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A brief history of Tu bi-Shvat
Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi, 2020
Sinop çevresindeki çeşitli tümülüslerde 2013-2016 yılları arasında Sinop Arkeoloji Müzesi Müdürlüğü tarafından kurtarma kazıları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu kazılar, tümülüslerin kaçak kazılar sonucunda tahrip edildiğini ve mezar envanterlerinin soyulduğunu ortaya koymuştur; dolayısıyla mezar buluntuları yok denecek kadar azdır. Ancak tümülüslerin altında ortaya çıkarılan mezar yapıları, Sinope ve hatta Paphlagonia bölgesindeki mezar mimarisine ışık tutacak özelliklere sahiptir. Mezar yapılarının kesme taş bloklardan inşa edildiği, mezar odalarının bindirme tonoz, bazı örneklerde de beşik tonoz çatı ile örtüldüğü gözlemlenmektedir. Tam olarak korunmuş mezar envanteri olmaması nedeniyle kesin tarihlemelerinin yapılması mümkün değildir. Fakat mimari özellikler dikkate alınarak, mezar yapılarını genel olarak Hellenistik Dönem'e tarihlendirmek mümkündür. Ayrıca, araştırılmakta olan tümülüslerin coğrafi konumları eski yerleşmelerle ilgili bilgi sağlama açısından önemli bir unsurdur. Bu makalede, tümülüslerin konumları, çevre ile olan ilişkileri ve mezar yapılarının mimari özellikleri değerlendirilecektir.
This article illustrates how using qualitative and quantitative social scientific methods together can help us examine sociocultural phenomena in precise, informative, and potentially useful ways. Using freely listed ethnographic data about what qualities Tuvans associate with “good” and “bad” Tuvan people, we examine general cultural patterns of Tuvan virtues. The data was collected in Tuva in 2009–2010 by interviewing nearly 100 Tuvans in Kyzyl and Western Tuva. We also explore within-group contrasts by applying standard modeling techniques to this ethnographic data, finding demographic associations with listing specific items and those items’ salience. We conclude with a discussion of the promise and limitations of these methods.
Revue des Études Juives, 2023
The manner in which the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month of Shevat, initially a date of purely technical significance, evolved into a minor festival is shrouded in mystery. In this article, I examine an eleventh-century liturgical text for ṭu bi-Šebhaṭ, a qedušta from the Cairo Geniza. The content of the piyuṭ-poem appears to situate the sacralization of ṭu bi-Šebhaṭ in the context of Rabbanite-Karaite polemic, and particularly the confrontation between the Yešibha Ge'on Ya'aqobh of Jerusalem and the abhele ṣiyon community nearby. Appreciation of the historical circumstances and ideological commitments of these two communities-made possible by recent Geniza discoveries-helps to shed new light on the liturgy, as well as the religious evolution of the date that today is observed as the Jewish Arbor Day.
Sung Tales from the Papua New Guinea Highlands: Studies in Form, Meaning, and Sociocultural Context, 2011
The Huli inhabit the Tagali River basin and surrounding areas, a region of about 6,180 square kilometres that lies mainly between the altitudes of 1,550 and 3,500 metres. There are no distinct seasons in this part of the world. Daily morning sunshine and afternoon rains encourage the cultivation of the staple sweet potato. The Huli also rear pigs as their most important exchange item, which is used for bridewealth and debt settlement. An egalitarian society with a cognatic descent system and multilocal residence, the Huli do not live in villages, but in small hamlets dispersed amongst their sweet potato gardens on clan (hāmeigini) lands. Each hamlet basically contains two main houses-one for a man, his sons around seven years or older, and any visiting male kin, and the other for his wife, unmarried daughters, younger sons, and any visiting female kin. Huli society has strict gender segregation based on cultural beliefs about behavioural etiquette and bodily pollution, and men and women traditionally do not enter each others' dwellings. The houses are small, closed structures, each with a doorway covered by horizontal wooden slabs. They are built flat on the ground to retain heat during the cold night hours. A fire burns inside each house, and its smoke filters through and helps to preserve the grass roof (figure 1). At night, the house members lie around the fire on the ground or on low, sleeping ledges attached to the wall. 1
Intonation structuring of coherent Tuvan folklore narration The article presents preliminary data on the intonation of the Tuvan folklore narration with specific focus to the relation between intonation and text structure. The analysis was carried out on the basis of four Tuvan folklore texts. Three hypothetical intonational correlates of the text structure were examined. First, we consider the difference in tempo of the main parts of the texts, following the idea of three-part structure of folklore texts proposed by V. Propp (beginning, complication and ending). The data obtained show no direct correspondence between the tempo of an utterance and its position in the text, as the tempo of the first and the last utterances and their ratio to the average tempo vary significantly from text to text. Secondly, it is shown that the texts contain a number of metatext markers, which are used quite often and are distinguished by the means of intonation (including changes in tone and intensity and separation by a pause). Thirdly, verbal forms with particle-tyr performing similar functions are examined. In contrast to metatext markers, they are not characterized by any intonational prominence, as the tone and intensity follow the general line of declination marking the end of an utterance. Thus, intonation plays an important role in forming the structure of Tuvan folklore texts, which, however, manifests itself only indirectly, in the way of emphasizing lexical means of structuring the text (metatext markers).
Journal of social history, 1994
The mutilation of the genitals among the various savage tribes of the world presents a strange and unaccountable practice of human ideas, which one is not able to reconcile with any reasoning power. Why such customs should be in vogue none can tell at the present time; but we must suppose that at some period they had their significance, which in the course of ages has been lost, and the practice has been handed down from generation to generation.
East and West, 1995
Journal of the American Oriental Society, 2021
Lakbay-Kabanwahan: Mga Salaysay ng Pangingibang-bayan ng mga Likasyan, 2019
Th. Schmidts & M. Vučetić (eds.). Häfen im 1. Millennium AD. Bauliche Konzepte, herrschaftliche und religiöse Einflüsse. RGZM Tagungen Bd. 22 (= Interdisziplinäre Forschungen zu den Häfen von der Römischen Kaiserzeit bis zum Mittelalter in Europa Bd. 1)
Technologies, 2018
"First draft of the revised Charta Oecumenica for consultation"
Özgür Yayınları eBooks, 2023
Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati
De Gruyter, 2022
Scandinavian Philology, 2016
Phytomedicine, 1998
Balkan Medical Journal, 2017
Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS, 2010
Journal of Virological Methods, 2004
Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, 2024