Theor. Exp. Plant Physiol.
Motor cognition in plants: from thought to real experiments
Bianca Bonato · Umberto Castiello
Silvia Guerra · Qiuran Wang
Received: 16 October 2023 / Accepted: 15 December 2023
© The Author(s) 2024
Abstract Motor cognition involves the process of
planning and executing goal–directed movements
and recognizing, anticipating, and interpreting others’
actions. Motor cognitive functions are generally associated with the presence of a brain and are ascribed
only to humans and other animal species. A growing
body of evidence suggests that aneural organisms,
like climbing plants, exhibit behaviors driven by the
intention to achieve goals, challenging our understanding of cognition. Here, we propose an inclusive
perspective under motor cognition to explain climbing plants’ behavior. We will first review our empirical research based on kinematical analysis to understand movement in pea plants. Then, we situate this
empirical research within the current theoretical
debate aimed at extending the principles of cognition to aneural organisms. A novel comparative perspective that considers the perception–action cycle,
involving transforming perceived environmental elements into intended movement patterns, is provided.
Keywords Plant cognition · Plant behavior ·
Kinematics · Climbing plants · Motor cognition ·
Cognition · Pea plants
Bianca Bonato, Umberto Castiello, Silvia Guerra, Qiuran
Wang have contributed equally to this work.
B. Bonato · U. Castiello (*) · S. Guerra · Q. Wang
Department of General Psychology (DPG), University
of Padova, Padua, Italy
[email protected]
1 Introduction
Motor cognition refers to processes that blend cognitive and motor functions in a seamless, interwoven
fashion. Such functions evolve in space and time at
various levels of complexity. The concept of motor
cognition embraces the notion that cognition is
embodied in action, defined as an agent’s movements
to achieve a specific motor goal or in response to a
meaningful event in the physical and social environment (e.g., competitive and cooperative contexts;
Jeannerod 2006). Motor cognition encompasses the
processes involved in planning, preparing, and producing one’s actions and the cognitive processes
involved in anticipating, predicting, and interpreting
others’ actions. The fundamental unit of the motor
cognition paradigm is action, defined as the movements produced to satisfy an intention toward a specific motor goal. The process of motor cognition is
best understood in the perception–action cycle, which
involves transforming perceived environmental elements into patterns of intended movement.
An empirical example linking animals’ movement
and cognition is provided by the discovery of mirror
neurons in the macaque monkey’s ventral premotor
and parietal cortices (Di Pellegrino et al. 1992; Rizzolatti and Craighero 2004). These neurons fire both
when the animal carries out a goal–directed action
and when it observes the same action performed by
another individual. In humans, common neural activation during action observation and execution has
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also been well documented. A variety of studies have
demonstrated that a motor resonance mechanism in
the premotor and posterior parietal cortices occurs
when participants observe or produce goal–directed
actions (Amoruso and Urgesi 2016; Becchio et al.
2012; Betti et al. 2022; Edwards et al. 2003; Fadiga
et al. 1995; Rizzolatti et al. 2014; Sartori et al.
Naturally, ascribing motor cognition to plants is
challenging because they are commonly perceived as
still organisms. But plants do indeed move and interact with other individuals and their surroundings in
a variety of ways (Brody and Trewavas 2023; Calvo
et al. 2020; Darwin and Darwin 1880; Girloy and
Trewavas 2023; Karban 2008; Kumar et al. 2020;
Marder 2012; Ninkovic et al. 2021; Trewavas 2009;
2017; Trewavas et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2021a, b).
The main difficulty in perceiving and being aware
of plant movements is linked to the timescales on
which plants operate, which makes their movement
invisible to the human eye, except in a few cases
(e.g., Mimosa pudica L. and the Dionea musipula L.).
Should the “perception” issue be an insurmountable
problem in assigning to plant movement a component that goes beyond biomechanical constraints and
relates to why an action is performed? If plant movement were examined on a time scale similar to ours,
we could perceive it and understand why that specific
action has been performed. By using time–lapse techniques, we might better understand plants’ behavior
Fig. 1 Graphical illustration of the experimental
setup (a). Each chamber has
two infrared cameras on one
side, a thermoregulator for
controlling the temperature,
two fans for input and output ventilation, and a lamp.
(b) The anatomical landmark of interest, namely the
“tendrils,” is the primary
focus of our studies. (c)
A schematic of how P.
sativum plants were potted
together with the support in
a typical situation
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in terms of planning and control. After all, are we not
slowing down the recording of footage of animals to
achieve the same goal?
Here, we report on a series of three–dimensional
(3D) kinematics studies, tracking and analyzing
plants’ movement through time and space using dedicated in–house software (Fig. 1a–c; Simonetti et al.
2021). Evidence from these studies may shed light on
the cognitive principles guiding movement planning
and control in climbers, with specific reference to pea
plants (Pisum sativum L., from here on P. sativum;
Bonato et al. 2023, 2024; Ceccarini et al. 2020a,b;
Guerra et al. 2019, 2021, 2022; Simonetti et al. 2021;
Wang et al. 2023a,b). Our approach is based on the
proposition that plants could be included in the “comparative” debate by capitalizing on paradigms and
ideas already used to find cognitive intersections
among organisms belonging to various species. The
intention is not to reclassify plants as animals but to
adopt effective analogies to compare cognitive abilities underlying the organization of behavior in plants
and animals.
In this review, we shall begin by introducing
phenomena (e.g., circumnutation; Darwin and
Darwin 1880) and concepts (i.e., goal–directedness) that we will refer to throughout this review
and that are necessary to understand the nature of
movement in plants. After defining these key concepts, we shall illustrate our work. Through the
3D kinematical analysis of plant movement, we
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demonstrate that it is possible to unveil traces of
cognitive processes, such as anticipatory behavior,
decision–making, and social cognition. Last, we
will situate our empirical findings within the perception–action cycle characterizing the concept of
motor cognition.
1.1 Circumnutation: just a matter of rotation?
Charles Darwin and his son Francis (1880) studied the movements of several plant species. During
their observations, they noticed a universal pattern
of movement among plants (Darwin and Darwin
1880; Kitazawa et al. 2005), termed circumnutation, a movement of a plant’s growing portions to
form spirals, irregular curves, or ellipses. Climbing plants, for instance, perform circumnutations to
explore the environment to find potential supports
(Agostinelli et al. 2021; Darwin 1875; Darwin and
Darwin 1880; Gianoli 2015; Raja et al. 2020; Stolarz 2009).
Darwin (1875) stated that climbing plants might
modulate circumnutation according to the structural properties of the support, as evident in P. sativum plants, exhibiting flexible tendrils’ responses
(Bonato et al. 2023; Ceccarini et al. 2020a,b;
Fukano and Yamawo 2015; Guerra et al. 2019,
2021, 2022; Sato et al. 2018; Smith et al. 2021;
Wang et al. 2023a,b). Tendrils (i.e., filamentary
organs sensitive to contact and used exclusively
for climbing) tend to assume the shape of whatever surface they come in contact with, giving the
impression of progressively “coding” potential supports’ features (Darwin 1875; Palm 1827; von Mohl
1827). In this case, the tendrils’ movement clearly
shows that plants can modulate their behavior purposefully to achieve their goals. Also, this ability
makes them an ideal model for studying how plants
program and control their movement in response
to various contexts to satisfy their needs. But can
tendril movements be defined as goal–directed? Are
P. sativum plants or climbing plants generally able
to anticipate and respond to the changing states of
the environment, or do they simply react passively
to environmental elements? To answer these questions, it is necessary to properly define the notion
of goal–directedness, which is the fundamental concept underlying our empirical work.
1.2 The concept of directedness
Cognition is for doing, not for thinking (Pezzulo
2008). To do is a matter of action, and action is
defined as a goal–directed when it is driven by an
expectation that it is likely to bring about a desired
outcome. This point is crucial because it is tied to
intentions. For example, to achieve a goal, grasping
an object with various purposes, an agent must plan
and execute a reaching and grasping action sequence
not only considering the object’s structural features
but also why the action has been performed, in simple terms with a motor intention (Becchio et al. 2010;
Searle 1981). Thus, the concept of goal constitutes
what motor intentions represent: goals and means to
achieve those goals. In the time domain, the intention of doing a particular act precedes its actual motor
execution (Pacherie 2008).
In the following sections, we will present our
research based on 3D kinematical analysis, demonstrating an exquisite form of intentionally driven
motor planning and control in P. sativum plants.
These studies reveal that the movements these plants
exhibit do not result from a primary cause and effect
mechanism. Still, they are driven by an “intentional”
component to achieving their goals.
1.3 Adapting to the thickness of stimuli
Climbing plants are a suitable model for studying
goal–directed behavior due to their innate capacity
to detect and grasp support. One interesting question
is whether they exhibit the capability to adjust their
approaching and clasping movements in response to
properties of the to–be–grasped support, as Charles
Darwin (1880) documented anecdotally. In a recent
investigation, Guerra, and colleagues (2019; see also
Bell 1958; Silk and Hubbard 1991) unveiled P. sativum plants’ ability to detect the presence of potential
support in their environment and plan a movement
based on its thickness and dimensionality (Fig. 2a, b).
They examined P. sativum plants’ approaching and
grasping movements in a condition lacking potential
support, a condition in which a support of a different thickness (i.e., thin or thick) or the ungraspable
picture of a support was presented [i.e., two–dimensional (2D) pictures of either a thin or thick support].
The results showed that when the plants perceived
the presence of the support, they rapidly changed
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Fig. 2 Graphical representations of the experimental
setup for the a single–thin,
b single–thick (Guerra et al.
2019), and c double–support [Decision–Making
(DM); Wang et al. 2023a,
b] conditions. Please note
that for the DM condition,
in which a thin and a thick
support were presented to
the plants, they preferred
the thin support; therefore,
the plants for the DM condition are those approaching and grasping the thin
support in the presence of
a larger one. d The velocity
profile of the tendrils across
conditions in absolute time
(single–thin = solid line,
single–thick = dashed line,
DM–thin = dotted line)
the direction of their circumnutating movement to
approach and grasp it. P. sativum plants adjusted the
kinematics of their approaching and grasping movement in terms of their tendrils’ velocity (Fig. 2d) and
aperture (i.e., the maximum distance between the tips
of the tendrils) depending on support thicknesses.
Plants moved more quickly and opened their tendrils
more in the presence of a thinner support. When no
support or the 2D picture was presented, plants circumnutated, searching for a support. When they
could not find it, the tendrils stopped circumnutating
and the plant collapsed due to the inclination caused
by the circumnutate movement and the absence of
support. The latter “photograph” condition indicates
that plants can discriminate between graspable and
ungraspable supports. These findings provided, for
the first time, the kinematical characterization of the
approaching and grasping movement in P. sativum
plants and demonstrated their ability to assess and
evaluate environmental information and transform the
sensory input into complex motor behaviors (Guerra
et al. 2019).
One may ask why climbing plants should vary
their kinematic patterning depending on the thickness
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of the support. A reasonable hypothesis is that the
metabolic cost of morphological modulation and circumnutations may vary. Darwin (1875) observed that
climbing plants exhibit an aversive reaction toward
certain supports. This effect is described with regard
to Bignonia capreolata L. tendrils, which initially
seized and then let go of sticks that were too thick.
Climbing plants prefer thin supports due to various
factors, such as their mechanical stability, resource
allocation, and growth strategies (Darwin 1875; Darwin and Darwin 1880; Gianoli 2015; Putz 1984). In
the wild, lianas are generally most abundant in early
successional habitats with thin diameter supports
(DeWalt et al. 2010; Ladwig and Meiners 2010; Putz
1984). This preference suggests that these plants
might have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to
make decisions to maximize their chances of survival
(Smith et al. 2021).
In recent years, research on plant decision–making has increased, revealing that their ability to make
decisions is no longer a hidden phenomenon (Dener
et al. 2016; Gruntman et al. 2017; Saito 2022;
Shemesh et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2023b). Severino (2021) posited that plants exhibit intelligent
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decision–making abilities and suggested that formulating and testing hypotheses about these decisions
may be a valuable approach for investigating complex
phenomena that cannot be fully explained through the
prevailing mechanistic paradigm. For instance, Wang
and colleagues (2023b) conducted a study to understand the principles underlying support searching in
P. sativum plants. They examined circumnutation kinematics in plants exposed to either a single support
(single condition) or two supports (Decision–Making
condition—DM; Fig. 2c) of different thicknesses. The
results show that plants prefer thinner supports. In
addition, the kinematical patterning varied depending
on whether they were exposed to one or two potential
supports. When exposed to two supports, they moved
more quickly and executed fewer but larger circumnutations (Fig. 2d). This could signify that while
aiming at thinner supports, alternatives determine a
decisional complexity played out in the kinematics
of circumnutation. Finally, the results suggest that P.
sativum plants’ movement is driven by the isochrony
principle: maintaining the movement constant and
scaling velocity throughout to cover longer distances.
These novel observations provide further information
on how plants decide to move toward a particular support and how this decision plays out in the kinematics
of their movement.
1.4 Speed–accuracy trade–off
An action necessitates the covariation of speed
and accuracy to be performed appropriately. This
phenomenon is known as the speed–accuracy
trade–off (Fitts 1954; Fitts and Peterson 1964). The
time required to complete an action is proportional
to the information needed to regulate the movement. We explored whether plants could modify
the velocity and time of their reaching and grasping movements toward a support demanding varying degrees of accuracy (Ceccarini et al. 2020a).
The results showed that plants can sense and process the support’s features and strategically modulate the velocity and duration of their approaching
movement concerning the thickness of the stimulus. In the presence of a thick support, P. sativum
plants decrease their average and the maximum tendril velocity during their approaching and grasping
movement. Then, movement time was shorter for
the thinner than for the thicker stimulus. A slower
approaching movement may allow the plants to
acquire more information about the thick support,
considered a more demanding task, and implement
corrective adjustments to reduce the possible risk
of errors. The reduced velocity may permit modulation and correction of the trajectories for a more
accurate selection of the contact points to twine
around the support. These findings revealed that
plants can plan and execute an action mediated by
action–effect anticipations (Chittka et al. 2009;
Franks et al. 2003; Heitz and Schall 2012).
Accuracy is another important aspect of climbers’ behavior. A movement is generally characterized by two phases: an initial movement of the
effector toward the target and a deceleration stage
under the supervision of the on–line control system,
allowing for the added benefit of monitoring and
occasionally adjusting movement in flight.
In the latter phase, the movement is refined,
improving its accuracy (Ceccarini and Castiello
2018; Novak et al. 2002) through corrective adjustments (i.e., submovements), which reduce any spatial discrepancy between the effector and target
position (Fradet et al. 2008). In the presence of a
task requiring more precision, more secondary
movements are performed to reduce the endpoint
variability of an effector, hence the probability
that the effector fails to grasp the target successfully (Meyer et al. 1988). We explored whether this
motor principle also applies to plants and whether
P. sativum plants have developed a motor accuracy
mechanism to improve their movement’s accuracy
and reduce the probability of errors (Ceccarini
et al. 2020b). P. sativum plants’ approaching movements toward either a thin or a thick support were
analyzed by considering the number of submovements performed in the support’s proximity and
the variability of the tendrils’ position at the end
of the movement. Our findings demonstrated that
plants produced more submovements in the presence of thicker than thinner supports, confirming
that climbers found thicker supports more demanding (Ceccarini et al. 2020b). Therefore, it seems
that these plants can use motor–correction mechanisms to process the characteristics of the stimulus
and improve the accuracy of their movement, as
reported in humans and other animal species (Ceccarini et al. 2020b; Meyer et al. 1988).
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1.5 Social cognition
To act in a goal–directed manner is not only a matter of implementing the most suitable action based on
the physical properties of the objects in the environment. Indeed, how an agent performs an action is a
matter of biomechanical constraints and depends on
the agent’s intention (i.e., “why” the action is performed). With this in mind, Bonato and colleagues
(2023) investigated whether the organization of
climbing plants’ kinematics is sensitive to the “intention” driving their movement toward a potential support. They investigated plants in two settings already
used in humans to study individual and social motor
Fig. 3 Graphical illustrations of the experimental
setup and the variations in
peak velocity from Bonato
et al. (2023) for each
comparison: a individual
(solid line) vs social condition (dotted line), b winner
(solid line) vs loser plant
(dotted line), and from
Bonato et al. (2024) c handler (solid line) and grasper
plants (dotted line)
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intentions (Becchio et al. 2008, 2010; Georgiou et al.
2007): an individual or a social context (Fig. 3a, b).
For the individual condition, plants acted in isolation
to reach toward and grasp a potential support. For the
social condition, two plants were put in the same pot
with a potential support in the middle. These are both
intentional actions toward the same object to grasp
and the same reach–to–grasp movement to perform.
The critical difference is in the “intentional” component. Whereas grasping a support requires a purely
individual intention, acting in the presence of another
plant inevitably involves a social intention (i.e., the
intention to affect a conspecific organism’s behavior
as part of one’s reason to act). The results revealed
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specific motor patterns for individually intended
actions and actions motivated by a social intention
(Fig. 3a). These results may be interpreted as evidence of the influence of intentions on kinematics, so
actions embedded in different contexts show different
kinematic characteristics. In comparing individual
and social actions, more cautious kinematic patterning for the social situation became evident.
For instance, we are in the presence of a more
careful approaching phase when the goal is situated
within a social interaction. Of relevance, this occurs
despite the shape, thickness, and location of the support for the individual condition matching the location, shape, and thickness of the support for the social
condition. More importantly, this occurs despite no
physical difference emerging in the reach–to–grasp
phases across the two conditions. These findings follow what was found in humans for similar conditions
(Becchio et al. 2010; Georgiou et al. 2007; Knoblich
et al. 2011; Obhi and Sebanz 2011; Sebanz et al.
Looking deeper into the peculiar behavioral characteristics of the two plants acting in the social conditions, Bonato and colleagues (2023) distinguished
two specific behavioral attitudes. A plant, named
winner, exhibits a higher velocity and a time–saving approach to minimize behavioral efforts. A loser
plant is characterized by submissive behavior with
a lower velocity orienting its behavior far from the
support as soon as the defeat was perceived to invest
more energy in a new search (Fig. 3b). The one that
grasps the support shows a perfect opposite kinematical pattern of the one that fails to attach itself to the
support. This signifies that also for plants, the best
strategy for time and energy saving depends on what
others are doing.
Furthermore, Bonato and colleagues (2024)
examined how two P. sativum plants coordinated
their movements in time and space in the absence
of potential support in the environment to achieve a
common goal (i.e., support each other in the absence
of potential support, therefore reaching the greatest
exposure to the light; Fig. 3c). Two (or more) agents
can coordinate their movement to achieve a common goal through joint actions (Knoblich et al. 2011;
Obhi and Sebanz 2011). To act in concert during joint
actions, agents must solve several coordination problems. For example, initiators of the joint action must
make their intentions intelligible to their partners to
establish a shared intentionality. Shared intentionality
is an evolutionary response to the problems encountered during the coordination of a complex joint
action that humans (Levinson 2006; Tomasello et al.
2005, 2014) and nonhuman social animals, which are
capable of intricate and organized cooperation (Clutton–Brock 2009; Gelblum et al. 2015; Heesen et al.
2017, 2021; Trivers 1971), can operationalize. In this
connection, we investigated whether plants could act
jointly and whether some forms of shared intentionality form the basis of their “intertwining” behavior
(Bonato et al. 2024; Fig. 3c). The results revealed
that in the absence of a potential support, P. sativum
plants perceived each other as external support and
then acted in concert by showing specific but complementary kinematical patterns: a handler plant,
the initiator of the joint action, bends exaggeratedly
toward the grasper to facilitate intertwining for traveling together toward the light. The fact that one plant
bends towards the other is an index of complementary behavior aimed at facilitating the intertwining
process. A grasper plant exhibits a classic circumnutation pattern perpendicular to its axis and strategically modifies its tendrils’ trajectory to clasp those of
the handler. Each plant seems to play a specific role,
suggesting that this is not an imitative behavior, but
a complementary behavior driven by a shared goal,
requiring cooperation and some forms of shared
intentionality (Sartori and Betti 2015; Sartori and
Castiello 2013; Sartori et al. 2012; 2013a, b). In this
study, the claim of shared intentionality is supported
by the kinematic signatures characterizing the movement of the two plants. To meet at a precise point in
space, they coordinate their action by modulating the
amplitude and the timing of peak velocity. Noticeably, the movement of the two plants acting in concert differs from the one exhibited by a plant acting in
isolation or towards an artificial object (i.e., a wooden
pole; Bonato et al. 2024). This aspect also suggests
that plants can interact differently with animate and
inanimate elements in their environment.
1.6 How does all this happen: is it a matter of roots?
At this point, the reader may wonder how P. sativum
plants sense the presence of potential support in the
environment and process its characteristics without
classical sensory organs (e.g., eyes and ears) and a
brain where the perceived elements are processed. A
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likely candidate might be the root system. Research
suggests that the root system underpins several plant
skills, including discovering and collecting soil
nutrients and detecting surrounding plants’ presence (Cahill et al. 2010; Cahill and McNickle 2011;
Dudley and File 2007; Falik et al. 2005). Mounting
evidence indicates that the roots, specifically their tip
(i.e., root cap), may be involved in detecting numerous signals, assessing them, and dynamically controlling the direction of root growth (Baluška et al. 2009,
2010; Falik et al. 2005; Herms et al. 2022; Trewavas
2017; Wang et al. 2021a, b). For instance, if the root
tip is pressed, cut, or burnt, it transmits this information to the upper adjoining part, causing it to bend
away from the affected side (Baluška et al. 2009; Darwin and Darwin 1880). Then, when the roots encounter a physical obstacle, they stop growing downwards
and start growing horizontally, following the obstacle’s structure (Baluška et al. 2009; Darwin and Darwin 1880; Massa and Gilroy 2003). Thus, the roots
seem able to code and process below–ground elements and behave accordingly. Guerra and colleagues
Fig. 4 Graphical representation of the experimental
conditions and the velocity
profiles for each comparison. a In the stimulus–experiment (Guerra
et al. 2021), a stimulus of
different thicknesses (i.e.,
thin–up and thick–up) was
lifted to the ground. Please
note that in this scenario,
plants could not perceive
the presence of the potential
support. The perturbation
experiments (Guerra et al.
2022) with the comparisons, b thick vs. thin–below
and c thin vs. thick–below,
as well as the corresponding
variations along the velocity
profile. Note that in “b” and
“c,” the growth of the upper
part of the plant is driven
by the size perceived below
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(2021, 2022) exploited this phenomenon by investigating the possible contribution of the root system in
supporting the thickness coding process (Fig. 4a–c).
In one study, the researchers assessed the approaching and grasping behavior of P. sativum plants toward
support of a different thickness that could be available (or not) to the root system. In particular, the support could be grounded in the soil or lifted from it
(Fig. 4a). The results showed that when the support
was unavailable to the root system, the plants could
not locate the support and modulate the kinematical
patterning of their approaching and grasping movement concerning thickness. Therefore, the results
suggest that the root system is involved in sensing a
support’s presence and thickness and that perceived
information affects the planning and execution of
the P. sativum plants’ approach–to–grasp movements
(Fig. 4a).
However, in a natural context, what the root system finds in the soil might not be a reliable proxy for
what is happening above it. For example, the roots
can encounter other elements, such as rocks, which
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do not have an external part for the plant to climb.
In this case, it could be disadvantageous for plants to
rely only on the information the root system provides.
Therefore, plants should have an internal mechanism
to process the information from the roots, transmit it
to the aerial part (or vice versa), and regulate their
behavior accordingly. If the integrated information
is incompatible with the goal, an adjustment should
be made (remember the online control mentioned
A further investigation considered the functional
equilibrium and interactivity between the root system and the shoot growth (Guerra et al. 2022). A
group of plants was tested with support in which
the belowground part was thin and the aboveground
part was thick (i.e., thin–below perturbation condition; Fig. 4b), and another group was tested with
the inverted condition: the support was thick belowground and thin aboveground (i.e., thick–below perturbation condition; Fig. 4c). Control conditions, in
which a single–thickness support (i.e., thin, or thick)
was presented to the plant, were compared to the perturbed conditions (Fig. 4b, c). The results demonstrated that the movement duration for the perturbed
trials was longer than for the control conditions. This
suggests that the thickness mismatch requires more
processing than a single–thickness support because
more information needs to be processed. Comparing the thin–below and control–thick conditions, we
found that the kinematical pattern mirrors the one
observed when the unperturbed thin and the thick
conditions were compared (Fig. 4b; Ceccarini et al.
2020a,b; Guerra et al. 2019, 2021). These results
suggest that the movement was programmed based
on the information from the support’s underground
portion (i.e., the thin portion). However, comparing the thick–below and the control–thin conditions, we found no kinematical effects linked to the
perturbed condition (Fig. 4c). In this case, what was
programmed based on the information from the support’s underground portion (i.e., the thick portion)
fits the requirements for grasping the aboveground
portion (i.e., the thin portion). Indeed, for P. sativum
plants, grasping a thicker support is a more demanding activity than grasping a thinner one (Ceccarini
et al. 2020a,b; Guerra et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2023b).
Therefore, it might be easier to adapt a movement
pattern to grasp a thicker, more demanding support for grasping a less demanding, thinner one. The
perturbation effects were thus minimized, and no differences with the control condition were found. The
results indicate that the roots convey “information”
to the shoot, which can regulate growth and behavior.
A sort of functional equilibrium is reached through
a cross–talk between the grounded and aerial components of the plant in which different signals can
determine the dynamics of the tendrils for adapting to
thickness (Guerra et al. 2022).
1.7 Motor cognition: linking data to cognitive
Motor cognition can be seen as the process by which
an agent can gain knowledge about itself, others, or
the environment through movement (Jackson and
Decety 2004; Jeannerod 2006). Based on our studies,
we argue that motor cognition is a theoretical paradigm that can be applied to explain the behavior of
our P. sativum plants. Their movement seems driven
by the intention to achieve a specific goal, and the
intentional component impacts how the movement
is planned. Kinematics is modulated by the physical
properties (e.g., thickness) of a to–be–grasped support
(Ceccarini et al. 2020a,b; Guerra et al. 2019, 2021,
2022; Wang et al. 2023b) and the context in which
the action takes place (Bonato et al. 2023). Plants do
this by implementing a series of processes remindful
of motor control, decision-making, and social cognition (Bonato et al. 2023, 2024; Guerra et al. 2019,
2021, 2022; Wang et al. 2023a,b). For each scenario,
the process involves sensing and interpreting environmental signals to make deliberate decisions, even
when facing contradicting circumstances.
According to the classical model of cognitivism,
the aspect that most characterizes cognition, and
motor cognition in our particular case, is the presence
of mental representations implying the presence of a
central nervous system (CNS). In this view, organisms without a brain should not be able, in principle,
to generate such kinds of representations. However,
there is no reason to assume that cognition is intimately linked to the presence of a CNS and the ability
to build mental representations (Calvo 2007; Calvo
and Keijzer 2011; Bianchi and Castiello 2023; Trewavas 2003, 2005, 2009, 2014).
A criticism of the classical theory of cognition is
that it focuses only on cognitive processes, neglecting the sensorimotor domain. Nowadays, however,
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the sensorimotor system is no longer considered
a passive executive mechanism for planning and
executing goal–directed behaviors. Still, it is central to a rethinking of cognition. Scholars who support the activist, embodied, and extended cognition
theories believe that cognition is not only in the head
but extends beyond the body’s limitations (Chemero
2013; Clark 2008; Gallagher 2005; Hutto and Myin
2012, 2017; Noë and Noë 2004; Thomasson 2007).
They question the concept of representational content by taking extra–neural, bodily structures and the
environment into account. These theories posit that
a cognitive system determines the external world’s
elements and/or features through its free and autonomous interaction with its surroundings rather than
through representations (Varela et al. 1991). In this
view, cognition is not an internal processing of information but an adaptive behavior that results from the
agent’s flexible ability to deal with the environment
through goal–directed actions (Bateson 1972; Maturana and Varela 1998, 1991; Parise et al. 2023; Varela
et al. 1991).
In this connection, Gibson (1977, 1979) posited
that cognitive operations are not exclusively dependent on mental representations but on affordances
(i.e., opportunities for action), defined as structural
supports or resources provided by the environment.
According to Gibson (1977, 1979), an organism perceives an object based on its physical characteristics
and affordances or what it may do with it. A single
environmental element may provide an agent with
multiple opportunities for action, so how does the
agent choose and adopt some affordances and not
others? Motivation and intention are of great importance in situations in which an environment provides
multiple affordances (Gibson 1977, 1979; Withagen
et al. 2012). Intentions and motivations determine
which informational features are relevant and need to
be attended to at any given moment, hence the salience of these affordances, which are based on the
norms and rules subtending the relationship between
an organism and its environment (Brancazio and Segundo–Ortin 2020a, 2020b). Indeed, the agent establishes an adaptive interaction with its environment
to select and acquire the necessary environmental
information to control and coordinate its behavioral
responses to satisfy its needs (Gibson 1979). Moreover, the extent to which external conditions influence
the resulting behavior depends on the sophistication
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of the organism’s ability to perceive the external signals and the environment’s affordances. Our studies
(Bonato et al. 2023, 2024; Ceccarini et al. 2020a,b;
Guerra et al. 2019, 2021, 2022; Wang et al. 2023a,b)
have demonstrated that plants can sense and rank the
environmental elements, analyze them, retain the relevant information, and use it to behave in a complex
environment (Trewavas 2003, 2017). In this view,
P. sativum plant’s ability to explore its environment,
search for potential support, and select the most
appropriate one to reach the greatest light exposure
(i.e., the goal) exemplifies how the concept of motor
cognition translated into affordances can be applied
to plants, which may therefore be considered cognitive agents by all means (Calvo 2007; Calvo and Keijzer 2011). Furthermore, when inspecting our “social
cognition” studies (Bonato et al. 2023, 2024), another
tenet underlying the motor cognition paradigm is evident: the ability of plants to recognize, predict, and
understand the behavior of other plants to act accordingly. Remember the pattern of movement exhibited by the plants when acting competitively and
In this view, plants set goals and control their
behaviors without the need for an internal representation. A parsimonious explanation could be that the
interaction with the environment pushes the homeostasis settings to a new state, and the plant will coordinate its actions to be within these settings. The
outcome is, for the observer, the appearance of complex and well controlled behavior, but for the plant,
there is no representation, just the maintenance of its
homeostasis. This can be seen as cognitive but not
representational. It cannot be excluded, however, that
plants might have the ability to build some forms of
representations of what surrounds them, obviously
not based on neuronal circuits, but rather, on cellular
schemes or metabolic networks as recently proposed
(Bianchi and Castiello 2023; Debono 2013; Souza
et al. 2017, 2018). But whether they would be “equivalent” to mental representations needs further testing
at both behavioral and physiological levels.
To wrap up, the empirical research conducted in
our laboratory presents the potential to elucidate
plant movement and situate it within a non-representational motor cognition theoretical framework.
From this perspective, the term motor cognition
can be applied to diverse phenomena that result in
adaptive interactions between biological organisms
Theor. Exp. Plant Physiol.
and their environment (Bechtel and Bich 2021).
According to this, a system is defined as cognitive
when it is open to exploring its environment to meet
its needs and goals—instead of simply reacting to
external cues—and can actively regulate its sensorimotor coupling in context–sensitive ways.
2 Conclusion
The empirical characterization of plant behavior presented here is contextualized in established
theories for motor cognition across taxa. Here, we
propose a comparative approach suggesting that
cognition and movement are inextricably connected, keeping in mind that even organisms that
do not move (e.g., porifera, lichens, certain algae,
etc.) are cognitive. Suppose we decide to examine
the question of plant cognition comparatively under
the umbrella of action. In that case, we can take
advantage of experimental models and paradigms
already utilized to study cognitively driven behavior
in animals. Both plants and animals are different,
but these models can facilitate our comparison of
how plants and animals interact with environmental
cues. What may emerge from our study of plant and
animal behaviors is the realization that they complement each other nicely and, if nothing else, demonstrate how similar all free–living organisms are
to one another. This is not to attribute animal–like
movements to plants or anthropomorphize their
behavior but to demonstrate that intentional movements can also be observed in aneural organisms.
This may necessitate a rephrasing, if not a complete
overhaul, of current characterizations of cognition,
which rely on concepts that can sometimes be arbitrary and constraining.
However, research on plants’ behavior and “cognitive” abilities is just beginning. The experimental
models and paradigms presented in this paper could
be used to investigate other aspects of plants that
are still hidden or poorly understood. In conclusion,
all claims must be substantiated through empirical
evidence, including investigations at behavioral and
physiological levels. This requires the use of species–specific tests in a diversified multidisciplinary
framework that remains receptive to future developments and improvements.
Acknowledgements This work has been funded by the European Union (ERC, ROOMors, Grant Number 101096728).
Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the
author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the
European Union or the European Research Council Executive
Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority
can be held responsible. BB is supported by a MUR grant (no.
20227ZYLH9) to UC.
Author contributions B.B., U.C., S.G., and Q.W. contributed equally to the first draft of the manuscript and the revision
of earlier versions. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Funding Open access funding provided by Università degli
Studi di Padova.
Competing interests The authors declare that they have no
conflicts of interest in this work.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits
use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any
medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the
original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The
images or other third party material in this article are included
in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
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