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1 Si vedano T.S. BISI, Contributo ad un'edizione critica dei sei concerti opera prima, libro primo di Giuseppe Tartini, tesi di laurea, relatore Prof. Sergio Durante, Università di Padova, a. a. 1995-96; M.A. MARCONATO, Per un'edizione critica dei sei concerti dell'opera prima, libro secondo di Giuseppe Tartini, tesi di laurea, relatore Prof. Sergio Durante, Università di Padova, a. a. 1998-99; V.E. RUGGERI, Contributo per un'edizione critica dei sei concerti opera seconda di Giuseppe Tartini, tesi di laurea, relatore Prof. Sergio Durante, Università di Padova, a. a. 2000-2001. 2 Vedi C. BUSATO, Prima ricognizione dei libri-parte tartiniani presso l'Archivio musicale della Veneranda Arca del Santo, tesi di laurea, relatore Prof. Sergio Durante, Università di Padova, a. a. 2001-2002.
Este catálogo presenta el corpus musical de José Antonio Gómez y Olguín (1805-1876), quien jugó un papel esencial en la práctica musical entre los ámbitos sacro y secular del siglo XIX mexicano. Este catálogo comprende casi 140 obras musicales, la gran mayoría en formato manuscrito, repartidas en siete diferentes acervos en México. This catalogue presents José Antonio Gómez y Olguín’s (1805-1876) music corpus, who had an essential role throughout the music practice of the sacred and secular milieus during the Mexican nineteenth-century. This catalogue comprises almost 140 musical works, the vast majority in manuscript format, spread across seven different archives in Mexico.
Beethoven’s tempo indications have been the subject of much scholarly debate, but a coherent understanding of his intended tempos has not yet emerged. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, some of the discussion has been based on unreliable sources, or an unrepresentative sample of sources. Secondly, the substantial differences between tempo preferences in the early nineteenth century and now has made these tempo indications difficult to approach for musicians in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Thirdly, discussions of Beethoven’s tempo have typically focussed on works in one particular genre. This thesis overcomes these limitations by incorporating all of Beethoven’s works, and rooting the whole research in a wide variety of sources from the eighteenth and nineteenth century that have a plausible relationship with Beethoven’s practice. In particular the metronome marks by Beethoven, as well as those from his close contemporaries Carl Czerny, Ignaz Moscheles, and Karl Holz, provide great insight into the composer’s sense of tempo. By using as many sources on Beethoven’s tempo as possible, this approach makes reasonable estimations of the actual speeds that Beethoven had in mind for his works. Furthermore, it also allows an exploration of the musical intuitions that are the root cause of these speeds.
Second section of the preliminary catalogue of the music collection once belonged to the family Hilleprand-Prandau from Valpovo and Gornji Miholjac. The collection, which is currently kept at the Musej Slavonije in Osijek, has two series: (1) 18th-century manuscripts (135 items) and (2) 18th-century editions (114 items).
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design
Acase study was carried out on fire safety design ofahigh 幽 rise hotel building . Safety checking was made Gn evacuation safety , firefighters ' accessibility and structural fire resistance , The whole buitding was split into fire and smoke compartments . Their integrity was checked against design fires , which consist offully developed , localized and choked fires . Then each performance criteTia was checked against established 趾e and smoke spread assumptions . New
A existência de três níveis distintos de proteção dos direitos sociais na União Europeia – internacional, regional e nacional - leva à pressuposição de que existem inúmeras vantagens em tal arranjo jurídico. De maneira sintética, pode-se afirmar que existiria uma verdadeira complementaridade entre tais sistemas, já que as insuficiências de um poderiam ser sanadas por outro. Contudo, o sistema envolve riscos, especialmente quando se considera que tais ordens jurídicas, por serem distintas, nem sempre estarão em harmonia, ainda que se utilizem dos mesmos conceitos. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste texto é o de analisar alguns riscos em relação à tutela multinível dos direitos fundamentais, com foco nos direitos sociais. Para tanto parte-se da metodologia de analise do surgimento da tutela multinível dos direitos fundamentais e de sua conceituação teórica, para em seguida serem apresentados os riscos da tutela multinível, especialmente aqueles decorrentes da falta de diálogo judicial entre os tribunais envolvidos.
Grau, I., Molina, J., Sarabia, J., Mateo, D. (eds.) Paisajes romanos en el sur de la Provincia Tarraconense. Análisis arqueológico de la estructura territorial y el modelo socioeconómico. Petracos 13. Universidad de Alicante, 2023
International Labor and Working Class History, 2023
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2019
Revista Demarcaciones, 2019
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings
The Law Review , 2020
Journal of Communication Research, 2013
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2023
Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 1997
Historical life course studies, 2019
Social Development, 2013