Teacher Self-Assessment
Teacher Name
Employee ID No.
Evaluation Year
Professional Knowledge
The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum, subject content, and the developmental needs of students by
providing relevant learning experiences.
Key Elements: The teacher…
• Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of subject content and curriculum standards
• Demonstrates knowledge of best practices
• Knows how to differentiate to make subject content relevant, challenging, and meaningful for all students
• Establishes instructional goals that demonstrate an accurate knowledge of students and assigned subject content
Comments (strengths and growth/development):
Instructional Planning
The teacher plans using the Virginia Standards of Learning, the school’s curriculum, effective strategies, resources, and data to
meet the needs of all students.
Key Elements: The teacher…
• Aligns instructional objectives, learning activities, and assessments to the state standards, the division’s strategic goals, FCPS
Program of Studies, and pacing guides
• Designs instruction that is based on the principles of effective instruction by collaborating with colleagues, other
professionals, and families
• Selects appropriate strategies, resources, and materials that promote student engagement, learning, and problem-solving based
on different learning preferences and readiness levels
• Gathers and analyzes student data to develop and continuously adjust long-range learning plans
Comments (strengths and growth/development):
HR-154 (1/13)
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Teacher Self-Assessment
Instructional Delivery
The teacher effectively engages students by using a variety of instructional strategies in order to meet individual learning needs.
Key Elements: The teacher…
• Communicates learning goals clearly and checks regularly for student understanding
• Selects, evaluates, integrates, and refines a variety of teaching strategies, delivery methods, and resources
• Differentiates instruction to meet the needs of all students
• Accesses and integrates resources to support student learning
Comments (strengths and growth/development):
Assessment of and for Student Learning
The teacher systematically gathers, analyzes, and uses relevant data to measure student academic progress, guide instructional
content and delivery methods, and provide timely feedback to both students and parents throughout the school year.
Key Elements: The teacher…
• Communicates expectations with clarity
• Develops in conjunction with students, measurable, and appropriate goals for student progress and provides instruction that
will enable students to achieve those goals
• Utilizes a variety of formative and summative assessments that demonstrates students’ growth in knowledge and skills over
• Works independently and collaboratively to analyze and interpret multiple sources of data to identify student learning needs,
guide planning and instruction, and assess the effectiveness of instruction
• Engages students in understanding of and assuming responsibility for quality work and provides timely, frequent, and
effective feedback to guide that work
• Provides timely and meaningful feedback to students and parents that explains the students’ progress towards learning
expectations and targets
Comments (strengths and growth/development):
HR-154 (1/13)
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Teacher Self-Assessment
Learning Environment
The teacher uses resources, routines, and procedures to provide a respectful, positive, safe, student-centered environment that is
conducive to learning.
Key Elements: The teacher…
• Establishes clear expectations for classroom rules and procedures
• Establishes a climate of trust and teamwork by being fair, caring, respectful, and enthusiastic
• Creates and maintains a positive and safe environment to maximize learning and promote students’ social development
• Promotes cultural sensitivity by respecting students’ diversity, including but not limited to language, culture, race, gender, and
special needs
• Enforces classroom rules and procedures consistently and fairly to maximize academic learning time
Comments (strengths and growth/development):
The teacher maintains a commitment to professional ethics, communicates effectively, and takes responsibility for and
participates in professional growth that results in enhanced student learning.
Key Elements: The teacher…
• Complies with federal and state laws and school and division policies; models professional and ethical standards
• Ensures the confidentiality of information and privacy of students, families, colleagues, and administrators
• Establishes goals for improving one’s own/personal knowledge and skills and participates in professional growth
opportunities to meet those goals
• Collaborates with colleagues within and across content areas and grade levels
• Collaborates with colleagues to develop consistent policies and procedures that create a school culture conducive to learning
• Collaborates, communicates, and works in partnership with students, families, administrators, and colleagues within the
school community to promote student learning at school and support student learning at home
• Effectively uses standard oral and written English in all communications
Comments (strengths and growth/development):
HR-154 (1/13)
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Teacher Self-Assessment
Student Academic Progress
The work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable, and appropriate student academic progress.
Key Elements: The teacher…
• In collaboration with the evaluator, uses multiple measures of student learning to set goals that are strategic and specific,
measurable, attainable, results-oriented, time-bound, and have rigor
• In collaboration with the evaluator, reflects on student progress over time, using documented evidence to demonstrate student
growth, adjust practice, and meet goals
Comments (strengths and growth/development):
Additional Comments:
HR-154 (1/13)
Distribution: Copy-Teacher
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