str ess in the wo rk place
m eet i n g t H e c HA l l eng e
about the publication
this publication is an adjunct to Health Advocate’s recent webinar “Stress in the Workplace: meeting the
challenge” co-sponsored by the national Women’s Health Resource center, the leading independent health
information source for women. this white paper offers comprehensive research about the causes and impact
of workplace stress, its role in lost productivity and higher healthcare costs and includes the effects of job
stress on women workers. the research also reviews successful organizational and individual strategies to
help manage stress and reduce costs. Following these strategies can help reduce absenteeism and turnover,
help employees better balance work/life responsibilities, and also reduce healthcare costs.
about health aDVocate™, inc.
Health Advocate, inc., the nation’s leading independent healthcare advocacy and assistance company, serves
more than 5,000 clients nationwide, providing more than 15 million Americans with personalized help to
resolve healthcare and insurance-related issues. the company offers a spectrum of advocacy, Wellness,
Pricing decision Support and Human Resources solutions to help save time and money. the company also
offers a direct-to-consumer advocacy service, called Health Proponent ®, to individuals who are not part
of groups.
For more information, contact Health Advocate (toll-free) at: 1-866-385-8033, prompt #2 or via email at
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s t re s s i n t h e wo rkpla ce
m ee t ing t He cH Al le n g e
he alarming spike in the incidence of
reported stress among employees in recent
years and its impact on the bottom line has
made the management of stress an urgent business strategy for
American companies.
the climbing igures are hard to ignore. nearly three-quarters of
American workers surveyed in 2007 reported experiencing physical
symptoms of stress due to work. According to statistics from the
American Psychological Association (APA), a startling two-thirds of
Americans say that work is a main source of stress in their lives – up
nearly 15 percent from the those who ranked work stress at the top
just a year before. Roughly 30 percent of workers surveyed reported
“extreme” stress levels.1, 2
the faltering economy, shrinking incomes and rampant layoffs are
undeniable factors. On-the-job stressors range from unclear job
expectations and time pressures to noisy work stations. A signiicant
factor is lack of accommodation for work/life balance, which can add
to the stress load, especially for women who tend to be the primary
caretakers of children and elderly loved ones.
Whatever the root causes, stressed workers tend to be fatigued,
prone to mistakes and injuries, and are more likely to be absent.
And most signiicantly, they incur healthcare costs twice as high than
for other employees. All tolled, the consequences of stress-related
illnesses, from depression to heart disease, costs businesses an
estimated $200 to $300 billion a year in lost productivity.3
more employers are recognizing that now is the time for action.
Workers who are stressed today can be disabled tomorrow.
Stressed workers
have double the
healthcare costs
The time to address
stress is NOW
And, as society ages and elderly caregiving grows, stress is likely
to grow as an issue, and along with it, inlated healthcare costs.
the encouraging news is that, with a dual strategy of organizational
change and individual stress management, businesses can be
proactive and promote healthier, more productive employees and
reduce healthcare costs.
Stressed Workers.
Stressed Bottom Line.
Stress, very simply, is a built-in condition. Humans are hard-wired
to have a physical and psychological “stress” reaction when facing
a perceived threat, whether it is real or not.
Speciically, the body reacts with the “ight or light response”
triggered by the sudden release of the cortisol and adrenaline
hormones. these hormones keep the body and mind coiled, alert
and ready for reaction to the threat. this reaction served as a useful,
protective response when faced with primitive threats such as a
saber tooth tiger.4
But even in the modern day work world, being under stress can
serve as a useful motivator to perform, provided it is in the right
degree and does not produce job strain. As far back as 1908,
researchers discovered that once stress reaches a mid to high level,
productivity drops off remarkably. And when productivity drops off,
the bottom line suffers.5
Some effects of job stress are more easily quantiied than others.
Here are the many ways that prolonged, unhealthy job stress
affects costs:
Disability and
Accidents, Workers'
Compensation Claims
Stress-related distraction or sleepiness account for an estimated
60 to 80 percent of accidents on the job, according to the American
institute of Stress. Workers’ compensation claims for stress have
increased substantially every year, threatening to bankrupt the
system in several states.6
An estimated one million workers miss work each day because of
stress, costing companies an estimated $602 per employee per year.
And absenteeism is to blame for 26 percent of health-related lost
productivity in business.7, 8
As the term used to describe the opposite of absenteeism,
“presenteeism” is the phenomenon of employees coming to work
yet not functioning up to their capabilities on the job. in one survey,
60 percent of workers reported losing productivity due to stress
while at work during the past month.9
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Presenteeism costs
$150 billion in lost
Presenteeism manifests in a host of ways, including making
mistakes, more time spent on tasks, poor quality work, impaired
social functioning, burnout, anger, resentment, low morale and other
detrimental factors. Overall, the price tag related to presenteeism
adds up to nearly $150 billion a year in lost productivity, according
to the international Foundation of employee Beneit Plans. the cost
may be even higher if the stress underlying presenteeism is not
addressed, as absenteeism, job resignations, chronic illness, and
disability may be the result.10
Physical Effects
Workers who report that they are stressed incur healthcare costs that
are 46 percent higher than for non-stressed employees, according
to the national institute for Occupational Safety and Health (niOSH).
And 60 to 90 percent of doctor visits are attributed to stress-related
illnesses and symptoms.11, 12
left untreated, prolonged stress can raise the risk for developing
chronic—and costly—diseases. Among them: heart disease,
diabetes and even some cancers, which can collectively account
for a vast amount of all healthcare costs. diabetes alone cost
business $58 billion in 2007 in just indirect medical expenses such
as 15 million work days lost to absenteeism and 120 million work
days with reduced productivity.13, 14
Stress can also lower the immune system and play a role in a
person’s susceptibility to more colds, lu and other infectious
diseases. Additionally, people who are stressed are more likely to
experience pain-related conditions, and a host of other ailments,
from teeth grinding and chest tightness to fatigue.15, 16
in fact, an APA survey found that 53 percent of workers reported
fatigue due to work stress.17
Hallmark signs that workers are experiencing mental duress include
poor concentration, short temper, job dissatisfaction and low morale.18
Stressed workers have an elevated risk of mental health problems,
ranging from anxiety and substance abuse, and perhaps, the most
signiicant, depression. in fact, stress and clinical depression—the
two often go hand-in-hand—trail family crisis as the second and
third most signiicant problems in the workplace.19, 20
the national institutes of mental Health estimates that depression
has resulted in $23 billion a year in lost workdays.21
Health Advocate, inc.
stress-relateD illnesses
A 2004 lluminari landmark Study found that people who work
under stressful conditions, which can include work/life conlicts
or lack of social support, autonomy and control, are at least
twice as likely to experience the following physical and mental
effects as other workers: 22
� Heart and cardiovascular problems
� Anxiety, depression and demoralization
� Substance abuse
� certain cancers
� conlicts injuries
Coping Habits
� infectious diseases
� Back pain
in one survey, researchers found that to cope with stress, 40 percent
of people smoked, 41 percent gambled, 35 percent shopped and
27 percent drank alcohol.23
Overeating is an unhealthy habit that can lead to obesity, a condition
that costs businesses more than $13 billion each year in medical
costs and lost productivity.24
in a careerBuilder.com survey, 26 percent of employees said they
gained more than 10 pounds at work, while 12 percent indicated
they gained more than 20 pounds. nearly two-thirds of employees
say that they eat unhealthy snacks—chips, candy, etc.—at work
once a day; 25 percent said they did so two or more times a day.25
The Causes of
Workplace Stress
On and Off the Job
Organizational Causes
Job stress is commonly deined as the harmful physical and
emotional responses that occur when the demands of the job
exceed the capabilities, needs or resources of the worker. Studies
show that employees who feel they have little control over their
work in one way or another report higher stress levels.26, 27
According to the APA, the top stressors for people in the workplace,
in order of importance, are: 28
� low salaries (43 percent)
� Heavy workloads (43 percent)
� lack of opportunity for growth and advancement (43 percent)
� Unrealistic job expectations (40 percent)
� Job security (34 percent)
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Stress lows from
work to home
and vice versa
Additional on-the-job stressors include lack of participation in
decision-making, ineffective management style and unpleasant work
environments that includes disruptive noise levels. in fact, nearly
60 percent of workers in one study reported that noise such as
coworker conversations enhanced by open ofices caused added
distraction and stress, and a study at cornell University showed that
even low-level ofice noise increased stress hormone levels.29
longer work hours is another prime stressor. Almost half of
employers report business performance is being affected by the
stress of employees working long hours, and other impactful factors.
Working overtime can result in poor mental performance, increased
illness and workplace injuries.30, 31
Work/Life Issues
the downturned economy and corresponding job layoffs, salary
cuts, and heavier workloads have added to the stress in workers’
personal lives, especially as they confront strained inancial issues
and compressed time allotment for family obligations.
“Stress lows both ways,” explains michael Baime, m.d., clinical
Associate Professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
eMploYer surVeY on stress
cause of
employee stress
who say
stress affects
long hours, doing
more with less
work/life balance
technologies that
expand availability
Managers’ inability to
recognize stress
Managers’ inability to
ind solutions for stress
extra time, problems
related to security
safety fears
Source: Watson Wyatt/National Business Group on Health 2007/2008 Staying@Work report
Health Advocate, inc.
stressors For aMericans — 2008
Source: American Psychological Association. Stress in America. Oct. 7, 2008.
n all
n Men
n women
School of medicine, and founder and director of the Penn Program for
Stress management in a 2009 interview. “Stress is accumulated over
time and additive between different domains. the stress that someone
has at home, relating to their health or inancial situation, comes with
them into the workplace. And when they leave work at the end of the
day, the stress from their job also goes home with them.”
the igures bear this out. many employers report that stress due
to work/life balance affects business. likewise, workers report that
work/life balance creates stress in the following ways:
� Job demands have interfered with their ability to fulill family or
home responsibilities
� dificulty balancing work and family life
� Work interferes with their personal time 32
Caregiver stress. One signiicant work/life balance stressor is
caregiving for elderly parents, an issue that is likely to grow more
prominent as the population ages. According to U.S. census
projections, by 2030, one in ive Americans will be a senior citizen.
And, as early as 2010, almost half of the U.S. workforce, mostly
workers in their forties and ifties, will be caring for an elderly parent.33
the daunting tasks of searching for qualiied in-home or nursing
care, addressing medicare issues and other senior concerns can
Health Advocate, inc.
be even more of a challenge for the growing legion of “sandwich”
generation Americans—those caring for elderly loved ones and also
raising children. As for the workers who are among the 52 million
Americans burdened with caring for an ill or disabled loved one, the
challenges of work/life balance can be particularly challenging. in
many cases, leaving a job can be the unfortunate result.34
Complex healthcare issues. the move towards consumer-driven
health plans and shifting more responsibility for making healthcare
decisions to employees means that workers are left on their own
to navigate the complex healthcare system. they must resolve
burdensome healthcare coverage and billing issues, for instance,
during normal working hours when providers and insurance ofices
are open. in turn, productivity can suffer.
workplace stress anD working woMen
Job stress affects both men and women, although there are some
gender differences in certain aspects. A report in 2005 found the
odds of association of cumulative job stress with poor mental
health conditions like anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue among
women to be 1.4 to 7.1, compared to 1.8 to 4.6 for men.35
in general, women are more likely than men to experience
physical symptoms of stress, such as fatigue, irritability,
headaches and depression. Women are also more likely than
men to cope with job stress with unhealthy behaviors, such
as poor eating habits.36, 37
For working women, caregiving and balancing work/life issues
is a signiicant stressor. Well over half of the caregivers in the
United States are women and 59 percent are also employed.38
Speciically, women are the primary caretakers of children,
including children who have a chronic illness such as asthma,
now the leading cause of school absence as well as the
cause of more than 15 million days of less productive work
or absences per year.39
Overall, working women who are also caregivers often face work
adjustments, including reduced hours, taking leaves of absence
and even quitting their jobs, according to a report sponsored by
the national Alliance for caregiving. not surprisingly, women are
more than twice as likely as their male counterparts to report the
beneits of having employer-provided support systems that offer
counseling or support groups.40, 41
Health Advocate, inc.
and Individual
“Work stress imposes enormous and far-reaching costs on workers’
wellbeing and corporate proitability,” says former niOSH director
linda Rosenstock, m.d., m.P.H. in commenting on the niOSH
report “Stress…at Work,” she remarked: “the good news is, at
least some of these costs are avoidable. Research and experience
tell us that certain factors, such as a heavy workload, conlicting or
uncertain job responsibilities and job insecurity, are stressors across
organizations and that the risk for job stress can be reduced through
smart, strategic action.” 42
the success depends on a long-term and dedicated commitment on
the part of the organization, according to dr. michael Baime of the
Penn Program for Stress management. “if changes are to be made
to reduce costly stress in the workplace, employers must truly value
the health as well as the productivity of their workers,” he says.
“Additionally, the strategy must be a dual approach of organizational
changes and encouraging individuals to learn to manage their stress,
no matter what the source.”
Strategies need not be elaborate or expensive. Simply planning
ways to improve communication and recognize employees can
be effective. For example, during the last seven years, supervisors
of north Side Food, based in the Pittsburgh area, met with hourly
employees every six weeks in order to identify workplace stressors
and open communication between management and workers.
the company also instituted a program to recognize workers’
accomplishments and promote leadership training. As a result of
these efforts, the company reported no major layoffs and an annual
attrition rate of just four percent.43
Start with Honest
niOSH suggests that companies evaluate the scope of stress in
the workplace by looking at absenteeism, illness and turnover rates
and performance problems. From there, employee surveys and/or
committees can help determine speciic stressors and if they are
concentrated in one speciic department or are company-wide.
it is also important to ask employees what strategies may
provide remedies.44
Offer an HRA
One effective evaluation tool is a Health Risk Assessment (HRA).
the HRA is an online or print questionnaire provided to employees
that helps identify risks for diseases and contributing lifestyle factors,
such as stress levels. the HRA enables workers to learn about their
individual risks and can be an effective motivator towards making
healthy lifestyle changes to reduce those risks, according to the
mayo clinic.45
Health Advocate, inc.
Address Job Roles
the American Psychological Association suggests a range of ways
that a company’s culture can be changed to help reduce stress:
� ensure that workloads are in line with workers’ capabilities
and resources.
� design jobs to provide meaning, stimulation and opportunities for
workers to use their skills.
� clearly deine workers’ roles and responsibilities.
� give workers opportunities to participate in decisions and actions
affecting their jobs.
� improve communications to help reduce uncertainty about career
development and future employment prospects.
� Provide opportunities for social interaction among workers.46
Work/Life Balance
establishing work schedules that are compatible with demands and
responsibilities outside the job and offering supportive services can
help reduce stress. Here are some key strategies:
Flex time. Allowing workers to start or end the workday earlier or
later can reduce work/life stress, especially for working parents. Flex
time can also reduce the stress of commuting in rush hour trafic.47
Job sharing. this allows at least two people trained to perform each job,
enabling each employee to have time off without losing productivity.48
Work from home. Working from home results in higher morale
and job satisfaction and lower employee stress and turnover,
according to an analysis of two-decades of studies involving nearly
13 thousand employees, conducted by researchers at Pennsylvania
State University. the prime reason is that working at home provides
employees more control over how they do their work, according to
lead author Ravi S. gajendran. Working at home also helps workers
better manage work/family demands.49
Longer lunch hours. extending the lunch hour may help discourage
snacking and fast food. One survey found that nearly three quarters
of employees say that they eat unhealthy snacks—chips, candy,
etc.—at work once a week; 27 percent said they did so three or more
times a week.50 Adequate time may also encourage time for calming
or other stress-reduction activities such as walking.
Eldercare support. many companies have begun to contract with
geriatric care specialists to help with issues such as inding doctors
to address age-related diagnosis, and arranging transportation to
medical appointments.
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Healthcare advocacy. Offering an expert who can personally
address healthcare issues, such as helping to resolve medical bills
and interacting with insurance and providers, can help employees
reduce worry and stay focused on their job.
EAPs (Employee
Assistance Programs)
eAPs are typically offered by the HR department as part of the
employer’s health insurance plan to assess and address personal
issues that affect employee performance and productivity. issues
can range from substance abuse to family problems, and eAPs often
include counseling beneits. Studies show that eAPs for substance
abuse can reduce workers’ compensation claims, employer healthcare
costs, and absenteeism. in a study involving 50 companies, eAPs
reduced absenteeism by 21 percent, decreased workplace injuries by
17 percent and increased productivity by 14 percent.51, 52
Offer a Range of
Wellness Activities
exercise and relaxation techniques can all help lower the stress
response in the body and improve well-being. One study shows that
physical activity at work can increase productivity. Providing two, halfhour breaks twice a week resulted in employees with healthier weight,
lowered blood pressure, increased energy, better sleep schedules and
improved stress management skills, in just eight weeks, according to a
study conducted by the Baptist Health System in mississippi.53
Stress management workshops. Scheduled workshops that
educate employees about the sources of stress, effects on their
health and how they can reduce stress can be effective if backed by
practical stress management techniques that employees can use on
and off the job, according to dr. michael Baime of the Penn Program
for Stress management. Find a reputable wellness vendor that offers
employer-based stress management programs.
Build in exercise breaks. Research has found that light to moderate
exercise such as a walking or yoga can lower the cortisol levels that
can lead to stress. A short walk each day may refresh employees
during the work day, reducing stress and increasing productivity.54, 55
Onsite support groups. Stress can be alleviated when employees
share concerns about work issues, life crises, family issues,
caregiving and stress management methods. these support groups
can be ongoing and include employees at all levels.56
Do Not Single Out
identifying speciic employees for participation in wellness programs
is inappropriate, discriminating and stigmatizing.
According to the Americans with disabilities Act (AdA), employers
must make certain they are not requiring any exams or making inquiries
of employees that may reveal any information about any physical or
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mental health issues that may be associated with a disability. Overall,
employers are encouraged to obtain legal guidance during the design and
implementation of a wellness program to ensure AdA compliance.57, 58
Reducing environmental stress may include reiguring the workplace
to include natural lighting, improving air low, providing quiet rooms
for massage or yoga sessions and reducing noise levels. When noise
levels are reduced through the use of well-designed ceilings and
furniture or sound masking machines, employee focus is estimated
to increase by 48 percent.59
MinDFulness training:
an eMerging stress ManageMent technique
mindfulness training, a method that was irst developed by
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.d., founder of the center for mindfulness
in medicine, Health care, and Society at the University of
massachusetts medical School, is a stress management
technique that involves training the mind to focus attention
on the moment. this “mindfulness” technique aims to reduce
stress, increase productivity and enhance awareness through
relaxation techniques, physical exercises and cognitive
behavioral approaches.60
“these approaches train people to ind the ability to locate
rest, stillness, silence, and qualities of peace and relaxation
into their everyday moments,” explains michael Baime,
m.d., director of the Penn Program for Stress management
in Philadelphia and a leading authority on the training.
“mindfulness helps them manage their own impulses and
reactivity, they become less critical, and it helps them meet
their goals. the training diffuses reactivity in a way that others
can sense, and so can become contagious in the workplace.”
emerging evidence reveals the effectiveness of the technique.
dr. Baime and his colleagues conducted a three-month
mindfulness-based work site program at the Philadelphia-based
Scheie eye institute. After employees learned and practiced
mindfulness techniques for a period of six weeks, their reported
emotional exhaustion decreased from nearly 25 percent to
almost 15 percent. At the end of the full three-month program,
depression and fatigue were both reduced by nearly half. Other
early evidence shows that mindfulness can improve how people
regulate their attention and ability to concentrate.61, 62
Health Advocate, inc.
Success Stories/
Case Studies
A number of companies, including some of the largest in the country,
have addressed stress management in a variety of ways with
reported success in several areas.
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
gSK implemented a “team Resilience” program for its employees
and managers in 2001 to take corrective team actions against
job stressors. the program included an employee survey to
determine the sources of stress, which identiied late meetings,
artiicial deadlines and other on-the-job stressors. By the end of
2008, participants reported an 80 percent reduction in workplace
pressures, a 25 percent drop in work/life conlict, and a 21 percent
increase in satisfaction with gSK as an employer.63
WRSystems, Ltd.
Virginia-based WRSystems addressed work/life balance by providing
lex time, work from home and job sharing. As a result of their
mentor program, employee education programs, health and safety
guidelines, as well as work/life balance policies, turnover, injuries
and accidents were reduced and healthcare claims fell signiicantly.64
Bank of America
Bank of America implemented a wellness program that featured
educational materials and Health Risk Assessments. As a result,
healthcare costs decreased by 20 percent over a two-year period
with an ROi of more than 5:1.65
Delnor Community
delnor community Hospital, located near chicago, found that
stress management strategies reduced employee turnover from
28 percent down to nearly 21 percent in two years, saving the
hospital nearly $800,000.66
BlueCross BlueShield
of Tennessee
in a survey of their employees, 42 percent showed moderate to
severe levels of stress. After installing a pilot stress management
program in partnership with Boulder creek, california-based
Heartmath, the indings included a decrease in exhaustion—a
hallmark symptom of stress. the company estimated it could save
$2 million annually in healthcare costs from instituting the program
in all locations.67
Health Advocate, inc.
“With a dual strategy of organizational change and individual
stress management, businesses can be proactive and promote healthier,
more productive employees and reduce healthcare costs.”
many companies have turned to “out-of-the-box” approaches
to address stress, geared to their organization. Here are some
examples of innovative strategies:
In-house art programs. Burlington, massachusetts-based
lightbridge, an e-commerce payment management company,
established in-house art programs to help employees channel stress.68
Green workplaces. A recent study found that workers who had
proximity to windows and indoor plants rated their job satisfaction
signiicantly higher than employees with no direct proximity to
“green” elements. green elements have also been shown to reduce
frustration and anxiety on the job, as well as turnover.69, 70
Simulating nature. interestingly, even employees who have
indirect contact with nature suffer from less stress and illness and
have increased well-being as well as clearer thinking. As a creative
solution for windowless ofices, some companies are installing large
screens throughout ofice buildings that depict natural settings,
such as oceans and forests. employees can have input on what
is shown on the screens.71
Pets in the ofice. Researchers have found that pets can have a
calming affect on humans and can lower blood pressure, a leading
cause of doctor visits.72, 73
Less Stress
Equals Lower
Healthcare Costs
emerging studies from around the world indicate that stress
management in the workplace helps stem the tide of healthcare
costs, and may be especially important in the face of the current
global economic climate.
One recent preliminary study reported in Hypertension, focused
on an italian company facing downsizing. the company’s workers
who reported work-related stress had a higher incidence of fatigue,
headaches, high blood pressure and other typical symptoms.
employees were offered a weekly, one-hour stress management
session focusing on mental relaxation techniques, cognitive
restructuring exercises and coping skills to handle stress, including
work-related stress.
the results showed that those who participated in the authentic
stress management program had lower blood pressure than
those who participated in the “passive,” (not real) stress
management program.
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the researchers remarked that these early results indicate that stress
management programs were a relatively no-cost but effective way
to address stress-related factors that contribute to healthcare costs.
“By addressing stress at work, where stress occurs, rather than in a
clinic, we think we have prevented workers from becoming patients,”
according to massimo Pagani, m.d., of the University of milan one of
the investigators.74, 75
in addition to lowering healthcare costs, numerous surveys also
show that less stressed workers and those satisied with their work/
life balance are more inclined to stay with their companies. they are
also more likely to recommend them as places to work. it all adds up
to a healthier bottom line.76, 77
Commitment is Key
no matter what stress management techniques are installed, the
key to success is to have a continuing commitment to improving
the health and well-being of all employees.
important components to ensure a business strategy that
successfully addresses stress include:
� long-range strategies customized to the employee population
and company culture
� multiple approaches and an ongoing communications campaign
� emphasis on both organizational and individual change
� Achievable goals with built-in time tables
� Rewards and incentives for even the small changes
Addressing the management of stress can be a vital wellness
strategy that makes for a healthier, happier workforce and a stronger,
more productive company.
Health Advocate, inc.
1 American Psychological Association. “Stress Survey: Stress
a Major Health Problem in the U.S.” APA Help Center. 2007.
2 American Psychological Association. “Stress in America.”
7 Oct. 2008. <http://apahelpcenter.mediaroom.com/ile.
3 American Institute of Stress. “Job Stress.” <http://www.stress.
4 Wein, Harrison, Ph. D. “Stress and Disease: New Perspectives.”
National Institutes of Health, The NIH Word on Health. October
2000. <http://www.nih.gov/news/WordonHealth/oct2000/
5 Yerkes, Robert M. and John D. Dodson. “The Relation of
Strength of Stimulus to Rapidity of Habit-Formation.” Journal of
Comparative Neurology and Psychology. 18 (1908): 459-462.
6 American Institute of Stress. “Job Stress.” <http://www.stress.
7 American Institute of Stress. “Job Stress.” <http://www.stress.
8 Willingham, Jacqueline G. “Managing Presenteeism and
Disability to Improve Productivity.” Beneits & Compensation
Digest. 45.12 (Dec. 2008).
9 American Psychological Association. “Stress in America.”
7 Oct. 2008. <http://apahelpcenter.mediaroom.com/ile.
10 Willingham, Jacqueline G. “Managing Presenteeism and
Disability to Improve Productivity.” Beneits & Compensation
Digest. 45.12 (Dec. 2008) 1+.
11 Humana. “Combat Stress at Work to Promote Health.” Focus.
Apr. 2009. <http://apps.humana.com/marketing/documents.
asp?ile=1143441>. http://www.dmaonline.org/Publications/ar
12 Benson, Herbert, M. D. “Role of the Mind in Physical Healing and
Health.” Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives.
Nov. 1997. (published by American Psychological Association.)
13 American Psychological Association. “Stress in America.”
7 Oct. 2008. <http://apahelpcenter.mediaroom.com/ile.
14 American Diabetes Association. “Direct and Indirect Costs of
Diabetes in the United States.” <http://www.diabetes.org/
15 Wein, Harrison, Ph. D. “Stress and Disease: New Perspectives.”
National Institutes of Health, The NIH Word on Health. Oct. 2000.
16 American Psychological Association. “Stress in America.” 7 Oct.
2008. <http://apahelpcenter.mediaroom.com/ile.php/163/Stress+in
17 American Psychological Association. “Stress in America.” 7 Oct.
2008. <http://apahelpcenter.mediaroom.com/ile.php/163/Stress+in
18 NIOSH/U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Stress…At Work. Pub. 99-101. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1999.
19 American Psychological Association. “Stress in America.” 7 Oct.
2008. <http://apahelpcenter.mediaroom.com/ile.php/163/Stress+in
20 The Kent Center for Human and Organizational Development.
“Coping With Your Job: Stress and Depression in the Workplace.”
21 Pfeifer, Stephen M., Ph. D. “Equal Coverage for Mental Health.”
APApractice.org. 2008. <http://www.apapractice.org/apo/
22 Lluminari, Inc. “Creating Healthy Corporate Cultures for Both
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