Automatic frequency control of an induction furnace

1999, Africon, 1999 IEEE

AUTOMATIC FREQUENCY CONTROL 0.1' AN INDUCTION FURNACE !'resellled by IRSHADKHAN This thesis is submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MAGISTER TECHNOLOGIAE in the department of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING at the CAPE TECHNIKON Supervised by: Prof. J Tapson and Prof. B Mortimer December 2000 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank my creator and my parents for gIVing me the strength to achieve this qualification. I would also like to thank my brother Azeem whose support and encouragement will always be appreciatcd. A big thank you goes out to Dr 10nathan Tapson, my Thesis Supervisor, to whom I will always be grateful to, for his sound advice, guidance and confidence in my ability. Thank you also due to Mr A 1 Capmbcll , Prof. B Mortimer and Mr S Ham·in ftlr their support and advice throughout this projcct A special thanks also goes out to thc following pcople who provided valuable advice and support towards this project: Universitv of Ca De Town: • Colleagues: Dr lan de Vries and ]e\·on Da\ies • Principle Technical Officer: Mr. Stc\·cn Schrire • Departmental assistants: Mr Albcrt Martin and Mr. P. Daniels • Lecturing Staff: Prof. J. R. Grccne. Prof. 1. Bell. 11 SYNOPSIS The development of an automatic frequency control system for a miniature high frequency induction furnace is described. A background study into the fields of induction-heating, resonance, power electronic resonant converters and phase locked-loops are performed with relevance to this research. An analysis of the resonant load circuit is performed by means of a combination of measurement and numerical simulations. The study of the load behavior and power source is used as a :001 to aid effective implementation of the automatic frequency control system. This Jimulation data is used to detenninc the operating frequency range of the RLL system. A background study is performed in whieh several frequency-control schemes for power electronic converters are investigated. A brief summary, in which the basic requirements for a frequency control system with regards to this research are presented. Two revisions of the Automatic Frequency Control system (RLL) were implemented, on the induction furnace. Experimental results on both systems (Revl and Rev2), illustrating the necessity for frequency control are also presented. Future suggestions for optimizing the loop performance are presented. Further steps in the developmental process of the miniature high frequencj induction furnace are also discussed. III TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i SYNOPSIS ii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS vi I. Figures vi 2. Tables vii CHAPTER I 1 INTRODUCTION I CHAPTER 2 4 previous work 2.1 4 Previous Induction Heating Reseal ch 4 2.2 Background Study 2.2.1. Current Source 6 Inverter using SIT's for Induction Heating Applications 6 2.2.2 Discussion 7 2.3.1 High Power Ultrasound for Industrial applications g 2.3.2 Discussion 8 2.4.1 Half-Bridge Inverter for Induction Heating Applications <) 2.4.2 Discussion 10 2.5.1 PWM Inverter Control Circuitry for induction Heating 10 2.6 Summary II • Signal Conditioning 11 • Stability 11 • Speed 11 • Protection 12 • Initialization Procedure 13 CHAPTER 3 14 AN INTRODUCTION TO INDUCTION-HEATING AND PHASE LOCKEDLOOPS 14 3.1 14 Background 3.2 Basics of Induction Heating .. 14 3.3 .. 17 Hysteresis and Eddy-Current Loss IV 3.4 Power Source 18 3.5 Choice of Frequency 20 3.6 Eddy current stirring 22 3.7 Resonance 23 3.7.1 Parallel Resonance 24 3.8 Phase locked-loops 27 3.8.1 Loop Fundamentals 28 3.8.2 Phase Detector 28 4-Quadrant Multiplier 29 Switch type phase-detectors 30 Triangular phase detectors 32 XOR Phase Detector.. 33 R-S Latch 33 3.8.3 Loop filter 33 Passive loop filter 34 Active loop filter. 34 Intcgrator and lead filter 34 3.8.4 35 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) CHAPTER 4 36 IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTOMATIC FREQUENCY CONTROL 36 4.1 System description and operation 36 4.2 Loading Effect 37 4.3 Load circuit 38 4.3.1 Unloaded hcating coil 39 4.3.2 Copper work-piece 40 4.3.3 Steel work-piece 40 4.2 Concept of resonance locking 41 4.3 Resonance locking methodology 43 4.3.1 Signal Measurement 44 45 4.4 Control circuit implementation 4.4.1 RLL revision I 45 4.4.2 RLL revision 2 4.4.3 Discussion 444 .. ., .. A ntl'-L oc k protectIOn eIrcuItrj . . . . 47 48 . 49 v CHAPTER 5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 5.1 50 50 Revision 1 51 5.2 Revision 2 53 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK 6.1 CONCLUSIONS 6.2 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK 56 56 56 58 REFERENCES 62 APPENDICES I APPENDIX B: Schematics IV 1. Schematic layout of induction furnccc IV 2. Automatic frequency control system Revision I V 3. Automatic frequency control system Revision 2 VI APPENDIX C: Technical Data . IRFF460 ENHANCEMENT-MODE POWER MOSFET . IR2113 HIGH AND LOW SIDE MOSFET DRIVER . AD734 HIGH-SPEED ANALOG MULTIPLIER . VCA 610 AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL IC . CD4046 CM OS PLL lC . DG301 ANALOG SWITCH . VI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURES 2.1 Simplified block diagram showing the layout of the induction billet 6 heater and its control circuit. 2.2 Simplified block diagram of ultrasonic power supply and control system 8 2.3 Block diagram showing system components of Half-bridge inverter 9 2.4 Block diagram showing frequency control system 9 2.5 Simplified block diagram of ultrasonic power source and frequency 10 control circuit 3.3 Layout of the high frequency power source 18 3.4 Half-bridge voltage-fed inverter topology 19 3.5 Full-bridge voltage-fed inverter topology 19 3.6 Current-fed full-bridge inverter topology 19 3.7 Cycloconverter or AC - AC converter 19 3.8 Current-fed chopper or quarter bridge 19 3.9 The variation in penetration depth in a gold work-piece over a frequency range of 100kHz. Frequency response curve of a resonant circuit 22 3.10 23 3.lla General representation of parallel resonant circuit 24 3.11 b Equivalent representation as seen by source 24 3.12 Frequency characteristic of a parallel resonant circuit 26 3.13 Block diagram of basic PLL confi/o,'uration 28 3.14 Sinusoidal characteristic of analog phase detector 30 3.15 Basic switch type P.D configuration 30 3.16 Switching waveforms illustrating phase detector opp ·ation 31 3.17 Sinusoidal characteristic of analog phase detector 32 3.18 Triangular phase detector charac·teristic 32 3.19 XOR phase detector characteristic "7 セM 3.20 R-S latch phase detector characteristic 32 3.21 Simplified representation of active loop filter 34 4.1 Schematic layout of Induction Furnace 36 4.2 Idealized equivalent circuit of induction heating load 38 4.3 Equivalent circuit for unloaded coil 39 4.4 Impedance characteristic for unloaded coil 39 vu 4.5 Equivalent circuit for loaded coil (copper work-piece) 40 4.6 Impedance characteristic for loaded coil (copper work-piece) 40 4.7 Equivalent circuit for loaded coil (steel work-piece) 40 4.8 Impedance characteristic for loaded coil (steel work-piece) 40 4.9 Combined phase characteristic 41 4.10 Combined frequency response 42 4.11 Basic current-fed inverter configuration 43 4.12 Ideal waveforms for driving load circuit 43 4.13 RLL revision 1 45 4.14 RLL revision 2 47 4.15 Block diagram offrequency control system with anti-lock protection 49 5.1 Capacitively reactive tank circuit beiL s by the inverter 50 5.2 Gate voltage and transformed inverter midpoint voltage waveforms 51 locked 90° out of phase by loop 2. 5.3 Inverter operating with RLL rev. 1 52 5.4 Inverter operating with RLL rev. 2 53 5.5 Operation of zero-crossing detector and MOSFET drain-source voltage 54 5.6 Tank circuit driven at its natural resonant frequency 54 5.7 Heating cycle of a steel work-piece 55 2. TABLES 3.1 Coupling effieieneies for several metals at room temperature 16 3.2 Dimensions of the gold work-piece to be melted in the induction furnace 21 4.1 Resonant frequencies for various metals at room temperature 37 Introduction CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Induction heating is an important enabling technology in the platinum and gold jewellery manufacturing industry. This industry is the key to adding value to the mineral extraction industry of South Africa. Platinum jewellery has fast become a growing trend in South Africa, the United States and most of Europe'. The nature of this metal with its high melting point and difficulty in working however does not easily lend itself to usage by the average jeweller using oxy-gas torches and silica investment casts. The first reason for using this is that the high melting point of platinum alloys dissolves the usual refractory materials, causing contamination of the melt, and results in poor finished products. The second reason is the special mixture of oxy-gas and hydrogen required for melting platinum is often expensive and requires skilled labour to operate 2 This research is aimed at the jewellery manufacturing industry. Local jewellers seek a suitable alternative to the conventional blowtorch 2 Induction-heating provides a faster and cleaner melt than the conventional blowtoreh, producing a high purity homogenous alloy brought about by the inherent stirring action of the induced eddy currents. Commercially available large-scale induction furnaces do exist for the jewellery manufacturing industry most of which are imported from Gcrnlany, Italy and the USA. Price ranges of such systems vary between R75 000 and R245 000 per unit. The technology to work platinum has been limited to セイエ few who have imported expensive units allowing them to monopolise the indu.itry with the aid of these technological benetits. The first aim of this research is therefore to provide the South African jewellery industry with a low cost induction furnace capable of melting and alloying small quantities of precious metal such as gold, silver and platinum. The second aim of this research is to provide a laboratory standard induction furnace capable of electrically heating any metal for experimental purposes. Thi, application Introduction 2 would encourage research into the advancement of materials and metallurgical research at tertiary institutions 3 . The advent of solid state power sources for induction heating has enabled conversion efficiencies of up to 93 % due to low switching losses and good high frequency eoupling4 • Solid state power sources used to drive induction-heating loads are usually very efficient, provided that the load is driven at its natural resonant frequency5 This allows zero voltage (ZYS) and or zero current (ZCS) switching of the converter, 6 resulting in reduced power losses in the semiconductor switches 5 . Another advantage of driving a load at resonance is to enable an input power factor close to unity allowing minimal KYA consumption 6 These parameters enable high conversion efficiencies due to reduced switching losses i! the powcr source 7 .8 .9 The components of an induction furnace can be broken down into thrce main categories namely: I) Load circuit, 2) Power source and 3) Frequency control circuit The basic load circuit and power source has already been developed in part during a previous research project lO The current research project however, focuscs on the development of a novel frequency control system for the induction furnace. The induction-heating load forms part of a resonant tank circuit with a Q, which varies from 3 to 18. The power source is used to drive this tank circuit at its resonant frequency. The metal which is to be heated (work-p' xe), is situated inside a refractory crucible, which is placed inside the heating coil. When the coil is loaded a resulting shift in the resonant freqUency of the tank circuit occurs. This shi ft in resonant frequency is directly related to the loading effect, which depends on the resistivity of the work-piece and the efficiency of coupling between the work-piece and the coil!!. This shift is compensated for by manually adjusting the driving frequency of the power source to the new load resonant frequency. During a heating cycle, an IIlcrease in work-piece temperature causes an increase work-piece resistivity, whieh in turn also causes a shiti in the resonant irequenev of the tank circuit. When melting metals by induction, it is predicted that a further shin In Introduction 3 resonant frequency also occurs at the instant of melting. This phenomenon is attributed to the fact that the resistivity of a liquid metal differs from that of a solid metal. When dealing with magnetic metals, frequency shifts also occurs during a heating cycle I2 •5 • When heating a ferromagnetic material (eg. steel), the relative permeability of that metal decreases with an increase in temperature, which causes a large shift in resonant frequency when the metal is heated through its Curie point. All of the factors mentioned above should be considered when heating and melting various metals by induction. A problem therefore exists when different metals are placed in the heating coil, because it would require the operator of the induction furnace to manually tune the system for maximum power and efficiency thoughout the process. This situation is undesirable because human intervention is not always as accurate and reliable as automatic control. An example of this situation occurs when heating a high melting point metal such as platinum. This process requires continuous maximum power transfer at all times. Incorrect manual tuning of the driving frequency could result in the freezing of the precious metal at the instant of pouring, due to insufficient heating above the metals melting point. The system also becomes less complicated to use, once automatic frequency control is implemented. The system proposed for this research is one that would automatically search for and operate at the natural load resonant frequency, and continuously track this resonant frequency during the heating cycle. This system will be referred to as the Automatic Frequency Control system (AFC) or the Resonant Locked Loop control circuit (RLL). This thesis describes the actual implementation of a no el Automatic Frequency Control circuit to the existing prototype induction furnace. A brief study of previous frequency control systems are presented and used as design guidelines. The control circuit implementation is tested on the prototype induction furnace and results are presented to verify its stability under power conditions. 4 Previous Work CHAPTER 2 PREVIOUS WORK 2.1 PREVIOUS INDUCTION HEATING RESEARCH This project was first undertaken at the University of Cape Town in 1995 by Dave Dean, an engineer from the Materials Engineering Department. The project was unsuccessful due to an inadequate inverter circuit. The design was reported to cause continuous MOSFET destruction. 11 This was duc to incorrcct gating of the inverter switches which caused cross-conduction (MOSFET's switchcd on in the same inverter leg) resulting in large short-circuit currents in the inverter. The DC bus voltage for the inverter was then stepped down to about 40 volts resulting in far higher required MOSFET current ratings. A second attempt was undertaken as a BTech project in 1996 by Leon Bardenhorst." The gold work-piece could not be heated to more than 300"C due to dcvicc failurc in thc inverter circuit. It was found that this was due to incorrect gating of the MOSFET's and poor inverter layout. Another major problem encountered was matching transformer saturation due to incorrect design. A third attempt was undertaken by Marcello Bartolini as a BTech project in 1997 11 . It was reported that a melting time of 30seconds was achieved for a gold work-piccc. An input power of 4kW was used, and instability of the system during thc heating cycle was reported. This problem was mainly due to poor' esonant circuit design and inadequate load matching. The previous three attempts all followed the same apprc)1ch, which utilized a VoltageFed inverter driving a series resonant load. An extensive literature study was performed into the contemporary topologies used for modem induction heating, before a decision was made for this project. The Loughborough Uni\Crsity Institute of Technology have performed extensive research into high frequency inductiun heating power sources employing power MOSFET's ",.D It was clearly pointed out in this publication that the Current-Fed topology driving a parallel resonant load circuit had 5 Prerious Work proven to be far supenor In performance and operation, than the three prevIOus attempts, utilizing the Voltage-Fed inverter. It was at this point that a decision was made to employ a Current-Fed full-bridge load-resonant topology. The fourth attempt was undertaken by the present author as a BTech project in 1998. A working prototype system using a Current-Fed inverter was developed and conclusive experimental results were presented 4 It was found that the system operated efficiently off a single-phase supply, drawing less than 900W of input power to melt 30g of 24-karat gold in less than 26 seconds. The development of the basic IkW, 100 hHz switch-mode inverter (Current-Fed) employing power MOSFET's was described i:. the research dissertation. Some good design guidelines for the construction of the switch-mode inverter, which are crucial at elevated operating frequencies, were also presented 4 The induction-heating load formed part of a parallel resonant circuit and the development of this load circuit was described. The achievement of these results, was mainly attributed to the sound construction of the power source and careful design of the induction-heating resonant load circuit. The results and conclusions to the research described above have motivated research into further development of the miniature high frequency induction fumace. The initial system operated in open loop frequency control, which required the user to manually tunc the operating frequency of the inverter to the natural resonant frequency of thc load by monitoring the wav·e shape of the driving voltage across thc load. The inverter switching frequency was manually tunc: to achieve zero voltage transition (ZVT) switching in the power source. Failure to do so would result in a mismatch between the driving frequency and the natural resonance of the load. This would produce a fall off in inverter efficiency, and maximum power would not be transferred to the load. A temporary solution was provided by adjustment of the load circuit bandwidth to compensate for changes in load operating frequency. This proved to be disadvantageous because the system eftlciency was not constant over the entire operating range. It was therefore apparent that closed loop frequency control was needed in order for the system to operate at maximum possible efficiency :ll all times. 6 Previous Work The problem of frequency control is often encountered when driving loads of dynamic resonant nature, such as resonant induction heating loads. Investigations into the operation of several frequency control schemes were therefore conducted as a basis for the current research. These various frequency control techniques were studied in detail and discussions are presented to analyse each system's overall perfonnance. A conclusive summary is also presented, in which the fundamental requirements of a frequency control system are discussed as a basis for the current research. 2.2 BACKGROUND STUDY The work to be discussed concentrates on the ircquency control of resonant loads for various induction-heating applications as well as a high power ultrasound application. 2.2.1. Current Source Inverter using SIT's for Induction Hcating Applications • • Parallel Resonant load Cif CUll Hlgn Power Current Scurce Inverter セ InducMnHeaLng Load lO:JPl V,...., I.'JA.:: • • ADC 53 S4 51,52 ROM セ OAC LOOP2 • Control LogiC Gate Drtve CirCUits • ADC セcBv • GpLmurr. Phase ;'''9 1,: • PLl Ccnl:":;i C,rcIA • A control scheme was implemented for a 130 kHz, 7.5 kW full-bridge inverter for the induction heating of iron billets by Akagi, el af 14. The simplitied bloek diagram of the system is shown in figure 2.1. A current-fed topology was used to drive the induction-heating load, whieh fonned part of a parallel resonant circuit. The frequency control scheme employed essentially the switching of the SITs (static Previous Work 7 induction transistors) at zero voltage in order to maximize converter efficiency. This control was realized by employing two digital phase-locked loops. Optimal firing phase angle control values for the SITs which were a function of the average load current and the RMS load voltage, were pre-caleulated and stored in a 64 kbyte ROM table. The average load output current and RMS output voltage were used as offset addresses for the ROM table, which then gave the optimal phase angle to be used. Loopl controlled the ON timing of the SIT switches in order to maintain a fixed phase relationship between the load current and load voltage over the entire operating frequency range. Loop2 provided zero voltage switching by locking the off timing of the SIT switches to the load voltage. 2.2.2 Discussion The system was reported to have perfo1Tl1ed well with an estimated inverter efficiency of 95%. The response time of the system presented was limited by the following factors: • Conversions of the output voltage and current from an analogue quantity to a digital value. Accessing data from the ROM table to produce the optimal phase angle value. • Digital to analog conversion of the optimal phase angle value to be synthesised by the PLL circuit. All conversions (0 - A and A - D) had a resolution of only eight bits which limited the accuracy of the optimal phase angle control scheme. The EMI and induced noise generated by the switching of the power source could have an adverse effect on the operation of the frequency control schcme employed. The start-up sequence of this system was achieved by first manually tuning the inverter switching frequcncy (by adjusting the VCO) to the resonant frequency of the load. Once resonance was achieved. the user would then switch to automatic operation. Thus no automatic startup was achieved. 8 Previol/s Work 2.3.1 High Power Ultrasound for Industrial applications I i 1 Half-Bridge Inverter Tcaosduce, !LOAO Resonant Load VI.OAO .;. .i Clock FIlter A FIlter B . I vco f.ol I, FIg 2.2 Phase detector S,mplified Block a,agr..rn of ultraso lie po""e, s.upply and control "'ys.tern The research involved the driving of an ultrasonic transducer (Tonpiitz) at a power of approximately 1.5 kW by Veldhuizen ls A simplified block diagram is shown in figure 2.2. This project was aimed at ultrasonic eleaning applications. A half-bridge voltage fed inverter was employed to supply the necessary RF power to the transducer (load). The transducer fonned a complex high Q resonant circuit (predominantly sencs resonant) which required frequency control of the power source in order to lock to a specific resonant mode in the transducer, hence delivering maximum power to the load. This was achieved by locking the driving voltage and current to the load in phase over the specified operating frequency range of approximately 20 - 40 kHz. The frequency canIro! system employed the monolithic 4046 PLL le. Operating mode 2 of the PLL, which utilized the R-S latch phase detector, was employed. 2.3.2 Discussion The system was reported to be unstable due to poor loop filter design. The system was very susceptibleta noise and EM! which cased the frequency control loop to lose lock at high power levels. Special noise shielding techniques were employed to ensure operation. The driving current signal to the load was embedded in noise due the measuring technique emplvyed, and special filter circuitry was designed for signal conditioning purposes (filter A and filter B). The susceptibility of the loop to noise and EMl is characteristic of edge-triggered dev·ices such as the R-S latch. The current filtering circuitry employed matched 2nd order passive tilters on both tl'e output 9 Previous Work voltage (V LOAD) and output current (I LOAD) in order to minimize phase errors over the operating frequency range of the frequency control system. The signal conditioning circuitry proved to be a critical factor in the design of this frequency control circuit. It was therefore concluded that a frequency control circuit should have a low susceptibility to noise and EMl produced by the power source, if reliable operation was to be guaranteed. Half-Bridge Inverter for Induction Heating Applications 2.4.1 I I I I ser;espa:l I .. 1llnverter - -, Half-Bridge ---- Inverter Load セLMM I 1 T Manual Overide Resonant InductionHealing J 1 1-' PLL System - VL'JAD.,. - - セ Loop Filter • VCO I セ - Fig 24 Block diagram shoi'lmg frequency CDnlrol system Fig. 2.3· Block diagram showtng system layout This research involved the development of a 6 kW, 50 - 150 kHz half - bridge IGBT n inverter for the heating of carbon steel billets above Curie temperature (780 C) for industrial heating applications by Kamli 7 A simplified block diagram is shown in figure 2.3. The frequency control circuit is shown in figure 2.4. The load circuit formed a combined series parallel conllguration. which was driven by the im·ertcr. A frequency control circuit was employed to track changes in the resonant load circuit. This was realized by employing the monolithic 4046 PLL IC in operation mode It. The control of the inverter was achieved by locking the control signals to the IGBT switches, in phase with the zero crossing points of the load voltage. A simple PLL control circuit was implemented to realize this control. A passive second order loop filter was employed to provide the error voltage proportional to the phase di ITerence between the two input signals. The system was started up by manually adjusting the vca to resonance before switching over to automatic lock operation. Previous Work 2.4.2 10 Discussion The system operated well over the entire operating range and experimental results showing the tracking operation of the control circuit were presented. The passive second order loop filter employed does not provide for effective tracking and capture operation resulting in a finite static phase error due to its low loop gain l6 2.5.1 PWM Inverter Control Circuitry for induction Heating ---, I Full-Bridge Inverter セMi _._-.- Series Resonant InductionHeating Load ,-r---r- I I I I Nセ セM , PWM Controller セZ I - -1 PLL System L- イセ :.... I I ---llOAO- _ Fig. 2.5: Simplified block diagram showing the power source and frequency control circuit The research involved the development of a frequency control circuit for a 4kW, 70kHz, full-bridge Voltage Sourcc Inverter for induction heating applications by Ho'. The basic system is shown in figure 2.5. This systcm was used to hcat carbon stcel billets past their Curie temperature. A phase shifted PWM controller (UC 3825) was also employed to generate the switching signals for inverter with the necessary dead timings between transitions to prevcnt cross conduction of the power source. The 4046 PLL operating in mode Il was employed to achievc セ・イッ voltage switching of the power source and ensure maximuill PO\\'Cr transfer to thc load at all times. Frequency control of the power source was achieved by locking the measured output voltage and current to the load in phase, over the operating frequency range. Thc phase error produced by the type Il phase dctector was filtcred by a first order passiv'e low pass filter and provided the DC reference voltage tor clocking the phasc shi fted PWM controller. The system was started up manually by v'arying the driving frequency of the clocking circuit until lock in operation occurred. Previous Work 2.6 II SUMMARY It can be concluded from the previous work discussed that the following problems exist with frequency control circuits in resonant mode power sources: • Signal Conditioning All the types of frequency control methods studied thus far reqUIre somc sort of current and or voltage measurement technique in order to detect resonance. This occurs when the load voltage and load current are in phase. A problem exists within high frequency converters when measuring output currents. This is due high frequency oscillations often being superimposed on the actual measurcd signal 17 Special signal filtering techniques are often required to "clean up" the signal, making it compatible with standard analog and digital circuitry to be implemented for the control stage. Passive filtering circuits have a finite frequency and phase response over their operating range and often require a relatively narrow bandwidth to achieve optimal filtering at the fundamental frequency. Thesc practicalitics often limit the operating range of the system and produce phase shifts around its stable operating point. Stability High frequency power sources are generators of electromagnetic interfcrencc (EMl). The intense magnetic field produced in thc induction-heating coil is also a generator of high frequency power radiation. These factors make operation of low-power analogue control-circuitry difficult due to noise EMl produccd by the high power circuits. Special noise shielding techniques arc usually reqUired to makc these low power circuits immune to EM!. Digital circuits are relatively immune to EMl and pose a feasible solution provided that the operating speed does not limit thc performance of the system. Speed The natural resonant frequency of the load circuit is altered when the inductance of the heating-coil changes. This change occurs by virtue of the loading effect produced by the work-piece due to factors such as different conductivities, differellt coupling distances from the surface of the work-piece to the inner coil surface, and the 12 Previous Work changing relative penneability of the work-piece6 . These changes occur whenever a different work-piece is inserted into the coil and so the resonance point can never be exactly the same. Another factor which alters the inductance of the coil, is when a ferromagnetic work-piece (such as steel) is heated through its Curie point. The Curie transition (approximately 780°C for steel) causes the material to lose its magnetic properties resulting in the relative penneability being reduced to unity from several hundred at room temperature. This transition results in a rapid increase in the penetration depth of the induced eddy currents. The work-piece is no longer a good conductor of magnetic flux (due to Curie u, =1) and the amount of flux cutting the work-piece changes, resulting in a dramatic decrease in the inductance of the coil. This results in an increase in the natural resonant frequency of the tank circuit"' Frequency changes in the load circuit can also occur when heating non-ferrous metals past their melting points. A change in phase (from solid to liquid) in the metal results in a change in the metal's conductivity which influences the inductance of the coil by virtue of the magnetic field produced in it. The rate of change offrequency in the load is detennined by the rate at which power is being delivered to the work-piece. Ideally for efficient melting systems thc idea is to deposit energy into the work-picce at a rate faster than what can be dissipated by the work-piece by virtue of its thennal conductivit/ s The control system to bc implemcnted should thcrcfore be able track fast changes in the load resonant frcqucncy, maintaining lock at all times. • Protection When operating the high frequency power source, a loss of lock in the frequency control system could produce catastrophic results. If the system loses lock and drivcs the inverter to a frequency away from the natural resonance of the load, the power losses in the semiconductor increase rapidly and semiconductor failure could result due to excessive power dissipation. These power losses are brought about by the loss of zero voltage transition switching and the conduction of the integral body-diodes in the switching elements, at operation away from resonance. A subsystem is therefore necessary to detect a loss of lock in the frequency control circuit. It should then attempt to force the system back into lock operation as quickly as possible or provide a trip signal to the DC bus or isolate the load trom the Inverter by shutting down the gate-drive signals to the inverter-bridge in the event of a malfunction occurring. 13 Previous Work • Initialization Procedure All the induction heating frequency control systems studied thus far are started up manually by tuning the vea to the resonant frequency before switching to automatic frequency control. This drawback is due to the limited capture range of the PLL control system employed, which makes automatic frequency control from start up problematic. The frequency control circuits studied thus far also all employ passive low-pass filtering techniques. Passive loop filters are undesirable in some systems because of the static phase error produced by low loop gain. Low loop gain also results in poor tracking operation l ". Passive filters also have a limited capture rangc due to their large bandwidth. Two crucial parameters of first order loops viz.: loopgain and loop bandwidth, cannot be independently adjusted and therefore do not allow for effective operation at all times l6 Active loop filters (e.g. 2nd order PI controller) however provide much better tracking capability, capture range and minimal static phase error compared to the passive type. These factors are essential for automatic start up operation as well as good overall performance and will be investigated for this research. 14 Ini/iallnvestigations CHAPTER 3 AN INTRODUCTION TO INDUCTION-HEATING AND PHASE LOCKED-LOOPS 3.1 BACKGROUND Electromagnetic induction, the basis of all induction heating, was first discovered by the "father" of induction, Michael Faraday in 1832. With his induced emf theory he proved that currents could be induced in a elosed secondary circuit as a result of varying the current in a neighboring primary circuit. The essential feature was a change in the magnetic flux linkage with the elvsed secondary circuit, produced by an alternating current in the primary. In 1927, almost a century later, the first medium frequency induction furnace was developed by the Electric Furnace Company (EFCO) and since then, the number and size of heating installations have grown steadil/ 9 3.2 BASICS OF INDUCTION HEATING Induction heating utilizes three main effects: electromagnetic induction, skin effect and heat transfer. The heating is caused by the Joule heating effect when an electrically conductive object called the work-piece, is placed in an alternating magnetic field". This alternating magnetic field is set up in the water-cooled induction coil. The induction heating coil and work-piece can be visualized as a transformer with primary turns (work-coil) and a short-circuited secondary turn (work-piece) 19 \Vhen alternating current flows in the primary, volt ages are induced in the secondary which cause currents to flow in it and these Currents tend to cancel the flux that produces them, according to Lenz's law l '. The frequency of these induced Eddy currents in the work-piece is determined by the frequency of 'hc power source. These eddy currents are induced into a peripheral layer of the work-piece known as the skin-depth (0) or penetration depth which is characteristic of current tlow at high frequency due to skin effect is given by: . !P 0:::: -- V>,,"cf /3.11 15 Initial Investigations Where: o= penetration depth P = resistivity of work-piece f frequency of eddy currents = f! = permeability of work-piece which in this case is the same as free space, since the work-piece is non-magnetic. The skin depth is roughly where the current density has fallen to about one third its surface value. The current density falls off from the surface to the center of the workpiece and the rate of decrease is higher at higher frequencies 19 It is also dependent on two properties of the material, i.e., resistivity and relative permeabiliti H Both the penetration depth in the work-piece and the work-coil depend on the three parameters shown in equation 3.1. The ideal situation is to maintain a good efficiency of coupling between the coil and work-piece to ensure maximum power transfer. Coupling efficiency is a measure of the amount of power transferred between the coil and workpiece. The efficiency of coupling in this case is dependent on the resistivity of the coil and that of the work-piece and is given by equation 3.2. '1 ] セMセ 1 +) I (3.2) Pc P"f.!" Where: T] = coupling efficiency between the coil and work-piece; Pc = electrical resistivity of the heating coil (which is usually oof! copper tubing) p" = electrical resistivity of the work-piece f!" = relative permeability of the work-piece 16 Initial Investigations When deviating from the idealized concept of equation 3.2, the concept of coupling efficiency is related to the term known as the coupling factor in conventional transformer theory. In both cases the idea is to keep the primary and the secondary closely wound or closely coupled to reduce flux leakage between the primary and secondary windings, hence improving the power transfer l9 . In induction heating, the heating coil is considered to be the primary, and the work-piece is considered to be a short-circuited secondary winding of a transformer. Practical factors affecting coupling efficiency include: • Geometry of work-piece, which improves for a tightly packed, solid work-piecc and decreases for a loosely packed work-piece due to leakagc flux. • Geometry of the heating coil, which improves for a closely wound coil around the work-piece. Other factors also concerncd with geomctry are thc length of the coil and the number of coil turns. • The material used for the heating coil. The higher the coil conductivity, thc lower the l2R losses in the coil, hence the morc power transfcrred to the work-pieec. Another important factor to be considered is the fact that matcrials such as gold, copper and silver have relatively low resistivities at room temperaturc, which onec again results in a low coupling efficiency at startup. Examples of coupling effieieneies at room temperature are: Metal Resistivity(pzu 0 cl Efficiency (TJ) Platinum 0.106 uOm 71.56 % Gold 0.023 uOm 53.97 % Copper 0.Gi673 uOm 50% Silver 0.016 uOm 49.44 % Table 3.1: The coupling elliciencit..'5 for sl:\·cral metal:> are shown. In accordance to iZアオ。エゥセIョ 2 it is c\iJcnt that Jem resistivity metals rC:'iult in poor coupling cfticiencic-i at room IClllperaturc. Equation 3.2 is the idealised condition and should be treat cd with care, but it gives a broad-brush idea of what controls the coupling cfIicieney. If for example, onc considers a matcrial with high resistivity and pcrnleability such as steel, an efficiency 17 Initial Investigations approaching 100% can be achieved, but copper with a low resistivity, where the root term (equation 3.2) approaches unity, has an efficiency of about 50%. This formula applies for simple coils and is not valid for multi-layer coils where the coil current is not limited to the skin depth l9 . The efficiency increases during the heating cycle due to fact that the resistivity of the work-piece increases with temperature as shown in equation 3.3. The resistivity of the coil is kept constant by passing cooling water through it thereby also keeping the losses in the coil to a minimum. The heating of ferro-magnetic materials poses a special problem because of the Curic point. Above the Curie temperature the relative permeability of the material reduccs to unity, which results in a large increase in sk.n depth. (3.3) Where: Po = The resistivity at any temperature a20 = the temperature coefficient of resistance at a temperature of 20 D C, PI = the resistivity at temperature 3.3 e, el. HYSTERESIS AND EDDY-CURRENT LOSS In conventional induction heating of magnetic materials such as steel, the heating is caused by eddy-current losses that produce l2R heating and hysteresis losses. Hysteresis loss is defined as the friction between molecules when the material is magnetized first in one direction and then in the other. [he molecules may be regarded as small magnets, which turn around with each reversal of direction of the magnetic field セオ」エゥッョ 2 ". Therefore in ferro-mat,'l1etic materials hysteresis lo"s improves thc heating eftlciency. It is therefore concluded that for a material such as gold. the heat generated in the work-piece can only be due to eddy-current loss sincc thesc materials are non-magnetic. 18 Initial Investigations 3.4 POWER SOURCE Induction heating power supplies are frequency changers that convert utility line frequency (50Hz) power to the desired single-phase power at the frequency required by the induction heating process s. The rectifier portion of the power supply converts the single-phase line frequency input to DC, and the inverter portion changes the DC to single-phase high frequency (100kHz) AC. This is illustrated in figure 3.3: AC SO Hz -A v RECTIFIER AC-DC • セG INVERTER DC-AC • HEATING v LOAD Figu.-e 3.3: Layout of the high frequency power source showing the converter, im"erter and hc:.tting Inverter circuits use solid switching devices such as thyristors (SCRs) and transistors. For high power and lower frequencies, large thyristors are commonly used. For low power or frequencies above 25kHz, transistors are used bccause of their ability to bc turned on and off very fast with low switching losses 9 Vacuum tubc oscillators have been used extensively for many years at frequencies above 300kHz. However, tube oscillators have a low conversion efficiency of 55 to 60% compared to 85 to 93% for inverters using transistors. Power vacuum tubes have a limited life of typically 2000 to 4000 hours and are therefore a costly maintenance item') The high voltage (over 10000 volts) required for tube operation is more dangerous than the 1000 volts or less present in typical transistorized inverters. These negative features of tube oscillators have brought about a dramatic move toward use of transis,Jrized power supplies in heat treating applications that require a frequency of less than IMHz 9 Induction heating power supplies utilize various techniques to produce the high frequency alternating current. Various topologies are: 19 Initial Investigations • Half-bridge voltage-fed inverter topology (Figure 3.4) • Full-bridge voltage-fed inverter topology (Figure 3.5) • Current-fed full-bridge inverter topology (Figure 3.6) • Cycloconverter or AC - AC converter (Figure 3.7) • Current-fed chopper or quarter bridge (Figure 3.8) +I--T---r*01 \Sl NセM Cf DC Supply GL M ヲェ Gセ M カ vON M RL Lr Cr \"I DC ⦅セ D3 I 1 j Cf Supply 1 . 04 $4 D2 ---,\ 52 1_C_f RL Lr Figure 3.4: Half-bridge voltage-fed inverter topology Figure 3.5: Full-bridge YELLC',; R£D J '" \@, cI , DC \'" j T Figure 3.6: Current-fed full-hridge io\encr topulogy D' Figure Figure 3.8: Curn:nt-tt:d dWrrl'r or quarter hrJJg .. o I セNWZ SLTJE C" セ , \ , エセ I I 02 I f I . セ` I 0 C, inverter セ ,j \ ,. \'" I i:: Supply |セ \"oltage-fed topology 0 * I ' 03 oGセ |セ 0 |セ . 0' C" G 0' I I :i 06 I Cyc!lJCuo\crtcr or AC - AC comcrter 20 Initial Investigations CHOICE OF FREQUENCY 3.5 Frequency is a very important parameter in induction heating because it is the primary control over the depth of current penetration and therefore the depth of heating 5 Frequency is also important in the design of induction heating power supplies because the power components must be rated to operate at the specified frequency. Due to reduced switching losses at elevated switching frequencies (up to lMHz), enhancement-mode power MOSFETs have become an important component in high frequency power sources for induction heating 13 For effective induction heating, the frequency of the alternating magnetic field in the work-coil is of paramount importance and is given by: 6.45 P fld (3.4) 2 Where: fc セ critical frequency p セ the electrical resistivity of the work-piece ("Dm) d セ the diameter of the work-piece (m) !.1 セ the permeability of the work-piece (Hm-')_ Equation 3.4 is defined as the critical frequency below which, a loss of heating would occur due to field cancellation in the work-piece. The critical frequency is calculated at a ratio of work-piece diameter to penetration depth (d/iS) > 4_5. Where a free choice of frequency exists, it should be chosen greater than or equal tJ !c.! 21 Initial Investigations Equation 3.5 shows the power loss per unit area in the work-piece written in tenns of current density (Ji). Equation 3.6 shows the power loss per unit area in tenns of the applied field Hs 2 at the surface of the work-piece I 8 From equation 3.7 the relationship between the power density (P) and the penetration depth can be seen. Equation 3.8 shows the relationship between the penetration depth and the applied frequency, which is derived from equation 3.1. Equating equations 3.7 and 3.8 yields equation 3.9 which illustrates the relationship between the power density in the work-piece and the applied frequency. It is therefore concluded that for a given work-piece and a free choice of frequency, it is always advantageous to increase the frequency I8. p=pHs (3.5) I Pce0 (3.6) cS (3.7) :> (3.9) PcefJ I 80£- (3.8) 8 The gold work-piece has the following parameters: Diameter O.Ol m Length 0.013 m Resistivity ( P200C) Resistivity ( PlUM oc) 0.024 uOm melting point O.lnuOm 4nx10' Hmi Permeability (f-l0) Table 3.2: dゥュセョウ ッ of the gold work-riece to b<.: mdl<.:d lO rh!." IOdUC!loo fumac!." 22 Initiul Investigations E -5 -5 セ "C = .S " セ """= セ ;;0 0.35 0.33 0.31 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.19 50 60 70 80 III 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Applied frequency (kllz) Figure 3.9: The variation in penetration depth in a gold \wrk-piccc over a frequency range of lOOkllz. In an induction heating application, the penetration depth (0) of the induced current in the work-piece is inversely proportional to the applied frequency (equation 3.1 and figure 3.9). It is common practice in most induction heating applications to make the penetration depth (0), much smaller than the diameter (d) of the work-piece l '. I'). '''. 21. The gold work-piece diameter is determined by the inner diameter of the crucible, which in this application was chosen to be IOmm (table 3.2). The penetration depths in the gold work-piece at room temperature over a range of frequencies (50kH/150kHz) are shown in figure 3.9. 3.6 EDDY CURRENT STIRRING A unique feature in induction heating is the automatic stirring of the molten metal. This movement is the result of the interaction of the magnet': fields of the currents in the coil and work-piece12 This effect is: • • • • Proportional to the square of the applIed field (ampere-turns): Inversely proportional to the density of the molten metal; Inversely proportional to the applied frequency of the magnetic field; ' 0 fh'19 h-gra d ea II 0YS "19 0' . th e pro d uetlon . ' -01 . --, Important In 23 lnitia/Investigations 3.7 RESONANCE Resonance is the study of the frequency response of a particular circuit. The resonant circuit is a combination of R, Land C elements having a frequency response characteristic similar to figure 3.10 23 . A v, I --_. _ _. - Mセ f Figure 3.10: Response curvc of a rcson::mt circuit It is evident that at a certain frequency f,. the response of the circuit in figure 3.10 is a maximum. This behavior is classified as resonance. Resonance can be defined as the point at which maximum response occurs in a circuit. The response can he in tenns of voltage (V) or current (I) depending on what typc of resonance circuit is heing analysed. The frequency f,. at which maximum response occurs is defined as the point at which the reactive components in thc resonant circuit are equal and opposite (XL XC)2J. 24. セ f,. can be defined in terms of the circuit elements such as inductance and capacitance (L and C) and is given in equation 3.10. This project deals with characteristic response and basic analysis of a pal'allel resonant (tank) circuit. /, Where: f,. セ resonant frequency in Hz L = inductance in Henries C = capacitance in Farads. ]Mセ] I 2rr..JLC (3.10) 24 Initial Investigatiom' 3.7.1 Parallel Resonance NZセM I セLア[Mf I 1 セ セ XL c) I RL i Ir 1 >- ---_._- Rp=QL'R, I L = QLlr I, = QLl r XLP=X L Figure 3.11b: Equivaknt representation as seen by the source Figure 3.11a: General representation The following analysis is based on the assumption that the quality factor (Q) > 10. Figure 3.11 a shows the general representation of the parallel resonant circuit. The circuit is modeled with an ideal current source (l) and the source impedance is assumed to be infinite. ZTP 1 is defined as the input impedance to the tank circuit. Xc is defined as the capacitive reactance of the tank circuit and XI. is dctined as the inductive reactance of the coil. RI. is defined as the resistance of the coil. In induction heating the work-coil and work-piece are modelled as a series R. L circuit as shown in figure 3.11 a. The quality factor (Q) which exists in all resonance circuits. is defined as the ratio between the reactive power and real power present in the circuit. The Q is determined by the coil and is given b/': x//-' (3.11) R, Where: QL = Quality factor of the coil X LP = inductive reactance of coil R L = resistance of the coil Figure 3.11 b shows the equivalent representation of the tank circuit as seen by the source. X LP is defined as the total inductive reactance of the coil at resonance. Xc is defined as the capacitive reactance of the tank circuit at resonance. At resonance the inductive and capacitive reactances cancel and the resistance of the coil is transfonncd from R L to Rp by the ratio, Q L2 R L as shown in figure 3.11 bC). Rp is the impedance which the source secs at resonance. Assuming the tank circuit has a Q of 10 it can hc seen that Rp is of the order of IOOR L. Xc 25 Initial Investigations It is therefore evident that the Q acts as an impedance transformer and explains why parallel resonant circuits have maximum impedance at resonance, with an impedance response curve similar to that of figure 3.1 O. Since impedance transformation occurs in parallel resonance it follows that current transformation occurs in the reactive branches of the tank circuit. It can be seen from figure 3.11 b that if IT is the total current entering the tank circuit, the current in the reactive branches XL and Xc are given bi 3 : (3.12b) (3.12a) Where I L = current in the inductor Ic = current in the capacitor IT = total current into the resonant circuit QL = quality factor of the resonant circuit Thc bandwidth of the tank circuit is given b1 3: EH" Where B IV = bandwidth of the tank circuit in Hz; f,. = the resonant frequency, at which maximum impedance occurs in Hz; Qp = The quality factor of the tank circuit (Qp = QLJ (3.13) 26 Initiallnvestigatiul1s 3.7.2 Frequency characteristic of a parallel resonant circuit A 9 セ 9v-9i +90 0 Inductive otI ---'-- Wo , I , _90 0 Capacitive T Figure 3.12: Frequency characteristic vf a paralld resonant circuil. At frequencies below resonance ((I),,) the inductive reactance of thc circuit shunts the circulating current, making the lmd inducti\"c in naturc. Like\l,"isc at frequencies above 0)" rho..: JoaJ Oo..:COlllCS capacitivcly reactive. Figure 3.12 shows the frequency characteristic of a parallel resonant circuit. 0 in figure 3.12 shows the phase relation between the voltage and current as a function of frequency. The voltage leads the current at frequencies below resonance (,j,,), where the inductor impedance is lower than the capacitor impedance, and hence the inductor current dominates 25 At frequencies above resonance, the capacitor impedance is lower and the voltage lags the current, with the voltage phase angle approaching -90". It is therefore evident that a parallel resonant circuit has a lagging power factor at frequencies below resonance and a leading power factor at frequencies above resonance. At the resonant frequency (wo), both the voltage and current arc in phase and the input power factor to the tank circuit is therefore unity. Most resonant converters in induction heating applications operate by driving the load circuit at its resonant frequencyl3· 7. 5. 9, 10 This has the advantage of providing イセ、オ」・ switching losses (due to zero voltage and or zero current switching) and thereby, a high operating efficiency in the power-source.The advent of solid state com'erters have therefore led to increasing interest in the development of RF power sources for induction heating. Unlike RF val\'es solid state sw itches cannot tolerate mismatched load circuits too well at high frequency making these supplies unstable and inefficient. Driving a mismatched load brings about the conduction of the integral Initial Investigations 27 body diode within the MOSFET. This results in a conduction power loss as well as reverse recovery loss when the load current is commutated from one half-cycle to the next. Phase locked-loop circuits applied to solid state power sources ensures efficient switching by holding the load at resonance. This concept applied to induction heating has only recently been discovered. The earliest publication of PLL control for solid state power sources are dated back to 1985. Since then there have becn only a few publications on this topic over the past one and a half decades making research into this field challenging and every contribution significant. The implementation of the PLL control system was viewed from a power clectronics perspective. A basic understanding of the oplration of phase locked-loops from the telecommunications perspective are prescnted a..d the concepts then adapted for the power electronics discipline. 3.8 PHASE LOCKED-LOOPS A phase locked loop is a circuit, which synchronizes the signal from an oscillator with a second input signal, called the reference so that they operate at the same frcquency with a fixed phase relationship between the two l (,. Phase-locked loops arc often used because they provide filtering to the phase or frequency of a signal that is similar to what is provided to voltage or current wavefoffi1s by ordinary electronic tilters l ". 28 fnitiallnvestigations Phase locked-loops find wide application in the areas such as communications, wireless systems, digital circuit's etc. The first description of phase locked loops was published by de Bellescize in 1932 on work involving the synchronous reception of radio signals. ... G, (S) + P.D -' A vco Loop Filter rig 3 13: Schematic bloc]" diagram of b SIC I'LL configuration While the concept of phase locking has been in use for more than half a century, monolithic implementation of PLL's have become possible only in the last twenty years and popular in the last ten. 3.8.1 Loop Fundamentals The basic loop consists of a phase detector (P.D), a loop filter and a voltagecontrolled oscillator (VeO). With the input signal to the loop having a phase of O,(t) and an output of Oo(t), the following assumptions are made: • The loop is locked Thc phase dctcctor has a linear characteristic 3.8.2 Phase Detector The ideal phase detector output voltage is proportional to the phasc difference between its inputs, i.e.: Vd where Kd (V/rad). IS (3.14) the phasc detector gam factor with dim"nsions of \olts p"r radian 29 Initial Investigations Many different types of phase detectors exist, all performing essentially the function of multiplication in a typical PLL system. For the purposes of this project only the following three types will be discussed: 4-Quadrant Multiplier A multiplier acts as a phase detector (P.D) through thc trigonometric identity: sin Acos B = セ [sin(A - B) + sin(A + B)J 2 (3.15) 0: the multiplier to handle both positive V sin{o) t +'"\j.'/ ) (3.16) The term "4-Quadrant" refers to the ability and negative values at both of its inputs'6. If the inputs to the multiplier are: \' J = l'U I =V (I I sin(w t + 0/'" ) / (3.17) U The P.D output is: ,. d = K where Km ,. ,. I /11 (3.18) V multiplier constant resulting in: = Vd BセHョゥウjイLカ Bkセ] エLスャHR ョゥウKILセM -'1>0 }ILセK (3.19) and $, - セゥ = 6.<jl yielding Vd = セ K",f"JJsin VNセ + sin(2o),t - 6.<jJ)] (3.20) Equation 3.19 shows the two sinusoidal components 0f the phase detector output. For a constant VNセ the output of the P.D should be constant according to equation 3.20. The second term however varies \,'ith a frequency 2(o)i as shown in equation 3.20. 30 fnitiallnvestigations Because the second tenn is removed by the loop-filter, the average dc equivalent .of the output is given by: (3.2t) where km is a constant associated with the multiplier. For small values of ti<j>, sin ti<j> '" ti<j> and the P.D gain is given by: I kcl =-k 2 VVv fI[ (3.22) ( It is therefore evident that the P.D gain (kd ) is a function of the input signal level. Therefore if the input signal amplitude varies, kd and all loop parameters dependant on loop gain will also vary16 As ti<j> increases with time, the average component of Vd varies sinusoidally, resulting in the P.D characteristic shown in fig (3.14). "dill Ii -2- ./ Fi g.3.14: sゥョオセッ、jNャ cZャ\hセ N エMZイゥウ 」 dcteetllr (4-Quadrant muhiplir.:r). ut" anal0g ph:bl: Switch tvpe phase-detectors Also a common type of P.D consisting of a switch. The :;\\·itch could be an y1hing from a transistor to a diode-quad or evcn an analog switch. o Ulput Signal Input . Loop Filler セ セ A l) J'lg 3 JS B':hh セ|N jQHィ r 1\ C hpl' I'D ..:"nI I::'-U13IJ,.jJ 31 Initial Investigations Common types of switch-type phase detectors are: Gilbert Multiplier • Double-Balanced Multiplier Half and full-wave transistor multiplier These phase detectors also have a sinusoidal characteristic as shown in fig (3.14). Thc switch is driven synchronously with the input signal and on alternate half-cycles it allows the input either to pass or not to pass as shown in figure 3.16. Assuming the input signal to be Es cos wt, (It"t the output will be Es cos +0 ) and the switch changes at the zero crossings of sill (It"t +0 ) for 0 < wt < n and zero for n < It"t < 2n. The average d-e output of the P.D is: Ed F f-"eos(wt +<1> )d\\'t = セ 2rc (, = _E _ 5 . (3.23) ,h SIn,+, n Figure 3.16 illustrates the operation of a half-wave detector. A full-wave detector can also be used and the d-c output will be doubled, as well as the ripple frequency. This is an advantage in wide-band loops as it climinates problems caused by low phasc detector ripple getting to the VCO and causing phase jitter. f lnpu t Sy, ilchlncfunction - U nfiltnt'd au pUl 32 lnitiallnvestigatiolls Triangular phase detectors Unlike sinusoidal characteristic phase detectors, linearity in triangular P.D's are near perfect for phase angles as large as 90°. Figure 3.17 and 3.18 show a comparison between sinusoidal and triangular P.D characteristics. A triangular characteristic is realized by driving the inputs to the multiplier with square waves. This operation gives the P.D an exclusive-OR characteristic 27 A- \'d", \U A Vdm Liocar ァョゥエ。イセッ region セO .! if -IT\. -IT 2 -II' I IT2 4/: "'J n ... 80: I -:\ fig.3.l7: Sinusoidal charu(.tcristic of analog rha:,e dctcctor shov.'ing: its limitu..l linear opIXating region fig3 IK 1ii.-q,'UL.,. rXlN..·d.rt.Ul.l dUU:.1t.ri...:ric ZNィャセエゥ|aィLN liffilr qu-Jiing rdl'p,: wNクセl Digital phase detectors are realized wheIT using aIT XOR gate or an edge-triggered R-S flip-flop. These form part of the triangular family of P.D's but have a slightly different output characteristic as shown in fig (3.19) below: A \' dd セ \' d A \'d \" J d :; _. 11 2 n Fig.3.19:XOR phase-detector characteristic showing optimum 0peraril,':; poinr at 90' n 'II Fig.3.20: R-S lakh ーィZ ャセc deleCtor characll:ristic sho\\ ing optimum (lp,-'rallng point at 1XU) 33 Initial Investigations XOR Phase Detector Operation from a single supply and a close examination of the XOR truth table yields the digital P.D characteristic. It should be observed that preferred operation of this device would be when the two input signals arc phase shifted by 90°. This puts the P.D in the center of its linear region and cnsures accurate lock operation over thc range 0 < <P < 11. The XOR gate being a digital device is relatively immune to switching and input signal noise. The trade-off however, is that the input signal rangc is limited to a 50 % duty cycle in order to ensure correct operation of this device. R-S LATCH The extended operating range of (0 < <P < 211) for the R-S latch makes it an attractive option for a P.D. This device is not duty-cycle limited like the XOR but has its disadvantages. Being an edge-triggered device makes it susceptihle to noise effects and therefore the two input signals must be of a quality that will trigger the nip-nop reliabli 6 Also the input signal-ta-noise ratio must be high and is of no value if a signal must be recovered from a larger noise. Other types of Triangular P.D's are: • 2 and 3 state P.D • charge-pump P.D sample and hold P.D 3.8.3 Loop tiller The output of the phase detector is tiltered by the loop tilter. which provides a phase error voltage to drive the VCO keeping the loop in lock. Since the P.D and the veo designs are usually innexible, the design of the loop tilter provides more flexibility in controlling the PLL characteristics"'· 27. ". The desired PLL response will detem1ine 34 Initia/lnvestigations the loop-order. The loop-order required therefore dictates the loop filter type. Loop filters are generally of2-types namely, passive and active. Passive loop filter Passive loop filters are of the low pass type or of the phase-Iead-Iag type. For simple phase-locked applications requiring low loop gain, marginal phase-accuracy and transient loop stability, passive loop filters provide a quick and easy solution. Active loop filter For a passive loop filter the maximum dc ga,n achievable is I. An activc loop filter provides dc loop gains that are essentially ,nfinite and provide bctter tracking performance. Many types of active loop filter configurations (such as the integrator, integrator and lead, lead-lag filter) are available in refcrences l6 . 26. n The final loop filter configuration used for this research will be discussed briefly. Intcgrator and lead filter R2 C1 ゥM GLO[Nセ I Rp' 1 I '/, , " r - - - ': R1 ----fv'/'I L セᄋャ -Ga ----1 ,/ i ⦅セM M Fig.3.21: Simplified representation of an active Integrator and Lead loon filter The integrator plus lead filter forms a basic PI controllcr as : ,!Own in tigure 3.21. Thc prime purpose of introducing an integral tenn into the controller is to remove any steady state phase error. At high freq L1ency the ac gain (proportional tcrm Kp) is formed by R2!R I. The ac amplifier is actually used as an attenuator to the high frequency ripple, providing a jitter free signal to the veo. The de gain of the filter is usually infinite as mentioned before. In many applications howewr, involving high order loops it is always desirable to control the dc loop gain to prcvent instability. RpiR I controls the de gain component of the loop tilter and thcrdorc also indirectly controls the entire loop gain. 35 Initial Investigations Design of a PLL requires the ability to be able to control the natural loop frequency (wn ), damping factor HセI and de loop gain (K). Passive loop filters such as the single- pole low-pass and the two-pole low pass filter, do not allow for the control of W n , セ and K independently. The control of K ensures good tracking as mentioned before but a high gain loop (large K) also comes with a wide bandwidth. Therefore narrow bandwidth and good tracking are usually incompatible in first order loops. If it is necessary to have large gain and small bandwidth, the loop will be badly underdamped (low 1;;) and transient response will be poor (low w n ). The active integratorplus lead filter having two independent time constants (,I and ,2), draws on the concept of tachometer feedback which allows for the independent control of natural frequency (transient response), damping factor (overshoot) as well as the de gain (good tracking). 3.8.4 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) The voltage-controlled oscillator provides an output frequency, which is controlled by the filtered error voltage it receives from the loop filter. Since !requeney is the derivative of phase, the VCO operation may be described as: d<jJo dt =K (3.24) V III U where Ko iセB = VCO gain = VCO d<jJo input voltage = VCO output phase lt is therefore apparent that the phase of the VCO output will be proportional to the integral of the input voltage Vino The vea should be operated within its linear range to ensure a constant loop-gain parameter (Kveo). For the purposes of this research, a linear relationship between input control voltage and output frequency is assumed and is given by equation 3.25 k " The veo's = Mo (3.25) L'.I·o employed in the PLL system !()r this research were derived tram two 4046 PLL integrated circuits. 36 Implementation ofAutomatic Frequency Control CHAPTER 4 IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTOMATIC FREQUENCY CONTROL 4.1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION AFC セ _. _._.- -- _._._..,- _.- - _...,._.- -_._.. -- _._._ .•. -- _.- - --- _._, Lセ⦅N :.. , i セ [Z| ; ===== ;- _.- ---. __ ; i ....__ . - ---- _.-: ,I!..TO:::: ; : :.•. - -- _.-. _.- セ .__.__ ..;. __ ._. __ • pi,:-:-r,IE; [NセZ ,1:'7.. " ._._.- _._._'- - .. - - -.- - -_.- -- . --- . _._--- Ill'JEP.TEP. .. : ; Php-t..LLEL P.ES'J:Lt..l;r CCT "': ; ; ; ; 53 Figure 4.1: Schematic layout of the induction fumace <lnd all it..; component..; The induction furnace comprises the following components, with reference to figure 4.1: • A variable DC power source that is derived from rectified mams voltage. This feeds a rectifier bridge from a variac. The isolation transfonner between the variac and the mains voltage (50Hz), serves to provide isolation for test purposes. By varying the DC bus voltage, the input power to the inverter is controlled thereby controlling the input power to the load; • A filtering inductor or iron core reactor, which is situated in the positive DC bus rail. The iron core reactor serves to feed a constant current to the inverting stage. The iron core reactor also provides inherent short ci,.cuit protection because it restricts the rate of rise of current i" the event of a short circuit occurring in the induction-heating coil. Because of the slow rate of rise of current under fault conditions in the iron core reactor, this topology is advantageous since it now gives the necessary protection circuitry some time to sense and operate under fault conditions. The result is that protection circuitry can be easily implemented to the system '" . 37 Implementation ofAutonwtic FrequcnLy Control • A 100kHz full-bridge load-resonant MOSFET inverter which operates at approximately IkW. The inverter switches are operated in alternate pairs to generate the high frequency alternating current needed to produce strong eddy currents in the heating coil. The inverter operates at the resonant frequcncy of the load circuit thereby allowing zero voltage switching, hence no external high speed diodes are needed across the MOSFET switches to carry reactive freewheeling current. 16 The result being that the total switching losses in the inverter is grcatly reduced, thereby increasing the inverter efficiency; • The gating and gate drive circuitry which are used to convcy thc switching signals to the inverter switches; • The load which consists of a water cooled iuduction heating work-coil in which the crucible and work-piece arc situated; • A water-cooled high frequency matching transformer which is used to step up the current in the work-coil to a high value, which is nccessary for good induction heating and also serves to provide electrical isolation; • A capacitor bank which is used to resonate with the reflected inductance of the load and matching transformer at a frequency of approximately I (JOkHz. • To enable maximum power transfer to the load at all times the automatic frequency control system is included which forms the basis for the current research. This is given by the AFC block in figure 4.1. 4.2 LOADING EFFECT The placing of metal in the heating coil tends to change the frequency characteristic of the load circuit. This facilitates the need for frequency con,rol to ensure maximum power transfer. Table 4.1 shows the resonant frequencies of the same load circuit with different metals placed inside the coil. Metal DIAMETER (mm) Copper Gold Steel Nickel Lead Brass MASS FREQUENCY 1kHz) (g) 12.5 10 12 9 10 12 278 20 18.5 10.5 12 243 195.5 160.4 126.1 134.5 156.4 183.3 T abJC'. 4.l: i{t:SPT)<lnf frc:qucnci..::-\ fur \ arlou:-> llK·{;..i1-; at rnoll\ tclllp.....raturc, v. hen pbccll in rh..... ph1tntypc Induction fumacl.: 38 Implementation ofAutomatic Frequency Control The resonant frequencies for different metals at room temperature were measured at low power levels using a function generator and oscilloscope to determine the frequencies at which zero phase shift between the driving voltage and current were observed in the load circuit. The inner diameter of the heating coil was approximately l4mm. The natural resonant frequency of the tank circuit with the coil not loaded was 148kHz. It was observed that when a high conductivity, closely coupled metal (copper) is inserted into the coil, it causes the inductance of the tank circuit to decrease. This results in a shift in resonance, which means that the tank circuit must now be resonated at a higher frequency. When a steel work-piece is inserted into the coil its magnetic properties (permeability) tends to increase the inductanc of the tank circuit, causing its resonant frequency to decrease. This dynamic behavior of the load circuit (induction-heating load) is of major interest for the implementation of automatic frequency control. In a basic sense, automatic frequency control is implemented to compensate for changes, which occur in the load during the heating cycle. A basic understanding of the load bchavior under various conditions is essential for the effective implementation of the RLL circuit. 4.3 LOAD CIRCUIT The induction-heating load forms part of a parallcl resonant circuit, which is continuously driven at its natural resonant frequency by the inverter. The idealised equivalent circuit model for the induction-heating load is shown in figure 4.2. [ 1 セ セ Rp -I Lp :::;:: Cp j l l FigA.2: Idealized equivalent circuit for induction heating load The expression for the complex impedance of the parallel tuned circuit in figure 4.2 at any frequency (t) is given by equation 4.1": ZI I) = 11'I'N!'!· ( I I, /0 (4.1 ) 39 lmplemefllation ofAutomatic Frequency Control where: Rp = Equivalent resistance of the tank circuit as seen by the source, Qp = Quality factor of the tank circuit and is given by Qp fa = Rp / XLp, = Natural resonant frequency of the tank circuit. The equivalent circuit parameters were measured at low power with sinusoidal excitation from a signal generator. These tests were conducted in order to determine the load circuit parameters and calculations were performed where necessary. The load circuit was then simulated on ORCAD 9.1 using the measured and calculated values determined in the experiment. tィセ simulated load circuit parameters transformed to the terminals of the source are c:scussed for three discrete conditions namely: 4.3.1 Unloaded heating coil Impedance Characteristic '00 L1 4 7SCJuH r 80 E- 60 u セ 40 セ 11 'C.Y VI E C, o 243n R1 セ 02458 o セ E 20 0---60 80 lOO 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 FrequencJ<kHz) Fig 4.4: Impedance characteristic of unloaded inductionィセ。エゥョァ coil. The circuit ha:; ? natural resonant frequency of 1.f8 kHz and a Q of 18. The IOJd circuit has a maximum impedance ッヲWセA 11. Fig. 4.3: Equivaknt load cirl.:uit par:.lnlcters of induction heating load measured with an オョjサスS、セ heating c:oil The frequency response of the unloadeJ induction-heating coil is shown in tigurc 4.4. The resonant impedance is higher (79 Q) for unloaded copjitions, which improves the systems no load performance 30 because of minimal current drawn from the supply (higher impedance at no-load). When the coil is loaded the load impedance is reduced and more current is drmm trom the DC supply. The resonant frequency is approximately 148kHz with a Q of 18. 40 Implementation ofAutomatic Frequency Control 4.3.2 Copper work-piece Impedance Olaracteristic 40 セSU セ E30 セ £. 25 820 fij 15 "C セ 10 E 5 - 060 ----------セ &l 100 12) 140 160 180 2CO 220 240 330 Mセ Frequene,(kHz) o Fig. 4.5: Equivalent load circuit parameters of induction heating load measured with a copper work-piece placed in the heating coil Fig 4.6: Impedance characteristic of inductionheating load with a copper work-piece placed in the healic s coil. The circuit has a natural resonant frequency of 195 kHz and a Q of 10. Thc load circuit h.... s a maximum impedance of 33 Q. The frequency response of the loaded induction-heating coil is shown in tlgurc 4.6. The copper work-piece has the parameters as shown in table 4.1. The resonant impedance is lower (33 D) for the loaded condition and more current is therefore drawn from the supply. The inductance of the coil (L2) is decreased due to the insertion of the copper work-piece resulting in an increase in the resonant frequency of the load circuit to approximately 195 kHz "ilh a loaded Q of 10. The increase in resonant frequency results in a reduction in skin depth thereby mcreaslllg the equivalent resistance (R2) of the load circuit. 4.3.3 Steel work-piece Impedance Characteristic L3 6.555uH 13 ! VY C3 243n o 50 セッ Fig. 4.7: EqUIvalent load circuit parameters of induction heating load measured with a steel work-piece nhcerlm the heatinl! coil 80 11)) 120 140 160 15G 2(J:· 22C 240 2tiO FrequenC)(kHz) Fig 4.8: ・」ョ。、セーュi charactt:flstic of mduc[iullhearmg load wilh J steel wDrk-piece placed in [he hC'3tlOt! coil. The Circuit has a natural n:sonant frC'quC'ncy of 120 kilz and a Q of 3.5. The load 41 Implementation ofAutomatic Frequency Control The frequency response of the loaded induction-heating coil is shown in figure 4.8. The steel work-piece has the parameters as shown in table 4.1. The resonant impedance is the lowest (18 D) for this loaded condition and more current is drawn from the supply. The inductance of the coil is increased due to the insertion of the steel work-piece resulting in a decrease in the resonant frequency of the load circuit to approximately 126 kHz with a loaded Q of3.5. The Q acts as an impedance transformer in a parallel resonant circuit'. The lowering of the circuit Q as a result of inserting a steel work-piece, results in the reduction of the load circuit impedance. The steel work-piece is a better conductor of the magnetic flux in the coil than air is, which tends to increase the inductance of the coil (L3) as can be seen in figure 4.7. The equivalent resistal.ce of the work-piece is also incrcased (R3) henee the power loss in the work-piece increases. This relationship is given by equation 4.2 for a relative permeability of several hundred in steel at room temperature l8 4.2 CONCEPT OF RESONANCE LOCKING Phase Characteristic . •セ セ .-•• • a. セ " 100 オセ • • • • __ 50 0 60 ·50 -100 -. \ Stl.:l.:l 80 100 ャセo \ Unloaded .140 \ '-. 160 "'- Coppl.'r 180 200 220 240 260 '. '--'---------'-"-' Frequency(kHz) Fig. 4.9: Phase relationship between driving voltage and driVing current to tanJ... cIrcuit The cn;,cacteristic illustrates the response for the three as a function of ヲイ・アオセョ」ケN conditions dIscussed above. The respect(\'e resonant frequencies occur et the points of zero-nhase disnlacement. The analysis of the induction-heating load has shown that different resonant characteristics exist for different loading of the heating coiL It is clearly apparent that different loading changes all the parameters of the load circuit such as the natural resonant frequency. resonant impedance and inductance of the coil as wdl a, the Q. It is evident that at a trequency f = fa, the impedance of the tank circuit is a maximum. At this frequency the phase displacement between the driving voltage and current to 42 Implementation ofAutomatic Frequency Control the tank circuit is equal to zero. Figure 4.9 shows calculated phase characteristics for the three load conditions presented. For a load circuit Q of greater than 10, this implies that maximum real power transfer is taking place at resonance as given by figure 4.9. This maximum operating point is where the induction furnace should operate at all times. Figure 4.10 shows the combined complex impedance magnitude versus frequency plots for three conditions namely: 1. Coil unloaded (no work-piece) 2. Copper work-piece in coil 3. Steel work-piece in coil S 0 セ セ c: C- N オョャB\、セ h <: " Gl 0 l: S 0 ell '0 ;I 1 III l! - <: U I I /. "0 Gl C- , J Il P (, E ....l: , S 1 <: I:" I |セ I , 0" , r" 1 I/) 0::: , p le c e o " , 0 0 Gl I, ' 0 ell l: l セ H ," I 2 U ! J I) I • Operating 1, '.' , ' r r r r セ I セ " セ :'.j , : , Frequency Fig. 4.10: Frequency response for th..: induction h..:ating !J.nk cir,,:ull. Th..: unlll:'ltkd coil h:J-; セ rdJti\dy high Q (approximately IS). When the coil is loaded the Q tcnd..; to dccrc:J;;c (S.2-; fur Ctlppcr :Jnd 2.511 for ..;It.-'I,.'IL Thl; rl..'Son3nce locked loop tracks the operating points 110 11 and l for difkn:nt ltldd condition:'> :.Hld lht.:rcfnrl; ll1:lintilin:maximum real power transkr to the load through.1U' the heatIng 」セャ・N Figure 4.10 shows the resonant frequencies, ェセ work-piece and 12 for an unloaded coil, ji for a copper for a steel work-piece placed in the coil. The unloadcd coil resonates at approximately 148kHz, and has a Q of approximately 18 When a stcel work-piece is inserted into the coil. the inductance of the coil increases, changing the Q of the tank circuit as well as its resonant frequency. If the induction 43 Implementation ofAutomatic Frequency Control furnace were to run in open loop, at frequency fo with a steel work-piece, the system would be operating at point A on the steel work-piece curve. Operation at point A results in a reduction of power transfer to the load since point A is relatively close to the 3dB (1/2 power) point on this curve. When a copper work-piece is inserted into coil, the system operates at point B on the copper work-piece curve. With no frequency-tuning present, operation at point B would result in very little power transfer to the copper work-piece. Another drawback of operating at points A (steel) and B (copper) is that significant switching losses develop in the power source when driving a load off resonance 4 ,7,8 The resonance locked loop therelore tracks the optimum operating pointsj("ji andJ2 for different loading in the coil. 4.3 RESONANCE LOCKING METHODOLOGY The implementation of the resonance locked loop required the control of two distinct variables whose phase relationship was a function of the applicd frequency of thc power source. A simplified schematic of the current fed invertcr (power sourcc) is shown in figure 4.11. .......... . , (\ ! --'0':' ! I r ,, , "I.ud \ ," ' / .. I I I \ !\, QセL。、 "'/ .. \ " \I 1I , , I \ , \ i , 1\ sャセR f--- ,. • \ , Fig. 4.11: b。セゥ」 current-fed inverter configuration employing po\',;er MOSFET's. Gate driver Circuits ha\'e been JmHtcd for ! , i " G"lr I; , Fig. .t.12: Ideal wavefomls of the dri\'ing \'oltage and current to the I03d circuit. It is apparent that (VGATE) IS the an gate control sIgnal approxImate phase The induction-heating load can be characteriscd by the equivalent circuit shown in figure 4.1. The load circuit is currcnt supponi\'c and is modeled with an ideal currcnt source which warrants the use if the iron-core rcactor in the invcner DC bus, The Implementation ofAutomatic Frequencl' Control 44 switching elements in the inverter drive the load at a frequency determined by the switching rate of the control signals fed to the gate of the power MOSFETs. Switches SI, S2 and S3, S4 operate alternatively each to produce one half cycle of the RF power presented to the load terminals. Simulation results of the equivalent load circuit driven at resonance are shown in figure 4.12. V Load is the driving voltage across the tank circuit and l Load is the driving current through the load produced by the closure of switches SI, S2 and S3, S4 respectively. Due to the principal of forced commutation JO it is evident in figure 4.12 that the control voltage to the power MOSFET Vg"" is an actual phasc representative of thc driving current through thc load. This concept is treated in the idcal sensc and omits the propagation delay time taken to drive thc MOSFET into thc saturation mode of operation. This delay time is typically in the order of 200 - 300ns and is affected hy the following factors: Rise and fall times of gate drive si!,'l1al • Value of gate resistor chosen for damping Input capacitance of the power MOSFET Stray inductance in thc gate drive loop Characteristics of the load being switched by the power MOSFET (resistive or reactive) This propagation delay results in a small offset phase error within the resonance locked loop. This phase error is encouraged as it has the effect of producing a nonzero output from the phase detector, whieh is required to maintain thc control voltage at thc veo input, holding the system in lock!6. 4.3.1 Signal Measurement In summary the control strategy employed utilized the following concepts: The inverter output voltage (V Lmd ) was transformed to logic levels (900Vp-p to 25Vp-p) The voltage transformer was wound on an ETD29 ferrite core with a turns ratio of 40:1. This transformer is gi\'en by T4 in schematic 1 of Appendix B. • Gate control signal fed to power MOSFET is used as a phase representative of the driving current. This factor eliminates the need lc)r curn:nt measurement and simplifies the layout of the im"Crter, making it compact, and provides for stahk operation. Implememation ofAutomatic Frequency Control 45 Control of the inverter is achieved by continuously locking the gating control signal (V gate) to the inverter output voltage (V Load) over its entire operating range. 4.4 CONTROL CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION Research into the development of an Automatic Frequency Control systcm resultcd in two final implementations. The implementation of the gate voltage locking method has eliminated the need for current measurement. Both systems were tcstcd on thc prototype induction furnace at full power where various work-pieces wcre heatcd. The systems (Revl and Rev2) proved to bc stablc over thc entire opcrating rangc at both low and full power. A comparative discussion will be prescnted to summarizc the individual system's perfonnances. 4.4.1 RLL revision I Automatic frequency control of the invener was achievcd by means of resonant mode locking. The control system, which is called a resonant locked loop (RLL) employed essentially two second-order phase locked loops. The basic system is shown below in figure 4.13. I LOOP 11 CLlc Fig. 4.13: Simplitied schematic represt:,;L ltion of thl: rcsonancl: ャセI」ォ・、Mャッー comprising. two phasc locked-loups (Loop 1 and Loop 2). Loop I 」セIャイゥウ an acti\c tilter ",hid, and is used to C' ..... othcr acti\c filter and IS used gcneratc a 90" pna:;c-shifr In \\J\'donn B. LOdP :! セZウゥイュOサ」 generate a 90" phasc-shift in ョュセ、G|。 A. Tht' AGe i-; used tu supply a tixcd amplitude signal toPD2. Phase detcctor I (PD I) is a type I, exclusivc-OR phase detector derived trom the MC 14046 PLL chip. Loop 1 operated as an active filter and was used to generate a 90" phase-shift in the current sample (wavefonn B). The 90" phaoe-shitl is characteristic of the XOR gate PLL and was used to hold the phase detector in the center of its linear range (chapter 3). The phase-shitied current-sample wavefonn was 46 Implementation ofAlltomatie Frequency Control multiplied by the tank-circuit voltage (waveform A) in phase detector 2 (P02). Phase detector 2 incorporated the A0734 4-quadrant analog multiplier. The analogue multiplier was used so that the transformed sinusoidal tank circuit voltage (waveform A) could be fed directly into the phase detector. PO 2 operated by locking the phaseshifted current sample 90° out of phase with the voltage waveform A. The 90° phase shift method was employed in order to ensure operation in the phase detector's (PO I and PO 2) linear region 27 This operation locked waveforms A and C 180" out of phase. The result was a relative zero phase shift (anti-phase) between wavefonns A and C. Inverting one of the waveforms initially resulted in a near zero phase shift when in locked operation. vca I and vca 2 were derived from two MCI4046 PLL integrated circuit. The automatic gain control stage (AGC) was used to convey a fixed amplitude signal to PD 2. It operates by amplifying or attenuating an incoming signal in ordcr to maintain a fixed amplitude output signal. Undcr different load conditions the Q of the tank circuit changed, resulting in an amplitude change at a specific resonant frcqucncy as shown in figure 4.10. Another reason for employing an AGe was to allow thc induction furnace to operate at reduced power Icvels. It was f()und that by changing the amplitude of waveform A, an offset phasc error was produced in phasc detector 2 (analog multiplier) due to signal amplitude bcing behl\\ the minimum input offset voltage, which caused the loop to lock incorrcctly. The AGC which incorporatcd the VCA610 was used to hold the amplitude of waveform A constant over the opcrating range of the induction furnace, hence produced no offsct phase error in thc multiplier. The following derivation has proven the necessity for an AGC implementation III conjunction with an analog phase detector (POl) in the system implemented. Assuming two uniformly time varying signals multiphed such that the multiplier output M is: Mセ セM」ッウYL A cos(t>l! +cjJ, )xBcos(w +9,) AB :2 (. (4.3 ) . ) +-cos AB Hセ d"l+qJ,, +cjJ, ) ':2 . After low pass jillCi'illg Lcm'cs : AB (t.cjJ ) = -cos 2 (4.4) Implementation 47 0/Automatic Frequc/1(:r Control From the final expressIOn of the output it can be seen that output phase of the multiplier (cos L1</» is dependant on the amplitude of the input signals (AB/2). It is therefore apparent that a fixed amplitude signal has to be fed to the multiplier in order to eliminate the problem of phase errors being produced over the operating range of the RLL. The actual circuit implementation of revision I is shown in appendix B2. 4.4.2 RLL revision 2 The cost and complexity of RLL revision I has led to the development of a simpler, cheaper and more effective means of phase locking. Revision 2 introduced a similar system to the previously presented model, except for a few changes as shown in figure 4.13. PARA". l R""ONA"" LOAll ZE'" , <...",-".. o.,N..-. "L''''':'''-'« Fig:. 4.14: Block di:.J.gnln ョッゥエNjZョセ[M イ ョ セィエヲッ ケ」ョセオ ZNョヲ <:.:ontrol sy:-;to.::m セィt system comprises t\\o <:.:as<:.:aded y,J order PLL <:':lr<:.:uits, which lock at 90' pha ... I.-·shift rdatl\C to its input. PO I and P02 compn-;L' XOK digital pha-.;e-dct\.'ctnfs. The frequency control system also composes two 2 nd order phase locked loops as shown in figure 4.14 but does not employ an AGe or an analog phase detector. The two loops operate as 90° phase shifters maintaining lock over the entire operating range. Operation is also realised by comparison of the phase difference between the load voltage (V LOAO) and the switch gate \oltage (VGATE>. This phase difference is processed by loop 2 and a frequency change generated by ーイッ エゥッョセQ to the phase di fference is veo 2. This frequency difference is the clock signaL which is used to either drive the inverter to the new load resonant frequency, or hold it at the current resonant frequency. 48 Implementation ofAutomatic Freqll(!IKy Control The automatic frequency control system employed Type I Exclusive-Or phase detectors in both loops. Active 2 nd order PI controllers where employed as the loop filters in LPF I and LPF 2. The use of active loop filters provided the necessary high gain to the loop and ensured good tracking performance with minimal static phase th error. The total loop can be modelled as a 4 order PLL system and was found to be stable over the entire operating range. The actual circuit implementation is shown in appendix B3. 4.4.3 Discussion The following aspects were observed to be critical aspects in the design of the two RLL circuit implementations: Loop stability was !,'Teatly influenced by the bandwidth of the op-amps used in the phase shifter 100p26.27. Op-amps with high gain bandwidth products were used. • A second order PI controller was employed as part of the loop filter. Op-amps with very low input bias currents were used to avoid the integrator from charging in the wrong direction as well as drifting during nonnal operation] [. Loop time constants were a critical factor in the design of a stable RLL system. Stable operation of the loop was achieved by making the time constant ofLPFI much fasterthan that ofLPF2 (at least 10 times). • No extra filtering circuitry was employed to condition signals before being fed to the RLL system. This factor simplifies the design and allows effective operation over a wide frequency range. • The implementation of the zero-crossing detector ir revision 2 was a major contributing factor to the simplicity of the second design. Slew-rate limiting in the analcg multiplier resulted in a phase error offset at the loop output. Employing active loop filters was a necessity because the low DC gam of passive loop filters did not enable lock in operation when the system was started up. Limiting the RLL lock range gives the system the propenies of a highly selective filter. This feature gave the system extremely good noise rejection capability, which assisted in automatic start-up operation. 49 Implementation ofAutomatic Frequency Control 4.4.4 Anti-Lock protection circuitry An electronic protection circuit was incorporated to monitor the RLL operation during a heating cycle. The basic system is shown in figure 4.14. ANT'·LOcK PROTECTION CIRCUIT ANALOG SVVITCH VVINDoVV TIMER COMP PARALLEL RESONANT LOAD INVERTER LPF 1 ZEROCROSSING DETJ"CTOR LOOP 1 CCK ,-PF :z vco'-' PO 2 Fig. 4.15: Block diagram representation of the frequency (ontrol sysh:m showing the an\i-Io-:k protection circuit. Operation ofloopl is monitored by a window comparator circuit. In thc c\"cnl OfLl loss of lock, the triggered timer dcacti\'utt.'S the invcrter P\\'M and 0PCfLltcs thc analog switch <.:ircuit, which simultaneously resets both \('.\)\1:;, pulling the system back into Il)l..:k operation. The anti-lock or loss oflock protection circuit was developcd as part of the electronic protection circuitry for to the induction furnace. The protection circuit section on figure 4.14 monitors loopl status checking for an invalid operation. The input voltage vea I is fed to a window comparator circuit, which monitors the operating range of the vea I. If loss of lock occurs, the vea driving voltage goes out of range and to triggers the window comparator circuit. This circuit then triggcrs a eMaS timer configured as a monostable. Activation of thc monostable deactivates the PWM signals to the inverter section and also activates analog switching circuit. The analog switch circuit simultaneously resets the loop-filtcrs LPFI and LPF2 by shorting out the integrating filter capacitor. This re<et action pulls the RLL circuit to its center frequency, which is designed to be close to unloaded resonant Irequency of the induction furnace. \Vhen the monostable has timed out thc loop is reacti\'ated and returns to normal lock operation. The complete implementation of the anti-lock protection circuit is shown in appcndix B3. 50 Experimental Results CHAPTERS EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Two final circuit implementations resulted from the research into automatic frequency control of the induction furnace. Both systems were individually tested on thc induction furnace at full power and at low power levels. The AFC system was tested on the induction furnace where 50g slugs of steel and copper were heated respcctively. The load circuit comprised a multi-turn inductionheating coil, which formed part of a high Q parallel resonant circuit. The system was driven in open loop and the frequency was adjusted to the natural resonance of thc unloaded tank circuit. When a steel work-piece is placed inside the coil the inductance of the tank circuit increase. This effect makes the tank circuit capacitive! y reactive as shown in figure 6. 1 5.00Y 2 5.00V .. -;-;:-; M[Lセ イjvGMセエᄋN FreqCl) f1 RUN NMVXPセ ' -,-,-;- セゥ -- セM[ i- -- -- -, Mセ セMZ G f ;:-; tMLセ LMセ ェ Z [ セ -.- -- -1-- -- --,--;- .::. l Gセ] Gセ ᄋNGjカMiセlI I , LMセ -;- <i BL|Mセ 218.7kHz Fig. 5.1: Capacitively ョセ。」エゥ|G Z tank circuit being dri\cn hy th ... inv.:n ... r. Tr.lce 1 shows the s\\itching control signal fed to the \10SFET gate. TrJce 2 SIHl\\S the loss of zero \oltagl' switching: across tht': MOSFETs. O\"L'r vob;e tum-on and tum-off srikcs ;m: a1:-;o pn.:senr. which could lead to the destruction of thl' S\\ itcht.:s <:It highcr PU\\ er le\·ds. 51 EJ.perimemal Results The control-switching signal (VGATE) fed to the power MOSFET is shown in trace I of figure 5.1. Trace 2 shows the drain-source voltage (VDS) being switched by a MOSFET in the current-fed inverter. It is evident that the mismatch between the natural resonance and the current driving frequency has resulted in a loss of zero voltage switching as shown by trace 2. The loss of ZVS has also brought rise to overvoltage transients at both turn-on and turn-off of the switch. These transients increase dramatically in amplitude as the power is increased. This often results in the necessity to use special snubber circuitry to prevent MOSFET destruction. Driving the load off resonance also results in a reduction of load circuit impedance (as shown in figure 4.9) which resulting in excessive current being drawn from the DC supply. 5.1 REVISION 1 The AGC circuit employed in revision I performed well over the entire operating range with no noticeable phase shift incurred by its operation. A high-speed (15Mhz) 4-quadrant analog multiplier (AD734) employed in PD2 was used to provide minimal phase error introduced by the multiplier at the operating frequency range in question (80kHz - 220kHz). A low speed (5Mhz) 4-quadrant multiplier (AD633) was initially incorporated as PD2 but slew rate limiting in the multiplier eore produced ofbet phase errors in LOOP2. 15.00'; 22.00'1 .-0.00:::' 2.00'g/ f1 STOP I .I. I .: . ______._ セ I ... 1 セ ..: .•...1 FreqC QIセQTVNWォhコ __:.... -- -セ -- - _ _ fイ・アHRIセjTgNWvhコ Fig. 5.2: Gate voltage (tract: I) and 、ZNョュHエセャ\イ ウャ ョP、B|Njセ locht:d 9U·' out of pha;,r.: by !,wp I. Phase( Q B R I セ Y P N S '" imr.:nt:r Illidpninr \ (tra,.:e ゥセ 52 Experimental Results Figure 5.2 shows the loop in lock at an operating frequency of approximately 150kHz with a gold work-piece placed inside the crucible. The 90° phase shifted gate voltage (trace I) and the transformed sinusoidal midpoint voltage (trace 2) are both fed to PD2 which locks the two incoming signals by phase displacing them a further 90°. The output of PD2 is shown in trace 2 of figure 5.3 with a copper work-piece placed inside the coil. Switching noise fed from the midpoint of the inverter to the RLL circuit causes the noise on the rising slope of the multiplier output (trace 2). The fast falling edge in the output of PD2 is the main factor which dictates the necessity for a high-speed (15 MHz) analog multiplier. Trace I shows the zero-voltage switching drain-source voltage (l50Vpeak) across a pl)wer MOSFET in the inverter-bridge and is free of over-voltage transients. vp p(l)-159.4 V Freq(l) 149.7kHz Fig. 5.3: The inverler operating with RLi.. ro:\isioll I in pha:.<.:-luck. Trace I shu\\j the zero-voltage switching drain-source voltage across a MOSFET in thl' bridge. The 90° phase shifted gate vDltage and the transfonned sinusoi.u<1\ tank cin.:ult voltage is multiplied together by the high.spi:i:d an3log plwsc detcl..":tor (AD7J-l) P02. The output of PD2 is ShOV.ll in tracc 1. The fast falling cd·:i:s in the output wavefonn is the factor whil.':h dit.:tates the us.: of a hig.h skw-rati: .... ,la\og mu\iiplii:f Figure 5.4 shows the system in lock w:th the coil unloaded. Trace 1 is the transformed signal waveform A (figure 4.12) of a 400Vp-p voltage applied to the tank circuit at resonance. Trace 2 represents the 90" phase shifted current sample of loop I, which is 180° out of phase with waveform A (figure 4.12) at 159kHz. \\nen different loading occurs in the coil, the resonance locked-loop will change the driving frequency of the power source to maintain lock between the current sample (waveform A) an" the tank circuit voltage waveform B (figure 4.12) o\"l:r its full operating range (80kHz220kHz). 53 Experimental Results 1 5.00Y 2 5.00V .-0.005 RNP セO f2 STOP . . . . . . f,o!. . . ._ - ; . . . . : I J. , , , J ... 1.. • ••• 1•• I ',',!. ;', vーM cャIセQPNWX V iNゥL セ MK ! , __.-.i-ji FreqC QIセ ',1 1'1' !. I . I· iᄋセ 152 .4k.Hz ゥM NMKセᄋ .... pィ。ウ・cャセRIセMQXPNX 0 Fig. 5.4: Gate voltage (trace 2) and transfonncd im'cTtcr midpoint voltage (tra{;t: I) wavcfonlls lot:ked 180 0 our of phasc to hold tilC tank circuit at resonance v,hcn operating thc prototype induction furnace. 5.2 REVISION 2 The following results are were taken from reVISIon 2 of the automatic frequcncy control system implemented. This system was found to be the most feasible and cost effective solution of the two investigated for this research. The resonance locked loop was tested on the prototype induction furnacc. which was used to melt 30g of copper and 30g of gold at IkW of DC input powcr with closed loop frequency control using revision 2. It was found that the system held the load at resonance throughout the heating cycle with no frequcncy drift or instability occurring over the operating frequency range (85k -220kHz). The PLL system employed acts as a highly selectiv'e filtcl. This feature gIves thc system extremely good noise rejection cu?ability. which assists in automatic start-up. With linle power applied to the inverter, the zero-crossing detector generates random oscillations on its output. This acts as a noise input to the loop as shown in trace I of figure 5.5. This noise injected into loop occurs at a frequency. which is outside of the bandwidth of the AFC loop. The frequency control syslcm therefore locks to the closest multiple of this noise within its bandwidth thereby holding the セケウエ・ュ in lock at start-up. Trace 2 of figure 5.5 shows onc half cyclc of the inverter output phaselocked to Ihe 43'd harmonic of the noise injected into the loop. 54 Experimental Results 1 IO.OV 2 2.00V 2.00l§/ -0.005 , I : ... 1 : ヲMNGセ I miセwaG ,I, I ,TセmGiゥwjキ I .... ,. : 1'2 RUN ' ..1. I - _ . _ - - - - -.=----, .----. f----I".. :. ---""""- - - - - - 2 I. M M M M M セ M M Mセ M ZM M セ M セM LMセ M Freq Cl) =4 . 167MHz Freq(2)=95.51kHz Vp-pCZ)=3.313 V Fig. 5.5: Trace I illustrates the zero crossing detector output as the automatic frcquem:y control system acquires lock when thc powcr is applied. The circuit acts as a selcctivc tilter extracting only the fundamental load resonant frequency component and rejects the high frequency noise injected into the loop. The drain- source voltage across a lower MOSFET in the bridge is given by trace 2. Figure 5.6 shows the implementation of automatic frequency control to thc induction furnace. It is evident that the ZVS is occurring in evcry cycle and no ovcr-voltage transients are present as shown in trace 2. With thc AFC system in operation thc gatc control signal (trace I) is always phase-locked to thc zero-crossing points of the tank circuit voltage (trace 2). 1 IO.OV I I I 2 50.0V -O.00s f2 RUN 7\ I , , G[セ セ セ|⦅G MセG セG セGMェKゥ -'-', , " I I I I I ォ]LMセ」ッZBNイ[ FreqCl):::oIOO.9t:Hz FreqCZ)=101.QI-cHz Y!J·-pCZ)=209.4 Y Fig. 5.6: Tank circuit dri\·cn at its n..Hural reson:mt frequency by the power source The IhL'r::by holding the IOJd CIrcuit AFC system is controlling the in\crkr $witchlllg ヲイ・セオlGョ」ケL in resonance at all times. Z\'S CJn bL' obscf\cJ in trac\,:"2 \\ith ョセI O\L'TyolragL' trJthiL'nh across thc \10SFET s\\ir..:h. 55 E'(perimelllal Results Figure 5.7 shows the heating cycle of a steel work-piece. At room temperature the tank circuit resonates at 126kHz. As the work-piece is heated, its relative permeability decreases and approaches unity. This causes a decrease in the resonant frequency of the tank circuit. At the curie transition (",710°C to ",nO°C) in figure 5.7, the relative permeability of the work-piece has fallen to unity and the steel loses its magnetic properties [4]. This results in a decrease in inductance of the tank circuit, resulting in a major shift in the resonant frequency (from 125k IォUWQセ of the tank circuit. The work-piece was heated to I 180°C. After the transition through curie temperature, the resonant frequency increases slightly due to the change in resistivity of the steel workpiece. The temperature of the work-piece was measured by means of a radiation pyrometer, which was immune to the magnetic fields produced in the heating coil. Resonant Frequency vs Tern perature ''" N ne "'->- 'e e c "e Start of Curie transition I u w セ IT w ne CO "e u: rn c 0 w "e w '" "e ,e 0 • , 00 '00 Temperature (QC) Fig. 5.7: Heating cycle of a steel work-piece in the prototype Induction the frequency change as the metal is heated through its cunt: poinl. fUrtl3CI.... ウ ィ o | セ ing Cunclusions and Recommendations/or Future JVork 56 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDAnONS FOR FUTURE WORK 6.1 CONCLUSIONS The automatic frequency control system has been successfully implemented by vinue of "gate-voltage locking" and the induction-furnace has been tested on a number of different metals. The rapid frequency changes that occurred when heating steel through curie temperature (figure 5.7) has proven that the resonance locked-loop can track changes and maintain lock at the natural resonant frequency of the tank circuit. The implementation of the resonance locked-loop eliminates the need for manual tuning and provides for a more accurate and effective means of closed loop frequency control, providing maximum power transfer to the load at all times. The system proved to have the following advantages: 1. The implementation of the actual circuit utilized fewer and less expensive components than revision I and therefore provided a relatively cost effective approach for frequency control. 2. The implementation of AFC eliminates the need for manual open loop frequency control and has optimized the inverter performance. 3. The continuous ZVS achieved has eliminated the need for snubber circuitry and also allows the MOSFET switches to be driven closer to their maximum voltage ratings. 4. No current measunng circuitry was needed for the approximation of the load current phase displacement. This technique of phase locking is simpler and only utilizes the measurement of the load '·oltage and gate control ,"oltage to the Invener. Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Work 57 5. No special matched filtering circuitry was needed to filter the signals to be phaselocked. The AFC system performed an inherent filtering function as mentioned in chapter 5. 6. The high gain active loop filters employed, provided optimum tracking performance with reduced steady-state phase error. 7. Automatic start-up operation was achieved by virtue of the implementation of active loop filters. At startup, the smallest phase error signal fed to the loops from the phase detectors (PO I and P02) are integrated to zero. This feature holds the system in lock from the start, hence allowing automatic start-up operation of the induction furnace. 8. The use of the XOR PO's provided good circuit immunity to the radiated EMI radiated by the magnetic field insidc thc coil and powcr source during a typical heating cycle 9. The system response to a stcp change in phase whcn a work-piecc was inscrtcd into the coil proved to be satisfactory. Tracking the curic-point transition of a steel work-piece during a typical heating cycle simulated thc system response to a velocity change in phasc, which also provides satisfactory results. 10. The basic electronic loss of lock protection was provided for the AFC system. It monitored the status of the control system and detected a loss oflock. The systcm then performcd a corrcctivc action by simultaneously r:setting both loops and providing a trip signal for future auxiliary protection. The resonance locked-loop was therefore found to bc su;table for the application of automatic frequency control of the prototype miniature induction furnace. The successful implementation of AFC on this system has encouraged investigation into the application of this control strategy to other resonant-mode power electronic converters for induction heating. The concept of ··gate-voltage locking" has provided a breakthrough for this research with regards to frequency control and possibilities of other forms of frequency control using this technique can be im'Cstigated. 58 Conclusions and Recommendations/or Flllure Work 6.2 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK Current research is underway to melt platinum slugs (20g), which would test the system's stability at higher output power levels (2kW). Furthcr tests to investigate the effect of the phase transformation of a solid work-piece to its molten liquid state are to be conducted. These results will provide valuable infonnation regarding the detection of the melting point of a metal by virtue of a frequency shift during the heating cycle. This method could save major costs invested in radiation pyrometers for temperature measurement. A mathematical model of thc load and frequercy control circuit will aid thc designing of effective frequency control systems. The two working systems (Revision I and Revision 2) will provided the foundation on which the numerical model will bc bascd. The aim of this study will be to provide a working model which can bc applicd to the designing any frequency control system for powcr elcetronic converters. The following improvements could be implemented to the existing frequency control system: • High bandwidth optical isolation between the AFC system and the inverter drivers could bc implemented. This procedurc would separate thc control circuit ground from the invcrter power ground thus providing bettcr noise immunity to the system. • PCS prototyping of Revision 2 is currcntly オョ、・イキセケ in prcparation for thc melting of platinum. The current prototypes (Rcvision I and Rev'ision 2) were constructcd on vcraboard for testing. • A theoretical model of the working systcms (Revision I and Revision 2) will provide valuable information for the design proccdure of future AFC systems at any operating frequency range f"r various induction heating applications. Conclusions llnd Recommendations/or Future Work • 59 A frequency control system incorporating the use 0 f the type 11 phase detector (in place of the XOR) and active loop filters could be investigated for future research. The noise immunity of the edge triggered PD (RS latch) in the new PLL system would have to be investigated further. Special noise shielding techniques could be employed to allow stable operation in this mode. • A simpler lock-detection circuit incorporating an R-S latch could also bc investigated. This system would eliminate the use of thc window comparator circuit thereby simplifying the overall design. • Application of "gate-voltagc locking" to other resonant-modc power electronic converters for induction heating. A voltage-fed invcrter is to be developed for induction heating and the control strategy employed in this research is to be implemented on the inverter, as a means of automatic frequency control. • A self-oscillating resonant inverter incorporating "gate-voltage locking" is to bc investigated. It is believed that the zero crossing points across the load circuit voltage in a present cycle of operation could be used to generate the switching transition signals for the next cycle of operation. This system could be implemented, but requires some thought with regards to start-up operation. Future projects on the development of the induction-furnace include: Temperature control The temperature of the work-piece has to be monitored thro'lghout the heating cycle to ensure that the work-piece temperature never exceeds thE: maximum temperature of the crucible. The work-piece is hened to its molten fonn, hence no contact measurement can be allowed as contamination of preci,)us metal quickly occurs. A radiation pyrometer could be cmployed to monitor the temperature of the work-piece throughout the heating cycle. The output signal Irom a pyrometer can be used to feed a translator circuit. which would either advance or dclay the tiring angle of the controlled rectilier bridge. and accurate power control to the work-piece- can be achieved. The implcmentation of temperature control would be advantageous because it would extend thc applications of the induction furnace. The system could then be 60 Conclusions and Recommendations/or Future Work used for special laboratory applications, which reqUIre preCISion heating of small quantities of metal. Examples of applications are silicon crystal growing, tungsten refining and special high-purity alloying with metals like titanium, ruthenium and platinum. • Protection circuitry Overload and short circuit protection needs to be implemented to the system. This kind of protection could involve inserting a circuit breaker into the DC bus, which would operate when a fault was being sensed. Due to the presence of the iron core reactor in the DC bus, the protection circuitry will be given adequate time to respond to a fault condition. Cooling water monitoring The most common type of failure present In induction furnaces is cooling water failure. Dangerous consequences could result if no monitoring of the flow rate and temperature of cooling water was present. A temperature sensor such as the LM35 could be employed to monitor the temperature of the water. Whcn the sct point temperature of the water is reached, a signal could be fed to the cooling water pumps to increase the flow rate of the water, hence lowering the tempcrature of the cooling water. Differential pressure sensors could be employed to monitor the flow rate of the water. When an undesirable condition is reached, a signal could be fed to the protection circuitry to operate and trip the system. Front end powcr factor correction Investigations need to be conducted to detennine what kin" of harmonics the system could be injecting back into the line frequency power source. If the need arises a front-end power factor correction 'ystem could be implemented. which would incorporate a DC-DC converter in place of the controlkd recti tier. If the system is to be sold to foreign markets (e.g. Europe) it would ha\'e to comply with ccrtain harmonic standards. Conclusions and Recommendations for Future JVork 61 Microprocessor implementation An embedded micro-controller could be implemented as the main unit which would monitor and control all of the above mentioned processes. A simple PlC or DSP could be employed for this application. 62 References REFERENCES [I] E Swift (verbal consultation), Platinum Perfect. [2] Alvan Hirner (verbal consultation), Franz Hirner Jewellers. [3] Prof. CLang (verbal consultation), Department of Material Science, University of Cape Town. [4] 1. Khan, HA Miniature High Frequency Induction Furnace," BTech. Thesis, School of Electrical Engineering, Cape Technikon, November 1998. [5] D. L. Loveless, "An Overview of Solid-State Power Supplies for Induction Heating," Metal Productioll, vo\. 33, August 1995. [6] 1. Khan, J. Tapson and 1. De Vries, "Automatic Frequcncy Control of an Induction Furnace", Proc. IEEE COil!, Aji-icon '99, vo!.2, Scptcmber 1999, pp. 913-916. [7] M. Kamli, S. Yamamoto, and M. 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The loop filtcr consists of an integrator plus lead fiJ'.er and its coniiguration is shown in figure 2 Cl R2 --.' .. セMNM Mセ Rp Rl -Ga セBGMMMMセ Fig.": simplified representation of an acti\ e Lcad-Lag loop tiltcr Appendices II The loop transfer function K LF is represented in the frequency domain by: F(s) セ A(r,s+ I) [I] (".1'+1) where: A Rp/RI, = '1 = (R2+Rp).C and '2 = R2.C VCO • The transfer function ofthc VCO in thc frcqucncy domain is givcn by: Ko kセ vis (rad/sIY) where Kv セ 2IT (finax - finin)IYdd-3.6V (rad/slY) Feedback The fcedback loop usually contains a gain, Kn which rcprcsents a counter module of valuc IIN where N is the didviding ratio of the counter. TRANSFER FUNCTIOi'l The open loop transfer function of a second order loop is given by: GH (s) セ K("s+l) [21 M WセBM⦅」 s("s+l) where: K = A. K<jl.Kv.Kn The open loop transfer function yields a typc I. second ordcr system which should produce zero steady state phase error t,)r a stcp phase input. The characteristic equation for the loop is givcn by: , (K,.+I) K c.1:" : .1'" + --"---.- s + 1" I "( , セ (j [31 Appendices III This allows for the fonnulation of the expressions for W and C; ]セB " Wn and C; : [4] " = (K,] +1) 2(J)/I"( [5] J This allows for the design of a desired loop response. It is evidant that (J)n can be controlled by adjusting the value ohl' It is also evident that the damping factor C; can be controlled by adjusting '2. APPENDIX B: SCHEMATICS SCHEMATIC LAYOUT OF INDUCTION FURNACE I. I[ " " '-11 '1';1\ "' ...... V)('Lld ヲpNiLセャZjAHᄋy (:c ';' Iセ ('11\'," ;, Lセヲ J セ H" " I v['P -LセcG - - ..)0.1 Ht" ',0 ____セᄋQ " --]-1_, .' ", セQ iヲャイjGセヲ oi ' セセ セLZ ,',,, ""',1 セM v:',:, '" 1 I 11'YI_'" LT '.' T'n" \Jf L ッ セ L ,,'-. \''1, iT " - O-JOOVDC -A,/V'セjャ 1 I. - .- "r tUn,' - CC 'IY ,,-* I i⦅セ " Uf I<JU' lJ " I R' ,,,' 1R2113 iGセLᄋc }エQセ l)'O co 0,,' QヲGイセo .\: "l1:' " Ll LJr '007 116 MGvカセᆳ "t'::" I セN " ' t, ZNGセ \;" 1-:'" : GZMNセLイQ L : セL "1""'['''''.\ .\, . . I . T 1- .....L: . T. \'c\. ::r:: r ,,',".-,').. "'I' ' ; ',")" 1,1 [ ----:: '''.,.... J :::::r:: J c"1( 0,,' I co W *;,' QセN 1R2113 1- セiBN iセput , °1 -I 0 z セ - > 01 , ,r セ 1. 10 ,z u '" ;0- 0 0 c 11 -- II , M 0 Iol U -< Z セ セ ""z o -tU セ o z -t-<U :;;: セ U z '. Mセ ;:.- v Appl?l1di('('s 2. AIITOMATIC FREQUENCY CONTROL SYSTEM REVISION 1 :r--- uw INVERTER " セ l' "" C 'M eLK 1 I Vload I I セ セ f') Mイ ZセvcmLB l I ;. '1 '''' '\1': I 0 ..- In".. . -0 C Hq VoA Vl. ()1I 1 .\,' ,; iGセ - ,:" 1 { " ". Lセ Nセ H' ..' A,'" Ill' I 0 .. セL ZMセL \"'" " lr 347 rNGセ '" V' '''N I セ セ ...セ I セ . C: 11 ."" セ I' ., -..:: . セ t セLMセB ln4;-=:::.J ,'.v セ --_. Nィセ lM r z. "V '. --. aoセNGT IJ:? セM • - 0 I 0 Ho' ,. PLL revision 1 I- [ᄋGBtIHセN f 0 ....- :"C . IN" NセL j k セ r-:-... \. C' ",] • o R" 0 "''',l セN セP Q won. .' 1 ,'X l "" t.'v'h)fl' o R:'O . ,.,,, セL 'j' .,'.. cn VV'v j 1<'''-1 V,""N V,"HI] ( . [ . A,1(l IN" l U11 '" f"I,. セMM 1 uBセ _-\fV\,.1 r;- l" ." o ""', '( iNイjセGB rl:'I - - j - fl;',' 'H'" 01 ''';;,''' セBo k V -c·__ 0 セ " I ,,,7,,,1 uo '" o イセn セ HI!, セN {Mvァ[Gエセi --t--l n H:: rH'" '::" J:: Zセ 1 '.' ..C1,1: I"""''',] IセNセM \ ャ -J '.V Rn GセZ R " N,,"d'p' - - - 1.'1" B iᄋ[ セNB A NGセLゥ AMNl B セ |G 1 GL⦅セ[BャゥMf ,,' T"3 VI Appendices 3. -,,-- --- - - : l AlJTOMATIC FREQUENCY CONTROL SYSTEM REVISION 2 I . NMセBL • --- INVERTER I CLKJ llX4( { ^MZセ セM jャォB J, ( Vload NZGセ ? 1: l 1 'Ill: ____NエGBYセM L I " _ AI HO セL k • l V"UIN I " J -------- '.N QセᄋNh lh _A y. oX >.n" Zセ r 1111 " --. セM VVY D 'l',V I jセ i M Tイセ ;':, BセL セ\ セGpZM ,. ',., R 0 c. j R' //11:147 ----NV'-- M Mセ I", 33k ....-u"' L⦅セNB . r- ..- - 1<;:>5 VVY f ." R' U, y 5l30R R' "M ,,, 33k Lr347 1,1=]4 .'fM . 'l 7-t", "..1 n:',.' "',V I ャNセォ " I<l" " " LR1 _'_ _ veorN I r-rl j I 1- TPセ 'NH - (."l"" ------I D B I'" j{MᄋGセ Y .. 1k D I r e ' ex 000" ex I j__ . __ __..1-'. [ I{;' M[ゥ iIセ G Iセ " P1 S<N X ,<0 I ! .> セ I ') ャセx veOUT 1<,;' .. /'LI.l41 INII t - HIl • _ <: ., .\ '-Moo. '" _ ," I (l VV\, IIlI\1 セM B ⦅ih ". I , Mセ - _ R" CON I Lセ "VV'v ';IN , 「G[Biセ <I セiuW IHl Pl "\ 1 VVY - .'roII JB - -- uTセ - cᄋZBGセ^ -. n;'<I J CIN VC')Ul "",. " '1;t' I.Mn:Hll U=-------" - 'f BスセG ゥM ejセB[} I [1.\ サセ () G\MNZセ \ IT セNL "JI0."カセLM セ IN"'"'' -----';,.;;-, 1 o \' -I . セNL o - H.l' GtセLv ...'V'""'v-----" 1 'O"k イセ][LMZoGIQ PLL revision 2 h,,,,, セB BNᄋo」^」セ ,",,, I I5 £Oil [)o<;ll"'''''' Numl, .. , \'\i"'I" .. ウセN BGセ AL I., •. 0 ,1"... , or Appendices APPENDIX C: TECHNICAL DATA IRFF460 ENHANCEMENT-MODE POWER MOSFET IR2113 HIGH AND LOW SIDE MOSFET DRIVER AD734 HIGH-SPEED ANALOG MULTIPLIER VCA 610 AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL IC CD4046 CM OS PLL IC DG301 ANALOG SWITCH 62 PD-9.512B International IJ:ORI Rectifier IRFP460 HEXFE-r<" Power MOSFET • • • • • • Dynamic dv/dt Rating Repetitive Avalanche Rated Isolated Central Mounting Hole Fast Switching Ease of Paralleling Simple Drive Requirements V OSS = 500V ROS(on) = O.27U 10 = 20A Description Third Generation HEXFETs from International Rccllflcr providc the designcr with the best combination of fast switching. ruggcd1zed devIce design, low on-resistance and cost-effectiveness, I The T0-247 package is preferred for commerciaHndustrial applications where higher power levels preclude the use of 10-220 devices, 1he 10-247 is similar but superior to the earlier TD-218 pacl<age because of Its Isolaled mounting hole. It also provides greater creepage distance bch'leen Dins 10 meel the requirements of mosl safety specifications TO·247AC セ Absolute Maximum_R'-a'-Ii'-n:.:g,,5----=_ _,--- r----- -- --- 」セ " .?5'C Continuous Drain セGgvエョ[ c I 1I 0 @ Tc = 'GGOC r idヲセMG ----- Parameter I Continuous d\。セ 10V- CUH'''. VG, '" 'A V IPulsed Drain Current (e r-===- 13_ 20 --=..--==_-_-_·_ _-:- Po@le25'CJ.O.w.'_'D.'_ssipat1on__ GセM M エ ァョャ 。イ・B dセG B l] f .EAs _ Factor IGate-to-source-YOlfage I VGS 51n9[7 Pulse aカ。セAL」ィ・ .1 Avalanche Current 12:- ._ rセB 」 セ Repetitive Avalanche Energy セ 'T J i O?€rating Junction · Ts10 _. '- MBsセッ Z、 ・BGMイゥョァ ァョャ オッOセ 22 96C M M]セ _ VI - - vrc mJi A- _ _ 28 __ _ _ _ 3.5 -55!0 .. 150 and , Vir.s 'C a。ョ⦅セ t・ュー イ。Aセ・N⦅ ッイ セオアイッt _. セ I Peak DIOde Recovery 、vOセZ[G セ MZ ᄋ N ⦅ZcPXセR」M セMGRP - - __ _ A 60 Energy '- ャセ Storage t・セ 。エオイ・ ⦅Z ⦅Mセ ク 1CS€.C?n<lS I 300 (1.6n'TI fr.:lrT! cas-eJ 10. tbf o ..r2J1 I セNュI LBセ 」 R Mセ - , ___ J Thermal Resistance tヲセ Rt>Jc JU:lctlOn-tc-Case Irエゥcセ⦅ ⦅rセ __.--f?se.·.to.'?ini\, Fla: _ Zc・ウ。 セg セNQ。ク 045 SJ1ase Junctl:X1-to-Arrbier. t 1025 セ , eN'1 I Data Sheet No. PD601471 International I\?R Rectifier IR2110/lR2113 HIGH AND LOW SIDE DRIVER Features Product Summary • Floating channel designed for boots trap operation Fully operational to +500V or +600V Tolerant to negative transient voltage dV/dt immune • Gate drive supply range from 10 to 20V • Undervoltage lockout for both channels • Separate logic supply range from 5 to 20V Logic and power ground ±5V offset • CMOS Schmitt-triggered inputs with pUll-down • Cycle by cycle edge-triggered shutdown logic • Matched propagation delay for both channels • Outputs in phase with inputs VOFFSET (IR2110) (IR2113) 500V max. 600V max. 10+/- 2A/2A VOUT 10 - 20V ton/off (typ.) 120 & 94 ns Delay Matching 10 ns Packages Description The IR2110llR2113 are high voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT drivers with independent high and low side referenced output channels. Proprietary HVIC and latch immune CMOS technologies enable ruggedized monolithic construction. Logic inputs are compatible with standard CMOS or LSTIL output. The output drivers feature a high pulse current buffer stage designed for minimum driver cross-eonduction. Propagation delays are matched to simplify use in high frequency applications. The floating channel can be used to drive an N-channel power MOSFET or IGBT in the high side configuration which operates up to 500 or 600 volts. \G セ III , - •• ャゥ|ᄋセ . , 14 Lead POIP w:o Lp-Cl':! 4 IR2110-1IIR2113-1 セ セ セ G B ". sOle %:: ,\' 16 Lead PD1P '11,10 lead5 4 & 5 IR2110-21IR2113-2 16 le<:ld IR2110S/IR2113S Typical Connection U;:J If) 5001/ 0< -, ;[::., Voc:, HIN HIN Vs セ .. UN L1N Vc: Vs:.. Car.l ヲM セ iセ . , MセNB i - SO Mセ I QセMiLカ SO "., Zセ Nセ __ _ _ _セ ..... セ / .. ..--:-J'----i HO I Vv':: r-,J.. 600/ I ;-0 _c-_ セ - ----. - . ----'.'/ I i -- ⦅NセM NMセ セZイ / --+-' LOAO 10MHz, 4-Quadrant Multiplier ID ivider .... ANALOG -"'OEVICES AD734 CO;-';!'\ECTW:" DIAGRAM FEATU RES High Accuracy nIP QTセlエ。、 0.1% Typical Error (Q Package and !"l Package) High Speed 10 MHz Full·Power Bandwidth 450 V/fJ.s Slew Rate '" '" x INPUT 200 os Settling to 0.1% at Full Power Low Distortion -80 dBc from AnV Input 'to OUTPUT AD734 DENOMINATOR ur ( I"lTERfACE Third-Order IMD Typically -75 dBc at 10 MHz low Noise 94 dB SNR, 10 Hz to 20 kHz 10 dB SNR. 10 Hz to 10 MHz Direct Division Mode ,",P POSITIVE SUPPI \ DD OE"IO"WiATOR DISABLE 1) UZ 5 TOPVIEW " ("101'0 $col.j ID 'Yl 5 !l Y2 7 a Y INPUT '----_---.r' 01 GBセ [INPUT , セuer セce VOl UGE NEGATIVE セャpus 2 MHz SWat Gain of 100 APPLICATIONS High Performance Replacement for AD534 Multiply, Divide. Square. Square Root Modulator, Demodulator Wideband Gain Control, RMS-DC Conversion Voltage-Controlled Amplifiers. Oscillators, and Filters Demodulator with 40 MHz Input Bandwidth PRODUCT DESCRIPTlOX The ADi34 is an accurate high speed, four-quadrant analog muhiplier that is pin-compaTible with the Industry-standard AD534 and provides the transfer functlon W = XYiC. The AD734 provides a Iow-impedance voltage output with a fu:lTotal statIC error power (20 V pk-pk) bandwidth of 10 Nコhエセ (scaling, offsets, and nonlineamies corn bmed) is 0.1 ッセ of fu!: scale. Distortion IS typically less than -SO dBe an.:! g;Jaranteec. The low capacitance X, Y and Z inputs are ful1}" differentia:. In most applications, no external componer.ts are required to define the function. The internal scaling (denominator; voltage Lt is ! 0 r, derivec from a buried-Zener voltage reference. A r.ew feature provides the option of substituting an externa: denominator voltage, allowing the use of the AD734 as a two-quadrant dIvider wllh a 1000:1 der:.omlOator range and a signa: bandWidth that イ・ュ。ZNセ 10 コhエセN to a gain of 20 dB, 2 MHz at a gaIn of 40 dB a:1d 200 kHz at a gaIn of 60 dB, for J gam-bandwidth p:od"..1ct of 200MHz. The advanced performance of the AD734 iセ 。」ィZ セ|・、 「セ combination of new circult ted.nlq"Jes, the use of a hl;h spee': complementary bipolar prOCess and a novel approach to laserttlmming based un ac s:gnals rather than the customary dc methods The ""ICe bandWidth (>.1(1 ;\1Hz; of the ウBセSWda input SI ages and the 200 .\\ Hz ga:n-ba:;...-iv. iClh ;:r<Jc.::r of iィセ mulup!ier corc a;:ov. thc AD71.f!0 bc 1,.:"cC as a:,)'.', ':h",n:,_,r. demodulatf)r WIth mrut fretj"Jencl":' a<, high a<; -i1J .\\Hz a<; lonl.' J) thr deSired o:.Jl/l"Jt frq' ;e<;\ than ]1) ,\1 Ill. I, The adWSセZ|q anc AD734BQ arc "fCClf::.-d for the· mcu,trla: temperature イ。ョァセ nf HイiセM 1', ;'f\)·C j セ 」 Crtme 1r. a I j';tJc CerJmlC D1P. The a d W S セ s q セ e S b L J·,Jl:ar.:e p,occ,"cc to .\HL-STD-853B ヲッセ the セイjZiャョ[ rJi1I'C I·f ))'C t" セ 125 C, I" a';allJb:c In a 14-lnd It''fa::lIC DH' PRODCCT HIGHLIGHTS Tht' AD73'; ・ヲ ゥ「 I」Z・セ mere tha;. t·;;(, Bエ」。セ・ZMG r:f exreoence In the QZァャセ・、 a::d r.,an"Jfact·..:re I}f ar.Jlol; r.:u:lli':,ers, [fl provice: llmn I. A ne';. O'ltp'Jt ar.Jp;lfler dn1gn ';'I:n mn"e than エB・ョHセ Ihe s:e .... -rate ef the ADS セS I·no \.... , hセョuGゥ 20 \·'j.Js; for J ヲZNセ セRP \. ーォMイセᄋN ba:ld·... LセャcQ 0: 10 .\1Hz 2. \'e,y h·... Cl"ort:OfJ, eve" a: L;:: r0',l,er. thro'Jgh the use of CI,C''':1l a:lc I:I:r.r.,lng lechmq:.:es vlr;;,;al:y elimInate al: of the Sj::"JriO"JS fJO:-:;lneanues fO"Jr.: Ir. ear;ler deSIgns. 3. DIrect cun,r,,;: 0: the de:-:Offilr.:3.lIlr. re)u:llng Ii': hlghe: イNZGj i セZ・イ a:c"J .cy ar,c! a p Ir:-ba:: c';' Idth rroc:..iet a: Z。QNイセ セGャA。 ZQ W ・NイGZ c \3::.:n tha::' t:"l:a1::, セ|QI tlr.:e' セL・。Z イ tb: ッZエセ・ A[;53.; H1 c:',::er Z\Lョセ・L .... \'er:, ::<:3:: ZイセGョ。エ r..)·.e: lr.r:..:: .. h::h ;"'0 LゥBsZG セ St3?:' reSt':;';;:' J:hle,;:c ce,l';::: :;'-. -: \.\ :c:e-b:lc tr.3! 、ZGセPイエZGM ャ イセZM L。 Z[ ャイN B jァセN QGセNjエ_G ャ エセ。イN t:':, ;,;se of 3 a:r.rlJ:ler. ;'_'v. even at hIgh fre.;:.:;:nc;c:> セLHZB G[ャN s セGZ イエ・ Z ッ セ r!'Jl,:' t':":Jrr.:a::.":· ィセ。イエGZj c:'OJ::e of ':::'Vlce a::: BエGZ イSNiZ セ ャGセZ B Z[PイNセ ·... h!:h prO";l':e:!. p3:l,,:-:"':: '-.:' .:8 L: '-::,;'3:-:'.:, ra::>:t If: J 20 kHl bancv,],jth REV.C tnformal,On lurnJshed by Analog Dev,ces 's Del,eved 10 tl'" EC"fill.: <l'1'j rellabie hッキ・セᄋ イN no respanSlool,ly '5 a5s"mE<d by Ana;og DC! for It::. use, nor for any ,nfrtngemenls of patenls or otner fights 0' I" r.j PJr! セGZ wh'Ch m<lY result from 'Cs USe No I,cense .s gr<lnted Oy ,mpl'Cd('on or otherwise under any patent or patent fights of Analog Dey,ces One Technology Way. P 0 Box 9106. Norwood. MA 02002·9106, U.S A rei 781/3294700 World WIde Web S'te http !/www.snalogcom Fax 781/326-8703 10 Analog De .... ices.lnc. 1999 I BURR - BROWN® 1 1313 1 セ セ VCA610 - WIDEBAND VOLTAGE CONTROLLED AMPLIFIER FEATURES APPLICATIONS • WIDE GAIN CONTROL RANGE: BOdB • OPTICAL DISTANCE MEASUREMENT • SMALL PACKAGE: B-pin SOIC or DIP • AGC AMPLIFIER • WIDE BANDWIDTH: 30MHz • LOW VOLTAGE NOISE: RNョvOセ • ULTRASOUND • FAST GAIN SLEW RATE: 300dBIIlS • SONAR • ACTIVE FILTERS • EASY TO USE • LOG AMPLIFIER • IF CIRCUITS • CCD CAMERAS DESCRIPTION The VCA610 is a widcband, continuously \ ari3blc, voltage controlled gain amplifier. It セZエ、ゥG|ッイー· dB gain control with high impedance mputs. It b designed to be used as a flexible gain control ch:ment in a variety of clcctromc systems. The VCA610 has a gain control range of 80d13I-40dll to +40dB) providing both gain and 。エ セョオ。エゥッョ for maximum flexIbIlity in a small 8-lcad SO-S or plastic dual-in-Iine package. The broad attenuation イ。ョァセ can be used for gradual or controlled channel turn-on and turn-off for applications in |セ hich abrupt gain changes Th..: \'( ':\{l I f) IS deSIgned with a very b.'>t O';t;r!IJ:ld all,m,.. . a Llrf'L' n:con:r;. tlInc of onl;. 2(j(jns tィゥセ slgrul tran<"lcn! tn O\·crlO:.lJ the llulrUl at tl1;tll g:.lln, WIthout oh"curmg km -Ievcl セャエGョ[、B fq! Im\lflt' d'lsely behind The excelient O\"Crlr):id ケイセャG|Hcイ tUlle and dist0r110!1 spccific:ilions opwni/c tillS dc\ ice rilr kmlevel dorrkr mcasurements ·5'/ -5 : ! 61 7! can create artifacts or other errors. In addition. the output can be disabled to ーイッ|Gゥ、セ -80dB of altcnu:.ltion. Group dcby \ariation with gain IS tYPICally less than ±2ns across a bandwidth of I to 1:5.\1Hz. The VCA610 has a nOIse figure of3.5dB h\i::l an R:> of 200Q) including the effects of hoth current and voltage noise. lnstantancuus output dyn:1flllC range ゥセ 70dS for gains of OdB to .,..40dB \\ ith 1.\IHL nOI:'C bandwidth. The output ゥセ capable of dflvlIlg 100£2 The high speed. SP 、bセウL gain control slgn:.ll IS :.l unipolar (0 to -2\') \o[tagL' that \aries th..: gain lInearly in dB \'. lnltrn4llonll ....|イェpiャョセ、 エイqp • "'31long セ エ{、 a Inlernet http Ilwww burr bro",n com, • FAXL'M Gャヲ Nイoェ、 NイャcGLsuij Qセ。HNsio 。ャ PO BOI 1140C T..ョッセ」 Al.!57J.( • sャエa、L・QNセ ・ャセェc , _i, ·1-, 'le. 3 セ 2 "i - :, / セGB . , g。セL cLM セエGイZ VCA61Q 6!30 S T.usonBI.d. tセ」ウNッョ aQN AUィセ • lel HセRci GHVMQ エ • h. 910·952·1111 BBRCORP. leiu 066-&491· FAX IS20J!!9·lS10',jltProd"Cllnfo I!OOIS.(!·61l2 C) o October 1987 F=AIRCHILD ""o ""en Re..ised January 1999 SEMICDNDUCTORTtl OJ C) CD4046BC Micropower Phase-Locked Loop • vea frequency • - -- - - 'J> 70 wセ r (lyp ) at ヲセ o n '"'" 1.3 MHz (typ) at VDU = 10\1 LON frequency drift • High o 06%t'e at VO:J 0- 10') w;lh tem r vca I,nearlty o o 1% (typ) "0 Applications FM demodulalor and modulator Frequency syntheSIS and mull,plic.allon Frequen:y d,scr,mlf1at,on Data Si'lshronl.1.aIIOn and conrii1Ion'f13 vッャ 。Z}GセMZッ ヲイ・アオG}ョ」ケ I c.on/']rs,on Tone d<::co1,n'1 FSK moeulJtlon The source f,Jllower output of lhe vcoiセG (demodulJtor Out) IS used With an external イ・セ ウAッイ of 10 k:':l Of more - "U ::T pcratun;: The Ilf1ear vollage-conlrollcd OSCillator (VeO) produces an output signa! (Vea Out) whosc frequency IS determoned by the voltage at the VC0 Ir• Input. and the capaCltor and resls tors connected to pin C1 A . C1 8 . R1 and R? ----- '," '" '!' 30Vto18V • Low dynamiC power consumption: '0 kHz, Voo =:. 5V Phase comparator 11 is an edge-conlrolled d,gltal memory network. It prOVIdes a digital error Signal (phase camp. fJ Oul) and lock.jn signal (phase pulscs) to indicate a locked conditIon and malntams a 0' phase shift between signal Input and comparator Inpul - o :: Features • Wide supply voltage range: Phase comparator I, an excfuslve OR gale, prOVIdes a dlgi taf error signal (phase comp lOut) and malnlaH1S 90' phase shifts at the vea center frequency Betwcen Signal input and comparator input (both at 50% duly cycfe). it may lock onto the Signal input frequencies thal are close to har monies of the VCO center frequency. ---- n o "0 The INHIBIT input, when high disables the vea ood source follower 10 minimize s!:Jndby power consumption The zener diode IS provided for power supply regulation, If necessary General Description The CD4046BC micropower phase-locked loop (PLL) conSlsls of a low power, linear, voltage-controlled oscillator (VeO), a source follower, a zener diode. and two phase comparators. The two phase comparators have a common signal inp:.Jt and a common comparator input. The signal input can be directly coupled for a large voltage Signal. or capacitJvely coupled to the self-biasmg amplifier allhe $19naf input for a small voltage signal. - s: t.lot')f spee<j J)'llroi - I - Ordering Code: Order Number Package Number CD4046BCM t.11cA CD4(}46BCN セGBcャ o oセGB BGセ L N16E Ir tセ セ、 ",,,,e' ウ[セZ L I Package DescriptIOn I 16-lead Sm<!I1 OuUme in\(;-:;rated CJeud (SOIC), JEDEC t,1'3-012, 015;)- tJ;:mo ...· 8-yj/ I 15-Lead Plast,c Dualln-lrne Pao.a38 (PDIP). JEDEC MS-001, 0 300- V:,'je t-, 。[セ・イ」ZGイN Zセ LセGA ... Gセ • NLZセ Lエセ 」NGセM イNjセ Connection Diagram Pin Assignments for SOle and DIP , .. セエA I Top View ! DG300A, DG301A, DG303A intersil Features TTL-Compatible, CMOS Analog Switches Low Power Consumption The DG300A through DG303A family of monolithiC CMOS switches are truly compatible second source of the original manufacturer. The switches are latch-proof and are designed to block signals up to 30Vp_p when OF F. Featuring low leakage and low power consumption, these sWitches are ideally suited for precision application in instrumentation, communication, data acqUisition and battery powered applIcations. Other key features include Break-Before-Make switching, TTL and CMOS compatibility, and low ON resistance. Single supply operation (for positive switch voltages) IS possible by connecting V· to OV. Break-Before-Make Switching .... 150ns - tON· 130ns tOFF TTL, CMOS Compatible SO£l Low rDS(ON) (Max). Smgle Supply OperatIon True Second Source Ordering Information -I TEMP.'----lPKG" PART NUMBER I RANGE (0C) -25 la 85 J1J. Ld セ r e c DG300A8K OG301ACJ 0\070 lDG303AAK -55 to 125 Functional Diagrams and Pinouts DG300A (SPST) 5, o M K M M セ L B o M K M o - HsBnA」Oャセウ sセoB __ for a I0(;S T セQ UX エ , , CERDIP 3_ _ 14") ,_? セP 70 [MLN Zセ ⦅ : ! J f143 i -: セ E:1 cゥョセ l:1p';:j OG300A (CEROl?) TOD VIe-V; LOGIC SWITCH o Oi=F 0, 、セ NO. 0 to 70 DG300A TRUTH TABLE O'J , ャッセZ」 5, ッ M K M M セ N B ⦅ K M \ ^ セ "0' -0: 0 8'.' lcYJ c"1 4 G'I 0, DGJ01A ISPOT) DG301A (POIP) TO;::> GL セv OG301A TRUTH TABLE ッMK M セLN L^M K M\^ 0, 5, o M K M M セ ^ N j <>--+--0 02 5, .... セ セN 114 la POt? :14 I Ld T Q セ i o r e c 3 GセQ M _ A o p セ l MSセ - - - - - '-- --._- -----i ----25 IOG303A8K iDG303ACJ I dgSPRZGセ PACKAGE LOGIC SWITCH 1 o OFF SWITCH 2 UャZセ IN GND 7 _ _-J 4-1 I CAuT1Qr. Lセ B\L・ ャ ・N\ セ \hセM jZ[セQB セB [ ィ .. C 10 Z[ ャセIイZ」[B セ ".::.r_d'::)" 10:c" 'I#/>-n "'le'S,! o' .:·J1- 721 9z'V MLGッセ・イ le Hafld J.f1g UG [エセ・coGp Cu:>,""';'" ,; l"ler:.,1 Corporabor. 1':J9';