance of the patient case relation scheme. b The corresponding pge regimage table.
concavity, perimeter, area, and compactness),
ExtColor with a feature extraction procedure
based on the global histogram, ExtShapePolyModelTAF with five feature extraction
procedures,2,28 and ExtShapeTAFModeling
with five feature extraction procedures.3,4
The last two libraries include the same set of
feature extraction procedures, derived from
the turning angle function of a given contour:
index of spiculation, fractal dimension, presence of concavity, presence of convexity, and
convexity index; they differ from each other
with respect to the contour approximation
approach used to remove noise and artifacts
from the original contour. The commands
given below illustrate the use of the Create_
Extractor function to include new feature
extraction procedures in PostgreSQL-IE. In the
example, we use the functions getFourierDescriptors, getSpiculationIndex, and getHistogram available in the ExtShape and ExtColor
Create_AccessMethod—This function allows
to create a new access method. The similarity operators are functions defined within the
access method, with a specific structure, as
shown in Appendix A1. The table pge_
accessmethod of the extended database catalog is updated to support the new access
method. At present, PostgreSQL-IE does not
include any multidimensional access method.
The queries are carried out by scanning all the
tuples in a specified table. This procedure is
referred to in this paper as the StandardAccess-Method (Scan) and includes KNN
search and range search. The similarity operators allow to associate weights with each
feature of a feature vector being used in the
query. To carry out a KNN or range search,
the difference between the normalized
weighted sum of the feature vector associated with the reference image and all the
images in the referenced database table are
computed. The images are ranked in in-
Define_Feature_Vector—This function defines
a new feature vector as a combination of
features derived from the feature extraction
procedures previously created. The tables pge_
vector and pge_vector_extractor of the extended database catalog keep information about all
feature vectors that have already been defined
and about their elements, respectively. The
following commands illustrate the definition of
three different feature descriptors: Shape_SI
that is composed of SI, Shape_SI_FD that is
composed of SI and FDs, and finally, Hist_SI
that is composed of SI and histogram feature
extractors. Note that the last feature vector
mentioned above combines features of images
from different classes (lesion_contour and
mammography in our example).
creasing order of the resulting distances, and
the similarity operations are appropriately
Data Manipulation Functions
In this section, we present the main functions to
manipulate data in the XRDBMS. Other data manipulation functions include Width_IE, Show_Image,
UnSet_Feature_Vector, Show_Extractor, Update_
Image_Attr, Replace_Image_Attr, Height_IE, and
Insert_Image—This function is used as part of
the conventional SQL Insert command. The
Insert_Image function allows the user to insert
images into an image attribute. If there
are one or more feature vectors already
associated with the image attribute of the
table being updated, the database system
launches the execution of all of the feature
extractors related to the feature vectors.
Additional information such as the width,
height, and format of the images are also
saved. The command
are executed for these instances. To avoid
allocating extra storage space and to avoid
repeated calls to execute an extractor function for the same attribute, PostgreSQL-IE
reuses the results of the feature extractors
that have already been executed before. An
internal table named with the result of the
concatenation of the referred database table
name and the attribute nameis dynamically
created, with only one column for each
illustrates the insertion of one tuple into the
table patient_case. The pge_regimage table of
the extended database catalog is updated to
reflect this insertion (see Fig. 3a, an instance
for the patient case table).
Set_Feature_Vector—This function associates
an image attribute of a given database table
with a previously defined feature vector and
creates an index structure if an access method
is explicitly specified in the command (if not,
a scan of all the tuples in the database is
executed). More than one feature vector can
be associated with the same image attribute of
a table, as shown below.
feature extractor. Note that although the SI
and Fourier feature extractors comprise
two different feature vectors (Index SI and
Index SI FD), they appear only once in the
internal table.
The proposed extended SQL (SQL-IE) supports
similarity query in a simple way. The similarity
operators are implemented as functions enclosed
within the access method and are used as subqu-
Once the feature vectors have been associated with a given attribute with instances
already inserted, all of the feature extraction
functions associated with the feature vectors
eries of the WHERE clause of a conventional SQL
command. The answer to the query is ranked in
increasing order, according to the similarity of the
objects in the database and an object given by the
SQL-IE Commands to Search an Image
Database by Similarity
reference. The follow examples illustrate queries
using PostgreSQL-IE.
of mammograms for computer-aided diagnosis of
breast cancer. The system is composed of a
Because SQL-IE allows the searching of the
database by combining similarity operators
connected by logical operators, as shown in example
2 above, the explicit statement of a score name in the
Score IE function, in the SELECT clause, makes
it possible to rank the answer to the query according to the score given by the specified similarity operator.
mammographic database modeled using PostgreSQL-IE, a research engine developed in PHP,
and a Web GUI.
This section presents SISPRIM,13,29 a research
system that supports CBIR, applied to the analysis
The Mammographic Database
The mammographic database was modeled
using PostgreSQL-IE and stores, for each patient,
her historical clinical information, some relevant
aspects of her life style, and the mammographic
exams performed at different instants of time.38
For each mammographic exam, the following are
stored: the four standard views (two views of each
breast: cranio-caudal and medio-lateral oblique or
MLO), complementary exams, information about
the presence of abnormalities, such as architectural
distortion, asymmetric density, palpable lump, and
calcifications, and the diagnosis, as applicable,
according to the Breast Imaging—Reporting and
Data System (BI-RADS) classification system.39
The mammographic database associates, with each
mammographic exam, the report given by the
radiologist and links each mammogram of each
exam with the contour of the breast, the boundary
of the pectoral muscle (MLO views only), the
contours of masses (if present), the regions of
clusters of calcifications (if present), the number of
calcifications (if present), and the locations and
details of any other features of interest. The
contours of masses and regions of clusters of
calcifications may be drawn and entered into the
system by an authorized expert radiologist. In
the current stage of development, the mammographic database of SISPRIM is composed of
contours and regions of interest (ROIs) of breast
masses obtained in two preceding studies; one
set of images was derived from mammograms
of 20 cases obtained from Screen Test: the
Alberta Program for the Early Detection of
Breast Cancer.14,40,41 The mammograms were
digitized using the Lumiscan 85 scanner at a
resolution of 50μm with 12b/pixel. The set includes 57 ROIs, of which 37 are related to benign
masses and 20 are related to malignant tumors.
Another set of images was obtained from the
Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS,
UK) database42 and the teaching library of the
Foothills Hospital (Calgary).43 The MIAS images
were digitized at a resolution of 50μm; the Foothills Hospital images were digitized at a resolution
of 62μm. This set includes smooth, lobulated, and
spiculated contours in both the benign (28) and
malignant (26) categories. The contour of each
lesion was manually drawn by an expert radiologist specialized in mammography. The combined
dataset has 111 contours, including both typical
and atypical shapes of benign masses (65) and
malignant tumors (46). The development of an
additional mammographic database is in progress:
The new database is modeled to contain cases
from Digital Database for Screening Mammography44 with images in a well-supported format. The
radiological findings of each case stored in the
database are being extended by expert radiologists
at the Clinical Hospital of Federal University of
Uberlândia, Brazil.
The Research Engine
The research engine is the heart of the research
system: It manages the actions of the user and
accesses the mammographic database as required
to answer queries. The proposed research system
can answer queries such as return five images that
are similar to the given reference image and the
patient takes antidepressive medication or return
the identification of the patient and the diagnosis
associated with each one of ten images similar to
the reference image, and the density of parenchyma is heterogeneous, and the age at menarche is
12 years.
To handle queries as above, the research engine
requires that each mammogram in the database be
associated with a set of features combined into one
or more feature vectors and that the data manipulation language possesses resources to combine
visual and conventional information in the condition clause of the query. As the mammographic
database used by SISPRIM was modeled using
PostgreSQL-IE, all requirements to support CBIR
are available. To facilitate easy access to the
information stored in the mammographic database
and to access the resources available in the
XRDBMS, the research engine manages a Web
GUI that incorporates facilities to support two
kinds of users: administrators and researchers. The
interface for an administrator guides the user in the
creation of a new feature extractor and/or a new
feature vector and in the association of a given
feature vector with an image attribute, including an
access method (optional), as shown in Figure 4.
The interface for a researcher, shown in Figure 5,
guides the user through the resources previously
configured by an administrator. A researcher can
interactively configure a query, combining conventional and visual data, as desired. Figure 6
shows the results of the query as posed in Figure 5.
The results of the queries indicate the capabilities
of the proposed system in CBIR: The specific
query illustrated shows CBIR based upon the
shape of masses with a condition on the age of
the patient. Further work is in progress to include
into SISPRIM strategies to improve the retrieval
performance using relevance feedback.45–47
Fig 4. The administrator–user interface to configure the research system.
We have presented two important contributions.
The first one is PostgreSQL with Image-handling
Extension, an XRDBMS that supports the development of CBIR systems in a flexible manner. The
system is open source, portable, extendable, easy
to be installed, and available via the Web for
Windows and Linux operating systems. At present,
the system includes 12 different feature extraction
procedures organized in four libraries. Detailed
discussions on the accuracy of the features used in
the present paper can be found in our previous
works.2–4,6,28 PostgreSQL-IE supports a new image
data type attribute termed PGImage, which permits
the user to model a relational scheme by storing
various images of different classes in the same
attribute. Because of this image attribute, the
proposed system makes it possible to design the
conceptual model for a given database application
with fewer relation schemes than those required in
currently available commercial RDBMS. The new
image data type also makes it possible to combine
features derived from different images, stored in
the same image attribute, in the same feature
vector. To date, PostgreSQL-IE makes available
two conventional similarity operators (KNN and
range); further studies are being conducted to
extend PostgreSQL-IE with two new similarity
search procedures based on fuzzy sets to take into
Fig 5. The researcher graphical Web interface to define a query.
account the uncertainty present in medical applications of CBIR. New feature extraction procedures
and new access methods can be easily included in
the system.
The second contribution is SISPRIM, a research
system designed by using PostgreSQL-IE. The
research system accesses a mammographic database that includes complete information about the
patient (clinical history and life style), her mammographic exams, complementary exams, and the
report of each exam associated with the radiological findings of each mammogram, according to
the BI-RADS classification system. The information about the clinical history and lifestyle includes
details such as the use of alcohol, tobacco, antidepressive medication, and hormone replacement
medication, age at menarche, age at first pregnancy, and menopausal status. The radiological
findings include asymmetric density, architectural
distortion, parenchymal type, and descriptions
of the characteristics of masses and calcifications
(as applicable). With information as above, it is
possible to compute statistical measures and
correlation coefficients to investigate and derive
relationships between the incidence of breast
cancer and the lifestyle of the patient. The system also permits temporal analysis of the
evolution of the breast, which is useful in un-
Fig 6. The results of the search as defined in Figure 5.
derstanding the natural changes of the breast and
interval cancer. SISPRIM makes available a
graphical Web interface that helps the user to
configure and execute queries. To illustrate the
power and facilities of SISPRIM and PostgreSQL-IE, we have modeled a mammographic
database with 111 images and carried out
queries using the KNN operator. The development of an additional mammographic database
is in progress.
The relevance of the results obtained by the
proposed system depends on the feature extractors
and the feature vectors used. To improve the
performance of the CBIR system, strategies of
relevance feedback that take into account the
perception of the user are being developed.
SISPRIM is part of An Indexed Atlas of Digital
Mammograms38,48,49 and can be accessed at www.
The script to install PostgreSQL-IE is available
This work was supported by the Conselho Nacional Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Brazil, Universidade
Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil, and Research Services, University of Calgary, Canada.
A1—Syntax for SQL-IE Data Definition
In this Appendix, we present the detailed syntax
of the definition functions used in “Data Definition
The Create_Extractor function
The Define_Feature_Vector function
The Create_AccessMethod function—The access method must be developed in the C
programming language, converted to library
format (dll or so), and has to include the
following functions:
The input parameters for the similarity operators
are: the score name, the value of the neighborhood
for KNN and the value of ratio for the RANGE
operators, the name of the index structure, the
image class, and the file path of the reference
image for the similarity query.
A2—Syntax for SQL-IE Manipulation
In this Appendix, we present the detailed syntax
of the manipulation functions used in “Data
Manipulation Functions.”
The Insert_Image function
The Set_Feature_Vector function
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