Papers by Cinzia Guarnaccia
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2017
T he aim of this study was to verify the psychometric properties and the factorial structure of W... more T he aim of this study was to verify the psychometric properties and the factorial structure of Witte's Risk Behaviour Diagnosis (RBD). This article shows the results of a French version of the RBD adapted to diabetes screening. An exploratory factor analysis was carried out in order to understand the number of underlying factors, a confirmatory factor analysis was performed and the four-factor model proposed by the author and alternative models were compared. The concurrent validity was tested by a correlational analysis with the Perceived Fear Emotions Scale. The results confirmed a stable factor structure for the 12-item version, with three factors reflecting total efficacy, severity of and susceptibility to threat. The value of having a psychometrically valid instrument to assess the impact of fear appeal-based campaigns is linked to the current lack of a comprehensive assessment tool and the importance of preventing health risk behaviours.
La these a comme objet l’analyse du contexte des foyers residentiels pour mineurs qui ont commis ... more La these a comme objet l’analyse du contexte des foyers residentiels pour mineurs qui ont commis des delits (premiere partie) et l’analyse des representations sociales qui influencent l’agir d’adolescents et educateurs dans les foyers (deuxieme partie). La premiere partie propose deux niveaux d’etude, sur les adolescents et sur la structure du foyer. Touts les adolescents montrent nombreux niveaux problematiques dans les variables relevees (Experiences de maltraitance et abus pendant l’enfance; Styles d’Attachement; Estime de Soi; Relations Interpersonnelles; Problemes comportamentaux) mais on ne releve pas de differences entre les deux groupes d’adolescents en fonction de la motivation de prise en charge. L’analyse sur les foyers (101 educateurs de 20 differents foyers) propose comme outil le questionnaire SCIA (encore en cours de validation) qui a l’objectif d’identifier les bonnes pratiques et les niveaux problematiques qui, dans notre cas, sont plus frequents dans la gestion des processus internes. La deuxieme partie, fondee sur le modele theorique des representations sociales, propose une analyse qualitative visee a explorer les representations sociales qui orientent l’agir des principaux acteurs (adolescents et educateurs) impliques dans la vie du foyer ainsi que les differences entre differents modeles de prise en charge. On remarque une opposition entre foyers qui structurent leur action en fonction de proces de type « institutionnel-reeducatif » et d’autres qui prennent en charge l’adolescent non seulement comme un « cas » mais comme personne a soigner dans l’idee de donner un nouveau sens a son proces de developpement.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2018
Intimate partner violence (IPV), particularly within same-sex couples, is assuming the size of a ... more Intimate partner violence (IPV), particularly within same-sex couples, is assuming the size of a serious and hardly negligible issue that afflicts current society. The main objective of the present review of the literature was to analyze the studies and theoretical perspectives on this issue, adopting a psychodynamic point of view that allows for underlining the extent of the problem. PsychInfo and PsychARTICLES databases were searched, using the keywords "same-sex domestic violence", "same-sex intimate partner violence", "homosexual domestic violence" and "homosexual intimate partner violence" in order to identifying literature published between 2000 and 2018. The extracted documents were then assessed for their qualitative relevance. The results concerning violence within lesbian couples underlined a gap in the literature, along with the influence of feminist movements, heterosexist theories, stereotypes, and homophobia. Regarding the violence within gay couples, the "novelty" of the issue emerged, along with the interest in the peculiarity of the victims and the harassers, the minority stress, and the controversial relationship with the legal system. Finally, a comparison between IPV in lesbian and gay couples makes it clear that, beyond similarities and differences, every situation deserves highly specific and targeted treatment.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2017
Objectives Recent research shows clear correlations between the subjective perception of job's in... more Objectives Recent research shows clear correlations between the subjective perception of job's insecurity and physical, mental and relational health. This article highlights the difficulties of workers, and particularly the impact of uncertainty and job loss on their self-esteem and psychophysical well-being. The work presents and contextualizes the perception of job insecurity as an effect of postmodern society. Methods The research involved 60 subjects that have lost the jobs and received a 3 month intervention of active policies organized in groups focusing on empowerment and employability. At two times before and after group participants filled in Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (RSES) and Health Survey-36 (SF-36) in order to evaluate the levels of self-esteem and sense of wellbeing and the changes after the group intervention. Results We shown low levels of self-esteem in the whole sample at t1 and significant increasing after intervention. Concerning SF-36, initial values indicated a high level of physical and psychological problems and poor levels of well-being. Only a few of these variables change significantly after group intervention. There are also differences between groups depending on the sex of the participants, age and perception of social support. Conclusions Data suggests that actives policies interventions can produce good results but more specific interventions would be needed in relation to the individual characteristics. We underlined the necessity to specify the general categorization of "unemployed" in order to act more effective actions based on specific target's conditions.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2017
International audienceNon è mai semplice lavorare in gruppo. Un grande gruppo, composto da 23 pro... more International audienceNon è mai semplice lavorare in gruppo. Un grande gruppo, composto da 23 professionisti che dedicano il loro lavoro allo studio e alla cura delle famiglie. Bambini e bambine, genitori, coppie, madri e padri, fratelli e sorelle. Figli unici. Figli desiderati e figli "arrivati per caso". Figli non voluti. Figli abbandonati. Figli che non arrivano. Che arrivano troppo presto o troppo tardi. Che muoiono quando ancora devono iniziare a vivere. Figli che spaccano il silenzio della notte. Che riempiono i giorni. Figli della notte. Figli reali. Figli. Gli ultimi capitoli sono dedicati a una riflessione sul tema della GPA, tecnica più o meno regolamentata da leggi nazionali e internazionali, gli autori e le autrici di questo libro auspicano che gli psicologi non si fermino a una posizione mentale univoca, a giudizi affrettati e guidati da posizioni politiche o da ideologie ma tengano conto di alcuni punti essenziali: la mancanza di ricerche esaustive, i limiti e i rischi della censura nella narrazione della storia delle origini, le similitudini con le ombre delle adozioni internazionali, e persino la tematica del desiderio come elemento che nella psiche richiede una rivalutazione della responsabilità individuale. Abbiamo voluto accompagnare il lettore lungo un immaginario percorso che partisse dal desiderio e dal progetto di diventare genitori fino al suo compimento. Un percorso costellato anche di ostacoli, fallimenti, fatiche, dolori e insuccessi. Di scelte e decisioni. Di conflitti e ambivalenze. Di vita
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 1, 2019
International audienc
Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2016
The Cancer diagnosis, as Cianfarini (2007) affirmed, often arrives like “a bolt from the blue” th... more The Cancer diagnosis, as Cianfarini (2007) affirmed, often arrives like “a bolt from the blue” that puts a strain on the search for a relational continuity and is substantiated such an extremely difficult time which nobody is prepared for. It represents a very stressful event for both patient and physician, albeit with a different emotional: for the patient it represents an existential challenge that destabilizes all his own certainties and his life’s features like, for example, the relationship with his body, with his feelings and the meaning given up to them, to suffering, disease and death. On the other hand, instead, physician feels suffocated by the unremitting requests of patients and the responsibilities he is not sometimes able to hold up because of his own personal, technical and scientific limits with consequent frustrations and demotivation. This confirms the truth of results of many researches, that in recent years showed how to consider the cancer in its own complexity ...
Adolescent Research Review, 2022
Current Psychology, 2016
This study explores the associations among job insecurity, occupational self-efficacy, work engag... more This study explores the associations among job insecurity, occupational self-efficacy, work engagement, job satisfaction and health and the mediation role of occupational self-efficacy. Two hundred and forty-one workers, were asked to fill in the Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, the Satisfaction Scale of Occupational Stress Inventory and the General Health Questionnaire. Mediation analysis was performed using the boot-strapping method. Job insecurity was negatively related to work engagement, job satisfaction and general health. Occupational self-efficacy mediated the relationship between job insecurity, work engagement, job satisfaction and health on employees in the private and public sectors. The originality of this work is that it shows the effect of job insecurity on engagement, satisfaction and health, and the mediational role of occupational self-efficacy. In a time of economic crisis, when it is not possible to guarantee permanent contracts, Human Resource managers might consider occupational self-efficacy as a resource when planning interventions.
Personality and Individual Differences, 2015
Adult attachment style has only recently been considered as having a role in explaining work beha... more Adult attachment style has only recently been considered as having a role in explaining work behavior. The present research aimed to explore the impact of adult attachment style, assessed by the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI), on organizational commitment (OC) and on adult attachment in the workplace (AAW). We hypothesized that a secure attachment style would be positively related to affective and normative commitment, while preoccupied and avoidant styles would be negatively related to affective commitment; we also hypothesized that there would be a correspondence between the AAI categories and the AAW dimensions. Using the AAI categories as group variable, analysis of average OC and AAW scores confirmed the hypotheses. Secure workers had a higher mean score for affective commitment than avoidant and preoccupied workers; normative commitment was higher in avoidant than in secure and preoccupied workers; continuance commitment was higher in preoccupied than in secure and avoidant workers. Moreover, AAI categories converged with AAW dimensions: secure workers had higher secure AAW scores than avoidant and preoccupied workers; avoidant workers had higher avoidant AAW scores than secure and preoccupied workers; preoccupied workers had higher preoccupied AAW scores than secure and avoidant workers.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2012
Questo lavoro esplora, in un gruppo terapeutico con pazienti gravi, due tra le variabili di proce... more Questo lavoro esplora, in un gruppo terapeutico con pazienti gravi, due tra le variabili di processo più indagate nelle terapie di gruppo, l'alleanza terapeutica e la coesione, analizzandone le associazioni con gli esiti del trattamento in termini di sintomi e difese. E' stato esaminato un gruppo a lungo termine, semi-aperto, a cadenza settimanale. L'osservazione si è svolta per un periodo di 18 mesi, per un totale di 50 sedute. Sono stati monitorati 11 soggetti che riportavano diverse diagnosi nell'Asse I e II del DSM IV. TR Gli strumenti di esito usati sono stati l'SCL-90: Symptom Check List; l' OQ-45: Outcome Questionnaire 45.2; e il DSQ: Defense Style Questionnaire. Mentre per rilevare il processo abbiamo utilizzato la CALPAS-G: California Psychotherapy Alliance Scale-Group version; e la GMLCS: Group/ Member/Leader Cohesion Scale. Il periodo di osservazione è stato suddiviso in tre fasi, in funzione delle rimodulazioni del setting (nuovi ingressi, uscite e drop out). Come primo accenno possiamo dire di avere rilevato correlazioni significative tra alleanza, coesione ed esiti nelle tre fasi. Nella fase di maggiore "instabilità", sembra emergere il ruolo predominante della coesione e più in generale delle dimensioni legate all'impegno (commitment) verso il gruppo. I risultati della ricerca offrono anche interessanti indicazioni riguardo alla differenziazione tra Alleanza e Coesione, e al loro diverso legame con gli esiti e con le evoluzioni del processo terapeutico. Come sappiamo, la ricerca attuale si muove in direzione di una integrazione tra le misure di esito dei pazienti e i fattori relazionali/strutturali che possono facilitare il loro cambiamento. Gli studi ci indicano anche che è sempre più importante focalizzare l'attenzione sulla relazione tra processo ed esiti, anche nelle terapie di gruppo psicodinamiche. E necessario sottolineare tuttavia, che questi trattamenti sono molto complessi e difficili da operazionalizzare e pongono alla ricerca interrogativi complessi su come misurare e quantificare i principali elementi del processo terapeutico. Su questo fronte molti sforzi devono essere ancora fatti se si vuole capire quali fattori si sviluppano nei gruppi e quali condizioni influenzano positivamente l'esito della psicoterapia stessa. Si capisce quindi come sia importante il lavoro di approfondimento concettuale e "operazionale" sui diversi costrutti, se si vuole comprenderne meglio la natura e le differenze e costruire strumenti in grado di coglierne più efficacemente le caratteristiche.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2017
Questo studio esamina le differenze di genere nelle associazioni tra percezione della propria imm... more Questo studio esamina le differenze di genere nelle associazioni tra percezione della propria immagine corporea, stili relazionali e livelli di autostima e il ruolo predittivo della percezione dell'immagine corporea e dell'autostima nello sviluppo di problemi interpersonali. Lo studio ha coinvolto 1311 adolescenti (805 maschi e 506 femmine), reclutati presso un istituto d'istruzione superiore. I partecipanti hanno compilato i seguenti questionari: BIAI, IIP-32 e RSES. I risultati indicano la presenza di differenze significative nelle variabili esaminate confrontando i partecipanti in base al genere. Solo nel gruppo dei maschi la relazione tra insoddisfazione corporea e problemi nell'ambito delle relazioni interpersonali risulta parzialmente mediata dai livelli di autostima. Viene discussa l'importanza del ruolo di autostima e soddisfazione corporea anche rispetto alla prevenzione di problematiche relazionali negli adolescenti.
Papers by Cinzia Guarnaccia