Areawide Road Traffic Noise Contour Maps
Ashish Bhaskar*
Edward Chung**
Masao Kuwahara***
Yasuo Oshino****
* Master Student, Kuwahara Laboratory, Cw-504, Institute of Industrial Science,
University of Tokyo, 4-6-1, Meguru-ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan
[email protected]
** Visiting Professor, Centre for Collaborative Research,
University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguru-ku Tokyo 153-8904, Japan
[email protected]
*** Professor, Cw-504, Institute of Industrial Science,
University of Tokyo, 4-6-1, Meguru-ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan.
[email protected]
**** Senior Chief Researcher, Energy and Environment Research Division,
Japan Automobile Research Institute, 2530 Karima, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0822, Japan
[email protected]
In this study a framework for developing an object-oriented tool –DRONE (areawide Dynamic
ROad traffic NoisE simulator) to generate areawide noise contour maps for a road network is
demonstrated. This provides faster access to information for abatement of noise policies. The
approach for integrating the dynamic output from traffic simulator to noise model, which
predicts traffic noise based on geographical data set for the study area, are described. Noise
level at different points of study area is calculated based on integration of noise prediction
model, ASJ Model-1998, with traffic simulation model, SOUND. The integration with traffic
simulation model provides a dynamic access to traffic-flow characteristics and hence
automated and detailed prediction of road traffic noise. Data from the integration of traffic and
noise simulation models are used to generating areawide noise contours using GIS. The
application of DRONE on a real world situation is also presented.
Keywords: Areawide noise simulation; Dynamic noise simulation; DRONE; Noise contours;
GIS for traffic noise; Noise pollution
1. Introduction
Road traffic noise is one of the most widespread and growing environmental problems in
urban areas. Noise is frequently overlooked as a form of pollutant because it is ubiquitous, it
has no chemical toxicity and there is no attributable death. The effects of traffic noise on
people’s health are wide ranging and may include; psychological effects (annoyance and
behavior reactions); physiological effects (sleep disturbance, hearing loss and general fatigue
through sleep loss); and social effects (restrictions on people’s social activities and effects on
work efficiency) (EPA Victoria, 2002).
Traffic noise analysis and prediction models are important tools while planning for
environmental friendly roads and to access the effect of noise mitigation measure.
Traditionally road traffic noise exposure is calculated for specific locations only such as
school, hospital and airport. The estimated results are available only for a limited number of
locations and are generally presented numerically. It is difficult to obtain overview of the
variation in noise level for a larger area and gain insight into the effect of possible noise
mitigation measures.
A large number of noise prediction models have been developed such as ASJ Model-1998
(Tachibana, 2000), CRTN (Welsh, 1988) and FHWA (Barry and Reagan, 1978), which can
predict road traffic noise at a reception point. Researchers have tried to link noise prediction
models with GIS by applying spatial operations to geographically located information using
GIS. However the current linkage of GIS system with noise model fails to take into account of
the following aspects:
a. Application of the current systems is limited to small area around roadside only.
b. These systems do not consider time dependent traffic demand and hence fails to
consider inbuilt dynamic traffic characteristics.
c. Noise prediction models used in these systems are not calibrated for small time interval
noise prediction, such as LAeq,15min .
The most desired linkage of a noise model with traffic simulation would be an integrated
traffic-noise-GIS-system, where GIS based noise tool is developed taking into account traffic
simulation. The aim of this research is to fulfill this need and fill the gap between road traffic
noise model and road traffic simulation through integration. Our study develops an objectoriented tool to generate areawide road traffic noise contour maps for road network (that can
provide adequate support to decision makers) by integrating road traffic simulation with road
traffic noise prediction model. This provides dynamic access to traffic flow-characteristics,
hence automated and detailed prediction of the road traffic noise.
The application of the tool is illustrated on a study area around Ikegami-Shinmachi
intersection, Kawasaki, Japan. The results of the integration are presented in the form of
dynamic noise contour maps of the study area. The contour maps provided are for overall
noise level and also for different types of vehicles- describing contributed noise pollution by
each type.
2. Uses and Benefits of the Research
DRONE can be applied to any areawide road traffic network to predict noise at any number of
receptor points and to generate areawide noise contour maps. Areawide dynamic road traffic
noise prediction by DRONE can be applied to:
a. Identify hot spots where noise level exceeds the national noise standards.
b. Study the merits and demerits of noise abatement policies based on cost efficiency and
c. Quantify social effects associated with noise pollution. By overlaying daytime
population, night time population and other social characteristics on to the noise
contour, the social effects of noise pollution can also be studied.
d. Strategic planning where the economic cost of noise pollution can be derived from the
reduction in the property values which is an integral component of benefit cost analysis
for new projects (McDonnel & Chung, 2001). This will have a dramatic impact on the
planning of projects such as construction of a new freeway.
e. Increase general awareness to the people regarding the pollution level in the city.
(Noise contour maps used in conjunction with environmental models, such as green
house gas emission and air quality, can provide visual effect to the pollution).
3. Literature Review
Manual road traffic noise exposure calculations take time and are costly. A number of
researchers have tried to automate traffic noise prediction. Most of the present methods of road
traffic noise prediction are limited to noise prediction either at a point or to some specific
points only. Ton et al. (1998) developed software library TRANSOOP, for calculation of road
traffic noise at a reception point based on CRTN. Jain et al. (1999) developed TNP-MM which
predicts noise at a receptor point for the geometry, traffic flow and barrier input. TNP-MM
calculation is based on empirical relations calibrated for Delhi, India only. Some commercial
packages can predict noise for a large area such as SoundPLAN (Braunstein & Berndt, 1999),
TNoiseGIS (Pamanikabud & Tansatcha, 2003). TNoiseGIS can predict noise based on CRTN
and FHWA.
All these systems require input data for traffic characteristics i.e. traffic volume,
composition of traffic, and traffic speed to be fed externally. These methods currently used,
model the traffic as a steady flow. Therefore such models are only able to predict the average
noise level generated at the road side for a large time interval. Moreover, the empirical noise
prediction models used in these systems (CRTN, FHWA) are not calibrated for smaller time
interval (say 15 minutes) noise level prediction, so smaller time window noise level prediction
with these noise models is not possible.
Almost all the automated noise simulation systems are based on CRTN or FHWA noise
prediction methodology, which is simple to apply but is based on a large number of
assumptions. CRTN and FHWA are empirical models not calibrated based on present change
of technology, and noise abatement policies for road traffic vehicle.
ASJ-1998 model is advanced and is a semi empirical model. ASJ-1998 model predicts
equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level in roadside areas as per energy-based
calculation. This model consists of the modules of sound power levels of road vehicles under
steady and unsteady running conditions (Tachibana, 2000). These characteristics of ASJ1998 model provide the flexibility to integrate the noise model with traffic simulation. The
integration of the traffic simulation with noise prediction model covers dynamic short term
variation in traffic flow hence the detailed (shorter time window e.g. LAeq,15 min) noise level
prediction is possible.
4. Road Traffic Prediction Model (ASJ Model-1998)
ASJ Model-1998 developed by Acoustic Society of Japan, is based on two kind of sound
propagation calculation methods denoted by A-method (precision method) in which sound
propagation is precisely calculated for each frequency (center frequencies of octave bands
from 63 Hz to 4 kHz) and is derived from wave theory; B-method (engineering method) which
consists of geometrical acoustics and empirical models (Yamamoto et al, 2000). This method
is to separate the propagation factors of road traffic noise prediction into a series of correction
terms, each of which has physical significance such as diffraction and reflection of noise
propagation. (Oshino et al, 2000).
4.1. Principles for Energy Based Calculation in ASJ Method-1998
In this model, the first procedure is to calculate the time history of A-weighted sound level at
the reception point caused by an isolated vehicle passage on the road (lane) under
consideration. This gives a “unit pattern” (for each vehicle type and for each lane of a
particular road under consideration) at a receptor point as shown in fig. 1. By squaring and
integrating the unit pattern, the sound pressure exposure is obtained. Finally by considering
the dynamic traffic volume and by averaging the total sound exposure, LAeq, can be calculated
(Tachibana, 2000).
4.2. Calculation Procedure
Each lane of the road under consideration is properly divided into finite number of segments
(see fig. 2) and for each segment the sound propagation from the center point of the segment
to the receptor point is calculated. This provides a “unit pattern” (see fig. 1) for a particular
type of vehicle on the lane under consideration. By squaring and integrating the unit pattern
total sound pressure exposure (E) over the time interval during which the source passes the
lane under consideration is obtained. The quantity expressed in dB(A) of the total sound
pressure exposure E is sound exposure level (LAE)
L AE = 10 log10
where, Eo = 4*10-10 Pa2s
By considering the traffic volume, equivalent continuous sound pressure (A weighted) level
(LAeq) for a particular lane is obtained as per the following equation
L Aeq = 10 log10 (10 LAE / 10
where, N is traffic volume (number of vehicles/ time t(s))
For LAeq (1- hour), t = 3600 seconds
N (veh / hr )
L Aeq (hourly ) = 10 log10 (10 LAE / 10
= L AE + 10 log10 N − 35.6
The calculation mentioned above is made for all the lanes of the road under consideration and
for all vehicle type, and finally LAeq is calculated by combining these results based on energy.
(For detailed calculation procedure refer to Tachibana, 2000; Oshino, 2000 and Yamamoto,
There is no restriction in the calculation principle. The validity of the model has been
examined for different type of road, vehicle running speed, prediction area and meteorological
conditions, the details of which can be found in Tachibana (2000).
5. Road Traffic Simulation
Road traffic simulation model, SOUND (Simulation and Urban road Network with Dynamic
route choice) (Yoshii, 1995) can efficiently and accurately reproduce dynamic traffic
conditions on a large and complicated road network. The model consists of vehicle simulation
and route choice modules, which are alternatively implemented in short time intervals to
reproduce the dynamic stochastic user equilibrium flow.
SOUND was used to predict traffic flow characteristics needed as an input to noise
prediction model. The input required are road network data (geographical road location
including lane configuration, capacity of link, etc); signal control parameters, road traffic
regulations and traffic demands for each OD pair.
5.1. Outline of SOUND Model
In the vehicle simulation module, travel time in each link is evaluated by moving vehicles
forwarded along routes determined by the route choice module, whereas the route choice
module evaluates every driver’s choice of route at a regular interval based on travel times
estimated by the vehicles simulation module. These two modules are repeatedly implemented
to produce dynamic evaluation of traffic flow on a network (see fig. 3).
The probability of choosing a route by a vehicle depends on the cost of the route. The cost
function (for a route) is based on preference of a vehicle for travel time and distance to travel
on the route. Left and right turns on a route are incorporated by considering penalty for each
left and right turn.
Route choice probability for choosing route k, is expressed as following
pk =
exp(−θ .C k )
∑ exp(−θ .C )
i =1
Where θ is the logit parameter used in route choice guidance and Ci is the cost of the ith path.
SOUND has been validated for a number of practical conditions (for details of validation
refer to Yoshii, 1995).
So far we have discussed about the traffic simulation and noise prediction model used for
development of DRONE. In the following section, the focus is on the methodology for
development of DRONE and a real world application of the developed model.
6. Methodology for DRONE
DRONE is based on Object-Oriented framework (C++), which features the system with a high
flexibility to modify or extend its function. The system developed takes the dynamic output
from traffic simulator-SOUND and performs number of calculations based on B-Method
(engineering method) of ASJ Model-1998 (Section 3.1), to predict noise pollution level not
only on spatial (areawide) scale but also on temporal (dynamic) scale (see fig. 4).
Traffic simulator SOUND can provide dynamic traffic flow on complicated road network
with as detailed as one second step. ASJ Model-1998 has the flexibility to predict LAeq for any
time window such as 15min, 30min and one hour. It can also independently predict
contribution of noise pollution by different vehicle type. If we consider eqn (3) by adjusting
the traffic simulation window to time “t” (say 15 minutes, 1-hour, etc) we can predict LAeq, t.
The following section discusses the input required for DRONE.
6.1 Input Data for DRONE
In order to reproduce the complex real world situation, road network and infrastructural data
for the study area is needed (such as lane configuration on the road, type of road surface,
building location and ground properties). SOUND simulation requires dynamic OD for the
network along with various flow regulations such as signal control parameters on the
intersections and toll information on a road. Parameters such as capacity, saturation flow rate
and free flow speed on each link are to be tuned for proper reproduction of traffic flow
conditions and traffic behavior. Contour maps are generated based on prediction of noise at
various receptor points which are arranged in a grid pattern with node of the grid as receptor
point. Grid spacing is specified based on optimum level of accuracy and simulation time.
Smaller grid spacing produces more accurate contour maps at the cost of simulation time.
Dynamic contour maps are generated based on the specified time interval (seconds) between
two consecutive dynamic noise level prediction (say 15 minutes or 1 hour).
The flow of data between traffic simulator and GIS based noise model is presented in a self
explanatory flowchart in fig. 5. DRONE first sets the entire road network along with
infrastructural conditions for the study area. Based on receptor point conditions a particular
receptor point is chosen. Then based on geographical location and dynamic distribution of
traffic on the road network all possible traffic sources which can contribute to noise at the
chosen reception point (for that particular time period) are searched. Noise level calculation
based on ASJ- Model 1998 is performed for a particular source road and reception point.
Dynamic traffic flow and traffic speed distribution for different class of vehicles is taken into
consideration while performing noise prediction calculation for the selected source road and
receptor point. The process is repeated for all the possible sources and total noise level at the
receptor point is obtained by energy based addition of noise contribution from different
For areawide noise prediction the above mentioned process is repeated for all the receptor
points in the study area. Finally by linking the noise prediction on all the receptor points with
GIS, areawide noise contour map for that particular traffic simulation period is generated. In
order to predict dynamic noise level the whole process is repeated for all the time intervals.
7. Verification of DRONE
Noise level was measured at the following investigation areas:
Area A: along national route 16 in Kashiwa city.
Area B: along national route 6 in Fujishiro town.
Area C: along Tokyo ring road 7 in Katsushika ku.
Area D: along Tokyo Mejiro street in Nerima ku.
Area E: along Tokyo Mejiro street in Nerima ku.
Area F: along national route 6 in Mito city.
Area G: along Tokyo ring road 7 in Kita ku.
DRONE is verified by its application on the above mentioned areas. The layout and cross
section of the road for investigation area A and area B are shown in fig. 7. (For detailed traffic
condition on each area refer to Oshino, 1996). The measured and simulated noise levels were
compared. The correlation coefficient for the measured versus simulated traffic noise level is
satisfactory (R2 = 0.911) (see fig. 6). The maximum difference between simulated and
measured noise level is less than 1 dB(A).
8. Implementation on a Real World Situation
The integrated tool is applied to a real world situation at Ikegami-Shinmachi area in Kawasaki
(see fig. 8) and areawide dynamic noise contour maps are generated for the study area. Noise
contour maps for different types of vehicle are also presented to focus on contribution of noise
pollution by different types of vehicles.
8.1. Site Description
Route No. 18 of Metropolitan Expressway (MEX) (2 lanes, both directions) is located along
SW-NE diagonal of the study area around Ikegami-Shinmachi in Kawasaki (see fig. 8). One
side of MEX is residential area and other side is industrial area. There are two major crossdiagonal roads-one local highway (3 lanes, both directions) running parallel to MEX along
SW-NE diagonal, other is a major arterial road (2 lanes, both directions) running along NWSE diagonal. Apart from one minor arterial road (1 lane, both directions) all other roads are
minor residential roads with very little traffic flow.
8.2. Data Required for DRONE
In order to effectively reproduce the flow in the study area, field data was collected on a
bigger network as shown in the fig. 9. Traffic counts along with turning ratios for four types of
vehicles-small (passenger vehicles, small trucks); large (buses and big trucks) were observed
at 14 major intersections. The data was collected for morning peak (7:00-10:00 am) and
evening peak (4:00-7:00 pm) at 10 minute interval. Signal Control at the intersections was also
observed and noted.
For the purpose of simulation validation, queue volume data at major intersections was
collected. Data was collected for 10-15 signal cycles for each major flow direction during
morning and evening peak hour.
Digital Road Network (DRM) for the study area was used to provide geographical data for
the road network. DRM and aerial picture of the study area was superimposed by use of
MapInfo as a check to DRM. Dynamic OD table for traffic simulation is estimated based on
observed traffic counts and turning ratios. Turning ratio at an intersection provides the
diversion rate at that intersection, hence probabilities of flow along different route through that
intersection. From the diversion rate matrix probability matrix is generated, and by
multiplying it with observed traffic count data, dynamic OD for the network is obtained. Real
time signal data for all signalized intersections are used for dynamic consideration of signal
8.3. Traffic Simulation Validation
For validation of the simulation:
a. Simulated traffic flows at major intersections are compared with those of observed.
The observed versus simulated throughputs in study area are shown in fig.10 and
fig.11 for morning and evening peak respectively. According to the fig. 10 and fig. 11,
the simulated traffic flow is satisfactory (correlation coefficient R2 for both types of
vehicles is greater than 0.97). W can conclude that the traffic simulator has properly
reproduced the observed traffic conditions.
b. Additional check to ensure that the simulated traffic behaves the same way as the
observed traffic, observed queue volume and simulated queue volume on links at
observed intersections are compared as shown in fig.12 and fig.13. From these figures
we can conclude that traffic simulator is able to represent the real traffic behavior
properly as the links on which we have observed congestion are also represented as
congested link on the simulation result. Moreover the simulated queue volume is quite
comparable with that of observed one. We do not expect one to one correlation in this
case as the definition for a vehicle to be a part of queue is entirely different for
SOUND and field observation. The simulated queue volume for SOUND is based on
number of vehicles whose travel time is greater than free flow travel time on the link.
Whereas the observed queue volume is based on surveyor’s judgment, that a vehicle is
said to be a part of queue if its flow velocity is approx less than 5 km/hr.
8. Results
a) Detailed Noise Contour Maps
Dynamic areawide traffic noise contour maps are generated for the study area. The
prediction of noise pollution is not only on the spatial scale but also on temporal scale.
Fig. 14 shows dynamic noise pollution level averaged for 15 minutes for morning peak
hours. These traffic noise contour maps helps in identifying “hot spots” (area with high
noise level) on areawide network. As is evident from the contour maps, the areas near to
the roadside are noisy (red color, high noise level) compared to areas far away from
roadside (green, low noise level).
Hedonic pricing is often used as a proxy to assess the cost of pollution. The method can
be applied to access the cost of noise pollution. The map produced by DRONE can be
applied to count number of buildings at every dB(A) above critical threshold and making
assessment of noise pollution more precise and easier.
b) Contour Maps for Noise Contribution from Different Vehicles
Noise contribution from different type of vehicles can be studied independently. Fig. 15
and fig. 16 shows noise contour maps due to light and heavy vehicles on the study
network. In fact fig. 15 shows the noise pollution level in the absence of heavy vehicles
in the study area. As can be seen from the contour maps, noise contributions from heavy
vehicles are quite high compared to that from light vehicles. The noisy zone (red and
orange) around the roads spread to greater distance for heavier vehicle case (fig. 16) as
compared to that of light vehicle case (fig. 15). Along the road side of highway is redder
in fig.16 (from heavy vehicles), compared to that of fig.15 (from light vehicles). In fig.15
(light) noises is more intense on arterial road compared to that on fig.16 (heavy); this is
according to the expectation because heavy vehicles flow is mainly on highway and
there are very few heavy vehicle flow on arterial road.
Fig. 17 represents the dynamic contribution to noise pollution by different types of
vehicles at a receptor point near Ikegami-Shinmachi intersection. During the morning
peak hour even though light vehicles contribution decreases after 8:00 am the
contribution from heavy vehicles is increasing and the overall noise level at the
prediction point is governed by the heavy vehicles. This clearly indicates that there will
be significant effect on noise level if heavy vehicles flow is managed. Moreover, slight
increase in heavy vehicles flow will result in significant increase in noise pollution level
as compared to similar increase in number of light vehicles flow.
The contour maps highlight the noise pollution in the study area and indicate that
prohibition of heavy vehicles will reduce the noise level in the restricted area. However
simply banning heavy vehicle on certain road and at certain time of operation would
force the heavy vehicle to use alternative routes, or different type of vehicles may
substitute heavy vehicles, thus changing the noise contour map of the area. This is where
DRONE can be applied to study the effect on noise level at spatial and temporal scale in
order to have more effective and cost efficient solution for road traffic noise abatement
9. Conclusion and Future Research
DRONE has been developed by the integration of traffic simulator (SOUND) with traffic
noise prediction model (ASJ Moldel-1998). DRONE provides the flexibility to predict detailed
road traffic noise (say LAeq,15min) not only on spatial scale (areawide) but also on temporal scale
(dynamic). The model is applied to Ikegami-Shinmachi area in Kawasaki. Areawide noise
contour maps are generated which clearly indicate the pollution level in the study area.
Dynamic noise contribution from each class of vehicles is also represented through contour
maps. The results present better overview of decrease in noise level if heavy vehicles are
better managed.
The further research in the development of DRONE is incorporation of module for built-up
area attenuation in noise propagation. Noise contribution from vehicles using metropolitan
expressway also needs to be incorporate. ASJ noise calculation steps also need to be optimized
based on calculation time and accuracy of noise prediction.
10. Acknowledgement
We are thankful to Dr. R. Horiguchi, ITL, Japan for his timely guidance in the calibration of
Figure 1: Unit Pattern at the reception point; Ei is the sound power level at the reception point due to
vehicle ith discrete source
Lane Segment
Discrete source
points (ith point)
study lane
Reception point
Figure 2: Study lane with discrete source positions
Route Choice Module
Determine route choice
Probability of
choosing a route
Travel time at
each link
Vehicle Simulation Module
(Car- following model)
Figure 3: SOUND model structure
Methodology for DRONE
Traffic-noise integration
Dynamic Traffic
t0 t1
Figure 4: Contour maps are generated on spatial (areawide) and temporal (dynamic) scale
Input / Output
Road Network
Study area boundary coordinates
Spacing of receptor points
Noise Model
Setting of road infrastructure
and road conditions
Receptor point properties
• OD table
• Signal Control parameters
• Tuned simulator parameters
Building Infrastructural
Ground Properties
Road Surface Condition
Power level of Vehicle noise
(for each vehicle class)
Dynamic Vehicle running speed
(for each lane)
Dynamic Traffic volume
(for each lane)
Setting of a receptor point
Search for road which
contributes noise to the
receptor point
Setting lane position
Setting discrete source position
(for each lane)
Calculation of noise
propagation for each source
to receptor point
(for each lane)
Unit Pattern for each lane
and for each vehicle class
Energy based integration of unit
pattern (for each lane and for
each vehicle class)
LAeq for each vehicle class
(for each lane)
LAeq for all lanes of selected
road at receptor points
LAeq for all roads contributing
noise at receptor point
LAeq for all receptor point
Contour Map
Figure 5 Flowchart for data flow in DRONE
simulated dB(A)
± 1 DB(A)
R = 0.9111
Figure 6: Measured and simulated noise level in different investigation areas
Area A: along national route 16 in Kashiwa city
Area B along national route 6 in Fujishiro town.
Figure 7: Traffic network layout and cross section of the road for different investigation areas (all
dimensions are in meters, and figure is not to the scale)
Major Local Highway (3 lanes)
Metropolitan Expressway (2 lanes)
Major arterial road (2 lanes)
Minor arterial road (1 lane)
Minor local residential road
1 km
Ikegami Shinmachi
Figure 8: Study area around Ikegami-Shinmachi intersection, Kawasaki (1km x 1km)
Observation points at Ikegami-Shinmachi study area.
Figure 9:
R (Light)= 0.9799
Linear (Light)
R (Heavy)= 0.9945
Simulated (veh)
Simulated (veh)
R (Light)= 0.9799
R (Heavy)= 0.9945
Linear (Light)
Linear (Heavy)
Linear (Heavy)
Observed (veh)
Figure 11: Observed and simulated
throughput during morning peak
(7:00 am -10:00 am)
Observed (veh)
Figure 10: Observed and simulated
throughput during evening peak
(4:00 pm-7:00 pm)
Figure 13: Observed and simulated
queue volume at Ikegami-Shinmachi
intersection (link from Tokyo towards
Yokohama) during morning peak time
Figure 12: Observed and simulated queue
volume at Ikegami-Shinmachi intersection
(link from Yokohama towards Tokyo)
during morning peak time
High noise level
Low noise level
LAeq,15min 8:00 - 8:15
LAeq,15min 8:15 - 8:30
Figure 14: The visual representation of noise pollution in the form of contour maps where different color
represents different intensity of noise.
Figure 15: Light vehicle contribution
Figure 16: Heavy vehicle contribution
noise due to light vehicles only
noise due to heavy vehicles only
Noise level due to all vehicles
Figure 17: Contribution from different type of vehicle at a receptor point near Ikegami-Shinmachi
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