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In order to produce products and services, companies are using various tangible assets such as production equipment and facilities. The goal of the maintenance function is to maintain these assets so they operate safely, efficiently and economically. This function includes technical, administrative and management activities, carried out in order to keep company's assets in a state, or restore these to a state, in which they can perform the required functions. The activities should be planned and carried out in a way that allows for obtaining the required technical condition, availability, meets the safety requirements for humans and the environment, ensures quality of delivered products and services, and secures the anticipated service life of individual devices. Both effectiveness and efficiency of the maintenance function are very important to each company trying to operate with profit.
Zanichelli, 2024
Soltanto chi ha paura è capace di sperare. Unica dea benigna per i poeti greci arcaici come Teognide, le speranza era vista dagli antichi come una sensazione di difficile definizione che si collocava tra desiderio e paura. SPES: Aula di Lettere online, Zanichelli
Konteksty religijności i rodziny, 2020
Uczestnictwo jako warunek rozwoju osobowego Participation as a condition of personal development STRESZCZENIE Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie psychologicznej koncepcji uczestnictwa. Uczestnictwo można ujmować jako czynność i jako wytwór. Jako czynność jest to akt woli, która spontanicznie wybiera to, co wybiera ktoś inny. Natomiast jako wytwór uczestnictwo jest nowym stanem osoby, jej cechą, dzięki której osoba dąży do szerszego dobra niż tylko dobro własne. Tak rozumiane uczestnictwo jest istotą socjalizacji. Aby dookreślić zakres znaczeniowy pojęcia uczestnictwa autor zaproponował model podmiotu osobowego, w ramach którego wyróżnił cztery podstawowe aspekty aktywności człowieka w świecie: działanie, uczestnictwo, tworzenie i myślenie. Na bazie modelu omówione zostały geneza uczestnictwa, jego mechanizm oraz funkcje. Źródłem uczestnictwa jest przeżycie wartości relacji z osobą, na którą podmiot otwiera się właśnie w postaci uczestnictwa w jej życiu. Uczestnictwo nie jest kresem rozwoju; pełni ono funkcję dezintegracji struktur popędowych,
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
Resumo O método numérico de Numerové desenvolvido de forma didática usando Python no Jupyter Notebook versão 6.0.3 para três diferentes sistemas da física quântica: oátomo de hidrogênio, uma molécula governada pelo potencial de Morse e um quantum dot. Após uma breve introdução ao método Numerov,é apresentado o código completo para calcular as autofunções e autovalores doátomo de hidrogênio. As alterações de código necessárias para calcular os outros dois exemplos também são fornecidas em sequência. Palavras-chave:átomo de hidrogênio; potencial de Morse; Quantum Dot; metodo de Numerov; Python.
MEST Journal, 2013
Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence which appeared in the 1980's, was a revolutionary work that changed traditional perspective on human mind and learning. In the beginning, the theory was approached with doubt, since it opposed the belief that intelligence was an inherited, single entity, measured by IQ tests. According to this theory, there are eight types of intelligence which are to a certain extent present in each individual, and can be developed with practice. This means that there are different types of learners who are, depending on their type of intelligence, able to adopt certain materials more efficiently than others. The imperative of the theory was the change of curriculum and its adjustment to all eight types of learners. In accordance with this fact, many educators, who recognized the differences in learning among their students, applied this theory in order to enhance the quality of teaching. The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of this theory in ESL, as well as many different possibilities of applying it in a classroom. The attention will also be paid to some activities suitable for eight types of intelligence which can be used in the FL classroom. The topics that this paper is exploring could be interesting not only to English teachers, but to all educators.
Byrsa. Scritti sull'antico oriente mediterraneo, 33-34, 2018
The relation between Carthage and the North Western district of Sardinia began during the first half of the 8th century BC with an important trade exchange. This approach was binary and not unilinear with, in percentage, similar quantities in both the areas. This paper will offer a picture of Carthaginian presence in North Sardinia and the Sardinian one at Carthage starting from the “Bir Massouda level” and reaching the 8th and 7th centuries BC.
Αποστολίδου, Β., Κόκορης, Δ., Μπακογιάννης, Μ. & Χοντολίδου, Ε (επιμ.). Λογοτεχνική Ανάγνωση στο Σχολείο & στην Κοινωνία. Αθήνα: Gutenberg., 2018
Master Thesis (Università degli Studi di Padova)
in Hans Jansen, ed., TIjdschrift Voor Orthopedagogiek (55), 2016: 349-357.
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DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2022
Mobile Information Systems, 2022
Ci. Anim. Bras., 2011
Revue archéologique, 2016
Revista Brasileira de História & Ciências Sociais, 2018
BMC psychiatry, 2017
Scientia Medica, 2010
European journal of public health, 2020
Personality and Individual Differences, 2015
Journal of Weed Science Research, 2018
Sustainability, 2021
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA)
Frontiers in immunology, 2014