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Coastal and marine conservation priorities areas are defined using The Nature Conservancy's Conservation by Design methodology. Results are shown.
December 1998- N ENV-129This paper presents the background research that supported the development of the Bank’s formal strategy on this topic. The strategy for coastal and marine resources management (GN-1906-2) was favorably considered by the Bank’s Board of Directors on June 17, 1998 and is being published concurrently with this report (SDS publication No. ENV-129). This document was prepared by Michele H. Lemay, Environment Division, Sustainable Development Department. The author wishes to acknowledge the guidance of W. Arensberg and
Venezuela is among the ten countries with the highest biodiversity in the world, both in the terrestrial and the marine environment. Due to its biogeographical position, Venezuelan marine flora and fauna are composed of species from very different marine bioregions such as the Caribbean and the Orinoco Delta. The ecosystems in the Caribbean have received considerable attention but now, due to the tremendous impact of human activities such as tourism, over-exploitation of marine resources, physical alteration, the oil industry, and pollution, these environments are under great risk and their biodiversity highly threatened. The most representative ecosystems of this region include sandy beaches, rocky shores, seagrass beds, coral reefs, soft bottom communities, and mangrove forests. The Orinoco Delta is a complex group of freshwater, estuarine, and marine ecosystems; the habitats are very diverse but poorly known. This paper summarizes the known, which is all of the information available in Venezuela about research into biodiversity, the different ecosystems and the knowledge that has become available in different types of publications, biological collections, the importance and extents of the Protected Areas as biodiversity reserves, and the legal institutional framework aimed at their protection and sustainable use. As the unknown, research priorities are proposed: a complete survey of the area, the completion of a species list, and an assessment of the health status of the main ecosystems on a broad national scale. This new information must be integrated and summarized in nationwide Geographic Information Systems (GIS) databases, accessible to the scientific community as well as to the management agencies. In the long term, a genetic inventory must be included in order to provide more detailed knowledge of the biological resources. Future projects at the local (Venezuela), regional (Southern Caribbean: Colombia, Venezuela, and the Netherlands Antilles), and global (South America) scales are recommended.
The accelerated rate of environmental degradation of the Mexican Caribbean coast is alarming. In this work, spatial analysis procedures were applied to study relationships among wave and wind climates, water quality, and environmental degradation of the principal coastal ecosystems. We found an increasing North-South gradient in the preservation state of the coastal ecosystems, related to the degree of anthropization of the coastline. In the north, all analysed stressors exert high pressure on coral reefs, seagrass meadows, mangroves, and dunes, and cause chronic coastline erosion. The coastal ecosystems of the central and southern regions are more mature and healthier, and the most significant stressor is reduced water quality. The north has been most hit by high-intensity hurricanes, the frequency of which has increased in the Mexican Caribbean over recent decades. The status of conservation of the ecosystems, added to the long-term intensification of environmental pressures, part...
Eight (8) mayor areas, distributed in the freshwater, mixohaline, coastal, oceanic platforms and shelf break environments, emerged from this procedure: (1) Buenos Aires, (2) Ortiz Bank, (3) Turbidity Front, (4) Salinity Front, (5) Uruguayan Atlantic Coast, (6) Mussel beds and Rocky Reefs, (7) Shelf Break Front and (8) Argentinean Atlantic coast. The spatial resolution of the data allowed in some cases to identified sectors with specific attributes inside the areas. In the Turbidity Front, 4 nucleus could be distinguished: (3.1) Central Area, (3.2) Santa Lucía river mouth, (3.3) Samborombón Bay and (3.4) La Tuna-Piriápolis fringe. In the Uruguayan Atlantic Coast, two sector were isolated, (5.1) Punta del Este-Isla de Lobos and (5.2) Cabo Polonio. Inside the Mussel Beds area, as well as in the Shelf Break, south (6.1, 7.1) and north sectors (6.2, 7.2) could be identified. CONCLUDING REMARKS The spatial distribution of scientific knowledge is highly heterogeneous. Knowledge on Biodiversity and Ecological Processes is far to be balanced between the 5 bio-physical environments of the region. The fluvio-marine environment is the most studied region, followed by the coastal and continental shelf. The shelf-break has been poorly studied, and the freshwater environment, despite its closeness to the capitals and big cities of Uruguay and Argentina is the most poorly studied region. Lack of scientific knowledge on the freshwater environment is especially serious. Regarding the high and diverse anthropogenic impacts in the area, the ecological ignorance of this ecosystem is especially grave. Basic knowledge on the ecological functioning of the system is essential to design effective environmental policies to reduce or mitigate human impacts. Mussel beds and rocky reefs represent very important habitats in the coastal environment. These relatively small hard substrata habitats, sustain high species richness and seem to be important for life cycles closure of certain species. Though nowadays they may be considered as under low environmental risk, it is important to note that mussel banks were intensively exploited until 1976, reaching almost local disappearance of mussels in the two exploited banks. charismatic species) have been identified in several of them, having a surface area of about 8% of the total Project area. Critical APA´s represent about 6% of the area. Moreover, by presenting the critical APA's, the most threatened sectors are located in the fluvial and mixohaline part of the system. These smaller areas, with higher risk level represent no more than 5,6 % of the total Project area (that is roughly 15.500 km 2) that could be the focus of proper and urgent environmental regulations. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PRORITY ACTIONS Research Needs. Biodiversity and ecology of the freshwater environment. Delimitation and ecology of rocky reefs, and mussel and scallops beds, specially fishing effects. Biodiversity and ecology of the continental shelf break. Energy paths across the ecosystem. Integrate the socioeconomic perspective in the identification of APA´s. Combine the socio-economics and ecological perspective (ecological relevance) in the procedure of APA identification. Elaborate management proposes for each APA. Determine the proper conservation and/or restoration tools for each APA detected, starting by the critical ones. Promote the use of the Ecological Assessment and APA´s identification by the National Biodiversity Strategies of both countries. The present National Biodiversity Strategies of Uruguay and Argentina do not address the aquatic realm, or are very poor in this area. Thus, the quality and quantity of scientific knowledge compiled and generated by FREPLATA, and mainly the analysis and synthesis carried out, could be of great utility in this theme. Design a System of Aquatic Protected Areas. Using the APA´s identified, design a system of protected areas covering the different environments and habitats of the region. This System should be submitted to the pertinent authorities and stakeholders of both countries, before the implementation tasks. Generate and promote the use of Maps of Ecological Susceptibility. Using the results of ecological assessment carried out here, generate Maps of Ecological Susceptibility (hard copy and SIG) oriented to environmental managers. Promote the use of this tool for managers, like environmental directors of oil companies (contingency plans), navigation channels dredging, etc. Promote public awareness on marine biodiversity values, and sustainable resource utilization. Public environmental education is key to change damaging practices in the future, as well as to push politicians towards sustainable policies.
Global change biology, 2013
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The management of the Marine Protected Areas in the Coastal Zone (MPACZ) is an endeavor that requires a comprehensive approach. Given the complexity of these areas, their management calls for the integration of methodologies directed to achieve their conservation. We examine several of the methodologies that have been proposed for the MPACZ management and propose a comprehensive and tactical methodology for the development of strategic management procedures. The resulting method encompasses several concepts; the presence of planning and regulation zones, the analysis of the MPACZ using different scales (macro, meso, and local), and the inclusion of the people involved in the uses and regulation. r
Venezuela is among the ten countries with the highest biodiversity in the world, both in the terrestrial and the marine environment. Due to its biogeographical position, Venezuelan marine flora and fauna are composed of species from very different marine bioregions such as the Caribbean and the Orinoco Delta. The ecosystems in the Caribbean have received considerable attention but now, due to the tremendous impact of human activities such as tourism, over-exploitation of marine resources, physical alteration, the oil industry, and pollution, these environments are under great risk and their biodiversity highly threatened. The most representative ecosystems of this region include sandy beaches, rocky shores, seagrass beds, coral reefs, soft bottom communities, and mangrove forests. The Orinoco Delta is a complex group of freshwater, estuarine, and marine ecosystems; the habitats are very diverse but poorly known. This paper summarizes the known, which is all of the information availa...
A Proposed Model for Distance Science and Mathematics Teacher Training on the light of the New Trend Technologies The urge need for continuous teacher training is increasing using different method due to changing training types and its goals. According to the technology development of teaching and training methods. And according to emerging of new trend technologies which have advanced capacities, it is possible to depend on these technologies on teacher distance training. There are different methods of teacher distance training such as: print-based, audio-based, tele-visually- based, multimedia-based, web-based, and mobile technologies distance training. We need to find a training system which can gather all these capacities together to achieve teacher training goals. In this research paper we introduce some experience and experiments of science and mathematics teacher training using the capacities of distance training and their results. Recently, teacher distance training depends on media such as: smart phones, audio-visual multimedia, and the internet. Beside emerging of social media network competently in education and training. The use of WhatsApp, and Telegram application through establishing interactive channels is considered special fruitful environment for team work management, and continuous communication with the society using different utilities and advantages. On the light of these new trend technologies we propose an integrated model for teacher distance training, including various training and educational experience with new trend technologies capacities in science and mathematics teacher training. That aim to achieve an advanced level of teacher professional development in the areas of teaching, evaluation, and management skills. By opening the channel between teachers and experts. The training model's goals, methods, activities, resources, and evaluation is introduced.
Díké (PTE ÁJK) VII. évf. 2. sz. (2023) [2024 május], 155–171.
egyetemi tanár, az MTA doktora PTE BTK / SZPA * "Civilis, non tyrannica dominatio" (Tert. Apol. 2.14.) Miért nem álltak ellen a keresztények a római hatalom üldözéseinek? 1 "Civilis, non tyrannica dominatio" (Tert. Apol. 2.14.) Why Christians Did not Resist the Persecutions of the Roman Power? In the first three centuries of the existence of Christianity, it was exposed to sporadic and then increasingly organized persecution by the authorities of the Roman Empire. All of the Christian apologists emphasized the illegality of these persecutions. Tertullian, the jurist, who worked under Septimius Severus, emphasized that the Roman Empire is a state of law, not a tyrannical rule, and this law did not allow the execution of innocents. Although the number of Christians continued to grow despite the persecutions-in Carthage, for example, at the end of the 3rd century, one in ten inhabitants of the city declared themselves to be Christians-it seems that they resigned themselves to the constant oppression. In the Apologeticum, Tertullian lists three possible forms of resistance: internal disruption, open armed rebellion, or mass emigration, but he considers them both unjust and impracticable. According to him, the persecutions were approved by God in order to purify his Church. At the same time, there is also an eschatological reason why they did not stand against the tyrannical oppression: some Christian theologians interpreted the statement in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 about the "one who now holds it back" (NIV) or "he who now restrains it" (ESV), viz. who prevents the appearance of the Antichrist as being the Roman Empire or the emperor itself. If the current emperor falls, the Empire itself will collapse, and the "ten kings" will come, who will be the direct forerunners of the Antichrist. This is why Christians honour the emperors and they do not oppose them by force even if they are sent to death by the imperial authorities.
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