Althussers Ideological State Apparatuses Literary Criticism

ALTINAY ÖZEN Althusser’s Ideological State Apparatuses & Literary Criticism Althusser was one of the structural Marxist philosophers. He suggested different theories and points for Karl Marx’s ideas on the structure of a society. According to Terry Eagleton who is a British literary theorist (1996), “Althusser has sometimes been seen as a 'structuralist' Marxist, in that for him human individuals are the product of many different social determinants, and thus have no essential unity” (p.149). Unlike Marx’s idea about the superstructure which suggests that it is determined by an economic base. Althusser thought that there are some other elements that have roles in determining the superstructure. He came up with the term “interpellation”, which defines the way we perceive ideas and as a result of this perception, every individual is defined as a subject. According to Althusser (1971), “The existence of ideology and the hailing or interpellation of individuals as subjects are one and the same thing” (p.163). He explained ideology with the term Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs) which consist of school, political system, and family and the ISAs were distinguished from (repressive) State Apparatus in the ways of violence and ideology. When we analyze some literary works in the light of the ideology, we can start from looking at the conditions of those times in the history. In the novel Wide Sargasso Sea which was written by Jean Rhys, people from different classes in a society can be seen. Each character belongs to a class in the society and they carry the features of these classes that they constitute. Until the beginning of 19th century, there was slavery. So, rich and upper class people owned poor people who were brought from West Indies, Africa, and some other colonized countries. The State power was in the hands of the rich people who can be seen as the ruling class of the time because they were the people that had money. They were defining the economic base of the society. The order in the society was based on slavery which prompted the life quality of upper class people via the exploitation of the human power. As Althusser (1971) said: Thus, the definition of the State as a class State, existing in the repressive State apparatus, casts a brilliant light on all the facts observable in the various orders of repression whatever their domains: (…)it casts light on all the direct or indirect forms of exploitation and extermination of the masses of people (imperialist wars); (…) (p.133) 1 ALTINAY ÖZEN Also, the metaphor of two floors of the superstructure by Karl Marx can be seen in this novel because we can think that people from upper classes as they were the upper floor and dependent on their base which can be seen as the slaves. However, the setting of the novel is after the Emancipation Act of 1833 which freed slaves in Britain from their owners. After the enactment of this law, some problems emerged. Even though slave owners were promised to be paid some compensation, some of them never got their money. The father of the protagonist in this novel is one of these slave owners who were not paid. Since the slaves are free, they claim their rights as a human and they feel angry towards those people who have dominated and became rich out of their efforts. With the changing balance both in the area of social status and economic status, people are trying to fit in a place in the society. Moreover, the clashes between two different classes can be seen within the dialogues of the protagonist’s husband and the ex-slave Christophine. She revolts against a white English man, which is a quite unexpected behavior considering previous power domination. Since the colonized people’s perspectives are included, the effects of Post-colonialism can be seen in this novel. The husband in the novel confiscates the power of money from the protagonist Antoinette who is a creole woman. After Antoinette loses her power on her husband, she tries to stand against him. She struggles to fit in a class in the society so that she can be part of a unity. According to Althusser (1971), “The reproduction of the relations of production can therefore only be a class undertaking. It is realized through a class struggle which counterposes the ruling class and the exploited class” (p.171). Thus, we can see an example of counterposing between the husband who plays the role of ruling class and Antoinette who is from the exploited class. Also, the hegemony which means the dominance of the strong side can be seen in the novel. According to Marx (1859), “It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness” (p.4). He suggested that our reality determines our perception of the ideology, which can be interpreted as people’s economic status build them a class in the society. In Wide Sargasso Sea, Antoinette is the daughter of a slave owner and a creole woman in the 19th century which was the time when the combination of these two features made her an outcast in the society. However, the husband is a white and English man which 2 ALTINAY ÖZEN was seen superior among the people because of the imperialist ideas. I think this situation was the core of their problems. One can analyze better the events in this novel if s/he knows about the history of the time in which the story takes place. As Eagleton (1976) mentions in the preface of his book Marxism and Literary Criticism, “Marxist criticism analyses literature in terms of the historical conditions which produce it; and it needs, similarly, to be aware of its own historical conditions”. After knowing the historical events that happened in the timeline of this novel, the aim of the author in writing this book can be understood. Thus, the novel can be analyzed with both the ideas of Althusser and Marx about the society. In addition, the role of race in this novel can be analyzed in details considering the Post-colonialism for the further criticism of the literature. 3 ALTINAY ÖZEN Bibliography Althusser, L. (1971). Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays: Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (pp.121-173). London: NLB. Eagleton, T. (1976). Preface. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd Eagleton, T. (1996). Literary Theory An Introduction. Great Britain: Blackwell. Marx, K. (1859). Preface. A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. Moscow: Progress Publishers. Rhys, J. (1966). Wide Sargasso Sea. England: André Deutsch 4