Technical Note
Influence of Bed Roughness and Cross Section
Geometry on Medium and Maximum Velocity Ratio
in Open-Channel Flow
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M. Greco 1 and T. Moramarco 2
Abstract: This paper deals with the analytic-theoretical derivation of the relationships between the entropic quantity ΦðMÞ, representing the
ratio between the mean and maximum flow velocities, and the relative submergence and aspect ratios, using classical open-channel flow
equations. ΦðMÞ is found to be highly dependent on the relative submergence when large or intermediate roughness scales occur, whereas it
might be assumed to be almost constant for a small roughness scale. Furthermore, considering the hydraulic geometry relationships, an
attempt is made to relate the relative submergence to the aspect ratio of flow through a log relationship whose coefficients depend on
the local bed slope, with an important implication for hydrological practices. Then a practical relation between ΦðMÞ and the aspect ratio
is proposed and validated in an operative chain for discharge assessment that shows high robustness and stability. The proposed model has
been applied to a set of experimental velocity data collected at gauged river sites with different geometric and hydraulic characteristics as well
as low, medium, and high flows. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001064. © 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Entropy velocity profile; Relative submergence; Roughness; Aspect ratio; Water discharge.
Knowledge of the flow field in terms of velocity distribution in
natural channels has been and continues to be one of the most relevant challenges for hydraulic engineers. Sediment transport processes and pollutant diffusion are classic hydraulic examples in
which knowledge of the flow dynamics plays a fundamental role
for prediction and design purposes. It is of considerable interest to
identify a simple velocity law that gives suitable results using few
parameters that are easy to measure or derive.
Recent studies outline the opportunity to relate the local energy
budget to the informational content held into the point velocity measurements through a velocity distribution profile derived from an
entropy-probabilistic approach. In particular, Chiu (1987) showed
the high correlation between the mean, U m , and maximum, U max ,
flow velocities through the parameter ΦðMÞ ¼ ½eM =ðeM − 1Þ−
ð1=MÞ. Considering the important implication that this finding
could have on the monitoring of high flows in rivers, many researchers have investigated the reliability of this relationship using field
data (e.g., Xia 1997; Moramarco et al. 2004; Mirauda et al.
2011; Greco and Mirauda 2015). Overall, they found ΦðMÞ and,
hence, M to be constant at a river site and unaffected by the magnitude of flood. Therefore, M might represent an intrinsic parameter of
a gauged site; this insight led Moramarco and Singh (2010) to explore the dependence of M on the hydraulic and geometric characteristics of a river site. This analysis was able to explain that M is not
dependent on the dynamics of a flood, as is expressed by the energy
or water surface slope, Sf , and to identify a formula expressing M as
Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Univ. of Basilicata,
Potenza, Italy (corresponding author). E-mail:
[email protected]
Researcher, Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection,
National Research Council, Perugia, Italy. E-mail:
[email protected]
Note. This manuscript was submitted on January 23, 2015; approved on
June 1, 2015; published online on July 17, 2015. Discussion period open
until December 17, 2015; separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. This technical note is part of the Journal of Hydraulic
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9429/06015015(6)/$25.00.
a function of the hydraulic radius, Manning’s roughness, and the
location, y0 , where the horizontal velocity is hypothetically equal
to zero. Considering that y0 is not simple to assess and therefore
might have high uncertainty, the assessment of M should be addressed using hydraulic and geometric variables that are easy to measure mainly for ungauged river sites. This insight might be achieved
considering the relative submergence D=d (where D is the average
water depth and d is the characteristic dimension of the roughness
elements). In natural rivers, indeed, the velocity distribution is affected by the channel geometry, vegetation, and bank roughness,
and usually the velocity can be assumed to be monotonically increasing from 0 at y0 , near the channel bed, to the maximum value at the
water surface. Moreover, in the case of channels that are not very
wide, in addition to the boundary effect, the velocity varies even
along the transverse direction, and the maximum velocity occurs
at or below the water surface, which is known as the dip phenomenon. Furthermore, the location of the maximum velocity in the flow
area depends on the aspect ratio B=D (Yang et al. 2004), with B the
channel width, through a relationship that is easily assessed if the
channel geometry is given. Therefore, at the global scale, the analysis of the effect of bed roughness and cross-sectional geometry on the
Φ(M) assessment is relevant in the field of open-channel flow.
On this basis, the present paper deals with the relationship between ΦðMÞ and the geometrical flow ratios D=d and B=D using
classical open-channel flow and regime theory equations. The
relationship ΦðMÞ ¼ fðB=DÞ is developed and applied to a set
of experimental velocity data collected in gauged river sites with
different geometric and hydraulic characteristics. Finally, the relationship is validated in an operative chain for water discharge
assessment and showed high robustness and stability.
Entropy Velocity Profile and Geometric Ratios in
Open-Channel Flow
Shannon (1948) formulated the concept of entropy as a measure of
information or uncertainty associated with a random variable or its
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probability distribution. Chiu (1987, 1991) applied the principle of
maximum entropy (POME) to open-channel flows, and modeled
the velocity distribution, shear stress, and sediment concentration.
Analysis of the velocity distribution in the probability domain has
the advantage of determining the cross-sectional mean flow velocity and the momentum and energy coefficients without dealing directly with the geometrical shape of cross sections, which tends to
be extremely complex in natural channels (Chiu 1991; Luo and
Singh 2011; Cui and Singh 2013).
Thus, Chiu (1987), by using POME, inferred the twodimensional velocity distribution, obtaining
uðξÞ ¼
U max
ξ − ξ0
ln 1 þ ðeM − 1Þ
ξ max − ξ 0
where u = velocity; ðξ − ξ 0 Þ=ðξ max − ξ 0 Þ = cumulative probability
distribution function, in which ξ is a function of the spatial coordinates in the physical space; ξ max ¼ ξ at the point where U max occurs; and ξ 0 ¼ ξ at the channel bed where u ¼ 0. Under such
circumstances, u monotonically increases from ξ 0 to ξ max . Therefore,
M can be used as a measure of the uniformity of probability and
velocity distributions, and, as shown by Chiu (1987), its value can
be determined by the mean, U m , and maximum velocity values as
Fig. 1. Mean and maximum velocities observed in field
Fig. 2. Observed relationship between aspect ratio and relative submergence
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Fig. 3. Observed correlations between parameters k and a and the local bed slope
ΦðMÞ ¼ m ¼
U max
e −1
Eq. (2) was verified by several authors by collecting velocity
data in gauged river sites worldwide (Xia 1997; Moramarco et al.
2004; Greco et al. 2014; Ammari and Remini 2010); it represents
the fundamental relationship, from a practical point of view,
for estimating ΦðMÞ, which is known as the velocity ratio, using
the ratio between mean and maximum velocities recorded at
gauged sites.
To identify the dependence of M on the hydraulic and geometric
characteristics of channels, i.e., the relative submergence and aspect
ratio, respectively, the formulation proposed by Greco (2015) for
U m is considered
Um 1 D 1
¼ ln þ ln C0
k d k
U max 1
þ ln
¼ ln
k Cξ ð1 þ αÞ1þα
Unlike in Moramarco and Singh (2010), here the ratio between
Eqs. (3) and (5), based on logarithmic properties, explicitly proposes ΦðMÞ as a function of the relative submergence D=d
ln Cd0 D
i ≅ AΦ ln þ BΦ
ΦðMÞ ¼
¼ h
U max ln D
d Cξ ð1þαÞ
where AΦ and BΦ are simple coefficients. Eq. (6) was derived under
the assumption that the variability of lnðD=dÞ ranges from 1 to 10
and the corresponding ratio between the two coefficients,
lnðC0 Þ= ln½ðαα Þ=Cξ ð1 þ αÞ1þα , is less than 2, as is generally found
in field data. In fact, under these constraints, the relation
in which u = shear velocity; d = characteristic bottom roughness
height (i.e., d50 or d84 ); k = von Karman constant; and C0 =
dimensionless coefficient.
The maximum velocity conveys important information about
channel flow because it defines the range of the velocity distribution. In the flow area, the location of maximum velocity from the
river bottom, ymax , is of interest, because the maximum velocity
does not always occur at the water surface but at some distance
below it. Overall, this phenomenon, known as a velocity dip,
may be induced by several factors, one of which is the secondary
currents (Nezu and Nakagawa 1993), which refer to the circulation
in a transverse channel cross section, while the longitudinal flow
component is called the primary flow.
In this context, Moramarco and Singh (2010) identified the ratio
between U max and u as
U max 1
¼ ln
þ ln
k y0 ð1 þ αÞ
with α ¼ ðD=ymax − 1).
y0 can be assumed to be proportional to the characteristic bottom roughness height, d, as suggested by Rouse (1965) through the
experimental parameter Cξ ¼ y0 =d. Therefore, Eq. (4) becomes
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Fig. 4. Observed relative submergence versus computed one
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B ¼ αQa ;
D ¼ βQb ;
γ c
d i%j
in which i% represents the local bed slope, and a, b, c, α, β, γ,
and j are numerical coefficients. After a little algebra, the relative submergence can be reported in terms of the aspect ratio, B=D, obtaining:
γ β B c=ða−bÞ
d i%j α D
where k and a are coefficients. Finally, Eq. (6) can be reformulated
taking into account Eq. (8), and the velocity ratio ΦðMÞ can be derived
through the aspect ratio as follows:
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½ln ðC0 D=dÞ= ln ½D=d × ðαα =Cξ ð1 þ αÞ1þα Þ; ln ðD=dÞ can be
linearly interpolated with a high correlation of determination ðR2 ≈ 0.9Þ.
Eq. (6) explains the possible effects of bed roughness on the
entropy velocity distribution in open-channel flow depending on
the scale of large, intermediate, and small roughness (Bathurst
1985). Further, invoking the hydraulic geometry relationships,
it is always possible to express average flow width, B, and depth,
as well as the ratio D=d, as functions of the water discharge,
Q (Leopold and Maddock 1953; Leopold et al. 1964; Griffiths
Fig. 5. (a) ΦðMÞ versus aspect ratio, B=D; (b) observed discharge versus computed ones by coupling Eqs. (2) and (9)
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ΦðMÞ ¼ AB ln
þ BB
in which AB and BB are appropriate coefficients.
Greco (2015) specified the coefficient assumed in Eq. (6) as a
function of D=d, yielding
AΦ ¼ 0.11
⇒ Dd < 4
BΦ ¼ 0.51
AΦ ¼ 0
⇒d >4
BΦ ¼ 0.66
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AB and BB in Eq. (9) can be easily inferred.
Field Investigation and Data Discussion
The aforementioned dependence between the entropy parameter,
M, through ratio ΦðMÞ, the relative submergence, D=d, and the
aspect ratio, B=D, has been investigated based on a large volume
of data collected at several gauged river sites along different Italian
rivers located in Southern Italy, i.e., the Fellone and Amato Rivers
in the Calabria region, Basento, Sinni, Agri, and Cavone Rivers in
the Basilicata region, and the Tiber River in the Umbria region in
central Italy. Such a database is extremely significant because it
covers a relevant interval of water discharge, from a few liters
up to hundreds of cubic meters per second (0.07–240 m3 =s), a
bed slope in the range 0.1–1%, flow depth (0.07–5, 28 m), and
mean sediment diameter, d50 , ranging from 3 to 7 cm. Furthermore,
assuming d50 to be representative of roughness, the relative submergence (D=d50 ) ranges from 1.15 to 70.
The observed domain (U m , U max ) is shown in Fig. 1. In the same
figure, the linear regressions, differentiated among data sets in the
bulk of field data, are reported, and quite similar values of ΦðMÞ
ranging from 0.608 to 0.678 are identified.
Considering Eq. (8), the theoretical relationship derived from
the regime theory between the relative submergence and the aspect
ratio is reported in Fig. 2 for each gauged site. Although a few cross
sections were well populated (i.e., S. Lucia, Ponte Nuovo, Grassano, Amato), the log dependence between the aspect ratio and the
relative submergence seems to be consistent. Fig. 2 shows an
existing robust relationship between D=d and B=D, differentiated
among the cross-section data set. This insight supports the idea of a
correlation between coefficients k and a of Eq. (8) and the local
geometric characteristics of the flow. Thus, the dependence of
parameters k and a on the local bed slope has been investigated
for the nine gauge sites, as reported in Fig. 3, obtaining for k and
a the relationship
k ¼ 8.2i%−2.57 ðR2 ¼ 0.86Þ and
a ¼ 1.61i% − 1.43ðR2 ¼ 0.85Þ
Based on the available data set, Fig. 4 depicts a comparison between the relative submergence, D=d, computed by Eq. (8), using
k and a expressed through the observed correlation of each cross
section (Fig. 2), and D=d, also given by Eq. (8), but where k and
a are estimated as a function of i% using Eq. (11). As can be seen,
the results are quite satisfactory and the relationship between the
relative submergence and the aspect ratio encourages the use of
such a relationship during operational activities. Indeed, if the river
geometry is known, B=D and, as a consequence, D=d can be
explicitly estimated using Eq. (8), where k and a are given by
Eq. (11). Therefore, ΦðMÞ can be quickly computed using
Eq. (9), and, as shown in Fig. 5(a), the estimated values represent
the observed ones fairly well at the investigated gauged sites.
Therefore, once the roughness condition and the aspect ratio are
estimated, velocity measurements can be collected in the cross section at all stage levels—low, medium, and high—obtaining for each
one U max , which is the maximum value sampled among all velocity
points in the flow area. Note that U max occurs in the upper portion
of the flow area and can be easily sampled even during high flooding. The U max value can be used in Eq. (2), together with the value
of ΦðMÞ, corresponding to the observed relative submergence or
aspect ratio, independently using Eq. (6) or Eq. (9), obtaining,
de facto, the mean flow velocity U m and, hence, the discharge.
Fig. 5(b) compares the discharges computed applying Eqs. (2)
and (9) versus the observed ones, with reference to the available
data set, with a resulting percentage error of less than 20%.
An analytic-theoretical derivation of the relationships between the
medium and maximum velocity ratio, ΦðMÞ, and the geometrical
flow ratios, like relative submergence and aspect ratio, was proposed using entropy theory and hydraulic geometry relationships.
The analysis was based on the experimental evidence that ΦðMÞ is
dependent on the relative submergence in the case of high-intermediate roughness flow (D=d < 4), while such relationships can
be assumed to be negligible once low roughness flow occurs
(D=d > 4). On this basis, the relationship between ΦðMÞ, D=d,
and B=D is found to be robust, and this is of paramount importance
in identifying a practical formulation relating the velocity ratio
ΦðMÞ to the ratio flow width/flow depth, avoiding the need to assess the bottom roughness height, d.
The application of the proposed methodology to a set of experimental velocity data collected in gauged river sites with different
geometric and hydraulic characteristics, as well as low, medium,
and high stages, has shown that the approach can be conveniently
used to estimate ΦðMÞ at a river site. Finally, discharge can be estimated with an error of 20% once the maximum velocity and
geometry are known. Further investigations are, however, needed
for natural channels wider than those investigated.
The following symbols are used in this paper:
B = flow width;
B=D = aspect ratio;
D = water depth;
d = characteristic bottom roughness height;
D=d = relative submergence;
i% = bed slope;
M = entropy parameter;
Q = water discharge;
U m = medium cross velocity;
U max = maximum cross velocity;
y0 = location where the horizontal velocity is zero; and
ΦðMÞ = medium and maximum velocity ratio.
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