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Linguística Aplicada e Ensino de Línguas: diálogos contemporâneos, 2024
A coletânea “Linguística Aplicada e Ensino de Línguas: diálogos contemporâneos” reúne onze capítulos que demonstram resultados de pesquisas desenvolvidas por diversos pesquisadores e outros em formação, interessados em promover um diálogo com a linguística aplicada e o ensino de língua portuguesa, língua inglesa e interfaces com os estudos literários. Estes pesquisadores são também professores que atuam em diversas modalidades de ensino, tais como: educação básica, graduação, cursos de pós-graduação lato sensu e programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu (Mestrado e Doutorado). Portanto, no exercício docente cada professor-pesquisador que contribui para o debate propiciado por esta coletânea, significa e ressignifica a formação inicial e continuada de professores de línguas e o ensino-aprendizagem de línguas. Com esta coletânea esperamos projetar o fortalecimento da Linguística Aplicada e do Ensino de Línguas, apontando, assim, as contribuições dos professores-pesquisadores a revelar suas preocupações e perspectivas de trabalho.
[...] DO CONCEITO POLÍTICO E ECONÓMICO DE LIBERDADE Há no pensamento moderno e na linguagem dos partidos políticos, na literatura dos jornais e na oratória dos comícios e das palestras eleitoralistas, a persistência teimosa de certos erros, que são causadores de consequências desagradáveis e prejudiciais à humanidade. Um desses erros consiste em confundir individualismo com mero egoísmo, até com egolatria; outro consiste em confundir liberalismo, em sentido político, com liberalismo em sentido econômico, e até em considerar que o liberalismo é uma doutrina burguesa. Na Ética, pode-se considerar o individualismo em lato sensu como toda doutrina ou posição tendente a actualizar e a supervalorizar o indivíduo ou o individual. Se é tomado o indivíduo ou o individual como máximo valor entre outros valores, temos, então, as combinações em que o termo pode ser empregado, como se vê no individualismo religioso. Contudo, quando considerado o indivíduo ou o individual como o mais importante entre os valores, é o individualismo tomado em stricto sensu, e assume toda a variedade de modos individualistas de conceber. Entre esses, podemos salientar o individualismo em oposição ao estatismo (valorização do Estado), por cuja doutrina se afirma que o Estado exerce um poder indevido e demasiado sobre o indivíduo, e que o bem do homem está no desenvolvimento da iniciativa deste ao lado da redução das funções daquele apenas ao imprescindível, como se observa no liberalismo, no individualismo spenceriano, e até na supressão do Estado, como é o ideal do chamado anarquismo individualista. [...]
Conceptos básicos de prevención de riesgos laborales es un libro que está compuesto por los conceptos del autor y a su vez tiene recopilación de datos obtenidos desde sitios de internet, libros y otros que se dan a conocer en bibliografía.
Intermedialities, Philosophy, Arts, Politics, 2011
AIP Conference Proceedings
Emotions play a major role in the lifestyle of every human being living in this world. As the emotions keep changing from time to time, it also affects the external environment. Recently, many research works are focused towards emotion recognition using the brain signals. Brain Computer Interface is a rapidly growing technology as it involves in providing a communication from brain to computer. To acquire the brain several ways are used by the researchers but the most preferable method is Electroencephalogram (EEG). EEG is widely used as it has many advantages than other techniques. For better understanding of the area, we present a survey of research works during the year 2016 to 2020 in this paper and thereby we provide an overview of the available research works in emotion recognition in the field of Brain Computer Interface (BCI). This paper primarily focuses on the testing method and the type of algorithm used for classification of emotions. An analysis has been executed based on the performance metrics like accuracy, number of emotions classified choice of method and several other factors contributing for emotion recognition.
Pavlovian fear conditioning refers to the learning of associations between nonthreatening environmental stimuli and painful, dangerous or threatening stimulation. With such an experience, these initially nonthreatening stimuli come to elicit a set of new responses that, for the species in question, have been phylogenetically successful in defending against threat (Bolles, 1970; Fanselow, 1984). In the typical laboratory example of Pavlovian fear conditioning, initially neutral stimuli, such as a brief tone or light, or the conditioning environment itself, is followed closely by an aversive electric shock. These initially neutral stimuli are called conditional stimuli (CS) because they must be experienced in a dependent, or conditional, relationship with the initially aversive "unconditional" stimulus for an aversive response to develop (US; Pavlov, 1927; Rescorla, 1967). When the CS is a brief signal (e.g., a 30-second tone or light), it is referred to as cued fear conditioning; when the CS is the static feature of the conditioning environment (e.g., the conditioning chamber), it is referred to as contextual fear conditioning. After conditioning, the new learned responses to the CS are referred to as conditional responses (CR), because they are a result of experiencing the dependent relationship between CS and US. Because the responses generated by the US occur independently of experience, they are called unconditional responses (UR). As will be discussed below, CRs and URs are different responses that serve different functions. Rats, mice, and humans are the most frequently used subjects in these studies. The first laboratory demonstration of fear conditioning is the famous (or infamous) "Little Albert" study conducted by Watson and Rayner (1920). In this study, an infant (Albert) received pairings of a white rat (CS) and loud clanging noise (US). Although discussion of the ethical conduct of this study and questions about the
Reno Gazette Journal, 2019
Lìngvìstičnì doslìdžennâ, 2022
ЛЕКСИКОГРАФІЧНА РЕПРЕЗЕНТАЦІЯ УКРАЇНСЬКОГО НАРОДНОГО ВБРАННЯ (на матеріалі текстів соціально-побутової казки) На пошанування наукового доробку проф. Л. А. Лисиченко У статті проаналізовано одну з найдавніших груп лексики-найменування одягу. Ці назви завжди супроводжують людину протягом усього періоду її існування. Традиційно їх зараховують до предметів матеріальної культури. Назви одягу становлять інтерес для науковців різних напрямів, зокрема етнографів, мовознавців, фольклористів. Найменування народного вбрання розглянуті автором на матеріалі соцiально-побутових казок українського народу. Для опису вищезазначених назв використано лексикографічний метод дослідження мовних систем. У статті також виділено основні групи лексики, що використовуються в текстах вищезазначених казок. Ключові слова: мова фольклору, лексикографічна репрезентація, сoцiaльнo-пoбутoвa казка, українське народне вбрання, лексика. Serdeha R. Lexicographic Representation of Ukrainian Folk Clothes (Based on the Material of the Texts of the Social and Household Fairy Tales). The article analyses one of the oldest groups of vocabulary. The names of clothes always accompany a people throughout the entire period of their existence. Traditionally, they are classified as objects of material culture. The names of clothes are of interest for scientists of different fields, in particular ethnographers, linguists, folklorists. The names of folk costumes are considered by the author on the material of social and household tales of the Ukrainian people. Typification plays an important role in social and household fairy tales. Each character is a representative of a certain social stratum in it. Consequently, such works should contain certain information about life, including folk clothes, so we decided to analyse the texts of Ukrainian folk social tales. We used the lexicographic method of studying language systems to describe the above titles. The purpose of this scientific research is to present a lexicographic description of the names of Ukrainian folk clothes available in the texts of folklore. The article also identifies the main groups of vocabulary used in Ukrainian folk social fairy tales. Thus, the systematic inventory of various names available in the texts of folklore, including the names of clothing, carried out by means of lexicographic description, is a promising area of linguistic analysis. The final result of any lexicography, as you know, is a dictionary. The dictionary of oral folklore, in our opinion, will be useful in the study of various spheres of a language, since it will obviously serve first of all as a factual source for the selection of various linguistic units that will be Сердега Р. Л. Лексикографічна репрезентація українського народного вбрання…
Future Wars (, 2020
The Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 1987
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1997
Research, Society and Development, 2020
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016
Moderating role of perceived organizational support in the relationship between burnout and work engagement in a sample of Nigerian nurses, 2022
RSC Advances, 2013
Yonsei Medical Journal, 2010
Chemistry & biodiversity, 2018
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 2009
Paddy and Water Environment, 2011
Journal of Computational Electronics, 2007