A Time to Speak Out - ACJC

We are a movement of Jewish Canadians from diverse backgrounds, occupations and affiliations who have in common a fundamental commitment to social justice and international human rights. We have therefore resolved to promote the expression of an alternative Jewish voice, particularly with respect to the desperate situation in the Middle East, which threatens the future of both Israelis and Palestinians, as well as the stability of the whole region. We are guided by the following principles:

A Time to Speak Out We are a movement of Jewish Canadians from diverse backgrounds, occupations and affiliations who have in common a fundamental commitment to social justice and international human rights.   We have therefore resolved to promote the expression of an alternative Jewish voice, particularly with respect to the desperate situation in the Middle East, which threatens the future of both Israelis and Palestinians, as well as the stability of the whole region. We are guided by the following principles: 1. Human rights are universal and indivisible and should be upheld without exception. This is as applicable in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories as it is elsewhere. 2. Palestinians and Israelis alike have the right to peaceful and secure lives. 3. Peace and stability require the willingness of all parties to the conflict to comply with international law. 4. There is no justification for any form of racism, including anti-Semitism, anti-Arab racism or Islamophobia, in any circumstance. 5. The battle against anti-Semitism is vital, and it is undermined whenever opposition to Israeli government policies is automatically branded as anti-Semitic. These principles are contradicted when those who claim to speak on behalf of the Jewish communities in Canada and other countries consistently put support for the policies of an occupying power above the human rights of an occupied people. The negotiated ceasefire that we have called for is now a feature of historical fact as demonstrating that peace is possible. The lessons we have learned from our own history compel us to speak out. We therefore commit ourselves to make public our views on a continuing basis and invite other concerned Jewish Canadians and Jewish Québécois/es to join and support us.  Statement of the Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians 2006 adopted by the organizational conference in Toronto, March 30, 2008. Alliance  of  Concerned  Jewish  Canadians Alliance  de  Canadien-nes  juives-fs  consterné-es A C J C 514 284 66 42 [email protected] News/nouvelles &discussion List/e: [email protected]