Examining Minority Languages In New Media - Virtual Ethnography

This paper presents ongoing research which is examining the categorisation of minority languages by new media entities (such as Facebook, Google, etc.) as ‘long tail languages’. Primarily, it discusses the methodological approach of this research, virtual ethnography (cf. Hine, 2000). Virtual ethnography ‘transfers the ethnographic tradition of the researcher as an embodied research instrument to the social spaces of the Internet’ (Hine, 2008: 257). It involves looking at computer mediated communication (CMC) in online networks and communities, analysing the language content and observing the online interactions at the level of the users. It is also a useful method to examine language(s) online, the ‘choices, options and practices on websites’ (Lenihan and Kelly-Holmes, 2017: 173). Virtual ethnography is a mixed methods approach (Fay, 2007) and allows for a range of methods including interviews, content analysis, discourse analysis, etc. The distinctive feature of virtual ethnography is the aim of “thick description” (Geertz, 1983) from the perspective of the participants (Lenihan and Kelly-Holmes, 2016). In this study, virtual ethnographic methods are used to consider the language practices of new media entities in relation to minority languages. Initial research focussed on Facebook and its Translations application, an app the company developed to crowdsource translations of their website (Lenihan, 2013). Over 100 language versions of Facebook are available, including in minority languages such as Irish and Welsh. This research found that Facebook categorised some languages, mainly minority languages as ‘long tail languages’, which influenced the design/working of their respective Translations app. The current study extends the field of interest to a number of other new media entities such as Google and their ’Google in Your Language’ initiative and considers this categorisation of ‘long tail languages’ in terms of the commercialisation of minority languages (cf. Coupland, 2010).

EXAMINING MINORITY LANGUAGES IN NEW MEDIA - VIRTUAL ETHNOGRAPHY Dr Aoife Lenihan Regional Writing Centre & Centre for Applied Language Studies University of Limerick Introduction ■ ongoing research ■ examining the categorisation of minority languages by new media entities as ‘long tail languages’. ■ the methodological approach of this research, virtual ethnography (cf. Hine, 2000). The ‘Long Tail’ ■ consider the language practices of new media entities ■ ‘Long tail languages’ - long tail marketing’ (Anderson, 2004). ■ … market which includes all commodities no matter how small or niche the audience (e.g., back catalogues, older albums, live tracks, B-sides, remixes, etc.). ■ … if a commercial entity has a number of niche/long tail markets, the result may be a market as large as a traditional mass market. Initial Research ■ PhD research – language policy, minority languages, new media ■ Facebook Translations Application (app) – February 2008 – Crowdsourced – How the app works… ■ Findings: ‘long tail languages’ as ‘unsupported’ languages Initial Research II ■ Findings: – New media trend? – … risk that these languages may be seen simply as shortcuts to authenticity, goodwill and commercial gain, and not valued as important aspects of people’s culture (Coupland, 2010) ▪ Research aims: ▪ consider the revaluation of minority languages as ‘long tail languages’ in the new media context (Google, Twitter) ▪ examine the impact of this commercially-driven reality on the social value of minority languages Virtual Ethnography ■ ‘transfers the ethnographic tradition of the researcher as embodied research instrument to the social spaces of the Internet’ (Hine, 2008: 257). ■ ‘an ethnography that treats cyberspace as the ethnographic reality’ (Ducheneaut, 2010: 202) ■ ‘… from the exclusive study of co-present and face to face interactions, to a focus on mediated and distributed ones’ (Wouters, 2005: 10) ■ ‘aims to change the notion of the fieldsite from a localised space into a network of interlinked mediated settings’ (Wouters, 2005: 10) Virtual Ethnography II ■ ‘as a response to the need to study communities in which the use of electronic communications such as provided by computer networks are routine’ (Hine, 1994: 1). ■ ‘variant of traditional ethnomethodological techniques, utilizing a spectrum of observational and other qualitative methods to examine the ways in which meaning is constructed in online environments and gleans much of its analytical framework from derivations of conversation analysis’ (Cavanagh, 1999: 1). Virtual Ethnography III ■ aim of “thick description” (Geertz, 1983) from the perspective of the participants ■ ‘experience what it is like to be a user’ (Hine, 2000: 23). ■ ‘ethnography goes digital, its epistemological remit remains much the same. Ethnography is about telling social stories... With the introduction of new technologies, the stories have remained vivid, but the ways they were told have changed’ (Murthy, 2008: 838). Doing Virtual Ethnography ■ requires inductive, interactive, and recursive data collection and analysis (Greenhow, 2011: 78). ■ ‘lived craft rather than a protocol which can be separated from the particular study or the person carrying it out’ (Hine, 2000: 13). ■ ‘unfolding’ / ‘as a process of understanding cross-contextual Internet mediated/enabled communication’ (Gajjala, 2006: 283). Doing Virtual Ethnography II ■ Initial / current / next – Facebook, Google, Twitter ■ The field – boundary – the end? ■ Arrival story - identifying – beginning ethnography [ethnographer’s luck] ■ Fieldwork diary ■ Collecting data – screenshots ■ Ethnographer – reposition (Fay, 2007) THANK YOU Dr Aoife Lenihan [email protected]