The origin and distribution of obsidian in prehistoric Bohemia

This paper summarizes current knowledge of the distribution of obsidian in prehistoric Bohemia (Czech Republic). In terms of this raw material’s distribution, Bohemia is a peripheral area, and it is also the westernmost part of its regular archaeological occurrence. Because of its rarity within the specified area, it is possible to identify this material quite easily even in earlier archaeological literature, and together with new discoveries, to create a coherent picture of its distribution. So far, only two locations in Bohemia have been described where the processing of raw obsidian material is documented. Both these sites are located in the eastern part of the study area; in terms of location these are the closest sites to the anticipated sources. The sites are dated to a later stage of the Stroked Pottery culture. Because no such processing sites are known from other periods, we believe it was mainly the distribution of entire blanks and pre-prepared cores that took place at that time. Furthermore, our study discusses the original sources of obsidian in terms of the region that is being monitored. In accordance with the aims of our investigation, the selected obsidian artefacts were subjected to geochemical analysis to identify their origins. The peak of the distribution is the period of the Stroked Pottery culture (4900– 4500/4400 cal BC). The basic outcome of the geochemical analysis is the identification of at least two sources of raw material in the Carpathian source area.

BULGARIAN e-Journal of ARCHAEOLOGY        7.1 / 2017 ISSN 1314-5088 8_"V-#"* 3&+L ` b H   !   iv   Editorial   Papers Pavel Burgert, Antonín          !"# $%&'"&( )*(+*-* &.-/-0(# 123+4-& &+5"6 7* "(&.-5 8-4+* 9%65+! "#$%&%'((%!$%)*%+)!%(%'%,$#%!$%69#:%'  : ;   <  =   ; -"& )#& 1+&"* >#&-5 $-3-* 9&+4?+! M)!%(%')P'(!()%'&'Q'TVWX,&VZ[9\]]*P*$^_ `PV']%' @  = C  D E; F  DG H  : =   DG D   I ; Zlateva-Uzunova, K ;   >#L! $+*0# M&-N O2&+! Q"?5+ R#"*05O"+&'- S!*+! )*"( $5T405 O"+&'O*"V+!05- W?5 X#("!Y[\%*+! ]#?-4-& 8#!^"! ;< =<   < >   <? F<=J K b? > <><?  <@  c [Dec>e FiD^@c<@ D K  @  1 >< B D  17 >  <> d<eWg h<eZ "$'6%&#!*$6+)!%(%'+$:,$#%!$%6!%!%9*P&'$%' j > <@K@  < =<  <? <?D> @Fch  K   <>  >< B D  37 < c G >( 8-#'E d  Gf Q+&3"&( h&'+  K iG E  8!L* Q-#0"* : ;   E ; )0(&-? 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"  #  !  "   $   " %        !   %  !      & !" %                          "  '                   &  () "              !   %  "      *      +   !  "                  % !        ,     " "           &  () "  ./001 .2003..00      "  #            KEYWORDS 4!  !     !( !5 !   " Introduction       "!   "      $ "   %        600        "     !     "    64  %    !    " #   #   70th  "&86/79!                ( : 6/;0 % <  &    " 70th  "   #  "" =   %   ) "   & >6/2/       Be-JA Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology Бе-СА Българско е-Списание за Археология vol. 7 (2017) 1–15 ISSN: 1314-5088 Pavel Burgert, Antonín Přichystal, Lubomír Prokeš, Jan Petřík, Simona Hušková 2 1 1 5 1 Ø Stocký 1919, 128 Vích 1999, 28 Burgert 2015, 251 Burgert 2015, 262 Dolní Poříčí Holohlavy Archaeological period LBK STK MESOLITHIC ? LBK UPPER PALAEOLITHIC / MESOLITHIC LATE LBK 1 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Horní Sloupnice 2 Hradišťko Jaroměř Jaroměř Jaroměřice 1b Jevíčko Předměstí 19 Jevíčko Předměstí 23 Karlovice Koldín Kolín Kolín - obchvat Křesetice Libomyšl MESOLITHIC MESOLITHIC (?) STK IV STK IV LGK NEOLITHIC ( ?) ? STK/LGK MESOLITHIC STK STK ? NEOLITHIC 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 ? 1 ? 4 1 1 21 Lochenice Lochenice kanalizace Nebovidy Nedošín 11 Plotiště n. L. Plotiště n. L. - JZD Polepy u Kolína Praha 6 - Liboc ? 2 Vencl 2006, 61 Pavlů, Vokolek 1996, 53 Čuláková 2010; 2015, 147 Vencl 2006, 130 Burgert 2015, 251 Kalferst 2001, 140 Vích 2001, 40 Vích 2005, 40 Vích 2003, 43 Filip 1947, 220, 223 Burgert 2015, 260 Dvořák 1936, 21-23 Burgert 2015, 260 Burgert 2015, 260 Macháčková 1998, 53 Buchvaldek 1990, 30; Sláma 1990, 113 NEOLITHIC STK NEOLITHIC STK IVb ? STK NEOLITHIC 1 ? 1 78 1 ? 1 STK 1 Burgert 2015, 262 Dvořák 1936, 26 Vích 2008-2009, 62 Burgert 2015, 262 Ø Dvořák 1936, 26 Žebera 1955, 38 Kovárník, Bláha, Kalferst 2011, 167 2 Ø 1 Dubský 1949, 40, 44 2 1 No. Locality 1 2 3 4 5 Bylany Čáslav - Hrádek Čistá 5 Dobruška Dobřany 6 7 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Quantity Reference No of SAMPLES 11 5 8-9 1-2 30 Předměřice n. L. Předměřice n. 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