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In the paper the results of the extension of the entropy velocity distribution to a data set collected in field and relative to a natural rivers are presented. The analysis represent the first attempt to use the entropy model to describe the natural flow assessment. Further, the velocity distribution along the vertical has been explained employing the entropy model at the local scale and calibrating the entropy parameter through the average and maximum velocity observed per each vertical. That is, a scaling approach of the entropy profile is proposed and the comparison between the classical formulation and the scaled one is reported in terms of average absolute and global errors observed.
Water and Environment Journal, 2012
This paper examines the discharge and velocity distributions in natural open channel flows using the entropy theory. Flow measurements were carried out at four different cross-sections in central Turkey. The mean and maximum velocities at these stations exhibited a linear distribution and the entropy parameter was calculated to be M =1.31. Using this value, discharges for all flow conditions were calculated as a function of the measured maximum velocities (u max). It was observed that the u max /H and z max /H ratios remained relatively constant when 0.2 y/T 0.8, especially for the wider channels. Using these constant values for each station, u max and z max could be determined solely as a function of the water depth H. Although the calculated velocities were higher than those measured at some verticals, the entropy-based approach presents an attractive alternative to the traditional flow-measurement techniques for the determination of flow properties because of its simplicity and quick application.
Entropy, 2014
The theoretical development and practical application of three new methods for estimating the entropy parameter M used within the framework of the entropy method proposed by Chiu in the 1980s as a valid alternative to the velocity-area method for measuring the discharge in a river is here illustrated. The first method is based on reproducing the cumulative velocity distribution function associated with a flood event and requires measurements regarding the entire cross-section, whereas, in the second and third method, the estimate of M is based on reproducing the cross-sectional mean velocity U by following two different procedures. Both of them rely on the entropy parameter M alone and look for that value of M that brings two different estimates of U , obtained by using two different M-dependent-approaches, as close as possible. From an operational viewpoint, the acquisition of velocity data becomes increasingly simplified going from the first to the third approach, which uses only one surface velocity measurement. The procedures proposed are applied in a case study based on the Ponte Nuovo hydrometric station on the Tiber River in central Italy.
Abstract: A quick and accurate determination of flow passing through a river section is fundamental for a large number of engineering applications, such as flood forecasting models and the real time water resources management. Velocity is one of the basic variables of open channel flow and its variation across a section is described by the velocity profile distribution.
Entropy, 2013
Velocity distribution in an open channel flow can be very useful to model many hydraulic phenomena. Among the others, several 1D models based on the concept of entropy are available in the literature, which allow estimating the velocity distribution by measuring velocities only in a few points. Nevertheless, since 1D models have often a limited practical use, a 2D entropy based model was recently developed. The model provides a reliable estimation of the velocity distribution for open channel flow with a rectangular cross section, if the maximum velocity and the average velocity are known. In this paper results from the proposed model were compared with measured velocities carried out from laboratory experiments. Calculated values were also compared with results inferred from a 2D model available in the literature, resulting in a greater ease of use and a more reliable estimate of the velocity profile.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2019
Applying the concept of relative or cross-entropy and the principle of minimum cross-entropy, this study derives the velocity distribution in a wide open channel. Previous studies have employed Shannon entropy and the principle of maximum entropy to derive distributions of various flow variables, including velocity. Relative entropy is a generalized form of entropy and can specialize into Shannon entropy if the prior probability distribution is taken to be a uniform distribution. The prior distribution is often formulated, based on intuition, experience, or thought experiment. When deriving the velocity distribution in wide open channels, this study assumes four prior probability distributions and analyzes the effect of these assumed priors. It is found that a normal-type and a gamma-type prior can significantly influence the velocity profile, especially near the channel bed, and their prediction accuracies are superior to the previously obtained velocity distribution based on Shannon entropy. Furthermore, closed-form explicit analytical solutions are obtained for the nonlinear differential equations that arise while incorporating these priors. Experimental and field data are used to verify the derived velocity distributions, and an error analysis is carried out to evaluate their performance.
Journal of Hydrology, 2022
Hydrodynamic features of the confluence zone of large rivers are complicated because of their three-dimensional flow structure. The confluence between the Rio Negro and the Rio Solimões, characterised by black and white waters, respectively, ranks among the largest river junctions on Earth. An Entropy-based investigation was carried out to assess the discharge and analyse the 2D structure of velocity distribution for large river flows relying on monitoring of near-surface velocity only. The estimated flow data where compared with in-situ ADCP data gathered across some transects of the Negro and Solimões rivers during both low and relatively high flow conditions. Results are illustrated through some transects at the confluence zone, upstream and downstream of the zone and in the Careiro Channel. Comparisons highlight that the Entropy-based flow velocity in terms of depth-averaged velocity, cross-sectional mean flow velocity and vertical velocity distributions, starting from the measured surface velocity, is in agreement with those determined by the ADCP measurements, with an error in mean flow velocity and discharge lower than 15%. The research highlights the potential of the Entropy method to estimate the discharge and velocity in very large rivers just relying on near-surface velocities monitoring.
2nd International Balkans Conferance on Challenges of Civil Engineering, 2013
Velocity profiles were investigated for a natural stream by entropy theory. Flow was measured by Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) at different times and periods during seven site visits on the Sarımsaklı stream, which flows through central Anatolia in Turkey. Entropy parameter M was calculated with two different approaches. One of them is linear distribution between mean and maximum velocities at these stations and the entropy parameter was calculated as M=2.9. Second one is the best entropy parameter which can be calculated by using u max and z max for measured verticals and found as M=2.83. Both approaches show good harmony with the measured data along the verticals. Errors between measured (u m) and calculated (u c) velocities for the whole depths were calculated. The relative mean errors for the seven measurements and each vertical is determined as 5.65% for the SDE (Sarımsaklı Dam Entrance) station.
Journal of School Psychology, 2004
The present study examined (a) the predictive effect of disruptive boys' attendance to a prevention program (i.e., dosage) on post-intervention academic achievement and behavior and (b) the potential moderating effects of child and family characteristics in this context. The 3-year intervention program included reading, self-regulation, and social skills training for the boys, parental support and skills training for parents, and teacher support. A multiple-screening procedure selected 58 disruptive, low socioeconomic status boys at the age of 6 years for program participation. Multiple regression analyses and logistic regression analyses showed that the number of program sessions attended did not contribute to the prediction of boys' post-intervention disruptive behavior. However, the number of attended sessions was positively related to boys' post-intervention likability, as well as to their post-intervention writing, reading, math, and human science performances. Interaction terms revealed that family constellation moderated the link between program dosage and likability and math success, respectively, whereas boys' IQ moderated the links between dosage and boys' success in writing and math. The discussion stresses the importance of dosage-effect analysis and the examination of moderating variables in this context.
The political participation of Fako women is a crucial prerequisite for the realization of their civil and political rights. Without this fundamental right, they are prone to be absent in politics or to be allocated minor or politically irrelevant and inappropriate positions. Despite Cameroon’s adherence to international charters and instruments aimed at gender equality in politics and the enactment of national legislation, women are still marginalized in the political front. This work sets out to examine the level of women’s representation and participation in party politics and elections and the extent to which Political Stakeholders promote women’s Political Representation and Participation in Fako Division. Furthermore, the factors which hinder Fako women from participating politically were analyzed among which includes lack of political parties support, self-confidence and patriarchal perception of politics. The methodology used here is the survey research design; purposive, snowball and convenient sampling. The data was collected both from primary and secondary sources and analyzed using simple reporting format. The challenges facing Fako women’s representation and participation in politics are summed up in poverty which can be seen in the low education of women, their inability to belong to Political parties because of party dues, lack of self-confidence, stereotypes amongst others and the citizen’s loss of trust in the electoral body and its process. Recommendations were made to various stakeholders based on the findings with major recommendations to the government being to economically empower the women, give more educational scholarship to females as well as revive the Electoral body so her citizens can trust the systems independence. Also, political parties can adopt the reduction or waiving of candidate fees for women aspirants to encourage more women to present themselves as candidates for public positions. Keywords: Gender Equality, Political Participation, Representation and Political Development
Specialty Journal of Architecture and Construction, 2017
Asia Pecific Research Centre, Stanford University, 2005
Scientific Programming, 2005
International Journal of Web Information Systems, 2012
Top Book Before The Storm World Of Warcraft PDF BZ
Nuclear Physics B, 1994
Annals of Forest Science, 2005
Value: Jurnal Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 2022
Journal of Clinical Virology, 2020
Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Animal, 2008
Social Science Research Network, 2012
British Journal of Healthcare Management
Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 2008