Summer School on Separated Children

presentation of the paper 'Minori vittime di reato: tratta e sfruttamento lavorativo'

DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES ECOLAB FRIDAY 3rd JULY 9:00 Simona MICELI, University of Naples “L’Orientale” La capacità di aspirare dei figli dell’immigrazione The Capacity to Aspire of Migrant Children 10:00 Annamaria FANTAUZZI, University of Turin, MSH Paris Infanzie rubate: dai bambini soldati ai MSNA Stolen Childhoods: from Child Soldiers to Unaccompained Minors 10:30 Laura TARAFAS, Université Paris XIII MSNA in Ungheria: una panoramica complessa Unaccompanied Minors in Hungary: A Complex Overview of a Difficult Situation 11:00 Coffee break 11:30 Gianfranco MARRONE, University of Palermo Narrazioni mediatiche: rischi, catastrofi, miracoli Narratives media: risks, disasters, miracles 12:00 Daria ROSTIROLLA, EHESS – Paris Adolescenza, migrazione e intervento psicosociale: l'esperienza del Centro F. Minkowska di Parigi" Adolescents, migration and psychosocial intervention: the experience of the Minkowska Center of Paris 12:30 Petr POSPÍŠIL, Charles University in Prague Diritto internazionale e protezione dei bambini migranti Protection of the migrant children under the international law 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Girolamo LO VERSO, Maria Chiara MONTI, University of Palermo MSNA: riconoscimento di un’identità o un destino psichico? Unaccompained Children: the Recognition of an Identity or a Psychic Destiny 15:00 Angeliki TSANIKIDOU, Royal Holloway University of London Vite irriconoscibili: il diritto di esistere Unrecognisable Lives: Performing the Right to Be 15:30 Ágnes TÖTTŐS, Hungary Diritti dei bambini, migrazione legale e libera circolazione Children’s rights in the issues of legal migration and free movement 16:00 Final test and Plenary Discussion Tutti i giorni alle 18.30, lezioni di Yoga in spiaggia Everyday at 6.30 p.m., Yoga lessons on the beach by Onaimin Giusy Cicero On Separated CHILDREN 9th Edition of International Summer School MIGRANTS, HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY Direttore Aurelio Angelini Coordinamento Scientifico Elisabetta Di Giovanni 29 JUNE > 3 JULY 2015 Grand Hotel Florio Piazza Madrice 64 FAVIGNANA (TP) Italy MONDAY 29 th JUNE WEDNESDAY 1st JULY 9.30 Registration and welcome coffee 9:00 Elena MIGNOSI, Sabina FONTANA, University of Palermo, University of Catania Rendere esplicito l’implicito: idee di infanzia e di “straniero” e ruolo dell’adulto nei processi di inclusione Making explicit what is implicit: perspectives about infancy and about “alterity” and role of the caregiver in inclusion processes - Workshop 10.30 Welcome Words Chairman Aurelio ANGELINI, Director of the Summer School Giuseppe PAGOTO, Archipelago of Egadi Islands – Mayor of the Municipality of Favignana Roberto LAGALLA, Rector of the University of Palermo Girolamo CUSIMANO, Dean of the School of Humanities and Cultural Heritage, University of Palermo Gioacchino LAVANCO, Science of Education degrees Coordinator, University of Palermo Stefano BOCA, Head of Psychological, Pedagogical and Educational Sciences Department, University of Palermo René MANENTI, Executive Director of the Centre for Migration Studies (Rome) Andrea BELLARDINELLI, Coordinator Emergency ONG (Italy) Elisabetta DI GIOVANNI, Scientific Coordinator of the Summer School 11:00 Coffee break 11:30 Liza CERRONI LONG, Eastern Michigan University Questioni sulla diaspora globale Global Diaspora Problematics 13:00 Lunch 12:30 Lunch 14:30 “Egadi Islands” Sea Reserve Nature guided tour 13:30 – 17:30 Carola MESSINA,Team Building 19:30 Social dinner TUESDAY 30th JUNE THURSDAY 2nd JULY 9:00 Francesca MARTINI, University of Genoa Uno sguardo al fenomeno del traffico di esseri umani: vittime di sfruttamento, migranti forzati e richiedenti asilo politico A look at the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings: the victims of exploitation, forced migrants and asylum seekers 9:00 Liza CERRONI LONG, Eastern Michigan University Culture, migrazioni, conflitti Culture, Migration, Conflict 10:00 Fulvio VASSALLO PALEOLOGO, ASGI Bambini e adolescenti vittime di tratta: strumenti di protezione e prassi applicate Children and young adults as victims of human trafficking 11:00 Coffee break 11:30 Andis ALIREZA FARSHCHI, Mofid University Il fenomeno dei bambini migranti di strada in Iran e la sfida dei diritti umani How Afghan Children Immigrants Turn into the Phenomenon Called Children on Street in Iran and the Human Rights Challenges 12:00 Lidis GARBOVAN, Budapest Mobilità ed esperienza di rifugiati indesiderati in Ungheria: verso la fine dei diritti umani e della democrazia? Mobilities and Experiences of (un)welcoming Refugees in Hungary: Towards an End of Human Rights and Democracy? 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Andre Ben Moses AKUCHE, Daniel Etim MAKA, Ogbiji Ogbiji NYIAM, Ignatius Inyokwe OLI, Bassey OBEN, National Youth Council of Nigeria La religione come giustificativo per l’abuso di bambini in Nigeria Using Religion as Justification for the Abuse of the Nigerian Child 10:00 Branislav RADELIJIC, University of East London Identità europea: accordi ufficiali e ufficiosi European Identity: Official and Unofficial Understandings 11:00 Coffee break 11:30 Annamaria AMITRANO, University of Palermo Esodo. Diritti Umani. Compresenza necessaria Exodus. Human Rights. Coexisting 12:15 Vincenzo RUSSO, IULM University of Milan Identità, comunicazione e consumi in una società multietnica Identity, communication and consumer behavior in a multiethnic society 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Elnura OMURKULOVA-OZIERSKA, National Institute for Strategic Studies of the Kyrgyz Republic Cure deficitarie: i migranti del lavoro del Kirghizistan e i bambini lasciati indietro Care deficit: Labour migrants of Kyrgyzstan and Children Left Behind 15:30 Lina DI CARLO, University of Palermo Programmi di protezione e politiche europee per la tutela dei minori stranieri non accompagnati Programs and European politics for unaccompanied children protection 14:30 Przemyslaw OZIERSKI, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Misure indiscriminati per combattere l'immigrazione illegale nella Federazione Russa. Rafforzamento dell’odio interetnico e religioso Indiscriminate measures to combat illegal migration in the Russian Federation. Fuelling inter-ethnic and religious distrust 16:00 Paola CAVANNA, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Piacenza Minori vittime di reato: tratta e sfruttamento lavorativo Child victims of crime: trafficking and forced labour 15:00 Chiara PETTENELLA, Aix-Marseille University Il caso dei minori non accompagnati egiziani, un’analisi multilivello The Case-study of Egyptian Unaccompanied Minors, a multilevel analysis 16:30 Karki JAYANTI, Gothenburg Social Network e MSNA in Svezia: uno studio Creating a social network. A study of unaccompanied minors and youth 15.30 Flora INZERILLO Psicoterapeuta gruppo analista, musicoterapeuta e psicodrammatista Tecniche espressive come strumento di accoglienza Expressive techniques as a means of reception