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Perubahan merupakan sebuah keniscayaan yang pasti terjadi di dalam sejarah manusia atau masyarakat. Pendorong perubahan sosial di masyarakat dilatari beragam faktor, ada faktor alam-sosial-agama-politik-ekonomi,budaya dan beragam actor, ada actor individu ataupun keloktif kelompok. Proses perubahan ada yang brsifat evolusi dan ada juga bersifat revolusi. Dan muara dari perubahan sosial ada yang bermuara pada consensus (perjanjian) dan bermuara perubahan total. Salah satu faktor terjadinya perubahan sosial adalah disebabkan karena terjadinya persaingan atau konflik untuk bertahan ataupun untuk merebut kekuasaan (baca: kuasa agama, sosiol, politik dan ekonomi). Perebutan atau konflik ini melibatkan dua kelompok (klas) yang saling berhadapan yaitu klas penindas (bahas Marx kaum Borjuis-pemodal) berhadapan dengan klas tertindas (bahasa Marx kaum Proletar). Tujuan dari konflik itu adalah adanya keinganan untuk saling menguasai (dominasi) dan mempengaruhi (hegemoni). Sehingga dari proses saling menguasi dan mengemoni ada yang menag dan ada yang kalah, dampak dari proses inilah kemudian melahirkan perubahan sosial, meminjam bahasa Marx Sejarah Manusia adalah Sejarah Perjuangan Klas. Maka untuk mengungkap teori Marx pada kajian ini akan dibahas secara detail teori sosialkonflik Marx untuk digunakan membaca sejarah peradaban masyarakat Islam.
Jurnal Al-I'Jaz, 2023
How the Prophet Muhammad managed the conflicts challanged his revealing massage is the main issue disscussed in this paper. Of course the conflict trigered by the brutal rejection of unbelievers to thethe Prophet teachings. Nevertheless, it didn't mean that the conflicts was never come from the follower of the prophet at all. While the conflict rising from the followers threatened the segregetion and uncorfortable communication among them, the conflicts rising from the unbelivers caus the fatal condition even the war break. As The Prophet, Muhammad respond the conflict in all cost. But the special one is his ways, his manner to deal with such conflict. He never gave up to motivate his follower to keep alert, he never fail in hopeless in all nightmare condition he faced. His strategy to conduct the conflict, minimally, devided into two: 1)unapproachable integrity dealing with the belief, 2)flexible decission dealing with the socio-political bussiness. Let's see the former in the case of ritual negosition offered by Quraish unbelievers to the Prophet then the later to the Hudaibiyah compropmy. This paper based on the reading on work of Ibnu Hisham: Sirah Nabawi and work of Ibnu Kathir: Sira Rasul. The both works are translated into English. So the explanation of this paper based on these work either in Arabic or in English.
Mashdar: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Hadis
This article aims to find out the form of connection that occurred between the Prophet Muhammad and the Jews in Madina. The population of Madina consists of a wide variety of tribes, religions, and social and economic levels. In this situation, it is perilous for conflict to occur. It is known that there were three popular Jewish groups in Madina, namely the Banu Qainuqā, the Banu Naḍīr, and the Banu Qurayẓah. In addition, the author wants to explore the factors that influence the dynamics of the connection between the Prophet Muhammad SAW and the Jews. In order to find out the answer to the question, this research was conducted using qualitative methods from the perspective of Ralf Dahrendorf's conflict theory. The results of this study were: First, the relations started when the Prophet Muhammad SAW moved to Madina and the involvement of the Jews in a mutual agreement. Furthermore, the axis of the conflict began to appear when there was a debate on the issue of faith and worsh...
Materi ini bertujuan untuk memahami akar masalah munculnya konflik dlm masyarakat Indonesia yg kerap kali berupa kekerasan (violence). Faktor sejarah apa yg dpt diidentifikasi dihadapkan pada pandangan yang mengatakan masyarakat Indonesia sesungguh memiliki karakter dan sumber lahirnya kekerasan (the reservoir of violence).
Nabi Muhammad saw. merupakan suri tauladan atau uswah hasanah bagi umat islam.
Ahmad Fauzi, 2023
Artikel ini untuk memenuhi syarat tugas mata kuliah Kajian Peradaban Timur Tengah Abstrak Kodifikasi sering diistilah dengan kata jama'a. Dalam bahasa Arab kata jama'a dari segi bahasa mempunyai arti Menyusun yang terpisah atau yang tidak beraturan.
Academic findings show that there is a clear distinction between Muslims and Orientalists when they learn al-Qur'an on social conflict and integration. Muslims employ legal and theological perspective that results in normative doctrines. As an internal study, it claims superiority and excellence over non-Muslims studies. According to Muslim scholars, conflict and peace is inseparable. Conflict is a price to uplift peaceful agendas. On the contrary, orientalists who make use socio-historic approach expose the dominance of conflict doctrines in Al-Qur'an over its instruction about peace. Islam is a religion that legalizes violence in its spread. This article is an attempt to make a bridge between the two perspectives to uncover socio-theological facts which trigger the doctrine of war in Islam.
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