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Each year in the Philippines, hundreds of thousands of women become pregnant without intending to, and many women with unintended pregnancies decide to end them by abortion. Because abortion is legal only to save a woman's life, most procedures are clandestine, and many are carried out in unsafe circumstances. Unsafe abortion can endanger women's reproductive health and lead to serious, often life-threatening complications. Furthermore, unsafe abortions impose a heavy burden on women, their families and society by virtue of the serious health consequences that often ensue: These health problems can keep women from work and school, and treatment can be costly and consume scarce medical resources at both public and private health institutions. Because abortion is highly stigmatized and largely prohibited, information on abortion is difficult to obtain. However, new research findings shed light on the causes, level and consequences of abortion in the PH.
Each year in the Philippines hundreds of thousands of women become pregnant without intending to and many women with unintended pregnancies decide to end them by abortion. Because abortion is legal only to save a womans life most procedures are clandestine and many are carried out in unsafe circumstances. Unsafe abortion can endanger womens reproductive health and lead to serious often life-threatening complications. Furthermore unsafe abortions impose a heavy burden on women their families and society by virtue of the serious health consequences that often ensue: These health problems can keep women from work and school and treatment can be costly and consume scarce medical resources at both public and private health institutions. Because abortion is highly stigmatized and largely prohibited information on abortion is difficult to obtain. However new research findings shed light on the causes level and consequences of abortion in the Philippines. (excerpt)
Philippine Population Review, 2008
T his article attempts to quantitatively separate the effects of several variables on induced abortion. These are demographic (age, number of live births, and marital status), socioeconomic (wealth index, education, and work status), cultural (religion examined in three ways-religious affiliation, importance of God in the respondent's life, and frequency of church service attendance), proximate (ever use of contraceptive method, ever forced to have sex with partner, and unintended pregnancy), knowledge (knowledge of abortion law in the Philippines), and attitudinal (what the woman thinks as more harmful for a woman's health, unwanted pregnancy or using modern and artificial contraceptives and the most important reason women in their community may resort to abortion, opinion on enumerated circumstances such as saving a woman from dying, pregnancy from rape and incest, protecting own health, psychological reasons, and being mentally retarded and who the woman thinks should decide whether a woman stops an unwanted pregnancy). Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses of 4,163 sample of the National Survey of Women (NSW) have demonstrated that only five of the many variables examined remained prominent, arranged from the most to the least significant, in affecting induced abortion. The likelihood of resorting to abortion by women having unintended pregnancy is 10 times more than among women having no unintended pregnancy. The estimated odds of having had an induced abortion for women who think is 1.43 times more than among those who do not think that the abortion law should allow abortion of pregnancy caused by rape. Induced abortion is 41 percent less common among the never married than their married counterparts. The poor
Yurisdiksi: Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains, 2018
Abortion or commonly referred to abortion into the human civilization because humans do not want the pregnancy. Since centuries ago, many nations have known checkers wear some plant species believed to stimulate contraction of uterus to shed or dropped fetus. Abortion itself can occur either due to human actions (abortion provocatus) or because of natural causes, that happens by it self, in the sense that not because of human actions (abortion spontatus). Abortion is happening because of human actions can occur either because it is driven by medical reasons, such as pregnant women who suffer from a disease and to save the lives of these women then abortion must be terminated (abortion therapeuticus). Besides, for reasons that are not justified by the law (abortion criminalis). The method used in this research is normative juridical consideration that the starting point of the research analysis of the laws and regulations of the Criminal Code, Act No. 35 of 2014 on the Amendment of A...
The purpose of this research was to study abortion justifications in South East Asian region in comparison with globally legal abortion standards, and to use this knowledge obtained to improve Thailand's abortion-related laws owing to the fact that Thai government is planning to promote the country as South East Asian's medical hub. Methodology employed was documentary research in nature. Data sources were a wide variety of academic writings, well-accepted research, widely proved documents and related websites. Data collected were the statues of laws and any related rules in each country which are primary information. The analysis was done by comparing the collected data. The results of the study revealed that, at present, restrictions of abortion in force do not support human's freedom/liberty and are a major factor contributing to illegal abortions that may threaten or harm a pregnant woman's health and life. As a consequence, in some countries, legal abortion has become more common. In Thailand, legal abortion can be performed only if a pregnant woman is sexually abused or has abnormal pregnancy and is medically proved. Among South East Asian countries, abortion laws can be divided into two groups. Group 1 comprises Laos, Indonesia, The Philippines, Brunei, Myanmar and Malaysia. All of countries in this group have less freedom/liberty to abortion than Thailand, while Group 2, Cambodia, Singapore and Vietnam, has more freedom/liberty to abortion than Thailand.
International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2020
Based on the Indonesian legal system, women's reproductive and unborn child's rights to life are equally important. A woman has the right to determine her pregnancy period or even reject her unwanted pregnancy. On one side, legal abortion is part of women's reproductive rights. On the other side, the unborn child's life in the womb is also protected by law. Any attempt to harm the fetus' well-being or deliberately dispose of its life is illegal. Generally, Indonesian are against abortion. However, in specific cases, abortion legalization occurs when the pregnancy becomes harmful and endangering the mother's life. In fact, in certain labor cases, the doctor must do an abortion to save the mother's life. Through Health Act No. 36 of 2009 Article 75, abortion is permitted with emergencies on mothers and rape victims. This paper aims to analyze whether two indications of abortion legalization written on the Health Act are still acceptable from the standpoint of unborn child rights. As normative research, this paper uses both statutory and medical approaches.
Katilolehti, 1971
In Brazil, abortion is considered a crime, with rare exceptions even abortion is one of the main causes of maternal mortality. It should be an emphasized that among the most frequent reasons for abortion are pregnancies due to rape, that is, sexual violence. This situation requires measures to combat this type of violation of the human rights of women. Another important gap that leads women to resort to abortion as a means of controlling procreation refers to the unmet needs of family planning, requiring attention by the public health system, access to more diversified methods of family planning, and reproductive care for the rational use of services that perform legal abortion, thereby reducing maternal mortality, in accordance with the commitments made by the leaders of the United Nations towards sustainable development objectives.
Journal of Law and Conflict …, 2010
Although procreation is considered as the most important function of marriage, millions of women use some means of contraception and even resort to abortion. Medical reasons constitute only a small proportion of the actual number of cases and the rest being for social and other reasons. Islam places great value on human life. Any attempt to take it away in any stages is a heinous crime. This research will discuss the different viewpoints of Islamic jurists regarding the legal position of abortion and its punishment under Islamic criminal law. Besides that, this research will also make a comparison with Malaysian and common laws. As a result, the writer found out that abortion should be prohibited as it is a crime against human being and it can only be allowed where the fully trained medical doctor view that the continuance of the pregnancy will endanger the life of the mother.
Reviews in obstetrics & gynecology, 2009
Every year, worldwide, about 42 million women with unintended pregnancies choose abortion, and nearly half of these procedures, 20 million, are unsafe. Some 68,000 women die of unsafe abortion annually, making it one of the leading causes of maternal mortality (13%). Of the women who survive unsafe abortion, 5 million will suffer long-term health complications. Unsafe abortion is thus a pressing issue. Both of the primary methods for preventing unsafe abortion-less restrictive abortion laws and greater contraceptive use-face social, religious, and political obstacles, particularly in developing nations, where most unsafe abortions (97%) occur. Even where these obstacles are overcome, women and health care providers need to be educated about contraception and the availability of legal and safe abortion, and women need better access to safe abortion and postabortion services. Otherwise, desperate women, facing the financial burdens and social stigma of unintended pregnancy and believi...
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 1995
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 2017
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United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination (2016 Exam) -Student Edition Softcover
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Creative Writing Handbook by Jay Amberg, Mark Larson
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Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics Discussions
2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
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