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Apple Inc., now one of the largest computer manufacturers started out as an idea from a single individual called Steve Jobs. Jobs and his friend Steve Wozniak were sharp school dropouts with very intelligent and innovative minds. In those days, the two were living in the Silicon Valley (Rawlinson, 2016). During this time, the two were working for Hewlett Packard and this they started at the basement of Steve Job’s family home. The establishment of Apple Inc. was officially done on 1st April, 1976 by Ronald Wayne, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs with an aim of selling the Apple I PC kit. At its establishment, both Jobs and Wozniak had a 45% company ownership each while Wayne the remaining 10%. Wayne however, inasmuch as he was already old in business, decided to quit and sell his shares to both Jobs and Wozniak for $800 only (Rawlinson, 2016). This, it is said, that would he have continued, he would be owning a share worth over 3 billion dollars but now that’s past. Just as its name goes, it has a logo with a bitten apple.
Volchek, K., Liu, A., Song, H., Buhalis, D. (2018). Forecasting tourist arrivals at attractions: Search engine empowered methodologies. Tourism Economics.
Volchek, K., Liu, A., Song, H., & Buhalis, D. (2018). Forecasting tourist arrivals at attractions: Search engine empowered methodologies. Tourism Economics. Tourist decision to visit attractions is a complex process influenced by multiple factors of individual context. This study investigates how the accuracy of tourism demand forecasting can be improved at the micro level. The number of visits to five London museums is forecast and the predictive powers of Naı¨ve I, seasonal Naı¨ve, seasonal autoregressive moving average, seasonal auto-regressive moving average with explanatory variables, SARMAX-mixed frequency data sampling and artificial neural network models are compared. The empirical findings extend understanding of different types of data and forecasting algorithms to the level of specific attractions. Introducing the Google Trends index on pure time-series models enhances the forecasts of the volume of arrivals to attractions. However, none of the applied models outperforms the others in all situations. Different models' forecasting accuracy varies for short-and long-term demand predictions. The application of higher frequency search query data allows for the generation of weekly predictions, which are essential for attraction-and destination-level planning.
CSS Analysen zur Sicherheitspolitik, Nr. 349, 2024
Die CSS Analysen zur Sicherheitspolitik werden herausgegeben vom Center for Security Studies (CSS) der ETH Zürich. Das CSS ist ein Kompetenz zentrum für schweizerische und internationale Sicherheitspolitik. Jeden Monat erscheinen zwei Analysen auf Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch.
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Título original: Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes, primera edición 1952; última 1980 Hólderlin unddas Wesen der Dichlung, primera edición 1937; última 1971 © Vittorio Klostermann GmbH. Frankfurt/Main © 1958, FONDO DE CULTURA ECONÓMICA © 1988, FONDO DE CULTURA ECONÓMICA S.A. DE C.V. Av. de la Universidad 975; 03100 México FONDO DE CULTURA ECONÓMICA DE ARGENTINA S.A. Suipacha 617; 1008 Buenos Aires ISBN: 950-557-124-0
Business History, 2016
a newcastle Business school, northumbria university, newcastle upon tyne, uK; b newcastle university Business school, newcastle upon tyne, uK There can be little doubt that the production and consumption of beer feature prominently in our daily lives. Brewers have been adept at launching powerful, and often humorous advertising campaigns, which bombard our TV viewing, including: 'Australians wouldn't give a Castlemaine XXXX for anything else'; Foster's, 'the Amber Nectar' , and 'I bet he drinks Carling Black label'. Additionally, a strong relationship has emerged between brewers and the sponsorship of major sporting events. Thus, Marston's 'Pedigree' is the 'official beer' of the English Cricketing Board; the 'Heineken' or 'H' Cup was the most prestigious award in European rugby union between 1995 and 2014. In the US, Budweiser was the official sponsor for the FIFA World Cup in football, and in 2010 Budweiser Light paid $1 billion to secure publicity rights with the NFL. The previous examples could be extended in any number of ways to include beer consumption during major sporting events and social celebrations. The advertising activities of the brewing industry conceal the considerable importance that brewing has on economic life. 1 For example, in the EU, brewing and related activities make significant contributions to the economy. Between 2008 and 2013, excise duties levied on beer raised approximately €10 billion. Over the same period, the number of active brewing companies (excluding micro-breweries) increased from 1818 to 3906. 2 In the US, the figures are mind-boggling: in 2014, the total economic impact of the brewing industry
Working Paper, 2019
From the 1980s on Somalia was in the grip of a looming civil war and formal institutions were weak and corrupt, which affected livestock exports. Livestock exports from northern Somalia, now Somaliland, resumed in the early 1990s in the absence of formal institutions and by late 1990, they were back in full swing. Some have made assumptions about the performance of informal institutions in the economy by interpreting the increase in the number of livestock exports from the port of Berbera in the absence of formal institutions to be an indicator of a performing post-war export sector. This study employs an institutional approach, informed by in-depth interviews and personal histories across a wide array of actors in the livestock export trade. Informal institutions have provided governance in the livestock export trade in the absence of formal institutions. However, coordination problems and other crippling challenges that have confronted livestock export since 1991 attest to the fact that informal institutions cannot be a substitute for formal institutions in the complex international trade. Somaliland had reinstated some formal institutions by the mid-1990s. However, the role of these institutions in the international livestock export trade is very limited due to their political status. Meanwhile, in the domestic economy, the interaction between formal and informal institutions has restructured the post-1991 livestock export trade.
Azi voi vorbi despre nutriţie şi vă voi spune lucruri ce sunt de o maximă importanţă. Foarte puţini, chiar şi cei învăţaţi şi foarte evoluaţi, ştiu aceste lucruri. Pentru început, ar putea să nu pară interesante, dar pe măsură ce ascultaţi şi exersaţi aceste lucruri,veţi vedea că sunt extrem de bogate şi darnice, vă pot schimba întreaga existenţă. Presupuneţi că pentru un motiv sau altul sunteţi lipsit de mâncare câteva zile şi sunteţi prea slab, chiar şi pentru a vă mişca. Puteţi fi erudit , bogat, dar nimic din ceea ce ştiţi sau posedaţi, nu poate egala fructul sau bucata de pâine ce o puneţi în gură; o îmbucătură şi reînviaţi ! O bucăţică e tot ce este necesar pentru a face forţele şi mecanismele întregului vostru sistem să înceapă a funţiona din nou. Există anumite elemente în alimente care redau sănătatea şi vigoarea , mai eficient decât orice gând, emoţie sau putere a voinţei dar nu vă daţi seama de aceasta, mâncarea are o mică importanţă pentru voi, în afară de mijloc de a vă satisface instinctele şi nu vedeţi că are vreun efect emoţional sau intelectual asupra voastră.Totuşi mâncarea e cea care face posibil să faceţi tot ce faceţi, să vorbiţi, simţiţi, gândiţi.
In the world of finance, risk management refers to the practice of identifying potential risks in advance, analyzing them and taking precautionary steps to reduce/curb the risk. Description: When an entity makes an investment decision, it exposes itself to a number of financial risks. The quantum of such risks depends on the type of financial instrument. These financial risks might be in the form of high inflation, volatility in capital markets, recession, bankruptcy, etc.
P. Basso, E. Zanini eds., Statio amoena. Sostare e vivere lungo le strade romane, Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing, 2016
Revista de Direito Civil Contemporâneo, 2019
European Journal of Development Research, 2020
International Journal of Medical Reviews, 2020
arXiv (Cornell University), 2010
Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of …, 1973
Circulation, 2007
Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2011
Journal of Adolescent Health, 2021